Transmission of Rays into Nations
Circulation of Forces in the Planetary Centres
Why the Sacral Centre is Omitted
New York: Ajna Centre
London: Throat Centre
Darjeeling: Alta Major Centre
Tokyo: Solar Plexus Centre
Conclusion: The New Group of World Servers and Humanity
Appendix 1: Thoughts on Darjeeling as Base Centre
Appendix 2: Endocrine Glands of the Five Planetary Centres
“Some day I may indicate to you the centres through which the forces of manifestation have to work for the various nations. This information constitutes one of the major hierarchical sciences and indicates to us who know it the possibilities latent in any nation, the point of attainment and the opportunities for work and advancement, or the obstacles to progress; this is gauged by the light in the centres and the heightening and the obscuration of their vibration.
It is this that makes possible or hinders the growth of what is called spirituality in individuals and in nations, and this science will later be recognised. It is by means of this science that the Hierarchy can form its larger plans and know in what manner individual nations will react to stimulation and to progress of the desired kind. This is the modern form of the ancient Atlantean laya-yoga, or the yoga of the centres.”1
This essay was first written in 2002, following a group enquiry into the subject. Since then, the author has developed various ideas that has changed assignment of planetary energy centres to the five cities. It is through a study of the major five planetary centres that Humanity can relate its own five-fold ray energy structure to the macrocosm, the planet as a whole.
During World War II these five centres were being “abnormally and deliberately stimulated and vitalized”.2 Today the energy still pours through, perhaps to an even greater degree, hence the importance for meditators who direct energy on monthly full moon festivals, to familiarise themselves with the astrological and ray forces that condition these cities.
“These energies which we have been considering are released into our planetary life through the medium of certain great inlets. At this time there are five such inlets, scattered over the world. Wherever one of these inlets for spiritual force is found, there will also be present a city of spiritual importance in the same location. These five points of spiritual influx are:
1. London For the British Empire.
2. New York For the Western Hemisphere.
3. Geneva For Europe, including the U.S.S.R.
4. Tokyo For the Far East.
5. Darjeeling For India and the greater part of Asia.”3
These five points of “spiritual influx” are displayed in the diagram below:

“Through these five places and areas in their neighbourhood, the energy of five rays pours forth, conditioning the world of men, leading to effects of planetary significance and determining the trend of events.”4
Qualities for each city may also be derived from the mottoes pertaining to their nations:
London, Britain – “I serve”.
New York, USA – “I light the way”.
Tokyo, Japan – Not given.
Darjeeling, India – “I hide the light”.
Geneva, Switzerland – “I seek to fuse, blend & serve”.5
“At each one of these five centres one of the Masters will be found present, with His Ashram … organising a major energy centre.”6 The planetary centres are configured in certain triangular alignments:

1. Darjeeling. 2. London. 3. New York. 4. Geneva. 5. Tokyo.
“Geneva and Darjeeling are two centres through which pure spiritual energy can be directed with more facility than through the other three and they, therefore, constitute the higher points of their respective triangles. They are more subjective in their influence than are London, New York or Tokyo. Together, they form five centres of `impelling’ energy today.”7
Note the two centres that represent East (Tokyo and Darjeeling) and West (London, New York and Geneva). Tokyo and Darjeeling are placed in separate triangles, aiding East-West synthesis. In this configuration, New York is not only a centre for the Western Hemisphere, but also a bridge to the East. The East-West hemispheres also have ray influences. Bear in mind that in this current cycle, it is the responsibility of the Occident or West to bring spiritual advancement for the planet as a whole:
The Occident Soul Ray Ray II. Personality Ray Ray IV.
The Orient Soul Ray Ray IV. Personality Ray Ray III.8
Note that ray 4 (Harmony through Conflict or Art, Music, Beauty) is the common ray between the hemispheres and is the major Ray that conditions Humanity as a whole:
“The fourth ray is the ray par excellence which governs humanity. There is a numerical relation to be noted here, for the fourth creative Hierarchy of human monads, the fourth ray, in this fourth round, on the fourth globe, the Earth, are extremely active. It is their close interrelation and interplay which is responsible for the emergence into prominence of humanity. ”9
The fourth ray is on the second ray line and we live in a “second ray solar system”, where the development and expression of Love-Wisdom as a whole is the goal:
Occident 2nd ray soul – Western Hemisphere
Darjeeling 2nd ray soul – Ancient part of India, foundation of all the Western races.
New York 2nd ray soul – Western Hemisphere.
New York is part of a nation with a second ray soul, working with two other nations in a triangle – Britain (2nd ray soul) and Russia (7th ray soul). With regard to the rays of the planetary centres/cities, they encompass all seven rays between them:
Likewise, an astrological table showing the signs with their exoteric and esoteric rulers:
One of the sub-sciences of Esoteric Astrology – the Science of Triangles, could be employed to explore these various relationships. Astrologically therefore, the energies of Scorpio, Gemini and Cancer may be considered as interacting with one another. Their rulers – Mars, Pluto, Mercury, Venus, Moon and Neptune – can be examined – with the exoteric and esoteric charts for these cities and also how these cities respond to current cycles.
Circulation of Forces in the Planetary Centres
In the pentagram below, pure spiritual energies emanate from Darjeeling the head/alta major centre, to the ajna centre of New York – the most powerful centre in the Western world for Humanity at this time. Then those forces proceed toward the heart in Geneva, the throat in London and solar plexus in Tokyo – finally returning to the head centre in Darjeeling.
Here is a great illustration of the divine circulatory flow – indicative of the continual redemption process – where pure spiritual force is released and subsequently finds its deepest penetration into the lowest energy centre of the planet. Each time the returning stream reaches the head centre, it carries with it a higher frequency than the previous cycle and so evolution proceeds.

“The physical plane localities through which directed energies can pass … are five in number … form a five-pointed star of interlocking energies, symbolic of the major divisions of our modern civilisation.”10
Five Planetary Centres: Why the Sacral Centre is Omitted
“The five cities that are the exoteric expression of the esoteric centre of force through which the Hierarchy and Shamballa work, are the correspondence in the planetary body to the four centres up the spine and the ajna centre in the body of Humanity and of individual man.
In all three cases, they are “living vital focal points of dynamic force” to a greater or less extent. Some predominantly express soul energy and some personality force; some are influenced by Shamballa and some by the Hierarchy. The head centre of the Occident is beginning to react to second ray energy and the ajna centre to fourth ray energy and in this lies the hope of the race of men.11
One of the five cities, London, Geneva, New York, Darjeeling and Tokyo – is the ajna centre and the other four are “up the spine”. The head or crown centre is not considered “up the spine” – unless we consider the alta major centre at the back of the head, the little known and last centre “up the spine”. (More about this centre later under the Darjeeling heading.) Hence, excluding the ajna, what four centres qualify?
