Leo 2015: Hubris & Humility. Mars & Jupiter. Greece & Australia.

Lion Sage – Wisdom.
Leo Keynote
“I am that and that am I”.
(Leo Full Moon Festival: July 31, 2015. 12.43 pm, Greenwich, UK.)
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense … is ruled by Sirius … Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force.”1
Leo the Fifth Sign and the Fifth Rootrace
Leo and the Hubris-Humility Equation
Mars in Cancer Reveals the Uses of Conflict
Jupiter Moves into Virgo
Greece, Ireland and Australia: Virgo Souls
Invoking the Soul of Greece: Goddess Pallas-Athena

The sublime geometry of the sunflower, symbol for Leo and the crown chakra.
Leo the Fifth Sign and the Fifth Rootrace
Development of human consciousness started in the (Lemurian) Third Rootrace over 21 million years ago when the Sun was in Leo.2 Leo corresponds to the “individual” and of course the process of Individualisation that occurred at that time, the birth of the human soul in hitherto “animal humanity”.
As mentioned in recent missives, Gemini and Cancer were also prominent in this process: Cancer was influential in the building of suitable human bodies to accommodate the new consciousness; the Sun was in Gemini (mind) when the process of Individualisation was completed.3
These three consecutive signs – Gemini, Cancer and Leo – spanned the momentous period of planetary initiation that we call Individualisation. These signs can be seen as a microcosm of the three major rootraces that have unfolded thus far. Lemuria is regarded as the first strictly human rootrace, Atlantis the second and this Aryan or fifth rootrace, the third.
Rootrace | Sign | Planets | Body | Time Span |
3 Lemuria | Gemini (Air) | Mercury-Venus (Saturn) |
Physical | 21-4 million years ago |
4 Atlantis | Cancer (Water) | Moon-Neptune | Astral | 17 million to 11,000 years ago |
5 Aryan | Leo (Fire) | Sun (Uranus) |
Mental | 4 million to 427,000 years CE. |
The Three Rootraces |
In the table above, note that the rulers of Gemini – Mercury and Venus, featured prominently at Individualisation. Saturn the planet of active-intelligence also ruled. In Atlantis, Neptune the god of the waters ruled. (Atlantis was also sunk by many watery inundations.) Leo the fifth sign, rules this Fifth Rootrace. Leo ruler the Sun, veils Uranus. (From one perspective it could be said that the three rootraces are ruled by Saturn, Neptune and Uranus – a reflection of the three synthesising schemes of our solar system.)
The correspondence of fire sign Leo with the (fifth) fiery mental plane is profound. The world has now moved from the era of “assisted” Individualisation in Lemuria to the path of conscious, independent Initiation in this Aryan period.
Mind or manas (Leo’s mane) is being developed in the Fifth Rootrace but also a corresponding heart synthesis over which Leo the Lion-Heart rules. Leo is a dual sign and it is the two factors of head and heart that must be brought together by the Fifth Rootrace as a whole.
Leo is simply a mental tyrant without this heart synthesis – the will works through the mind and it expresses itself as Power – unalloyed with Love. The advanced Leo has Power and Love-Wisdom – the King serves his subjects upon bended knee and with a humble love. The second ray of Love-Wisdom is connected to Leo through the Sun’s common rulership of ray and sign.
The Fifth Rootrace is known as the Aryan, not to be confused with modern-day misinterpretation in popular media. The word Aryan derives from the Hindu Sanskrit word “ārya”, meaning “noble” – a common description for Leo the king or queen – of noble birth and bearing, born to rule over their kingdom.
Leonine nobility extends from the lion to other animals such as the collie dog with its noble Leonine bearing and lion’s mane! Even more remarkable is the fact that the Leo solar festival is dedicated to the invocation of energies from the star Sirius – in the constellation of Canis Major – the “great dog”. The “dog days” of August are when the Sun is at its most sizzling. As above, so below, the earthly reflections are everywhere.

Leo and the Hubris-Humility Equation
(Hubris: An extreme form of pride.)
