Scorpio 2011: Occupy the Planet. Wall St. Sirius. Qantas. Assange.
“Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(Full Moon November 11, 2011. 6.16 am. Sydney, Australia.)
Occupy the Planet: The Soul of Humanity Takes Charge
The Horoscope of Occupy Wall St: Scorpio Rising
Scorpio and the Star Sirius
Scorpio and the Triumphant Battle
The Scorpio Entity, Qantas
Equilibrating of the Moon and Earth Chain Souls
Julian Assange Update, Moon in Scorpio
Israel’s Chiron in Scorpio and Its Mars Return
Final Word from Scorpio, Theodore Roosevelt
Occupy the Planet: The Soul of Humanity Takes Charge
In the few short weeks that the Occupy Movement has been birthed, it has become the fastest growing group EVER in the history of the USA, if not the world. We have heard all the slogans, from Occupy Wall St (OWS), to occupy thousands of cities around the world, occupy the Fed, occupy the future, Occupy the Now, occupy Qantas, occupy Sirius, Occupy Yourself and so on.
Occupy is a command and resolution, an affirmation and an ideal. Definitions of “occupy”: “to dwell or reside in, to hold or fill an office, to seize possession of and maintain control over, by, or as if by conquest.” The term, Occupy the Planet alludes to a grand awakening that is enabling the Spirit of Humanity to take up residence – as the soul in control; it’s about the awakening many who are starting to reclaim their power and control from the few – the 99% and the 1%.
The planets that have helped bring about this magnificent opportunity are, in the long term cycle, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries.1 They will be square to one another for the next few years, creating an unprecedented point of tension in this cuspal period of Pisces and Aquarius.
It is interesting to note that Pluto is the soul ruler of the outgoing age of Pisces, destroying the limitations and crystallizations of the past, whilst Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, shining the light of liberty, equality and fraternity upon the future destiny of Humanity.
In the shorter term cycle Saturn in Libra is having a potent effect, dispositor of Pluto in Capricorn, placed in the opposite sign to Uranus in Aries. Saturn is the ruler of,
1. The planetary throat chakra which is Humanity. The Lord of Karma rules over Humanity who has the free will to determine their own destiny.
2. Saturn rules the third ray of active-intelligence, also the personality ray of New York City. NYC is the throat centre of the USA and is speculated to be the ajna centre of the planet.2 Hence a massive re-organisation of the planet’s mental body is being powerfully effected from NYC – in a multiple cycle of the third ray of active intelligence.
3. All these events have transpired during the “Saturn return” in Libra – in the exoteric 1776 horoscope for the USA.
Hence, although Saturn in Libra’s influence has been behind the Arab Spring, its influence upon New York City is also highly significant because it is the location of one of the world’s major financial centres, and the site for the attack upon the heart of Wall St, the World Trade Centre on 9/11.
The Horoscope of Occupy Wall St: Scorpio Rising
As one of the five major planetary centres with London, Geneva, Tokyo and Darjeeling, New York may embody the ajna centre. (See here for speculative essay on this theme.) Yet, in its national context, New York City has played the throat centre role – as a haven for the creative arts, business and money. Hence the initiating of the Occupy Wall St protests on September 17, 2011 is surely ripe for a horoscope! If the first notice for the protests is any indication, then we have a birth time for this entity:
“Music, arts, and orientation guides will greet you at 12pm in Bowling Green Park on Saturday. Bowling Green Park is in the financial district of Manhattan.”3

Occupy Wall St. Horoscope
This is an amazingly appropriate horoscope! Scorpio rising is the soul purpose of the chart, meaning that collectively speaking, the OWS Warrior seeks to “emerge from the battle triumphant”. Scorpio is ruled by Mars at both a personality and soul level, hence Mars’ position in the last degree of Cancer is very powerful. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is, “A Daughter of The American Revolution.”!
Mars falls in Cancer, the fiery planet of war in the watery sign of the Mother. Cancer is the personality of the 1776 USA chart, as well as that of NYC.4 Mars in Cancer is an extremely emotionally sensitive and vulnerable position. Mars rules the sixth ray of devotion and idealism, the personality ray of the USA.
