Safeguarding the Integrity of the Trans-Himalayan Teaching

DKThe Ageless Wisdom Teachings dictated to Alice A. Bailey, via the Master Djwhal Khul – contain a treasury of Wisdom that will require prolonged study, perhaps over a series of lives, in order for the audience they were intended for, to assimilate – let alone achieve full comprehension.

It is said that even some of the Masters still study some of these books, as much of what has been presented is directly from The Hierarchy’s archives on occultism and therefore relevant to any initiate in training – right up to the Fifth Initiation.1

These Teachings have been invoked by Humanity through its massed cry for greater light over the last several hundred years – representing a new dispensation for the 2,000 year Aquarian cycle that will take centuries to do justice.

The first phase of the evocative response from Hierarchy occurred with the writings of Helena P. Blavatsky and The Secret Doctrine – published in 1888. The third and final phase of these new Occult Teachings is said to come forth early this century.


Since the “Blue Books” written by Alice A. Bailey were completed in 1949, several questionable teachings have emerged which claim inspiration from the Masters or being the “Third Phase” of Hierarchical dispensation, even though The Tibetan has said that there would not be another transmission from Them via an amanuensis, until after 2025.2

Therefore, we students seek to demonstrate and stimulate discussion through various contributors – long term students of the Wisdom, in order to safeguard the integrity of the Trans-Himalayan Occult Teachings. Truth defends Itself par excellence – being the Source of Principles or active Spirit. It is rather Its application that has to be both safeguarded and adequately updated.

There has arisen a number of criticisms regarding those works inspired by Master DK. We would like to offer this forum (in the comments section at the bottom of the page), as a means of addressing some of these issues. Hopefully it will bring some clarification to some of the presentations offered by “other” individuals and groups who claim direct Hierarchical involvement. The following points list these criticisms:

1. Claims that the Alice A. Bailey books are “dated” and no longer relevant modern times – with archaic language and some early 20th century themes.

hpb2. Through other authors who have claimed to be amanuenses for the Masters or their representatives with some books even imitating the style and presentation of the Alice Bailey books.

3. Through regular newsletter missives claiming to come “from the ashram” of one Master or another. Often these kind of writings imitate the jargon of the Ageless Wisdom, and appear to be the real thing.

4. Inspired writing from fellow students that advance, deepen or in some cases confuse our understanding of the Master’s presentation

5. Via a host of “New Age” channelled material that claims to be from the Masters, The Christ, archangels or stupendous Galactic Beings and Avatars.

6. Association with other branches of the Teachings which have an historical context and are related to the current Hierarchical presentation, such as the Buddha or Christ, as recorded in the Bible. These kind of writings often come from a sincere individual or group ‘inspiration’ mixed with “astral sensationalism”, and their “diluted” quality reveals it.

Thus the claiming, lacking of a good sense of proportion – if compared to the Esoteric Science – risks slipping unawares into contradictions and distortions; this could herald an insidious beginning toward progressively uncontrolled “decrees” that could easily confuse and mislead unprepared students.

7. Claims by some groups that they have a special dispensation (based upon questionable source writings), because their ashram is upon a certain ray line, thereby fostering the sense of specialness and uniqueness. Often members of this “ashram” have no idea about the rays involved when questioned about them.

The Master DK, when commenting upon instructions that He had given to disciples last century said:

“[This] Programme will—if followed with spiritual exactitude—reveal your soul-intended life pattern and this will be an expression of a life purpose … There is nothing more that I need to say on this subject. Later teaching on the matter will be available next century. I have already given you more than you can understand, but not more than you can begin slowly to study and eventually to comprehend by direct programme-forming in your own life, and making it at the same time an essential part of the programme of the Ashram with which you find yourself affiliated. This you will have to do through self-devised formulas, thus producing a life-pattern which will be indicative to the watching Masters as to the point in evolution attained by the disciples.”3

Hence, the articles below can be accessed though their links. This will be an ongoing project as the subject is vast. It will touch on the nature of glamour and illusion, personal and group. It will also examine the nature of psychic development and the nature of “testing” undergone in order to gauge the fitness of candidates for initiation.

We would like to emphasize the value of freedom of thought, freedom to choose the degree of participation and investment of time, energy and money, and the development of discernment and common sense, all being qualities which serve as protective strategies.

On behalf of several students of the Wisdom,
Phillip Lindsay. (Gemini blue moon, June 2016.)

Messages & Channeling Transmissions: Some Timely Quotations from the Master
The Search for Truth in the Matter of Channeled Esoteric Writings (Part I) – Michael D. Robbins (15-6-2016)
The Search for Truth in the Matter of Channeled Esoteric Writings (Part II) – Michael D. Robbins  (19-6-16)
The Search for Truth in the Matter of Channeled Esoteric Writings (Part III) – Michael D. Robbins  (20-6-16)
The Search for Truth in the Matter of Channeled Esoteric Writings (Part IV) – Michael D. Robbins  (21-6-16)
The Search for Truth in the Matter of Channeled Esoteric Writings (Part V) – Michael D. Robbins  (27-6-16)
Alice Bailey & Lucille Cedercrans: Dialogue between Followers
Trials of Deception: Psychics Are Easily Deceived (16-6-2016)

Forthcoming Articles
Development of the Mental Principle in Occultism
The Dangers of Psychic Development
The Paths of Mysticism and Occultism
The Nature of Glamour and Illusion: Individual & Group
Claims to Inspired Teachings Since Alice A. Bailey

Messages & Channeling Transmissions: Some Timely Quotations from the Master
Here is a valuable section from Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle. The message is sobering to those who aspire to be a receiver, “station” or amanuensis for some Master. When the odds are so much against direct transmission from a Master, why do those aspiring to receive so often conclude that they are, indeed, receiving what is really from a Master? Why do they not think that the far more probable alternatives may apply to them? (Michael D. Robbins)

“I am not indicating in any way how an individual can become telepathic. All those developments within the area or region of progressive contacts are only useful and truly available when they are developed normally and naturally and are not the result of premature unfoldment. When the development is premature there is always the danger of wrong, erroneous and self-centred interpretations.

The telepathic information can be of purely selfish or personal import and that type of telepathy has no place in what I am seeking to impart. People today frequently evidence a telepathic tendency or capacity. They tune in (a phrase they regard as more euphonious than the words “telepathic rapport”) with something or someone, though they know not what it is.

Everything that they purport to register is regarded by them as of major importance: it is usually self-related and not due to their high point of spiritual unfoldment which warrants their being the custodians of mysterious spiritual messages—usually of a most unimportant and platitudinous nature. There are many sources of these messages and it might be useful if I here mentioned some of them; what I have to say may prove to be of value to the general occult public.

  1. Messages emanating from the relatively nice, well-trained subconscious nature of the recipient. These well up from the subconscious but are regarded by the recipient as coming from an outside source. Introspective people frequently penetrate into the layer of subconscious recollection and are quite unaware of so doing. Their interest in themselves is so intense. Not knowing that they have done this, [Page 76] they regard what they find as unusual, beautiful and important, and then proceed to formulate it into messages, which they expect their friends and the general public to regard as spiritually based. These messages are normally innocuous, sometimes beautiful, because they are a mixture of what the recipients have read and gathered from the mystical writing or have heard from Christian sources and the Bible. It is really the content of their right thinking along spiritual lines and can do no one any harm, but is of no true importance whatsoever. It accounts, however, for eighty-five percent (85%) of the so-called telepathic or inspired writings so prevalent at this time.
  1. Impressions from the soul, which are translated into concepts and written down by the personality; the recipient is deeply impressed by the relatively high vibration which accompanies them, forgetting that the vibration of the soul is that of a Master, for the soul is a Master on its own plane. These are true soul impressions but usually have in them nothing new or of major importance; they are, again, the result of past ages of soul development (as far as the personality is concerned); they are, therefore, that which an awakening personality has contributed to the soul of the good, the true and the beautiful, plus that which has entered into the personality consciousness as a result of soul contact. This accounts for eight percent (8%) of the writings and communications put before the general public by aspirants today.
  1. Teachings given by a senior or more advanced disciple on the inner planes to a disciple under training or who has just been admitted into an Ashram. These teachings bear the impress and conclusions of the senior disciple and are frequently of value; they may—and often do—contain information of which the recipient is totally unaware. The criterion here is that nothing (literally nothing) will concern [Page 77] the recipient, either spiritually or mentally or in any other way connected with his personality, nor will they contain the platitudes of the religious background of the recipient. They will account for five percent (5%) of the teaching given, but this is in relation to the entire world and the percentage does not refer to some one occult group, one religious faith or one nation. The recognition of this is of vital importance.
  1. Communications from a Master to His disciple. This accounts for two percent (2%) of the entire telepathic receptivity, demonstrated by humanity as a whole throughout the entire world. Western students would here do well to remember that the subjective Eastern student is far more prone to telepathic receptivity than is his Western brother; this has a definite bearing on all the above classifications, which is somewhat humiliating for the Western mystic and occult student. The World Scriptures emanate from another department of the second ray teaching faculty. In this statement I do not include The Old Testament except such passages as the Twenty-third Psalm and certain passages out of the Prophets, particularly the Prophet Isaiah. The World Scriptures were written for mystics, occupied with beauty, comfort, and encouragement, and were not written for occultists. I would call this to your attention. (TEV 75-77)1

  1. See the third and fourth books in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – The Light of the Soul,  A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, The Rays and the Initiations. Alice A. Bailey. []
  2. “When you add to the above the equally large flood of communications which emanate from the transmitters’ own souls and from the realm of the subconscious, you have accounted for the mass of the material going out now. In all this there is need for deep thankfulness at the growing responsiveness and sensitivity of man.

