Aquarius 2012: Aquarian Soul, USA. Four Aquarian Presidents.
“Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.”
(Full Moon: Tuesday, February 7, 2012. 9.53 pm GMT)
Aquarius on the lesser and Greater Wheels
USA: Aquarian Soul
The USA, Revolution and Four Aquarian Presidents
Barack Obama and the Current Situation in the USA
USA’s Outlook for 2012
USA’s Amazing Transits 2012-2014
Aquarius on the Lesser and Greater Wheels
The Sun moves into Aquarius each year, culminating its expression at the full moon period. During that month we gain a glimpse of the energies that will prevail in the coming 2,160 year Aquarian cycle.
As an air sign, the Aquarian influence is all pervading and interpenetrating, yet somewhat intangible. It has a great potency because of the manifesting principle of its exoteric ruler Uranus, also ruler of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic; it is this ray which, since 1945, is rapidly gaining strength in its new cycle of 2,500 years, spanning the Age of Aquarius.
Uranus has the reputation of bringing spirit into matter, because it is the “differentiated” energy of the first ray (spirit) and, because of its association with the seventh ray, connects it to the seventh physical plane (matter). As a result, Uranus is the great reformer and revolutionary that stimulates spontaneity, producing evolutionary development and the urge to better conditions. This is why Aquarius is one of the signs of philanthropy and humanitarianism, and when combined with Jupiter, soul ruler of Aquarius, there is brought about a fusion of mind and heart, the goal of human evolution.
We reconcile the pairs of opposites within through the six pairs of zodiacal signs, hence the self-consciousness of the Leo individual becomes in Aquarius, the conscious worker for humanity. The self-absorbed, self-centred and self-preoccupied Leo becomes the selfless server of Aquarius.
The glyph for Aquarius depicts amongst other things, the valley and peak experiences, the roller coaster of life, creating vivid impressions – from the depths of depression to the exaltation of the soul; the soul that understands the necessity for this interplay of opposites, producing progress. Here also is an example of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict (the ray of art and beauty), associated with Aquarius through its hierarchical ruler, the Moon.
Aquarius culminates the long travail of the soul, symbolised by the third initiation, where an individual is free from personality control; where the soul is permanently in the driver’s seat – not just a passenger – or locked in the trunk!
As the world moves into the first decanate of Aquarius in the next 700 years, a potent portion of humanity will reach this flowering phase of the soul, establishing a “station of light” hitherto never achieved in human history, guaranteeing a safety-net from materialistic forces that still currently control. At the same time, greater numbers will awaken to the beauty of group life and individual responsibility to their group.
Aquarius is an air sign but associated with water, symbol of the empathetic emotional nature – that is inspired through service or revolution to liberate humanity. Water is also connected to the hierarchical Moon rulership of Aquarius, veiling Lord of the Oceans, Neptune. The Aquarian Water-Bearer is also aided by Jupiter and pours forth for those who thirst, the waters of Love-Wisdom.
Water is a cleansing agent and in the eleventh Aquarian labour, Hercules cleans the filth of the old Augean stables, piled high with cattle dung for the past thirty years, by diverting a river through them. It is interesting to note that the following sign to Aquarius is Pisces, also connected to water and purification. Both signs perform this function, to “clear the stables” before the new cycle begins in Aries. And as we move into the greater Aquarian cycle, there’s plenty of dung-flushing to be dung, I mean done – financial, cultural, political, religious – the list is endless. How does the expression go – shift happens?
USA: Aquarian Soul
In The Destiny of the Nations and Races,1 there is plenty written about the USA. This is because of the author’s recognition of the Master’s statement that this nation’s brief, in this cycle, is to lead the world; between the culmination of the Fifth Rootrace in Europe and the emerging sixth rootrace in South America. Even though USA is a lot younger than Europe, it is relatively free of Euro-baggage and will be a bridge in the transition between the races. The Netherlands (Holland) is also an Aquarian soul, a good example of progressive ideas and cultural developments.
