Gemini 2014: Telepathy. Busiris. Russell Brand. UK. Pentecost.

Gemini Keynote
“I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”
(Full Moon: Friday 13th June, 2014. 5:11 am. London, UK.)
The Pentecost, Sunday 8th June.
World Invocation Day, Thursday 12th June.
Gemini, Communication and Telepathy
Busiris: The False Teacher
Russell Brand: Loquacious Gemini
Great Britain: Gemini soul
The Pentecost: Symbol of Right Human Relations
World Invocation Day
Gemini, Communication and Telepathy
Gemini is well known as the sign of communications and the dissemination of information; it is the third of the new year’s first three festivals, where the impulse in Aries finds its consolidation in Taurus and distribution through Gemini.
The Easter Aries festival celebrates The Christ, the Wesak Taurus festival celebrates the Buddha, whilst the Gemini festival of Goodwill celebrates The Christ again; this is because the One who currently holds the office of The Christ (yes, it’s an office, a post), will soon be taking over the role of the Buddha in this imminent Aquarian dispensation; this is a virtually unprecedented planetary event that coincides with large strides in human consciousness.

These first three festivals of the year are important for establishing the annual impulse, hence The Christ leads the Hierarchy in special meditations during all three full moon periods that are invocative of the Plan and Purpose of Shamballa. We, as members or aspirants to the various ray ashrams of the Masters, can be impressed by this greater Purpose and help distribute it into the consciousness of Humanity.
The Christ is an exemplar of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the predominant ray energy on this planet. In addition, Gemini has only one ray that is transmitted through it, the second ray of Love-Wisdom. Gemini is known as the Cosmic Christ and our Earthly Christ is recognised as a representative of Sirian evolution – the main cosmic path for most of Humanity when they reach liberation. Astronomically speaking, the pillars of the Gemini constellation “form a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius”1:
“Sirius … is the great star of initiation because our Hierarchy (an expression of the second aspect of divinity) is under the supervision or spiritual magnetic control of the Hierarchy of Sirius. These are the major controlling influences whereby the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar system, in the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. It is esoterically called the “brilliant star of sensitivity.””2

Hence, Gemini transmits this Christ principle through right speech, dialogue and communications of all kinds. Gemini like Libra, is a sign of relationships, adept at finding something in common with anyone, establishing a dialogue that leads to understanding and friendship. Venus, ruler of Libra, is the esoteric ruler of Gemini, fusing Gemini’s duality, blending The Twins in a marriage of opposites.
Mercury, the exoteric ruler of Gemini is Hermes. Likewise, Venus is Aphrodite, their fusion births the Divine Herm-Aphrodite; buddhi (Mercury) and manas (Venus) are blended in a divine marriage – this is the high potential of Gemini. Venus it should be remembered, is also the alter ego or higher self of this planet, preserving a unique and ancient relationship.
Right speech and communication are of course the outflowing of what the mind has formulated, how it has clothed ideas in language. Gemini is a mental sign exoterically, an intuitive sign esoterically. When The Twins are not quarrelling (the conflict between the soul and personality), they seek to stay engaged, a term used when a couple plan to marry.
This engagement process for an individual, between individuals and groups, has infinite possibilities in its diverse expression and refinement, in how we stay engaged with the soul; not just through language and speech but other forms of communication such as music, visual arts, dance etc. Gemini the Juggler is capable of excelling in several areas of the arts at once.
Yet, all these forms of communication are “shrouded”, because as soon as ideas proceed from the mental plane into outer expression they become distorted to some degree. Hence, the higher telepathy holds the promise of clearer, precise and instantaneous communication.
The previous zodiac sign Taurus, rules the vocal cords and the organs of speech, hence the linking and overlapping of the signs with one another, through their sequential unfoldment. Gemini rules the lungs, that are intimately related to the organs of breathing and speech:
“The Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature in order to transform himself from one who goes wilfully on his personality way into a wise cooperator with the Plan.”3
Therefore, Taurus and Gemini work closely together in the realm of speech and communications. As various planets and signs rule various parts of the body, Gemini rules the etheric body. From one angle, the first five signs could be considered thus:

