Aries 2016: Mars, Mercury & Science. US Politics & Donald Trump. Aries Equinox.
Aries Keynote
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
(Full Moon: March 23, 2016. 12.01 pm. GMT.)
“Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form.
It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form — subjective and objective.” 1
Aries, Mars, Mercury and Science
The Aries-Libra Axis
Mars, US Politics and Donald Trump
Equinox Horoscope for 2016
The Festival of Easter and the Resurrection
Seminar on Cosmic Fire: Sweden March 2016
USR Conference April 5-17, 2016
Visit to the USA and Canada
The Hidden History of Humanity on Facebook
Travel Diary #7

Pisces rules the feet, Aries rules the head. The Alpha and Omega meet. (Artist: Michael of Rhodes, 1534.)
Aries, Mars, Mercury and Science
And so the Earth takes another turn around our Sun, completing the annual cycle in Pisces and beginning the new cycle in Aries. The true spiritual new year is born, where new impulses and ideas are activated.
Aries is a sign of fire, symbol of manas or mind. This first fire sign rules the head which houses the brain. The brain is the physical mechanism through which the mental body transmits thought, creating electrical impulses and “sparks” that stimulate ideation — the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas.
This is partly why Aries types are so head-strong and impulsive, also fueled by the first ray of Will-Power that is transmitted through the fiery Mars-ruled Ram. (Note the Mars/Ram anagram.)
The other reason for Aries impulsiveness is because Mars rules the solar plexus, seat of the emotional body, source of Mars-tial desire and aggression. The word Mars is also related to “mare” which means “sea”, water being a symbol of the emotions; are you, “all at sea with yourself”? Neptune is the God of the Oceans and appropriately co-ruler of the solar plexus.
Hence, Aries on the upward way is challenged to live up to its keynote, “I come forth from the plane of mind, I rule” – to hold the sometimes unruly astral body in check. The esoteric ruler of Aries is Mercury, embodying higher and lower thought, though Mercury’s ultimate domain is the spiritual intuition or buddhi. Planetary consciousness as a whole is mainly expressed through the lower mind — kama manas or desire mind.

The pentagram is associated with magic, the magic of mental creation and manifestation. 5 is also the number of Venus, ruler of the fifth ray of Science.
Yet, a significant and sufficient proportion of the world’s population have achieved a degree of higher thinking — meaning that this Fifth Rootrace has reached a pinnacle of thought in human evolution. The number 5 represents the five-pointed pentagram, the fifth plane of mind and its development in this fifth branchrace of the fifth subrace — of the Fifth Rootrace — 5.5.5.
This quintessential stage of the “ripened fruit” of 555 is already planting its’ seeds in the furrow of the new Sixth Rootrace cycle, wherein the intuitive buddhic faculty will be developed; it will be based upon the “unfoldment of the abstract consciousness — a blend of intellect and intuition, and which reveals the wisdom aspect of love in its beauty.”2
The causal body of the soul exists upon the higher mental plane, and it is the goal of Man the Thinker to ultimately attain a point of evolution where thinking takes place within the causal body.
Returning to the theme of Mars as ruler of Aries . Mars is a so-called “non-sacred planet” in Esoteric Astrology, indicating its stage of evolution within the greater corporate body of the solar system. The Earth and several other planets like Pluto share this “non-sacred” status, revealing in each individual horoscope what is still “non-sacred” or unredeemed.
Like the Moon, Mars plays a most important role in creating an awareness of what is at war within. Yet, it also contributes to the blind and errant human behaviour that creates pain and misery on this planet. Mars the god of war – inner and outer. “War and strife” create the “needed purification”. However, from the mental perspective,

Higgs-Bosun: “The picture suggests a revolutionary frontier of knowledge. It fizzes with energy and mystery … an electrified sense of wonder … “a God particle” …”3
“Mars governs the senses which are five in number. These senses are the basis of all human knowledge where that which is tangible and objective is concerned or inferred. Mars, therefore, rules science and hence the reason in this present era for the fundamental but not permanent materiality of science — a materiality which is rapidly lessening as Mars nears the end of its present cycle of influence.
Already, the trend of modern science is shifting into the realm of the intangible and into the world of the non-material. Hence also the fact that the opposition to occultism is waning and its day of power approaching.
These subtler senses will supersede the physical senses over which Mars has so long had a successful control, and hence again the growth in the world today of the psychic senses and the appearance on every hand of the subtler and more esoteric powers of clair-voyance and clair-audience.”4

Artist: Giovanni da Bologna.
The approaching Aquarian Age will see a closer merging of material science and Occultism — the science of the unseen. Uranus is involved here too — as the ruler of Aquarius but also the hierarchical ruler of Aries – the source of all ideas, the “rain-cloud of knowable things”. Mercury is also the ruler of the middle decanate of Aquarius, active in about 700 years time after the first Saturn-ruled decanate has passed.
For the Aries person consciously treading the Path, Mercury as esoteric ruler creates a “purification through vision” — on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral than Mars’ earlier activity:
“Mercury, who is the illuminating principle which releases the mind, directs the way of man through life and enables him to become aware of the divine Plan which underlies all his fiery experience.”5
Not unlike trouble-ridden Mars, Mercury’s awakening to the Divine Plan is not achieved without conflict. After all, Mercury is the co-ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, the primary ray that conditions Humanity:
“Mercury, embodying the energy of the fourth ray, eventually carries the man around the wheel of life and through the medium of conflict enables him to achieve harmony. Mercury illumines the mind and mediates between the soul and the personality, being the Messenger of the Gods.
This mediatorship, in the first instance, produces an inevitable opposition between the pairs of opposites and a long drawn out conflict. This conflict finally works out into victory and the dispelling of illusion through the illumination of the lower mind.”6
The Aries-Libra Axis
Uranus as hierarchical ruler of Aries, also plays an important role and is ruler of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic or Order, bringing together spirit and matter — electric fire (Uranus) and “fire by friction” (Mars). The seventh ray is connected to the seventh physical plane, hence the magical organisation of matter and bringing it into various expressions. Therefore, ideas that arise in Aries find their manifestation in polar opposite Libra. Libra is ruled at the soul level by Uranus and is noted for its practicality:
“Hence the effectiveness of Libra upon the physical plane and the power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression.”7
Saturn’s exaltation and hierarcical rulership of Libra also aids this materialisation. Therefore, Aries-Libra embodies the theme of cause and effect, or the Law of Karma. Action in Aries produces consequences in Libra — and it is for this reason that Saturn, the Lord of Karma, is exalted in Libra the Scales:
“At the point of balance — opportunity comes and a situation is staged which makes a choice and a determination inevitable. ”8 It is also why Saturn “falls” in Aries, “Saturn … condemns us to the struggle for existence, both from the form side and from the soul side.”9

