Taurus 2014: Wesak. Shamballa. World Servers. 9-Year Cycle. Israel.

The Wesak Valley in Tibet. The Buddha returns each year
to preside over the gathering of Masters (pentagram) and pilgrims.
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”
(Full Moon: May 14, 2014. 8.16 pm. London, UK.)
Why Wesak is the Most Important Spiritual Festival of the Year
The Structure of Shamballa
Understanding Our Role as World Servers
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
Israel’s Dance with Destiny
Why Wesak is the Most Important Spiritual Festival of the Year
The importance of the first three spiritual festivals of the year – Aries, Taurus and Gemini – cannot be emphasised enough. Taurus marks the high-water mark of the spiritual year because those Liberated Beings who guide Humanity, meet in yearly conclave, but this year there is an extra special meeting, as will be elaborated upon later. They gather to receive, literally, the “Word of God”, the new impulse that was released in Aries – and transmit the “new codes”, the Planetary Plan that is amended annually, through their various subjective ashrams of workers, to Humanity.
All this is planned according to ray and astrological cycles and the constantly changing state of the world, due to humanity determining its own destiny. It is said that the Hierarchy of Masters (The Elder Brothers, The Great White Brotherhood), can only guide the human race upon its way, they cannot interfere with human free will. This was starkly illustrated during one of the most perilous moments of World War II, the Hierarchy were preparing to withdraw from human contact, as has been quoted frequently in these missives,
“The evil forces were closer to success than any of you have ever dreamed. They were so close to success in 1942 that there were four months when the members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite and unforeseen period of time; the plans for a closer contact with the evolutionary process in the three worlds and the effort to blend and fuse the two divine centres, the Hierarchy and Humanity, into one working, collaborating whole seemed doomed to destruction.
Their fusion would have meant the appearance of the Kingdom of God on earth; the obstacles to this fusion, owing to the active tension of the dark forces, seemed at that time insuperable; we believed that man would go down to defeat, owing to his selfishness and his misuse of the principle of free will. We made all preparations to withdraw, and yet at the same time we struggled to get humanity to choose rightly and to see the issues clearly.”1

That period was only seventy years ago, a sobering reminder that the world could still precipitate a similar crisis, especially at this time of the 2014 Grand Cross, with the ongoing Uranus-Pluto squares until 2015.
There are many developments in the world today that are not unlike the rise of pre-WWII fascism and materialism; the difference today is that is not one or two nations, but a culture that has insidiously infected many nations in one way or another.
In some ways humanity has refined to a greater degree its materialistic and selfish “misuse of the principle of free will”. Yet it has also developed its capacity for compassion and understanding, and through world wide media, a greater awareness for the plight of the world as a whole. There is a much greater recognition of the part that each individual or group plays in the greater scheme of things; this is linked to the partially successful and ever so gradual fusion stated above, of “the two divine centres – Hierarchy and Humanity.”
Hence, Wesak is the time when the advanced souls of humanity, the aspirants, disciples and initiates that compose the New Group of World Servers, reach out to connect with these Planetary Guiding Lights – the Chohans of the Seven Rays, the various Masters who preside over the ashrams that are conditioned by the rays. (An individual’s soul ray determines what ashram they belong to, or toward which they gravitate.)
Planetary Centre | Chakra |
Shamballa | Head |
The Nirmanakayas. “Inspired Contemplatives”. |
Hierarchy | Heart |
New Group World Servers | Ajna |
Humanity | Throat |
In preparing for Wesak through meditation and reflection, individually and in group, we set aside personal views and opinions about what is going on, and tune in to intuitive impressions. Through right meditation, the stilling of the waters and holding the mind steady in the light, a safe alignment can be created that allows receptivity to the transmissions from “radio Shamballa” via Hierarchy.
