Leo 2011: Leo-Virgo, Mystery Sphinx. Lemuria. Hermaphrodite.

The Sphinx in the early 1900’s.
“When the nature of the world is revealed,
then the mystery of the Sphinx will no longer exist.”1
The Sphinx is an Astrological Sign
The Sphinx: Individualisation in Lemuria
Hermaphrodite: Hermes-Aphrodite
Leo-Virgo and the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom
Cancer-Virgo: Mother, Goddess
Isis is Sirius: The Sphinx is Aligned to Leo
The Sphinx is an Astrological Sign
Leo-Virgo, the Lion and the Virgin, constitute the great astrological mystery of the zodiacal sign called The Sphinx:
“In this world period we have the division of the sign of the Sphinx into two signs (the Lion and the Virgin, soul and form) because the state of human evolution and conscious realisation is that of a recognised duality.”2
Leo-Virgo represents the mystery of the solar and lunar angels representing soul and form respectively. It is said that Leo holds the key to the entire zodiac and is related to the secret of the solar Angels, the mystery of the higher and the lower mind and their relation to one other.3
Certainly the mind is where part of Leo’s strength derives; we can liken the lion’s orange mane to the radiatory aura of the mental body; the heart is the other source of Leo’s strength – physically and spiritually. Both Leo and Virgo each possess qualities of the heart and mind as will be explained. The dual paths of the heart and mind are inextricably entwined for human evolution.
“Virgo and Leo together stand for the whole man, for the God-man as well as for spirit-matter.”4
The Sphinx: Individualisation in Lemuria
In ancient Lemurian times some twenty-one million years ago, only eight zodiac signs influenced animal humanity: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Leo-Virgo did not elicit any response at that time. Then when the great planetary event called Individualisation took place, whilst the Sun was precessing through the astrological age of Leo, Humanity began to respond to these two signs.

“Animal humanity” were hermaphrodites at the beginning of Individualisation 21.6 million years ago. Yet gradually, as the spark of mind was fanned over a period of three million years, the androgynous form transformed into two sexes, coinciding with the completion of the Individualisation process in the fifth subrace of the Third (Lemurian) Rootrace (3.5).
This event lies behind the great mystery of Adam and Eve (Jehovah: Jod-Heva), the male-female who emerged from the hermaphrodite: Leo (Adam) and Virgo (Eve). The eating of the apple by Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden represented this historical moment of soul awakening:
“And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”5
Perhaps the above passage also alludes to why modern masons wear aprons. In Masonry Leo rules the EA6 or “entered apprentice” first degree initiation – a form of “individualisation”.
The enigmatic Sphinx is a reminder of Individualisation and the promise of the reunification of its two halves – in consciousness and physically. Hermaphrodite forms will once again be appropriated a long time down the track in the next, Sixth Rootrace:
“…it is only at what is called the “final judgment” that another fusion will take place and Virgo-Libra will form one sign, for then man’s sense of antagonistic dualism will be ended and the scales will have been turned finally in favour of that which the Virgin-Mother has hidden from expression for aeons.”7
Libra is quite an androgynous sign and esoterically connected to sex, so the Virgo-Libra collaboration in the future is intriguing. Just as the signs were activated in Lemurian times, so will they merge and reactivate in the future, to reflect the changes that will occur in the physical body and in consciousness.
Hermaphrodite: Hermes-Aphrodite
The word hermaphrodite is a compound of two words, Hermes and Aphrodite, representing Mercury and Venus respectively. Mercury, the winged messenger is the ruler of Virgo, whilst Venus the goddess of love, is esoterically connected to Leo and individualisation through its rulership of the fifth ray of Science or Knowledge.
“Venus, Mercury and the Earth then set up a magnetic field which made the intervention of the Great Lodge on Sirius and the dual stimulation of Gemini effective in producing significant results of which the fourth [human] kingdom in nature is the expression.”8
The Sphinx represents human emergence from the animal kingdom (the lion), to the human kingdom (the human virgin). The lion represents the soul or solar angels, whilst the virgin represents the divine form that must contain and express the soul. Hence Virgo’s three-fold symbol () representing the three-fold personality that must be refined and integrated.
Leo-Virgo is also the father-mother that gives birth to humanity; it is will (Leo, 1st ray) and love (Virgo, 2nd ray). Leo represents Prometheus who stole fire from the gods – i.e. became individualised with the fires of manas or mind; from whence emerges Leo’s great pride – whilst Virgo is the epitome of humility. (I know a Virgo Sun in the fifth (Leo) house and there is no sign of humility whatsoever!)
Leo-Virgo and the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom
Leo-Virgo is profoundly related to the duality of the second ray of Love-Wisdom. Leo is connected to the solar system as a whole through its rulership by the Sun.
“Anciently the Sphinx was called Har-em-chu or “Horus (the Sun) in the Horizon”, a form of Ra the sun-god; esoterically the risen god.”9
Humanity are somewhat the “Leo” – a reflection of the macrocosm, especially in this Fifth Rootrace that corresponds with this fifth sign. Leo rules the physical heart and is connected to the heart chakra, expressive of Love-Wisdom. Perhaps Leo is more connected to Love and Virgo more to Wisdom, yet the second ray of Love-Wisdom finds its strongest expression through Virgo in this current cycle.
Cancer-Virgo: Mother, Goddess
Virgo is similar to Cancer – both are signs of the divine feminine and the mother. Both signs helped to “birth” the so-called “first solar system”, the previous incarnation to this, our second solar system. It is said that Cancer ruled the first half of that system’s development and Virgo the second half. In that past solar system, the third ray of creative intelligence was developed, whereas Love-Wisdom is the goal of this solar system. Hence this solar system is built upon the creative intelligence/knowledge of the last system, and is more closely related to Wisdom than Love.
At Individualisation in Lemuria, in the middle of the process between the precessional ages of Leo and Gemini, Cancer was naturally prominent in the birthing process of Humanity. In this respect it echoed a recapitulation of the evolution of the first half of the previous solar system. On a higher turn of the spiral of individualisation, at the height of the following rootrace’s development in Atlantis, Virgo was very powerful, reflecting the second part of the development of the

