Taurus 2012: Venus. Fifth Ray. Ajna & Third Eye. Mayans. Wesak.

Artist: Johfra.
“I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.”
(Full Moon: May 5, 2012. 11.35 pm. New York, NY.)
“The Month of May is one of deepest significance to all who are
affiliated with the Great White Lodge (as are all true esotericists),
in that the Wesak Festival takes place and is of moment and deep import.
The period is always one of prime interest and rare opportunity …”1
The Three Major Spiritual Festivals
Venus and Taurus: Light and Wisdom
Taurus the Bull: Nandi, Vulcan and Shiva
Ajna Centre and the Third Eye
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers
The Great Opportunity at Wesak
Total Solar Eclipse Conjunct Alcyone – May 20, 2012
Significance of May 20 Eclipse in the Mayan Tradition
Eclipse Path Links East and West
The Approaching Venus Eclipse on the Gemini Full Moon
The Three Major Spiritual Festivals
Taurus is the second of the three major solar festivals that set the tone for each year. The initiating fire of Aries precipitates to earthy Taurus and is distributed in airy Gemini. However, Taurus or the Wesak Festival is the most important of these three full moon periods – a time of unique opportunity, particularly for cooperative group work by those conscious servers of the Plan:
“Endeavour to make the Wesak Festival a universal festival and known to be of value to all people of all faiths. It is the festival in which the two divine Leaders, of the East and of the West, collaborate together and work in the closest spiritual union; the Christ and the Buddha use this festival each year as the point of inspiration for the coming year’s work. See that you do likewise. The spiritual energies are then uniquely available.”2
Venus and Taurus: Light and Wisdom
Venus is the personality or exoteric ruler of Taurus, depicted as the feminine, beauty, desire, sensuous, lustful, stubborn, passive, yet also dictatorial. All descriptions are true and apt, if not contradictory, and it depends upon the individual’s stage of soul unfoldment or conditioning rays, as to how these zodiacal traits manifest.
The Venus connection to beauty and sex in Taurus is very powerful in this fecund sign that represents the height of spring in the northern hemisphere. (The “darling buds” of May.) The goddess of beauty is alloyed here with the fourth ray of art or beauty (the only ray that passes through Taurus), hence her sensual reputation as ruler of Libra and Taurus, both signs of beauty.

The Birth of Venus (Botticelli)
As much of humanity still have a strong astral bias, Taurean/Venusian beauty is usually perceived in its astral expression, that which has precipitated from the higher mental plane, the source of Venus’s true beauty – and the home of the human soul.
It is upon the mental plane that Venus reconciles the duelling pairs of opposites, creating harmony and beauty. Venus presides over the beauty of harmonious relationship and the creation of forms as instruments for the expression of beauty.
How does this occur? Venus is a “sacred planet” which means that it has reached a perfected stage of evolution within the solar system. Hence it is able to impart its harmonious vibrations and bring into wholeness that which is “non-sacred”, in conflict or separation. Venus is to the Earth what the soul is to the personality, hence it plays an extremely important role in human evolution.
The polar opposite of Taurus is Scorpio, over which the non-sacred planet Mars rules – as lord of conflict and war. In the esotericism encoded within mythology, Mars and Venus are lovers, hinting at their relationship as planets within the solar system, but also as the sex gender forces that Humanity works at balancing and using correctly.
The reader will note in the Johfra painting for Taurus that Mars is looking somewhat despondent and downtrodden, lying on his sword and shield, robbed of his power in the presence of Venus who rides the bull, demonstrating control over the animal nature. Mars is in “detriment” in Taurus and,
“Its activity adds constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus but the potency of the Taurian struggle is so great, esoterically speaking, that the effect of Mars is lost in the larger whole. It “adds to the glamour and confusion and yet holds within itself hope for the struggling man.””3
This is an interesting statement because of the seeming contradiction between Venus’s pacifying powers, versus the “potency of the Taurian struggle”. This struggle is connected closely to the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, or ray of art and beauty – that pours through Taurus.
Hence the harmonising force of Venus is connected to its power upon the mental plane. Venus brings into harmony the conflict inherent in fourth ray Taurus. Venus is also ruler of the fifth ray of science, a somewhat incongruous meaning for students of exoteric astrology, but which can be better understood in light of the explanation above.
Students must bear in mind the connection of the fifth ray and Venus to the fifth mental plane and the residence of the soul upon that plane.

The Seven Sub-Planes of the Mental Plane.
The Lotus of the Soul Upon the Upper Mental Plane.4
This is why Humanity is referred to as “man” generically, because male (man) and female (wo-man) alike, have their souls upon the manasic or mental plane (Sanskrit: manas=mind.) Venus is the light of knowledge and Taurus is the Mother of Illumination, a potent combination. The light of knowledge eventually becomes transformed into the light of illumination and wisdom – Venus becomes Sophia.