Capitol Hill
Mars, US Politics and Donald Trump
As the planet is becoming more deeply connected, it is increasingly important to stay informed about what is going on in the USA. Whatever happens in the USA’s pond, politically or culturally, sends ripples around the planet. As a young Aquarian soul, USA has been saddled with the dharma of leading the Western world into the Age of Aquarius, but has wandered perilously close to destroying the democratic ideal to which it made so many mighty contributions.
Watching what is going on in the US election carnival these days is like to driving past a shocking car wreck on the motorway; you know that if you look it will be very ugly, but morbid curiosity or a driving urge to understand the inexplicable, compels you to look at the carnage anyway. One could even extend this metaphor to the nation as a whole, is the USA a car crash cart-wheeling along the highway in slow motion?
“American democracy has been decaying for decades. The people know that they are no longer truly sovereign. They know that the apparatus of power, both public and private, does not promote the common good, itself a concept that has become obsolete.”10
The Aries Equinox Horoscope
This year the spring equinox in Aries (March 20), falls very close to the Aries full moon period (March 23), creating a powerful combination to kick-start the new year. Traditionally the solar ingress horoscope into Aries can be delineated for general influences for the new year.
Esoterically, New York City is regarded as one of the five planetary inlets for full moon forces to pour through, influencing the entire Western hemisphere.11 Hence, the solar ingress chart for Aries equinox is set for NYC, determining its rising sign Sagittarius.

Aries Equinox
Mars in Sagittarius
Therefore, Sagittarius is the “soul purpose for the year”, indicating religion, philosophy, ethics, laws and principles — high idealism. The Aries Sun ruler is Mars, placed in Sagittarius, in the same degree as the ascendant, emphasising some very challenging issues around belief and religion.
Any angular planet has considerable influence and Mars in Sagittarius “leads the charge”, seeking the highest ideals; but it can also be a “loose cannon” when it comes to fundamentalism and fanaticism. (See this detailed description of Mars in Sag. in another newsletter.)
Sagittarius is the one-pointed orientation of the spiritual aspirant heading toward the goal. Or it can be the fanatical devotee-idealist trapped in tunnel vision — in any field of human experience, particularly noticeable in religion and politics; it is a great irony, given that Sagittarius is about expansive consciousness and the large view, yet the exclusiveness and separativeness of kama-manas (desire-mind) can easily take over and dominate; this is due to the influence of Sagittarius’ polar opposite Gemini, in its lower expression — concrete mind, reactivity, opinionated, short attention span, busyness etc.
We live in a very Geminian era with an overload of communications and a constant preoccupation with the trivial and superficial, compromising the greater vision. The description of this Gemini-Sagittarius axis also says a lot about the horoscope of Donald Trump who has Sun in Gemini opposite Moon in Sagittarius. (His chart will be extensively analysed later in the text.)
Other descriptions of Mars in Sagittarius: Strong religious and philosophic convictions — “my religion is the only true religion”. The one eyed zealot. Aggressively self-righteous, the crusader, inquisitor, patriot or nationalist. Highly idealistic. Leaders in law, religion and philosophy. Love sports, outdoors, hunting. Blunt speech, lack of diplomacy. Desire for unrestricted freedom. Direct, open and honest. Competitive but ethical. Adventurous in far-reaching goals — but can overlook details as a result.
Bear in mind that Mars is the ruler of the sixth ray of Devotion, the ray that finds its most powerful expression through Sagittarius in this long term cycle. Mars in Sagittarius is often emotionally driven at the expense of detached clear thinking. Hence, this position of Mars could certainly draw out issues of ongoing prejudice and separativeness in religion and politics.
For the world as a whole, the lower Mars expression is the point of least resistance, especially with Mars angular. Fundamentalism (an emotional adherence to ideas) will certainly be very strong in all fields of human endeavour this year. In the Equinox horoscope, Mars makes a square aspect to Venus-Neptune in Pisces, challenging the world to manifest the highest ideals and vision of unconditional love, compassion and goodwill.
Jupiter in Virgo’s Saving Grace
One of the most promising parts of the solar ingress horoscope is the position of Jupiter in Virgo dominating the midheaven. Jupiter is the ruler of the Sagittarian ascendant and the second ray of Love-Wisdom, holding out the hope of human reconciliation.
Yet, Jupiter is in an exact hard aspect to Saturn in Sagittarius, creating an acute point of tension regarding beliefs and principles, further underlining the theme of Sagittarius-Mars rising. Sagittarius can be most undiscriminating, often a gullible believer and follower, but Jupiter in Virgo offers an all-embracing love with discernment and discrimination.
The worst case scenario for a hard aspect like this, is that the fundamentalists in politics, religion, economics, sciences etc. win the day by attracting followers who concur with their shallow outlook on the world.
In the Equinox horoscope, the moon is in Leo in the ninth house, symbolising the dweller, shadow or unconscious; it might represent pride of achievement in academia or religion; the glamour of authority or leaders who have fallen foul of the cult of personality, fed by their followers with a religious zealotry. A figure like this could be Donald Trump, whose Mars in Leo sits near the solar ingress moon.
Donald Trump: Leo Rising, Gemini Sun
Donald Trump has arisen from the belly of the beast and filled the vacuum of American rage and dissatisfaction. In many ways USA “needs” Trump as the beast incarnate to remind them of what has become of their nation. He exhibits all the worst attributes of lower Leo rising — vain, pompous, arrogant, bullying, crass and narcissistic – with a double-speak Gemini Sun and blunt Sagittarius moon to match.
The solar eclipse of March 9, 2016 created a powerful grand cross in Trump’s horoscope, further empowering his ascendancy — from which Democrat and Republican parties alike hope that he will plummet like Icarus.
Trump’s emergence into US politics has highlighted much that is wrong in America. Many Democrats and Republicans who have criticised Trump’s fascist tendencies demonstrate fascist attitudes themselves, reflected by some of their track records on various policies; it is all part of USA’s “creeping fascism”, actually, the West in general. Trump is an obvious and easy scapegoat to identify and vilify but the insidious individuals and cartels that stand behind the scenes have alot to answer for. Are they actively encouraging the Trump phenomenon?
The other problem is that US leaders and media have praised Trump’s behaviour through feeble action. Not enough leaders have stood up consistently, and with a loud enough voice to denounce Trump, thereby condoning him. Obama to his credit, made some recent remarks about campaign rhetoric being “vulgar and divisive” in this video. But was that enough or just a slap on the wrist? The mass media have totally enabled Trump. As Amy Goodman from Democracy Now states,
“Corporate television has routinely pumped Trump into our living rooms. They have virtually blacked out Bernie Sanders. Trump seems to have connived to have 10 or 15 minutes at 7:20 every evening on the magazine shows. Chris Matthews of Hardball obligingly cut away to Il Duce II’s rants and gave away his show to him on a nightly basis …
Michigan University Professor of History, Juan Cole said, “It has been a dreadful performance by the press and by party leaders. They are speaking in such a way as to naturalize the creepy, weird and completely un-American positions Trump has taken. This is how the dictators came to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Good people remained silent or acquiesced. People expressed hope that something good would come of it.” (How the US Went Fascist: Mass Media Make Excuses for Trump Voters.)
It makes one wonder about the objectives of corporate media concentrated in the hands of a few owners. Just what is their agenda for promoting Trump by encouraging a low-level public discourse and allowing him to get away with saying things that others have been crucified for:
“Trump’s incendiary verbal attacks on Mexican immigrants and Muslims — even his reluctance to distance himself from … the Ku Klux Klan — follow the older fascist script.” (Trump the American Fascist by Robert Reich.)
This kind of corporate media fascism was referred to by US Vice-president Henry Wallace back in the 1940’s:
“The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism.”12
Currently there are three contenders for US president. Trump at the far right, Sanders a little left of centre, with Clinton in the middle. (Unless there are some surprise late entries like Kasich.) Even the Republican party has stated that they would endorse Clinton over their bad-boy Trump, not because of his racist and reactionary remarks, but because he will not toe the party line.
Political observers have stated that given Clinton’s baggage in so many areas (More on Clinton later), Sanders is left as the logical choice for discerning voters — for a change that could bring a clean sweep of the detritus in American politics. Although the voters may want Sanders, the establishment on both sides of politics may make sure that Clinton is ushered into power, especially as she far out-numbers Sanders in the preposterous “super-delegates” voting system. (See my last newsletter on Pisces and Sanders.)
Trump is easy to ridicule for his buffoonery, opportunism and many other blatantly obvious traits — the classic Ugly American. He has been described by many psychologists as having a, “textbook narcissistic personality disorder” — “An inflated sense of his own self-importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”13
To be fair however, narcissism is the epidemic of our age — at all levels of spiritual unfoldment. As the Aquarian cycle approaches, the Leo polarity is invoked; independent thinking arises from mass consciousness, fueling a sense of power and uniqueness.