Amazonian Warrior first solar system.
This was at the time of the third subrace of Atlantis (4.3), where there was an amazingly accelerated development brought about by a huge influx of souls who had individualised on the Moon Chain, and who had the quality of creative-intelligence highly developed. The Moon is of course related to the Mother, being the exoteric ruler of Cancer and the soul ruler of Virgo:
“The word Virgo itself is a descendant of and a corruption of an ancient Atlantean root name which was applied to the mother principle in those far off times. This Virgin was the founder of the matriarchate which then dominated civilisation and to which various myths and legends bear evidence and which have come down to us concerning Lilith, the last of the Virgin Goddesses of Atlantean times; the same thought is also to be found in the traditionary accounts of the ancient Amazons, whose queen Hercules defeated, wresting from her what he sought. This is an allegory, teaching the emergence of the spiritual man from the control of matter.”10
It is interesting to note that Hercules failed his particular labour in Virgo because he slew Hippolyte, Queen of the Amazons, when she was freely offering her girdle.
“Three of these goddesses are Eve, Isis, and Mary. They are of peculiar and significant importance where our civilisation is concerned for they embody in themselves the symbology of the entire form nature, which, when integrated and functioning as a whole person, we call the personality. … Eve is the symbol of the mental nature, and of the mind of man attracted by the lure of knowledge to be gained through the experience of incarnation.
Eve, therefore, took the apple of knowledge from the serpent of matter and started the long human undertaking of experiment, experience and expression. … Isis stands for this same expression down on to the emotional or astral plane. … in Isis the midway point is reached; the quickening of that which is desired … has taken place and Isis consequently stands in the ancient zodiacs for fertility, for motherhood and as the guardian of the child.
Mary carries the process down to the plane or place of incarnation, the physical plane, and there gives birth to the Christ child. In these three Virgins and these three Mothers of the Christ, you have the history of the formation and the function of the three aspects of the personality through which the Christ must find expression.
The sign of Virgo itself stands for a synthesis of these three feminine aspects – Eve, Isis and Mary. She is the Virgin Mother, providing that which is needed for the mental, emotional and physical expression of the hidden but ever present divinity. These three expressions are brought to the needed perfection in Leo, the sign of the individual, developed self-consciousness and personality unfoldment.”11
Isis is Sirius: The Sphinx is Aligned to Leo
In Egytpian mythology Isis is regarded as Sirius A, the brightest star in the sky. Her consort Osiris is regarded as the white dwarf star Sirius B. Hence can be seen again the importance of The Sphinx zodiacal sign (Leo-Virgo) and its connection to Leo:
“Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force.”12
The reason for this festival is because eventually most of Earth Humanity, having liberated themselves, will choose their onward cosmic journeying to Sirius – as neophytes in a whole new evolution!

From The Message of the Sphinx by Bauval and Hancock.
The Sphinx faces east and the rising Sun. According to some authors it matches the celestial configuration of the vernal equinox sunrise in Leo around 10,500 B.C. It may well have made this alignment, but this author suspects that it was several 25,000 year precession cycles earlier.
The star Regulus sits on the cusp of Leo-Virgo, literally at the centre of The Sphinx. In the auspicious and much-vaunted 2012, Regulus will move into Virgo. Regulus is said to hold the keys to the Hall of Records, speculated to be under the Sphinx. Sirius and Regulus also have a very close relationship:
“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.” There is more real occultism hidden in the names given to the various stars by astronomers down the ages than has yet been realised, and here you have a case in point.”13
Regulus is related to “regulation” or the law, particularly the karmic law that emanates from Sirius and under which the whole solar system is ruled. And a final parting statement from HPB, who knew a thing or two about these matters:
“… the re-establishment of the religious mysteries, in which ancient truths might be taught to the coming generations under the veil of allegory and symbolism. Behold the imperishable witness to the evolution of the human races from the divine, and especially from the androgynous Race – the Egyptian Sphinx, that riddle of the Ages! Divine wisdom incarnating on earth, and forced to taste of the bitter fruit of personal experience of pain and suffering, generated under the shade of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil – a secret first known only to the Elohim, the SELF-INITIATED, “higher gods” – on earth only.”14
Phillip Lindsay © 2010.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.288. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.231. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.154. [↩]
- soteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.288. [↩]
- Genesis 3:7. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.63. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.231. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.355. [↩]
- Theosophical Glossary. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.243. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.243-4. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.300. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.123. [↩]
Thank you for this information. When I worked at A R E. in “84, had an intuition the Sphinx was more important than the Pyramids. I’m a student of Astrology for 30 years & feel like I know very little, there’s so much more to learn. Born in 47 when Pluto, the Soul, was in Leo-in my 1st house-with my Venus & Mars conjunct in Aries in the 9th House, my whole life has been a Spiritual Path-Moon 2Sag. I feel the conjunction indicates that I don’t need a mate, but am helping in breaking a trail toward all inclusive sexual orientation in the coming Age. (Aquarius in 7th).