Libra 2013: Essence Libra. Money. Telepathy. Rumi. Roerich. US Debt.

L: Song of the Waterfall – Nicholas Roerich. (The grace and beauty of Libra.) R: When Libra finds the balance, peace and harmony result.
“I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
“Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter …
the great opposites, spirit and matter … finding between them
the “narrow razor-edged path” which leads into
the kingdom of the soul.”1
The Essence of Libra
Libra, Money and the Etheric
Telepathy, Esoteric Astrology and the Etheric
Libra Rules the Cusp of the Ages
Libra and Right Human Relationships
Rumi and Roerich: Libran Messengers of Beauty
The U.S. Debt: A Libran Crisis During Mercury Retrograde
The Essence of Libra
Libra is a sign of balance and harmony because it manages to balance the pairs of opposites by taking the middle way between them. Libra’s opposite is Aries, the sign of the original impulse, the raison d’être, the beginning of all causes, thoughts and actions that eventually have their consequences in Libra.
Libra represents therefore, the Law of Cause and Effect, or karma – hence the exaltation of Saturn, the Lord of Karma, in this sign. Effects from causes are seen here and Libra’s themes are esoterically the Law, Sex and Money. Universal or Earthly laws represent permanent and immutable relations between cause and effect, noumena and phenomena, divine order – and Earth’s approximation of that order.
Aries can also be viewed as the originating Monad that utilises the Soul to connect with the physical realm – over thousands of incarnations. The soul is the mediating principle between spirit and matter, hence is Libran by nature – it knows harmony and peace, it cultivates relationship between itself and the personality.

Aries is ruled by Mars, God of War and Libra by Venus, Goddess of Peace. Mars is a “non-sacred” planet that rules over the lower self, particularly the emotional and physical bodies, whilst Venus is connected to both the mind and heart – esoterically and exoterically speaking. Hence the great attraction of Mars and Venus to one another – the warring lovers, the mystical sexual union of male and female.
In the human evolutionary journey, Mars must eventually submit to Venus. Mars creates an acute awareness of lower ego and unresolved opposites, whilst Venus brings harmony to them. Mars is a “non-sacred” planet whilst Venus is a ‘sacred’ planet, hence their “romance” guarantees Mars’s eventual transformation and initiation. Venus has a similar relation to Earth, as it’s higher self.
Esoterically, Venus works upon the mental plane producing a beauty and peace that permeates all levels of manifestation; this is why Venus is the soul ruler of Gemini, a sign noted for the reconciliation of opposites and the ending of duality; of bridging from lower to higher, building the antahkarana, similar to Libra. Mercury as ruler of Gemini is connected to this building process, as is Venus, ruler of Libra.
Gemini is a sign of relationships like Libra, in fact the “airy trigon” of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius is concerned with three phases of relationship – general, personal and group. Bear in mind that in Esoteric Astrology, no sign can be considered by itself because it is part of a cross or triangle where it has relationship to other signs. Hence all three air signs will be considered in the following, shedding insight into their relation.
Through Venus therefore, Libra builds a path between opposites, by generating a force that must be stronger than the pull of the two poles, so it can walk between the “two great lines of force”. Libra’s keynote is, “I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force.” Libra can be viewed as the antahkarana, the rainbow bridge, the central spinal column, the Path, the Way.
One is reminded of Taoist philosophy – Tao means “the way”, “the path” – the, “underlying natural order of the universe whose ultimate essence is difficult to circumscribe”. (Lao Tzu) China is ruled by Libra.
Yin-yang (feminine-masculine) is Tao’s symbol, very simple and elegant, yet profound in its implications for blending and harmonising the opposites. The related art of Tai Chi, technically a Mars-ial art, combines the power and aggression of Aries with the grace and beauty of Libra – a beautiful blending.
This harmonisation is also complemented by the fact that The Orient’s soul is the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, also known as the ray of Art and Beauty; the latter description is most reminiscent of Libra.