The Structure of Shamballa
Taurus is an unique period when the force of Shamballa is most present and potent. To many who seek spiritual knowledge, the whole idea of Shamballa may be a little abstract. The challenge for us as mystics is to penetrate into a deeper understanding of the true multi-dimensional structure of the world; this can be achieved through the study of occultism (that which is hidden), meditating and reflecting upon this wisdom until it becomes a realisation of the heart.
In order to elaborate upon our function as aspirants or members of the NGWS, it is necessary to go a little deeper into some esoteric facts about Shamballa, that mysterious centre “where the Will of God is known”. As in the diagram above, the three major planetary centres are Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity, representing the crown, heart and throat centres respectively.
The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) is the bridging group that lies between Hierarchy and Humanity; it represents the ajna centre, the “bull’s eye”, where all is illumined and through which Sanat Kumara “views” the world. Shamballa is the home or “throne” of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, the personality expression of our planetary God, that Being whose consciousness utilises this entire planet and all its kingdoms as its body of expression. This Being is our relatively local God, who has many relationships with other “Gods”, within and without our solar system. Our Logos communes with the other planets or Logoi, playing its part in the grand cosmic orchestra.
Planetary Centres | ||
Shamballa | Sanat Kumara. “The Seven Spirits before the Throne”. The Council Chamber of Shamballa. | Head centre Directing the “will of god”, the Planetary Plan and Purpose. |
Hierarchy | The seven Chohans of the Rays plus the Masters of Wisdom, their ashrams of initiates and disciples. | Heart centre Watching over and guiding Humanity with infinite love and patience. |
The New Group of World Servers |
All those dedicated souls, creative and awakening, who offer unselfish service to humanity. | Ajna centre The Eye of the Bull. The eye of Sanat Kumara. Illumination. |
Humanity | Civilisation. Advanced thinkers who determine human evolution through creative thought and free will. | Throat centre The collective mind of humanity. |
Hence, our planet receives the impulse of the greater Plan within the solar system, from our Sun, the Solar Logos, who in turn receives its impression from Sirius, the path to which most of Humanity will return. Note “logos” means “word” – a Logos transmits a “word” that is a complex mantram containing its evolutionary purpose, sounded out for the duration of its incarnation. Hence,
Sirian Logos | Solar Logos | Planetary Logos |
The Star Sirius > | > Our Sun “Sol” > | > Earth < |
The sacred words of these various Logoi (or Yogis!) are joined in a continuous stream by the energies of the seven rays, the zodiac signs and the planets, eventually transmitting all those frequencies through the various “agencies” of Shamballa, Hierarchy, the NGWS and Humanity; through the various planes and subplanes of consciousness; an hierarchical order – graded states of consciousness, hence the term “Hierarchy” to describe the Masters of Wisdom.
At all the full moon periods throughout the year, these forces find their way through the five planetary centres – all conditioned by ray and astrological forces: London, New York, Darjeeling, Tokyo and Geneva.
Sanat Kumara has gathered around him six other Kumaras or Buddhas who comprise the “Seven Spirits Before the Throne” or the Great Council of Shamballa, corresponding to the seven ray forces that pass through the planet and the “seven sacred planets”. These Kumaras are all sensitive and responsive to the various interlocking factors and relationships that exist between the other planets in the great body of the solar system.
The Seven Kumaras are the only remaining ones of 108 Kumaras who visited this Earth many millions of years ago and whose fiery light illumined Humanity to wakefulness; this was the time of Individualisation in ancient Lemuria. It is said that Sanat Kumara will remain with us, “until the last weary pilgrim returns home”, until all of humanity have achieved liberation, hence his other name, “The Silent Watcher”.
“… Sanat Kumara … standing steadfastly by all those lives which are undergoing redemption, and by all those who are the agents of the redemptive process … These agents are the sons of men who will – each and all – demonstrate eventually “within the courts of Heaven” and at the place of initiation, the nature of their high calling …”2
Understanding Our Role as World Servers
“The New Group of World Servers is composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion. Originally, this group was composed of a handful of accepted disciples and consecrated aspirants.