On the spine are the heart, throat, solar plexus, sacral and base – five centres – which one should be omitted? Given warnings about the sacral centre, it is indicated for exclusion. When reviewing a list of the seven major centres, the sacral is omitted:
“In the first solar system the three lower centres were developed and with them the occultist has nothing to do. They form the basis of the development of the lower quaternary of force before individualization, but are now transcended and the divine fire must be focalised in other and higher centres.”12

Note that these three centres are from the planetary perspective, differing from the Fifth Rootrace perspective of the five cities. Yet they overlap and interact with one another, as demonstrated later in the Darjeeling analysis.13
There have been numerous warnings about discussing this centre, directing energy to it, advising that no compilation about the centres should be given out. Also, the danger of talking about the dark lodge or dark forces that embody the planetary sacral centre – when considered from a non-Fifth Rootrace perspective.14
Hence the hypothesis that the sacral centre is not among these five cities, is related to these warnings. Only five centres are given for the planet, suggestive of wthat stated about the seven listed centres that become five:
“The seven centres listed may be enumerated as five if we eliminate the spleen and count the two head centres as one [crown and ajna, respectively the pineal gland and pituitary body]. The five centres thus specified are applicable to our five-fold evolution in this the second solar system.”15

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Ajna Centre: New York (Soul 2. Personality 3. Cancer.)
(Note that this section on NYC is connected to another article: “5 Centres USA: NYC, LA, Chicago, Washington, Kansas City.)
Establishing New York as the planetary ajna centre is crucial to the assignment of all the other centres. But first, some opening passages that paint a picture of New York:
“The force expressing itself through the centre, New York, is the force of the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism. Hence the conflicts everywhere to be found between the varying ideologies, and the major conflict between those who stand for the great ideal of world unity brought about by a united effort of the Forces of Light, backed by the cooperative effort of all the democratic nations, and the separative materialistic attitude of those who seek to keep the United States from assuming responsibilities and her rightful place in world affairs.
This latter group, if they succeed in their endeavour, will deny the United States her share in the “gifts of the Gods in the coming age of peace which will succeed this point of critical suspension,” as The Old Commentary phrases it. The sixth Ray is either militant and active, or mystical, pacific and futile, and these two aspects at present condition the United States. [written beginning of WWII]
The keynote of this world centre is “I light the WAY” – the privilege of the States if its people so choose and permit worldwide humanitarian, self-sacrifice (self-initiated) and a firm decision to stand by righteousness to govern their present attitudes and policies. This is slowly coming to pass and the selfish voices of blind idealists, the fearful and the separative are dying out.
All this is happening under the inspiration of service, motivated by love. Thus the two major democracies can eventually restore world order, negate the old order of selfishness and aggression and usher in the new order of world understanding, world sharing and world peace. Peace will be the result of understanding and sharing, and not the origin of them, as the pacifists so often imply.”16
Ray 6 is the personality ray of the USA, expressing the Mars and Neptune rulerships. Neptune is the soul ruler of Cancer, New York’s ruling sign, emphasising high idealism and emotional sensitivity. (The ray 6 influence was partly a reason for the original assignment of NYC as the solar plexus.) New York is a great centre for the Western Hemisphere (North and South America), a melting pot of many cultures, business, art etc:
“The ajna centre registers or focuses the intention to create. It is not the organ of creation in the same sense that the throat centre is, but it embodies the idea lying behind active creativity, the subsequent act of creation producing eventually the ideal form for the idea.17
New York is the throat centre of the USA, so it has a dual role. NYC was established historically after London, and there is much activity and travel between them, reflecting an ajna and throat centre (London) relationship. New York rules the Western Hemisphere as depicted in the diagram above – this includes all of the Americas, north and south.
The torch of the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the third ray – a ray that gives birth to the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th rays; it is also NYC’s personality ray. Ray 4 has the quality of all rays – by being able to unite. The torch illumines the way for others, the motto of NYC: “I light the way” – the way to liberation, occurring in the ajna centre – suggested by the Statue of Liberty.
It has been stated that one of the five planetary centres is the ajna: A centre that connects all centres; it contains five minor centres, reflecting each centre in the spine – hence its synthesising nature. The ajna centre’s main connection is its relation between the heart, solar plexus and head centres, hence its depiction with two wings or petals, each containing 48 petals = 96 petals. Those 96 petals represent various cities, states and nations throughout the Americas.
The endocrine gland for the ajna is the pituitary which also has two parts corresponding to the two main ajna petals, or the two entrances to the “cave of the lion”. ((See Leo section of The Labours of Hercules, Alice A. Bailey.)) The function of the two petals or “wings of the ajna” is to connect the solar plexus and heart centres with the head centre. This is a very simplified statement because the 96 petals of the ajna have many other implications.
When considering the position of New York related to the other cities, it is in the middle of two triangles – one with Tokyo and Darjeeling, with the latter upon the apex; the other with London and Geneva, the latter at the apex:
“These five points of conditioning energy produce two triangles of force in their interrelation:
1. London—New York—Darjeeling.
2. Tokyo—New York—Geneva.
Geneva and Darjeeling are two centres through which pure spiritual energy can be directed with more facility than through the other three; they, therefore, constitute the higher points of their respective triangles. They are also more subjective in their influence than are London, New York or Tokyo. Together they form the five centres of “impelling energy” today.” 18

1. London, New York, Darjeeling. 2. Tokyo, New York, Geneva.
Considering these two wing-like triangles, New York is the uniting point linked to all cities. In the fifth subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.5), it is clearly a race for expressing the fifth principle (mind/manas) – a mental race. This complements NYC’s relation with London, also a “mental centre” through its role as the throat centre. In distinction to London, NYC’s mental atmosphere is qualified by the emotional intensity of the sixth ray pouring through it – which is also the personality ray of the USA.
Now that the Fifth Rootrace has reached it apotheosis in its 5th branch, 5th subrace, or 5.5.5 – a greater portion of the Fifth Kingdom of Souls is about to externalise on Earth: “The fifth kingdom in nature, the spiritual, will emerge out of the fifth root race.”19 Aiding this process is the role of the newly formed New Group of World Servers:
“The New Group of World Servers are being more closely integrated, and the work they are to do is being carefully planned. In London, in New York and in Geneva are three centres of their activity, and at Darjeeling and in Tokyo there is a mustering of forces.”20

Ajna Centre Triangulations21
Therefore, the linking point between some of the most prominent cities in the world, would not be from the solar plexus (as previously speculated by the author and other students), because the ajna centre is a more logical choice. The ajna controls all centres, but mostly the natural triangle of force: Head-Heart-Solar Plexus, making two triangles with them. The two triangles in the diagram here are linked by the ajna, similar to the planetary centres diagram above, with New York linking the two triangles.
The ajna only starts working after the throat centre (mind/mother) is activated. We can see its link with the older and more mature London, especially as the largest number of flights between cities in the world, is between London and New York.
The greatest number of Jewish people (esoterically the most mentally developed group inside the Human Race), outside of Israel – is in London and New York; that group has contributed more to Humanity than any other group, and this can be seen in all areas of human expression.
The Jews can be considered as the throat or creative centre within the centre we call Humanity – their link with New York and London is profound. (As Humanity is the throat centre, the Jewish people are the “throat within the throat”.)22
The ajna is considered as part of the head centre and it is called the right eye (buddhi), while the throat is the left eye (manas), reflective of the natural link between New York and London (throat centre). Therefore, the city most appropriate for the ajna is New York because of its position of linking all five centres; it is one point that unites the two triangles, hence influences all five cities. New York’s motto, I light the Way, is very suggestive of making a Way of light in between all centres. This motto also suggests and is similar to the task of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).
