Tag Archives: Cancer
Mars in Cancer: The Archetypal Mother & The Collective Psychic Substrate | Risa
Mars has its “fall” in Cancer, which can often posit some challenges from both the concrete and psychological manifestations of astrology, though reveals a occult secret from the esoteric stand point (as do all the “difficult” planetary placements). Exoterically, Mars as a penetrative planet of assertion and direction can be a little shady in the sign of the protective crab. Natally it may speak to someone who is indirect in their expression of anger or desires (the crab, after all, …
Greek Financial Crisis and the Global Economy (July 2015)
Greece is a Capricorn: The Cancer-Capricorn Axis Capricorn Banks Two Sides of the Greek Tragedy Union Movement a Spiritual Enterprise Yanis Varoufakis The Future Monetary and Resource Systems Greece is a Capricorn: The Cancer-Capricorn Axis “… the banks wrecked the Greek government, and then deliberately pushed it into unsustainable debt … while revenue-generating public assets were sold off to oligarchs and international corporations.”1 Of course, Greece contributed to this crisis with excessive spending and unrealistic tax schemes, so blame cannot …