Five Centres USA: NYC, LA, Chicago, Washington, Kansas City.

5-Fold Integration through the 5 Cities
Five National Centres of USA
Kansas City the Ajna?

(Note, this  analysis is linked to the Five Planetary Centres essay.)

“Research into the various national centres and their esoteric ruling energies, revealing in a more universal manner and with a wider horizon the destiny of humanity in relation to its group units, large and small. The soul and personality qualities of nations will be studied, the centres within each nation which focus certain ray energies will be noted, and the qualitative emanations of its five or six major cities will be investigated … will be the subject of scientific research.

The psychic atmosphere and the intellectual appeal will be studied, effort will be made to discover the soul quality and the personality nature (the spiritual and the materialistic tendencies) of these great aggregations of human beings which have come into expression in certain fixed localities because they are expressions of the force centres in the vital body of the nation.”1

The 16-petalled throat chakra.

New York has been given by the Master Djwhal Khul  the national throat centre2 and is speculated by this author to be the planetary ajna centre. The planetary centres correspond to the five major planetary cities, but what city matches which centre has never been given out. Nevertheless, various cities within nations have been given:

“Nations, for instance, have seven centres, as have all forms of existence from the human and animal upwards, and it is an interesting study to discover these centres and note the type of energy which flows through them. In connection with the United States of America, Chicago is the solar plexus centre, whilst New York is the throat centre and Washington the head centre. The heart centre is Los Angeles.

The heart centre of Germany is Munich, and its head centre is Nuremberg, whilst Berlin is the throat centre. London is, of course, the heart centre for Great Britain (and temporarily it is also the head centre, though this will not always be the case), whilst Ottawa is the throat centre and Sydney is the solar plexus centre of the British Empire.”3

Yet as any entity evolves, the focus of energies will change from one centre to another. One city for instance, may play the role of a centre until another centre/city is deemed fitter, for example:

“Like Russia, this country [USA] is in the making and – as I have told you elsewhere – as the nation’s power shifts, as it will and as it now really is shifting from Washington to New York, the Cancerian influence will steadily lessen and the country will take its place as an adult among the nations.”4

The Destiny of the Nations was published in 1949, seventy years ago (in 2019). If the power shift from Washington to New York was taking place back in the late 1940’s, then one would wonder how long that shift would take to become fully effected? The political capital of a nation is not always the head centre, yet Washington has certainly played that role from the inception of the USA. Berlin for instance, is the political capital of Germany yet is given as the throat centre, whilst Munich is the heart.

If New York is to become the new head centre, where does that leave Washington? Perhaps a “straight swap” – Washington becoming the throat centre – like its older and more mature counterpart, Berlin? There could certainly be an argument advanced for Washington becoming a throat centre in terms of culture, the arts and business; a closer examination of trends would have to be made.

The 9/11 attack on the Pentagon (5=mind) in Washington was upon an institution associated with intelligence, relating it to the third ray of active intelligence, a ray associated with Saturn and the throat centre. One could also speculate that the energy that used to pour through the Washington head centre has now anchored itself in the matter of the mental plane – with which the throat is connected.

Hence, if these centres have swapped places, when might that have occurred? 9/11 might be a date to consider. For all intents and purposes, the financial centre of the world and the USA was attacked on that day. Money, trading, business etc. is the province of the third and seventh rays, but mainly the third ray and its association with the Law of Economy. New York is also a third ray personality, with a second ray soul.

However the attack happened and by whatever means, the Twin Towers financial centre was utterly destroyed. Is it too much of a leap to take this symbolism as the throat centre being annihilated and something else replacing it – the head centre? Or the beginning of that process? Something that had been gradually occurring for the past seventy years or more – had finally been effected in one fell swoop?

Albeit with shocking and painful consequences – the ferocity and awesome power of the destroyer aspect of the first ray – a ray associated with the head centre. If one performs an internet search like – “washington financial capital?”, there are plenty of interesting articles and comments that support this.