Donald Trump
Trump’s brash and braggart Mars in Leo, conjunct a Leo ascendant, is one cause that lies behind the expression of these traits, as does his garrulous Gemini sun and opinionated Sagittarius moon. Yet these are all endearing traits to his followers who admire the “tell it like it is, no bullshit” swaggering cowboy.
These are just some of the myths that Trump’s chameleon Gemini personality perpetrates and weaves into his Leo performances. (Performance was one of his first business ventures in a failed Broadway production.) He is a showman and a shaman. Trump’s Leo ascendant is conjunct Regulus, long regarded as a star of great influence and power in politics:
“Success if revenge is avoided. The heart of the Lion and known as The Watcher of the North. A Royal Star of Persia. This is one of the great stars in the sky and is linked to the Persian mythical king, Feridum. He was a prosperous king but lost his kingdom when he engaged in revenge. All of the Royal Stars promise great potential and success as long as a particular human nemesis is avoided. In Regulus’ case, the issue is that of revenge and if strong in a chart, the individual needs to avoid this temptation.”14
Esoterically, Regulus is regarded as focusing the “triple forces” of Sirius, the “higher self” to this entire solar system. In the chart of an advanced soul, Regulus gives a leader great power and decisiveness not divisiveness. In the horoscope of one who is still asleep and living the material life of the mutable cross, its potency can be easily misused and abused.

Vainglorious dreams …
Trump is a good example of a powerful, relatively integrated personality who has not woken up to the reality of the soul. His thoughtless statements and actions continually verify his worldly ambitions and selfishness. There are also examples of his questionable real estate practices or involvement in casinos — a millstone around the neck of the common people. (Trump is very close to the cusp of Leo-Virgo and in business he is known as a painful Virgoan micro-manager!)
Trump’s Leo rising soul purpose — of being the king in all fields of endeavour — is tainted by Leonine pride, boastfulness and arrogance. Despite it all, Trump can turn on the Leo charm, like a Sun at the centre of his universe, shining on his orbiting, adoring electorate. Leo is also the authority and Trump is one who is able to cultivate authoritarianism in voters,
“… a psychological profile of individual voters that is characterized by a desire for order and a fear of outsiders. People who score high in authoritarianism, when they feel threatened, look for strong leaders who promise to take whatever action necessary to protect them from outsiders and prevent the changes they fear … Not only did authoritarianism correlate, but it seemed to predict support for Trump more reliably than virtually any other indicator.”15

Trump’s infamous Leonine “mane”.

“Trump recently quoted Mussolini … he’s begun inviting followers at his rallies to raise their right hands in a manner chillingly similar to the Nazi “Heil” salute.”16
Trump has been compared to Mussolini (Leo Sun, Gemini Moon) and Hitler (Taurus Sun, Libra rising). He recently re-tweeted one of Mussolini’s quotes: “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” Interesting Leo statement for both of them! There are similarities with Mussolini astrologically — both share the Leo-Gemini combination — fond of display and fiery rhetoric. (Mussolini had Moon-Mars conjunct in Gemini.)
Trump’s ascendancy followed from the last of the recent Uranus-Pluto squares — a repeat of the same squares in the 1930’s, concurrent with the rise of fascism in Europe. The following abut Hitler in relation to Leo, was written in the 1930’s:
“The true Leo type must react in a new and unique manner to the proffered opportunity, and when I say type, I refer to those people whose sun is in Leo or who have Leo rising [Trump]. The reason for this is that Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius, and the interplay of energies between these two is far more potent than at any previous time in racial history …
It is because of this fact that you have the appearance of the dictators in different countries at this time, and it is because of this fact also that in this present cycle (the ante-chamber of the New Age) you have the pronounced attitude of these dictators — an attitude which is so often ignored but which has real racial value. It is the attitude which leads to a synthesis of the national life, aims and intentions.
A typical instance of this attitude is that of Hitler [Saturn in Leo]. No matter what may be our personal opinion of him, there is no question that he has unified, produced fusion and blended together the various elements in the German race.
This activity is Aquarian in nature but in its lowest and most undesirable aspect. It is also of the nature of Leo, for the people who can produce these results have necessarily to be intensely self-aware. This is the major characteristic of the Leo person.”17