Readers will find a thorough account of the pride theme in a past newsletter here. Pride is a problem for this Leonine Fifth Rootrace and part of the illusion triplicity that exists upon the mental plane: Pride, Separativeness and Mental Cruelty.
Plane | Nine Heads of the Hydra |
Glamour | Race | Yoga |
Mental | Pride, separativeness, cruelty. | Illusion | Aryan | Raja |
Astral | Fear, desire for power, hatred. | Glamour | Atlantis | Bhakti |
Physical | Sex, comfort, money. | Maya | Lemuria | Hatha |
In the table above it can be seen how pride, separativeness and cruelty are the shadow, or Dweller of the Aryan or Fifth Rootrace. These themes cover all of humanity, but especially those treading the spiritual path today. Why? Because it is not until this latter stage of human development and the “reversal of the wheel”, does the opportunity arise to cleanse and purify these age-old habits – setting the soul in direct conflict with the Dweller; this can take lifetimes to achieve yet, self-initiated activity results in the liberating light of initiation – for whatever level that individual is at.
When Humanity individualised, ancient mythology says that they “stole fire from the Gods” and in becoming god-like, became proud. Actually, Humanity were “given” fire – by the Lords of Flame (or Agnisvattas and Manasadevas). Hence, the gift of fire, having been abused, became “stolen”. Humanity is Prometheus:
“How has Prometheus got into the possession of the (divine) spark? … Fire having its abode in heaven, it is there he must have gone to find it before he could carry it down to men, and, to approach the gods, he must have been a god himself … Thus the gift made by Prometheus to men was a conquest made from heaven …
Prometheus … belongs to that race of Titans who had rebelled against the gods … The allegory of the fire of Prometheus is another version of the rebellion of the proud Lucifer, who was hurled down to the bottomless pit, or simply unto our Earth, to live as man.”4
The Titans were the giants of Lemuria and Atlantis who were, “towering giants of godly strength and beauty … the depositaries of all the mysteries of Heaven and Earth.”5
No individual imbued with power, creativity, beauty and brains can escape pride’s shadow blocking the light of the soul. The degrees of pride become ever more subtle and less obvious further along The Path – for those who are attempting to ruthlessly weed out these ancient vestiges. Pride makes its wearer feel omnipotent and is related to power. Pride breeds a sense of power and a sense of power breeds pride.
Pride is also the cause of separativeness because to be prideful is to set oneself apart from others. Some are vain – glorious and obvious in their expression of pride, others nurture a secret pride hidden behind a veneer of humility – whilst several shades of grey lay between these two extremes. As part of the illusion trinity, Cruelty is the result of a sense of mental power and being able to dominate or intimidate others; it is also related to the “desire for power” glamour upon the astral plane.
In this Fifth Rootrace, the development of manas has allowed Humanity to develop amazing technology – flying space probes to Pluto, taming the air with flight, medical miracles like the bionic eye, the matrix of the world wide web etc. …. The flower of humanity has created beautiful architecture, art and literature, magnificent cities and shining cultures. Humanity feels omnipotent, capable of any achievement – of playing god – and with that comes arrogance, selfishness, pride; and like Icarus, a long fall from grace.
The current state of the world, with its shocking environmental imbalance and the poor treatment of the majority of its co-habitants, is a result of self-satisfied, separative and prideful Humanity ignoring the plight of the planet. Prudence is a good counterbalance to pride – of knowing one’s limitations. Those who are puffed-up with pride will not know their Saturnian “ring-pass-not”, flying perilously close to the Sun like Icarus, melting the mental framework upon which they have soared, sending them crashing back to Earth.
The paradox is that Humanity is meant to reach the solar heights and become imbued with higher consciousness. Everyone is born and bound to escape the labyrinth of illusion eventually – to reach as far as possible into the Sun-soul, to use our “stolen fire” wisely. However, “pride goes before a fall”, because the inflated ego must return to Earth – from its self-appointed high place. (This lesson particularly applies to some aspirants who place themselves well ahead upon a Path that they have not yet traversed!)