Its ranks have been opened … to all those wo/men of good will who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to … all races, nationalities and religions.”3
What are the pre-requisites to be a consciously functioning member of the NGWS?
1. The heart centre must be awakened and linked with the heart centres of at least eight others.
2. The head centre must be in process of awakening and able to, “hold the mind steady in the light”.
3. Creative activity must be found along the lines of humanitarian, artistic, literary, philosophic or scientific lines.4
The Hierarchy regard Taurus as the most important astrological festival of the year –and, the New Group of World Servers is ruled by Taurus. This means that They invest alot of hope in the NGWS, this intermediate planetary centre; it is in many respects, “the hope of humanity”:
“The group, therefore, which “serves as Aquarius indicates” is the Hierarchy; the group which is “speeded upon the upward Way”, is the New Group of World Servers. This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurian energy brings “illumination and the attainment of the vision.”
This group is, figuratively speaking, the “bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon the goal and beaming light.” But what is that goal? It is not the goal of Self-illumination, for that lies far behind; it is the goal of providing a centre of light within the world of men and of holding up the vision to the sons of men.
Let this never be forgotten, and let the New Group of World Servers realise its mission and recognise the demands of humanity upon it. What are these demands? …
1. To receive and transmit illumination from the kingdom of souls.
2. To receive inspiration from the Hierarchy and go forth, consequently, to inspire.
3. To hold the vision of the Plan before the eyes of men, for “where there is no vision, the people perish.”
4. To act as an intermediate group between the Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power and then using both of these, under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow.
5. To toil in Pisces, illumined by Taurus and responsive in degree to the Aquarian impulse coming from the Hierarchy.”5
The first three spiritual festivals of the year are very potent and subjective in their effect. The initiating impulse pours through Aries, is consolidated upon in Taurus and distributed in Gemini …
Aries Full Moon Festival of Easter |
Taurus Full Moon Festival of Wesak |
Gemini Full Moon Festival of Goodwill |
Hierarchy Love of God |
Shamballa Will of God |
Humanity Divine Intelligence |
The NGWS can be likened to Shiva’s white bull, Nandi, his vehicle of expression. Sanat Kumara embodies the Shiva force. (For more, see the Taurus 2012 Newsletter.)
Taurus is the Mother of Illumination. The mother is connected to the Moon which is exalted in Taurus and which receives the reflection of the solar rays at the full moon period of Wesak. Hence Taurus is the both the Mother of Form, and the Mother of Illumination, the “eye of the Bull” to which Christ made reference when he said, “I am the Light of the world … if thine eye be single thy whole body shall he full of light.” Hence also, the struggle between spirit and matter that is magnified in Taurus:
“Will this Taurian influence, increased as it is by the incoming Shamballa forces, produce the floodlight of illumination of which Taurus is the custodian, or will it simply foment desire, increase selfishness and bring humanity to the “fiery heights of self-interest” instead of to the mountain of vision and initiation?”6
Indeed, as mentioned in the pre-amble, this either/or scenario remains as a constant for Huamanity. When considering the three earth signs of the zodiac, Taurus is the custodian of the light of knowledge, Virgo is the guardian of the light of wisdom, whilst Capricorn is the light of initiation. (Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.260.))

Wesak is celebrated a month later by the Tibetans (usually in June), as they use a solar-lunar calendar.
The esoteric Wesak festival is in May, the exoteric in June. (Photo on right by Albie Falzon.)
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
The NGWS has only been a recent development in the past few hundred years of planetary history, coming to “birth” in 1925 (between WWI & II), as an “emergence of a band of “conditioning souls”. The Hierarchy could long foresee planetary developments and hastened their entrance into incarnation. (See The Shamballa Impacts for more detail.)
1925 was a momentous year, as it was not only a quarter-century meeting for the Great Council of Shamballa, but it also signalled the shift of the Hierarchy and their ashrams from the higher mental plane to the buddhic plane. Such a move had not occurred since the ancient days of Atlantis. No doubt it was effected because of the evolution of human consciousness and the subsequent appearance of the next phase for Humanity, the Sixth Rootrace.