Hence this position of Mars in Cancer will boost the OWS movement with an incredible devotion and idealism, in the spirit of their OWS “family” yet also the spirit of the family of their nation, the planetary family. I have written often about the unintegrated personality of the USA nation; there lies the possibility in the next few years of a greater degree of integration coming about through the success and rightly directed force of a movement such as OWS. But in the spirit of Mars, there will most likely be much conflict between varying ideologies.
The combination of the power of these two water signs, Scorpio rising, with soul ruler placed in Cancer, is further enhanced by the out-of-sign grand trine that these two positions make with Uranus in Aries – the main revolutionary protagonist in this story. The Sun is in Virgo, giving the movement much discipline and focus, whilst Virgo’s ruler Mercury dominates the horoscope from the midheaven, providing a high public profile that is an erudite, discriminating and intelligent voice. Mercury trines Pluto, the other co-ruler of Scorpio rising, expressing a deeply powerful and persuasive communication.
The Moon is in Taurus, in harmonious aspect to the Sun in Virgo, stating that this movement is not about to go anywhere else in a hurry. The forty-odd groups in NYC that call themselves OWS have submitted themselves to a very meticulous (Virgo) process of consensus. Taurus is about stability, and the snow covered tents in freezing Manhattan (Oct. 30) are a great testament to the perseverance and persistence of the OWS.
The Moon is square to Neptune, one of the most challenging features of the chart, where ideals can be distorted, manipulated or not followed through upon. There can be much “glamour” with this position, reflected by OWS criticism (from right wing media sources) of being a “pack of idealistic lefty hippies”.
Yet it is far from this. These kind of demonstrations have not been seen since the late “60’s and the Vietnam War, so it is heartening to see the citizens of this nation find their mojo again, dragging themselves out of the collective paralysis and apathy that has gripped this country for so long.
Demographics of the OWS are hard to pin down, though many of them regard themselves as “independent”, neither Republican or Democrat. Yet when a TV studio audience with Piers Morgan and Michael Moore aired recently, it was obvious that the OWS had gone mainstream – everyone from all political persuasions was represented.
Last but not least, Saturn in Libra is well positioned in the Aquarian eleventh house of group work, co-operation and community, trumpeting fairness, freedom the right use of money and right relationships. Libra’s exoteric ruler Venus, is in a tense opposition to Libra’s esoteric ruler Uranus, forging strong personal relationships, yet working toward an impersonal detachment.
This is such an important theme for the OWS people in lower Manhattan particularly, as they are engaged in an amazing direct, democratic consensus that is forging a new paradigm. This may manifest more concretely eventually, perhaps seeing an “official” organisation emerge with visible leaders. However, at the moment the movement’s power is in its deliberate “leaderless-ness” that self-submits personalities to a kind of anonymity in order keep the focus on working out the issues. (See this video to gain an idea of their process.)
They are non-hierarchical groups and this so very Aquarian! OWS people are from all streams of the social spectrum – many are smart, well educated and informed; they are not blind believers or conservative political faddists; there are some anarchists and radicals, yet they all possess a healthy Uranian radicalism that seeks reform for the stuck status quo. (Radical: “Arising from or going to a root or source”.) We are witnessing something of substance here, that will effect change in the world and consolidate its re-imagining of life – this is history in the making.

As the world moves into the approaching Aquarian cycle, we may be reminded that the other arms of the fixed cross are automatically invoked, especially the Scorpio arm:
“Scorpio and Aquarius are also in a peculiar relation to each other through the planet Mercury which governs the human family (being the hierarchical planet in Scorpio), and through Neptune which rules Cancer, thus governing expression upon the physical plane. … through the influence of Mercury and Neptune the group consciousness of the individual is developed, so that through the tests in Scorpio and the experience in Aquarius the disciple emerges on the physical plane into the position of a world server; all world servers are decentralised workers and are governed by the need and the reactions of the mass or group.”5
Mercury and Venus on their yearly circuit of the heavens, have been transiting through Scorpio in the past few weeks (ahead of the yearly ingress of the Sun into this sign), crossing the Scorpio rising sign of the OWS chart, stimulating it further in its commitment to its goals and expanding its global influence. This influence has now reached thousands of cities with determined protestors toughing it out in the face of cold winter weather and heavy handed police tactics.