1 Aries | mental body |
2 Taurus | astral or desire body |
3 Gemini | etheric body |
4 Cancer | physical body |
5 Leo | causal body of the soul. |
The etheric body is the mediating principle between all subtle bodies and between the soul and personality, a medium for the telepathic transmission of ideas. Each individual etheric body is connected to the planetary etheric web, linked indissolubly to every other life form; this fact underlies human communication with the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms:
“The function of the etheric body is to receive energy impulses and to be swept into activity by these impulses, or streams of force, emanating from some originating source or other. The etheric body is in reality naught but energy. It is composed of myriads of threads of force or tiny streams of energy, held in relation to the emotional and mental bodies and to the soul by their coordinating effect.
These streams of energy, in their turn, have an effect on the physical body and swing it into activity of some kind or another, according to the nature and power of whatever type of energy may be dominating the etheric body at any particular time.”4
Of course, all the bodies are conditioned by the rays, hence the etheric-physical might be on the seventh ray, whilst the mental body on the fifth ray and so forth. Other planetary and zodiac forces can also create a strong or weak etheric constitution, depending upon the individual and their karmic liabilities.
“Gemini … is related to the etheric body; it is the custodian of conditioning energy and the intermediary, as far as basic essentials are concerned, between soul and body. These are the two allied brothers. In the average person, the etheric vehicle is the transmitter of psychic energy, galvanising and coordinating the dense physical body and permitting, therefore, astral and mental control of the personality.
When the man is upon the Path of Discipleship and, therefore, upon the reversed wheel, leading to initiation, the etheric body becomes the transmitter of soul energy and not of personality force; the powerful effect of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom – working through the subjective six rays, according to ray type – begins steadily to dominate the vital body, producing consequently the shift of force and of intensity to the centres above the diaphragm.
The power of the personality lessens and wanes whilst that of the soul waxes and grows. There is much to be learned from the study of the dual activity – higher and lower – of the etheric body and its relation to and responsiveness to the constellation, Gemini …”5
Note the word “intermediary” used to describe the etheric body. Mercury as ruler of Gemini is the intermediary, a mediator, the winged messenger. The aspirant to the mysteries draws upon Mercurial energy to build the antahkarana between personality and soul.
Mercury is quicksilver, a viscous liquid that is formless and inchoate, raw thought and ideas, before they are consolidated and organised into thought-forms by planets such as Saturn and Uranus. The formless nature of Gemini is partially why it can be so scattered and disorganised!

Very briefly, there are three types of telepathy, depending upon the unfoldment of consciousness of each individual in their soul’s evolution: Instinctual, mental and intuitive. Instinctual is associated with the solar plexus centre, mental through the throat centre, and intuitive through the head and throat centre. It is said that the latter intuitive telepathy is one of the developments upon the Path of Discipleship, embodying the “fruits of meditation”.
Type | Centres | Groups |
Instinctual | Solar plexus | The masses. |
Mental | Throat with some heart | Educated classes. |
Intuitional | Throat and head | Disciples on the Path. |
Telepathy or the Science of Impression, is a huge subject and requires a thorough occult understanding of the subtle bodies and the centres.6
Busiris: The False Teacher
The twelve labours of Hercules depicted in myth and legend, are an astrological allegory for our journey through the zodiac signs. The third labour for Hercules is to find the famed golden apples in the magical garden of The Hesperides. Befitting Gemini, it is a two-part story. In the first part, Hercules meets failure by succumbing to the charms of Busiris, “the great arch-deceiver”.
Busiris was a “son of the waters and close kin to Poseidon”, indicating the glamours of the astral plane to which all those upon the Path are prone. Busiris’s work is to,
“… bring delusion to the sons of men
through words of seeming wisdom.
He claims to know the truth
and with quickness they believe.
He speaks fair words saying:
“I am the teacher.
To me is given knowledge
of the truth and sacrifice for me.
Accept the way of life through me.
I know, but no-one else.
My truth is right. All other truth is wrong and false.
Hark to my words; stay with me and be saved.”7

Hercules takes the upper hand and places Busiris back on the altar.
Busiris is the shadow of Mercury and a basic expression of Gemini – the thief, trickster and con-man. Busiris knows all the right things to say and can present an appropriate face in any situation. Gemini can be anything to anyone, it is the chameleon that adapts well to changing circumstances.