Parvati the Divine Mother. (Artist: Brenda Kay.)
In the not too distant future it is said that the outstanding characteristic of the intelligent principle in humanity, will have been to a large extent transmuted into wisdom by the world intelligentsia, but not by the masses.5
This transmutation however, will represent a critical mass that will have a very powerful influence over the entire planet, being a lower correspondence to smaller groups of souls who will take the third initiation upon the mental plane.

Sophia (Artist: Brenda Kay.)
Mind and love are two inextricably entwined factors in human evolution – one cannot do without the other. Hence Venus’s role as the mind or soul to planet Earth, as well as the Goddess of Love. A hint about this fact lies in the seven rays colour spectrum where orange (5th ray science/knowledge) can be seen opposite indigo blue (2nd ray love-wisdom).
The soul is upon the fifth mental plane but gravitates eventually from the third subplane (intelligence) to the second subplane (love-wisdom), hence the marriage of love and mind.
Taurus the Bull: Nandi, Vulcan and Shiva
The signs are alternately masculine and feminine, hence Taurus “should” be the cow, but it is called the Bull, a symbol of fertility but also the Will – as it works through the soul ruler of Taurus, Vulcan. It is also noteworthy that the Pleiades constellation found in Taurus, represents the “cosmic mother” or intelligence principle.
In mythology, Vulcan was the husband of Venus – the ‘ugliest’ and lame god united with the most beautiful goddess. Hence Taurus expresses a profound allegory about the unification of mind and matter, soul and personality, beauty and the beast, spirit into form.
In the Hindu tradition, Shiva is the equivalent of Vulcan, representing the first ray of will-power. Nandi the bull is Shiva’s vehicle, the “jiva” or soul.

Shiva riding Nandi through the hordes of maya.
Ajna Centre and the Third Eye
Venus and the fifth ray rule the ajna centre, the chakra that,
“… focusses the intention to create … It embodies the idea lying behind active creativity, the subsequent act of creation producing the ideal form for the idea.”6
This ajna centre or brow chakra is related to the third eye, the “bull’s eye” or “Shiva’s eye” – but is not that eye per se,
“Taurus, the up-turned horns of the Bull with the circle below, depicting the push of man, the Bull of God, towards the goal of illumination and the emergence of the soul from bondage with the two horns (duality) protecting the “eye of light” in the centre of the Bull’s forehead; this is “the single eye” of the New Testament which makes the “whole body to be full of light.7
In Taurus – Desire is transmuted into aspiration, darkness gives place to light and illumination, the eye of the Bull is opened which is the spiritual third eye, or the “single eye”.8
The light from the eye of the bull guides the soul through ongoing revelations and it is constructed by the aspirant, having a correspondence to the concrete mind, “with its capacity to interpret environment and experience.”9 It exists in etheric matter and “can also act as a lens or a light-gatherer from the inner and higher worlds”.10
One of the key factors that relates to a practical use of these faculties, lies in the following,
“One of the fundamental rules back of all magical processes is that no man is a magician or worker in white magic until the third eye is opened, or in process of opening, for it is by means of that eye that the thought form is energised, directed and controlled and the lesser builders or forces are swept into any particular line of activity.”11

Ajna Centre.
This ability to direct forces is heightened at the period of the full moon and meditating in a group, creates limitless possibilities for transforming the world. Vulcan, the divine smithy of Taurus, through meditation and visualisation, shapes ideas and knowledge into thoughtforms that will precipitate into the minds of humanity – distributed in the following sign of Gemini. (Hence the importance of seeing the link between these first three spiritual festivals of Aries, Taurus and Gemini.)
“Such is the test of Vulcan, ruling Taurus, of the soul, ruling desire, of the Son of God, fashioning His instrument of expression in the depths, grasping the divine purpose and so bending the will of the little self to that of the greater Self. The depths have been reached and there is no more to be done.”12
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers
This “greater self” is the world at large, one’s group or the group soul. The New Group of World Servers is a world group made of many individuals and groups, that seeks to serve the greater plan:
“The New Group of World Servers is composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion. Originally, this group was composed of a handful of accepted disciples and consecrated aspirants. Its ranks have been opened … to all those of good will who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to all races, nationalities and religions.13 … This group is ruled

