Video & Audios

Videos by Phillip Lindsay

~ Esoteric Astrology, The Ageless Wisdom and The Hidden History of Humanity ~

Esoteric Astrology and the Seven Rays
The Hidden History of Humanity
The Ageless Wisdom

Esoteric Astrology and the Seven Rays
Introduction to Esoteric Astrology and the Seven Rays
___Astrologie Esoterique: Sous-titres français
___Эзотерическая астрология: Русские субтитры
The Solar Angel in Your Birthchart (USR Conference)
The Initiations of Krishnamurti: Astro-Analysis
Esoteric Astrology of Krishnamurti
Astro-Rayology of the Global Crisis 2020
The Aquarian Renaissance (Part 1)
The Aquarian Renaissance (Part 2)
Monthly Webinars 2021-22

The Hidden History of Humanity

The Hidden History of Humanity PREVIEW 10′
The Hidden History of Humanity PREVIEW 18′
The Hidden History of Humanity (FULL DOCUMENTARY)
___The Hidden History of Humanity (English subtitles)
___L’Histoire Occulte de L’Humanité (Sous-titres Français)
___La Storia Nascosta dell’Umanità (Sottotitoli in Italiano)
___La Historia Oculta de la Humanidad (Subtitulos en Español)
___A História Oculta da Humanidade (Legendas em Português)
___Эзотерическая астрология (Русские субтитры)
___Lịch sử Ẩn giấu của Nhân loại (phụ đề tiếng Việt)

Hidden History of Humanity – Conferences

Individualisation through the Rootraces
The Three Shamballa’s: Destiny of the Rootraces

Hidden History of Humanity – Interviews

On the Giants of Ancient Lemuria (Interview preview)
On the Giants of Ancient Lemuria (Interview Forum Borealis)
Hidden History of Humanity (Interview Nature of Reality Radio)
Hidden History of Humanity (Interview Carol Assa)
Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries Rootraces & Cycles (Interview Nightlight)

The Ageless Wisdom
The New Group of World Servers in the Final Years of Forerunner
Cosmic Hierarchies & The Kingdoms of Nature
Reconciling Esoteric Science with Exoteric Science
World Servers Week 2019: Towards Brotherhood

Esoteric Astrology & Seven Rays

Introduction: Esoteric Astrology & 7 Rays

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Astrologie Esoterique

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Эзотерическая астрология

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Solar Angel in the Birth chart (USR Conference)

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Initiations of Krishnamurti (USR Conference)

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Esoteric Astrology of Krishnamurti (USR Conference)

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Astro-Rayology Global Crisis 2020 (USR Conference)

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The Aquarian Renaissance (Part 1)

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The Aquarian Renaissance (Part 2)

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Aries Solar Festival: Sowing the Seeds of a New Life

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Monthly Webinars 2021-2024
To be uploaded soon!
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The Ageless Wisdom

NGWS in Final Years of Forerunner (University of the Seven Rays with Michael Robbins.

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Reconciling Esoteric and Exoteric Science (USR Conference)

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Cosmic Hierarchies & Kingdoms of Nature

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World Servers Week 2019: Towards Brotherhood

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The Hidden History of Humanity

The Hidden History of Humanity (preview)

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The Hidden History of Humanity (preview)

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The Hidden History of Humanity (Full Doco.)

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The Hidden History of Humanity (English subtitles)

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The Hidden History of Humanity:
Foreign Language Subtitles

L’Histoire Occulte de L’Humanité

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La Storia Nascosta dell’Umanità

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La Historia Oculta de la Humanidad

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A História Oculta da Humanidade

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Эзотерическая астрология

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隱藏的人類歷史 (

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Lịch sử Ẩn giấu của Nhân loại

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The Hidden History of Humanity
Conference Presentations

Individualisation in the Rootraces (USR Conference)

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The Three Shamballa’s: Rootraces (USR Conference)

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The Hidden History of Humanity

Giants of Ancient Lemuria (Interview preview)

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Giants of Ancient Lemuria (Forum Borealis Complete Interview)

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Eye-Opening Take On Human History & Science (Interview)

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Hidden History of Humanity (Interview with Carol Assa)

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Hidden History of Humanity (Interview by Alfa Vedic)

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Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of Rootraces & Cycles (Interview  Barbara deLong)

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Thankyou for your kind contribution!

Donate here – via Stripe or Paypal.

10 Responses to Video & Audios

  1. LD Boogie says:

    I want to thank you for this enormous effort to explain our true history. I, for one, have been deeply interested in this subject from every aspect there is available. There’s never enough! This is the most complete I’ve seen so far and I truly appreciate the time and energy required for something of this scale. I will be looking forward to your next endeavor.

  2. Dear Philip I really enjoyed watching your video from beginning to end. I came away with an overview of many bits and pieces that I have studied over the years. The narrative was easy to understand presented in a relaxed manner The visuals were breathtaking and over all I thought the video was very well produced. I am a student of Eckankar. Paul Twitchell in his books gives a lot of information regarding the Mahavantares as it relates to man’s spiritual unfoldment. He also touches on the future races of man and especially the guardians who are the spiritual masters both on this planet and on the inner planes. Thank you again for your well compiled great work. Sincerely

  3. Brilliant video, Phillip – I must say the time frames had my mind spinning for a bit, most probably because of the disparity with the time frames that I have been taught (programed with). Recognizing that the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old and we only have a sketchy history of about 10,000 years, your time frames make sense and open up a whole new way of looking at our history, and a new understanding of and respect for the planners and overseers of the Human Project.
    Dr Tony Minervino, DC

  4. Prabir Dey says:

    Finally, Everything put together into one place. I have been researching this and to find it was very combersom. Chronological order is the key to unlock these mysteries!

    Looking forward to the next part.

    Is there a school were I can learn and prepare?

  5. J.D. Beck says:

    Great video. At the age of 74 , I have seen, read , and studied life , throughout the various cycles , inside and outside….for a very long time . Your video was simply put an awesome way to explain and appreciate the journey.

    Jurgen Beck
    “The Intent”

  6. Anthony Holland says:

    Love the video. I have long been dissatisfied with traditional academic explanations of human chronology and the contradictions of scientific academia. The evidence you present would, in higher maths and physics, qualify as a highly probable correlation. Yet in our dualistic society it is maligned and ignored as superstition or coincidence. Ancient societies left many marks in language, mythology, architecture, even physiology, which academia shows scant regard for. My personal opinion is that Shakespeare’s works could have been written psycho-graphically as there is no way an untrained administrator could master metered prose to perfection and not have left any notes. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy” (Hamlet) Anyway, keep up the good work

  7. Abc cole says:

    This is one of the best documentaries that I have ever seen.
    The Narrator is perfect the graphics the history and the compositions.
    The HHH is one of the best.
    I have bn looking for similar one but can’t get it.
    I love the narrator.
    Pls. keep up the good jobs.

  8. Michael Brewer says:

    I have been watching the video for 3yrs now… Every two to three months I am compelled to view it again.
    I grew up with very little regard toward Astrology (other than horoscopes)~Esoteric Astrology runs far deeper than my simple understanding, but is undoubtedly filling the holes of weak social conventions and providing me a wider ranging capacity of/for understanding.
    Thank you kindly Mr. Lindsay 🙏🏼

  9. What a life-changing event after watching this hidden history of humanity really put everything in a relative reality perspective.
    Changed my whole world out of the negative and into the positive


    Thank you so much for your beautiful videos.

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