Approximately one Saturn cycle of seven years from 9/11 2001, saw the US financial crisis by 2008. It has been speculated that the same people responsible for 9/11, engineered that collapse exactly seven years later on 9/11 2008 – when an electronic “run” on the banks began. In 2009, the new Obama administration in Washington was working hard to address the situation – while at the same time, money market people were reportedly relocating to Washington.

Working as the head centre, New York would be directing energy to the nation as a whole in terms of its spiritual dharma. Both the USA and New York City are second ray souls, hence there exists an unique affinity that fits New York for the task of broadcasting the nation’s soul purpose. It is interesting to note at this current 2020 update, that US President Trump has his main base in NYC.

If the author’s proposed theory of Darjeeling and New York are respectively the head and ajna centres of the five planetary cities, then there is a direct relationship to the distribution of the Plan from Shamballa and Hierarchy: From the head centre in Darjeeling to the ajna centre in New York and out to the whole of the western world which New York rules:

1. London             For the British Empire.
2. New York         For the Western Hemisphere.
3. Geneva             For Europe, including the U.S.S.R.
4. Tokyo               For the Far East.
5. Darjeeling       For India and the greater part of Asia.

Likewise, that which pours through the international ajna centre of New York must transfer in some part to its jurisdiction over the national throat or head centre, broadcasting the nation’s spiritual purpose. To illustrate the situation, let us consider New York’s role in the greater body of the planet.

Five-Fold Planetary Integration through the Five Cities

In the pentagram diagram above, pure spiritual energies emanate from Darjeeling the head/alta major centre, to the ajna centre of New York – the most powerful centre in the Western world for Humanity at this time. Then those forces proceed toward the heart in Geneva, the throat in London and solar plexus in Tokyo – finally returning to the head centre in Darjeeling.

Here is a great illustration of the divine circulatory flow – indicative of the continual redemption process – where pure spiritual force is released and subsequently finds its deepest penetration into the lowest energy centre of the planet. Each time the returning stream reaches the head centre, it carries with it a higher frequency than the previous cycle and so evolution proceeds. Bear in mind that in this current cycle, it is the responsibility of the Occident or West to bring spiritual advancement for the planet as a whole:

The Occident      Soul Ray               Ray II.                           Personality Ray      Ray IV.
The Orient          Soul Ray               Ray IV.                           Personality Ray      Ray III.

We live in a “second ray solar system” where the development and expression of Love-Wisdom as a whole is the goal. Several of the “sacred planets” have already achieved that purpose and Earth is one of the “non-sacred planets” – at a very critical juncture of that process. Consider the second ray line up:

Occident       2nd ray soul  – Western Hemisphere
Darjeeling    2nd ray soul  – Ancient part of India, foundation of all the Western races.
New York     2nd ray soul  – Western Hemisphere.

Five National Centres of USA
Similarly, the national centres of the USA can be examined to determine energy flows. The following passage reveals another USA city not mentioned earlier:

The five national centres of the USA: New York, Washington, Chicago, Kansas City and Los Angeles.

“Research into the various national centres and their esoteric ruling energies, revealing in a more universal manner and with a wider horizon the destiny of humanity in relation to its group units, large and small. The soul and personality qualities of nations will be studied, the centres within each nation which focus certain ray energies will be noted, and the qualitative emanations of its five or six major cities will be investigated.

Let me here give you an instance of what I mean: the influences of New York, Washington, Chicago, Kansas City and Los Angeles will be the subject of scientific research; the psychic atmosphere and the intellectual appeal will be studied, effort will be made to discover the soul quality and the personality nature (the spiritual and the materialistic tendencies) of these great aggregations of human beings which have come into expression in certain fixed localities because they are expressions of the force centres in the vital body of the nation.”5

Hence, taking the earlier quote and speculation about New York as the new head centre, there emerges a grouping of the following cities and corresponding centres:

New York               Head
Washington          Throat
Los Angeles          Heart
Kansas City          Ajna?
Chicago                Solar Plexus

Kansas City.

