Capricorn 2017: Mental Strength. A Space Odyssey. The Jewish People, Zionism & Israel.
(The Lady and the Unicorn by Luca Longhi.)
The Capricorn-Cancer opposites reconciled.
The unicorn is the transformed goat of Capricorn the initiate,
the woman is Cancer the mother of the form containing spirit.
“Capricorn is spiritually the sign of the Unicorn which is the “fighting and triumphant creature” … the triumphant initiate, the “unicorn of God,” the symbol of the unicorn, with its one horn out-thrust like a single spear upon his brow instead of the two horns of the scavenging goat.”1
Capricorn Keynote
“Lost am I in light supernal and on that light I turn my back.”
(Full Moon: January 12, 2017. 11.54 am. GMT.)
Capricorn: Mental Strength and Organisation
2001: A Space Odyssey – HAL is a Capricorn!
Capricorn, the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel
Netanyahu, Trump & Israel
Jared Kushner: Capricorn Sun
Revolution in the USA? Full Moon Cardinal Grand Cross
Capricorn: Mental Strength and Organisation
As the tenth sign of the zodiac makes its annual presence in our lives, there is the opportunity to reflect upon achievements and the measures that can be taken to improve in the coming year. Number 10 represents the perfection that conscious souls are ever implementing by increments – in their quest for liberation.
Hence, in making New Years Resolutions, the power of the mind resolves to re-make anew at the start of the year. Those resolutions encompass a host of themes, ranging from giving up bad habits such as smoking or over-indulgence in food, to the more subtle nuances of harmlessness in the realm of thought. Capricorn is a sign associated with the mind, for several reasons:

The 16-petalled throat centre.
1. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the ruler of the throat chakra, the seat of the mental body. Saturn is also the Lord of Karma – the law of action and reaction; the use of thought, rightly or wrongly engendered – and thought’s subsequent harvest of consequences or karma.
One must bear in mind that thoughts and feelings have as much karmic consequence as physical actions – indeed, they drive physical action but are not always acted out. Hence, Saturn is depicted with a reaping scythe, the harvester of created karma. We reap what we sow.
2. Three rays on the “mental line” pour through Capricorn: The 1st ray of Will-Power, the 3rd ray of Active-Intelligence and the 7th ray of Ceremonial Order, Magic or Organisation. These rays, along with the earthy, grounded quality of Capricorn, give the ability to manifest an idea into outer practical form.
The originating idea is a reflection of the Will (1st ray) upon the mental plane that expands and ramifies its structure through Intelligence (3rd ray), eventually finding its Organisation (7th ray) and precipitation onto the physical plane. Capricorn is a sign of deep mystery and consciousness-expanding initiation, brought about through mental discipline, fused with a compassionate heart understanding.
To understand Capricorn more deeply is to comprehend its relation to the throat centre, thyroid gland and the mental body. One can observe here how the science of soul-centred Esoteric Astrology differs from personality-oriented astrology by providing more tools that enable the student to probe the intricate relations that exist between the signs, planets and chakras. The following table traces the three major conditioning streams of energy that are in continuous precipitation to Humanity. Note column III with the sign of Capricorn at point #2 and the throat centre at point #6:
Table I (Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.427-8.)
“The Throat Centre … is to be found at the back of the neck, reaching up into the medulla oblongata, thus involving the carotid gland, and down towards the shoulder blades. It is an exceedingly powerful and well developed centre where average humanity is concerned.”2

Saturn with his scythe. Is he clipping the wings of a soul coming into incarnation?
What The Tibetan means here is that in this Fifth Rootrace, the principle of lower mind has been well developed – but by no means perfected in the higher sense. The 3rd, 4th and 5th rootraces (Lemurian, Atlantean and Aryan) correspond generically to the development of the physical-etheric, astral and mental bodies respectively.
“The throat centre is ruled by Saturn just as the two head centres are ruled respectively by Uranus (ruling the head centre) and Mercury (ruling the ajna centre). This is only where the disciple is concerned …”3
It is useful for the student to bear in mind the fact that planets rule chakras, just as they rule signs. Tracing planetary patterns in a birth chart reveals energetic relationships between chakras, determining integration challenges in any lifetime. The throat centre is where the “intelligence aspect” of humanity focusses creatively. Again, this refers to the 3rd ray of Intelligence that pours through Capricorn.
“The throat centre is the organ specifically of the creative WORD. It registers the intention or creative purpose of the soul, transmitted to it by the inflow of energy from the ajna centre; the fusion of the two energies, thus brought about, will lead to some type of creative activity. This is the higher correspondence to the [pro]creativity of the sacral centre:
“In that [sacral-sexual] centre the negative and the positive creative energies are embodied in the separate male and female organisms and are brought into relation in an act of creation, consciously undertaken …”4
It is important to understand the polarities and dualities that exist in the quest for one-ness and synthesis. This is where the Science of Occultism (a mental science, not mysticism) provides rewards for those who are ready to embrace its disciplines.
There are the polarities of opposite zodiac signs (e.g. Cancer’s pole to Capricorn), and those of the chakras – solar plexus-heart, sacral-throat, base-crown. The WORD referred to above is not only associated with the throat centre, but the organs of speech that are in close proximity – that are able to verbally enunciate the soul’s creative intention. The thyroid gland is the endocrine gland associated with the throat centre:

Thyroid and parathyroids.