The Planetary Plan is a great mystery and even the Master Djwhal Khul has said that it can only be known by the Masters as they work in group formation with one another. Hence, it is all that the NGWS can do to catch a glimpse of what the Plan is:
“They alone are beginning to comprehend what it is. Suffice it for the rest of those in the Hierarchy–the initiates and disciples in their ordered ranks and various gradings–to cooperate with that immediate aspect of the Plan which they can grasp and which comes down to them through the inspired minds of their Directors at certain stated times, and in certain specific years. Such a year was 1933. Such another will be the year 1942. [1925, 1933, 1942 etc.]
At those times, when the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave, a part of God’s vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, is revealed for the next nine year cycle. They then, in perfect freedom and with full mutual cooperation lay Their plans to bring about the desired objectives of the Heads of the Hierarchy, as They in Their turn cooperate with still higher Forces and Knowers.”7
Wesak 2014 will be the beginning of another nine-year cycle, where the Hierarchy will “meet in silent conclave”, to receive the vision for the next cycle. In the Taurus 2005 newsletter, the cycle from 2005 to 2014 was examined and in the same manner, the dates for the next cycle are substituted in the table below. Note that the nine year cycle is broken down into three, three-year cycles:
2014-15 | Crisis/Consolidation | Crisis/Consolidation | Crisis/Consolidation |
2015-16 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2016-17 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
2017-18 | Crisis/Consolidation | Tension/Expansion | |
2018-19 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2019-20 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
2020-21 | Crisis/Consolidation | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | |
2021-22 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2022-23 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness |
Let us hope that as a group, we can glimpse, “God’s vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, revealed for the next nine year cycle.” Note also, that this cycle finishes in 2023, just two years before 2025, the time of the planned reappearance of the Hierarchy amongst Humanity once again. We live in truly momentous times and the next nine years will be in the nature of the “forerunner”.
What then are our immediate objectives in service to Humanity? How can we raise our efficiency as the NGWS while holding an alignment with the Plan? (See more about a forthcoming webinar that explores these questions here.)8
Israel’s Dance with Destiny
The 2014 Taurus full moon falls precisely on Israel’s birthday, its Sun in Taurus, adding to the already considerable tensions currently impacting its horoscope: The 2014 Grand Cross in cardinal signs, plus this full moon fixed cross.

Note: Although the various proceedings for the formation of the state of Israel were on May 14, 4.37 pm (Scorpio rising), those resolutions did not come into effect legally until midnight, hence the use of this horoscope for April 15 (Aquarius rising).
As the old astrological jargon says, Israel’s Taurus Sun is somewhat “afflicted” with its square to Mars in Leo. (This has been discussed in several analyses of Israel’s horoscope in other newsletters.) It is the source of all Israel’s territorial disputes with its neighbours and its aggressive attitude toward them. Mars in Leo in the seventh house wants to rule all. Taurus is a sign of unbending will, domination, dictatorship and obstinacy. (See also the Taurus 2010 newsletter titled: “Taurus: A Buddha or a Hitler”.)
Putting this together with Mars and the intransigent square angle between them, the unresolved personality issues for this nation become apparent. Israel has been dealing with this problem ever since it was formed in a war with its Arab neighbours in 1948, how very Mars!
Hence, the Wesak full moon falling on Israel’s Taurus Sun will trigger the Sun square Mars pattern. Also, at the full moon, the asteroid Pallas-Athena falls on Mars. In the last newsletter analysing Flight MH370 (remember that?), it was pointed out how Pallas-Athena is connected to wake-up calls, sudden changes and shocks.
The Sun rules the seventh house of Israel’s relationships and Mars is placed in that house! Mars rules the ninth house of foreign affairs, hence all these factors will come into sharp focus in 2014-15. What are the issues – well where do we start, do we have a few hours? Bear in mind that the current Netanyahu government is of a very right wing Zionist flavour, something that many Israelis and Jewish people find unpalatable.