As Aquarius is connected to science via the fifth ray, the computer and internet revolutions that started primarily in the USA, are an expression of the soul of the nation. As an Aquarian soul, the USA will come into her own during the Aquarian Age, providing that its Gemini personality reaches a point of correct integration and this should be only a matter of when, not if. However, its Aquarian soul is often distorted through the lens of its personality. Hence, although it aspires to the great vision of serving the world, it also serves other interests. The following was written around eighty years ago, but still applies:

“Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
“If the idealism of the United States of America can be illumined by the law of love and not by personality self-expression, then the pattern which underlies the structure of the States may be seen in lines of light and we shall look for future racial light instead of the many separative national lines. At present it is the personality ray of the United States which controls … A close study of that for which each nation stands will be most revealing and their pattern will emerge – a pattern of personality selfishness or a pattern of soul goals.”2
In its lower expression, Aquarius is superficial and selfish, serving the lower self. At a higher level, it consecrates its service to the whole. Currently the USA is dominated by special-interest groups and organisations, who are themselves “immature Aquarian entities” – that self-serve the USA”s extensive resources; they are powerful minorities who have great lobbying influence – not “consecrated to the whole”.
The USA, Revolution and Four Aquarian Presidents
As a result of the American Revolution, the USA had its birth in 1776, just five years before the discovery of Uranus in 1781, how appropriate! Hence rebellion and resistance are somewhat hard-wired into the American psyche. The energy of Uranus was needed to effect a radical shift from the over-bearing influence of Britain and old Europe. Of course France’s revolution occurred a short time later, just several years after the discovery of Uranus.
The year 1776 was also one year after the fifth ray of Science cycle commenced in 1775, bringing on the Industrial Revolution. The fifth ray is the only ray that passes through Aquarius, hence there is an intimate association.
Thomas Jefferson
The major drafter of the Constitution (a document for the world) and USA’s third president, was Aquarius rising Thomas Jefferson, with Uranus on his ascendant! Aquarius is the sign of liberation and freedom, echoing some of his famous mantras, “The price of liberation is eternal vigilance” and, “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”

Although a successful architect, naturalist, and linguist, Jefferson said that there were only three things he wished to be remembered for: 1. As the author of the Declaration of American Independence. 2. The author of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom. 3. The Father of the University of Virginia.
Jefferson introduced a number of bills that were “resisted fiercely by those representing the conservative planter class and proudly noted that “these laws, drawn by myself, laid the axe to the foot of pseudo-aristocracy.” Here is another good example of egalitarian Aquarius, seeking equality for all. Jefferson, along with others like Washington and Franklin, were souls of great nobility who inaugurated the nation.
Also of note, when Jefferson drafted the constitution, transiting Pluto was sitting on natal Uranus, whilst transiting Uranus was closely opposing his philosophical Sagittarian Moon.
Abraham Lincoln
Later in 1860, at the start of a Uranus-ruled seventh ray sub-cycle, the American Civil War began. The seventh ray is the force of perestroika. It was also the first Uranus return (84 year cycle) in USA’s horoscope – since the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Esoterically Uranus is regarded as the vehicle for the forces of the star Sirius, that “brilliant star of sensitivity”. Sirius is conjunct the Cancer sun of USA’s 1776 Declaration of Independence horoscope.
In the horoscope for the first exchange of hostilities (April 12, 1861), Uranus was conjunct USA’s Mars, the god of war. A turning point was reached in the Civil War when Grant captured Vicksburg on July 4, 1863. Transiting Uranus had moved back to where it began, to conjoin Mars at 21 degrees of Gemini.