    That the first reaction and effect of such an outpouring of communications is oft an increase of spiritual pride and ambition, and that the stepping down of the teaching from the mind to the brain and from the brain into words and sentences often fails in adequacy is sadly true, and that there is frequently misapprehension as to the emanating source of the instructions is also true, for the lack of humility in man and the lack of a true sense of proportion are great. But out of this inflow from the subjective side of life are coming new knowledge, increased devotion to the Plan, and those indications which will eventually bring us assurance.” Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.109. []

  3. Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.366. []

36 Responses to Safeguarding the Integrity of the Trans-Himalayan Teaching

  1. Jose Becerra says:

    1- I fully agree that the AAB-DK books are the reference standard for modern esoteric teachings.

    2- I haven’t found more esoteric depth anywhere else. And I keep looking with an open mind.

    3- However, some practical applications of the teachings written in the AAB-DK books are indeed dated.

    4- The problems of humanity today are not quite identical, though bearing similarity, to the 1919-1949 period of world history.

    5- International politics are quite different today than in 1945. For instance, the prominence of China today isn’t indicated in the AAB-DK books at all. The conflict in the Middle East is at a different stage today. The civil rights of the LGBT community have to be addressed with a different wording today than AAB’s choice of words (e.g., “perversion”) then, regardless of the semantic correctness.

    6- The neutron had not been discovered (1932) when the Treatise on Cosmic Fire was written (1925). And AAB, an advanced world disciple, didn’t have the scientific training to serve as a reliable scribe for scientific models and formulas about electricity and radioactivity.

    7- Esoteric teachings of lower degree (keeping the AAB-DK books as the highest standard) are not useless. They may help spiritual aspirants to increase their scope of consciousness while serving as tests of discernment for more advanced students.

    8- Delusional accepted discipleship is a common belief among spiritual aspirants. However, bona fide accepted disciples, in the technical sense, have lived in the world since 1949 and do live today. If not, their nonexistence would invalidate the teachings in the AAB-DK books. Recognizing their work and the *authorized* messages coming from the Ashrams with which they are affiliated, not related to any “new” spiritual dispensation, is also a test of discernment.

    9- I advise wise tolerance toward esoteric teachings of lower degree, integrating the ideas in agreement with the AAB-DK teachings, while leaving for intelligent speculation those ideas not contradicting the fundamentals in the AAB-DK books, always remembering that some contradictions are optical illusions in the dimension of time.

    10- In summary, in necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus carita.


    1. Sheldon Hughes says:


      Thank you, Jose, for your important considerations regarding this ‘conversation’ on Safeguarding the Teaching. Like you, I view the writings of DK as the standard and frame of reference I use when reading all spiritually related material. From my first reading of IHS I recognized the voice and DK as my Teacher.

      I read widely in the Esoteric field and find that while many writings are not as comprehensive and elevating they add current emphasis to what has been written, and provide useful Soul practices based on recent discoveries in psychology, brain, behavioral, and Earth sciences, cosmology, and astronomy. As you say, “They may help aspirants to increase their scope of consciousness while serving as tests for discernment for more advanced students”.

      This conversation can illumine us all as we work from and for Loving Understanding, Wise Comprehension, and RIGHT SPEECH. DK told us that His books had reached a much wider audience than His students were aware of. This spread of some of the essentials of the Teaching – One World, One Humanity, Living In Harmony with One Another and the Kingdoms of Nature – has dramatically increased world-wide, infusing Higher Values into academic disciplines, and important social, religious, political and economic movements we see today.

      The Teaching as lived, while not as pure as written, is our current expression of Discipleship and should also be an important consideration in this group exploration.

  2. Wade Hyde says:

    I would like to submit the works of Helena Roerich and the Agni texts as original transmissions from Hierarachy as well.

    1. Michael Robbins says:

      Dear Wade,

      I couldn’t agree with you more. I think in my rather long letter, I included HR and of course Master M. That Teaching sets a standard for a true first ray presentation. Its note is unmistakable. Agni Yoga can be used as a standard against which to compare other teachings which purport to come from Master M. As a general rule, I have found there is simply no comparison. Light, Love and Power, Michael

  3. Patrick Chouinard says:

    I don’t believe any of the claimants of recent years. Some have done some good work, but in general it is either not of the same quality as DK (via AAB) in terms of knowledge and wisdom, or the claimant has certain major “glamours” or defects that would preclude them from being what they claim (including the self-delusion or deception that they are channeling DK!). HPB and AAB were tried and tested along these lines and chosen in large part because (among other things) they were not susceptible to these glamours (not that they were perfect). No one is “channeling” DK or giving out the “next phase” to the public at this time so far as I know.

    Having studied DK now for over 30 years I can make these evaluations with some assurance, however judgmental, close-minded or overly-conservative they might seem. Some of these claimants touch upon the THEMES of the “next phase” – as indicated by DK – but what is really “new” in what they offer? Even the best of it is inferior to AAB’s work. Most of the time what is so alluring to their followers isn’t their teachings but their CLAIMS. To qualify as “new” they would have to at least be of the same quality PLUS give something NEW. There is a glamour in the constant search for something “new” (have we even really assimilated and applied what’s been already given?) .

    Frankly, when even the most advanced students in the world at this time (that I know about) have only scratched the surface of the vast amount he gave through AAB – more or less – why would more be given? True, the theosophists said he same thing when AAB’s teachings came out. I can understand their point of view, but you see DK (via AAB) DID give out things HPB had not, as well as a synthesis and new presentation much more suited to the modern Western student. Perhaps there will be new teachings coming out soon, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. The “next phase” for myself and most disciples is simply: greater harmlessness, love, service and especially more intuition (“straight-knowledge” ) i.e., less reliance on ANY external teaching. If I can do these things, well, that would be “new” for me indeed! The challenge in a nutshell is to embody the “Affirmation of the Disciple.” (The purpose of the teachings was never to make of us metaphysical academics! Armchair philosophers! )

    Nevertheless, I try and keep an open mind (which is why I investigated ALL of these claimants) . I bear in mind a basic truth expressed by Sri Aurobindo. He was asked by one of his disciples the following : “There must be several great Yogis in India who are open to the Divine. If the Divine manifested in a human form in their own country, would they not know it?” Sri Aurobindo responded:” There is no reason why they should. Each has approached the Divine in his own way. He may not recognize if the Divine manifests in another way or a new form.” So, I keep an open mind so that I won’t make the same mistake as the theosophists did regarding AAB. Personally even if they came out I have still so much to learn, integrate and apply from the “old” ones that I wouldn’t even concern myself too much with them!

  4. nikolaos Lymperopoulos says:

    I would strongly disagree with this project. It is setting up (for a good reason indeed) a ring-no-pass against to the aspirants of the world who are in the care and treatment of lower degree brothers, who act as ”teachers” for the little ones. 90% of aspirants (if not every single one) begin their studies in the context of some spiritually inclined group with a leader/teacher in the centre. Many keep for years and years ”framed” within the ring-no-pass set by the little leader and the respective group of little brothers. In many cases they pay lots of money. But yet, through these groups they have a chance sooner or later to seek to go deeper and higher to their spiritual endeavour. At that point they will ask for advanced manuals and instruction. Inevitably they will meet then the blue books and they are going to use them according to the benefit they are able in space and time to accumulate.
    There is no reason for us to claim that it is not going to be offered a new part of the teaching now or then or ever. I fail to find were is this statement about the 2025. Instead I remember another statement about the end of the last century. Indeed we need some more instruction on the monadic ”stuff” and the relation to the soul, but only a probationary in some lunatic condition would set this as a personal demand or even as one of his/her own group needs and demands. The blue books are not like the Quran nor the Bible. As far as I can tell there was no such intention. Nor it is advisable for us to set up some new Esoteric Orthodoxy. AAB in her time was strongly opposed to similar characteristics demonstrated by Theosophists. Of course I remember a strong comment against the I AM group and their doings, in the first pages of RI, due to their glamorous presentation of the Teachers of Wisdom. But I remember also a letter of Helena Roerich against AAB and her ”false teacher”, which made for long many readers of the Agni Yoga books not to study properly (if at all) the blue books. Let us not submit our selves to such a condition.
    Our problem today is that people are prone in not reading volumes of books and pages after pages of long detailed articles and such an attitude is no longer the main stream of the education nor even of the elite. I am an old school intellectual and I hate this modern hate of reading extensive and detailed books, and i realise it as a real problem of humanity. – Communication. Books are a tool for the author so to enhance a potential reach in face of the presented limitations in time and space during his/her communication with people who can possibly respond. Now we have videos and multimedia. These are not equal to books as yet. Blue books are demanding but accurate (relatively speaking) tools of communication. The basic characteristic which is totally unique is that the blue books are offering a Specific and Definite Corps of Teaching with (perhaps) no parallel. Every other presented teaching proclaimed as if ”given” by some Master or any extraterrestrial entities, is profoundly not a Corpse of Teaching but in the last analysis just a fragment or an interpreted extension. We need to trust the Teaching. I don’t think that it is our job to safeguard the life of the Teaching thought form like this. In Lucis Trust HQ they hold a weekly meditation for the books and their circulation. I think this is some good practice for the preservation (if not maintenance) of what we have offered as aspirants of the Most High. The thought form of the teaching as created by the Master, is a real Entity and I am sure will last as long as His eye and silver cord is held attended on it. Please do not miss-understand me. I am acting here as a member of the (let us say) world ”esoteric society” and I trust that this note here will be considered as such. It is not our job to protect the ”purity” of the esoteric community. Such a thing always ends to discrimination, havoc and error.

  5. Michael Robbins says:

    A few thoughts, Nick after MDR:

    1. nikolaos Lymperopoulos says:
    June 18, 2016 at 8:18 am
    I would strongly disagree with this project.

    MDR: As, of course, you are fully entitled to do.

