3 Responses to Gemini 2015: Goodwill. Glamour’s Clamour. Leunig. Dean Potter.

  1. Alan Oken says:

    What lovely and devoted work you do, my Brother. You are not alone in your Mercury in Gemini snafu. I had to send out my Newsletter twice as well as my copy editor suffered a head injury and was in hospital until very recently, bless her. She insisted on editing this month and sent out my view of the transits for Gemini 2014 and not Gemini 2015 (just clicked the wrong document in the files and then did not re read the results, i.e. did not edit!). You can imagine the number of emails I received all kind but one wondering “about your health, Mr.
    Oken?” PS. I had no idea she had just come out of hospital until I questioned her on the error. And so it goes goes. Kindest wishes, Alan

  2. Phillip Lindsay says:

    thanks Alan, its a great pleasure and privilege to be able to do this work – although the hard hack work of manifesting with the technical stuff can be a drudge at times! As I said in the introduction, I am on the lookout for seminal work from leading thinkers in the EA realm and would welcome any submission from yourself and others, preferably some sort of EA overview but anything considered. I think there is already an article of yours on the site from way back.

  3. john burkett sanger, jr. (LiberArtos) 12-26-1937 2:40 says:

    Phillip, i too deeply appreciate you and the great work you are doing. Always look forward to your Full Moon discourses. Keep it up. My most battered book is Esoteric Astrology which was given to me in 1969. It got battered not only from being used but from being thrown across the room when i first started studying it (all the new rulers ect.).

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