Pisces 2017: New Year Preparation. Lure of the Path. The 777 Incarnations. Revelation of the Real. Albert Einstein.
Pisces in the horoscope of Timurid Prince Iskandar, Islamic miniature, 1411, Iran.
Pisces Keynote
“I leave the Father’s home and turning back I save.”
(Pisces Solar Festival: March 12, 2017. 2:54 pm, GMT.)
“Pisces governs the feet and hence the whole thought of progress, of attaining the goal, and the treading of the Path of Return has been the underlying spiritual revelation of the great cycle through which we are passing … it has been the origin of all the teaching given by the world religions about the various stages of the Path of Return.”1
Pisces and Preparation for the New Year
The Lure of the Path and the 777 Incarnations
Planetary Rulers of the Mutable Cross
The Revelation of the Real
We are the “Lords of Will and Sacrifice”
Albert Einstein: Scientist, Musician and Initiate
Pisces and Preparation for the New Year
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and represents the completion of the annual cycle, in preparation for the beginning of a new cycle in the following sign Aries. If one aspires to be attuned to the real rhythm of the zodiac, now is the time of the approach of the true new year – as distinct from January 1st for most of humanity in the sign of Capricorn.
When a cycle is brought to its conclusion, it must necessarily bring about destruction of those forms which temporarily served as a vehicle for spiritual expression – whether those are thought-forms, goals of living or certain ideals.
Similar to the conventional new year’s period of Capricorn, the month of Pisces always affords an annual opportunity to reflect up the year that is passing, to identify what was achieved or not achieved, particularly in a deeper subjective sense – and to destroy, relinquish or release those ideas and ideals which will not serve the future cycle.
Unlike Saturn-ruled Capricorn however, where there tends to be a conservation and crystallisation of the form, the energy that can be invoked during Pisces is its soul ruler Pluto – Lord of the Underworld, death and destruction. Here Pluto can be utilised for “constructive destruction” to ruthlessly rid oneself of impediments.
Pluto was appropriately “discovered” in 1930, very late in the last decanate2 of the Age of Pisces, between the two World Wars; that period saw the destruction of many forms that had been created by nations and civilisations for the past 2,000 year cycle. Pluto as soul ruler of Pisces purges the accumulated poisons and toxins of the previous cycle and that process will continue until the end of the Piscean Age – technically in 2,117 AD.3

“Lest we forget” – Hiroshima aftermath and the destructive power of Pluto.
Mars rules the last decanate of Pisces and as the God of War, presided over those global conflicts. Hence, Mars and Pluto worked very closely during that period, destroying and clearing the way for the imminent Aquarian Age.
Mars rules the solar plexus centre, the seat of the emotional body and Pisces is a watery, emotionally sensitive sign. Part of the work of Mars is bring into contrast the unresolved pairs of opposites upon the emotional plane and through the conflict of those opposites, help bring about harmony.
The following sign of Aries is ruled by Mars, hence Mars as ruler of the last decanate of Pisces prepares individuals, groups and nations for the new cycle in Aries. (In Aries Mars functions very differently, providing the impulse of physical energy to create new initiatives needed for the year.) The Pisces full moon period of 2017 falls in this last Mars-ruled decanate of Pisces and hence may be very testing for the world; particularly for the USA and its current president, as the degrees of this full moon trigger their horoscopes quite acutely.

Nuwala Eliya, Sri Lanka 1993. (Author’s pic.)
The Lure of the Path and the 777 Incarnations
It is said that Pisces “causes the lure of the Path”4 and is subjectively the “initial cause” but also completion as the last zodiac sign, making it the proverbial “alpha and omega”. Cause-Completion. This “cause” of Pisces lays behind its later “impulsion” into Aries – more commonly known as the first sign and that which initiates activity.
Pisces is the “cause of the lure of the Path” in the very initial stage of a young soul embarking its way upon a long journey of thousands of incarnations of experience. The keynote for this stage is simply, “And the Word said, go forth into matter”. Then many aeons later, Pisces presides over the completion of the mutable cross experience.
At this latter point, the “lure of the Path” reappears as a stimulation to “mount the fixed cross” – where a more conscious and intense soul evolution, through a much shorter series of lives, is planned and navigated by the soul. The fixed cross is mounted after the “reversal of the wheel” and it is here that the soul starts a new journey of a series of minor and major initiations leading ultimately to Liberation.