“The thyroid gland is the controller of the metabolism of energy. It has been called the efficient lubricator of energy transformation, and is the great catalyst of energy in the body. It controls the speed of living and is the keystone of the endocrine system. It is indispensable to life.
Without thyroid there can be no complexity of thought, no learning, no education, no habit-formation, no responsive energy for situations, as well as no physical unfolding of faculty and function and no reproduction of kind, with no sign of adolescence at the expected age, and no exhibition of sex tendencies thereafter.”5
Because the mental body of humanity is at its current stage of rapid expansion, thyroid problems are increasing. The following passage explores this as well as the polarity of the throat and sacral centres:
“Much trouble among people is due at this time to the awakening of the throat centre. This centre governs and conditions the thyroid gland and the parathyroids. It can produce, when unduly developed or prematurely awakened, hyper-thyroidism with its attendant difficulties [Irritability, muscle weakness, sleeping problems, a fast heartbeat, heat intolerance, diarrhea, enlargement of thyroid, weight loss.] – and its often dangerous effects upon the heart and upon the metabolism of the body. The psychological effects are well-known and recognised. [Anxiety, mania, depression, delirium, hyperactivity.]

Capricorn is the mount of initiation: Mount of Five Treasures. (Nicholas Roerich)
These difficulties are increased and this higher creative centre [is] unduly stimulated and rendered a danger instead of an aid to expression, by the enforced celibacy of many people, owing to the present unfortunate economic conditions. [Written 1935-9.] These conditions are such that people refrain from marriage and there is consequently the lack of opportunity to use (or to misuse) the energy flowing through the sacral centre.
Mystics are likewise prone to this difficulty. The throat centre is not used creatively nor is the sacral centre turned to its proper uses. The sacral energy is carried prematurely to the throat where it produces an intense stimulation. The equipment of the man concerned has not yet reached the point where it can be turned to creative work in any field. There is no creative expression of any kind as the development of the man does not permit him to be creative in the higher sense.
The Swiss people, though highly intelligent, are not creative in this sense. The energy flowing through the thyroid gland is not used in creative art, music or writing in any outstanding manner, and hence the prevalence of goiter and thyroid difficulty. There is much energy flowing through and to the thyroid gland and, as yet, but little use made of it.”6
(Interesting to note that Switzerland is an Aries soul and Aquarian personality. The energy of the 5th ray of science is strong in its Aquarian nature – as reflected by the CERN experiment on particle physics in Geneva. Yet Geneva is one of the five major planetary inlets – with a 1st ray soul and 2nd ray love-wisdom personality, expressed through the philanthropic organisations based there – such as the Red Cross and the United Nations.)
Thyroid disease is now regarded as a global epidemic – though the esoteric cause of the rapid expansion of consciousness in the past century is not exoterically recognised. Hyper-thyroidism is an over-active thyroid, whilst hypo-thyroidism is under active. A quick glance at statistics of Western nations reveal that thyroid problems account for about 7% of the population, though many sources concur that it is well over 10%.
The Great Depression of 1929 was the cause of the 1930’s economic conditions referred to in the previous quote. Yet, in the previous decade, the “Roaring Twenties” was a distinct opposite in sexual expression. These cycles of sexual conservatism and overt expression repeat themselves: Post WWII, the celibate 1930’s period became the “swinging 60’s”, the beginning of the “Sexual Revolution” – another pronounced swing between the sacral and throat centres within a short period of time. The sexual awareness and new music of the hippy 1960’s were further attempts to break away from the conservatism of the past, aided by consciousness expanding drugs. This oscillation between the opposites of sacral and throat is well explained in the following passage:

Kicking up their heels after the horrors of WWI, and breaking free of the Victorian Era.
“It is this constant stream of emotional or sexual energy which is responsible for the chaotic conditions of the present [Written 1921-4 – the start of the Roaring Twenties]; the balance is not preserved, the interaction between the two, and the myriads of thought forms consequently produced of a low order and vibration are producing a condition which is going to require all the efforts of mental workers eventually to negate, offset and transmute”.
These forms, which scarce merit the prefix “thought,” being largely kamic [desire] with an admixture of the lowest grade of mental matter, are responsible for the heavy, slow vibrating or pulsating fog or cloak which envelops the human family, and which produces much of the present evil, crime and mental lethargy.
People are mainly polarised in the astral body, as we know, and the lower centres are the most active; when an atmosphere or environment of thought-forms of a low key and vitalised by all the baser forms of astral energy is coupled to this, it will become apparent how stupendous is the task of lifting humanity to a clearer, purer and better atmosphere, and how easy it is for the lower aspects and appetites to flourish and to grow.”7

“Thought-forms of a low key and vitalised by all the baser forms of astral energy” – or sexual liberation?
The 1920’s also closely preceded the discovery of Pluto and his underworld, an era of illegal booze, gangsters and crime. It was a time of huge cultural change and history regards it as a sexual revolution for women in particular, freeing themselves from the constraints of the Victorian Era.