L: Rowan Williams. R: St. Paul’s, London.
The protests are reaching deeply into the fabric of Western society, its psyche and sense of morality. The recent Occupy protests at St Paul’s Cathedral in London where the church administration reversed their earlier decision of legal action, is a very heartening step. St Paul’s has always been a bastion of freedom and defiance of fascist tyranny, since its bombing by the Nazis in World War II. Now, Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is throwing his weight behind the “Robin Hood Tax’ stating,
“There is still a powerful sense around – fair or not – of a whole society paying for the errors and irresponsibility of bankers; of impatience with a return to “business as usual” – represented by still-soaring bonuses and little visible change in banking practices.”6
We must bear in mind also that London, like New York, is one of the five major planetary centres. (Click here for speculative essay about the five planetary centres, positing London as the throat centre.)
Scorpio and the Triumphant Battle
Scorpio is a sign of initiation, hence the great testings that come in our yearly cycle through this sign, as we battle with the unconscious forces within ourselves, with each other and within the planet as a whole; particularly upon the emotional plane, through the desire nature on all levels, sex, power, passion, ideals – emotional attachments to all those things. Through its Pluto rulership, Scorpio can be the destroyer of all obstacles upon the lighted way, utterly ruthless and highly disciplined in its intent. Or Scorpio can reinforce glamours and illusions by defaulting to the lowest common denominator of Mars and Pluto. Mars in its esoteric rulership shows us the polarities that exist, allowing the intelligent mind to make a decision to move from the past to the future.
The names of these emotional battles are legion: Regrets over wrong choices; guilt and shame for past actions – conscious or unconscious; anguish and agonies of love lost or hurts caused; the wrenching pain of finishing a relationship or marriage; low self esteem and self-criticism for failure to surmount long term addictions; the fragility and vulnerability of feeling alone in the world; dread or anger of non-acceptance or recognition; the fears and limitations of aging and sickness; unresolved sexual issues; bitterness from an unreleased past; rage from being misunderstood or ignored; a feeling of a lack of love and tenderness in one’s life; battling the tendency to dominate and manipulate others, and so on. All of these conflicts fall under the banner of Scorpio’s nine-headed hydra that Hercules battles in the swamp of Lernea: Sex, comfort, money, fear, hatred, desire for power, pride, separativeness and cruelty.

Hercules Humanity is currently locked in a culminating Scorpionic struggle between its lower and higher selves; we are seeing the emergence of the Angel of the Presence, or the soul of Humanity vanquishing its own shadow. Hence, large numbers of Humanity are stepping toward a higher level of unfoldment:
“The keynote of Scorpio is, however, Triumph. This is its major expression upon the physical plane. As a result of struggle and of victory, the whole divine [wo] man – not yet perfectly expressing himself, if I might word the situation thus – is anchored upon the physical plane with such accuracy and clarity that there is no escape from the environing conclusions of the disciple’s family, friends and group that he is a disciple. From that angle he is meticulously watched; he learns the meaning of the word “example”; he is pilloried by those who are onlookers and the first conscious stages toward group awareness and group response plus group service [Aquarius], are now taken. Such is the outcome and the reward of the experience in Scorpio.”7

L: Sirius in the Egyptian Tradition. R: Sirius A and B.
Sirius is a major force that influences Humanity and constitutes a destination that a majority will head toward, once liberated from this Earth life. Scorpio, Sirius and Mars co-operate as a triangle of force that leads humanity towards discipleship and initiation. The zodiacal sign Scorpio is a conduit for the inflowing energy of Sirius. The Great White Brotherhood on Sirius operates through the Great White Brotherhood (Masters-Hierarchy) on Earth, hence,
“This is the great star of initiation because our Hierarchy is under the supervision or spiritual magnetic control of the Hierarchy of Sirius. These are the major controlling influences whereby the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar system, in the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. It is esoterically called the “brilliant star of sensitivity.”

