Tag Archives: Mars
Mars in Cancer: The Archetypal Mother & The Collective Psychic Substrate | Risa
Mars has its “fall” in Cancer, which can often posit some challenges from both the concrete and psychological manifestations of astrology, though reveals a occult secret from the esoteric stand point (as do all the “difficult” planetary placements). Exoterically, Mars as a penetrative planet of assertion and direction can be a little shady in the sign of the protective crab. Natally it may speak to someone who is indirect in their expression of anger or desires (the crab, after all, …
Mars in Taurus
Been feeling a little in the wars emotionally lately? Mars leaves Taurus tonight (May 31, 2013), the god of war in the fourth ray sign of conflict: “Mars is in detriment in this sign. Its activity adds constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus … It “adds to the glamour and confusion and yet holds within itself hope for the struggling man.”” [EA401] And any planet in the last degrees of a sign tend to bring its full force …
Mars in Leo & the Pointer Stars
During this current full moon period, it is interesting to note the action of Mars – still transiting through Leo, stimulating the lower will in the solar plexus centre which Mars rules. On its two-year cycle, it is about to conjoin the star Dubhe (15°Leo23′), now and until Sept 21; it is the pointer nearest the pole star, Polaris. Some following snippets from Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey on the significance of these two pointer stars: “The Pointer nearest to …
Mars in Leo
Mars Leaves Cancer and Enters Leo When the planet of passion meets the sign of passion, there is certainly a recipe for fireworks – not necessarily as pretty lights in the sky! In esoteric astrology, Mars rules the solar plexus centre, seat of the astral body. The transit of the God of War through the previous emotionally sensitive sign of Cancer was challenging, in terms of stirring up very deep feelings; it is the place of Mars’ ‘fall’ – hence …