    It is setting up (for a good reason indeed) a ring-no-pass against to the aspirants of the world who are in the care and treatment of lower degree brothers, who act as ”teachers” for the little ones.

    MDR: It is always best to give the younger students as much deglamourized truth as may be possible so that sound esoteric conceptions may serve as the basis of their further learning.

    90% of aspirants (if not every single one) begin their studies in the context of some spiritually inclined group with a leader/teacher in the centre.

    MDR: Well, maybe it is an estimate. Quite a number of us simply began with the Great Sources.

    Many keep for years and years ”framed” within the ring-no-pass set by the little leader and the respective group of little brothers.

    MDR: I am all for the “little leader” as you say and the “little brother”. I think we are all little brothers. I, personally, am simply a “little leader” and a “little brother”.

    In many cases they pay lots of money. But yet, through these groups they have a chance sooner or later to seek to go deeper and higher to their spiritual endeavour.

    MDR: And if they are not misled in the beginning, their future progress will much sounder and less beset by that which must be ‘unlearned’.

    At that point they will ask for advanced manuals and instruction. Inevitably they will meet then the blue books and they are going to use them according to the benefit they are able in space and time to accumulate.

    MDR: So much depends on the ray and the approach. They may meet the Blue Books, or the Agni Yoga Books, or H.P.B. and The Secret Doctrine—some of these or all or other methods.

    There is no reason for us to claim that it is not going to be offered a new part of the teaching now or then or ever. I fail to find were is this statement about the 2025.

    MDR: I sent two useful quotations to you. I will include them here:

    We have now the difficult task of considering an aspect of divine manifestation which is as yet so little apparent upon the physical plane that we lack the exact word with which to express it and those words available are likewise misleading. I can, however, attempt to give you certain concepts, relationships and parallels which may serve to close this section on astrology and lay a foundation for future teaching around the year 2025. (EA 598)

    In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on their teaching. It will be under the same “impression” for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging Treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run. (EA 532)

    Instead I remember another statement about the end of the last century.

    MDR: Before the atom bomb came on the scene, it was expected that Lord Maitreya might even appear before the end of the previous century. Then things got far more dangerous and complicated.

    Indeed we need some more instruction on the monadic ”stuff” and the relation to the soul, but only a probationary in some lunatic condition would set this as a personal demand or even as one of his/her own group needs and demands.

    MDR: The “stuff” to which you refer is, of course, the deeper Teaching, more implied than explained, but there are also wonderful references in DK (and Master M.) which deal with these matters. It’s hard to know who are the true “lunatics” among us! There are quite a few Moon-chain Monads?

    I think what I am saying is that there can be offered some very sound work for probationers. They do not have to be thrown into glamour when they begin. They can be carefully led, step by step through sound Teaching—the Laws of the Soul, the Techniques of Integration, the Rules for White Magic, etc.

    The blue books are not like the Quran nor the Bible. As far as I can tell there was no such intention.

    MDR: DK told us that the Scriptures of the world are meant for those upon the Path of Probation. Good enough. The Blue Books take us into the field of scientific occultism.

    Nor it is advisable for us to set up some new Esoteric Orthodoxy.

    MDR: It’s a straw man, Nick. There is more Teaching coming and what has been offered by two hierarchically sanctioned amanuenses are bridging Treatises as Master DK informs us. Anyone who really gets into the Teaching deeply knows that orthodoxy is impossible in this case. But there are “ancient landmarks” (as they say in Masonry) which must be preserved and certain principles which must be sustained with reverent caution.

    AAB in her time was strongly opposed to similar characteristics demonstrated by Theosophists. Of course I remember a strong comment against the I AM group and their doings, in the first pages of RI, due to their glamorous presentation of the Teachers of Wisdom.

    MDR: Yes, a very serious distortion which misled many and side-tracked their true service efforts. But, Nick, no orthodoxy is suggested. Just a very careful reading of the Teaching and a deep understanding of the implications of presentations which flatly contradict such important Teachings as the impending Externalization of the Hierarchy and Reappearance of the Christ on the physical plane of Earth. No straw man is needed here.

    But I remember also a letter of Helena Roerich against AAB and her ”false teacher”, which made for long many readers of the Agni Yoga books not to study properly (if at all) the blue books.

    MDR: Yes, we have explored this misadventure, the astrology of it, the psychology of it. There must be in any evaluation a true lighted analysis. The fifth ray illumined by the second must be called in. This Mme. Roerich did not seem to do with her critique of A.A.B. But for those who think deeply, and make up their own mind, can embrace the great value of both. I have met many in the esoteric field who do exactly this. And the quality of both is unmistakable.

    Let us not submit our selves to such a condition.

    MDR: No one is suggesting such a course of action, yet keen discrimination and spiritual discernment are needed, otherwise we will gullibly fall into distortions similar to the “I AM” Movement distortions. One cannot swallow everything under the glamour of undiscriminating over-inclusiveness..

    Our problem today is that people are prone in not reading volumes of books and pages after pages of long detailed articles and such an attitude is no longer the main stream of the education nor even of the elite.

    MDR: The profound student of these matters will have to make the sacrifice. There are many volumes stored in the Archives of Shamballa. Shall we say they are irrelevant because they are too long or difficult? We must discipline ourselves.

    I am an old school intellectual and I hate this modern hate of reading extensive and detailed books, and i realise it as a real problem of humanity. – Communication.

    MDR: Yes there is not only a withering of the Law at this End of the Age, but a reduction of standards and of intellectual rigor. More experienced souls are coming in and this will be somewhat corrected.

    Books are a tool for the author so to enhance a potential reach in face of the presented limitations in time and space during his/her communication with people who can possibly respond. Now we have videos and multimedia. These are not equal to books as yet.

    MDR: Many modalities will help us reach the telepathic abilities of the Great Ones.

    Blue books are demanding but accurate (relatively speaking) tools of communication. The basic characteristic which is totally unique is that the blue books are offering a Specific and Definite Corps of Teaching with (perhaps) no parallel.

    MDR: They are extraordinary books, but no bibles, even as DK advised us not to treat The Secret Doctrine as a bible. But at least they are solid books, enunciating great principles which must be recognized and protected.

    Every other presented teaching proclaimed as if ”given” by some Master or any extraterrestrial entities, is profoundly not a Corpse of Teaching but in the last analysis just a fragment or an interpreted extension.

    MDR: You used the English word “corpse” when, I think, you meant “corps”, but ok, there are implications to what you said. Let’s see how far we should go with extensions and whether they withstand the test of adherence to the established principles.

    We need to trust the Teaching. I don’t think that it is our job to safeguard the life of the Teaching thought form like this.

    MDR: The discriminative clarifications made possible through the use of the third and fifth rays should not be abandoned. It is all an attempt to clarify the mental field which must become the home of disciples as they transition into causal consciousness and beyond. The work of safeguarding is, in my view, often needed; it may save hundreds of students much wasted time and bitter experience. It can be a considerable service if it is rendered impersonally, which it our intent to do.

    In Lucis Trust HQ they hold a weekly meditation for the books and their circulation. I think this is some good practice for the preservation (if not maintenance) of what we have offered as aspirants of the Most High.

    MDR: Good, of course,

    The thought form of the teaching as created by the Master, is a real Entity and I am sure will last as long as His eye and silver cord is held attended on it.

    MDR: He said that one day He would have to release all those little ‘lives’ He can gathered and bound into His Teaching.

    Please do not miss-understand me. I am acting here as a member of the (let us say) world ”esoteric society” and I trust that this note here will be considered as such.

    MDR: I am sure you motives are good.

    It is not our job to protect the ”purity” of the esoteric community. Such a thing always ends to discrimination, havoc and error.

    MDR: Discrimination is the quality of the fourth subplane of the mental plane. We need it. Havoc we do not need. Error we do not need, so us use the fifth ray to dispel error where possible.

    MDR: Speaking for myself, I must disagree with you. This project is an attempt to retain the integrity of the Teaching and the attempt to understand and interpret with clarity the intent of Master DK’s words, and also those of Master M. or any Great Teacher. Master DK, that ‘nice’ second ray Master, asked that rather than precipitate war upon the physical plane, we use “mental weapons”. The purpose is to arrive at understanding and the true lucidity which should be the objective of all disciples. DK and A.A.B. had and still have a “horror” of glamour. They sought to write with clarity upon the mental plane, upon which Master DK says He works, realizing, He said, that He might reach fewer by doing so—but certainly His Work would not so easily be dragged into the realm of wishful thinking and glamour.

    The motive of those who seek to emphasize the established Laws and Principles of Esotericism is good, and much frictional and reorganizational work upon the mental plane must be accomplished if we are not to fall into glamorous errors and fragmenting illusions. Our dialogue on these matters should be respectful and impersonal; we are not talking about ad hominem arguments or attacks, but about using the soul-illumined mind, held steady in the light, in the attempt to fathom the remarkable depth of the Trans-Himalayan Wisdom as delivered by Sources Who have been given permission by Sanat Kumara to bring this Great Teaching closer to humanity. One of the great tactics of the Counterforce is to dilute, complicate, mislead and distort the Great Teaching. Master M. wondered which was the worse fate: to be burned at the stake (which He said could be anaesthetized) or to see the distortions of one’s intended gift of truth to humanity as that gift descended into the mass mind. I don’t have the Sloka—
    OK here is one of the related references from the Book of Daring: Agni Yoga 13

    There are two forms of truth. One must be nurtured by the flame of the stake. The other demands spreading without restraint. It is difficult to state which method is the more painful to pursue. Sometimes it is easier to suffer the pain of the stake than to witness the distortion of the disseminated teaching. In either event, blessed be the daring that penetrates the darkness!