– Apartheid and ongoing harrassment of Palestinians.
– A lack of generosity in peace negotiations.
– Deliberate evasion of the peace process through unreasonable demands.
– Over-bearing, unusual and unfair influence over the US Congress.
– Contempt for the US administration, who ensure billions of dollars to Israel. (Biting the hand that feeds it.)
– Flouting international law and contempt for the United Nations.
– A rogue state, a law unto itself.
– Continual lobbying to attack Iran, blaming Iran at every opportunity.
– Involvement by its security forces in various nefarious activities globally.
– Dangerously “over-armed” with nuclear weapons.
The Sabian symbol for the degree of Israel’s Sun (also the full moon Sun) is: “An Indian, human scalps hanging at his belt, rides proudly”. Hmmm. The opposite degree, (mentioned in relation to Saturn in the MH370 chart) is, “Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man”.
For the rest of 2014, transiting Saturn, the Lord of Karma, will continue its opposition to Israel’s Sun, calling it to account for its actions, restraining and frustrating its somewhat bullish personality. Saturn is transiting through the ninth house of foreign affairs which is ruled by Mars. Already Israel has less support from Washington (John Kerry in particular dropping the “A” word – apartheid), and is being boycotted by companies worldwide. Saturn is esoterically associated with the Jewish people and its Capricornian nature. Bear in mind that it is Israel being discussed here, not the Jewish people in general.
Transiting Saturn will then go back and forth across Israel’s Scorpio midheaven for most of 2015, exactly squaring Mars in the critical months of December 2014 and July, August, September 2015, bringing this nation into prominence, for good or ill. If the entity of any horoscope under scrutiny has been working diligently at its dharma, then transiting Saturn can bring due reward. If not, then an example of this transit was President Nixon’s fall from grace in the 1970’s, as he had Saturn transiting across his midheaven. As Mars rules the ninth house and is closely square Israel’s midheaven, the “ill” prominence will most likely prevail for this recalcitrant nation.
Black Moon Lilith Israel’s Taurus Sun is not only in a difficult square to Mars, but also more closely square to Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius, opposite progressed Saturn in Leo, making a grand cross in fixed signs.
Planets | Aspect | Planets |
Sun in Taurus Wesak Sun |
opposite | Earth, Chiron, transiting Saturn in Scorpio. |
Black Moon Lilith | opposite | Mars and progressed Saturn in Leo. |
At the April 29 new moon eclipse in Taurus – Sun, Moon and Mercury squared Israel’s Moon-Pluto in Leo – Israel’s powerful recalcitrance and national pride. When all these factors are brought together, it indicates a very difficult and dangerous year for Israel.

“… the empty focal point of the Moon’s elliptical orbital path around the Earth. As an astrological symbol, Lilith seems to show the unfolding of the ancient archetypal feminine power of creation, growth, stasis, decay and destruction. It is connected with maturity, especially emotional maturity, and seems to be involved in working with turbulent feelings, jealousy and rage to a point of inner balance and harmony. This leads to Black Moon Lilith’s gift of self-empowerment.
Its dark face is revealed in volcanic eruptions of destructive anger, intense passion, emotional manipulation and disordered aggression. There seem to be themes of spiritual (or even material) renunciation associated with Lilith, and these then create resonances with Ketu, the South Node of the Moon.”9
So, when the Sun in Taurus is considered, with its personality limitations of its square to Mars, the square to Black Moon Lilith is also “demanding” integration, then a not very pretty picture emerges. Black Moon Lilith is also opposite to Mars in Leo. Mars is ruler of the solar plexus, seat of the emotional body and so the Lilith testings of “emotional maturity .. turbulent feelings, jealousy and rage” are emphasised.