From the planetary centres perspective, the NGWS is assigned the ajna centre of Sanat Kumara,23 – and also of Humanity. The NGWS is also the Heart of Humanity:
“The New Group of World Workers, who, in their totality throughout the world, constitute the heart centre and the “centre between the eyebrows” of the etheric body of the human family. Through the one, spiritual life can begin to flow in and vitalise all the centres, and through the other, the vision can be seen and the inner worlds sensed and known.”24
This passage corroborates the connections of the ajna to the throat, head and heart. Humanity-Hierarchy-Shamballa are united by the ajna or the NGWS, the invocative, receptive and distributing centre of Sanat Kumara. The NGWS is ruled by Taurus with its light in the forehead (ajna) and its mission is to lighten the way of Humanity; it is suggestive also of what Djwhal Khul said about New York:
“The centre from whence the Goodwill work goes out and the source of its spiritual potency is located in New York at this time, though later – if deemed wise – it may be moved to London. This I mentioned several years ago and I would remind you also that both these cities are among the five focal points of spiritual energy through which hierarchical activities can be set in motion.”25
Goodwill is an Hierarchical enterprise of DK’s ashram and part of the work of preparation for the Externalisation of the fifth kingdom of souls on Earth. The planetary ajna is responding to fourth ray energy and the United Nations can be considered an expression of fourth ray energy – anchored upon the physical plane. The UN was conceived in a fourth ray ashram and its main headquarters is based in New York:
“The Master Serapis sought to bring through some constructive ideas for helping Humanity. He conceived of a world unity in the realm of politics which would work out as an intelligent banding of the nations for the preservation of international peace.”26
The three cities that host the main UN headquarters are New York (ajna), Geneva (heart) and Tokyo (solar plexus). Tokyo is a fourth ray personality and hosts the United Nations University; this may be considered as an externalisation of the link between the planetary ajna, heart and solar plexus centres, thus evidencing their natural triangle. The fourth ray is a linking ray, it can also be seen as the natural association of rays with centres: Rays 2 (heart), 4 (ajna), and 6 (solar plexus).
The destroyed Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York are symbolic of the two petals of the ajna – the centre of the self-conscious individual. The ajna is “more selfish” than any other centre, before the self-conscious personality renounces its throne between the eyebrows.
Was the destruction of the Twin Towers the result of the impact of energy from the planetary head centre Shamballa (the Shamballa impact of 2000)27 – into the physical ajna centre of the Fifth Rootrace? This impact could have been in any other city or centre, but it would be mostly felt if it was directed to a leading centre and to a leading nation. (This begs the question, was 9/11 allowed by Hierarchy to happen?)
The word “leading” is descriptive from the viewpoint of the race, because the USA is giving birth to the soul aspect of the Fifth Rootrace. On 9/11, Humanity the world disciple, came face to face with Angel of the Presence or the planetary Soul. The best of the past, the light of the mind, the personality or the planetary Dweller had to dim its light and be absorbed by the Light of the Soul.
If the USA is helping to birth the planetary Soul, the Angel, the impact/attack happened when the Sun was in Virgo, the Virgin Mother. The planetary Dweller is obviously focused in the USA because of its dharma as world leader. When the right moment arrives, the Dweller and the Angel have to face one another in the same place – the ajna centre or cave, where Hercules in his fifth labour finally conquers the Lion of Leo – the fifth sign, the Fifth Rootrace.
Does the destruction of the Twin Towers correspond to Hercules “shaving the mane of Leo”? New York did not die, but it lost a prideful symbol. The impact on the ajna would affect all five centres and consequently the whole planet – and so it did, uniting the whole world. Never in the modern (or ancient) story of Humanity has the world responded with such sympathetic and compassionate expression of love.
A wave of love and compassion swept the world and for an extended time Humanity saw what is meant by the sacred words in the Affirmation of the Disciple – “to bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the time”28 – this is the task of the disciple, individual and planetary.
From every corner of the world love responded, the energy generated as a response was spiritual energy. Compassion is the highest expression of love and brought healing to the planet as a whole, further evidence of the increasing ray 4 influence of Harmony through Conflict.
Unfortunately Humanity conditioned itself to bring this event about through suffering – another way could have been chosen. Under that wave of love, the hearts of Humanity were united and the amount of energy invoked and evoked raised the whole aura of the planet, moving Humanity one step ahead upon the lighted way – indicated by New York as is affirmed in its motto.
In a sense, New York city sacrificed itself to bring union to the whole planet, union or elimination of division being a primary way to invoke and bring love on Earth. The ajna centre is capable of doing this. All processes of birth labour are very painful – to which all biological mothers testify. Soul birth occurs in caves, it is possible that the first birth is in the cave of the forehead (a cave with two entrances), this place is the “heart” of the integrated personality not of the soul; the heart centre of the soul is between the shoulder blades.
The second birth is in the cave of the heart – the real purification and the third birth is in the heart at the top of the head – illumination, irradiation. Was that painful moment on 9/11 the birth of the infant Christ upon the physical plane on Earth? Was it the first manifestation of the first birth? Can the destruction of a such powerful symbol of personality force based upon trading, business and capital – be an indication that the planetary soul is assuming its throne between the eyebrows and that the world personality is losing its grip on the World Disciple?
When the Christ enters into any temple on any plane, bringing the energy of Will (his whip of cords is a symbol of first ray energy), he “turns the tables up side down” – meaning reversal, reorientation, destruction – and doing so expels the traders from the temple; the selfishness of the personality as well as those who trade as personalities – with no love. The soul is the one that loves – it gives but does not trade. The economic system and capitalism are the personality of a selfish Humanity that imposes its will upon all parts of its body.
The personality is the temple of the Soul, and so the energy of the Christ/Soul when it enters the temple, expels the selfishness of the personality, the actual “trader”. Love expresses itself in a continuous flow that expects no recognition or reciprocation. Love is eternal or long lasting – it does not change in any circumstance. The economic system and capitalism have “their tables inside” the human personality’s temple. At this moment in planetary evolution, The Christ is entering the temple of Humanity and expelling those traders who exploit it – this is why “the tables have been turned”.
Since this event, those capitalistic forces have doubled down in their attempt to retain their occupation of the “temple”. In 2020, the crisis of this occupation is coming to a head again, that may see drastic transformations or events leading up to 2025, the date that the Hierarchy will decide when they will return. Much of this is mirrored by the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 2020.
It becomes clear that exterior destruction has its origin on the inner planes. The 9/11 attack was the effect of a higher impact on that planetary centre and not the cause. Can one imagine what it means to receive an impact from the highest centre of the planet, Shamballa? We are told the Shamballa force is now reaching Humanity directly and it therefore must find its way through a planetary centre or physical inlet: Through a city that has the sixth ray flowing through it, in a nation conditioned by a sixth ray personality – toward the end of a sixth ray cycle at the end of the Piscean Age.
Six months after the 9/11 attack in Virgo, under the influence of polar opposite Pisces, Spain, also a sixth ray personality, was attacked. Not being a planetary centre, the impact was smaller. The Madrid attack happened on the March 11, 2002 (called 3/11), and can be seen as complementary to, or a resolution of the Virgo/Pisces influence.
