Taurus 2013: Wesak. Divine Feminine. Illumination. Sex. Mars Aries.
“I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.”
(April 26, 2013. 3.57 pm, New York, NY.)
“The Month of May is one of deepest significance to all who are
affiliated with the Great White Lodge (as are all true esotericists),
in that the Wesak Festival takes place and is of moment and deep import.
The period is always one of prime interest and rare opportunity …”1
Taurus and the Divine Feminine
Taurus, the Mother of Illumination
Taurus-Scorpio: Desire, Sex and Satiation
The Current Influence of Mars’ Explosions
The Three Major Spiritual Festivals
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers
Taurus and the Divine Feminine
Taurus is unique in that it is a “feminine” sign, yet it is symbolised by that most masculine of symbols, the bull; shouldn’t it be the cow – symbol of birth and fecundity? When delving into Taurus more esoterically, we discover that it actually embodies a synthesis of masculine and feminine energies on various levels – through the planetary rulers and the seven ray forces.
Bear in mind that we use these terms “masculine” and “feminine” because of our limited gender-centric earth consciousness, forgetting that the soul itself has no gender, nor do the planets. The soul simply gains its incarnated experience through bodies in order to balance the pairs of opposites that emerge during the long journey from material to greater awareness.
The duality of gender reminds us of the duality of consciousness, that once transcended by humanity as a whole, will see the race return to the physical hermaphrodite, many millions of years in the future. That fusion in form, embodying the masculine and the feminine, will reflect fusion in consciousness or non-duality.

The pomegranate is a typical Taurean fruit, rich with the fertility of both feminine and masculine – the red sweet flesh of the womb-like fruit, holding its seeds (sperm) within, symbolising synthesis. It is said that this ancient mystic fruit of the Eleusinian initiation rites signifies a fall into the sensuous life, temporarily depriving the soul of its immortality; it also represents the seeds of wisdom that are eventually born from that experience.
Though somewhat misunderstood, the current return to the divine feminine as a revolt against Old Testament patriarchy (or should we say, O.T. = “old testicles”!), is entirely appropriate, putting the emphasis upon beauty, caring and nurturing, love, harmony and peace; as opposed to the Mars-ial aggression, war, conflict, and domination scenario that is continually perpetuated in movies and media.
This balancing of the scales in human history is currently ruled over by that most androgynous of signs, Libra (also Venus-ruled) – and will herald an emergence into an era of a matured “divine masculine”. This maturity is much needed, as in many cultures East and West, it is the selfish “boy” that currently rules, with his grossly distorted attitudes to women and sex in general.
Taurus at its fundamental level could not be more representative of that initial material consciousness where the soul is locked in matter, imprisoned in form, uninformed and ignorant, bound by inertia or tamas. (Yet the opposite is true in highly evolved souls.) In the northern hemisphere symbolism based upon the Earth oriented to the north pole-star, Taurus represents spring in its full thrust and flowering, the mating rituals within the animal kingdom, the creation of new forms for new lives to inhabit.
This is the Moon’s exaltation in Taurus, the mother of the form. The lunar cycles all influence physical growth in the vegetable, animal and human kingdoms. The Moon has nothing to do with consciousness, it is simply a rhythmic biological influence; it might be glorified as “Mother Earth” or Pan but, (as I have reiterated many times), the true “feminine” or Gaia resides within the Earth; its satellite the Moon has long since had the remnants of spiritual life removed in earlier cycles.
Likewise, we see this lunar biological action in the other Moon-ruled “feminine” signs of Cancer the Mother and Virgo the Virgin Mother.
The other “feminine” influence in Taurus derives from Venus – in traditional astrology, the ruler of Taurus and goddess of art and beauty, sex and money, the alluring and sensual form etc. This is true, however it is an astralised interpretation of Venus because much of humanity is still astrally polarised.

At a higher level, Venus is a “mental” energy, ruler of the 5th ray of mind – “masculine” qualities. Here it is responsible for the divine archetypal ideas that emerge into human consciousness. These perfect archetypes can and do emerge into beautiful forms on the physical plane – sometimes they are informed with beautiful consciousness, mostly not at this stage of evolution.
Venus’ symbol is the five-pointed star and it is embodied in that most feminine of fruits, the paw-paw. Similar to the pomegranate and in keeping with yin-yang fusion, the seeds are attached to the fleshy walls of the “womb”. The seeds are very bitter, containing great healing qualities (papain), whilst the flesh is sweet. (The flesh is also weak!)