The Icarus story is profound – Icarus and his father Daedalus made their escape from Crete (The Minotaur’s Maze – Labyrinth of the mind), through wings made of feathers and wax. Daedalus represents the soul and Icarus the personality. Icarus is warned by Daedalus about complacency and hubris (an extreme form of pride), instructing him to neither fly too low nor too high, lest the damp sea affect his wings or the sun’s heat melt them. Icarus ignored his father’s instructions, hence melting his wings and falling into the sea.
The sea is a symbol of the astral plane, whilst the fiery Sun represents the higher mental plane, seat of the soul. Neptune is the ruler of the seas (emotions) and is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo. Icarus’ astral “desire for power” fed his mental pride with shocking consequences. The lesson of Icarus is peculiarly Sun-ruled Leo. Icarus cannot fly so close to the Sun without the wax melting in his wings.
In some versions Icarus returns to Earth (humus, the ground), he is humiliated, brought down to Earth. Humility, humbleness and modesty are learnt – there is no further over-estimation of oneself. On the ground (grounded), one “stands under”, generating “under-standing” – which is the essence of humility.
Another lesson of the myth is about seeking the Buddhist middle way – neither flying too high nor too low”. Undeveloped Leo is Icarus. Leo or fifth house personalities can tend to “big-note” and exaggerate themselves, unduly proclaiming achievement – sitting contented and condescending upon their mountain top of achievement – which may as well be a pile of dung!
Interesting to note that the middle way is the term that Gautama Buddha used to describe the character of the Noble Eightfold Path leading to Liberation. Here again occurs the word “noble” (the meaning of “ārya”) in relation to Leo, connected to the “kingly science” of meditation, Raja Yoga:
“… the science of Raja Yoga is the great science of our Aryan civilization. Raja Yoga makes … an adept and leads … to the portal of the fifth initiation. … Raja Yoga liberates … for complete service and freedom to work as a White Magician.”6
The Icarus myth is also interesting from the point of view that Crete was the foundation of 5.5.5 – the fifth branchrace of the fifth subrace of the Fifth Rootrace. In the author’s The Destiny of the Races and Nations II it is stated,
“This unique role of Greece may well be reflected in Pallas Athena’s triumph over Neptune who ruled Atlantis. Pallas Athena, the patron of Athens (more about her later), sprung from the head of Jupiter and therefore represents the principle of five, the number of mind, the Fifth Rootrace.

Minoan wall art at the
Temple of Knossos, Crete.
It is also probable that the fiery source for the ‘fifth aspect’ took place in Crete, peopled by the ancient Minoans – the first European civilization. Another factor that strengthens this theory is that the Master Hilarion, who is the Chohan of the Fifth Ray of Science, is said to be based in Crete. Indeed, he is known as the Cretan Master.”7
Perhaps there is some relevance here about Greece’s current financial plight. Did Greece “fly too close to the Sun” financially, creating a crash to Earth? (See later section on Greece.)
Pride denies access to the heart. Paradoxically, Leo rules the heart wherein is anchored the “life-thread”, related to the will, of which the mind is the lower correspondence. The physical heart is also related to the heart chakra, the organ of love, whose lower expression is in the astral body. Pride separates the head from the heart so that love is only an idea, not a living expression.
Mars in Cancer Reveals the Uses of Conflict
Although the Sun is now in Leo, there is always overlap between the signs, due to other planets closer to the Sun, like Venus and Mercury, trailing behind or transiting in front of the Sun. And sometimes the two-year cycle of Mars coincides – as it does now. Hence, Mars creates a bridge between the previous sign Cancer and the current sign Leo. Mars in Cancer is not an easy position because the god of war is in the sign of its “fall”, in watery Cancer. However, both Mars and Cancer have several things in common.