Scorpio is the great constellation which influences the turning point both in the life of humanity and the life of the individual human being. For the first time in the history of both mankind and disciples the energy of Sirius, pouring into the seven groups which form our planetary Hierarchy evokes a response.”8
The Scorpio Entity, Qantas
For those who are “occupy weary”, it’s understandable that some might not associate the Qantas airline dispute in Australia with what is going on around the world in the “occupy movement”. Indeed, one or two people asked, who are Qantas?! Nevertheless, the fact remains that a global process is surging forward, confronting long standing issues between capital and labour, being addressed like never before. On an almost daily basis now, we are witnessing CEO’s being investigated, arrested or convicted and corporations being closely scrutinised. There is of course, a long way to go, but the awareness that is being aroused will be pricking the consciences of many.
The Qantas horoscope is a Scorpio Sun with Capricorn rising and Moon-Mars in Capricorn, in an exact conjunction, close to the rising sign. It is an Australian icon, part of the nation’s fabric and pride with an unequalled safety record (Capricorn). Scorpio and Capricorn are both signs of power and wealth, a combination when selfishly utilised can cause major problems, as is the case now in this entity’s unfolding dharma.
One of the main protagonists that triggered the Qantas showdown (the unprecedented grounding of its entire fleet worldwide), was transiting Saturn in Libra. The dispute is between capital and labour, the outsourcing of jobs overseas and the “Asian-ising” of the company. Saturn is the ruler of the soul purpose of Qantas, Capricorn rising, and around October 30 was making an exact square to the rising sign – and the Moon and Mars, also in Capricorn (See chart above). Libra is esoterically concerned with money, the law, right relationships and a fair deal.
Another long term factor coming into focus, is transiting Pluto opposite Pluto, where the power of the company will be tested in terms of its service (natal Pluto in the 6th house) – to the public and its employees, both of whom it treated abominably during the grounding period – which forced the government to intervene. It was such an insult to the pilots, ground crews and other staff, as Qantas tried its ruthless out-sourcing, a major strategy of many other corporations and companies that has resulted in high unemployment in their own nations.
The question remains, can this old entity transform itself and survive, or does it need to “disincarnate” or “reincarnate” as some other company? With Qantas’ progressed Sun in Aquarius, the challenge will be to see how group sharing and co-operation can win the day between capital and labour.
It’s almost inconceivable that the CEO of Qantas Alan Joyce, who came from a working class background in Dublin, received a 70% pay rise recently, bringing his annual income to five million dollars. Joyce then proceeded to initiate the scrapping of a 1,000 jobs. More than anything, the move was based upon ideologies that are part of the entire world culture of modern business – profit with little regard to people who help make that profit; more to the shareholders.
The true Aquarian corporation, once it has matured, will be far more about profit-sharing with the entire workforce than the shareholders per se. The culture of the way business is currently conducted, is so deeply knit in the fabric of the way everyone else conducts business, that it is unconscious; many think that this is the norm, that there is nothing wrong with how they operate their companies; hence Pluto’s transit through Capricorn is revealing and renovating these old attitudes.

L: Alan Joyce R: Bob Brown. (Interesting to note that Green Party warrior
Bob Brown, has his Capricorn Sun opposing Joyce’s Cancer Sun.)
CEO Alan Joyce has his Sun precisely on Qantas’s Pluto, exacerbating the right use of power theme. Also, amazingly, Joyce’s progressed Jupiter and Mars are exactly opposite Qantas’s ascendant, Mars and Moon, ratcheting up the tension! Transiting Mars just passed over Joyce’s progressed Sun in Leo around the end of October reflecting further personality ego issues and the heavy handed use of power.