Hence, the previous quote, “… constant stream of emotional or sexual energy which is responsible for the chaotic conditions of the present …”, is most likely a commentary on the Roaring 20’s, even if that period did contain positive elements of a loosening-up and liberation from previous eras. The following passage describes part of this era:
“A new woman was born–a “flapper” who danced, drank, smoked and voted. This new woman cut her hair, wore make-up, and partied. She was known for being giddy and taking risks … Women gained the right to vote … and many began to work as well … Historians of costume believe that fashion during the 1920’s had to be “sexually provocative” to boost the birth rate, which had been decreasing.” The flappers were known for this and for their high spirits, flirtatiousness and stereotypical recklessness when it came to their search for fun and thrills. The new woman of the 1920s wanted sexual freedom. The feminists from this period practiced what they believed in: women being free and engaging in sexual activities and behavior without being penalized for it. They had sexual freedom.”8
Of course, this is just a commentary on women of that age, the men were equally engaged! F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby probably captured the era better than any other, with Jay Gatsby representing the extremes of wealth and decadence, manipulating his romantic liaisons.
“In Capricorn, the initiate learns to realise the meaning of the growing light which greets his progress as he climbs upward to the mountain top. The flashes of intuition with which he is becoming familiar change into the blazing and constant light of the soul, irradiating the mind and providing that point of fusion which must ever be the “fusion of the two lights, the greater and the lesser light” … The light of the personality and the light of the soul blend.”9
2001: A Space Odyssey. HAL is a Capricorn!
This epic 1968 film was released a year before the USA moon landing in 1969 – symbolising scientific achievement through the evolution of the human mind in this Fifth Rootrace; it also preceded by only a few years the development of the personal computer and the internet in the mid 1970’s. The film deals with the themes of existentialism, human evolution, technology, artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life.
Bearing in mind that the book and the movie were developed by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick simultaneously in 1968, it’s an uncanny “coincidence” that the date for HAL’s “birth” is given as January 12, 1992 in the film, or 1997 in the original book by Arthur C. Clarke.
Clarke had Mercury and the Moon in Capricorn, once making a contradictory statement, “I don’t believe in astrology; I’m a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.” Yet, unconsciously chose a perfect horoscope for HAL! Clarke also had a conjunction of Venus (mind) with Uranus (science, innovation) in Aquarius, a perfect combination for his science fiction genius.
Either chart drawn up for these dates, yields a large stellium of planets accompanying the Sun in Capricorn. Both charts are Aquarius rising for arbitrary 9 am “birth time”, indicative of the new Aquarian cycle when science will be used for the greater benefit of humanity, particularly in the area of health and healing.
The 1992 horoscope decided upon for the movie is the most interesting – it has a large stellium of Sun, Neptune, Uranus, Mercury and Mars – all in Capricorn. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, reflecting the great striving and lofty achievement in technology that landed a man on the moon. Also, Mars in Capricorn represents,
“Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward, and this most material of all the signs is the battleground of the old established order and habits and the new and higher inclinations and tendencies.”10
Uranus and Neptune are conjunct the Sun, expressing the high idealism, vision and existentialism11 (Neptune) that combined with scientific innovation and artificial intelligence (Uranus).
Before 1969 it was only 16 years earlier that Hillary and Tenzing conquered Everest in 1953, another symbol of Capricorn and the developed mental capacities of Humanity:

Tenzing Norgay on the summit waving his ice-axe bearing flags of Britain, Nepal, the United Nations and India. (Photo: Sir Edmund Hillary.)
“Capricorn is ever the sign of conclusion, and of this the mountain top is frequently (though not always) the symbol, for it marks the point beyond which further ascent in any particular life cycle is not possible. Capricorn is, therefore, the sign of what has been called esoterically “periodic arresting.”
Progress becomes impossible under the existing forms, and there has to be the descent into the valley of pain, despair and death before a fresh attempt to scale the heights takes place. The attempt today to climb Mount Everest is amazingly symbolic, and it is being watched with much interest by the Hierarchy, for in this effort we see the attempt of humanity to achieve the top of the mountain whose height has hitherto defeated all efforts.”12
The moon landing represented yet another Capricorn summit of achievement and initiation. Bear in mind also, that Capricorn was an overall influence on Earth from 1875 to 1975, as one of the three streams of zodiacal forces discussed earlier in Table I:
“The period of this interplay of three major energies and their focussed potent effect upon our planet began in 1875, achieved momentum in 1925, will reach its highest expression (for good or evil) in 1945 and will then decline slowly until 1975. These three constellations are: Leo, Capricorn and Pisces. These are curiously and most mysteriously related to the fourth kingdom in nature and therefore to the evolution and the destiny of the human family.”13
Note the culmination in 1975, also the date of the 4th Shamballa Impact upon Humanity and the date that saw the commencement of the internet and personal computer revolution. It was also the date that George Lucas had finished his script for the first Star Wars movie, released later in 1977. All of these events represent the rapidly expanding consciousness of Humanity.

“Hal, open the hatch door. I am afraid that I can’t do that Dave!”
Returning now to HAL’s horoscope – with all its significant Capricorn placements representing the potent organisation of mental substance. Yet, HAL had developed a bias, deciding to kill the astronauts in order to protect and continue its programming. HAL’s headstrong Aries moon is square to Neptune, indicating an inherent, passionate emotional nature which ultimately led to it being shutdown by one of the crew.