Taurus, Mother of Illumination
The Moon’s exaltation in Taurus, embodies in its full moon symbolism, the reflection of the Sun and solar consciousness. When Venus is considered, “Venus is “the little sun in which the solar orb stores his lights””(H.P. Blavatsky), is it any wonder Taurus is called the “mother of illumination”? Yet the esoteric ruler Vulcan adds even more light. It is said that “Vulcan and the Sun are one”, such is the close proximity of Vulcan to the Sun, imbued with solar consciousness.
In mythology, Vulcan was married to Venus – the “ugliest” god united with the most beautiful goddess – who had many sexual liaisons with other gods.

Stop reading and stare at this for a few minutes!
The solar system is a vast matrix of energy interactions that are encoded in the old myths. Vulcan represents the Will and is archetypally “masculine”, yet he was lame in the myth, symbolising his imperfection at using the spiritual will correctly.
Hence, Taurus expresses a profound allegory on the unification of mind and matter, soul and personality, beauty and the beast, spirit into form; it also hints at the superficiality of the form nature that veils the indwelling consciousness.
Vulcan’s hammer creates a shower of sparks/ideas upon his anvil; Venus and the Moon bring those ideas into manifestation. Both earthy Taurus and 5th ray Venus are connected to the descent of divine ideas into manifestation. Vulcan, the divine smithy of Taurus, shapes ideas and knowledge into thoughtforms that will precipitate into the minds of humanity – distributed in the following sign of Gemini.
“Such is the test of Vulcan, ruling Taurus, of the soul, ruling desire, of the Son of God, fashioning His instrument of expression in the depths, grasping the divine purpose and so bending the will of the little self to that of the greater Self. The depths have been reached and there is no more to be done.”2
The polar opposite of Taurus is Scorpio, over which the non-sacred planet Mars rules, as lord of conflict and war. Esoterically speaking, humanity is ruled over by the Scorpio Creative Hierarchy, and this explains a lot about Humanity’s journey of pain and conflict, “unique” within this solar system. In the esotericism encoded within mythology, Mars and Venus are lovers, hinting at their relationship as planets within the solar system, but also as the sex gender forces that Humanity works at balancing and using correctly.
Venus is the light of knowledge and Taurus is the Mother of Illumination, a potent combination. The light of knowledge eventually becomes transformed into the light of illumination and wisdom – Venus becomes Sophia.
Taurus-Scorpio: Desire, Sex and Satiation
This is a huge subject and has been dealt with in many of this author’s writings.3 Suffice to say, the balancing of the pairs of opposites upon the astral plane is connected closely to Taurus-Scorpio. Desire arising in Taurus finds its physical satiation in Scorpio; in turn, the depth and intensity of the Scorpio experience brings illumination in Taurus.
Indeed, the Dweller or shadow lurks within the lower chakras. Scorpio rules over the sacral region whilst Taurus rules over the throat area. Over-activation of the sacral centre can bring up a flood of issues that might overwhelm the unprotected adventurer, leaving them open to manipulation from the subtle planes by involutionary forces.
Evolution dictates that the procreative forces of the sacral centre are eventually redirected to the throat centre, seat of the mental body and source of all higher creative consciousness. The trick to life is to keep that circulation between the higher and lower centres, without undue emphasis upon either. One centre compliments the other, the lower centre acts as a manifester for the creativity that emanates from the higher centre and so forth; neither an eccentric intellectual polarised in the mental body and completely out of touch with the physical plane, nor an obsessed sex addict trapped by desire on the astral plane. Of course, these are the extremes but they all experienced upon the path at some stage, or even within one life as a final “running of the gauntlet” toward initiation over several lives.
Those with strong placements in either Taurus or Scorpio, natally or by progression, will experience these themes in their lives more than the average. In fact, in the eyes of their peers, they might be regarded as obsessive or fixated upon sex, whose mystery has been with humanity for aeons.