The Chameleon: Kaleidoscopic dazzler, or just blending in.
Have you known a “spiritual teacher” who has bound you to the altar? Maybe you are still bound but do not know it? Gemini can apply generically to both Busiris and his/her victims. Gemini is the sign of the zodiac that has the least discrimination, unlike that other sign of the mutable cross, Virgo, which is the most discerning.
There have been scores of teachers who have played the role of Busiris in the field of the ageless wisdom. “Ageless Wisdom” is a generic term that covers many types of spiritual teaching, from Vedanta and Buddhism to Gurdjieff etc. Most readers could probably think of one group or another, with which they or someone they know, has been associated – where a Busiris leader has been evident.
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing … it has bred a crop of students who have been prey to a plague of Busiris’s over the past fifty years. There is an interesting Gemini duality here – the students and the “teachers” they have fallen for, have fed each other’s glamours – they are the “Twins”. Both parties also tend to place themselves far ahead of where they really are. They aspire but have not perspired … i.e. done the work! Only half-way up the mountain … the ego-driven mind is ahead of itself … yet “kill out ego” should be the only mantra …

“Fool’s gold exists because there is real gold,” coined Rumi … Author Caplan says, “the present condition of contemporary spirituality in the West is one of grave distortion, confusion, fraud, and a fundamental lack of education … the motivations people have for seeking enlightenment … as a means of gratifying the ego. This “presumption of enlightenment … often afflicts teachers masquerading as spiritual leaders. These teachers sometimes look down on their students and gloat over how far they have come and how far the students have to go…”8
The Busiris teacher “gives permission” for students/devotees to think like he does, to believe Busiris’s criticism of others or to mindlessly repeat what Busiris has told them; Busiris might have isolated one part of a body of teachings and claimed it as his own. Busiris has allowed his followers to be deeply immersed in their own glamours in order to puff himself up. The Tibetan must have known that this would invariably occur when he gave out his Teachings through Alice A. Bailey, but most likely realised that just as in all the other spiritual disciplines, these are all factors that must be worked out.
Busiris behaviours include, making dramatic declarations about who they are, their initiatory status, that they guided by the Masters for “special work”, claims of special knowledge, that they are a reincarnation of some glamorous or notorious figure, using unabashed flattery, suggestions of past-life associations, to name a few. Often they exhibit much self-love and narcissism. If the aspirant has not developed much discrimination, then this kind of deluder might well dazzle and awe.
Various esoteric groups fulfilling one aspect or other of the new Aquarian dispensation, have turned into personality cults because some leaders have continually reinforced “who they are”, and the group as a whole has lost touch with reality, the public at large and other co-workers. A sobering reminder of this is in the following passage:

The Treasure of the World, Chintamani” – Nicholas Roerich.
“The Master is not to blame should the disciple show lack of discrimination in the choice of co-workers, or evidence an inability to represent the truth. If he does well, and the work proceeds as desired, the Master will continue to pour His blessing upon the attempt. If he fails, or his successors turn from the original impulse, thus disseminating error of any kind, in His love and in His sympathy the Master will withdraw that blessing, withhold His energy, and thus cease from stimulating that which had better die.
Forms may come and go, and the interest of the Master and His blessing pour through this or that channel; the work may proceed through one medium or another, but always the life force persists, shattering the form where it is inadequate, or utilising it when it suffices for the immediate need.”9
Hence, the “real teachings” of any Busiris have often been unconscious, as the individuals and groups they have bound have had to unbind themselves and thereby learn; this kind of Busiris can create much karma for themselves that can take lifetimes to expiate.
Busiris does not have to be Gemini rising or Sun in Gemini, but quite often is; or might have a strong Mercury square to one planet or another. Hitler had Neptune in Gemini (Neptune-Poseidon) and was a Busiris to the German people.
When Hercules finally sees through Busiris, he hears the words, which might sound like a platitude to some, but are worth repeating:
“Truth lies within yourself.
There is a higher power
and strength and wisdom in yourself.
Turn inwards and there evoke the strength which is,
the power which is the heritage
of all the sons of men who are the sons of God.”
Silent he lay a prisoner on the altar, bound to its corners four, for one whole year. Then, with the strength which is the strength of all the sons of God, he broke his bonds, seized the false teacher (who had seemed so wise) and bound him to the altar in his place. He spoke no word, but left him there to learn.”10
Busiris is essentially the product of the human dweller or shadow. When treading the path of aspiration and discipleship, the Dweller starts to become a real problem, more than at any other time in the soul’s evolution, because it is the sum total of all accumulations that have not been resolved – over countless lifetimes. The Dweller must be faced before initiation can take place.
Hence, at a relatively advanced stage of evolution, an individual’s Dweller can do a lot of damage. These aspirants (who often think they are true disciples or initiates), are most commonly upon the second ray of love-wisdom – and lead many other aspirants astray:
“The second ray aspirant who builds his Dweller and permits its steady and increasing control becomes a “deluder of souls”. He is the true Anti-Christ, and through false teaching and the working of so-called miracles, through hypnotism and mass suggestion he draws a veil over the world and forces men to walk in the great illusion.
… the work of Anti-Christ is only rising now to its height, and the delusion of riches, of possession, of false teaching will increasingly hold sway …
… The second ray group who delude and deceive, work through religious agencies, through mass psychology, and the misuse and misapplication of devotion and of the arts. They are largest in number.”11
Russell Brand: Loquacious Gemini
Russell Brand is doing a good job of using his celebrity to raise awareness about consciousness and meditation. He is a loquacious, spontaneous, witty and very articulate Gemini, strongly influenced by Neptune in Sagittarius, opposite his Sun – (a ninth house Sun, which is also like being a Sagittarian. Neptune is the planet of vision, in Sagittarius, a sign of visionary experience. Neptune is also known as one of the names of the Christ:
“In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune…”12