Kansas City the Ajna?
Kansas City ajna? There has been commentary about the new esoteric schools and a preparatory school slated for the mid-west:

“Kansas City in the mid-west has been given as one of America’s major centres, but has not been named like the others. This leaves either the ajna or sacral, or base chakra for Kansas City.

The former is far more appealing for local influence upon an esoteric school. Just as the Planetary Logos utilises the NGWS as the ajna centre, perhaps the soul of the American people may do the same with this city eventually. Kansas City is a dual city either side of the Missouri River – in the states of Kansas and Missouri. There is some symbolism here in relation to the two major lobes of the ajna centre.”6 (Kansas City is not a city that immediately comes to mind for the ajna – San Francisco and other cities might seem more likely candidates.)

The larger Missouri State side of Kansas City has most impressive higher education facilities with arts, architecture and music quite prominent. There are over 200 fountains in the city, second only to Rome. If a city is to qualify as the ajna centre, the depth and refinement of the culture is one of the most important considerations.

Kansas City, Kansas State – is regarded as a “satellite” of the larger Missouri city. KS is nicknamed the Heart of America because it is within 250 miles of both the geographic and population centers of the United States; it relies mainly on car manufacturing and has a fraction of the facilities of its bigger brother.

Missouri River.

Both cities have a connection with the heart or the feeling nature (fountains) and naturally, the mighty Missouri river runs through it – the longest river in the USA (2,341 miles). A long river such as this is like the sushumna nadi that runs up the human spine. Note in the map here how it diagonally bisects the USA.

Nevertheless, staying with the ajna speculation and from this superficial assessment, the Missouri side could be the right petal of the ajna (buddhi) and the Kansas side the left petal (manas). Another reason why Kansas City as a whole could be the ajna is that it may have ancient links that make it suitable to host an esoteric school. There are many old and important Atlantean magnetic points in this nation.

“Only as the educational work of the nation has reached a certain height will it be possible to use the mental equipment of the nation as a stepping stone for further expansion, and to use it as a basis for the occult school. And, curiously enough, only those nations which originally had a training school for the mysteries (with three exceptions) will be again, during the earlier stages, permitted national schools. The exceptions are:

1. Great Britain.
2. Canada and the United States.
3. Australia.

And even these exceptions might be considered only one, the case of Australia, for the other two in Atlantean days had their occult foundations when they formed part of the earlier continent. It will be found later on, when the Occult Schools are founded, that they will be situated where some of the old magnetism yet lingers, and where in some cases certain old talismans have been kept by the Brotherhood with just this aim in view.”7

Using the rationale of omitting the lower centres such as the sacral and the base – from USA’s national centres, the following interactions might occur between its five cities:

Note that both Kansas City and Chicago are near large bodies of water. Chicago in the presence of mighty lakes – is a perfect symbol of the astral body of the nation. There is much to think about and test:

“When these various relationships are somewhat grasped by the peoples of the world, you will get the clue to the various happenings taking place today and will understand the goal and the method of its attainment more clearly. There is much deep research work to be done, for the science of energy relationships is yet in its infancy.”8

Phillip Lindsay © updated Nov. 2020.

  1. The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.103. []
  2. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. []
  3. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. []
  4. The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.89. []
  5. The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.103. []
  6. Destiny of the Races and Nations I, Phillip Lindsay. []
  7. Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.306. []
  8. The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.101. []

One Response to Five Centres USA: NYC, LA, Chicago, Washington, Kansas City.

  1. LL says:

    Kansas City, the hidden gem. The Italian basin fountain encompassed by the zodiac in the Nelson Atkins, beeming portal energy there. My first thought in the Rozzelle court…finally, a portal not covered by a cathedral!

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