The Emotional Effects of Mars in Cancer
The emotional testing of Mars in Cancer is great, because Mars rules the solar plexus center (seat of the emotional body) and Cancer is a sign of the sensitive feeling nature. Cancer is also a sign indirectly influenced by Mars because in Esoteric Astrology, each sign is considered with the signs of the cross it belongs to – four signs and their exoteric-esoteric rulers. Cancer is part of the cardinal cross – Aries-Libra and Cancer-Capricorn,

Rebel Mars looking a little swarthy and
unkempt – with a touch of unshaven stubble …
“… the Cancerian subject is … influenced by five other planets … Mars, Mercury, Uranus, Venus and Saturn. The Cancerian subject becomes responsive to the uses of conflict (Mars), to the functioning of the light of intuition (Mercury) and to the cosmic pull of Uranus, plus the intellect of Venus and the presentation of opportunity (Saturn).”8
This Mars influence is further found through the second Scorpio-ruled decanate of Cancer. The three decanates on the reversed wheel correspond to the physical, astral and mental bodies respectively, again emphasising the potency of the Scorpio/Mars-ruled astral decanate.
The “uses of conflict” are also emphasised because Cancer ruler, the Moon – is the co-ruler of the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. Furthermore, the other co-ruler of the fourth ray is Mercury – also the generic ruler of the middle decanate of Cancer, esoterically considered. Mercury’s rulership here guarantees the eventual control of the astral body by the mind.
The Physical Effects of Mars in Cancer
Mars is connected to the physical body, and Cancer is a sign of the form nature.
“Mars in Cancer will increase the strength and tenacity of the physical elemental, which seeks to perpetuate its ‘hold’ upon the physical plane. The self-protective instincts will be augmented. The natural defensiveness of Cancer will be stimulated by the Martian tendency to “ward-off” danger. The energy of Mars will be enlisted to promote the survival and perpetuation of the physical vehicle.
Attachment to the life of the senses is strong. Continuing the metaphor (and in many cases the literal fact), “blood rushes” to the area of the stomach, bringing friction and problems to that area, and reflecting the strong solar plexus stimulation which is inherent in this combination.

Mars and Venus (Spranger).
… The urge to reproduce will be strong. There may be tendencies to jealousy, due to insecurities and the powerful need for intimate attachment. Under this influence, once can easily become bound to sex as a deep psychological need to overcome the fear which arises from an inherent sense of isolation and helplessness. The emotional life and the sexual life are intimately connected … Later, as evolution proceeds, Mars in Cancer may lead to the retention of sexual energy … for the sake of personality transformation.”9
Because both Mars and the Moon are connected to the physical and astral bodies, two of the major vehicles of the personality, transiting Mars in Cancer can cause much disruption within the personality and between the personality and the soul. Mars is a “non-sacred planet”, indicating that its lack of perfection and attainment (its “rebelliousness”), within the family of planets in the solar system, reveals starkly the imperfections in one’s own personality:
“Mars rules not only the physical body but the entire form vehicle, which we call the personality in the three worlds.”10
Mars as hierarchical ruler of Sagittarius, also has a connection with the mystery of the Deva Kingdom, the “lunar lords”11 and elementals that are involved in building the three bodies that constitute the personality.
Therefore, Mars in Cancer can be very potent in stimulating the instinctual tendencies – to the point where the individual is driven to seek the solar life (soul) – related of course to Sun-ruled Leo. At this point, Mars in Cancer can spur the individual’s aspiration and devotion to the soul, moving orientation from physical family and friends, ultimately aligning with the “family of humanity” and/or “the ashram” – the spiritual family, as distinct from the biological family and the tribal consciousness of Mars in Cancer.
It’s interesting to note that the United Nations horoscope for 1945 has Mars and Saturn conjunct in Cancer – a poignant placement reflecting the great pain and need of Humanity.
This section could have been discussed in the forthcoming Virgo newsletter, but as Jupiter enters Virgo during Leo, it is appropriate to discuss it now. Also, Jupiter’s ingress into Virgo provides a link between Leo and Virgo, just as Mars in Cancer links Cancer to Leo. Bear in mind also, that Leo-Virgo represents the Mystery of the Sphinx. (See past newsletter.)