The Moon and Neptune are the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Cancer – the polar opposite of Capricorn. (Traditionally Cancer represents the soft and yielding feminine, whilst Capricorn, the firm rock of the masculine.) Hence, HAL’s “dweller” was this Aries lunar position – rendered similarly sensitive in the 1997 chart as a Neptune-ruled Pisces moon.
There are several ironies here because the 2001 story sounds an alert to the dangers of the over-developed mind that can be cold and lacking heart, a not uncommon criticism of Capricorn; HAL sticking to his pre-programming no matter what – caught in a mental rut. In this respect, the movie was a warning about the dangers of technology – humanity becoming giddy with its newly found power and losing itself.
Yet paradoxically, it was HAL, the cold artificial computer, whose latent emotions such as fear, jealousy and attachment – were not sufficiently mentally controlled, that led to jeopardy of the mission.

Major Tom.
And here’s the rub – HAL was programmed by imperfect humans who still had not gained complete control of their emotional natures – which HAL had inherited from humans via his Aries moon! HAL was ultimately shut down by a human who regained control of the spaceship – itself an allegory for collective humanity exploring beyond the borders of planet Earth “so blue”…
Another Capricorn personality, the late David Bowie (Sun, Mars, Mercury in Capricorn), was no doubt inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey, when he released his Space Oddity song in 1969, five days before the Apollo 11 mission – some amazing timing here! Like HAL, Bowie also had Aquarius rising, stimulating his interest in all new emerging ideas. Again, with Bowie here was a Capricorn in his manifestation process, creating magical music and song-writing that touched the masses, the latter of whom are ruled by polar opposite sign Cancer – and its rulers the Moon and Neptune.
In the song, Major Tom is the astronaut who “casually slips the bonds of the world to journey beyond the stars” – a marvellous metaphysical metaphor so appropriate for the explosion of consciousness that defined the late 1960’s – scientifically and culturally. (See author’s profile of Bowie in 2016.)
“This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I’m stepping through the door
And I’m floating in the most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today
For here am I sitting in my tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there’s nothing I can do”

Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem.
Capricorn, the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel
Capricorn cannot be passed over (if you will excuse the pun), without mention of the Jewish people, particularly in their latest concentration of expression through Israel.
The Jewish people are ruled by Capricorn at the personality level and have a Virgo soul. They are one of the oldest races on the planet and represent advanced humanity, due to the advanced intellect of both Capricorn and their soul force Virgo, the sign of refined mental discrimination. But because they are one of the oldest races, they also suffer from the deepest crystallisation, especially as a Capricorn personality:
“When crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called “hardness,” it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the “blows of fate” which are the enactments of the law of karma. Again and again, a certain measure of concreteness is achieved, only again to undergo destruction, prior to the release of the life and the rebuilding of the form.”14
As discussed in many other commentaries on Israel, its illegal and forced creation in the middle of Arab nations in 1948 has rendered it under siege and susceptible to a precarious, paranoid existence ever since. It has also concentrated unduly the negative aspects of hardline Capricorn, creating more karma and perhaps now bringing itself to the point of being “shattered and destroyed” by its own internal forces – and possibly even external enemies.
Better that the Jewish people had integrated themselves into all nations instead of claiming back a land that they once inhabited 3,000 years ago – which they had no right to. If any other racial group did this today, there would be much strife and conflict. Hence, the world is now paying for this costly mistake and Western nations such as Britain and the USA have some karma connected with that decision:
“The leaders of the Zionist movement of aggression constitute a real danger to world peace and human development and their activities have been endorsed by the expediency policy of the U.S.A. and, in a secondary degree, by Great Britain, under the influence of the U.S.A. It is the Zionists who have defied the United Nations, lowered its prestige and made its position both negative and negligible to the world.”15
Of course, Israel does not represent the Jewish people as a whole. Israel has mostly always been politically controlled by right-wing Zionists since its inception; they are mainly concerned with the endless appropriation of power at all costs – and the perpetuation of an outmoded tribal consciousness based upon fear, greed and the theft of land.
The ways of achieving that power have come about through an utterly ruthless manipulation of the USA and other Western nations, a cultivation of hatred and division, blatant lies and deception, a relentless build up of nuclear arms and military hardware, a fanatical secret service agency (Mossad), the covert sponsorship of global terrorism, continual undermining of the United Nations, theft of land via illegal settlements and a cruel apartheid toward the Palestinian people. The Tibetan comments just after WWII,
“The fight over Palestine – fomented by the Zionists, and not by the Jews as a whole – a fight in which the Zionists prevented the displaced Jewish persons (only 20% of the whole) from discovering how welcome they are in many countries throughout the world; a fight which has greed and not any love of Palestine behind it, and which is governed by financial interests and not by the humanitarian spirit which the Zionists claim – and which would force them to accept the offers made by Great Britain, Canada, Chile, Belgium and many other lands.”16

Theodore Herzl (May 2, 1860 – July 3, 1904.), the founder of modern Zionism. In his 1896 book Der Judenstaat, he envisioned the founding of a future independent Jewish state during the 20th century.