The Aquarian Water Bearer.
It certainly seems to be happening with the Trump phenomenon, producing a highly questionable unification, working with Aquarius, “in its lowest and most undesirable aspect”. Trump’s Mars in Leo falls closely opposite USA’s Moon in Aquarius — the moon representing the masses and the national shadow/dweller. Another factor that really drives this fact home is that esoterically and somewhat paradoxically, the USA is an Aquarian soul, hence the problem of mixing or mistaking lower Aquarian forces for true soul purpose.
Also, as an afterthought, invoking images of Mussolini and Hitler can be counter-productive,
“Comparisons to Adolf Hitler not only diminish the brutal realities of Nazism but, in a way, perversely elevate a figure like Trump, exaggerating his consequence while muddling the real perniciousness of his ideology.”18
One thing is certain — Trump has captured the hearts and minds of the dispossessed, unthinking, undiscriminating masses. His opportunism and appetite for power and a clever, conniving Gemini personality — has voiced how many people feel and what they want to hear. His Gemini Sun is conjunct Uranus, bringing an erratic unpredictability and quirkiness to flighty Gemini.

Trump’s phallic monument to himself.
Sun-Uranus people love to be rebels, not necessarily for a cause, but just to buck who they perceive as the establishment. Hence his rocky relationship with fellow Republicans and the fact that they do not want him as their candidate — this must be some kind of record!
Sun-Uranus in Gemini, ruling his Leo ascendant, reflects as Trump placing his name prominently on all his buildings – making his “unique” mark. This Sun-Uranus personality revealed the rebel at 13 years old, when progressed moon was passing over natal Uranus:
“Due to behavior problems, Trump left the school at age 13 and was enrolled in the New York Military Academy (NYMA). In 1983, Fred told an interviewer that Donald “was a pretty rough fellow when he was small.”19
Still seems to be a “pretty rough fellow” today! Trump’s Gemini Sun has the “common touch” — Gemini’s great strength is the ability to connect with anyone from any walk of life and find something in common with them — leading to dialogue and understanding. This is why Gemini is primarily a sign of relationships and why it is not so contradictory that a billionaire has working-class appeal:
“He is very aggressive [Mars in Leo] and appears authentic. People like that. They feel like most politicians are too polished, like they do all these shady things and pretend like they don’t,” Emily Ekins, a research fellow at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, told Refinery29.
Ekins says that most Trump supporters tend to be white, working-class males with lower levels of education who are frustrated with the sort of “smoke screen” politics that dominate Washington. At the same time, she emphasized that Trump’s team is not the Tea Party — they’re moderate to conservative Republicans who stop just left of the very far right.”20

Trumpeting …
Even with multiple contradictions, flip-flopping on issues, Trump is the ultimate Gemini chameleon who will change colours for any environment; he is at once the circus Master of Ceremonies (Leo) and the clown (Gemini) — presiding over a spectacular of the ridiculous, who knows the lowest common denominator of entertainment, of how to dazzle and shock; his Mars in Leo is the ultimate “drama queen” in this regard. The American showman P.T. Barnum, curiously had Mercury in Gemini, Sun in Cancer — the opposite to Trump’s Sun in Gemini and Mercury in Cancer, but with similar results.
“By acting the part of impish bad boy and consciously trampling on the canons of political correctness, Trump validates that anger. The more outrageous his behavior, the more secure his position at the very center of the political circus.”21
Trump is a perfect tool — er, for the Materialistic Forces of this planet, playing on mass fear, cynicism, helplessness and hopelessness. Its noteworthy that Trump’s horoscope is similar to Alice A. Bailey (AAB), that great disciple who served as amanuensis for The Tibetan for thirty years; she had Sun in Gemini and Leo rising too, plus Mercury in Cancer, which this author identifies in her astro-biography as her main significator of psychic sensitivity — that allowed a rendering open to impression from the Master.
Trump’s Mediumistic Tendencies
Neptune is connected to mediumship, as it is one of the rulers of the solar plexus chakra, seat of the astral body. Neptune is also the soul ruler of watery Cancer. Like AAB, Trump has Mercury in Cancer, but of course is a much less experienced soul with different dharma and ray qualities.
Nevertheless, Trump has the sensitivity to be a channel for the masses (Cancer) — voicing their sense of powerlessness but could easily be a psychic dupe (or dope) for more insidious, shadowy forces. (See Sauron Endorses Donald Trump for President)
This predisposition is exacerbated by Mercury’s square to Neptune in Libra, making him master of double-speak, deception and subtle manipulation — a far cry from the “tell it like it is” directness of his Sagittarius moon. Indeed, Clinton and Sanders both recently labelled Trump as a “pathological liar” — although some will say that for Clinton, its a case of the kettle calling the pot black! 22 As Mercury is the ruler of his Gemini Sun, this square is the adamantine pattern that lies at the heart of his personality dysfunctionality.
Neptune is also soul ruler of Trump’s Leo ascendant, whilst Mercury is ruler of his Gemini Sun. Hence, the Mercury square Neptune aspect is critical in terms of Trump’s alignment between soul (Leo) and personality (Gemini). The point of least resistance with this square has been described above, but the highest possibilities to resolve this point of tension is to articulate clearly (Gemini/Mercury) high idealism and vision (Neptune) without any of the narrow opinionated views of his Sagittarius Moon (the Dweller). This theme of mediumistic tendencies leads to the next and most important point…
Trump’s Power to Mesmerise
“… bigot though he is, Mr Trump is an engaging man [Leo-Gemini]. His energy, his sheer driving chutzpah [Sag. moon] and his astonishing capacity to make his mistakes disappear overnight have had a mesmeric effect on many Americans. And he has made incoherence into a virtue: voters seem to positively like his constant somersaults, U-turns and cheery reversals of what he said just yesterday.”23
Mesmerise is of course synonymous with hypnotise and this is what has happened. Trump has mesmerised many Americans like some prodigal Pied Piper that has somehow been “denied his payment” (recognition, insatiable fame) — and instead of leading a plague of rats out of town, has become a fat rat leading astray the “children” (non-thinking masses) of America.
The word mesmerise comes from the German scientist (and most likely an initiate), Franz Anton Mesmer — also a Gemini, but like Alice Bailey, in altogether another league. Trump has a disturbing penchant for stirring up hatred and divisiveness. The following account is from a young man who went to a Trump rally as an “observer” recently. His account gives a profound insight into the shallowness of Trump’s policies and the gullible masses:
“But out of everything I saw, the crowd was the worst part. I have never seen more hateful people in my life …If a protester had a sign, even the peaceful ones, they would take the sign from them, rip it up, and throw it back at the protesters. Whenever a protester would get removed, the crowd would yell horrible things. Once, after a protester was removed, Trump said, “Where are these people coming from? Who are they?”
A lady, sitting not 5 feet from me, said, “Well hopefully when you’re president, you’ll get rid of em all!” Get rid of them? Get rid of anyone who opposes Trump? It was sickening. I felt truly nauseous. And these people loved the protesters. They loved the drama and the chaos. And Trump fed upon it. It was easily one of the strangest and uncomfortable things I’ve ever witnessed. I could just hear the horrible things being spoken around me and it made my skin crawl.”24
One of the reasons Trump is so popular is because his Gemini personality is the same as the USA’s; he is perceived as a kind of everyman by his followers, someone they feel that they already know. This Gemini theme is considered in the next section, regarding USA’s Mars in Gemini — which Trump’s Moon opposes. Gemini can be very clever and eloquent:
“The man who has a golden tongue, the man who has the gift of playing with words and can voice with emphasis people’s grievances, the juggler in statistics, the fanatic with a certain and sure cure for social ills, and the man who loves to fan race hatreds, can ever get a following. Such men can with facility upset the balance of the community and lead a body of unthinking adherents to a transient success and power, or to obloquy and oblivion.”25
To return to the mediumistic theme for a moment, George “Dubya” Bush (born just a few weeks after Trump), has a Cancer Sun square Neptune. Bush, devoid of original thought, was simply a dumb puppet manipulated behind the scenes by the Neocon marionnetists such as Cheney and Rumsfield. Sun square Neptune people are very prone to this kind of manipulation, not unlike Trump’s Mercury square Neptune. Hitler (Sun semi-sextile Neptune) fell prey to obsession and was taken over entirely:
“In the case of obsession, the evil force enslaves the personality which, in the majority of cases, is but a shell. Of this, Hitler is a case in point. This produces greater potency on the physical plane and on the astral plane.”26
USA’s Mars in Gemini
The astonishing correspondences noted with Gemini so far, compel an examination of USA’s 1776 Declaration of Independence horoscope, with its Mars in Gemini. This author has commented copiously upon USA’s Mars in Gemini (almost ad nauseum, lol!) in the past.