    MDR: In any case, Nick, I can speak for my own motives. My attitude towards those who are receiving and spreading teachings which I believe to be questionable and even dangerously misleading is very often love and certainly respect for many of the things they have done on behalf of the Ageless Wisdom. I have no issue with them personally at all. They are my “brothers and sisters”—fellow Monads of the One. But I do believe that any assertion (including this one) has the right to be examined carefully in the light of reason and if possible “pure reason”, for the sake of Truth—as much Truth as we are capable of recognizing and applying on behalf of humanity’s progress.

    So when you start you letter saying “I strongly disagree with this project”, you are certainly entitled to do so, but I do believe that this project will lift our responses away from the plane of the emotions where so much belief is found (for reasons that are both good and bad) onto the plane of the illumined mind where a general clarification can occur for the benefit of all involved—and humanity and Hierarchy.

    Light, Love and Power in the Spirit of Brotherhood which I feel for all true seekers after Truth.
    Michael (Robbins)

  6. Don Turner says:

    Of course there’s a lot of astral channeling out there, but there are more recent Hierarchical sources since AAB that add some points of awareness.
    Lucile Cedercrans.
    Bruce Lyon.
    Gordon Davidson.
    And some non-esoteric, but nevertheless legitimate Hierarchical teachings like The Course in Miracles, Gina Lake’s Jesus books, Eva Pierrrakos’ Pathwork, Neale Walsch, Rasha, etc.

    1. Phillip Lindsay says:

      Thanks for your post. I know there are many serious students of the Ageless Wisdom who regard all four links that you sent as utterly spurious and false Hierarchical teachings. Perhaps they will make their voices heard in the conversation over this Gemini blue moon! Michael Robbins has already addressed several of those areas in both his letters on this site and ongoing dialogues – The Cedercrans material, The Phoenix Letters and Gordon Davidson.

      1. Sam J Sheldon says:

        I would have to agree that I regard the four links above as dead ends. Honestly, I haven’t read much of them because frankly it is boring reading that kind of vibration, howbeit, somewhat sophisticated, especially after studying, pondering, meditating and trying to radiate the Tran-Himalayan Budhism of HPB, AAB, & HR for over 43 years. I also find the so-called “inner brotherhoods” surrounding the Mt. Shasta area in Northern Calif. to be, at best, nothing more than astral caricatures of egoic groups with the glamour of the “I AM” movement mixed in along with inaccurate metaphysics from the two books authored by the automatic handwriting of Frederick Spencer Oliver books: “A Dweller on Two Planets” & “Earth Dweller Return”.

      2. steven chernikeeff says:

        Don, I am almost lost for words if you believe the four links you provide are sources of Hierarchical material. ‘Deadends’ as Sam puts it. IMHO only three sources (so far) HPB, AAB and Roerich (from a teaching standpoint) that is not to say groups are not in contact with or ‘sponsored’ by masters – they undoubtedly are.

  7. Robin says:

    I’ve never addressed this issue publicly before.

    When I was seven, I began intruction with a robed individual. I occurred when I was sleeping, but it had the continuity virtuality and granularity of waking consciousness, and is my companion biography.

    At twenty one, I began formal awake study with a normal live human teacher.

    A “thing” happened. I recapitulated lifetimes of study in only a few years. Reading the impossible to comprehend texts was like reading directions on a cake box. I already knew it, I just needed to know the oven temp.

    I cannot read the inauthentic facsimiles in the same way. No matter what, the jargon makes no integrated internal sense.

    The problems you have pointed out that people have raised are being solved for, already, on all planes. Children are being born with a different relationship with cognition and information. They can communicate in memes. They will and do have an internal regulator for degrees of authenticity, and may never even have to read the texts. This has started already and during the next decade will manifest as a huge crisis. However, clarity will come.

  8. Donna hemingson says:

    This is good.. Thank you Michael and all who have contributed to this dialogue so far !

  9. Suzanne says:

    ….”from each according to [his] ability, to each according to [his] needs”—thus may the eternal Truths be distributed—OR—“from each, according to [his] needs, to each according to [his] abilities”—Eternal Truths evolve, unfold to the recipient. Though the admonition “Do not cast…pearls before swine…” was most likely intended as a precaution concerning certain esoteric Truths,,–nevertheless, the “Protectors” of the “little ones”, can and MUST continue to guard and protect, to inspire and infuse the recipient minds and eager hearts of those who seek –those who knock–at the door of the Hall of Knowledge, or–even so, The Hall of Wisdom. Dissipation of Glamour is A major issue to be addressed in the ensuing times! SO—in a nutshell–Let us attempt to play the great classical symphony of [relative] Truth, as purely as we know it, with DK remaining, for now, as both the composer and conductor of our music, and let us continue to stick to the original score, rather than succumb to a romanticized–or even “rap-music” imitation. [On a more personal note–I, for one, find a certain “resonance”, whenever pondering the Blue Books, which cannot be duplicated, thus far, in any offering of recent times—I KNOW that I shall KNOW–resonate–to any such, should I remain on the planet “when further Heirarchal communications arrive”!

  10. According T Alice Bailey, in The Rays and the Initiations:

    The teaching planned by the Hierarchy to precede and condition the New Age, the Aquarian Age, falls into three categories:

    1. Preparatory, given 1875 – 1890…written down by H.P.B.
    2. Intermediate, given 1919 – 1949…written down by A.A.B.
    3. Revelatory, emerging after 1975…to be given on a worldwide scale via the radio.

    That was in the School for Esoteric Studies lesson material when I was a member of that group in the early 1970s,and I remember it clearly. Now that date is not mentioned, and the discussion proceeds of a new teaching in 2025.

    1. Sharon Lyon says:

      Thankyou for this practical point.
      I also, as a student, read & was told that new revelation through a group, which I now believe is the ‘ group initiate’ about which must has been written, would appear towards the END of Last Century ( just passed,)
      This was at the time an inspiration & cause for harder endeavour.
      Now this also has been washed away by many, even though it forms part of not just our text, but instruction.
      Someone may indeed have these supporting quotes?
      Many thanks for this discussion.

  11. Michael Robbins says:

    Malcolm, yes, there is revelation coming via the “radio”–the NET of course and it is a very necessary phase of the Teaching produced by disciples themselves. It is already greatly in process.

    The following however must be considered:

    “In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching. It will be under the same “impression,” for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run. ” (Esoteric Astrology 532)

    Also this: ” I can, however, attempt to give you certain concepts, relationships and parallels which may serve to close this section on astrology and lay a foundation for future teaching around the year 2025.: (EA 589)

    The Tibetan Himself will be the Agent of Impression and hopefully the good teaching and broadcasting done by the disciples will serve as a necessary foundation for what is to come.

    Light, Love and Power,

    1. Salve Michael, and thanks for the good reply.

      My point is that prophecy is subject to huge variables, IFF one assumes human free will. That must remain true even if one assumes the existence of a Hierarchy of Masters….which I do not. But even assuming that, the best plans “aft gang agley” if humans louse up. Or if things go better than expected (always a surprise in this world, but possible) the needs of humanity might change requiring a change in plans too.

      In any case, the quote I linked to, in Rays and the Initiations, says that around 1975 a new teaching as a more comprehensive revelation, would be given. It was not just to be AAB’s books presented via radio. It specifies a new teaching, “Revelatory, emerging after 1975…to be given on a worldwide scale via the radio”. That did not happen. Or if it did, I missed it and no one bothered to tell me.

      Be well.

  12. Michael Robbins says:

    With Corrections:

    Dear Malcolm,

    Well, here are dialoguing—I am firm believer in the existence and reality of Hierarchy and you not. Yet, we exchange our points of view in a brotherly manner and am sure we both hope the best for humanity’s success. Just a little after MDR:

    MS: Salve Michael, and thanks for the good reply.
    My point is that prophecy is subject to huge variables, IFF one assumes human free will.

    MDR: Yes, I get the philosophical IFF (If and Only If). And yes, plans have had to change here are there according to humanity’s response. I don’t think we can think that the changes associated with expressing the divine plan will be wild fluctuations. I suspect some stability in the Masters’ prognostications.

    MS: That must remain true even if one assumes the existence of a Hierarchy of Masters….which I do not.

    MDR: To me they are as real as my heart beat.

    MS: But even assuming that, the best plans “aft gang agley” if humans louse up. Or if things go better than expected (always a surprise in this world, but possible) the needs of humanity might change requiring a change in plans too.

    MDR: Fifth degree initiates are “Adepts” so I suppose they can adapt as necessary. But, Malcolm, what sometimes disturbs me is that people use the possibility of change to say, “Now everything has changed”, and they challenge the “ancient landmarks”—the true and proven stabilities of esoteric life.

    MS: In any case, the quote I linked to, in Rays and the Initiations, says that around 1975 a new teaching as a more comprehensive revelation, would be given.

    MDR: I have never interpreted it that way. Basically, the groundwork for this teaching, conditioning the mind of humanity through the media, is occurring and in the 21st Century, after 1975 indeed, the third installment will come forth. The “early in the next century” part must be considered, and also the prediction of further astrological teaching “around 2025”—the time of the Great Hierarchical Conclave, every century on the 25.

    Of course Malcolm, I believe these things, wholly, with the fulness of my mind and heart. So I put the parts together—“after 1975”, “early in the next century” and “around 2025” (at which time definite plans will in all probability be laid for the first stages of the actual Externalization of the Hierarchy. It all makes sense to me. The post 1975 work has been emerging steadily through the media and there is no way I think that the third installment of the three bridging Treatises which DK intended to write will not be “Revelatory” but it will take that initiate to cooperate with Him and this was not the case in 1975.

    So I am very optimistic about this
    MS: It was not just to be AAB’s books presented via radio. It specifies a new teaching, “Revelatory, emerging after 1975…to be given on a worldwide scale via the radio”. That did not happen. Or if it did, I missed it and no one bothered to tell me.