The Path of Return has its hazards!
As the human salmon returns to its source, to the spawning ground of the soul, much karma from the mutable cross incarnations is worked out and “burnt off”. The individual at this stage comes under the influence of the forces of both the mutable and fixed crosses.
These three zodiacal crosses are generic in their influence, and are not related to the sun sign or rising sign in an individual horoscope, though of course at times they may. These many thousands of lifetimes are summarised as the symbolic “777 incarnations” – not to be taken literally as 777 lives.
It is toward the end of the mutable cross experience that the soul starts to realise the futility of material existence, having “eaten of the husks of the far country”; a small amount of soul contact is achieved, providing enough inspiration to stimulate a “reversal of the wheel” and a mounting of the fixed cross – the “cross of love”; this is now happening on an unprecedented scale throughout the world. Libra is one of the signs that rules this reversal process and is currently prominent in the planetary horoscope.
In every way Pisces embodies the mutable cross journey’s end, as well as the final Liberation where returning to Earth life is no longer required, opening up new vistas of experience within and beyond the solar system! (More on this latter theme later.)
700 incarnations | 70 incarnations | 7 incarnations |
Personality | Soul | Monad |
Intelligence | Love | Sacrifice |
The 777 Incarnations |

The ancient Dagon man-fish, teacher of humanity.
Planetary Rulers of the Mutable Cross
As we have seen earlier with Pluto, understanding the esoteric or soul rulers of the zodiac signs will be one of Esoteric Astrology’s greatest contributions in broadening understanding of the various levels of planetary influences throughout the zodiac.
In this work, the author has always attempted to emphasise the importance of the polar opposite sign. For instance, with regard to Pisces and its polar opposite Virgo – the fish and earth goddesses:
“The fluid, sensitive temperament in Pisces – mediumistic and psychically polarised – must be stabilised in Virgo, in which sign mental introspection and critical analysis become possible and serve to arrest the fluidity of Pisces.”5
In the future however, esoteric astrologers will consider far more the rulers of all four signs of any cross. If Pisces or any sign of the mutable cross is scrutinised, its relation to the other three signs and their planetary rulers must be weighed to reveal the overall picture:
Ruler | Gemini | Virgo | Sagittarius | Pisces |
Exoteric ruler | Mercury | Mercury | Jupiter | Jupiter (Neptune) |
Esoteric Ruler | Venus | Moon (Vulcan) | Earth | Pluto |
This table shows seven exoteric and esoteric rulers of the mutable cross. The reader will note that the Moon is not regarded as a planetary influence in Esoteric Astrology, it is devoid of spiritual expression but “veils” the energies of other planets, in this case Vulcan.

Classical Mermaid. (Artist: Liselotte Eriksson.)
Exoteric Rulers of the Mutable Cross
Mercury and Jupiter are the main exoteric rulers of the mutable cross along with Neptune.
Mercury is related to the development of intelligence and discrimination over the many lives of experience upon the mutable cross. Also,
“Mercury indicates that the line of least resistance for humanity is harmony through conflict, for Mercury expresses the fourth ray energy which is buddhic, intuitional and expressive of the Christ, as Mercury and the Sun are one.”6
Jupiter “brings all together”, relating the two fishes, binding them together in a functioning relationship. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom, the main ray that passes through three of these mutable cross signs – Gemini, Virgo and Pisces – indicating “that the way of incarnation is the “beneficent” method of evolutionary unfoldment and that the way of love-wisdom (2nd ray) is the way for humanity to go.” The activity of this second ray force brings soul and form together, and this magnetic potency is peculiarly descriptive of the activity of Pisces.7

Pisces and Neptune. (Johfra.)
Neptune is the more widely recognised ruler of Pisces in exoteric astrology – the God of the Waters in the Sign of the Fishes. Neptune has a close relation to the feeling nature, the “ocean of emotion” but also the higher aspirations that reach for the Divine mystical experience. Neptune as an alternative to Jupiter touches upon,
“… a mystery of initiation; it focuses the influence of Pisces as it concerns humanity as a whole and not just the individual man, but this only takes place towards the final stages of the Path of Discipleship [on the fixed cross]. Today humanity is moving rapidly towards the position of the World Disciple, and hence Neptune can be seen as an alternative to Jupiter.”8
Esoteric Rulers of the Mutable Cross
Venus, Moon (Vulcan), Earth and Pluto:
“Through Venus – under the power of mind, transmuted into wisdom through the instrumentality of love. (Or, Venus stands for the emergence of the love principle through the directing power of the mind.)
Through the Moon – under the bondage of form in order through form experience to achieve release and the “uplift of matter” in Vulcan. (Or, Moon/Vulcan stand for the glorification of matter – through purification and detachment.)
Through the Earth – under the influence of planetary experience (which is different to individual experience) – in order to transmute personal consciousness into group awareness.
Through Pluto – under the destroying power of death – death of desire, death of the personality and of all which holds him between the pairs of opposites, in order to achieve the final liberation. Pluto or death never destroys the consciousness aspect.”9