Attack and yield: male-female, Aries-Libra.
Libra, Money and the Etheric
One of the main themes of Libra is money. Money is materialized energy, prana or etheric energy, a conductor between the subtle and the physical bodies. The etheric plane is the means through which the vital or life aspect feeds all of manifestation; it is a field of exchange, of relationship between life and form, between all bodies – whether it is a constellation, a planet, a kingdom, a group or an individual.
Like the etheric field, money is a medium of exchange. The importance and value of money is because the etheric underlies all manifestation. The etheric is the source of vitality and like money, is an asset for giving.

The dance of Tai Chi.
The signs related to money – Taurus, and Libra – are ruled by Venus. Venus is also the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, another sign connected to money, governing “the law of supply”. Venus is the ‘higher self’ of the Earth, providing the prana to infuse its Earth personality with life.
It is interesting to note that money is becoming more and more “etheric” through the internet and digital technology, physical funds are never exchanged. Rapid trades on the stock market are all transacted in cyberspace. It is also no coincidence that the USA has set a deadline to address its debt during Libra, more on this later.
Telepathy, Esoteric Astrology and the Etheric
The coming Science of Telepathy is based upon knowledge of how the etheric field is the basis of all planetary life. Telepathy is the transmission of thought between individuals or groups, a purer form of verbal communication, hence telepathy has been called the Science of Relationship.2
Similarly, Esoteric Astrology is known as the Science of Relationships because it not only identifies the subtle forces of planets, zodiac signs and rays, but studies their many relationships to one another. The third ray of active-intelligence is also intimately related to this process because,
1. It is the only ray that passes through Libra.
2. The third ray rules astrology and the science of cycles.
3. Saturn rules the third ray and is exalted in Libra. Saturn is the wizard of cycles.
4. The third ray is the “form” or “matter” aspect of creation, hence closely connected to the etheric-physical plane.
5. The third ray is the “ramifying” ray, mapping the labyrinthine connections between all living points.

Neural Pathways: Libra and the Third Ray at Work.

Esoteric Astrology is the science of the “unseen”, the invisible forces that lie behind outer manifestation. Bearing in mind the airy triplicity discussed earlier, esoteric astrology’s star will rise in the coming age of Aquarius because,
1. Aquarius is a sign that embraces ALL sciences, esoteric and exoteric.
2. The seventh ray of ceremonial order is closely associated with Aquarius and is connected to the seventh plane, the etheric-physical, where spirit manifests into matter.
3. Aquarius is a sign that rules the etheric “permanent atom”. The four permanent atoms have been called,
“… the subjective quaternary of the reincarnating soul” because they are related to the permanent atoms which persist from life to life and which form – during the cycle of reincarnation – the repositories or the storing houses of the experiences undergone during life in the three worlds.”3
Aquarius as ruler of the physical permanent atom:
“Aquarius – is eventually connected with the physical permanent atom which is … upon the etheric level. It is this individual web which is the medium of relationship to the whole. The universal consciousness of Aquarius becomes expressive just in so far as the individual etheric body is in conscious relation with the etheric body of humanity, the solar system and – of course – the planet.”4