Nothing happens by chance in the world of energies – it was in the main railway station of the country (transportation is symbol of energy circulation), and smaller attacks planned to happen at the same time were aborted. Spain is a sixth ray nation and pioneered the discovery of North America. The Spanish legacy to the USA resulted in that nation’s sixth ray personality. All the above associations bring much evidence for New York to be considered the planetary ajna centre.
(Click here for a separate essay on New York – changing from the national throat centre to the national head centre.)
Throat Centre: London (Soul 5, Personality 7. Gemini.)
“The force which is centered in London is that of the first Ray of Will or Power – in its building aspect and not in its destroying aspect. It is the service of the whole which is being attempted and at great cost, and the effort is to express the Law of Synthesis which is the new emphasis pouring through from Shamballa.
Hence the fact that the governments of many nations found asylum in Great Britain during the war. Also, if the Forces of Light triumph because of the cooperation of mankind, the energy expressing itself through this powerful empire will be potent in establishing a world order of intelligent justice and a fair economic distribution. The keynote of this force is “I serve.””29
“Fair economic distribution” recalls the Taurus personality of Britain as well as the Libran personality of London – both signs connected to money (and sex). Ray 1 was pouring through London just after the completion of WWII. (The Destiny of the Nations was written 1946-9.) Considering the destruction which took place in London, it is interesting to note that ray 1 in its “building aspect” was pouring through.
The “service of the whole” is very much in line with Britain’s ray 2 soul and indeed, her motto “I serve”. Ray 3 of Active-Intelligence expresses the perfected intellect, which finds its full expression in the Fifth Rootrace.30 The mental body expresses creative intelligence and ideas through the throat centre, ruled by ray 3. Ideas are disseminated through words of which Gemini, Britain’s soul sign, is most capable.
Gemini is also responsible for the constant movement and restlessness that has led to the spread of British culture throughout the world. London is a ray 5 soul and expresses for Britain, Europe and the West – the quintessential qualities of the fifth branchrace (Anglo-Saxon ) of the fifth subrace (Teutonic-Nordic ) of the Fifth Rootrace (5.5.5) – the perfected intellect of ray 3.
The ray 2 souls of Britain and Darjeeling are mutually resonant, as is the ray 5 soul of London and ray 5 personality of Darjeeling. London’s ray 5 soul represents the inventions of exoteric science during the Industrial Revolution. Darjeeling’s ray 5 personality symbolises the esoteric sciences of the Himalayan Brotherhood, such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and The Science of Esoteric Astrology. The Fifth Rootrace had its origin in India. Britain also has a close relationship with Darjeeling from the old colonial days of the “Raj”:
“Many British people are subjectively linked with India, by past incarnations and association; the quarrel between Great Britain and India is largely a family affair in the deepest sense of the term and hence its bitterness.”31
Therefore, the Hierarchy (head – Darjeeling) – is a body working with the major principles of ray 2 Love-Wisdom, of which democratic government is currently one of its expressions. Ray 2 soul Britain (throat – London) has been a major pioneer and champion of democracy.
The throat centre’s gland is the thyroid – regarded as of major importance in physical and mental well being. The thyroid represents the British Empire in its totality. The sixteen petals of the throat centre each represent the major nations within the British Commonwealth – an entity that still has a powerful subjective presence. (See earlier world map diagram with distribution outlets.)
The United Kingdom is an initiated nation representing the concrete mind of the Fifth Rootrace. Its motto is I serve, the same dharma for Humanity (planetary throat centre) – after it is functioning consciously as a building centre within the body of Sanat Kumara. The UK issued the first Bill of Human Rights in the twelfth century – a very high achievement. The seat of the mother or the mind is in the throat, and the son of the mother is the soul, that has its seat in the heart.
UK represents, expresses or holds the energy of the concrete mind for the Fifth Rootrace (5.5.5), and she is the mother of the United States of America: As the son of the UK, USA represents the aspect of soul for the Fifth Rootrace, hence the USA can be seen as “the son of mind”. Brazil represents the abstract mind for the Fifth Rootrace – the father aspect.
The diagram above is a good example of the Biblical injunction, “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Britain pioneered the foundation with mother mind, yet Brazil will assume the role of pioneer of the abstract mind – whilst Britain will eventually become the third aspect of the above triangle. The mind is the factor of integration and we can see why English is the integrating language of this race – actually the sacred language for the Anglo-Saxon race, considering that “spiritual” is all that leads to union, and “sacred” is all that unites.
The UK until now has not accepted the Euro as its currency, the separativeness of the mind, but this inevitably happens as the soul of this nation is taking control. Britain has given back in the form of programs and sponsorship for many people around the world; it was the first nation to forgive the debt of eighteen African nations; it is giving a good amount of money for education and health to Africa.
Britain is a nation where there has been more attempts to create a new system of exchange. Yet various cycles come and go, where altruism is followed by selfish motivation – there is much corruption within the financial district of London that needs drastic purging, as of this writing in 2020.
The throat centre is a linking point at the back of the neck between the spine and head. The neck is the antahkarana or bridge between the body and the head. As said earlier, London may also be related to the light in the head, the integrated personality, due to its link with the ajna/New York. London can be also be identified as the head centre for the Fifth Rootrace – a speculation that can be entertained, but left out of this discussion for now.
Heart Centre: Geneva ( Soul 1. Personality 2. Leo.)
“The force which the centre at Geneva is expressing (at present ineffectually, though later a change will come) – is that of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, with its major emphasis at this time upon the quality of inclusiveness. It is concerned with the “binding together in brotherly love” and with the expression of the nature of service.
This planetary centre, which conditions the little country of Switzerland, has had a most potent effect upon that country and a study of these effects will demonstrate future possibility for the world, once the flow of its energy is less obstructed.
It has produced the fusion of three powerful racial types in group formation and not through admixture as in the United States; it has enabled two relatively antagonistic divisions of the Christian faith to work together with a minimum of friction; it has made Geneva the seat of the Red Cross — that world activity which works truly impartially with and for the nationals of all countries and for the prisoners of all nations; it housed that sad though well-intentioned experiment which was called the League of Nations, and will again house a more true league to meet the world need; it is that which protected the small country from the aggressive sweep of the Axis powers. The motto or note of this centre is “I seek to fuse, to blend and serve.“”32
Geneva has a ray 2 personality and is ruled by Leo – two major expressions of the heart. The Red Cross and United Nations are based there, testament to the qualities of loving-compassion ray 2 and Leo. The polar opposite of Leo is Switzerland’s Aquarian personality – another factor contributing to humanitarian attitudes. This detached Aquarian quality and Geneva’s independent ray 1 soul have contributed to Switzerland’s long-standing neutrality.
As a major economic and financial centre of Europe, it is possible that the personality ray of Switzerland (not given) is ray 7. Geneva has strong ray 2 connections with other centres – New York, USA and Darjeeling all have ray 2 souls; a link to London through ray 2 soul Britain and a link to Tokyo – only indirectly on the ray 2 line through Tokyo’s soul and personality rays – 6/4.