    MDR: I hope I have explained my take on this process. For me, all is in order and we are progressing towards the Revelatory Teaching which will be given by DK in cooperation with an initiate. Let’s get involved with it, whether in this incarnation or the next.

    Very Best to You,

    Be well.

  13. Michael Robbins says:

    One more thing, Malcolm. There was a Shamballa Impact in 1975. I think this had something to do with the time of the emerging of Revelatory Teaching

  14. Salve Michael,

    I wrote: “That must remain true even if one assumes the existence of a Hierarchy of Masters….which I do not.”

    And you replied: “To me they are as real as my heart beat.”

    Yes. Although I stayed much closer to Agni Yoga (in the sense of the Living Ethics) than to AAB, my doubt about the existence of the Hierarchy of Masters, as presented Blavatsky, AAB, the Roerichs, and many others, is a factor that separates me from that group too.

    As Muriel Rukeyser wrote: “The universe is made of stories not atoms.” The stories we believe, existentially create the universe we live in.

    I want to add here that Roberto Assagioli once told me that he considered this, in effect, to be his motto:

    In necessary things, unity.
    In doubtful things, liberty.
    In all things, love.

    That I certainly hold true.

    I know that past arguments about the AAB teaching, which took place elsewhere, were on occasion bruising because they involved deeply held beliefs. Considering that, I want to thank particularly Phillip for putting up with my intrusion here on his own site, no matter how brief.

    Shalom ve lehitraot.

  15. Michael Robbins says:

    Thank you Malcolm for your thoughts. Ultimately, for us, Love is the important thing and the next step. I love the Assagioli motto–excellent and so useful and thank you. With kind regards and in friendship, Michael

  16. Michael Lindfield says:

    Greetings dear friends and co-workers,

    Many of us in the esoteric community share this sense of responsibility for the Teachings and so thank you for opening up the space for a healthy and timely dialogue.

    For me, the most potent and secure way of safeguarding the Teachings will come from a commitment by each of us to live them each day to the best of our ability through “self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.”

    Once the “Word of the Teachings has been made flesh” (to a certain degree) in our respective lives, then the Ageless Wisdom becomes an embodied reality and a radiant statement of ‘truth’ and no longer a set of concepts and precepts that need protecting or defending.

    May we each play our part with joyful striving and mutual encouragement in this great planetary experiment that we call the evolution of consciousness. Namaskar.

  17. Michael Robbins says:

    Hello Michael. Thank you for your unitive letter which expresses the ideal so many of us embrace, of harmonious work between the workers in the field of the Ageless Wisdom. Just a few thoughts after MDR:

    Michael Lindfield says:
    June 22, 2016 at 9:14 am
    ML: Greetings dear friends and co-workers,
    Many of us in the esoteric community share this sense of responsibility for the Teachings and so thank you for opening up the space for a healthy and timely dialogue.

    MDR: The Ageless Wisdom Teaching is extremely broad and deep. The surface has hardly been scratched.

    ML: For me, the most potent and secure way of safeguarding the Teachings will come from a commitment by each of us to live them each day to the best of our ability through “self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.”

    MDR: There is no question that this mantram of the New Group of World Servers sets a standard to which we must all conform. The three word forms, of course, run deeper than we may at first imagine. What is the self that is to be forgotten and the Self that is to be remembered? Can we truly be harmless if we promote thought which may appeal to us, personally, but is not really in line with the “ancient landmarks” of the best hierarchical Teaching? Right speech depends upon right thought and that depends on very serious occult/esoteric training which is not easy to achieve. Any of these three necessities can be examined deeply and the surface thought will not be adequate to understand them—as I know you know and many know. Just a reminder on my part—for me as well as for many.

    ML: Once the “Word of the Teachings has been made flesh” (to a certain degree)

    MDR: Yes, the idea is a good one. This is what we are trying to do.
    ML: in our respective lives, then the Ageless Wisdom becomes an embodied reality and a radiant statement of ‘truth’ and no longer a set of concepts and precepts that need protecting or defending.

    MDR: The idealism expressed here is high, yet we must not forget the protective work Master DK had to do precisely in the area of thought and concept in order to preserve the clarity of the truths which He had laboured to present.

    MDR: Here are a few instances:

    DINA II 176-177: “My attention [Page 177] has been occupied with many vital matters and also with the effort to render futile a series of attacks upon the Hierarchy; these are being engineered in various parts of the world by spurious claimants to world discipleship. They were mainly aimed at A.A.B., and she could have absorbed them, as she has frequently done in the past, had it not been for the direct line of attack on my Ashram…. As I have told you, my Ashram, and to a lesser extent that of K.H., have felt some of the repercussions, and A.A.B. has been unable to deflect all of it. I have had, therefore, to do some protective work; that is now finished, and I am somewhat freer.”

    R&I 250-251: “There are certain phases of teaching and knowledge which I have given to the world which are relatively new—new to the modern esotericist and occult student though not new to disciples and initiates. It might be useful here if I mentioned one or two of these new aspects of the fundamental Truth which have been given by me to the public. If these new phases of the teaching have been later given to the public by other occult groups, it will have been because the information was gained by those who have read the books put out by A.A.B. for me or who are directly and consciously in touch with my Ashram.

    An instance of this is that book by C. W. Leadbeater on “The Masters and the Path” which was published later than my book, Initiation, Human and Solar. If the dates of any given teaching are compared with that given by me, it will appear to be of a later date than mine. I say this with no possible interest in any controversy among occult groups or the interested public, but as a simple statement of fact and as a protection to this particular work of the Hierarchy. I would remind you that the instructions given by me as, for instance, those in A Treatise on White Magic and A Treatise on the Seven Rays were given sequentially over a period of years, antedating the publishing of the books. The same time factor prevailed in the publishing of the earlier books. All my books were written over a long period of years, prior to publishing. All that appears of the same type of information over other signatures harks back to these books. Even if denied by their writers, a comparison of the dates of publishing with the original dates of issuing the instructions (in the form of monthly sets for reading and study in the Arcane School) or with the books published before the formation in 1925 of the Disciples [Page 251] Degree of the Arcane School will prove this conclusively. Bear in mind this factor of timing. A.A.B. takes down to my dictation an average of seven to twelve pages of typing (single-spaced) each time she writes for me; but owing to the exigencies of my work I cannot dictate to her every day, though I have found that she would gladly take my dictation daily if I so desired; weeks sometimes elapse between one dictation and another. I write the above paragraphs for the protection of the hierarchical work in years to come and not for the protection of A.A.B. or myself….”

    MDR: In the last analysis we are really engaged in occult work, with definite principles, laws and standards. With this I am sure you will agree being an adherent of the Laws and Principles, DINA II 236. The rigors of occult training are significant and strenuous. Many might, perhaps, wish to avoid them. Really, they cannot be avoided and one of the greatest disciplines is the discipline of Truth – arrived at through the union of heart and mind, through intuition (pure reason) and rigorous reasoning. Again, few wish to subject themselves to such disciplines which involve a blend of certain rays—the fourth, the fifth, the third and the second—from my perspective at least, though no ray can really be left out of the mix.

    ML: May we each play our part with joyful striving and mutual encouragement in this great planetary experiment that we call the evolution of consciousness. Namaskar.

    MDR: Your injunction here is salutary and uplifting. Of course, we want to help each other as souls upon the Great Path and as willing co-operators with the Divine Plan. Some of that help comes through exacting processes that require the most careful thought. Many shy away from the implications. I trust that we will be in the position to put many esoteric assertions to the test of reason and pure reason in order to discover a truth-value upon which disciples may build, or which they must reject as unsound. This is all about ideas—their right reception or their distortion, and not just about concepts and precepts which are secondary structures.

    Many Blessings to us all in the Search for Truth in Esotericism
    Michael Robbins

  18. Phillip Lindsay says:

    “In the last analysis we are really engaged in occult work, with definite principles, laws and standards.”

    So says MDR above – here I think that we are starting to get down to some core issues over many AAB students’ distaste for the Phoenix Letters – which some have criticised for being “mystical, new agey, fluffy feel good, sweet-nothings”.

    Other observers who have emailed me privately and for which I concur in the main, can be summarised as an incredulity that so many serious students of AAB’s teachings for 20 or 30 years seemed to have abandoned the rigours and disciplines of the great occult “training manuals” that they have been gifted.

    In favour of writings that flatter the reader and pronounce the royal “We” (Hierarchy, Masters etc.) – when the author has claimed otherwise; creating a sense of specialness, whilst at the same time claiming that the Reappearance is going to be in the etheric only, in contradiction to what DK has copiously transmitted.

    Furthermore, there is a somewhat zealous, sixth ray rapturous evangelism in these letters that is quite disturbing and seems to have spread like a virus throughout the esoteric community without any discrimination exercised it seems, on their content – wrapped in the pretty paper of the jargon with which we are familiar, but underneath, enjoining people to believe that there will be some sort of ascension soon and those who are non-believers will be left behind. Really?!

    These many contradictions have been pointed out in MDR’s previous missives, so we find ourselves in a strange situation with near and dear brothers and sisters who have very different perceptions of these letters. It seems that the followers of these letters have ditched occultism and embraced a kind of pseudo-mysticism. There is nothing wrong with mysticism, we are all mystics in training to be occultists/esotericists.

    But when we apply our given benchmark of AAB/DK, none of these writings stand up to rigorous scrutiny. Furthermore, they mislead students and also create fear. One question that someone posted to me was, “What happens to all those that are left behind?” (Ascend now and avoid the rush?)

    I think these letters will be particularly appealing to those who currently have a great sense of futility and weariness of the world situation. These letters offer “hope” but it seems a kind of hope that is hopelessly distorted and misleading.