Christ in the Mountains. (Nicholas Roerich.)
Why are all perfected Masters (oops, there’s the gender thang again!) – in the East or West seen as “sexless” or androgynous beings? Simply because they have transcended the allure of sex and all that constitutes what we call human living; their halos reflect the fact that consciousness is focused in the head centre; their actions reflect the Way of the Heart; they have united completely the masculine and feminine; all human experience has been undergone, desire for incarnation has been satiated, there is no urge or need to return, except for the purposes of service.
The pomegranate can be eaten at will; the relation is entirely with the Divine; sex is utilised within the natural rhythms of life and relationships, as already expressed by a significant proportion of light-workers. Yet, perfected Teachers and Masters are symbols for Humanity of the ultimate achievement that lies at the end of the road – where the mystery of the universal force we call sex is revealed and understood; it has been “raised up” and the pomegranate is no longer “ravished” in the earth-bound dimension. Sophia’s seeds of wisdom have been eaten and digested, a sense of proportion prevails.
In the meantime, it is important to recognise also, that the abuse of sex was one of the major problems responsible for the demise of Atlantis. A recapitulation of this occurred in the decadent days of the Roman empire (Nero) and to some extent is happening again today.
There are many approaches that are aimed at the healing of human sexuality, which essentialise down to right relationships and right direction of energy. Here it finds its right expression through intimacy, and the beauty of mystical union. However, for a significant proportion of aspirants, there is an unwillingness to move on from an undue focus on sex, an inertia to “get over it”!
It is connected to a sense of power (Scorpio) and old Atlantean karma-conditioning, where those individuals were “sex magicians”, holding great earthly power and influence over many people. Likewise today, there is still a powerful influence between those leaders and “followers” because of those ancient karmic threads. The old mantra is still sounding and the leader “leads”, but through the veils of their own maya and illusion, not necessarily toward the light, thereby misleading many. The incoming seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic is bringing these kind of specific issues to the surface. One of the major glamours of the seventh ray is the misuse of “subterranean forces” and the practice of sex magic:
“The major function of this seventh ray is to bring together the negative and positive aspects of the natural processes. It consequently governs the sex relationship of all forms; it is the potency underlying the marriage relation, and hence as this ray comes into manifestation in this world cycle, we have the appearance of fundamental sex problems – license, disturbance in the marriage relation, divorce and the setting in motion of those forces which will eventually produce a new attitude to sex and the establishing of those practices, attitudes and moral perceptions which will govern the relation between the sexes during the coming New Age.”4
The sense of emasculation for these old Atlanteans is profound, as they find themselves “spiritual leaders” or spokespeople in this cycle. (Many of us have been there!) Their plight is often projected or blamed upon religion or a host of other cultural and psychological factors.