The nervous system is the outer correspondence and reflection of the nadis in the etheric body. (Artist: Alex Grey.)
Note the phrase, “universal consciousness of Aquarius”. Speaking very broadly, there is a symbolic progression through the three air signs:
1. Gemini – where the process of relating and connecting begins.
2. Libra – personal, intimate relationships.
3. Aquarius – detached, impersonal relationships stimulate universal consciousness.
The reader may glean some insight here as to why Esoteric Astrology is regarded as the “Science of Sciences”; a knowledge of all the esoteric disciplines is required to round out this “science of the unseen”, of energies and their relationship to one another.
Libra also rules “reversing the wheel”, when the individual has awakened to soul consciousness and moves off the “cross of matter”. Hence Libra is a sign of interlude and equilibrium; it also rules one of the four permanent atoms:
“Libra – is related to the mental unit and … produces eventually a balance between the pairs of opposites. This is brought about upon the astral plane. It is the attainment of this balance which produces the reversal of the mode of passing around the zodiacal wheel and it takes place when integration has occurred, and the man is focused upon the mental plane.
He can, then, through right use of the mind, discriminate between the pairs of opposites and find the narrow razor-edged path which passes between them and keep his balance upon it.”5
“Sages say that the Path is narrow and difficult to tread, narrow as the edge of a razor.” (The Upanishads.)
Libra Rules the Cusp of the Ages
“In this transition period through which the world is now passing and in this interlude between two activities – that of the Piscean Age which is passing and that of Aquarius which is coming in – Libra will eventually rule, and the end of this century [20th] will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope.”6
Hence, Humanity today treads the razor-edged path and has to “choose between the two great lines of force”, whether those lines are, “good” and “evil”, God and Mammon, spiritual and material, naivety and suspicion.
This “choosing” is about making a decision, something that Librans, in balancing the Scales, find so difficult to do, sometimes creating endless procrastination, resulting in inertia. (Libra also rules over the “Decision Initiation” taken by the Masters.)
When Libra rules, it generates a force that attracts the two opposite poles to the centre, creating a third factor, a path between. This is why Libra is known as The Way to Shamballa,

Libra: The Scales of Justice and the Law. The Sword of the Will and Discrimination.
“Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries.
This balance and this relation of the great opposites, spirit and matter, is symbolised for us in the personality situation of balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane, and finding between them the “narrow razor-edged path” which leads to the kingdom of the soul.”7
Libra is about synthesis, hence it embodies the Shamballa force of the first ray of Will or Power, symbolised by the sword. Libra is the relation between, the link – hence its quality is of the second ray of love-wisdom. Libra builds and manifests the path like a spider-web, hence it embodies the third ray of active-intelligence.
It is also interesting to note, that Libra-ruled China is in close proximity to Shamballa, said to be located in etheric substance somewhere in the Gobi Desert. In fact, China is ruled by two Venus-ruled signs – Taurus soul and Libran personality. China is also a first ray soul, corresponding to the first ray Shamballa force.
Libra and Right Human Relationships
The immediate need of the Planetary Plan is the establishment of right human relationships. The idea of planetary unity is manifested through the ideal of right human relationships. The establishment of right relations between planets, kingdoms, groups and individuals is ruled by Libra – it is an absolutely indispensable condition for the imminent reappearance of the Great Teachers at the beginning of this Aquarian cycle.
If right human relationship is not established adequately within the organism of Humanity – between nations, groups and individuals – then greater schisms will be created and eventually destroy us.
The difficulty in materializing the ideal of right human relationship: Unless one has achieved right relationship within oneself, between the various aspects of one’s mechanism (physical, astral, mental), particularly between personality and soul, right relationship will not be achieved with others. Outer right-relationship is the externalization of inner right-relationship. “As above, so below”, “As inside, so outside”.
Libra the Bridge
Hence, the energy provided by Libra in a horoscope is one of the main factors for the building of inner right relationship; the building of the inner way between two great lines of force, such as egoism or altruism; this means balance and poise, the “inner and outer” bridge or antahkarana. When the antahkarana is built, we can return to the source, tapping into energies that make outer relations right.
Rumi and Roerich: Libran Messengers of Beauty
It is impossible to do either of these towering giants any justice within this brief space, but to touch upon the fact that both of them embodied the qualities of Libra. (Both charts have unknown times and there are various rectifications around, but if anyone knows of an accurate and well rectified chart, please let me know via email.)
Nicholas Roerich
Nicholas Roerich was a painter, writer, archeologist, scientist, theosophist, philosopher and public figure. He had a Sun-Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Libra and is arguably one of the greatest visionary artists of all time. His output was prodigious and his paintings profoundly, spiritually evocative.
If Libra’s theme is beauty, then Roerich’s renderings were indescribably beautiful – appealing to the intuitive senses and inspiring others to tread the way of cosmic consciousness.