    This is an excellent time to examine all of our glamours and illusions around these themes – whilst Mars is transiting Scorpio for the next several weeks. The keynote for Scorpio on the ordinary wheel is: “Let maya flourish and deception rule.” Mars rules Scorpio and also the solar plexus, seat of the astral body. That is why Scorpio is a sign of great testings and trials with regard to right control of this body. If we are a”seeing through a glass darkly” with regard to spiritual teachings, then we are looking through the distorted lens of the astral body, through our glamours that we have not eradicated.

    Currently it seems as if a massive group glamour has lulled the world group like a siren song luring sailor-seekers onto the perilous rocks. Of course, we do not want to set up an “us and them” situation, where each group thinks that the other group is “glamoured”. Or that one group is supposedly “too mental and lacking heart” whilst the other is more upon the “heart line but lacking mental discrimination”.

    But unfortunately this has already occurred, and I think it concerns a rigorous testing that Hierarchy is applying to world aspirants and disciples leading up to 2025 and the planned Reappearance from that date onward. There is a great “sifting of souls” going on, of those fit to serve in positions of greater responsibility in the various ashrams.

    The forces of materialism are acutely aware of the looming 2025 date, which if successfully carried to conclusion, means the end of their power more or less permanently on this planet. So what better way to undermine disciples upon the way with some of the insidious ideas that are most subtly planted in some of these letters? Or to masquerade other spurious or questionable teachings that distract us away from what has already been given – enough material to last for centuries and many incarnations.

    This pretty much summarises mine and others’ position on these letters and the deleterious effect they are having on the global esoteric community.

    1. Simon says:

      Dear All,

      With Phillip’s kind encouragement, some thoughts are offered below from earlier correspondence with another party on the Phoenix Letters and relevant issues.


      Simon F

      Principles Concerning the Universal Need to Transcend Factions and Process Differences

      Belief is never a spiritual qualification or requirement (and faith is not equivalent or chained to belief).

      The spirit of unity respects everyone’s mental self-determination, and works everywhere to build bridges of understanding.

      This does not entail welcoming every notion as true, or avoiding implication that something espoused by another is false.

      It does entail articulating, or reciprocally engaging, espoused reasons and viewpoints, and a disposition to keep lines of communication open.

      Any heart dismissing such engagement as “intellectual” (from the one camp) or “pandering” (from the other) is likely overrating itself, particularly if casting any lack of belief as lack of advancement, integrity or alignment.

      Movements are temporary and serve no greater good if only serving themselves, yet a circle of believers is by definition no more than a movement.

      What is to be done about evil-sourced transmissions? Perhaps nothing special. Respond to them in terms of their own merits or lack thereof, since everything has both, whether it came from heaven, hell or the countless grades between.

      Intolerance and blithe dismissal do little if anything to impede the pernicious and often just indirectly abet it.

      Somebody has to direct the forces of involution and for this reason DK says those on the left hand path are properly called brothers too. As for those under their influence, final separation of the paths does not occur till the threshold of the third initiation. Till then the economy between the two great lines of force is rarely a clear cut affair, and afterwards it is only more delicate. These lines should be distinguished as much as possible but they cannot be quarantined.

      Lawlessness is worse than anything that cannot be lawfully conquered (and the desecration of Iraq is handy concrete example here). Suspect and even rank literature accordingly warrants a measure of defence from unfair attack.

      It is rarely a case of “them” or “us,” “for” or “against.” Generally speaking, it is contextual dialog or nothing but trouble.

      An occult writing can be flawed for many reasons, and blessed, tainted or refracted by more than one element. Whether it falsely claims to be from the Pleiades or some master named by HPB makes no invariable difference to the quality. It may issue from a purely deceitful impostor or not. It might be generally good or bad, relatively insidious or innocuous, primarily astral or mental. Where people can’t evaluate the content, vigorous dispute about authorship seems as likely to harm as help, especially since the main testimony to the source just is the content.

      Further Relevant Material:
      An article was written to specifically address the attendant central problems of esoteric community in 2011:*fJRD00gTe3kuv9b0d7DGMrkffwqtO1JrNj-/LivingAsIfandPresumingNothing.pdf

      Comments Specifically on the Pheonix Letters:

      The notion that life on the renewed etheric Earth will be an experience without past, present or future is logically problematic and at odds with Blavatsky and Bailey’s characterisation of life in the three worlds of man.

      A major change of environment is prophesied, and no harm need result from at least cursory mental preparation for this or any other radical change. Yet caution is due in case preoccupation with it impedes responsible engagement in the current environment.

      Worst of all would be to write off the world after the manner of Christians who are only happier to see Earth descend further into chaos with greater anticipation of an attendant return of Christ.

      DK emphasises the central importance of meeting the current need, which is only common-sense, yet so rarely heeded by esotericians as to require his emphasis (and seemingly more).

    2. Jerry Salem says:

      Phillip, very well said and thank you for your excellent insight. I came into the AAB work at the age of 17, and have hardly found any other teachings that are of such high caliber. It is such a great blessing that while we are so widely scattered on the physical plane, we can finally and easily come together here for our discussions and good work. A far cry from when I ran the first online bulletin board for the Seven Ray Institute in the ’80s!

      It is of the utmost importance that we look at our own selves as objectively as possible, and ferret out whatever holds us back, whatever that may be. If we try to honestly put ourselves in the place of the Masters, of the Logos, and try to assist in the work that they themselves are doing, forgetting everything about our own (selfish) spiritual progress and concentrate on the wider picture, on real loving service to others, we may be able in some small way to help-or at the least not to hinder-the great work they are doing.

      One mundane example is when we work on any job, we come in the door, put our own needs aside to do the best we can for our company. As parents, we do the same for our children.

      Let us continue this responsible work for the good of the greater whole as well. In such striving, even if results are not perhaps evident on the surface, we may be of greater service than we know.

  19. Michael Robbins says:

    Phillip–thank you for facing a number of important concerns “head on”. These matters have to be resolved with intelligence, love and wisdom, and that will be quite a task. Let us persist in the attempted clarification we have undertaken. If true clarity comes to the astral and mental fields, many aspirants and disciples will be well-served in their treading of the Path. Light, Love and Power, Michael

  20. Jose Becerra says:

    I just want to simply state that I disagree with the idea of proclaiming ourselves as protectors of any spiritual teachings. I believe that the best protection is to live the teachings in our own lives.

    If any of us, as an accepted disciple in an Ashram of the Hierarchy, has been instructed to serve in that capacity, please say it so. Otherwise, it would be wise to state our personal opinions on any subject as such, without claiming that we are protecting any teachings.

    This I have done myself by publicly stating that I don’t believe that the material written by Bruce Lyon represents the expected next phase of DK’s teachings. It’s my personal opinion. Others may benefit to know my personal opinion as they assess for themselves the relative worth of this material.

    In the same vein, I appreciate Phillip’s and Michael’s personal opinions as I recognize their scholarship on these subjects. But I don’t accept any authority to declare heresies. That will throw us back to the Middle Ages and, more recently, to the Theosophical Society’s schisms.

    Most of the Mahatma Letters are declared not “genuine” in the book Rays and Initiations and still it is quoted in the footnotes of Cosmic Fire. Leadbeater is presented as a deluded disciple (whose sincerity is not questioned) and still is quoted as a reliable source of occult information (despite AAB’s personal dislike).

    I mention these two specific instances to prove that we should leave any claim to “a completed point of view” to the Masters. Years of study may expand our abstract mind but it’s still our little mind. The buddhic plane is not penetrated by the discursive abstract mind but by silencing it.

    So, let’s harmlessly express our personal opinions in the same way that scientists impersonally and constructively critique an idea to improve on it. I think that’s all that is required of us.

    The BLodge is active, indeed, but is more interested in more important world personalities than in our differences of opinion. Do we really think that they are more interested in us than in promoting the cleavage of Europe or the rise of demagoguery in the world’s most advanced democracy? An adjusted sense of right proportion is always wise.

    Light, Love and HEALING Power,

  21. Michael Robbins says:

    Dear Bro. JB, A few words in response after MDR:

    JB: I just want to simply state that I disagree with the idea of proclaiming ourselves as protectors of any spiritual teachings.

    MDR: Well, it is not exactly that. It is pointing out discrepancies which are poorly thought-through and inviting people to apply their illumined thought and even intuition to these matters. In my view, it is nothing so dramatic as you seem to suggest though protection is needed from time to time—as surely Master DK has demonstrated. Of course, He is in a much better position to do “protective work”.

    I believe that the best protection is to live the teachings in our own lives.

    MDR: Of course this is a very sound approach and with it I agree. Occasionally some mental protective work must be done (as in DK’s reference to “mental weapons” when dealing with the inner war which is now upon us). These things must be discussed without ad hominem arguments. I respect all and even love some of the people involved here. Some have long been my friends, but one must offer counter-thought where indicated. I am not DK, none of us are, but He certainly had strong words to say about the “cheap comedy” of the I AM Movement’s portrayal of the Masters. Strong words from a second ray Master!

    JB: If any of us, as an accepted disciple in an Ashram of the Hierarchy, has been instructed to serve in that capacity, please say it so.

    MDR: One could never say so, even if it were true.

    Otherwise, it would be wise to state our personal opinions on any subject as such, without claiming that we are protecting any teachings.

    MDR: I think a careful reading of what has been presented (and I will only speak for myself at this point) will demonstrate that I offer my point of view for the sake of mental clarification of the general mental field in which the consciousness of the esoteric group is focused. It is a small contribution, but, I think necessary at this time of the closing years of the Era of the Forerunner.

    JB: This I have done myself by publicly stating that I don’t believe that the material written by Bruce Lyon represents the expected next phase of DK’s teachings. It’s my personal opinion. Others may benefit to know my personal opinion as they assess for themselves the relative worth of this material.