The heart is the most important centre unfolding for Humanity today and it is where the Hierarchy focuses much of their attention, as it is the organ/chakra that registers and expresses love. The heart’s endocrine gland, the thymus – is represented by Europe and the USSR. The twelve petals of the heart centre may well represent the most advanced cities and nations of Europe and the USSR.
Geneva is the city with many indications of heart – located in Switzerland, where there was the first successful experiment of unifying three different ehtnicities – German (65%), French (18%) and Italian (10%). When considering the formation of the Bundesbrief of 1291, the first Federal Charter uniting various cantons – there exists around 730 years of democracy. The 1291 horoscope has an amazing six placements in Leo, another factor pointing toward Switzerland’s sel-rule and neutrality.
Projects started in Geneva that are an expression of the heart – Human Rights organizations etc. There are more treatises and agreements made in Geneva then in any other city of the world. It is said that the Hierarchy gave a talisman to H.P. Blavatsky to be put at the Leman Lake, located at the centre of the city.33
“The process of discovering areas magnetised in past centuries by Members of the Hierarchy, extending over aeons, will develop as the Aquarian Age unfolds – to make available the transmission of energies stored. In the cycle which is now close at hand, these magnetic centres will be largely tapped or utilised by the world disciples responsible for the purificatory work.”34
Geneva is ruled by rays 1 (soul) and 2 (personality) – the heart anchors the aspects life (1) and consciousness (2). Its motto is I seek to blend to fuse and to serve. The difference between the motto of London I serve, and Geneva – I seek to serve, suggests that the heart is still in process of awakening – as it is with Humanity -and the majority of students who seek to aid the Great Ones. The throat is already awakened – science and light is a fact on Earth.
Geneva hosts the greatest number of human rights groups, all kinds of non-governmental organizations and agencies of the United Nations. Also, spiritual groups and one of the most advanced centres for scientific investigation, CERN. The plume of water shooting 140 metres high on Leman Lake, is a tourist attraction and magnetic point. The plume is like an outer correspondence to the heart’s activity – the line of least resistance for water or any fluid like blood, is to go down unless pumped up, as does the heart.
Water in Geneva is also directed around the city’s canals by a series of powerful pumps, creating a fast flow that reduces usual lake tendencies of stagnation and weed. Again, there is the symbolism of the blood that is pumped around the various chambers of the heart.
About 120 years ago, there was a contest in Europe to see which city would raise the highest plume of water, and it was won by Geneva. Using the Law of Correspondences Geneva proved to be “the best” – a demonstration of the awakening of the heart.
Nothing happens by chance and all externalisations are inner energies taking form in the outer world. In those days this kind of feat was not as easy as it might be today with modern technology.
Long term students of the ageless wisdom state that on the inner planes is a centre of force of first and second ray energies – over the city of Geneva. Observing a geographic map and seeing inwardly, there is a triangle between Mont Blanc, the white mountain that overlooks Geneva from the Alps, irradiating blue; Mount Kailash in the Himalayas irradiating white and Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa irradiating rose. This is just illustrative and only the intuition can corroborate this information.
Solar Plexus: Tokyo (Soul 6. Personality 4. Cancer.)
“The forces flowing through Tokyo are those of the first Ray in its lower materialistic aspect. Japan is governed by the soul ray in the consciousness of its leaders. Its sixth ray personality is responding to the call of the first ray energy and hence all the present unhappy attitudes and activities [written WWII], and hence also its link with Germany through the soul ray of both nations and with Italy through the personality rays. Hence, therefore, the Axis.”35
“… whilst in Tokyo there is small activity as yet, and what there is of no great moment.” [written 1949]36
During World War II, Japan embodied “maya” a form of illusion upon the physical plane. (Germany = glamour – astral plane; Italy = illusion – mental plane) 37

Japanese Buddhist Temple.
The East is always associated with the “right brain” hemisphere, the heart, meditation and devotion – it is on the love ray line 2, 4, 6. Tokyo is ruled by the fourth and sixth rays and is connected with the solar plexus – because all second ray aspect centres are ruled by rays on the line 2, 4, 6 – unless one is a disciple. The majority of the human race has sixth or second ray astral bodies. It maybe possible that before one has a second ray astral body, there maybe some lives with an astral body on the fourth ray.
The soul ruler of the Eastern Hemisphere or the Orient is the fourth ray. Tokyo as a fourth ray personality expresses energy which is also the soul of Brazil – a nation that has the biggest expatriate Japanese and Italian communities. (Italy a ray 4 personality.)
This may indicate links between Tokyo the solar plexus and the abstract mind of the Fifth Rootrace (Brazil), the ego/soul aspect of the Fifth Rootrace (USA ray 2 soul) and the concrete mind of the race (UK ray 2 soul). All centres must be synthesized before the Fifth Rootrace can move as one to the Sixth Rootrace.
Considering Tokyo as the solar plexus, the astral body is anchored here; it is the body for the irradiation of the love of the soul through the personality – after it is purified and perfectly reflecting the light of the sun/sol/soul. Between all centres, the only one that is called soul/sun is the sol-ar plexus. Japan is known as “the land of the rising sun”. All centres are divine and sacred, they need only to be aligned with the higher planetary purpose. The oldest nation with the clearest unified record is Japan.
The path from solar plexus to heart was the goal of Atlantean race, whereas the path from heart to head is the goal of the Aryan or Fifth Rootrace. As the East represents the heart, and the West represents the mind, the East can be considered as the past and the West as the future – in this particular world cycle.
The path from heart to head and after that, the synthesis between heart and mind, between East and West, is the goal of the Fifth Rootrace. The East is related to the feeling nature, and the West to the thinking nature. The West represents the “left brain” hemisphere of mind and science, of experiment.
Would Tokyo be the sacral centre, one of the most linked to the form aspect of nature, and on the line 1, 3, 5, 7 – as some students consider? The Chinese and Japanese are remainders of the Fourth Rootrace – one of the oldest races, even older than India.
Supporting a perspective of Tokyo as the sacral centre – is the assignation of planetary centres from the viewpoint of the Planetary Logos, not the Fifth Rootrace – the “materialistic forces” embodying the sacral centre.38 Another name for this group is the Black Lodge or Dark Brotherhood, who it is said have their most powerful adepts in the East because they are the oldest racially. Japan is also one of the oldest nations with a unified history, Germany and Italy are much younger.
The Fourth Rootrace had its highest expression in the functioning of the heart, hence a city directly linked to this race is indicated as the solar plexus, an evolutionary path to the heart. Japan has a very refined culture and Zen is regarded as one of the highest forms of Mahayana Buddhism.
The great majority of the human race are still Atlantean in consciousness. The majority of Earth’s population is Asiatic in culture and physical traits – almost 70%. China, Tibet, Japan, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand and other Asiatic nations, plus indigenous South Americans. The number of victims from these races in world cataclysms such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic activity – is greater than in any other race.
Maya is materialised glamour and illusion – the degree of materialisation depends upon the amount of magnetism and desire attached to it – revealed by the “heights of luxury” reached in Atlantis. As an ancient race, they are better fitted to fulfill this dharma/karma of focusing world maya. Also, the solar plexus has a close relation with the sacral centre, closer than the heart, before the upper point of the solar plexus is awakened.