Modern Zionism has an incredibly potent power base that will take an Herculean effort by Humanity to dislodge. There is one main triangle of power: Israel, probably New York and possibly Vienna – where Theodore Herzl founded modern Zionism in the late 19th century:
“[The Zionists] have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace … [they] … have partially again opened the door to the Forces of Evil, which worked originally through Hitler and his evil gang. The “sealing” of that door had not been successfully accomplished, and it is the part of wisdom to discover this in time.
These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine. Palestine is no longer a Holy Land and should not be so regarded.”17
The Tibetan also points out that,

Note the size of Israel, it can hardly be discerned on this map, but has a disproportianate power to the rest of the much larger surrounding countries.
“In the maps which are to be found in the Archives of the spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe – Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia – are under a heavy overshadowing cloud.”18
This “heavy overshadowing cloud” was commented upon in a recent newsletter in relation to Israel’s neighbour Syria. Since the time that the above passages were written in the 1940’s, this Zionist power base has consolidated itself to an almost unimaginable degree. Zionist ideology has corrupted many minds and governments globally, with its most pernicious influence through the Neoconservative faction of US politics, a virus that has spread through neo-liberal Democrats and Republicans alike.
Trump, Netanyahu and Israel
Which brings us to NOW, 2017. Trump & Co. appear to be already thick as thieves with Israel and the right wing Zionists. Now that Donald Trump is about to enter his presidency, he has revealed (or is he just obfuscating?) even further his pro-Israel right-wing-hardline colours by choosing David Friedman as ambassador to Israel:
“Lawyer and son of an Orthodox rabbi … fervent supporter of Israeli settlements, opponent of Palestinian statehood and unrelenting defender of Israel’s government. So far to the right is Friedman that even many Israel supporters worry he could push Israel’s hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be more extreme, scuttling prospects for peace with Palestinians in the process.”19
(Friedman’s birthdate is unknown except that it was the year 1959. Perhaps he has a sneaking suspicion that astrology will expose him!) Hence, a major problems are emerging with the new presidency concerning Israel’s belligerence, brought into sharper focus recently with the USA abstaining from the UN vote against further settlement expansions in Israel.
Due to this abstention by the USA, Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu was furious and Obama must have enjoyed a good chuckle, having endured Netanyahu’s bullying for eight years. Poor old Bibs, he spluttered like the tyrannical caricature that he has become. Needlessly really, as he must have known that the new presidency will be “all the way with LBJ”. Or is he really confident that Trump will do his bidding, given Trump’s unpredictable nature? At the time of the UN vote, transiting Uranus was triggering Netanyahu’s Black Moon Lilith in Aries, which sits opposite his Moon in Libra:

Netanyahu in Mussolini mode: Nope, we are not going to co-operate, cannot see you or hear you!
“… you may not be aware of the impact of your behaviour on those around you. [understatement!] You may feel that others are overly asserting their rights and that you are not having a fair say. In fact it is probably the other way around. You are not realising the extent to which you are asserting yourself. The Black Moon’s gift is the opportunity to bring unconscious or self-defeating behaviour into the light of day where it can no longer run amok.”20
Obama might have briefly relished Bibi’s bluster if it were not such a grave situation. Netanyahu has transiting Pluto square to his moon for the next two years, a cycle that can bring on serious illness and/or dramatic psychological transformation. Besides representing the physical body, the moon is the sum total of all an individual’s unregenerated patterns, the Dweller. Pluto is the destroyer and can have several effects when squaring his Libra moon:
1. Deepen and strengthen those old rigid patterns, encouraging his disturbingly psychopathic nature to run amok and create destruction. Witness his recent threat to little old New Zealand for joining the UN vote, calling it an “act of war” – an incredulous statement!
2. And/or fall prey to serious illness, no doubt the wish of his many enemies. But who would replace him, someone worse?
3. Be transformed and have his “Road to Damascus” moment. Pluto square moon transits can be very painful on all levels because there is so much resistance in dealing with the past. However, a Moon in Libra that has rightly walked the “lesser burning ground” of Pluto, has the potential to be the Peacemaker par excellence. Netanyahu has alot of planets in Libra: Sun, Moon, Neptune, Mercury and the south node – one might have never guessed it however!
In Israel’s horoscope there are some major tensions for creative change in 2017. The author uses the Aquarius rising chart (May 15, 1948) because it was at midnight that the decision for the end of the British Mandate for Palestine came into effect.
The rulers of Aquarius (the soul purpose) are exoterically Uranus and esoterically Jupiter – both of which are in opposition to one another in Israel’s horoscope, from Gemini to Sagittarius respectively. This Jupiter-Uranus opposition has transiting Saturn activating it now – all the way through to November 2017. This is very promising for internal change in Israel because,
1. Uranus rules revolution and a radical shift whilst Saturn represents the status quo that must make a dynamic change. Sagittarius is all about ethics and principles that must be urgently reviewed.
2. Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius the Water-Bearer, its soul purpose; in many ways Jupiter’s placement is Israel’s “saving grace” – for the forces of light to triumph over the materialistic forces that currently control it. If it so chose, Israel could become an international “Water-Bearer” Aquarian – demonstrating an universality that embraces all cultures and religions; currently it is the very opposite of all these potentials.