Add to this the esoteric and most mysterious factor that the Jewish people in general constitute the planetary solar plexus, channeling and transmuting the feeling nature of all humanity, then deeper complexities that lie behind the situation for Israel become apparent.10
It is also of interest to note that although Lilith comes from a very old Babylonian tradition, it is a powerful archetype in Jewish folklore, a “female demon”. Lilith in Hebrew means, “Night creature”, “night monster”, “night hag”, or “screech owl”. Hence Israel’s Lilith represents its own Dweller. (Note the owls in both pictures above and below.)

Hecate, a similar Lilith archetype. (William Blake.)
“… Black Moon in the 1st House … you blame others. You accuse others of doing wrong, and yet it is your unhappiness that is unsettling your colleagues or loved ones. Sometimes your own dark feelings can affect your physical or mental health. Once you claim your own feelings and break the cycle of blame, you are free of self-defeating behaviour.”11
Israel is an “adept” at the blame game.
Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius: “You may feel that your friends fail to live up to your expectations, that you cannot count on them … you often feel rejected and you believe that it is others who are rejecting you. In fact the opposite is likely to be true. You may not realise that you are quite fixed in your ideas, or that you are imposing your thoughts and feelings on others expecting them to agree with you.
Any sign of disagreement is viewed as a lack of support. It is this and your inability to accept differences in your friends that triggers any social problems that you may encounter. … You need to learn to face your own intolerance.”12
At this Wesak full moon period, transiting Black Moon will be conjunct Israel’s Leo Moon – another problematic feature of Israel’s horoscope that is connected to national pride, the Lion of Judah and territorial disputes:
“Black Moon in the fiery Sign of Leo … you believe that you give, give, give and get little in return. In fact you might not be aware of just how much others are doing for you. In fact it is highly possible that you are the one who is taking, taking, taking and not acknowledging the support that you actually receive.
The positive side of Leo is honesty … The Black Moon’s gift is the opportunity to bring unconscious or self-defeating behaviour into the light of day where it can no longer run amok. So you have the opportunity to achieve great things in co-operation with other people, either your loved ones close to home or co-workers in society.”13
Well, we can live in hope but not hold our breath! Another major factor is that the 2014 Grand Cross fell on Israel’s progressed Moon in Capricorn and its solar arc Moon in Libra. Transiting Pluto fell upon the progressed Moon, whilst Mars fell upon the solar arc Moon. The Moon represents the Dweller or shadow in the horoscope. Any directions or progressions of the Moon represent where an individual’s awareness is with regard to this unconscious factor.
Capricorn has already been mentioned in relation to Israel. Pluto’s transit to its progressed Moon may be devastating on all levels, but bringing an opportunity to change and transform. Likewise, Mars on Israel’s solar arc Moon in Libra and can bring about peace. Netanyahu has several planets in Libra (one would not think it!), but none in range of the 2014 Grand Cross, except Neptune, which may stimulate his idealism and fanaticism. His progressed south node in Libra connecting with the grand cross indicates that his past may soon catch up with him.
Overall then, in the next two years, Israel may go through one of the most difficult periods in its entire history. It has the opportunity to express some humility and generosity, or cling tenaciously to the past, resisting all opportunities for change and transformation. Whatever path it chooses will have profound ramifications for the rest of the world.
Phillip Lindsay © 2014.
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- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.493-4. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.387. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.690. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.197. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.232-3. (See more detailed essay about the NGWS and Taurus here.) [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.374. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.242. [↩]
- At the coming Wesak webinar on May 13th nine representatives from groups around the world will share their impressions from a month long meditation on this question. We invite all to contribute your vision to a collective pool of intuitive impressions about the work to be done. You can do it before or after the webinar via our Facebook page www.facebook.com/2025.Initiative or during the webinar live. [↩]
- Solar Fire program by Esoteric Technologies. [↩]
- http://www.methuselahproject.net/ [↩]
- Solar Fire program by Esoteric Technologies. [↩]
- Solar Fire program by Esoteric Technologies. [↩]
- Solar Fire program by Esoteric Technologies. [↩]