Masters of Wisdom Picture Gallery

Pictures of some of the Masters of Wisdom as discussed in,
Masters of the Seven Rays: Their Past Lives and Reappearance.

3 Responses to Masters of Wisdom Picture Gallery

  1. Vincent says:

    Hi Philip,
    Our mutual friend Debra Hollinrake @tree of sent me the link to your site.
    I have been a student of Metaphysics and The Ageless Wisdom for the past 40 years.
    Your Video production of The Hidden History of Humanity couldn’t have come at a better time or too soon. The plethora of information and visuals in this massive video production are amazing.
    Blessings, Light & Love, Vincent

  2. Nana Stergiopoulos says:

    I have been so glad to see the portraits of the masters.
    I m a painter and i have worked on these portraits for years.
    I dont have a website for the moment. I would like to show
    my private collection, but no way.
    Thank you for this experience, it made me so happy.
    If other way of communication (mail-messenger etc.) please tell me.
    Blessings, love and light, Nana

  3. Jacqueline Roman says:

    Grand merci pour pour toutes ces informations concernant les Maîtres et en particulier Maître D.K. Fraternellement vôtre Jacqueline

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