The NGWS that connects Humanity to Hierarchy.
by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurean energy brings “illumination and the attainment of the vision.”
This group is, figuratively speaking, the “bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon the goal and beaming light.” But what is that goal? It is not the goal of Self-illumination, for that lies far behind; it is the goal of providing a centre of light within the world … and of holding up the vision … Let this never be forgotten, and let the New Group of World Servers realise its mission and recognise the demands of humanity upon it. What are these demands? Let me enumerate them, and then let me ask you to take them in all simplicity and act upon them.
1. To receive and transmit illumination from the kingdom of souls.
2. To receive inspiration from the Hierarchy and go forth, consequently, to inspire.
3. To hold the vision of the Plan before the eyes of humanity, for “where there is no vision, the people perish.”
4. To act as an intermediate group between the Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power and then using both of these, under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow. ”14
The passage above, “the goal of providing a centre of light within the world … and of holding up the vision”, is the way that trained meditators within the NGWS can transform the world. Of , “grasping the divine purpose and so bending the will of the little self to that of the greater Self“. This is the power of Taurus, of Venus and working from the mental plane – resolving dualities, creating harmony and beauty:
“… you have all the needed illumination and light upon all the coming problems, waiting to precipitate itself through the New Group of World Servers under the influence of Taurus, the nurturer of all illumination, and you have humanity, at the same time, conditioned and made sensitive by Piscean energy during the past two thousand years. You have, therefore, a condition of great spiritual promise …”15

Wesak Valley, Tibet. The Buddha links in a triangle with Sanat Kumara and The Christ, overlighting the assembled Masters of Wisdom in the five-pointed star formation, whilst a crowd of pilgrims looks on.
Many people of goodwill, even those esoterically and metaphysically inclined, do not utilise the full power that they have at their disposal; they do not realise the enormous difference that can be effected through learning to meditate correctly, linking with other individuals and groups and directing energy for planetary purpose.
Even those who are experienced meditators, if they are honest with themselves, will all acknowledge that we are babies in our quest to become white magicians and accelerate planetary consciousness.
We have soooo far to go in our liberation process, in actively co-operating with the soul and not slipping into an innocuous passivity of an overwhelmed personality that complains, “it’s all too much”!
The Great Opportunity at Wesak
Hence the great opportunity at Wesak is to tune in for the 2-3 days before and after the full moon time, of using unitedly the Great Invocation on every day of this period, but especially on the day of the Wesak full moon:
“The aggregated aspiration, consecration and intelligent devotion of the group carries the individuals of which it is composed to greater heights than would be possible alone. The group stimulation and the united effort sweep the entire group to an intensity of realisation that would otherwise be impossible. Just as the Law of Attraction, working on the physical plane, brought them together as men and women into one group effort, so the Law of Magnetic Impulse can begin to control them when, again as a group and only as a group, they unitedly constitute themselves channels for service in pure self-forgetfulness.”16
This last phrase, “pure self-forgetfulness” is the hallmark of the decentralised attitude that all aspirants and disciples seek to cultivate. Self-forgetfulness from the cares and woes of daily living – the little “I” at the centre of its dramatic little universe, right through to “my service work”, even “my meditation at Wesak”, become “our” or “we”, serving impersonally the Plan with love, selflessness and detachment. (Detachment is one of the greatest lessons for Taurus.) The Tibetan continues,

Borobodur Temple, Central Java, Indonesia.
“This thought embodies the opportunity immediately before all groups of aspirants and allied men of good will in the world today. If at the time of the May full moon they work together as a group of souls, they can accomplish much. This thought illustrates also the significance of this law which does produce polar union.
What is needed to be grasped is that in this work, there is no personal ambition implied (even of a spiritual nature) and no personal union sought. This is not the mystical union of the scriptures or of the mystical tradition. It is not alignment and union with a Master’s group or fusion with one’s inner band of pledged disciples, nor even with one’s own Ray life … This union is a greater and more vital thing because it is a group union.”17
Djwhal Khul is pointing out here a totally new approach that is entirely, and most occultly Aquarian, compared to the old mystical Piscean model. Group meditation will be the vital essence of the Aquarian cycle into which we are entering; it is the true Vajrayana (“Vehicle of the thunderbolt.”) meditation that will allow humanity to vision and determine its own destiny through free will, by aligning with the greater laws of Planetary Purpose – and direct itself thereby,
“… This makes a planetary alignment of great potency. Should the needed work be accomplished at the Wesak Festivals, the needed adjustments in the world can be made. The success or failure lies largely in the hands of the New Group of World Servers.”18
Total Solar Eclipse May 20, 2012 Conjunct Alcyone
“A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun, causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring), blocking most of the Sun’s light. An annular eclipse appears as a partial eclipse over a region thousands of kilometres wide.