In other words, the liberating forces of Uranus gained the upper hand over Mars in Gemini – emblematic of the conflict and schism between north and south.3
The nation was divided over the slavery issue and Abraham Lincoln was the current president; he had Sun and Chiron in Aquarius, with Aquarius rising! Esoterically Lincoln was regarded as a “racial avatar”,
“Racial Avatars. These Appearances are evoked by the genius and destiny of a race. The typical man (in quality and consciousness, not necessarily physically), foreshadows the nature of some race. Such a man was Abraham Lincoln, coming forth from the very soul of a people, and introducing and transmitting racial quality – a quality to be worked out later as the race unfolds.”4

A most telling description, “coming forth from the very soul of a people”; as a “racial avatar” he brought in the era of racial equality; he helped to consolidate USA as a newly formed branchrace (5.5.6); his Aquarius rising sign (soul purpose) was completely aligned with the USA Aquarian soul purpose. Some accomplishments include the following:
1. He made the decision to fight to prevent the nation from splitting apart.
2. He was an unfaltering commander in chief during the Civil War which preserved the USA as one nation.
3. His foreign policy was successful in preventing other countries from intervening in America’s Civil War.
4. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation which began the process of freedom for America’s slaves. The document also allowed black soldiers to fight for the Union.
5. He was a strong supporter of the Thirteenth Amendment that formally ended slavery in the United States.
6. He set an example of strong character, leadership, and honesty which succeeding presidents tried to emulate. Barack Obama is the latest to look to Lincoln as a model.5
During the entire Civil War, Lincoln had transiting Pluto opposing his natal Uranus in Scorpio, the place of its exaltation and the sign which Pluto rules. In two examples so far, we see the potent combination of first ray Pluto with seventh ray Uranus (spirit into matter), particularly pertinent for politicians and leaders ruled by the first ray of will or power. Lincoln’s somewhat ravaged and drawn face is a picture of the iron will and determination of the first ray – against many odds.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)
In the USA horoscope of 1776, the Moon is in Aquarius. For the entity we call the USA, all these Aquarian and Uranian influences, exoterically and esoterically, point to the importance of the cycles of Uranus, in terms of USA’s unfolding dharma and destiny. To a degree, the esoteric horoscope of Aquarius rising and a Gemini personality, interfaces and expresses through the exoteric horoscope.
In World War II, during another national and world crisis, in the darkest days of the 1940’s the USA was going through its second Uranus return (84 x 2 = 168 years). Revolution was most definitely afoot with the defense of freedom from Nazi slavery. Germany, with its Pisces personality, embodied the sum total of world glamour at the end of the Piscean age, hence WWII was a battle for the soul of humanity. Different nations will embody this kind world shadow in various cycles, and as described later, it is currently the turn of the USA.

FDR was president at this time and had Sun and Venus in Aquarius. He has been referred to as that ” that great first ray disciple”. The first ray that of the politician, of the one who legislates universal laws into earthly codes. Besides many other acts in office, he wrote the inspired “Four Freedoms” on January 1, 1941:
In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.
The first is freedom of speech and expression – everywhere in the world.
The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way – everywhere in the world.
The third is freedom from want – which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants – everywhere in the world.
The fourth is freedom from fear – which, translated into world terms, means a worldwide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbour – anywhere in the world.”
His main achievements have been cited as,
1. Giving confidence and a safety net during the Great Depression.
2. Getting the nation behind the second world war after it had already been raging for two years.
3. Getting the country mobilized for WWII, to drive back the Nazi tyranny and slavery.
“This “energy of liberation” was sensed, registered and voiced for humanity by Franklin D. Roosevelt in The Four Freedoms, so much discussed by men today; he thereby laid the foundation for the new civilisation and the new world culture.6
“… Today men and women everywhere … are presenting a vision of right human relations which must constitute the standard for the future of mankind. Everywhere they are exposing the evils which must be eliminated and they are educating ceaselessly in the principles of the new age.