On August 11, 2015, Jupiter enters Virgo, as it does every twelve years, staying for approximately one year. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the predominant soul ray of Humanity and the main quality being developed in this solar system.
Virgo is esoterically known as the mother of the Christ child, stimulating, guarding and nourishing the growth of the Christ consciousness, hidden and gestating in all human hearts; this is its highest quality, the outer reflection is the instinctual mother love that nourishes and guards. The “Hidden Christ” or soul appears when instinct has been transmuted into wisdom.

Hera and Zeus with Athena and Hercules. Hera is Virgo
and Zeus is Jupiter, together they represent Jupiter in Virgo.
Virgo is the strongest conduit for the second ray of Love-Wisdom in this current cycle.12 Hence, when ray two ruler Jupiter enters this sign, there is the probability of a potent expression of Love-Wisdom:
“Virgo … Earth … The Hidden Christ … Jupiter … the conveyor of EXPANSION…13 ” … the result of the Jupiterian influence is to “open the door of the womb” in Virgo …”14
As the planned reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom draws closer, the cycle of Jupiter in Virgo will be invoking Them to, “… come forth from Their secret place.” Yet, somewhat contradictorily, Jupiter is in “detriment” in Virgo because,
“Jupiter, in spite of its latent power, is also “lessened” in influence at this time because of the second aspect of divinity, the Son or the germ of the Christ Who will come, the Son of Mind, descends into the depths and is temporarily veiled or hidden. ”15 “…the power of [Jupiter] is lessened in Virgo, wherein the first signs of the Christ consciousness are felt.”16
Jupiter is also the “hierarchical ruler” of Virgo, associated with the angelic Divine Builders who, in their totality are Virgo. Although Jupiter currently has its full power somewhat lessened in Virgo as it “… descends into the depths and is temporarily veiled or hidden …”, Humanity is approaching a period where this will cease to be the case:
“When the human Hierarchy is fully awakened to spiritual and not simply material possibilities, then the work of Jupiter will immediately intensify and this beneficent ruler will lead the human family into the ways of peace and progress.”17
Jupiter’s position in Virgo relates to the second ray substance, the very fabric of this solar system and the manifestation of the Christ principle in matter. An ancient phrase from the Bhagavad-Gita illustrates this truth when Krishna says to his disciple Arjuna,
“Having pervaded this entire universe
with a fragment of myself, I remain.”
Here Krishna was referring to the mediating second ray soul principle that stands between spirit and matter – the identification of the soul (Son) with both the Father (spirit) and the Mother (matter).
Jupiter and the Moon, the esoteric ruler of earth-sign Virgo, concern the building of the atomic substance into the bodies of personality – enabling the life of the soul to be “made flesh”. Even the minutest atom has latent within it the germ of response to spiritual stimulation. The Jupiter-ruled second ray of love-wisdom has as one of its many names, “The Builder”:
“The Grand Geometrician comes thus to the forefront and makes the work of the Builders possible. Upon figure and form, number and sequences will the Temple be built, and so embrace and express the glory of the Lord. The second ray is the ray of the Master Builder.”18
Virgo has therefore, a close relation to the creation of all forms in nature, and is intimately connected to the deva or angelic kingdom, from the lowest nature spirits and elementals, up to the greatest archangels and Divine Builders. Leo-Virgo, the Lion and the Virgin, constitute the great astrological mystery of the zodiacal sign called The Sphinx (See here for essay.):
“In this world period we have the division of the sign of the Sphinx into two signs (the Lion and the Virgin, soul and form) because the state of human evolution and conscious realisation is that of a recognised duality.”19
Leo-Virgo represents the mystery of the solar and lunar angels representing soul and form respectively. It is said that Leo holds the key to the entire zodiac and is related to the secret of the solar Angels, the mystery of the higher and the lower mind and their relation to one other.20
Greece, Ireland and Australia: Virgo Souls
This section could also have been discussed in the forthcoming Virgo newsletter, but as the theme of Greece is paramount at the moment, plus the fact that Jupiter is moving into Virgo, it may be apropos to include some thoughts now. Like Australia, Greece has a fifth house Sun, carrying many of the characteristics of Leo.