Brand, Ham-letting it up. His Libra ascendant is deeply connected to Hamlet.
Brand has recently completed his Messiah Complex stand-up comedy tour that draws upon spiritual figures in history. Neptune is also a planet associated with mass consciousness, hence Russell has the ability to transmit a vision and enunciate it for many, with an Essex twang!

(Time source unknown, unconfirmed, hence uncertain.)
Although Brand is not the Messiah (not Brian Brand?), he is certainly a “very naughty boy”, at least a reformed bad boy, matured now as a proselytiser for drug law reform. As a past heroin user, Brand fell into the classic Neptunian addiction pattern that underlies his personality so strongly, Sun opposite Neptune.
However, he has transformed his life and moved from medication to meditation, a promoter of TM (Transcendental Meditation) and emerging paradigms of consciousness. Most Sun-Neptune individuals are prone to addiction of some kind, but a higher correspondence is the buddhic frequency and starting to function with higher intuition.
Brand has Gemini ruler Mercury also in Gemini, so he speaks with great rapidity, as his clearly enunciated thoughts pour forth in a sparkling torrent. He is also equipped with a broad vocabulary, understanding the power of the word; he woos with words, in his personal and public relationships. (He might even be a cunning linguist. Sorry!)
Neptune rules the masses and hence Brand’s gift for reaching a broad audience through performance and media, through sex and the sacral centre, to higher philosophical principles and the expression of a compassionate heart. This is the Gemini everyman quality, also that of The Christ (“I am all things to all men”), emulated by some part of Brand’s soul.
With his street-smarts lingo and penchant for connecting with all kinds of people, Brand is able to bridge from the mundane to the magnificent, giving those who have not yet woken up a glimpse of what life could be like, of the importance of eschewing our material and illusory culture for something better; giving also those who are awake, inspiration and laughs. Some of his articles in The Guardian newspaper have an extraordinary impact of language, ideas and cultural insights. (Here is one sample.)

The Twins: Brand is many things – a trickster, a joker,
a clown, smart-arse, Peter Pan, The Fool,
a superficial celebrity, shallow and deep, even a “Mockney Dandy”.

