11 Responses to Virgo 2015: Healing. Hygiea. Hildegarde de Bingen. Cancer. Bernie Sanders.

  1. Julieanne says:

    Wonderful essays Phillip I so appreciate your depth of discussion.

  2. Amy says:

    Superb work, with overtone of obvious channeling inspiration. Grateful.


    I have read pretty much every word of todays letter and am energized feeling the truth of what is there. In particular
    Grateful and not going back to sleep!

  4. Birthe Taylor says:

    It is always so special to read your incredible insights. Thank you!

  5. Paula says:

    I am in awe of the hard work you do to shine a light at the depths you uncover, over and over again, for our sake and evidently for our awakening. I humbly honor you, but very highly.

  6. Liber Artos says:

    I deeply appreciate both the scholarly and practical aspects of your knowledge of, not only esoteric astrology, but of astrology in general, as well as knowledge in general. We are very fortunate to have you here at this time. I especially appreciate the art work you include. Liber.

  7. Michelle De La Rente says:

    You already know my thoughts Phillip, brilliant as per usual.

    I recently did a course that delved into the mystery of Medical Astrology and found it to be so calming, emotionally.

    Again as always Phillip, thank you for your insight

  8. Nila Tadic says:

    Excellent work, dear Phillip. Highly illustrative, deep insights, interesting perspectives. Blessings, Nila

  9. Jenetta Haim says:

    Thank you. A very interesting piece of reading that brought back memories of my Theosophist and Alice Bailey days. Most grateful 🙂

  10. peig myota says:

    Hi Phillip,
    Your newsletter was spot on for me personally. I have just experienced my seventh Saturn transit healing crisis by discovering this summer that I had early stage colon cancer. (The same illness my son Kevin passed from 18 months ago.) I had surgery on July 20th, am doing well with my recovery and have returned to work. At this point they are not recommending any chemo etc., only regular screenings. Of course I am using both traditional and alternative approaches for healing.

  11. Pretty! This has been an extremely wonderful article.
    Many thanks for providing this info.

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