The annular phase will be visible from the Chinese coast, the south of Japan, and the western part of the United States and Canada. Guangzhou, Tokyo and Albuquerque will be on the central path. Kanarraville, Utah will be a perfect place to view the annular phase. Its maximum will occur in the North Pacific, south of the Aleutian islands for 5 min 46.3 s, and finish in the western United States. It will be the first central eclipse of the 21st century in the continental USA.”19
This is an important date that some Mayan scholars claim is the “real” date for Mayan predictions in 2012, not December 21; for the beginning of the return of Quetzalcoatl or The Christ. Eclipses are always powerful events as they tend to imprint potently the prevailing planetary and ray energies – deep into the etheric body of the Earth.
There has always been alot of superstition and fear around eclipses because they have coincided occasionally with disasters or other major planetary events. Quite often an eclipse is activated 3-9 months later by other eclipses, full moons or simply the transit of a planet over the original eclipse degree. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note a Nostradamus earthquake prophecy for this date, year unknown,
“IX 83.
Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very mightily.
It will ruin the great heater filled:
To darken and trouble air, sky and land
Then the infidel will call upon God and saints.”
Is “twentieth of Taurus”, May 20 or 20 degrees of Taurus? We will soon find out no doubt!

The Pleiades in the neck of the Bull.
This eclipse will conjoin very closely the star Alcyone in the Pleiades, esoterically the central point around which our entire solar system cycles:
“The Pleiades are the central group of the system of sidereal astronomy.
a. They are found in the neck of the Bull, the constellation Taurus.
b. They are therefore in the Milky Way.
c. They are thus considered (Alcyone, in particular) as the central point around which our universe of fixed stars revolves.20
The sun (i.e. the solar system) has Alcyone in the Pleiades for the centre of its orbit.”21
Significance of May 20 Eclipse in the Mayan Tradition22
Still on the Venus theme, the ancient Mayans based their calendar upon a 584 day cycle of Venus. The year 2,012 is the end of a 5,125 year cycle called the “Fifth Sun” that started in 3,114 BC. This date is very close to the start of the Hindu Kali Yuga in 3,102 BC.
If five “Sun” periods are multiplied by 5,125 years, the sum total = 25,625 years, the approximate length of the precession cycle or “Great Year”, whose usual duration is stated in the West as 25,920 years.
Hence 2,012 represents the end and beginning of two vast precession cycles, astronomically identified in 2,012, more popularly on December the 21st when an exact alignment takes place with the Galactic Centre at approximately 26 degrees of Sagittarius.
Hence in 2012 there is an eclipse on May 20 conjunct the Central Spiritual Sun (Alcyone) and at sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years, the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic.
These are powerful cosmic events and, invoked by the thoughts of thousands yearning for transformation and change, will be drawn dramatically into Earth’s sphere.
Mayan scholar John Major Jenkins, states that Quetzalcoatl (the plumed serpent), was the symbol of a Sun-Pleiades-zenith conjunction. Exactly 60 days after the Spring Equinox, on May 20, the zenith passage of the sun takes place over Chichen Itza, the stepped pyramid in the Mexican state of Yucatan. This year the conjunction takes place on a full annular eclipse, a very rare occurence.
The Crotalus rattlesnake has a marking on it which is identical to the Solar “Ahau” glyph of the Maya, and its rattle was called “tzab”, which is the same word used for the Pleiades star cluster.

The appearance of the serpent at Chichen Itza at the equinoxes.
The Mayan myth described the snake that came down and fertilized the earth, hence the Mayans would know when to plant their crops. The esoteric symbolism is far deeper – the feathered serpent being Quetzalcoatl – a Serpent of Wisdom, fertilising the earth (Taurus) from the higher spheres once a year; connecting to the cosmic centre Alcyone, around which our solar system perambulates; anchoring on Earth energy concerning the entire solar system. There is also an intimate relation between Earth and another aspect of the Pleaides constellation, mysteriously stated as follows:
“The Seven Sisters, or the Pleiades, and from that one in particular who is occultly termed “the wife” of the planetary Logos [our Earth] whose scheme will eventually receive the seeds of life from our planet.23 … the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of mind … and Venus was responsible for the coming of mind to the Earth.”24