The Dalai Lama referred to Brand as, “a strange and wonderful man”.
Brand said: “I have gone from being shagger of the year three times, to introducing the Dalai Lama.”
There are some spiritual teachers around that Brand would run rings around, in terms of his succinct and erudite enunciation of spiritual principles, without putting on any condescending airs. The Gemini mind is so fast, its already at the finish line before the other runners have even heard the starter’s gun.
With air sign Gemini and fire sign Sagittarius pair of opposites, Brand is like a wildfire when he gets going, not an unruly, unpredictable will o’ the wisp, but with purpose and direction that befits the one-pointed Zen archery of Sagittarius.
And Brand has been recently on fire, a fire-brand, blazing like a comet across the firmament. He has a fiery stellium in Aries-Mars, Moon and Jupiter, the engine that drives the Brand jet; Moon-Jupiter in Aries is so expansively inspiring and direct. Aries and Gemini share a lot in common: Both have a child-like naivety, both have lightning intellect and intuition, and both are quite impulsive.
Mars in Aries on the seventh house cusp of relationships opposing his Libra rising soul purpose reflects Brand’s “sexiness”, hence challenges around the right use of sex in relationships of course. Brand said recently with his usual frankness,
“I’m still superficial,” he joked. “I’ll still only go out with top crumpet.”I’m going to be really kind in this relationship … I feel like it’s grounded in friendship and a sort of love and it’s all well cool and exciting and stuff, but it feels different for me.”13
In the past couple of years transiting Uranus has been squaring this Moon-Mars in Aries conjunction, no doubt propelling him toward his recent tours and performances. If Libra is his ascendant/soul purpose, then this Uranus transit was even more significant as it is the soul ruler of Libra. Libra, by the way, is related to humour. Now transiting Uranus has moved out of orb, transiting Pluto moves back in to square his seventh house Moon-Mars for the rest of 2014, bringing major challenges to his current relationship.
Space does not permit to really do his horoscope justice, a few vignettes shared here of a fascinating Gemini. There are many videos that can be found on the internet.14
Great Britain: Gemini Soul
Gemini is a leading sign of distribution of the second ray of love-wisdom and the Christ principle, a gateway for the cosmic influences of Sirius guiding this planet. Britain has both the second ray and Gemini conditioning its soul, an advanced nation on the spiritual path. It’s capital London, also holds a position as the throat centre of the planet (arguably, see fn.), the seat of expression for the Western mind.15
Hence, Britain plays a very important part during Gemini annually, in the distribution of the Plan as it emanates from Shamballa and is blended with love-wisdom.

Proposed chakras for the five planetary centres. (See essay.)
It was the second ray of love-wisdom influence that led to various milestones in British history, such as the Magna Carta, which eventually gave birth to the second ray political system of democracy.
When examining any nation or city, students must bear in mind that they are all ruled by astrological and ray forces. Hence, Britain as a whole is a second ray soul with a first ray personality, whilst London is a fifth ray soul with a seventh ray personality. Leo and Libra are London’s respective zodiac soul and personality rulers.
The fifth sign Leo is most appropriate as London’s soul ruler, as it has a deep resonance with the Fifth Rootrace, the “5.5.5” to be exact, where the fifth (Anglo-Saxon) branchrace finds its expression within the fifth (Teutonic) subrace – of the Fifth Rootrace – that began in India hundreds of thousands of years ago.16 Leo is the Lion-heart, and London is the heart centre of the British Empire, now diminished somewhat, but still retaining its etheric and subtle connections.
The relation to India accounts for its close ties between to Britain, in a deep sense of family. India is a first ray soul and Britain is a first ray personality. Through planetary and ray rulerships of all nations, many relationships and ties can be mapped. Just as individuals and groups have interlocking relationships, no less so the nations:
“It is the Leo aspect also which links London to Berlin, but it is Leo in its more self-assertive aspect and hence some of the difficulty and hence also the close and not to be evaded relationship between London-Paris-Berlin, a triangle of force which conditions Europe most potently [Berlin and France are both Leo personalities] … in Italy, you find Leo appearing [Italy is a Leo soul and Rome a Leo personality], thus relating Italy to France, to Great Britain and to Berlin – all of which have Leo as a ruling sign, either of the nations themselves or of their chief city.
There is, consequently, no possibility of any of these four powers being able to evade relationships. Italy is more closely related to Great Britain than she is to France, because Rome is ruled by Taurus and by Leo which ties her to Great Britain through identity of vibration. This France will have to recognise as well as Italy and Great Britain.”17