    MDR: Well, Brother, you were protecting the Teaching, as I am sure you are aware. Further, I have offered here and there very similar statements. What I present is my evaluation and, as I have stated, each will have to decide for himself or herself. Many students are side-tracked because they do not know how to think in depth about teachings which are claimed to come directly from Hierarchy. If they are instructed about how to approach such presentations, they may see more than before they did. It can be a service. Please, if you will, send me your thoughts about Bruce’s material. He is a very intelligent man and I have asked him why he does not simply present his ideas as his own. They would be, I said, more useful if thus presented.

    JB: In the same vein, I appreciate Phillip’s and Michael’s personal opinions as I recognize their scholarship on these subjects. But I don’t accept any authority to declare heresies.

    MDR: I fear now that we are about to go back into previous incarnations. The language you use is strong and perhaps tinged by the past. (Who had that man been—the one to whom the French Revolution applied?) It is to me a little amusing—I certainly don’t intend to “declare heresies”. Where I am incorrect it will be pointed out to me and so often I have said, we all must be free to agree to disagree. So I think that use of a word like “heresies” is rather extreme in this context.

    JB: That will throw us back to the Middle Ages and, more recently, to the Theosophical Society’s schisms.

    MDR: Yes, true, if the intent and the action really went that far over the edge—which, in my opinion, they do not.

    JB: Most of the Mahatma Letters are declared not “genuine” in the book Rays and Initiations and still it is quoted in the footnotes of Cosmic Fire.

    MDR: H.P.B. knew what she was writing about and was probably so filled with Their presence, that she conveyed something of value.

    JB: Leadbeater is presented as a deluded disciple (whose sincerity is not questioned) and still is quoted as a reliable source of occult information (despite AAB’s personal dislike).

    MDR: DK said that no one could doubt his achievement. And actually was the word “deluded” used by DK re Leadbeater. I did not remember it that way. I know A.A.B. had an aversion.

    JB: I mention these two specific instances to prove that we should leave any claim to “a completed point of view” to the Masters.

    MDR: Again, Brother, I fear you go too far. Who is the world is claiming that harmless “completed point of view”? Not I, not Phillip, not Geoff—not anyone as far as I know. Perhaps you are responding to the possibility that it could go that far—but it has not and will not. I do think we are holding ourselves within the bounds of reason.

    JB: Years of study may expand our abstract mind but it’s still our little mind.

    MDR: Of course, but students can benefit from an expanded point of view even though presented by a relatively little mind—what else can the mind of man be?

    JB: The buddhic plane is not penetrated by the discursive abstract mind but by silencing it.

    MDR: I believe there is another way—taking the abstract mind as far as it can go. It will then attenuate into buddhi. First manas, then manas-buddhi, then buddhi-manas, then buddhi! That’s how it works for me.

    JB: So, let’s harmlessly express our personal opinions in the same way that scientists impersonally and constructively critique an idea to improve on it. I think that’s all that is required of us.

    MDR: I do believe that is what is being done. And as for the word “harmless” we all know that it may include drastic action when necessary. How do you think about the Christ not appearing on the dense physical plane, when Master DK laboured for some years to prepare our minds for the fact that Sanat Kumara released the Great Invocation when Christ’s nine year decision period culminated in His resolve to reappear in the world of everyday visibility? (Of course we must believe what DK has written if there is to be any answer to this question.) I my view, this is a dangerous, soporific doctrine spreading extensively among those who used to be solid in preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ. It’s obvious where the core of this distortion comes from.

    JB: The BLodge is active, indeed, but is more interested in more important world personalities than in our differences of opinion.

    MDR: If the can render weak and supine those whose task it is “to prepare men’s minds and hearts of the Reappearance of the Christ” they will have accomplished much along their line.

    JB: Do we really think that they are more interested in us than in promoting the cleavage of Europe or the rise of demagoguery in the world’s most advanced democracy?
    DR: Not at all. Let each sphere take care of the corruption which seeks to penetrate.

    JB: An adjusted sense of right proportion is always wise.

    MDR: Of course. I must agree.

    MDR: Thank you for your thoughts. That is all I intend to offer on the Forum (my closely reasoned views, sprinkled with a dash of intuition!—if possible) though my motive, very clearly and with the authority of my soul, is to play a small part in safeguarding the Trans-Himalayan Teaching from distortions which hopefully illumined reason and that dash of “pure reason” can render visible as an object for careful, thoughtful review.

    In Brotherhood as Always and with appreciation for the Directness of your Thought,

    Light, Love and HEALING Power,

    1. Bruce Lyon says:

      Michael you wrote: ‘Many students are side-tracked because they do not know how to think in depth about teachings which are claimed to come directly from Hierarchy. If they are instructed about how to approach such presentations, they may see more than before they did. It can be a service. Please, if you will, send me your thoughts about Bruce’s material. He is a very intelligent man and I have asked him why he does not simply present his ideas as his own. They would be, I said, more useful if thus presented.”

      Just coming to this thread now after a busy year. As I said when you asked me before I am simply telling the truth as I experience it. If I presented them as my own work I would be misrepresenting them. Of course the implication by you and others is that I am using the name of the Master because I am deluded or because I am seeking to bolster the quality of the work by claiming divine authority. It’s much simpler than that – as you generously say – I am intelligent and a trained scientist – so I am simply reporting the data as it arose in my field and presenting it accordingly. I have no objection to other’s regarding it with scientific scepticism. I am much more interested however in the content of the teaching rather than arguments about its source. Like many of you I believe the next great inflow will be in 2025 and in my view it will be a group process by those already demonstrating a living brotherhood. I consider my own work ( in collaboration ) like a rain shower ahead of the storm and I think it has some very valuable additions that I have found to be very useful in practise in my own and others lives. 1. The teachings on the monad. the giving of the black hole at the centre of the galaxy as the symbol. This is radical, new and important and I have seen its gradual dissemination into popular thought since 2000 when it was first revealed. 2. The teachings on the fourth quality and radical awakening. 3.The teachings on the atmic body. 4.The teachings on sexuality and the seventh ray. But most of all, the teachings as a living current of life energy beyond and through the word forms of the ideas and concepts. It is this Life which is priceless and liberating. Some do not feel it as an ‘authentic’ transmission from the same sources they detect through the works of AAB and HPB. Fair enough. There are still many in the Theosophical Society who do not believe AAB as a genuine source. AAAAAH the mind…when is it discerning and when is it seperative? Fortunately buddhic perception is on the way. A wave of love to the old tribe of brothers across the deserts of discriminating distance 🙂

  22. adam says:


    Great website! I am a longtime reader and only recently began posting comments. I am really happy you have brought up such a salient topic. I am also pleased to see such a lively discourse surrounding the subject. To first caveat what I am about to say, I must extend my deep feeling of abiding reverence for each of your shared views that you have discovered along the Way. If I may offer my own humble view on the subject (one that will no doubt lack the ability of an onlooker to empirically prove whether I am right or not), I would say this regarding gradations of esoteric teachings and whether they pass the smell test:

    First, I recall reading that Ramana Maharshi stated that the devotion of individuals engaging in idol worship (like statues of Shiva in temples) would at some point ripen and bear fruit, so it is unwise to look down at their behavior as ignorant. We can see this happening in the life of Ramakrishna as he progressed in his devotional practices. So I understand where some people are coming from in stating there is more to the esoteric teachings than those offered by DK via Blavatsky and AAB.

    On the other hand, people that put themselves into a passively polarized position and allow their altma major chakras to become the microphones of astral forces, do not deliver anything worthwhile. In fact, for those of you who have developed etheric vision or are in the process of doing so (of which I suspect there are a few), you may be aware of the astral entities that are behind some of these channeled messages. In my experience, they are lower than human and above animals and are astrally polarized. This effect is similar to the assigning of djinn to talismans or the control of demons by Solomon, etc. except the channeler is not aware of what stands behind their work. These astral forces ride on the vessel of the thought-form disseminated by the channeler and seek contact with those that contact the channeling and cloud the way that leads to light or to put it another way, to arrest the evolutionary impulse of the channeler and their followers.

    However, over the course of time, as incoming cosmic rays raise the vibration of matter, astral and physical will begin to mesh. With this there will be a concomitant rise in etheric vision. What I am stating, many of you are well aware, either because you have experience with these thoughts contained in the writings of DK and AAB or you are consciously sensitive to the changes. However, with the functioning of fuller sight, people will nonetheless become visually aware of the veiled selfishness of those astral denizens masquerading as masters and archangels. Given time, the channelings and soaring spiritualism of watery Neptune will be burned up by the 7th ray revealing the hidden Christ within the sea, whether the channeled materials have associated entities behind them or come from the channeler’s own subconscious, the effect will be the same.

    As for others who state that the black lodge is not interested in ordinary people, I would state that their hierarchy is parasitic. Maybe a person wont be the direct target of a true black magician, discarnate and polarized on the mental plane, but… lesser selfish forces can be driven like cattle by those working on mental levels by the open eye of selfishness. These lesser ones nonetheless love a passive host and though they may be unconscious of it, they fulfill the intention of the one who preys upon them – the clouding of the Path.

    In the short run, I would agree with Phillip that discipline is the crux and that the opium of channeled warm-and-fuzzies should be eschewed.

    In the long run, building an antahkarana is of paramount importance.

    As individuals works their way across the mental plane into buddhic levels they will build this bridge and find a way through the barrier of the “empiricism is king” mindset that is far more dangerous to the long-term evolution of the human family. Disciplined individuals will also naturally burn up their own past karmas on the astral plane, thereby helping to dissolve collective glamours that still plague others. Either way, building the antahkarana frees the individual into greater awareness and simultaneously has the benefit of teaching the individual through their own efforts how to help others cross the river of separation as well as bringing down light into the astral plane through the downflow of buddhic energies. This helps to dissolve the mist and gives others refreshing stimulation to seek the upward path.

