7 Responses to Capricorn 2015: Christmas Solstice. Time. Mithras. Initiation. Origins Odyssey.

  1. Judy Jacka says:

    Thank you Phillip for a beautiful summary of the real meaning of Xmas at this time of your departure for the continuing adventure. We wish you God-speed for the journey and we look forward to sharing this journey as you proceed.

    love and light,
    Judy Jacka

  2. Dale Chisholm says:

    Thank you Phillip for a beautiful page. All the significant for me too as I was born on the 21st of December; turning 70 is holding me with beautiful renewals; feel recycling into a new era for me personally. Best wishes to you for Xmas; New Year tidings. Thank you for all your writings on my email. Enjoy reading them. Love, light Dale

  3. Birthe Taylor says:

    Thank you once again for your incredible work. I am also a December baby – 25th 1941 in war torn Denmark. However, I live in Cape Town, South Africa and I am a committed student.

  4. Tara Stuart says:

    Thank you for sharing your intuitive insight regarding deeper esoteric understanding. I along with many others appreciate your ongoing work. Your journey and adventures in discovery through Sardinia, Italy and Sicily Italy will probably be a revelation in the the saga of “Origins Odyssey”. Go well and treasure the moments.

  5. Heidi Kunkler says:

    Thank you Phillip for your significant comments. Especially this one! I was born on December 25, 1941, in Zurich, Switzerland, and live now since 31 years in Olbia, Sardinia. I allways thought that it is a gift to be born at Christmas and the longer I live the more I think it.
    A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and a wonderful, fruitful trip around the South of Italy, especially in Sardinia!
    Thank you for your great work to humanity!
    Love, Heidi

  6. Paul Brady says:

    Thank you Phillip for your most informative and detailed newsletters, and other communications through 2015. Every best wish for your research during 2016 and I look forward to your further insights over the next year

    Paul B.

  7. SIMON says:

    Thinking it worthy, I took the symbol of Mithras into meditation prior to doing the Capricorn Full Moon Meditation after reading your sharing. I did not have the same experience but something did happenAfter a few moments I found myself inside the Pantheon looking upward towards the oculus. I looked down and saw the statue of Mithras in the very center standing tall atop a pedestal facing the main entrance. It was much bigger in scale than a human being. Then a shaft of white light poured into the oculus and enveloped Mithras. I then moved out of the building and saw the structure was perched atop a magnificent mountain. Rays of golden light were pouring out from all sides of the domed structure into the world. One impression that came to mind is that this vision represented the heart center (Leo) in the head (Capricorn). Thanks for all your dedication and service to Hierarchy and humanity.

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