… In politics there are great and wise statesmen who are endeavouring to guide their people wisely but have as yet too much with which to contend; of these Franklin D. Roosevelt was an outstanding modern example, for he gave of his best and died in the service of humanity.7
… This goal of freedom is in reality the main incentive to tread the Path of Return. One of the most spiritually exciting things taking place in the world today is the use, in every country, of the word FREEDOM; it was that great disciple, F. D. Roosevelt, who “anchored” the word in a new and more universal sense.”8
The USA was on the verge of entering into the war when Roosevelt composed the Four Freedoms on New Year’s Day, 1941. These freedoms echoed earlier ideas laid down in previous declarations, from the Magna Carta onward; they established a potent thoughtform of resistance to the prevailing and overshadowing thoughtform of the Nazis. The Four Freedoms document was also an act that affirmed America’s guaranteed involvement in the war, if she was to defend the principles of her own constitution, which are Humanity’s as well.
Apparently, Roosevelt worked “long into the night on New Year’s Day” 1941, surrounded by some close aides. He took a long time deliberating over what he was to say, and when he finally relayed it to his stenographer, the words just rolled off his tongue. Not a word of the original was changed on January 6, 1941 when it was presented to the 77th Congress.9
When FDR wrote (channelled) this document, transiting Sun and Mercury were trining his natal Neptune, providing plenty of scope to be impressed with inspiration and vision; it also took place on FDR’s Saturn return in Taurus, with Jupiter in close proximity.
Barack Obama and the Current Situation in the USA
Aquarius rising and Jupiter in Aquarius, Obama has almost completed his first term, but many are asking what has he done, or what has he left undone? And will he be able to get anything more accomplished, even if he gets another term? Some critics say his government has moved even further to the right than the previous Republican government and that the Democrats have embraced Republicanism as a new found ideology.
Others point out that he has been stymied by the Republican-dominated senate who have blocked many of his proposals. Still others say that he has been cultivated by corporate and special interests since the early 90’s – doing their bidding and being exactly where they want him; and some will respond by saying that you cannot turn the Queen Mary around on a dime, true.

Much of western culture has been created by the USA in the past sixty years and has now reached a point where the proverbial Augean stables are over-flowing – and the stench is unbelievable! A modern day Hercules needs to come to the rescue – “someone to save us, someone to follow” as David Bowie’s 1973 song, “Big Brother” pleads; it goes on… “Someone to lead us, someone to follow, Someone to fool us, some brave Apollo, Someone to shame us, someone like you.”
The song is based upon George Orwell’s “1984” but ironically, it is about how the main character succumbs to brainwashing and ends up loving Big Brother. Some argue that much of this state control is now manifesting at an alarming rate in the world, as the corporate penetration into world governments becomes more insidious and draconian. More and more, the infiltration of media into all our lives increases, as social networks like Facebook have more and more data that they can mine for commercial purposes.

R: Apollo with his solar steeds.
British director Nicholas Pegg, considered that Bowie [Aquarius rising] was showing how “the glamour of dictatorships is balanced with the banality”.10 Interesting how he uses the word “glamour”, as this is the esoteric word that describes how illusion works for the masses of astrally polarised humanity.
For many, Leo Sun Obama was that “Apollo to follow”, but cynicism and doubt about his genuineness have now set in for them. For some of his most avid supporters, Obama has been a profound disappointment and betrayed the vision he painted for them, a “false messiah”.
The USA and western culture is now highly crystallised, since gradually re–inventing itself after the end of WWII. Both political parties and Congress are largely controlled by monied interests, the “neocon” agenda, the military industrial complex, the financial dictatorship of Wall St, propaganda through movies, media and news-spin through the big television stations. Says Rabbi Michael Lerner, a “progressive” liberal,
“… the illegal wars and occupations, the largest transference of wealth upward in American history and the egregious assault on civil liberties, all of which begun under George W. Bush, have largely continued under Obama and the Democratic majorities in Congress.

… Obama has … breathlessly extolled the virtue of competition and our need as a country to win with big ideas! Instead of imagining a world in which we would cooperate with others to achieve shared goals (environmental sustainability, nuclear disarmament, human rights, and an end to global poverty and despair), we were told that the real patriotism consists in getting ahead and beating those other countries when it comes to international economic competition.