What is Persephone holding and why is she smiling? (Athens Museum. Photo by author.)
Only by submitting themselves to a psychological emasculation (Pluto-Scorpio), – relinquishment of that illusion of power, will navigation out of this old cul-de-sac eventually take place. This means actually discarding all the fancy trappings that their sexual philosophy might be dressed up in or disguised behind. This seeming dis-empowerment leads to a real spiritual empowerment. It is an opportunity that can be considered as one of the “dark nights of the soul” leading to the second initiation, where the aspirant-disciple has to face up to and recognise their past. The Scorpio-Taurus axis is regarded as,
“The final victory of soul over form. Death and darkness demonstrate as life and light as the result of this energy relationship. The dark night of the soul becomes radiant sun.”5
The Current Influence of Mars’ Explosions
The spiritual new year of Aries 2013 started with a bang. Mars was prominent at the Aries equinox and also in the Aries full moon chart. The day of the Boston Marathon, a string of explosions went off in Iraq. One witness described the bomb scene in Boston as, “like Iraq”. A similar comment was made by another witness at the West, Texas explosion, thereby bringing into greater awareness the plight of those that experience these horrors almost every day – in places like Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq.
Suffice to say, and regardless of the guilt of any individual or group, this incident will most definitely feed into the dates forecast in the Pisces newsletter (The Glamour of 9/11: Imminent Revelation of the Truth). May 21 and August 18 were both given as significant dates concerning the revelation of 9/11 truth in 2013.
The progressed Sun in the City of Boston’s chart (March 3, 1822) is at the same degree as the Sun in the 9/11 horoscope. There are other similarities too, the Moon was in late Gemini in Boston, as it was in 9/11. In the above-mentioned newsletter for Pisces, this author went to great pains to identify the deceit and manipulation that the Moon in Gemini in the 9/11 chart represents. Also, Jupiter, the great exponent of truth, on the day of the Boston bombing, was at the same degree of Saturn in Gemini in the 9/11 chart. These are not just coincidences …
As Aussie journalist and activist John Pilger states, it’s not a “war on terror”, it’s a “war of terror” perpetuated by the very groups who coined the original phrase. Many Western governments have now fallen into this perverted and ruthless culture, becoming mindless tools for the forces of selfishness. The battle for humanity in resisting these insidious influences, rages on many fronts – over food, water, power, resources, education, money, armaments etc.
In this transition of the ages, it is very easy to get caught up in our outrage, plug into the mass consciousness illusions of the muggles world and become blinded. We are surrounded by the crises of a crumbling system, yet we live in it; we are at the same time building a new dawn that is based upon truth, compassion, sharing, co-operation and community.
In this respect, the New Group of World Servers cannot afford to take their eyes off the goal, building the emerging paradigm that will repair and replace the desperately decayed and corrupted model that we see sinking before us. Energy expended on our indignation must be more creatively directed in building new alternatives. We must learn to walk that Libran fine line where we can say, “let the dead bury their dead”, yet not be complacent or apathetic in taking action on immediate and urgent matters.
The Three Major Spiritual Festivals
Taurus is the second of the three major solar festivals that set the tone for each year. The initiating fire of Aries precipitates to earthy Taurus and is distributed in airy Gemini. However, Taurus or the Wesak Festival is the most important of these three full moon periods; it is a time of unique opportunity, partially because the planetary centre we know as Shamballa is involved – and because co-operative group work by those conscious servers of the Plan can be effected in response to the note that Shamballa sends out:
“Endeavour to make the Wesak Festival a universal festival and known to be of value to all people of all faiths. It is the festival in which the two divine Leaders, of the East and of the West, collaborate together and work in the closest spiritual union; the Christ and the Buddha use this festival each year as the point of inspiration for the coming year’s work. See that you do likewise. The spiritual energies are then uniquely available.”6
We might add to this passage, that the Lord of Shamballa, Sanat Kumara, links up to form a triangle with the Buddha and Christ, broadcasting their message according to the Divine Plan thus far unfolded.
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers
“The New Group of World Servers is composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion. Originally, this group was composed of a handful of accepted disciples and consecrated aspirants.
Its ranks have been opened … to all those of good will who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to all races, nationalities and religions … This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurean energy brings “illumination and the attainment of the vision.”
This group is, figuratively speaking, the “bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon the goal and beaming light.” But what is that goal? It is not the goal of Self-illumination, for that lies far behind; it is the goal of providing a centre of light within the world … and of holding up the vision … Let this never be forgotten, and let the New Group of World Servers realise its mission and recognise the demands of humanity upon it. What are these demands? Let me enumerate them, and then let me ask you to take them in all simplicity and act upon them.
1. To receive and transmit illumination from the kingdom of souls.
2. To receive inspiration from the Hierarchy and go forth, consequently, to inspire.
3. To hold the vision of the Plan before the eyes of humanity, for “where there is no vision, the people perish.”
4. To act as an intermediate group between the Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power and then using both of these, under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow. ”7
Hence the importance of Wesak, where the entire Hierarchy are assembled to transmit the Plan to that Taurean intermediary, the New Group of World Servers. This is where They sound the note and the NGWS listen intently to the quality of that sound, broadcasting as they interpret through their every day service.
” … men and women, who are oriented to soul living in their aggregate, form a group of souls, en rapport with the source of spiritual supply. They have, as a group, and from the angle of the Hierarchy, established a contact and are “in touch” with the world of spiritual realities … this group of aligned souls come into contact with certain greater Lives and Forces of Light, such as the Christ and the Buddha. The aggregated aspiration, consecration and intelligent devotion of the group carries the individuals of which it is composed to greater heights than would be possible alone. The group stimulation and the united effort sweep the entire group to an intensity of realisation that would otherwise be impossible … they unitedly constitute themselves channels for service in pure self-forgetfulness.
… If at the time of the May full moon they work together as a group of souls, they can accomplish much. This thought illustrates also the significance of this law which does produce polar union … in this work, there is no personal ambition implied (even of a spiritual nature) and no personal union sought. This is not the mystical union of the scriptures or of the mystical tradition. It is not alignment and union with a Master’s group or fusion with one’s inner band of pledged disciples, nor even with one’s own Ray life … This union is a greater and more vital thing because it is a group union.”8

Wesak Valley, Tibet. The Buddha links in a triangle with Sanat Kumara and The Christ, overlighting the assembled Masters of Wisdom in the five-pointed star formation, whilst a crowd of pilgrims looks on. We are all invited to attend on the inner planes!
(Mantra, Meditation and Prayer for the New Era)
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men–
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Phillip Lindsay © 2013.
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- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.683. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.393. [↩]
- See “Taurus-Scorpio Axis (Edited transcript of talk)” in Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.571-2. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.338. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.681. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.690. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.113. [↩]