Of course, there is a lower expression of this transit – that Jupiter in Sagittarius’ activation will stimulate further Israel’s belligerence, bombastic attitudes and a clinging to the dictates of old policy; whilst Uranus’s stimulation could easily be rebellious for an old outmoded cause without seeing the need for change.
There will be great tensions during this transit of Saturn over Israel’s Jupiter-Uranus during 2017, pitting deeply divided factions of Israeli Jews and their varying ideologies against one another, let alone the racism and hatred toward Arabs. Potentially, the stimulation of Jupiter in Sagittarius, as soul ruler of Israel’s Aquarius rising, could begin a process whereby all these elements are synthesised into a loving acceptance of their situation – a nation that could assimilate all these diverse forces.
But has the “die already been cast”? Has Israel gone beyond the point of no return, through its inability to compromise and express compassion after 70 years? Why have they not had the simple realisation and learning from the fact that every attack upon them by Hamas or some lone terrorist (as recently with a truck tragically killing Israeli soldiers), are the consequences of its repressive actions listed above, toward the Palestinians?
It is ironic that Israel has not learnt the lesson of Jehovah (Saturn in its lower aspect), instead marching to the old Biblical mantra, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. But this is also the lower aspect of the Law of Karma with its emphasis on retribution, keeping it locked in a perpetual cycle of revenge – as opposed to the karma of reward. There is always a shift of blame and in many cases outright lies that strengthen the tribal survival consciousness focused in the sacral centre.
Horoscopes in an anti-clockwise direction: Israel, Netanyahu, Trump, Capricorn full moon transits.
Trump’s Extraordinary Synastry with Netanyahu and Israel
Into the mix comes trickster Trump – his Sun in Gemini falling upon Israel’s Uranus in Gemini. Transiting Saturn will of course be activating Trump’s Sun-Moon opposition, as discussed in recent newsletters. Who knows how much Trump will attempt to play games with Israel? His public approval of Israel and appointment of a conservative ambassador is one matter, his private long term agenda may be another.
The synastry between Trump, Israel and Netanyahu is very close and quite harmonious, yet there is still an element of unpredictability. Apparently Trump advisors want Netanyahu to be present at Trump’s inauguration on January 20th! And Trump wants to move the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as a mark of solidarity to the current government. As Trump has his Jupiter on Netanyahu’s moon, he will be subject to the same transiting Pluto square in 2017. Jupiter is the ruler of Trump’s wayward moon in Sagittarius, which will in turn be conjoined by Saturn several times this year. Trump will be torn in several directions, wanting ruthless action on one hand, and being restrained by Saturn (advisors and minders, health?) on the other hand.

Jared Kushner with wife Ivanka.
Jared Kushner: Capricorn Sun
Kushner was controversially appointed as a senior advisor to Trump on the day before his birthday, January 10. Kushner is the husband of Ivanka Trump, a businessman and real estate investor; also the owner of Observer Media, that publishes the weekly New York Observer. He is the son of the notorious and corrupt businessman Charles Kushner and was raised as an orthodox Jew.
Kushner has a mental brilliance and is very ambitious, as Capricorns can be! He has strong business links to Israel and is unfortunately regarded as a “hyper Zionist” with regard to his support of Zionist-controlled Israel. This is no doubt because of his own cultural conditioning, so much so that his wife Ivanka converted to Judaism before they married. Now as a senior advisor to Trump, he may well ensure ongoing Zionist control of the White House and the US government. Kushner will be to Trump what Rahm Emmanuel was to Obama.
Trump believes that Kushner will be able to help broker peace in the Middle East – peace or business? Kushner is enormously influential on Trump and has become known as a trusted, behind-the-scenes power broker. Of course, the scenario does not look bright for the US freeing itself from undue Zionist influence, but time will tell as the new Presidency unfolds. There are bound to be many internal conflicts in the administration, and Kushner is already at odds with several individuals in the new cabinet who resent his influence. Kushner is a very interesting character and one to be watched in this Trump administration. Can we give him the benefit of the doubt for now or are his politics a “done deal” already?
Revolution in the USA? Capricorn Full Moon Cardinal Grand Cross
There is a grand cross formation in the Capricorn 2017 full moon chart, in cardinal signs – a configuration that has not occurred since the partial lunar eclipse of January 17, 1851 . In the 1850’s there began the rumblings of discontent which led to the American Civil War in 1861 – over issues such as slavery, selectionism, protectionism and states rights. That 1851 grand cross of Moon-Sun fell on USA’s Mercury-Pluto opposition in Cancer-Capricorn, criss-crossed by transiting Jupiter in Libra conjunct progressed Saturn, opposite Chiron in Aries and transiting Uranus.
Hence the themes of fairness and right relationships to fellow human beings were up for review; the law, money (Pluto-Mercury 2nd/8th houses). The greater good (Jupiter and Saturn in the 11th house) versus selfish maverick individuals or states (Chiron in Aries in the 5th house). All this took about ten years to percolate and boil over into war from 1861-65.
The full moon grand cross of January 12, 2017 falls in the same 1851 position of the USA horoscope, give or take a few degrees. The same planets are being activated and given that evolution is today much faster upon the higher evolutionary spiral, there is the reasonable expectation that the influences of the grand cross 2017 could take half the time to take effect – i.e. the next five years, spanning the next US presidency.