Quetzalcoatl in his various guises.
“A Mesoamerican Christ: Quetzalcoatl is to the New World what Christ is to Europe [or Krishna to India]: the center of a religious cosmology and the pre-eminent symbol of the civilized nations of Mesoamerica. Both were considered to be men who ascended into heaven upon their death; Christ to sit at the right hand of God, Quetzalcoatl to become the Morning Star [Venus].
Both were tempted by evil powers; Christ by Satan, Quetzalcoatl by the wizard-god Tezcatlipoca. And both were prophesied to one day return to earth, Christ as the Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven, Quetzalcoatl as a god-king returned to claim his kingdom in Central Mexico.
To understand the life and teachings of Jesus Christ is to understand Christianity, the root religion of what we refer to as Western Civilization. To understand the life and mystery of Quetzalcoatl is to understand the religious thought of what we call Mesoamerica.”25
“Quetzalcoatl was described as a white man, with a beard, who wore long robes, and who gave a message of love, forbidding the blood sacrifice, teaching of the One Supreme God, and giving the Toltecs many material things of their culture, such as the calendar.
He left the Toltecs because of the enmity and persecution of powerful religious leaders, but promised one day to return, as he had left, from the East, over the ocean. But what of the return of Quetzalcoatl? He would return, bringing a reign of peace, and the “advent of a new spiritual order”. He would return as he had left, from the East, across the sea. He would be bearded, Caucasian and wear long robes.”26
Eclipse Path Links East and West

Annular Solar Eclipse Path, May 20, 2012.
The path of the eclipse depicts where the full eclipse will be most visible and usually the most potent in terms of its effects. Its linking of East to West, or the region of Japan to Canada and the USA is most symbolic and significant.
As the earlier passage attests, the central eclipse path runs through Guangzhou in China, Tokyo in Japan (very close to Fukushima and Sendai), terminating at Albuquerque in the USA. The immediate relations that come to mind are obviously economic, industrial and trading from these large eastern centres to the USA.
Another factor is the Japan and the west coast of the USA sit on the “Pacific rim of fire” – earthquake and tsunami-sensitive – almost as a reflex between one and the other. Related to this is the little-reported fact that Japan’s deteriorating nuclear reactors are still sending plumes of radioactivity polluting the Pacific Ocean, resulting in higher concentrations in North America and the rest of the northern hemisphere in general. The following description is by Dr. Mark Sircus:
“The story of the nuclear waste pools was just published in the Huffington Post. I imagine many do read that publication and what they read there should shake people up pretty good:
Pools are 100 feet above the ground and are completely open to the atmosphere because the reactor buildings were demolished by explosions. The pools could possibly topple or collapse from structural damage coupled with another powerful earthquake. (Huffington Post)
“The urgency of the situation is underscored by the ongoing seismic activity where 13 earthquakes of magnitude 4.0-5.7 have occurred off the northeast coast of Japan between April 14 and 17.
This has been the norm since the first quake and tsunami hit the Dai-Ichi site on March 11 of last year. Larger quakes are expected closer to the power plant,” continues the Huffington Post,
“If an earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain, this could result in a catastrophic radiological fire that could wipe out most of the northern hemisphere; certainly it would be a massive civilization-breaking event some are suggesting.”27
Well, on that cheery note, 2012 may well live up to some doomsday scenarios that have been painted. (On the other hand we must be careful of adding to the potency of fear that stands behind many of these thoughtforms.) When one is reminded of the ongoing square between Pluto (plutonium) and Uranus (uranium) up until 2015, all these possibilities are latent.
Perhaps this is the end of nuclear fission power as we know it (before nuclear fusion replaces it), hopefully consigned to the dustbin of history. Interestingly, Alburqueque is home to USA’s National Museum of Nuclear Science & History!
The one over-riding factor is that radical change is needed so badly and immediately today, that any of these kind of natural disasters may well be a catalyst for that “change we can believe in”!

Transit of Venus over the Sun.
The Approaching Venus Eclipse on the Gemini Full Moon
There will be much more about this in the Gemini newsletter, but suffice to mention here that it represents another powerful phase in these three spiritual festivals that are connected to Venus, the Mayan prophecies and the 2012 scenario in general.
The eclipse occurs on June 6, 2012, two days after the exact time of the Gemini full moon of June 4, hence the eclipse is energetically well within the full moon period.
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men—
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Phillip Lindsay © 2012.
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- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.684. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.641. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
- Adapted and coloured from the Alice A. Bailey writings by Keith Bailey, AUM. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.97. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.148. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.144-5. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.143. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1008. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.393. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.690. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.233. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.230. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.133. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.133. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.133. [↩]
- NASA on Wikipedia. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.582. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.545. [↩]
- For more on the Mayans, see Destiny of the Races and Nations II, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1053. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.347. [↩]
- Breakthrough Celebration:A Global Process leading into the Quetzalcoatl/Christ energy of the Fifth Day, Carl Johan Calleman. [↩]
- Prophetic Dates Given by Toltecs and Mayas, Olin Karch. [↩]
- Dr. Mark Sircus. www.theintelhub.com. [↩]