  23. David E. Hopper says:

    Re: Safeguarding the Integrity of the Trans-Himalayan Teaching(s)

    This discussion brings up a number of related subjects. Aside from what Michael said June 17th on the subject, which I agree with, I’m more concerned about the infiltration of people purportedly channeling a “Master”. At the last two 7RCs, I’ve heard of a couple of references from people (not regular attendees) that give credence to channeled material, such as Ramtha, Lazaris, Kryron, other forms of lower psychism, etc.. Not my thing. I feel pretty good that 99% of the people attending are holding a relative empathy with the teachings, (i.e. AAB, HPB, and Roerich’s Agni Yoga) through their own meditation practice. There are other groups: Esoteric Quarterly, Meditation Mount, Adam de Franco’s “E-zine” on wisdom teachings, the Morya Federation, and of course Lucis Trust are all also holding the integrity of the teachings. I’m not too concerned about the integrity of current state of the esoteric / occult community that you and I are part of. The so called “new agers” individuals and groups and their own material, channelings, etc. I’ve observed since the 1980s have come in gone, and don’t have the staying power. They only have a niche interest for a small minority of people, but nevertheless can present a problem for new and upcoming seekers.

    Of course there’s always interpretation of the teachings, which is an ongoing debate. For example, the group founded by Michael “Identify as Being” is a closed group-Yahoo forum, of which there is spirited debate on interpretation of subjects from cosmology to cosmic fire, and the like. I just joined the group myself, and really I’m there just to learn and stimulate my own intuition. If I can contribute, I will, but I’ll just read and observe at this point.

    One subject that disturbs me is what is the future of the teachings as they stand now? Our esoteric community is largely an aging group, with just a small number who are young up, and coming. In my mind, there needs to be some type of outreach to spiritual communities and groups, perhaps on the level of mainstreaming the teachings? I don’t think we need to be attracting numbers of people per se, but those who demonstrate the ability for synthesis and integration of the trans-Himalayan teachings, and can help to sustain the next generation of occultists / esotericists. I’m not around the groups mentioned above to know if there are younger students, but I presume there are some. It’s one thing to be an agent for change, such as embodying the teachings on the physical, emotional, and mental planes…but it’s another thing to “know” the dynamics occultly understood, about the nature of energy and force, and the whole litany of teachings and insights in the Blue Books the Tibetan passed on. This integration and assimilation of the teachings takes place over time. Although we have some really good teachers now, who are the new comers, and what will he/she bring towards sustaining a continuity of the teachings?

    In addition, there’s the issue Phillip Lindsay brought up in his newsletter about whether there will be a next, or 3rd iteration of the teachings? Many of us have been around many different groups over the years, and so far there is no “next iteration” published yet? I personally believe that at least some of the next teaching will be defined around synthesis and 7th Ray group integration teaching. Somebody even today could take an interpretation of DK’s writings and create a projected and theoretical foundation for a new teaching. But that hasn’t happened, and likely won’t happen until an Initiate of at least the 2nd degree, but most likely 3rd “visions” how our world can be. You may know of Vera Stanley Alder who published about 7 books in the 1930s on her version of the “New Age”. She was also one of DK’s disciples mentioned in Discipleship in the New Age. Her books are pretty detailed, insightful, and a bit glamorous. But I would recommend them for reference only. The next dispensation will be a whole new teaching around education, psychology, science, Soul driven livingness (to coin an expression), and many other fields would be involved, especially around the existing 10 Seed Groups.

    Here in 2016 on the world stage, we still practice wholesale slaughter of our own kind, wealth and greed are rampant, the the forces of materialism are so entrenched they would go to war and kill millions and lay waste to the environment before they give up power. Every full moon in Phillip Lindsay’s newsletters, he provides insightful analysis from esoteric, astrological, and historical of today’s dramatic and unsettling events that continue to happen around the world. There doesn’t seem to be any letting up of the intensity of events to which humanity is involved in on the astral plane? But at the same time, there are more light workers than ever meditating, creatively transforming energies into something more positive, and pointing to a hopeful future.

    As somebody once said: “…if you and I are to have this brave new world, then we are going to have the most difficult time living [preparing for] in it”.

    In brotherhood,

  24. David C. Borsos says:

    Phillip, thank you for offering this forum for group work and dialogue on your website.

    In general, I agree that Hierarchical teachings need to be safeguarded and that this project requires rigorous analysis and discrimination in the context of open dialogue and debate. Although I am concerned about the content of some “questionable teachings” and associated claims that appear to contradict the Tibetan’s writings I prefer to ignore them and let them wither of their own accord. I would like to contribute to this discussion, however, by addressing two specific concerns I have regarding the principles and methods that underlie the dialogue and critique on this forum. My two primary concerns relate to a statement made by Jose Becerra in one of his comments on this project, “So, let’s harmlessly express our personal opinions in the same way that scientists impersonally and constructively critique an idea to improve on it. I think that’s all that is required of us” (June 23, 2016). More specifically, my concerns regard the need for transparency and for appropriate standards of analysis and documentation such as those that are employed in science and academia. If the work of safeguarding Hierarchical teachings is to be effective I believe that it needs to be guided by clear principles and methods, in addition to rigorous standards of reasoning as already emphasized. Many principles, such as the practice of harmlessness, are so fundamental that they are generally assumed to be in effect but I suggest that there are times when the guiding principles and methods of a particular project need to be made explicit and discussed openly; otherwise, distortions and glamours may arise.

    My first concern is that this project originates from a group of anonymous individuals, referred to in Phillip’s introductory paper, and that at least one of the contributors is also anonymous, signing her or his article as, “A Student of the Ageless Wisdom 1.” I believe that invoking anonymity is contrary to the Tibetan’s teachings (Esoteric Psychology II, 682; Discipleship in the New Age I, 583-84) and that it also sets a highly questionable precedent for group work. The task of safeguarding the Teachings demands clarity and light. There are settings where anonymity may be necessary but I do not think this public forum is one of them.

    My second concern is that the “questionable teachings” that are the focus of this forum, the authors of these teachings, and their specific claims and assertions are not identified. This also, I suggest, sets a questionable precedent for esoteric work that needs to be addressed by the larger group. The authors of the introductory paper and the contributors of articles to this project studiously withhold such information, although specific individuals and groups, responsible perhaps for making claims that contradict Bailey’s writings, are later identified by others in the following responses and commentary. Because documented references regarding “questionable teachings” are not provided in the introductory paper or in the article, “The Search for Truth in the Matter of Channeled Esoteric Writings (Part I),” the reader is not only left in the dark regarding what teachings, writings, and authors are being subjected to analysis, but the reader is also compelled to accept without question the summary descriptions and interpretations of various “criticisms” and “assertions” associated with these teachings, before these constructed descriptions and interpretations are rebutted through “close discriminative analysis and discernment.” Refuting a constructed summary of an unreferenced assertion risks committing the straw man fallacy. In this instance a double standard is applied whereby the alleged fallacious assertions of questionable teachings are summarized and interpreted by students of the Wisdom without referencing the original sources of these assertions. Specific works of Bailey are then referenced with care to refute the constructed arguments. Imagine the reverse scenario where critics summarize and interpret unidentified parts of the Tibetan’s teaching and then expose them as fallacious through close discriminative analysis and discernment. Without appropriate documentation the reader has no recourse to examine these matters independently and to make her or his own determination of truth.

    The authors do not explain their reticence to identify specific “questionable teachings,” “channellers,” “criticisms,” or “assertions.” One possible explanation for this reticence may be that it is an expression of harmlessness made in the effort to avoid insult or injury. Another possible explanation is that the authors do not wish to direct any more attention to “questionable teachings” than is necessary. Regardless, if the authors of the introductory paper and the contributors of articles believe that certain teachings, claims, and criticisms rise to the level where they threaten the integrity of Hierarchical teachings and the authors and contributors feel the need to address these issues publicly, I suggest that they need to utilize established standards of documentation and identify clearly the questionable teachings, claims, criticisms, and their sources so that the “search for truth” is not compromised. If they are unwilling to do so I believe they need to explain clearly their reasons for withholding such critical information.

    In conclusion, I agree with Jose’s statement that we should “. . . express our personal opinions in the same way that scientists impersonally and constructively critique an idea . . .” In my own words, I suggest that we need to be accountable and take a public stand for our beliefs and to specify clearly the persons and writings that we feel the need to critique by utilizing at least minimal (scientific and academic) standards of analysis and documentation. I also suggest that the principles and methods guiding our work should be addressed, discussed, and debated in this forum as necessary.

    A time will soon come when the teachings of the Tibetan will be challenged directly as esoteric ideas are precipitated into human consciousness and public awareness—a crucial endeavor that the Tibetan states must be brought about “if the total destruction of mankind is to be averted” (Discipleship in the New Age II, 164, italics in the original). The task of safeguarding Hierarchical teachings will then take on a much more demanding role. As the process of exposition, dialogue, debate, and defense is manifested in the few years remaining before 2025 I believe it is imperative that students of the Tibetan take a public stand, utilize rigorous thinking and discrimination to clarify their positions, and demonstrate the highest standards of analysis and argumentation.

    David C. Borsos

  25. Rae Lake says:

    Hi, everyone. I think this is the longest stream I’ve ever waded through. Although agreement is not required, as an AAB student for 46 years I do in fact agree with most of this, with special thanks so much to Phillip and Patrick. I have always felt strongly the need to protect the integrity of the Teachings. It is the teachings that are important, not the teachers. Having worked for a number of years for both Foster and Mary Bailey, I understand greatly the need for such protection.

    I’m posting here a little bit of history which might be of interest in the context of preserving the accuracy of the teachings of DK.

  26. Jenni Joy says:

    Appreciating this. Thank you for the love, care and attention. Staying true to roots and finding wings to bear us thru these current times is inevitably complex and groupmind will help us all ❤️🙏❤️

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