Pisces related to sexual reproduction? Given the historical alluring mermaid imagery – woman and the sea – both symbolising the mother and the matrix that gives birth to all life. Through Neptune, Pisces is related to another water sign Cancer, the Mother. Neptune is the esoteric ruler of Cancer. (Artist: Raven Madd.)
Through these planets the Seeker is brought to a Crisis of Polarisation, to a point of fundamental change for which all earlier changes have been a preparation: Love. Mind. Experience. Form. Human Understanding. Death – are all keynotes of the human kingdom.
We are also informed that Pisces governs sexual reproduction (usually the province of Scorpio), the reason being,
“… once a man is nearing or upon the Path he should become increasingly creative in the higher sense and the physical generative processes should give place esoterically to regeneration and to creation upon the mental plane instead of only upon the physical plane. This higher creative functioning becomes possible under the influence of aspiration and intuition. This begins to take place when the four esoteric rulers [mutable cross] supplement the activity of the two orthodox rulers.”10
Here there is emphasised for those upon the Path, the eternal struggle of redirecting forces and circulating them continually between the procreative sacral centre and the creative throat centre, seat of the mental body. The two fishes of Pisces represent many dualities, which essentially are the soul and personality joined by the “silver cord” or sutratma – the fishes swimming in the ocean of matter, the mutable cross experience of many lives.

Pisces rules the feet and the treading of the Way. Pisces is one of the most devoted signs and that devotion can be directed to the feet of the Master, or any service activity on behalf of the Planetary Plan.
We Are the Lords of Will and Sacrifice
But after the reversal of the wheel, the soul seeks to detach itself from the personality and reconnect itself with the Monad – “the one who sent it forth” (see earlier 777 incarnations table) – such we are told, is the climaxing story of Pisces.
These “monads” (spirit) are called the “Lords of Will and Sacrifice” and are essentially the highest part of any human being – as its threefold composition of Monad, Soul and Personality. The sacrifice they/we make is concerned with the mysterious redemption of Earth and its transformation from a “non-sacred planet” into a “sacred planet”; it is the fundamental reason of the “why we are here” riddle. Each soul who reaches liberation contributes to the sacredisation of Planet Earth. The “Lords of Will and Sacrifice”,
“… are qualified by knowledge, love and will, and animated by ceaseless persevering devotion. They seek to bring about the death of the form in its occult significance and the consequent release of the indwelling lives into a higher state of consciousness. Of this process, all the world Saviours – past, present and to come – are the manifested symbols and the eternal guarantees. It is in such recognitions as these that the mainspring to the life of service must be sought. People born in this sign are frequently to be found serving the race and ministering to its needs upon some level.”11
One notable area of this “ministering” is in nursing and palliative care, life-threatening illnesses etc. The degree of compassion, understanding, sacrifice, patience and receptivity needed for this work is a noble expression of the love-wisdom principle. Bear in mind that the second ray of love-wisdom pours through Pisces and its ruler Jupiter is also the ruler of this ray. The sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism is the other ray that passes through Pisces, creating that “ceaseless persevering devotion”!