The black magicians are related to Atlantis and its problem was the desire of the solar plexus, selfishness (emotions-water) – so much so, that it was finally sunk in the waters of desire. It is in the realm of desire that the masters of matter hold more power, as they did in Atlantis. Selfish desire, solar plexus desire, desire without soul; from selfish desire they gather their strength. It is through desire that they can control non-vigilant students and the ones whose personal desires are disguised as soul desire.
The main task of Humanity and of the individual student is to “close the door were evil dwells” – the solar plexus, seat of personal desire – before the “two openings” are closed, and before the Sun is raised up to irradiate it, this time united with the heart.
The astral body, the second aspect of the personality, expresses the love of the soul, the second aspect of the egoic lotus. The door “where evil dwells” is any “opening” or division caused by personal desire, that leads to separation and applies to individual man, humanity and the planet.
Darjeeling: Alta Major Centre
(Soul 2, Personality 5. Scorpio.)
Darjeeling is “more subjective” in its influence39 and “occultly “vibrating”” because of its relative closeness to the Himalayan Brotherhood:40
“The effect of the force flowing through the Darjeeling centre is not so immediately apparent but it is of major importance as a distributing agency for the Hierarchy and particularly for those Members of the Hierarchy who are dealing with and influencing current human affairs in this time [WWII ] of momentous crisis.”41
“The force pouring through Darjeeling at this time is that of the first Ray of Will or Power. The soul ray of India is the first ray and hence the immediate effect of the inpouring Shamballa force is to stimulate the will-to-power of all dictators, whether they are the would-be world dictators such as Hitler and his group of evil men, ecclesiastical dictators in any religion, business dictators in any business group in any part of the world, or those minor dictators, the tyrants in the home. It is interesting to note that the keynote of India is “I hide the light,” and this has been interpreted to mean that the light pours forth from the East and that the gift of India to the world is the light of the Ageless Wisdom.

Triangle between Shamballa (upper right), Belukha mountain (upper left) and Shigatse-Kangchenjunga-Darjeeling.
This is true but there is a wider and deeper sense by which it will prove. When the intent and purpose of the great Life which works through Shamballa is carried out and is in process of expression, a light will be revealed which has never yet been seen or known.
“There is a word in the Christian Scriptures which says “In that light shall we see light;” this means that through the medium of the light of wisdom shed abroad in our hearts through the Ageless Wisdom, we shall eventually see the Light of Life itself — something meaningless and inexplicable to humanity at present but which will be later revealed when the present point of crisis is surmounted. Of its nature and its effect I have naught to say to you at present.”42
Although exoterically the smallest of all the centres, Darjeeling holds an ancient magnetism, hence is esoterically very powerful. Darjeeling takes its name from the Tibetan ‘rdo–rje’ (pronounced ‘dorjay’) which means “master or king of stones”, i.e. the diamond, hence the “Vajrayana” or “Diamond Vehicle” of Buddhism – a path to enlightenment.
The diamond is associated with ray 1 because of its ability to cut away obstacles on the spiritual path, and for clarity and sharpness of thought. (“Pellucid as crystal”43 The “double-dorjay” or “vajra” with its dual shape, very closely resembles the two major petals of the ajna centre, shaped like wings.
With Scorpio as ruler of this centre, ray 1 (Pluto) can find easy expression. The increasing Shamballa force upon the planet means that ray 1 is still pouring through strongly, yet modified by Darjeeling’s ray 2 soul.
Darjeeling’s ray structure is identical to the Kingdom of Souls: Ray 2 soul, Ray 5 personality.44 London is the throat centre representing intelligent humanity, Darjeeling is the head centre representing Hierarchy – with Shamballa the planetary head/alta major centre working through it. In a mediator capacity, Darjeeling sits between East and West.
On the one hand iDarjeeling represents the accumulated wisdom of the East, and on the other, India is the cradle of Western civilisation. The motto for India, “I hide the light” points to this light of the head centre to be awakened. As the continents are the “endocrine glands” to the planetary centres, India and a greater part of Asia would represent the pineal gland. (See Appendix 2 below on the endocrine glands.)

The close proximity of Shigatse, Kangchenjunga and Darjeeling. The vicinity of Shigatse is where some Chohans reside – Masters M and KH – with DK assisting them. Kanchenjunga lies between Shigatse and Darjeeling.
It is not easy to know what centre can be attributed to Darjeeling. Originally, the author gave several reasons for the ajna centre, later reformulating a head centre perspective – but is now leaning toward the alta major centre! Apart from the ajna, the four centres are in the spine and the head centre is not located in the spine, hence excluding the head centre per se.
There are five centres up the spine and if we have identified the throat (London), the heart (Geneva) and the solar plexus (Tokyo), the two remaining centres might appear to be the sacral and the basic – the sacral already eliminated earlier, with the basic also discounted in Appendix 1.
What characteristic of the centres can be found in Darjeeling when it is said that the energy of Will, comes to the planet through it? One needs to keep in mind that these centres are related to the physical body of an entity, the densest ether.
What most students miss, is that there is another centre at the very tip of the spine – the alta major centre, one of the three head centres associated with the will. Before exploring this, the reader may wish to explore the now discarded base centre theory in Appendix 1.
An in Depth Reflection on the Alta Major Centre
“In the planetary logoic life as is the case also with individual man, the microcosm of the Macrocosm, certain centres are more awakened than others and vibrate in unison with systemic impulse more fully than others. In the case of the planetary Logos of our little sphere, the head centre, the ajna centre, the heart and solar plexus centres and the throat centre are the five focal points of energy which are the most alive and vibrant.”45
In the present reflection, associations have been made relating four cities to four centres. Darjeeling was eliminated as the base centre, as discussed in Appendix 1. In all previous diagrams, the head centre has been assigned to Darjeeling.
Whenever the head centre is referred to, it could be any of the three head centres – the 1,000 petal lotus, ajna or alta major. Yet, The head centre (crown chakra, 1,000 petal lotus) does not fulfill the criteria for the five cities, given in the earlier quote, repeated here:
“The five cities that are the exoteric expression of the esoteric centre of force through which the Hierarchy and Shamballa work, are the correspondence in the planetary body to the four centres up the spine and the ajna centre in the body of Humanity and of individual man.”46
Therefore, serious consideration must be given to the top of the spine – the alta major centre as a “doorway” to the head centre:

“Where the cranium and spine make approximate contact”. Behind the atlas bone depicts the general area of where the alta major centre is located.
“The alta major centre, or that nerve centre at the top of the spine, where the cranium and the spine make approximate contact. When this congery of nerves is fully developed, it forms a centre of communication between the vital energy of the spinal column (the kundalini fire) and the energy of the two head centres above enumerated [pineal and pituitary glands]. It is the physical correspondence to the antaskarana on higher levels.”47
Indeed, the neck is an apt symbol of the antaskarana or bridge between the torso and the head, but particularly at “the top of the spine” – around the region of the first cervical vertebra, or atlas bone – upon which the skull rests:
“The other fire of matter (the dual fire) is attracted upward, and merges with the fire of mind through a junction effected at the alta major centre. This centre is situated at the base of the skull, and there is a slight gap between this centre and the point at which the fires of matter issue from the spinal channel. Part of the work the man who is developing thought power has to do, is to build a temporary channel in etheric matter to bridge the gap.”48
This passage confirms that the alta major centre is definitely one of the “four centres on the spine”. It can be seen here how Darjeeling as alta major centre is an intermediary for the synthesised “fires” of the other four city centres – to meet the fires that pour through Darjeeling/Hierarchy from Shamballa, the 1,000 petal lotus. Sanat Kumara at the centre of Shamballa, might embody the pineal gland.