… Few of us have any ability to offset the massive indoctrination toward materialism and selfishness offered by the mass media. The call to maximize self-interest at the expense of others and the belief that success is measured by how much money or power you can accumulate, how many consumer items you possess, how much fame you garner, how many sexual conquests you can boast about, or how much your looks conform to popular images of beauty – these are drummed into our heads by the media in subtle but persistent ways, day in and day out.”11
Another commentator enumerates the issues succinctly,
“1. Nations have become almost irrelevant, and the U.S. presidency has been severely weakened. It’s naive to think that a new president is in a position to reverse the trend of the last decades of profit-making from war and to escape the stranglehold corporate lobbyists hold on our body politic.
2. The form of capitalism espoused by Milton Friedman and embraced by President Ronald Reagan and every president since — what I call “predatory capitalism” — is based on the single goal that the only responsibility of business is to maximize profits, regardless of the social and environmental costs. Replacing the more compassionate economic theories promoted by John Maynard Keynes, it has now become the global model.
3. We have entered a time of realignment not unlike that when city-states joined together to form nations. Except this time it is global. The emerging rulers are corporate CEOs, members of the corporatocracy.
4. Democrats and Republicans alike, as well as the mainstream media, fall under the thumb of the corporatocracy.”12
So is Obama “their man in Washington”? When analysing his horoscope nearly four years ago,13 this author weighed the possibilities and wrote, “time will tell”. One can visit many websites to view his accomplishments. Obama is part of a team who make powerful decisions in their own right and sometimes arrogantly, without even consulting the President.
For some critics, Obama is just a figure-head that espouses certain ideals, or parrots the party line of what they think the public wants to hear, without necessarily following through on the rhetoric; hence the office the U.S. presidency has been severely weakened and disrespected.
As we march into the Brave New World of the much prophesied year of 2012, with all the projected fears of financial meltdowns, natural cataclysms and likewise, positive aspirations, the words of that “avatar” Abraham Lincoln, still ring through loudly from the past:
“We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood … It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.” The passage appears in a letter from Lincoln to (Col.) William F. Elkins, Nov. 21, 1864.”14

From a series on Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
by Gustave Dore.
This is particularly timely to reflect upon during time of the current Republican nomination circus. The four front runners’ positions are directly proportional to the amount of money they have to back them, creating slanderous messages about each other for the masses to consume on television.
How can a true democracy operate when it is so tainted by the money and ideas of those who hold vast wealth? So far Obama has more money in his coffers than any of the Republicans put together. It seems that the plutocrats are having each-way bets!
Let us see what happens in the second term, if Obama wins the election, but bear in mind that it’s the Democratic Party as a whole, with all the corruption they share alongside the Republicans. The media and public tend to pin their hopes or blame one person.
Obama is part of that team and knows how to play that Aquarian game, along with his wily Gemini moon; even if he had wanted to break out of the control and influence all around him, he has probably been blocked or threatened from choosing that option. Some of us are convinced already one way or the other, most of us may never know the real truth until after he leaves office when his autobiography is written. Some students of esotericism have asked if it would be fair to say that Obama is the kind of Aquarian who,
“…puts all his wares into the window, and often in the room behind the window there is little to be found[?]. Esoterically, the developed Aquarian puts all he has into his water pot, storing it there for service and giving it freely on demand to meet a need.”15
USA’s Outlook for 2012
One may well ask what is the solution to these seemingly insoluble problems? Of course there are outer and inner approaches. The inner approach might be through group meditation, that directs forces in a transformative way into the world of ideas, or through the United Nations, helping to offset nationalism and aggressiveness, encouraging co-operation over competition; to break up the old thoughtforms that exist upon the mental plane.
There are many outer approaches, from Occupy Everything to the many small and large service groups in every field of human activity. The key for any individual who wants to make a difference, is to move from that Leo pole of self-absorption to the Aquarian pole of working for the greater good, by recognition of the need and the exercising of “goodwill in action”.