Avatar for the Piscean Dispensation. (Jesus in the Mountains by Nicholas Roerich.)
The Revelation of the Real
Pisces is prominent in the horoscopes of some initiates such as Meher Baba (Sun, Mercury), Albert Einstein (Sun, Mercury), Roberto Assagioli (Sun, Mercury), Ramakrishna (Mercury, Moon) and quite possibly of Jesus the Christ, avatar for the entire Piscean Age:
“At the final stage, Pisces stands for the death of the personality and the release of the soul from captivity and its return into the task of the world Saviour. The great achievement is finished and the final death is undergone. “There is no more sea” says the ancient book, which means inevitably the “death of the fishes” and the release of the imprisoned life into new forms or new cycles of the divine Adventure.”12
It is notable in the above examples how many individuals have Mercury in Pisces and although most of us are a long way from this stage of unfoldment, the following is worthy of consideration of future goals:
“Remember that we are occupied with the Great Illusion which it is the major task of man in this particular world cycle to master and dissipate, and so to inaugurate the reign of the Real. It is the revelation of the Real which is the task all initiates undertake after the final experience of the twelve final tests in the twelve signs.
Therefore, when we find that the power of Mercury is lessened in Pisces and that it finally “falls” in that sign, what is the esoteric and spiritual meaning? Simply … the power of the mind lessens steadily till … it comes to an end and its meaning and illuminating aspects between soul and physical brain are no longer required.
The (wo)man, coming definitely into full soul consciousness, requires now no mediator but deals directly with his emanating source [Monad]. Mercury is then met with again under another name, this time as the Sun, mediating between the higher aspects – soul and spirit – for Mercury and the Sun are One.
Through Mercury, the mind is illumined and relation is established between personality and the soul. As Mercury, the Sun – the mediator – shifts to a still higher plane and is no longer mediator between two different stages in consciousness but between life and consciousness itself.13
Much to ponder upon here! It is interesting to note also, that the Sun is exalted in the following sign of Aries, whilst Mercury is the esoteric ruler of that sign.

Wisdom face of Einstein whose moon was in Sage-ittarius. His fine hair is like a forest of tiny psychic attennae!
Albert Einstein: Scientist, Musician and Initiate
Einstein is a great example of an advanced soul who was not only a genius in the field of physics and mathematics, but a musician and humanist. There is also a partly substantiated story that he kept a copy of H.P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine on his desk, thoroughly annotated and scribbled in! Einstein’s gentle and compassionate Piscean nature is reflected in the following quote:
“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.” (Albert Einstein, 1954)
A very interesting passage, given that Pisces is a sign of imprisonment and also of ultimate liberation from that imprisonment:
“In the first cycle of experience upon the wheel, the soul itself is in captivity to substance; it has come down into the prison house of matter and linked itself to form. Hence the symbol of Pisces, of the two fishes linked together by a band. ”14
Einstein was a very “watery type”, having Cancer rising as his soul purpose with Pisces sun as his personality expression, sharing Neptune as their common ruler, esoterically and exoterically. Neptune/Pisces is the mystic and visionary, with a high emotional sensitivity. Einstein further states:
“The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms – this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.” (Albert Einstein – The Merging of Spirit & Science.)
With Neptune as esoteric ruler of his horoscope, its position in the sign of Taurus was very important; it represented the faculty of being able to ground and anchor his Neptunian inspirations and visions through earthy, practical Taurus. Taurus is also the “mother of illumination” and Einstein was a shining beacon of light at the beginning of this scientific age of Aquarius.
He had Jupiter in Aquarius in his ninth house of the higher wisdom, sciences/arts and academia – he was a university professor at European and American universities for most of his life. Jupiter is the soul ruler of Aquarius as well as the second ray of Love-Wisdom which Einstein had either prominently in his ray structure or invoked through his Pisces personality. Neptune also rules music for which Einstein trained on the violin from the age of five:
“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music … I get most joy in life out of music.”15 Neptune’s placement in Taurus is telling because Taurus rules the ears and is connected with the Nada Brahma or The Sound of God:
“He [Einstein] did not truly fall in love until discovering Mozart at age 13. A high school friend reported to biographer Carl Seeling that at this time, when the young Einstein’s “violin began to sing, the walls of the room seemed to recede – for the first time, Mozart in all his purity appeared before me, bathed in Hellenic beauty with its pure lines, roguishly playful, mightily sublime.”16
It is interesting to note that Einstein’s Jupiter in Aquarius fell very close to Mozart’s Venus in Aquarius, reinforcing this connection:
“Einstein relished Mozart, noting to a friend that it was as if the great Wolfgang Amadeus did not “create” his beautifully clear music at all, but simply discovered it already made. This perspective parallels, remarkably, Einstein’s views on the ultimate simplicity of nature and its explanation and statement via essentially simple mathematical expressions.”17
Mozart was of course, also an advanced soul. Music was the ideal balance for Einstein’s deeply scientific mind, probably on the fifth ray of Science. He shot to stardom with his Special Theory of Relativity, originally known as “The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”. It was published 26 September 1905 – when transiting Saturn was exactly conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius and transiting Neptune was conjunct his Cancer ascendant! In 1922 Einstein received the Nobel prize for physics, just as transiting Uranus (science) was culminating on his midheaven – his MC as it is called in astrology – his E=MC²!
Einstein’s mind was conditioned by some other important astrological factors. He had Mercury (thinking), Saturn (ruling the mental body) and Venus (mind) all in head-strong Aries, the pioneer, the originator of ideas. Mercury is the esoteric ruler of Aries, allowing Einstein to tap into the buddhic realm of high intuition. Saturn’s position in Aries means,
“Saturn’s power is completely ended and his work accomplished when the spiritual man has freed himself from Karma and from the power of the two Crosses – the Common and the Fixed. Esoterically, Saturn cannot follow man on to the Cardinal Cross.”18
Given Einstein’s obvious advanced stage of unfoldment, this latter comment points to the fact that he may well have achieved the third initiation, perhaps higher. It is interesting to note that Mercury and Saturn are in close conjunction in Aries, giving the ability to create thoughtforms from ideas, to blend intuition with mind. (Saturn rules the throat centre.)
This ability to create thought-forms (which are really geometrical forms upon the mental plane), is also very much related to his Cancer rising soul purpose – the birthing of new ideas that originate in the matrix of Divine Thought.
This Mercury-Saturn conjunction might also indicate a higher stage of unfoldment:
“At the fourth initiation, Mercury and Saturn again bring about great changes and unique revelation …”19
The position of Venus in Aries is similar to Mercury. Both planets rule the left and right lobes of the ajna centre respectively: Mercury = buddhi and Venus = mind. (It is also interesting that of this writing Venus has just gone retrograde in Aries!) However,

