12 Responses to Capricorn 2023-2024: The year that was and will be …..

  1. Vicki Naas says:

    Dear Phillip,

    What a treat to receive your thoughts on New Year’s Eve; just lovely. As Dr. Douglas Baker would point out, many Masters of the Wisdom and White Brotherhood, spent at least one life as poets, including The Tibetan Master. They were Masters of painting with thoughts and words. Again, this missive is so beautifully written as to inspire and uplift hearts during an era that cries for it during the Kali Yuga. Although, not religious, I loved the words [among many] “renew your vows”. Capricorn trudges on regardless of the obstacles, even when the Path is rocky. My mantra this year, will be, “The greatest good, for the greatest number.”

    Kind soul, may this new year in preparation for 2025, keep you in good health and prosperity to carry on the work for humanity and the hierarchy.

    With all good wishes,

  2. Simon says:

    Could you clarify regarding minor conclaves, major conclaves and Shamballa impacts and when they are held/happen in our 3d space time?

  3. Diane Arruda says:

    Our heartfelt gratitude for all your knowledge of the past, present and the coming future years. Phillip. We look forward in the coming new year for your esoteric comments and insights and are excited about what comes next. Thanks for all you do .

  4. Jason Orr says:

    It’s reassuring to hear that the Divine Plan is unfolding, on time, as it should, amidst all the turmoil and suffering. Humanity is at the precipice of a change perhaps unlike any before. Some souls will be well-placed, spiritually, to prosper under the new consciousness,. But the masses, not so much. To coin a crude expression: the tide is going out and everyone and everything is being exposed. The thematic dialectic proposed by Leibniz – Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis – is certainly visible. “Let instability do its work!”

  5. Tara Blasco says:

    Inspiring and beautifully written, thanks Phillip and best wishes for the coming year as we Stand the ground for the Emerging New World.

  6. H. Sani says:

    People live their lives hypnotized by the talking heads and can become fanatics. Little do they realize that fanaticism is a prison for their minds. Then there are those who live with their habits, traditions and post hypnotic suggestions of others. For some, who are striving towards spiritual ideals, this may create clevages and conflicts in their mind resulting in confusion and loss of discrimination. Karmic limitations may also apply. I was taught to live a life of Beauty, Goodness and Righteousness. This will remind us that dedication to light, love and beauty will maintain our sanity.

  7. Jane Webster says:

    Appreciate hearing from you as this pensive last day of 2023 leads to consideration of the possibilities we can shape. All directions are mixed with the hope of glory which is defined as “honor won by notable achievements”. Love to everyone with our New Year and thank you for all that you do, Jane Webster

  8. Dini Riga says:

    So grateful am I, to have found in you, Philip, a fellow-Worldserver. Grateful, also, for the enlightening knowledge, you provide…. From The Netherlands, Europe,
    Dini Riga

  9. Thank you Philip! Greatly helps one to read your words of wisdom especially on a New Year’s Eve.
    Happy New Year and Well Wishes for you and yours.

  10. Jeffrey says:

    A most fulfilling 2024 dear Phillip, and to all reading. the greater the challenges the greater the Grace, it feels. Our invitation to touch and share ever deeper, higher, lovelightpower so available during these intense years of crossing.
    Be well!

  11. robin davis says:


  12. Craig B. says:

    I really enjoy the clarity provided by the symbolism and esoteric insight, Phillip, and look forward to the coming year as we all move through the challenges as they arise with the added help from the light you throw on the path.

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