The divisions in the United States today are just as sharp as they were in the 1850’s, but are around different issues; it is like a north-south divide but not confined geographically to that paradigm. The internal issues of the 1850’s are still prevalent today: Racism is still unresolved, with xenophobia and Islamophobia now added to the mix. But there is a much bigger dimension now, the USA’s relationship to the rest of the world – geo-politicis, trade, the competition for resources, climate change, pollution, potential wars etc.
The USA has matured a great deal since 1851, but the conservative forces that characterise the new US government mark a return to retrogressive values that are out of step with modern ones. Persistence in expressing those values and foisting them upon the American public may well lead to a seething resentment that could boil over in the next few years, causing great internal strife and dissension. The USA is a much more mature nation than it was in 1851, so the choice of going into Civil War is probably unthinkable.
The greater likelihood is the choice of going to war against a foreign power for geo-political/economic reasons; to distract from unresloved internal tensions; to perpetuate USA’s pattern of needing a constant enemy to project itself upon, which also fuels perpetual war, generating billions of dollars in arms revenue for Western nations like Britain, France and the USA.
The dynamic tension within the grand cross of Capricorn 2017 offers the USA an opportunity to allow all these issues to come to a head in the next few years (as they are already) and then make a choice (Jupiter in Libra) – about what decisions will be made. Will the incoming administration be up to the task? Do they have the wisdom and humility to tackle these huge issues? On the surface and very obviously some would say, it appears not at this stage. Time will tell, as these foxes who have taken over their respective chicken coops – will have their mettle tested, especially if they are held to account by the rest of the nation.
2017 will see many challenges to maintain equilibrium in the face of some very unhealthy trends worldwide; to somehow subjectively hold and contain as a group of world servers the forces with which world leaders have been entrusted. Let us all make a stand with fiery hearts!
Phillip Lindsay © 2017.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.153. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.151. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.151. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.151. [↩]
- The Soul and Its Mechanism, Alice A. Bailey. p.46. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.536. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.973. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.181. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. [↩]
- philosophical thinking begins with the human subject – not merely the thinking subject, but the acting, feeling, living human individual. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.537. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.679. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.615. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.429. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.430. [↩]
- [↩]
- Solar Fire Software [↩]
I usually resonate with Phillip Lindsay entirely but find his interpretation of the Israel-Palestine situation very one-sided. The origin of the State of Israel is not simply taking someone else’s country and settling it. Neither is a case of illegally taking it over. I do not dispute his astrological references but highly disputed the conclusions he comes to.
Hello Esme, thanks for your feedback. It constitutes a major planetary problem which I go into deeper in other essays. My approach may sound one-sided, but really, Israel has to be called on so many injustices that it has created over the years, and get past the emotional blackmail of anti-semiticism that it labels every critic. If you research history, you will find that it was an illegal takeover and a series of manipulations of the UN and other western countries. The problem is that they are now there – they need to exercise some simple generosity toward the Palestinians and the problem will go away. But they cannot even do that. You may be interested in this essay which covers the more esoteric dimensions of the problem:
Best wishes,
If you have time Philip, I am interested in your thoughts on the following that I am mentioning given the relationship between Capricorn & Aries (winter solstice transit to spring equinox, or current western new year vs. astrological new year).
As you know, a triangle of Aries, Capricorn and Cancer forms the lens through which the 7th ray is focused connecting cyclical manifestation governed by Saturn, the revelatory energies overshadowing disciples governed by Uranus and the activity of Mercury with its cycles of conflict and resolution. All of these planets in my opinion describe the current activity of the world disciple, humanity.
As you are also aware, the latest Shamballa impact in 2000 (if one assumes it reached its zenith in western consciousness on or around 1 January 2000 with the new millennium celebrations) would manifest as a series of evolutionary peaks and dips in the expression of human consciousness every 4.32 years leading up to 2025 as the amount of light on earth increases before leveling off*. Thus far, this has worked out in alignment with the Venus transit in 2004, market turmoil in 2008, focus on Mayan calendar in 2012 and now 17.28 years since the Shamballa impact, the full moon in Aries 2017.
I mention all of this because if one looks at the pattern of how the 7 root races manifest with the Lemurian being the first physical race and continuing through the 6th root race until the 7th is an expression of full conformity with the Plan, one can apply this to the 25.92 year cycle from 2000 to 2025. Not until the end of 2012 (3rd, 4.32 year cycle) did people start focusing on the evolution of consciousness as a mainstream event, (i.e. it manifested physically like Lemuria).
I am looking at what is going to be the next catalytic event at the Aries new moon this year that factors into this larger Shamballa cycle as we move toward 2025 (17.28 years since Jan 2000). To do so, I am using the 7th ray energies of Uranus and its relationship to the world disciple – humanity.
From my own limited perspective, the focus of western awareness into the possibility of large pyramids in Antarctica (polar pyramids = symbol of pranic currents and its relationship to the 7th ray) soon after the Sun passed into Sagittarius last month hints at the activity of revelation in Aries and the activity of Uranus when one considers the timing of it all with respect to the Shamballa impact of 2000 and increasing light on this plant going toward 2025.