The Birth of Venus. (Botticelli.)
“The power of Venus is lessened in this sign … The reason for this is that when the Sun is exalted and blazes forth in all its glory, the other lesser luminaries fade out. Just as the personality is lost sight of in the light of the soul, the solar Angel, so the soul itself disappears and its power and radiance fade out when the Presence [The Monad], which it has hitherto veiled, appears and dominates the scene at the end of the greater world cycle.
We are told that the incarnating Minds, human beings, the solar Angels, came originally from Venus, but they in turn give place to the monad, the One. Mind gives place to intuition and reason to pure perception.”20
This is another passage that points to the possibility of Einstein taking the exalted fourth degree initiation, or at least being prepared for it, because it is at this stage where the causal body of the soul is destroyed and there is a direct linking between Monad and personality.
Note also, that millions of people have these planetary positions, one has to always assess the stage of evolution of the subject to determine how much these astrological criteria apply. It is entirely possible that Einstein may have reached liberation in that life, he was in a sense, a “scientific avatar” for the Aquarian Age. Completing a longer astrological biography would do this subject more justice – to test all these criteria with life events, going deeper into the rays etc; it is certainly a worthy endeavour for any earnest esoteric astrology student!
Phillip Lindsay © 2017.
Esoteric Astrologer
The Hidden History of Humanity
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.129-30. [↩]
- One of the three 10-degree sub-sections of any zodiac sign. [↩]
- The Beginning of the Age of Aquarius: 2,117 A.D. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.126. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.117-8. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.127. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.126-7. Paraphrased. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.129. Some paraphrasing. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.127. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.129-30. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.117. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.121. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.131. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.116. [↩]
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein#Love_of_music [↩]
- http://www.openculture.com/2013/06/the_musical_mind_of_albert_einstein.html [↩]
- http://www.openculture.com/2013/06/the_musical_mind_of_albert_einstein.html. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.105. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.104-5. [↩]
Fascinating. In depth example of astrology relating to soul progression and of the universe.
Einstein had not a very nice personality – misogynist, womanizer, leaning heavily on his colleagues (Poincare, Grossmann, Hilbert and his own wife Mileva, etc.) and not bothering to give them proper credit in his publications.
He mistreated his family, first wife and sick son, left them behind. His second wife and cousin Elsa was no more than a housekeeper for him. He had a lot of affairs while being married (both wives).
Saint – mystic – Nope – look for Wolfgang Pauli’s chart, if you want to see this.
Scientist – yes, genius, maybe, but with sociopathic traits, – the shadow of water signs and Neptune and sometimes a badly placed Uranus (his dominator in a bucket chart).
Phillip thank you for this article on Pisces, it’s a sign that one struggles with,rules my fourth house and Neptune in the 10th house, this article explained the different thinking styles beautifully ,what are the ray makeup for the country Ukraine?