“Australian Greens leader Bob Brown was scathing about the lockout, branding it “a sell-out of the spirit of Australia” by “selfish Qantas top brass”. “It is a multimillionaire’s lockout of responsible, decent pilots, crew and staff whose work gives Australia the world’s best airline,” he said. “This lockout is about exporting Qantas to a world of lower cost, lower services values and lower safety.”9
Other shorter term factors at the peak of the crisis on Oct. 29 were transiting Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, moving over Qantas’ Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, all occurring before the annual solar return, or 91st birthday of Qantas.
Equilibrating of the Moon and Earth Chain Souls
The ENTIRE process that is going on at the moment between capital and labour, between the 99% and the 1%, is esoterically related to two groups of souls – those who “individualised” upon either the Earth Chain or the Moon Chain; it is related to the development of the intelligence factor, to the “subjective distinction between “equipped and unequipped” Egos’, (see later on). But of course, right now, the issue is ALL ABOUT HEART. The world is coming to a point where an equilibrisation is gradually taking place between these two groups.
It is a monumental epoch in the entire esoteric history of the Earth and has never occurred before in our twenty million year history of consciousness evolution; it is occurring during the cuspal period of the Fifth Rootrace moving into the Sixth Rootrace; it is intimately connected to the reappearance of the Hierarchy and the Christ, as well as the Christ assuming the mantle of the Buddha. (For more information on the earth and moon chains, use the search engine at
The Buddha and Christ are bringing to fruition that which was started in Atlantean times over four million years ago – when they both took the third degree initiation, as representatives of the Moon and Earth chains respectively. The Christ’s assumption of the mantle of the Buddha in the near future reflects a final synthesis of these two evolutions/groups.
The seeds of this eventual unfoldment are now taking root, in this “forerunner” phase leading up to 2025. Within a few more precession cycles the “equilibrisation” between the two groups will have assumed critical mass – just in time for the Sixth Rootrace in 25,000 years time. If long term evolution is considered, the critical junctures of history can be identified:
“… millennia of lives have to elapse before the interchange of energy between the Ego [soul] and its reflection, the personal self (the lower threefold man) is such that the consciousness of the man occultly “awakens” in the Hall of Learning. For advanced man at this time these incarnations took place upon the moon chain and in some cases upon certain planets connected with the inner round.
This is the circumstance which necessitated his “coming-in” during the Atlantean root-race. Men of this type refused to incarnate earlier, as the bodies were too coarse … No real “sin” was committed; it was their privilege to discriminate, and this refusal has its bearing upon conditions upon Earth, being the basis of the great class distinctions which – in every land – have been so fruitful of trouble and the esoteric foundation of the “caste” system, so abused now in India.
The problem of labor and capital has its roots in the subjective distinction between “equipped and unequipped” Egos, between those units of the human family on earth who have passed out of the Hall of Ignorance, and those who are yet groping in its dark and gloomy corridors; between those Egos who are only “bud” Egos, and those who have organised the outer circle of petals, and whose petals are ready to open up.”10
Of course, it’s not necessarily all down to the “big bad corporations” and “recalcitrant moon-chainers”, both protagonists bear responsibility:
“… the problem of the relationship between capital and labour awaiting solution; the conflict is fierce but a compromise will eventually be worked out if capital concedes certain arrogant powers, recognises the rights of other human beings and demonstrates less selfish greed, and if labour will work with less selfishness, prove less exacting and evince a more understanding spirit. The bridge between these two great groups must and will be built.”11
Julian Assange Update (For two newsletters about Assange in late 2010, click here and here.)
Since Assange’s blaze of publicity just under a year ago, things have been mysteriously quiet. When Assange recently lost his appeal for extradition on November 2, 2011, transiting Mercury and Venus were in the last degree of Scorpio. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is, “Children in Halloween costumes indulge in various pranks.” (Note that this degree is precisely trine to the degree of Mars in the Occupy chart.) Indeed, this is perhaps a fitting symbol for the behind-the-scenes manoeuvring that is determined to nail Julian Assange – poster boy for the Occupy movement and political scapegoat for all those he has offended.