John Bull and the British Bulldog,
Taurean personification of Britain’s personality.
Britain’s Gemini-second ray soul is the same as the USA, both nations are melting pots for many races, hence the multiplicity and flexibility of Gemini; these two nations form a triangle with second ray personality Brazil, representing various phases of mental development and intuition.18 As Britain is an earthy Taurus personality, the Geminian multiplicity and flightiness finds groundedness and integration through Taurus.
The British Empire was formed under the influence of Gemini, spreading the seeds of democracy globally, albeit with a clumsy colonialism at times,
“It is the Gemini influence that has led to the constant movement and restlessness of the British people; which has led them to cross and recross the ocean and to stage a constant going out to the very ends of the earth, to return ever again to the centre from which they came. This is characteristic of the race.
It is the Gemini influence which has produced – viewing the work of the nation from the personality or lower angle – the secret and oft devious diplomacy and subtlety which has in the past distinguished Great Britain’s political activity. Gemini people are often distrusted, and the Gemini effect along this line makes of Great Britain no exception.
Such distrust has been warranted in the past but is not as justifiable now, for the nation is old and experienced and is fast learning the lessons which she has had to master. As yet, from the higher angle, Gemini does not entirely control, for the soul of Britain is only now struggling for expression. For long ages Taurus has led the way with his material aims, his acquisitive desires, his arrogant will and his blind moving forward towards the possession of that which has been desired. Pervasiveness [Taurus] and movement [Gemini] are two qualities with which Gemini and Taurus have dowered the race.”19
This passage was written sixty years ago, but the Taurus influence is still strong today. One might experience an interesting pair of opposites in Britain: The fast and friendly Geminian way of relating and speaking, versus the slow and pedantic Taurus that rigidly adheres to rules. Taurus also rules the great rural expanses of Britain with its many crops (circles), cattle and sheep. Taurus ruled by Venus, presides over the incredible beauty of the English countryside, its delightful hamlets and villages – the “darling buds of May” kind of stuff.
The Pentecost: Symbol of Right Human Relations
Also called Whitsunday, the Pentecost falls upon the 50th day after Easter (Aries), hence, always falls in Gemini. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples after the death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ.
This Holy Spirit was known to manifest in the phenomena of “speaking in tongues” and was associated with healing, prophecy and the expelling of demons (exorcism). Today Pentecostal Christian groups seem to be obsessed by spirits rather than exorcising them. One account in the bible says:
“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 2:1.)

The Pentecost.
In the not too distant future, The Pentecost will be a major festival,
“The Festival of Easter and the Feast of Pentecost will be the two outstanding days of the religious year. Pentecost is, as you must well know, the symbol of right human relations in which all men and nations will understand each other and – though speaking in many and diverse languages – will know only one spiritual speech.”20
“The fact of the resurrection will be demonstrated during the next few centuries, and the Living Christ will walk among men and lead them onward towards the Mount of Ascension. The Pentecost will become truth. All men will come under the tide of inspiration from on high, and though they may speak with many tongues, they will all understand each other.”21
How will humanity ‘know only one spiritual speech’ and ‘all understand each other’? Is it an inner recognition that comes about through alignment and right human relations, resulting in a telepathic understanding?
“Pentecost. This event does not portray the triumph of orthodox Christianity (as the theologians believe and teach), but signifies the universal dissemination of the Christ consciousness throughout all time in the heart of every human being; to this the words and promise, “Lo, I am with you all the days, even until the end of the world,” bear witness.”22
Mark these words, “dissemination…in the heart of every human being”. Gemini is the great disseminator; it rules the thymus gland associated with the heart chakra and has only the second ray of love wisdom pouring through it.
World Invocation Day
This day is always during Gemini, this year on June 12. It is a day of universal prayer, invocation and meditation where the The Great Invocation is used to invoke the Will of God on Earth. It falls a few days after The Pentecost and a day before the Gemini full moon period on June 13.

(Courtesy Lucis Trust.)
As Gemini is related to speech, it is also connected to sound. The Science of Mantrams (and sound) is one of the most occult practices of the Gupta Vidya (Occult Knowledge). The Great Invocation is a potent mantram and its use by groups at the time of the full moon can have far-reaching effects:
“The result of this solemn three days of invocation will be followed by a climaxing day wherein the Hierarchy will unitedly, and led by the Christ, pronounce the entire Invocation, prefacing each stanza with its appropriate keynote, again sounded in unison. These notes you cannot know, but if, for instance, a very large number of the New Group of World Servers were brought together, their united OM might approximate the appropriate keynote.”23
We all have the opportunity to tune in to this great event and participate in the united transformation of this Earth.,
“… the Festival in June, peculiarly the Festival of the Christ, when He – as Leader of the New Group of World Servers – employs the new Invocation on behalf of all men of goodwill in all lands; at the same time, He gathers up the inchoate and unexpressed demands of those masses who seek a new and better way of life. They want love in daily living, right human relations, and an understanding of the underlying Plan.”24
Phillip Lindsay © 2014.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.349. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.197. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.398-9. [↩]
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. p.30. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.353-4. [↩]
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
- The Labours of Hercules, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
- [↩]
- Initiation Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.52-3. [↩]
- The Labours of Hercules, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey.pp.240-1. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.219-20. [↩]
-,,20803043,00.html [↩]
- [↩]
- See here. [↩]
- See here. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.82, 86. [↩]
- See here. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.82. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.151. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.471. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.356. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.556. [↩]
- ibid. pp.599-600. [↩]