“The thousand-petalled lotus [crown] and that focal point or junction of energies to be found in the medulla oblongata, and which is called the alta major centre. This centre becomes physically effective through the carotid gland.”49
There are other correspondences to be worked out here, once it is understood how these glands function in the microcosm, Man. The carotid gland/vein is closely associated with the throat chakra found at the back of the neck, and is a transmitter to the brain of blood and more subtle energies.
These glands/centres are also related to the triple channel of the ida, pingala and sushumna nadis up the human spine. If we associate Shamballa/Sanat Kumara with the Father or Will aspect, the following passage for the human microcosm takes on an interesting dimension:
“Later, energy from the spirit aspect, the first or Father aspect, will become available and will pour down through the head centre to the ajna centre, combining personality energy and soul energy. Then, by an act of the will, it is projected down the spinal column, via the alta major centre, which conditions the carotid gland.”50
So below, as above – again, the Law of Correspondences. The carotid artery is the “gland” corresponding to the alta major centre, just as the pineal and pituitary glands correspond to the head and ajna centres. From one perspective, these three centres correspond to the triplicity of Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity.
There is also a correspondence of this spiritual Triad to the three points in the Council Chamber of Shamballa – “presided over by the three Buddhas of Activity, and within Whose exalted consciousness the three strands of the antahkarana meet and become active.”51
“1. The three major head centres (from the physical standpoint) are: 1. Alta centre. 2. Pineal gland. 3. Pituitary body.
2. They form a manasic triangle, after their juncture with the two fires of the two lower triangles, i.e., when they become synthetic.
3. But the purely manasic triangle prior to this merging is,
a. The throat centre,
b. The pineal gland,
c. Pituitary body.
This is during the period when the human unit consciously aspires and throws his will on the side of evolution, thus making his life constructive.”52
The earlier diagram of the five planetary centres can still be considered the same or similar – except the head centre designation for Darjeeling may be more specifically the alta major centre:
Perceiving the solar plexus as the lowest centre in outer manifestation, the diagram could also look like this:
The latest proposal of assigning the alta major centre to Darjeeling, should suffice for now. This science of the planetary centres is in its very early stages and will be developed more fully in the coming Age of Aquarius – where exoteric science will unite with esoteric science, providing much illumination and revelation for Humanity.
For now however, the more that students study and reflect upon these centres, the more effectively will they be able to participate in the directing of energy through them at the full moon meditations, with greater efficacy – and of course in conscious colloboration with Hierarchy and the unfolding Planetary Plan.
Conclusion: The NGWS and Humanity
The main aim of any reflection is to contribute stimulating new associations and for invoking more light, thus giving support to the work of groups devoted to service, aiding them in the task of making the work of the NGWS successful everywhere – thus accelerating the manifestation of the Plan. The NGWS as the ajna centre of Sanat Kumara is the connecting point between all His centres – above and below the diaphragm.
In the earlier diagram, Humanity is the throat or building centre, in the “neck” of Sanat Kumara. The NGWS is the ajna or linking, receiving and distributing centre in the “forehead” of Sanat Kumara – a very high position for both.
The interconnectedness of the ajna with all centres is demonstrated by the fact that the NGWS, the planetary ajna – is part of the Hierarchy (the planetary heart), standing in its periphery. At the same time the NGWS is part of Humanity (planetary throat) and the heart of the planetary centre we call Humanity – due to the NGWS function as the heart of the human race.
The NGWS is the upper point or the higher light of the planetary solar plexus (represented by the Jewish race), the two – Jewish Race/NGWS are the “awakened and awakening” points of the solar plexus centres. New York the ajna, is in the process of awakening.53
The bridging function of the NGWS is asserted in the mantra of World Servers when through sound, the bridges between Power of One Life (Shamballa – head centre), Love of the One Soul (Hierarchy – heart centre) and Light of the One Mind (Humanity – throat centre) – are “made flesh”. Such is the huge task of the NGWS – it has to inspire Humanity to build correctly according to the Plan.
The mind is the substance of the ONE Work. It is highly suggestive that the last affirmation of this mantra is not May the Light of one Mind fulfill its part in the One work – following the same “format” of the two previous affirmations. But, May I fulfill my part in the ONE work.
The NGWS is the light in the forehead of Sanat Kumara, representative of the Planetary Logos. It is He who is directing the Light to fulfill His Purpose – this is why only through “self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech” – will the work of the NGWS be fulfilled.
Occult meditation is the wielding, controlling and directing of energies for the magical work of redemption and furthering of the Plan. Occult meditators will make their work more effective if they keep in mind during meditation simultaneously – the intention, visualization, invocation and the conscious understanding of the process in between: a. The centres and their functioning, b. The five cities and the direction of energy flow.
This is not an easy task, but surely it will be mastered after training and practice, followed with steadfastness and regularity. The Master reinforces this when saying: “The responsibility of wielding force is a fact to be emphasised in the consciousness of all disciples; it will lead to a more deeply conscious and intelligent use of ray energy.”54
“To be able to hold all this in mind when meditating, one needs to be working with the energy of synthesis (concrete mind/soul/abstract mind – the antahkarana built in some measure), to have eliminated the divisions between one’s own centres, to have reached a good measure of integration.
To strive to apply and use the technique meant for the race, simultaneity is the key word: “The inability of even the most advanced human mind to grasp themes and subjects as a whole.” The synthetic element is as yet lacking.
At present, the teachings and processes involved must be mastered step by step, detail by detail, precept by precept, application by application. But the future holds the promise clear, and the ability of the human eye to function synthetically, to grasp a landscape, for instance, in its broad and salient outlines and to do this simultaneously and in a flash of vision is the guarantee of the future technique of the race.”55
May these shared thoughts about the five planetary centres inspire us to be more effective, working in meditation when sounding the Great Invocation – simultaneously invoking, precipitating and directing the invoked energies into the five physical centres of the planet. Doing so, we will be able to make the Path a real fact for “The One Who all men wait to come”.
(Edited, rewritten and illustrated by Phillip Lindsay in 2019.)
Appendix 1: Thoughts on Darjeeling as the Base Chakra
The Will is anchored in two places – the head and base centres, until the two aspects are merged and blended in the head. To simplify, one can say that the Will is the mother aspect of the father – and so the mother aspect has its seat in the base and the father aspect in the head. In a second ray/second aspect solar system all is doubled, dual and divided.
Hence, an indication that Darjeeling could be the base centre, where the Will aspect for this race is located: “This centre is found at the very base of the spine, and supports all the other centres.”56
To manifest something or to materialize, the life aspect must be present, and in all beginnings the life principle is anchored in the base. To manifest at the physical and dense plane two main centres must be active simultaneously: the base (father aspect – life) and the sacral (mother aspect, the generating or materializing centre). In the First Rootrace all the “seven centres were awakened and functioning.” 57
As all manifestation is threefold, the first mother is the sacral centre (Third Rootrace, Lemuria), and the “son” of that mother is the solar plexus centre (Fourth Rootrace, Atlantis). The second mother is the mind or throat centre – its second son is the heart centre.