Just a couple of days before, the transiting Sun on its yearly course had just passed over Assange’s Moon in Scorpio. This Scorpio Moon is associated with Assange’s sexual shenanigans and most likely his past karma in this area – plus the very Scorpionic area of spying and other intrigues. It is notable also, that his progressed Moon is currently in Taurus precisely opposite his natal Moon, further activating this pattern.
The Moon represents the past, antiquated, unregenerate patterns; it is unconscious and therefore in “shadow”. The past represents all actions that have brought us to this present moment, hence the Moon is related to karmic seeds sown – and karmic fruits harvested. Whether Assange is “guilty” of these alleged crimes or not, is almost beside the point as he may be “karmically guilty” and wind up serving time anyway.
As an aside, some years ago, I made a similar speculation about another Australian – Schapelle Corby, who was convicted of importing marijuana into Bali. (She, like Assange, is a Cancer Sun.) She always claimed her innocence, that her bags had been filled with drugs by criminal baggage handlers at the airport, but nevertheless she received a long jail sentence.
When she was arrested at the age of 27, her progressed Moon was precisely opposite Assange’s (7 Taurus 50); her progressed Moon return was only one month later at 8 Taurus 38. Whether it is a progressed Moon conjunction (Corby) or opposition (Assange, now), there is a certain fated quality about this position, something very potent with the pairs of opposites in this 8th degree of Scorpio-Taurus.

Corby and Assange: Taurus Moon opposite Scorpio Moon … will Assange share the same fate as Corby?
Still, it remains to be seen if Assange is convicted and incarcerated. It is quite possible that the USA may extradite him from Sweden and try him in their courts; they are still very sore about all the information that US Private Bradley Manning gave to Wikileaks. Assange has a host of challenging transits for the next couple of years and these may be examined according to unfolding events in future newsletters.
Israel’s Chiron in Scorpio and Its Mars Return
Israel’s two-yearly Mars return is exact on November 7, 2011. Several days before, Israel started its attack rhetoric on Iran once again. Israel’s Mars is in the seventh house of relationships – and enemies recognised; Mars in this position is a problem child that always sees enemies where they are not necessarily hiding, always the siege mentality. USA has a similar problem with its Mars also in the seventh house of relationships – there always tends to be a projected enemy somewhere that needs attacking.
The square from Mars in Leo (national pride) to Chiron in Scorpio (which Mars rules), says a lot about Israel’s unresolved “wound of power” and the fear that drives it toward pre-emptive strikes. Prime Minister Netanyahu has Scorpio rising and transiting Mars has been squaring his rising sign, stirring up the dogs of war. The Mars return chart for Israel contains hope for peace as it is Libra rising; nevertheless, the Moon is in Mars-ruled Aries opposite the rising sign and the transiting Mars-ruled Sun in Scorpio is opposite Israel’s Sun in Taurus. So, a little tension here. (Written Nov. 4, 2011.)
Final Word from Scorpio, Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919)
It’s interesting to reflect how the following statement would go down with the Occupy Movement almost a hundred years after Roosevelt’s parting. “Roosevelt was born into considerable wealth, for the family by the 19th century had grown in wealth, power, and influence from the profits of several businesses.” (Wiki) Whilst it is a fair and sane statement for Roosevelt’s generation and still very relevant today, this generation may not be so forgiving:
“Our aim is not to do away with corporations; on the contrary, these big aggregations are an inevitable development of modern industrialism, and the effort to destroy them would be futile unless accomplished in ways that would work the utmost mischief to the entire body politic. We can do nothing of good in the way of regulating and supervising these corporations until we fix clearly in our minds that we are not attacking the corporations, but endeavouring to do away with any evil in them. We are not hostile to them; we are merely determined that they shall be so handled as to subserve the public good. We draw the line against misconduct, not against wealth.”
Phillip Lindsay © 2011.
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- See Use the search engine to find essays on Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries. [↩]
- See this link. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.458. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.208. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.197. [↩]
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- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.825-6. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.633. [↩]