L: Nicholas Roerich. (Oct 9, 1874 – Dec 13, 1947.) R: Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rumi. (30 Sep 1207 – 17 Dec 1273.)
The Sun-Jupiter conjunction speaks to his constant traveling and his epic adventure through India, Tibet and China with his wife Helena, for five years. Mars in Virgo reflects his fine technique, the artisan par excellence.
Mercury in Scorpio represents his deeply probing, investigative spirit – and his ability to receive spiritual impressions, translating them through his artwork. He produced a stunning series of paintings in the 1930’s predicting World War II. (See later pictures.)
Venus in Sagittarius is the dispositor of Roerich’s Libran Sun. Sagittarius is the adventurer who sets forth into foreign lands and high mountain passes. Roerich’s recognisable signature of lofty mountain peaks, is Venus in Sagittarius aspiring to the summit of Realisation.
Roerich initiated a mighty effort with his Roerich Pact project, of which the banner of peace is the symbol. It was the first international treaty (created by an individual, not a nation!), dedicated to the protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historical monuments. Ironically, the European nations who refused to sign it, had the most devastating losses of their national heritages in WWII.
~ Aries-Libra: War and Peace ~

L: Flowers of Timur (Prophetic of the onset of WWII) R: The Banner of Peace [Libra].

L: “Svyatogor” – Russian mythical hero. R: “Victory” – prophetic of Allies prevailing in WWII.
Jalāl ad-Dīn Rumi
“Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it.”
Like Roerich’s sublime art, Rumi’s timeless poetry continues to inspire and uplift through the eight centuries since his birth; he was from Persia – a poet, jurist, theologian and Sufi mystic.
His Libran nature expressed his mystical relationship with the Divine, his “lover”, “seducer” and reveller. Libra’s ruler, Venus in Scorpio, expressed the depths and yearning to be one with his “beloved” – especially with Venus in hard aspect to Scorpio ruler, Pluto; the “drunken” passion and ecstasy of the mystical union.
Rumi’s gift for writing poetry is most certainly reflected by the stationary conjunction of Chiron and Saturn in Gemini. Rumi may also have known a thing or two about astrology, as expressed in one of The Mystical Poems of Rumi …8
Tonight is a night of union for the stars and of scattering,
scattering, since a bride is coming from the skies,
consisting of a full moon.
Venus cannot contain herself for charming melodies,
like the nightingale which becomes intoxicated
with the rose in spring-time.
See how the polestar is ogling Leo;
behold what dust Pisces is stirring up from the deep!
Jupiter has galloped his steed against ancient Saturn,
saying “Take back your youth and go, bring good tidings!”
Mars’ hand, which was full of blood from the handle of his
sword, has become as life-giving as the sun, the exalted in works.
Since Aquarius has come full of that water of life, the dry
cluster of Virgo is raining pearls from him.
The Pleiades full of goodness fears not Libra and being
broken; how should Aries flee away in fright from its mother?
When from the moon the arrow of a glance struck the heart
of Sagittarius, he took to night-faring in passion for her,
like Scorpio. On such a festival, go, sacrifice Taurus,
else you are crooked of gait in the mud like Cancer.
This sky is the astrolabe, and the reality is Love;
whatever we say of this, attend to the meaning.
Shamsi-Tabriz, on that dawn when you shine, the dark night
is transformed to bright day by your moonlike face.

Bamboo is Libra: Libra is Bamboo. Beautiful, graceful, green, well proportioned, strong.
Love is the Master
Love is the One who masters all things;
I am mastered totally by Love.
By my passion of love for Love
I have ground sweet as sugar.
O furious Wind, I am only a straw before you;
How could I know where I will be blown next?
Whoever claims to have made a pact with Destiny
Reveals himself a liar and a fool;
What is any of us but a straw in a storm?
How could anyone make a pact with a hurricane?
God is working everywhere his massive Resurrection;
How can we pretend to act on our own?
In the hand of Love I am like a cat in a sack;
Sometimes Love hoists me into the air,
Sometimes Love flings me into the air,
Love swings me round and round His head;
I have no peace, in this world or any other.
The lovers of God have fallen in a furious river;
They have surrendered themselves to Love’s commands.
Like mill wheels they turn, day and night, day and night,
Constantly turning and turning, and crying out.
The U.S. Debt: A Libran Crisis During Mercury Retrograde
As mentioned earlier, it is no coincidence that the USA has set a deadline to address its debt during Libra. The horoscope of the USA has Saturn in Libra square to a Cancer Sun, hence the problem of money and resources is marked in this nation; it contains a duality that veers from great generosity and goodwill, to a selfish cornering and unwise expenditure of resources and money.