USA Horoscope: 1776 Declaration of Independence.
Mars in Gemini in USA’s chart is one of the main problems regarding its Gemini personality interfacing with its sixth ray of Idealism and Devotion. Mars squares Neptune in this chart, the other co-ruler of the sixth ray, exacerbating blind idealism, lack of discrimination, the proliferation of personal firearms, aggressive meddling in foreign affairs etc.
The solar eclipse of March 9 not only activated Trump’s horoscope powerfully, but also USA’s Mars, creating a grand cross in mutable signs. Hence, USA’s core issues inherent in Mars square Neptune,will be sorely tested by its synastry with Trump’s sun-moon in Gemini-Sagittarius — plus the solar eclipse in Pisces and Sanders’ sun in Virgo.

Solar Eclipse Horoscope March 9, 2016. Mutable Grand Cross: Inner wheel: USA. 2nd wheel: Trump. 3rd wheel: Sanders. Outer wheel: Solar eclipse.
Trump’s moon in Sagittarius (The Dweller or Shadow) is precisely opposite USA’s troublesome Mars in Gemini — easily activating or arousing mass emotion (Moon) and anger (Mars). A recent example of this was on March 11 when violence broke out at a Trump rally in Chicago, consequently cancelled. Transiting Sun and Chiron in Pisces on that day made an exact T-square to the Trump moon — USA Mars opposition.
An older example of the volatility of USA’s Mars was during the Watts Riots of August 1965. In the USA chart, SA ascendant was conjunct Mars, transiting Jupiter had just conjoined Mars and transiting Pluto was moving into a square with Mars. It was also USA’s lunar return in Aquarius.
“Trumpism is not a program or an ideology. It is an attitude that feeds off of widespread anger and alienation.”27
Yet, the solar eclipse Jupiter in Virgo opposite Sun, Moon, Chiron in Pisces, creates a cross-axis square to challenge the Trump moon<->USA Mars opposition, inviting reason and compassion. Solar eclipse Jupiter falls in USA’s ninth house of higher principles and is the ruler of USA’s second ray soul. Will the core values of human nature – sympathy and mutual aid, win out?
Hence, this is a truly defining moment for USA to rise above the tide of prevailing ignorance and prejudice, expressed so widely and wildly in that nation. The Aquarian second ray soul must come into expression. Judging by Trumps’ recent big wins, many Americans seem to have fallen under the spell of mass popularity, creating a snowball effect.
Enter Bernie Sanders, the polar opposite of Trump; both of whom are beholden financially to none, total opposites in many ways, yet both campaigning hard on trade issues. Sanders’ Virgo sun and north node hold the Virgo point of the aforementioned grand cross in mutable signs, falling in USA’s ninth house with solar eclipse Jupiter. In turn, Sanders’ planets make a T-square to Trump’s Gemini sun-Sag moon opposition. Solar eclipse Jupiter-sun-moon etc. also square Sanders’ natal Jupiter in Gemini, adding another powerful component to the mix.
If the final race for the presidency does come down to these two individuals, the dynamics of these squares will be a fascinating spectacle! Bear in mind that the horoscope of Bernie Sanders was examined here last month and his chances, if he makes it past Clinton and the super-delegate count, are very good. (But so are Trump’s, see later.)
The ninth house position of Sanders’ sun in the solar eclipse chart above, offers a very compelling argument for him holding his principles and leading USA out of its spiritual quagmire. (In fact, Trump’s constant gaffes empower both Clinton and Sanders.) Sanders has vast political experience, Trump hardly any. Sanders is very sharp on many policies — developing them over decades, Trump seems to make them up as he goes, or changes them at whim.
Sanders comes from a point of greater wholistic philosophy, Trump only addresses the lowest common economic or racial denominators, the latter in a deliberately inflammatory way. As a businessman, Trump might have some good economic ideas, but has no clue about some basic humanistic principles. Unfortunately, the mass media minimises a lot of Sanders’ achievements whilst highlighting or exaggerating the gains of Clinton and Trump.
“Trump is everyone’s drunk uncle who climbed up on the stage at their wedding.” Sarah Beattie.
“Can you believe Trump is attacking McCain’s war record? I guess Trump is a war expert, seeing as he’s a veteran of the War on Good Taste.” Bette Midler.
Trump’s Transits 2016
Assuming Trump is not lynched by his own Republican Party before the November elections (!), let us examine his chances for winning on that day. It might be a little premature to be considering the November election, many things can happen in the next eight months. However, Trump has some very dynamic aspects that could see him win the election; also a few difficult ones that could “pip him at the post”. Either way, he makes an interesting astrological study — understanding him, helps to understand a lot about the USA. As stated earlier, Trump is a head of the US hydra, the nine-headed dragon in the swamp, the shadow of the USA.