It seems fitting to bring this up in Capricorn given the connotations this sign has with mountains, pyramids, initiation, light and the 7th ray. Regardless, the full moon on 11 April 2017 (pretty much exactly 17.28 years since 1 Jan 2000) should be a momentous point where we see the manifest deepening of spirituality as expressed through human consciousness on our march toward 2025.
Thanks again for a great newsletter!
*Note: my mention of light increasing and then stabilizing from 2025 onward is taken directly from the works of DK.
I am glad to see an esoteric analysis of ‘The Jewish Problem’ as Blavatsky also so wisely saw.
And for your understanding of it. One needs to be aware of and not controlled by a fear of anti-semiticism, much as Americans needed to do and didnt do in the McCarthy era. Had we been smarter we would not had endured a full decade of repression, terrorism by The State.
My ex’s family were Russian Jews, staunchly anti-communist and pro-McCarthyites; yet, when they saw what Israel was doing in the ’80’s to the Palestinians felt that a person should attain to their highest self and condemn their actions as immoral. It was they who taught me about Zionists and how to differentiate them from non-Zionists – and they said that Christians tended to be fearful of being anti-semitic because of guilt and therefore fell into the gap of unethical behavior in their defense of Jews. I believe it is important to call a spade a spade and be true to what is one’s higher and truest mind
I have been following Geo-politics for over 30 years and I find Phillips analysis of the Isreal – Palestinian situation 100% correct.
This newsletter was an excellent read and I just read the entire thing to my partner. Interesting times ahead.
Cheers John and Lyvea ( Australia ).
The Capricornian personality attributes will be broken and fully seen in the Light of the Higher intuitive Mind at the end of this Pisces decline in which we are still in and this needs to be cleared, healed and/or purified (Pluto) and clarified (Saturn) before Aquarius (ray 5 and 7 in its higher expressions can take their positions as the Lord of Initiation and as the Lord of Divine Law and Order). Humanity taking initiation as a whole – the dark forces too – via a seventh ray etheric/physical oriented dominant body (see those involved nations as well) and personalities (with their first minor initiation within their mass consciousness) and those with sixth ray astral/emotional dominant bodies and/or personalities (second minor initiation crises dealing with glamours).
This outline Philip is a wonderful contribution of the Soul impress of the ageless Wisdom and its qualities to be recognised according to the Divine Plan and Purpose on nations and its ‘leaders’.
One of the “very unhealthy trends” is this anti-Trump “DisruptJ20” movement –
It has launched a “Call for a bold mobilization against the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017” (The Spanish title is more explicit: “Nada de transición pacífica”)
The motives for the call as shamelessly manipulative as the ongoing hacking saga: “The KKK, Vladimir Putin, Golden Dawn, and the Islamic State all cheered his victory. If we let his inauguration go unchallenged, we are opening the door to the future they envision.”
Preparatory activities begin this coming Saturday, and include training in: “Press Strategy and Media Rapid Response” (this means using the media to excite the crowns); “Radical Cheerleading” (i.e., how to use slogans to incite hatred and violence); “Nonviolent Direct Action” – which can be easily manipulated into violent action – for instance, by means the “Mobile Training Teams” mentioned on the programme: this is the standard fare of regime change: they serve to preposition agitators at key points in a mass demonstrations, to manipulate the crowds into desired behaviour.
A general strike (“No work, no school, no shopping, no housework”) and other nationwide events are planned for the 20th, with a specific call for “ungovernable protests”.
It is specified that accommodation and meals will be provided: clearly billionaire hands are behind this movement.
Let’s hope the USA has really matured, and will not allow any “ungovernable protests” that elsewhere have led to civil war. The incendiary role currently being played by the “16 intelligence agencies”, sections of Congress and Obama himself does not point to great maturity.
This is a written for our Jewish brothers and sisters who are in the process of studying and practicing the esoteric work from the Blue Books. In 1934 DK presents Jewish separatism and materialism as barriers to their evolvment, which now might need further commentary since the creation of the state of Israel. It must be recognized Jews have made substantial contributions throughout the world. Those of Jewish linage could make more contributions to humanity with these two barriers removed. Any individual or group having superior knowledge and power in human endeavors has the responsibility of sharing. Societies also need to invite isolated groups to cross the gap of separatism and join the One Humanity. The Jewish people are best suited to shut down Zionist aggression and help remove these flaws of separation and materialism in their culture. No part of humanity is chosen for special consideration by higher power, unless chosen to eliminate differences by sharing, mutual consideration, goodwill, which is an attitude severely needed in the occupied Palestinian territories and Gaza.
It is the aim of all esoteric work, especially in disciple training, to see all barriers in humanity brought down. This was the reason for presenting these two very old barriers in the Blue Books. Mentioning the history of this separatism is meant to open the door to solution; it is not anti-Semitic comment. As students of old wisdom and concerned human beings we have a responsibility to recognize and dissolve all barriers uniting humanity.
THANK YOU….to all above, for your comments to educate all readers of Phillips years of work…
Many are not so well known to us, for their years of research…but like Phillip, your knowledge is also empowering…
….it is now up to all of us as readers of this informative monthly email, regarding humanitarian work, to continue doing our share of study learning too…
Again thank you Phillip, for being the custodian of empowering shared knowledge.
Your courage is appreciated, by many silent voices.