Some major events that one hears about for 2012 in the USA, may well be needed “adjustments” from the Lords of Karma (The Adjustment Bureau),
1. A financial meltdown (“engineered” or otherwise), that sees the dollar depreciate hugely.
2. The USA attacks Iran on behalf of Israel. (Already the propaganda for this is escalating.)
3. The Internet crashes and no one has access to it. (Can we imagine the chaos this would create?)
4. Several natural cataclysms happen more or less simultaneously around the nation, forcing government to take its focus away from overseas and directing people at home into greater sharing, co-operation and compassion.
5. For a little levity and mystery, UFO’s and aliens are acknowledged in the mainstream media, and/or meet Obama on TV. (LOL!)
In many of the aforementioned events, the exoteric horoscope for the USA was consistently stimulated in the appropriate cycle that reflected the energies of the time. In some ways, the esoteric horoscope interfaces with the exoteric horoscope of 1776. For instance,
1. The Aquarian soul of the nation seems to find its expression through the transits of Uranus or transits of other planets to natal Uranus. The exoteric horoscope has the Moon in Aquarius.
2. The sixth ray personality seems to work very powerfully through sixth ray ruler Mars in Gemini in the seventh house.
3. The esoteric assignment of Cancer ruling New York and Washington finds its expression through the Cancer sun sign of the USA chart for 1776.
Notwithstanding these speculations, let us examine some of the major transits for the USA for 2012. Bear in mind that the transits of Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron through Aquarius in the past fourteen years have all contributed to the awakening of the Aquarian soul of the USA.
Neptune, on its 160-year cycle, was the first (1998) and last planet to step out of Aquarius (Feb. 4, 2012), doing much to foster a new emerging vision for the American people.
“Occupy” is certainly one example of that vision awakening. Neptune is intimately associated with Aquarius at the highest level and rules the sixth ray USA personality – hence brings in an opportunity for alignment between soul and personality.
With that awakening, as with any entity, it has aroused the “dweller on the threshold”, the shadow of the nation, and along with the unintegrated Gemini personality, has militated against the soul from impressing itself upon the American people. But the soul has certainly impressed itself.
Like Germany in WWII, the USA currently focuses the World Dweller within its borders – in this particular cycle. Hence the battle for the soul of the world is taking place in the USA. The Dweller and the Angel are locked in a deadly battle, who will emerge victorious?
USA’s Amazing Transits 2012-2014.
1. Transiting Jupiter conjunct Uranus. July 23. Dec. 21, 2012 to March 11, 2013.
This is both extraordinary and timely! Jupiter is the soul ruler of Aquarius, USA’s soul purpose; hence, any Jupiter transits are extremely important for invoking that purpose.
As Jupiter transits over Uranus in Gemini, there will be great opportunities to bring into greater wholeness the somewhat schizophrenic Gemini personality. Jupiter can also exaggerate these tendencies too.
However, as Jupiter is also the ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom, the soul ray of the USA, then its transit over revolutionary Uranus will be extremely important. There are two phases of this transit, the first “hit” July 23, 2012; the second hit falls upon the much-vaunted date of December 21, 2012, whilst the third and final hit will be around March 11, 2013. Hence this eight month period from July 2012 to March 2013 will be critical.
Also, transiting Pluto has been opposing natal Jupiter from March 2010 to November 2011, no doubt intensely rousing the soul of the nation, along with the issue of money and wealth, as Jupiter in Cancer reflects the largesse that is the USA’s good fortune. Pluto will still be in relative proximity to this opposition for most of 2012, but will not come back exactly to that point.

Jupiter looking back at Earth.
2. Transiting Uranus square Jupiter. June 2011 to January 2013.
Similar to the above transit, except the roles are reversed. Uranus is connected to money through its rulership of the sacral centre and Jupiter in Cancer reflects the great American wealth.
The exoteric (Uranus) and esoteric (Jupiter) rulers of Aquarius are both transiting one another, and over-lapping into the same window of time.
This transit is a greater cycle of 18 months, whilst the transiting Jupiter conjunct Uranus is 8 months. Hence November 2012 to March 2013 will be most critical months where these forces will be at their most powerful.
3. Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Uranus. Exact March 26, 2012.