Solar return planets in outer wheel.
Donald Trump’s Solar Return 2015
When Trump announced his candidacy for the election on June 16, 2015, the following aspects were unfolding:
1. It was Trump’s birthday just two days before (June 14) and his 2015 Solar Return (SR) chart shows Pluto (power) as the most elevated planet.
2. SR Venus was conjunct natal Pluto and secondary progressed (SP) Mercury, the ruler of his Gemini personality. Venus is also the ruler of his natal midheaven (MC) — career, public etc. Two days after the solar return at the announcement of his presidential bid, transiting Venus was even closer to Pluto within 3′ of arc — this is highly significant.
3. It was the New Moon on the June 16 announcement with a potent Sun, Moon, Mars conjunction in Gemini — Trump was ready for a fight. Did he have the assistance of an astrologer to choose this date?!
4. SR Moon conjunct natal MC. See the chart above, the Moon is less than half a degree from the MC. The Moon represents mass popularity and placed in Taurus may even reflect the white working class voter demographic mentioned earlier.
5. Transiting Saturn in Scorpio (power) square Leo rising. Exactly squaring his Leo ascendant and progressed Sun in Leo. Saturn continued to do this for the next four months as it was stationary retro/direct. Transiting Saturn was also making a close trine to his SP MC in Leo, traditionally most auspicious for realising an ambition. (Note that in the two days between his solar return on June 14 and his announcement on June 16, Saturn moved retrograde from Sagittarius back into Scorpio.)
6. SA Pluto conjunct Jupiter. Still on the theme of power, Solar arc (SA) Pluto was (and still is) approaching a conjunction of natal Jupiter in Libra, whilst transiting Jupiter was harmoniously sextiling SA Pluto and Jupiter. (Solar arc directions are important in event-based astrology.) SA Pluto will be almost exactly conjunct Jupiter on election day November 8, a very powerful aspect.
7. Transiting Pluto trine SA Mercury in Virgo. Very close to the same degree as Bernie Sanders’ sun in Virgo. Mercury is the ruler of Trump’s Gemini sun, which is the ruler of his ascendant, so combined with transiting Saturn aspecting the ascendant and progressed Sun, powerfully persuasive communication skills.

8. Jupiter transits many points. Since the June 16, 2015 announcement, transiting Jupiter moved through Leo in July through early August, over his Mars, progressed Sun and rising sign — considerably amplifying his presence — and assisted by transiting Venus and Mercury on their annual passage through Leo. It was in late July that Trump hit the lead in the Republican race.28
9. Transiting Mars conjunct SP MC. This occured in early Leo August 2014, then repeated Jupiter’s passage through Leo in September 2015; it would have included his Mars return in Leo as well, further giving him high exposure.
Likewise, SP MC is gradually moving to a conjunction with SP Saturn in Leo, exact by the first week of July 2017 — and joined by SP Moon at the same time, indicating high ambition and achievement; all three points are in the third degree of Leo — whose theme, according to the Sabian Symbols, is Independence.29
10. Transiting Jupiter conjunct SA Mercury. Trump is a Sun trine Jupiter person, so any Jupiter transits are going to give him a “larger then life” presence. Transiting Jupiter has been conjunct his progressed Mercury several times in 2015-16 and squaring all his Gemini placements until August 2016.
Jupiter rules his Sagittarius moon and in fact, has been T-squaring his Sun-Moon opposition. The last hit comes at the end of July 2016 and this may well see Trump come undone through his over the top antics.
11. SP Sun conjunct Ascendant mid June 2016. This is a big once-in-a-lifetime event and could be extremely empowering for Trump — especially as the Sun is the ruler of Leo the Sun King. It is a time when the progressed Sun moves from the 12th house of hidden things, into the light of day. Hence, it could also be a time when the opposite occurs, Icarus falls out of the sky because he has become too cocky. At this time transiting Jupiter is making its last conjunction to SA Mercury with transiting Pluto trining both, also very empowering.
12. SP Sun moves into Virgo. This occurs shortly after the previous progression, at the end of July/early August 2016. It’s quite a transition for the progressed Sun to make from one sign to another — from prideful Leo to self-effacing Virgo — and may see Trump eating humble pie. It will certainly increase Trump’s pre-disposition to Virgoan micro-management, wherever he finds himself in the future! In the November 8 elections, Trump’s progressed Sun is powerfully placed on the Virgo midheaven of the election day chart set for 7 am.
Trump’s Election Day Horoscope November 8, 2016
In the chart below, the red lines mostly represent the hard aspects of opposition and square, whilst the gold lines represent harmonious trines and sextiles.

Inner wheel: natal. Second wheel: Secondary progressions. Third wheel: Solar arc directions. Outer wheel: Transits. (Time is set for 7 am, the earliest for polling booths to open.)

1. Solar arc (SA) Mercury in Virgo in the first house. Touched upon already, and where much of the 2016 action focuses. Note the many aspects to SA Mercury in the election day chart above — transiting Pluto trine, transiting Saturn square and transiting Sun sextile.
2. Transiting Saturn opposite Uranus — T-square SA Mercury. This is a very dynamic pattern and will be activated all the way to election day. Trump’s Uranus is his unpredictable maverick and transiting Saturn in Sagittarius opposite, is the public moral outrage severely challenging Uranus.
The T-square to SA Mercury in Virgo should force him to be more discriminating, but it will more than likely see Trump criticising and blaming — like the recent rally violence in Chicago “was Bernie’s people”. (Sanders’ Sun is close to Trump’s SA Mercury.)30
Also, transiting Saturn is conjunct the USA’ Sagittarian ascendant, after criss-crossing it several times throughout 2016. This is extremely important, pointing to the nation’s soul purpose and getting back to its original constitution set up in 1776.
3. Transiting Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Libra. As a big and blustery Jupiterian, all Jupiter transits magnify Trump’s personality. Like the aforementioned Uranus, Chiron is also regarded as a maverick, due to its position between Saturn (status quo) and Uranus (revolutionary).