Mercury in Scorpio: The Deep Sea Diver. (See full essay here.)
As the USA is a Gemini personality, ruled by Mercury, any of this planet’s transits are going to be significant. When the US Shutdown occurred, Mercury the Trickster had his fingerprints all over it. The following Mercurial events have occurred:
1. In the USA horoscope on October 1, transiting Mercury was conjunct progressed Saturn at 3 Scorpio. The restraining influence of Saturn upon Mercury is a bit like having Mercury retrograde and Saturn rules the USA’s second house of money.
2. The October 1 Shutdown was the beginning of the “pre-shadow” or slow-down phase, before Mercury turns retrograde proper on October 21.
3. In The Republican’s horoscope, progressed Mercury at 3 Leo was exactly square to Mercury-Saturn in the USA chart.
4. The core Mercury retrograde period will be from October 21 to November 7, where it resumes direct motion – at virtually the same degree it started the pre-shadow phase – at 3 Scorpio.
Hence the aforementioned squares will be again activated creating a point of tension that will deepen the impasse or find resolution; it could be ‘resolved’ for expeditious reason, but then flare up again; it all depends upon the quality of relationships within and between both parties – will there be a middle way?
5. The post-shadow Mercury phase lasts until November 26, indicating an “at latest” date for resolution.
Hence the original debt default date of October 17 (two days before the Libran full moon period), may not be resolved until late November. This coincides with a recent Republican proposal, which if adopted, will extend the date by another six weeks.
Meanwhile, Mercury, the ruler of USA’s Gemini personality, is transiting through Scorpio, highlighting power struggles, boundary and control issues, fear and paranoia, deception and underhanded communication, the exposure of hidden motives.
Hence, with Mercury the deep-sea diver, there is literally going to be a lot of “swimming underwater”, power plays and intrigue, with a few sharks and other creatures lurking in the shadows.
The forces of regression have stalled America and if they succeed any further, it will have a major impact upon the rest of the world; it is all part of the greater ongoing Uranus-Pluto cycle until 2015, where the USA Sun square Saturn gets a major make-over from Uranus square Pluto.

Statesmen – or rogues gallery?
The situation brings into focus the ongoing global economic crisis and the right use of money; the 1% vs the 99%, corporate control etc. (See this essay about Libra, money and corporations.) The challenge for politicians, economists and governments to find the Libran middle way in their negotiations, is paramount at this time. Many of these global problems are reaching critical mass, and world leaders will be challenged ever more to tackle them.
Vladimir Putin (a Libran), had a hand in easing the Syrian crisis and allowing the US to save face. Obama listened to Iran’s new leader Rouhani and the various overtures of peace. In contrast, Israel’s Netanyahu, also a Libran, opposed Rouhani.
China is a Libran personality and new economic powerhouse; it is not interested in the US dollar as the world standard. Money is under the aegis of Libra and undeclared currency wars are behind many of these outer crises.
When the word “war” is considered (Aries), there are “rules of engagement” (Libra), most descriptive of the Aries-Libra axis. Also, the old Arabian proverb springs to mind, “Keep your friends close – hold your enemies closer”.
As discussed earlier, one must bear in mind that failure in relationships between nations is the outcome of failed relationships within nations – between individuals, groups and political parties.
Phillip Lindsay © 2013.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. [↩]
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. p. 83. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.303. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.303. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.302. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. See also The Shamballa Impacts, by Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Mystical Poems of Rumi, A.J. Arberry. The University of Chicago Press, 1968. [↩]