This progression of Saturn has been in orb for the past two years, hence its influence has been very powerful, creating much tension between the past – and future possibilities. Saturn is the Lord of Karma who demands the payment of karmic debts.
Uranus is that liberating force that wants to tear itself away from the old Saturnian “ring pass not”.
During this time it was also the USA Saturn return, i.e. transiting Saturn was conjunct natal Saturn in Libra for the first time in thirty years, hence the themes of money and justice have been accentuated and brought into public consciousness more than ever. (During the Civil War in the 1860’s, the USA was going through an earlier Saturn return.)
4. Transiting Uranus and transiting Pluto. Last square 2015, grand cross 2014.
Transiting Pluto and transiting Uranus have been engaged in a “square dance” for the past several years, completing their cosmic flirtation in March 2015. During that period, both Pluto and Uranus will aspect the USA Cancer Sun, by opposition and square respectively.
These powerful outer planets will be “laying siege” to the USA personality – at least how it expresses exoterically, through the Cancer sun in the 1776 horoscope.
This will bring about a huge transformation but it may well be catastrophic as Pluto ruthlessly purges the outworn, whilst Uranus seeks to construct a new paradigm. The time-frame will begin in March 2013 with both planets influencing the Sun, but Uranus will be the first major influence for that year.
However, the year 2014 is when these two planets really pick up some pace, with both exactly opposing and squaring the Sun in for most of April 2014.
Amazingly, at this same time, transiting Jupiter comes sailing through on its 12-year cycle and conjuncts the Cancer Sun. Likewise, transiting Mars on its two year cycle through Libra, fills the

The Last Angel – Nicholas Roerich, 1912.
position of the fourth point of a very tight grand cross on the full moon festival of Aries!
Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto, all in a grand cross formation on the festival of the spiritual new year 2014, Easter, the festival of the risen Christ. To top it off, there is a complete lunar eclipse that will create an imprint in the ethers, lasting at least a year after that date.
In short, the combination of all these forces will cause an enormous crisis in the USA, where the emerging awareness of today’s problems will reach their critical mass.
The point of least resistance in these kind of situations, is aggression based upon fear, hence a worst case scenario is a brutal suppression and/or a breakdown of law and order, accompanied by violent anarchy. More progressive options are peaceful public disobedience and bravely meeting the challenges that present themselves. Either way, it will be no picnic.
5. USA’s Pluto Return.16
This has never occurred in the USA’s history, as Pluto’s cycle is 250 years. The year 2022 is when the return is exact and by this time it will be apparent whether the USA survives as a Republic or is destroyed by the selfish and materialistic forces within.
In the next ten years, transiting Pluto will continue its march through USA’s second house of money, opposing all the planets in Cancer as described above, and leading the USA through its “burning ground”:
“Pluto … becomes active in the life of the man who is “becoming alive in the higher sense, his lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the man may live in truth in the higher land of light.””17
This transit will be followed by the USA’s third Uranus return in 2027, and if Pluto has done its work successfully in the meantime, will usher in a new era for the Republic.
Phillip Lindsay © 2012.
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- Click here. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.59. [↩]
- From essay, “Civil War in America?”, by Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.297. [↩]
- [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.656. [↩]
- The Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.173. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice a. Bailey. p.667. [↩]
- For more information about the horoscope for the Four Freedoms, see the author’s book, The Destiny of the Races and Nations I. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Rabbi Lerner from Tikkun Magazine. [↩]
- John Perkins. [↩]
- See here and here for extensive astro-analyses of his horoscope. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.136. [↩]
- See “Pluto in Capricorn” essay. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. [↩]
je suis etudiant a la federation de morya et j’apprecie beaucoup votre maniere d’aider le peuple americain et toute la planete pour la paix et l’amour a travers les continants, c’est pourquoi votre encadrement pour mon etat spirituel est contribuable
I am a student at the federation morya and I appreciate very much your way to help the American people and the entire planet for peace and love through the continents, so your coaching to my spiritual state is valuable.