Achilles and Chiron
Trump’s Chiron sits right on USA’s Saturn in Libra, hence his maverick calling out the status quo — most of whom are against him. But Trump’s donaldrick has no real substance, he is a, “… poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage … a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” (Macbeth)
4. Jupiter return. Given Trump’s responsiveness to “lucky Jupiter”, his Jupiter return may well strengthen his position. Transiting Jupiter will be activating the natal Jupiter trine Sun-Uranus. The 12-year cycle of the Jupiter return is only a few weeks after the November election, with three passes back and forth over natal Jupiter until August 2017.
5. Transiting Venus/SA Jupiter trine Mars and ascendant in Leo. Another excellent aspect in Trump’s favour, an harmonious balancing of forces that triggers his rambunctious Mars in Leo, with Jupiter thrown in the mix yet again. The following points 6 & 7 are probably the strongest in terms of Trump not being elected.
6. SP Moon conjunct Saturn. The progressed Moon is a 27-year cycle and whilst in orb of conjunction to Saturn on election day, will be exact a few weeks later — when transiting Saturn is conjunct his moon — opposite Sun (all the way through to Oct. 2017) — creating a doubling effect of the same Moon-Saturn forces. This is a curious combination — on the one hand it could represent a great deal of responsibility taken on; on the other, it could represent failure, disappointment or being severely curtailed, being reigned-in by Saturn’s authority, because his past (moon) has caught up with him in some way.
This is probably one of the most powerful progressions that point to Trump being unsuccessful in his presidential bid. Trump’s Saturn in Cancer is also connected to his involvement in real estate and business, working with the law of economy, hence this progression could reflect Trump becoming bankrupt (reflecting moral bankruptcy?). Previous bankruptcies in 1991-2, 2004, 2009 — all saw significant transits or progressions to this natal Saturn in Cancer. Esoterically,
“In this sign Saturn is in the home of its detriment and thus produces those difficult conditions and situations which will lead to the needed struggle. This makes Cancer a place of symbolic imprisonment and emphasises the pains and penalties of wrong orientation.
It is the conflict of the soul with its environment — consciously or unconsciously carried on — which leads to the penalties of incarnation and which provides those conditions of suffering which the soul has willingly undertaken when — with open eyes and clear vision — the soul chose the path of earth life with all its consequent sacrifices and pains, in order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity.”31
Are Trump’s voters “lives with which he has an affinity”, or simply stepping stones to grandiose visions of power?

7. Transiting Uranus square Saturn. Connected to the previous SP Moon to Saturn. Uranus square Saturn aspects are intense, as Uranus tries to bring about change but Saturn wants to stay the same. The aforementioned “conditions of suffering” may well come to bear at this time. Unpredictable life events may bring about sudden changes that force an abandoning of that which served in the past, but this could be resisted very deeply, creating friction and pain.
8. Transiting Uranus trine Moon and Mars, sextile Sun. Transiting Uranus creates a grand trine to Trump’s Mars which is trine to Moon in Sagittarius natally. As Trump is an “Uranian” with his Sun-Uranus conjunction in Gemini, any Uranus transit will aid and abet his actions. Uranus is the revolutionary but quite often the “rebel without a cause” — or the individual trying to make their “unique mark”, but without the requisite rounded-out development. (This similar statement was made in point #3.)
The position of SA Moon in Aquarius is exactly opposite his Leo ascendant and very close to USA’s moon in Aquarius. It is also the USA’s lunar return on election day, hence quite a line-up across the Leo-Aquarius axis. The Moon represents the past/Dweller and Trump just might emerge into power as USA’s Dweller incarnate, exploiting (like Hitler) the Aquarian force referred to earlier, “in its lowest and most undesirable aspect”.
9. Transiting Mercury T-square Mars-SA Moon/transiting Moon in Aquarius. Another quite extraordinary configuration that carries a lot of tension and power. Mercury in Scorpio square Mars can represent verbal abuse and/or tough talking. Mercury is prominent again as the ruler of Trump’s Gemini sun. Transiting Mercury also makes an exact trine to Saturn on this day, consolidating his ability to manifest ideas.

10. Transiting Mars quincuncx Leo ascendant. Another powerful aspect and almost exact. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, signifying great power, material or spiritual:
“Mars is the God of War, the Producer of conflicts, and in this earthly sign Mars triumphs … in the life history of the undeveloped and average man. Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward, and this most material of all the signs is the battleground of the old established order and habits and the new and higher inclinations and tendencies.”32
Comparing Trump and Sanders in this passage obviously qualifies Trump for the former interpretation and Sanders for the latter. Mars on election day creates a grand trine to Sanders’ Saturn trine Neptune, trumping Trump’s aforementioned Mars aspect.

Trump and the Republican Party. (Illustration by Victor Juhasz)
Democrats and Republicans: The Waning Piscean Era
Also significant with the recent solar eclipse (March 9) in Pisces, is that both the Democrats and Republicans are Pisces! Hence the solar eclipse grand cross considered above will impact upon their horoscopes. The Democrats have Sun, Moon and Mercury in Pisces. The Republicans have Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Neptune in Pisces.
The first thought that comes to mind with this “Piscean realisation” is that both parties are redundant in their thinking, they belong to the fast receding Piscean cycle and all the outmoded political practices that go with that. This is reflected by both parties currently going through massive upheavals behind and in front of the scenes.
The Republicans are approaching the 164-year cycle of their Neptune return and transiting Neptune is currently crossing their Sun, dissolving their sense of identity and creating confusion and desperation in the ranks. They are witnessing a Trump trounce of all the other Republican candidates — who many observers state, are bottom-of-the-barrel worthless contenders anyway, some of whom are just as dangerous, if not more so than Trump (Cruz, Rubio etc.). The Republicans are even convening emergency meetings to figure out how to derail Trump. In many ways the Republicans represent “creeping fascism”, but it exists on both sides of politics. One of the most admirable figures in US politics, Vice-President Henry Wallace, said in a 1944 speech:

Wallace (Oct. 7, 1888)
“The American fascists … claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.”33
The power of those groups that Wallace criticised then has multiplied many times over in the past seventy years. Corporate media control is having a heavy influence upon the US elections; their massive exposure of Trump has amounted to a virtual approval, encouraging non-discerning voters to follow Trump’s flock of sheep.
Hillary Clinton
The author will analyse Clinton’s (Scorpio Sun) horoscope in more detail later in 2016. (Her birth time is also uncertain.) Observers state that Hillary Clinton is one of the neo-Liberal dinosaurs within the Democrats — who have no new ideas, still dining-out on her role as Secretary of State and ex President’s wife; suspect baggage from that past, complete submission to corporate financial donations and a hawk for Neocon foreign policy etc.. She does have good ideas in some areas but it seems that past taints outweigh them. Nevertheless, many political forces that prevail would rather see her in power instead of Trump, no matter what their political persuasion. Also of course, there is the novelty of a first female president.