India is the cradle of the Fifth Rootrace, the foundation of Western races – its motto is, I hide the light. The motto of Brazil which is going to eventually synthesize the Fifth Rootrace (the “ending” of the race) is I hide the seed, the seed of the next (sixth) Rootrace. Would this hidden light be the light of the mind and has India brought its motto from the past Fourth Rootrace?
If not, what light is hidden in India, or in this centre in Darjeeling? This light can be considered the jewel in the thousand-petalled lotus but this will be unveiled only in the Seventh Rootrace – the final race. The jewel synthesizes all the lights that are already seen or appearing in the head. If the light is hidden it suggests that it is not yet a visible light, or that the light has not yet reached that far – as the light appears only when it is in the “roof” – or at the crown.
One possibility is that the “light that is hidden” is the kundalini light, the light of matter-mother coiled at the base of the spine; hence Darjeeling may be seen as the base centre, that hides – or protects – the Will aspect of manifestation – the kundalini.
With Scorpio assigned to Darjeeling, it is tempting to make a base chakra association – as Scorpio ruler Pluto is also the ruler of the human base chakra. The base centre has to be active before the crown centre can be fully awakened, and in fact the crown centre only awakens when the kundalini fire is raised up and the two are blended at the top of the head. This happens at the third initiation and the crown centre is one of the last to broadcast a shining light. When this light is seen, it means that the entity is close to the Fourth Initiation – and this is not the case for this current rootrace. Yet, as described above, the alta major centre may be considered as a “step upon the way” to the fully awakened crown centre.
As an aside, some speculation affirms that the locale of Darjeeling in the Himalayas is actually a division of the Andes because the sea floor of the Pacific was raised up during one of the Atlantean sinking, dividing the old continent. There are many similarities between the indigenous people of South America and the inhabitants of the Himalayas.
To be just coincidence or to be logically and simply explained by the theory of migration, does not suffice. A great part of South America was part of Lemuria/Atlantis. The first anchoring of Shamballa force was in the centre of South America, at the Temple of Ibez. (Currently Shamballa is located north-east of Darjeeling in the Gobi Desert.)
It is most probable that to complete the cycle, Shamballa will return to the point where it started and this is perhaps why the light is moving from East to West. Will the mother come to re-meet the father?. The synthesis of the whole Fifth Rootrace will occur in South America, host to the Sixth Rootrace. Brazil covers a great part of that continent and has a Fourth Ray soul whilst India, source of the Fifth Rootrace – has a Fourth Ray personality.
The nations that host the oldest races (China and India) have a first ray soul, which indicates beginnings. The two pioneering Anglo-Saxon nations of England and Germany, externalizing the mind aspect of the Fifth Rootrace – have first ray personalities. The first ray rules the personality when for the first time in one incarnation the individual becomes creative, or starts using the throat centre/mind creatively, the goal of the Fifth Rootrace.58
In the real beginnings that are initiated on the inner side, the first ray energy is present for a seeding process, and then at the moment of its first externalization or materialization, the first aspect is again present. The synthesizing nation for the whole Fifth Rootrace is Brazil; its personality ray is the second ray, the same as the soul of Britain and USA; its fourth ray soul is the same as the soul of Germany .
The seat of the Will before the third initiation is at the base centre and this is why that centre is ruled by Pluto – for raising it to the surface. The third initiation is actually the raising of the energy from the base to the head centre: “The third initiation, which is the first soul initiation, relating the base of the spine to the head centre and the soul to the monad.”59
In the Fifth Rootrace, five centres will be mainly activated, not all. Will Humanity as a whole reach just the first initiation during the Fifth Rootrace? Humanity the world disciple is about to take the first initiation, occurring for the first time en masse in the Fifth Rootrace.
Will the raising of kundalini to the head (third initiation) happen in this race, or just the raising of the sacral centre to the throat centre (first initiation)? If so, will the second initiation for Humanity as a whole be in the Sixth Rootrace, and the third initiation in the Seventh Rootrace?
From another perspective the truly “human” rootraces, the Lemurian (third or first Rootrace, the Atlantean (fourth or second rootrace) and the Aryan (fifth or third rootrace), embody the first three initiations respectively.
However, the first truly divine race “will be the final race.”60 The Seventh Rootrace will have emerged at the closing of the fourth round on this fourth globe. Will it be the race that takes the fifth initiation? If so, will the Fifth Rootrace take the third initiation, which is actually the first initiation, esoterically considered? Will the Sixth Rootrace enable Humanity as a whole to take the second and the fourth degrees, whilst the final Seventh Rootrace take the fifth initiation, thus becoming the “divine” race?
Considering the association above, would Darjeeling be the base centre holding the first ray or will energy for the Fifth Rootrace until the next race? Would India be hiding the kundalini light until it is raised to the head centre? In this case the head centre would have been omitted from the list of five cities.
This speculation is mainly due to the fact that the four centres are located in the spine. Discarding the solar plexus, the only centre remaining would be the base. Would the expression, “four centres up the spine” be a “veil” for the head centre or alta major centre not being mentioned? Based upon the statement that “the three lower centres were developed – and “with them the occultist has nothing to do”, the hypothesis of Darjeeling as the base centre is also discarded.
Appendix 2: Endocrine Glands of the Five Planetary Centres
Another factor to be considered is the endocrine system associated with the chakras. It is a highly speculative area but is included here for consideration only.
“Five signs related to the unfoldment, in time and space, of the Human Hierarchy. These five signs are of major conditioning importance and may be enumerated as follows: a. Cancer. b. Leo. c. Scorpio. d. Capricorn. e. Pisces. These five signs are related in the planetary sense to the five great races of which our present race, the Aryan, is the fifth.
These five races, under the influence of the five signs, produce the externalisations that are called the five continents — Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and America. These five continents are to the planetary Life what five major endocrine glands are to the human being. They are related to five centres.”61
Following is a speculative tabulation based upon this quote. Note that three of the signs in common have been matched up with one another.
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.521. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.92. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.457. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.430. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey. pp.675-6. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.458. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p320. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey. pp.675-6. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.102. [↩]
- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.71. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.89. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.89. [↩]
- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.72. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.97-8. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. pp.148-9. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.458. [↩]
- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. p.118. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.186. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. [↩]
- See also the author’s book, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles, for a chapter on the esoteric history of the Jewish Race. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.368. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.589. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.677. [↩]
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey.pp.4-5. [↩]
- See the new revised and updated 2009 version of The Shamballa Impacts by Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.142. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.97. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.429. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.53. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.96-7. [↩]
- This information came orally from a person who was friends with one of the founders of the Arcane School in Geneva – and very well read in all the ageless wisdom teachings. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.692. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.99. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey. p.678. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey. p.356. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey. p.87. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.93. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey. p.678. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 457. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.98-9. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky . p.378. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.413. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.453. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.102. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.960. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.137. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.181. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.210. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.257. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.136. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.123. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.583. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.167. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.181. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.455. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.122. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.141. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.141. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.426. [↩]
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