Aries is Electric Fire!
Climate Climax
In many ways our planetary crisis is currently focussed through the USA — it is a make or break period for the planet, as the Aries Equinox horoscope reflects. It is all that we can do to promote World Goodwill tirelessly, to cultivate love and reason. Whatever work everyone does subjectively and objectively will contribute to a planetary climate that will help Humanity to weather the storm. Bear in mind that the gift of Aries is that right ideas establish the ideal mental climate at the beginning of a cycle,
“Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form — subjective and objective.” 34

Christ the Redeemer (Titian)
The Festival of Easter and the Resurrection
Aries is the first of three festivals for the spiritual new year, celebrated in the west during Easter, the first Sun-day (Sun is exalted in Aries) after the Aries full moon:
“The Festival of Easter. This is the festival of the risen, living Christ, the Teacher of all men and the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. He is the Expression of the Love of God. On this day the Spiritual Hierarchy which He guides and directs will be recognised, and the nature of God’s love will be emphasised. This festival is determined always by the date of the first Full Moon of spring, and is the great Western and Christian festival.”35
“Resurrection is the keynote of nature; death is not. Death is only the ante-chamber of resurrection. Resurrection is the clue to the world of meaning, and is the fundamental theme of all the world religions — past, present and the future. Resurrection of the spirit in man, in all forms, in all kingdoms, is the objective of the entire evolutionary process and this involves liberation from materialism and selfishness. In that resurrection, evolution and death are only preparatory and familiar stages.
The note and message sounded by the Christ when last on Earth was resurrection, but so morbid has been mankind and so enveloped in glamour and illusion, that His death has been permitted to sidestep understanding; consequently, for centuries, the emphasis has been laid upon death, and only on Easter Day or in the cemeteries is the resurrection acclaimed. This must change. It is not helpful to a progressive understanding of the eternal verities to have this condition perpetuated. The Hierarchy is today dedicated to bringing about this change and thus altering the approach of mankind to the world of the unseen and to the spiritual realities.”36
Phillip Lindsay © 2016.
Esoteric Astrologer
The Hidden History of Humanity
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Seminar on Cosmic Fire: Sweden March 17-20, 2016.
A workshop in the subtle atmosphere of Hillesgården in the south of Sweden, where Phillip Lindsay will give an introduction to “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire”. The study will open a deeper understanding around the universal forces that we all are affected by, and their effect in what we call the phenomenal world. The workshop will be in English and the group thereby international. More …
USR Conference April 5-17, 2016 in Mesa, Arizona.
This year is the thirtieth anniversary of the University of the Seven Rays conference. I will be participating this year and look forward to connecting once again with many of the people who have contributed over the years. Do think about trying to make it to this year’s event!
Visit to the USA and Canada
I will also be available in the USA and Canada to present seminars on Esoteric Astrology and the Hidden History of Humanity. If you are interested in me visiting your area please contact me soon, as my travel schedule is starting to fill up. I will be available from late April to early June approximately — about seven weeks. So far I will be visiting Florida, North and South Carolina, Arizona and California. Then I will return to Europe, starting with Portugal in late June.
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Travel Diary #7
Travel Diary #7 recently released.
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.92. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.55. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.216. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.96. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.105. [↩]
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- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.92. [↩]
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- Solar Fire Astrology Program, Esoteric Technologies P/L. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.285. [↩]
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- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. p.115. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.307. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey, p.342. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.92. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.420. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.470. [↩]
“Trump is a perfect tool – er, for the Materialistic Forces of this planet…” hahaha. Worth the read just for that quip! Your Aries full moon article provides a fantastic astrological interpretation of the US presidential election.
For those who wonder about service and counteracting the vitriol, I reference some DK:
“When the Avatar [of Synthesis] comes He will convey to humanity something for which we have as yet no true name. It is neither love nor will as we understand them. Only a phrase of several words can convey something of the significance and then only feebly. This phrase is “the principle of directed purpose.” This principle involves three factors:
a. Understanding (intuitive and instinctual, but intelligently interpreted) of the plan as it can be worked out in the immediate future.
b. Focused intention, based on the above and emphasizing an aspect of the will, hitherto undeveloped in man.
c. Capacity to direct energy (through understanding and intent) towards a recognized and desired end, overcoming all obstacles and destroying all that stands in the way. This is not destruction of forms by force such as is now being imposed on the world, but a destruction brought about by the greatly strengthened life within the form. Only the next one hundred years will reveal the significance of this statement… I have called this Being by this name because it expresses the quality and the objective of the force He brings and wields. “
Overall, from my perspective, this synthesis is carried forward objectively in the human family through the exercise and establishment of right human relations. When carried forward subjectively, this synthesis is well described in the following passage from a Treatise on White Magic:
“The secret science of the Master of the Wisdom is the secret of how to dissipate the fogs and mist and darkness and gloom … The work of the hierarchy is primarily to bring to an end the shadows and to dispel the moisture; the aim of the Masters is to let in the light of the soul…”
In my humble opinion, this synthesis carried forward within the context of the zodiacal energies of Aries is the manifestation of 1st ray (or the will aspect of Love) energies into the collective astral plane and the burning off of both individual and collective “fog”, for it is only this fog that is covering the light of the soul of those who make poor choices and do not understand the beauty behind right human relations. I think racism and xenophobia as it is manifesting now, being manipulated by those obsessed with material power, is only as effective as the astral fog is dense. Carried forward, right human relations and the principle of directed purpose can do much to solve these world problems both objectively and subjectively through the invocative use of the will and a resolution to maintain a daily balanced psyche that can transmit the joy of the soul into the environment (especially during the high point in Aries each year) – it is the new zodiacal year after all!
This was a most profound read, one that should prompt man into spiritual action!
You stated “As the Aquarian cycle approaches, the Leo polarity is invoked”
Its interesting to note that Barack Obama I believe has Aquarius rising. Its Unfortunate an entity such as Trump could possibly win the US election. If he does win; I believe the people of the US that oppose him and all he that stands for will finally join together in a mass movement that will ultimately lead to his impeachment. There is a strong possibility that violence will be a big part of this, since he has already laid the groundwork with his racist and discriminating ignorance.