How appropriate that during Greece’s current financial turmoil, the soul of the nation will be stimulated by Jupiter’s transit into Greece’s soul sign Virgo for the next year. (See also the author’s recent Greek Financial Crisis 2015)
When a personality is in crisis, it often indicates that the soul is drawing near and stimulating it to align with its purpose. Greece’s personality is ruled by Capricorn and with Pluto transiting through this sign, all ancient patterns are being broken down, bringing hidden issues percolating to the surface.
Ireland is also a Virgo soul and one of the nations designated as the most at risk financially, using the somewhat outdated PIGS acronym from the 1990’s: Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain. But of course, many more nations are involved now.
How can Jupiter in Virgo stimulate these nations to express their souls? It must be borne in mind that there are lower and higher expressions of the signs and planets, even if they are related to the soul of a nation. From the traditional viewpoint, Jupiter is in “detriment” in Virgo. Thus, some interpretations of Jupiter in Virgo:
1. The concern for work and detail conflicts with Jupiter’s expansiveness, resulting in overwork, incorrect execution of work or tedious and unnecessary attention to detail.
2. There is a need to learn to delegate or “bite off as much as can be chewed”.
3. Religious and ethical beliefs are based upon service and encourage a conservative and orthodox approach.
4. There can be moral over-perfectionism.
5. Jupiter in Virgo values work and offers practical service to others – with good relations in the workplace.
Well, some of these qualities may be needed by those nations – perhaps Greece has not incorporated a Virgoan fastidiousness in balancing its books? More on Greece later…
Australia on the other hand, has always been obsessed with the economy and the budget, a combination of Virgo and Capricorn that brings a certain aridity to its generally easy and outgoing nature. Australia has a fifth house Sun like Greece – which might explain why there is a large Greek population in that nation.
But what about the highest expression of Jupiter in Virgo? A generous and loving spirit that nurtures, enfolded by the arms of the Virgoan mother? Currently, Australia, although generally tolerant on issues such as Islam, does not seem to demonstrate this generosity and one example might be turning back “boat people” refugees and setting up inhumane detention camps. Perhaps Australia is stuck in a Capricorn personality that executes the letter of the law, missing its spirit?
Australia has the same combination as Greece – of Virgo soul and Capricorn personality.21 Or stated otherwise, Virgo rising with Sun in the fifth house. Australia’s Capricorn personality is also in turmoil – with a “back to the 1950’s” mentality pervading its moronic government and, a “nanny state” orientation – too many rules that stifle the soul expression of the nation. The attention to many detailed rules is also the lower expression of Virgo, despite the fact that Australia has a Virgo soul. This is a common expression in many nations, where the soul ruler energy distorts. (Spain as a sixth ray soul is another good example of how that energy expressed through the murderous Spanish Inquisition.)
If Australia was to express its Virgo soul, it would mean a reversal of its current policies on immigration and many other pressing environmental (Virgo) matters such as several huge new coal mines, fracking, anti-solar power issues etc. Like many other nations, Australia has/is selling out its resources and utilities for short term gain to foreign companies who are only motivated by profit and completely disconnected to the soul of the nation; its banks are avaricious and mercenary (this is universal too) and the annual ANZAC Day war memorial has been turned into a commercial festival of jingoism and propaganda; these nationalistic factors are related to a (traditional) Capricorn Sun in the Leonine fifth house – national pride. (As an Aussie living abroad more or less permanently, these trends are very painful to witness.)
Greece also has a poor record with many refugees from Syria, Asia and Africa. It is already a struggling economy and lacks an infrastructure and skills to deal with this problem, so it may not be so much lack of compassion as it might be for Australia. But of course, this me-first selfishness in the Greek and Australian personalities is universal – from which most nations are not exempt.
How then can Greece invoke its soul, given its political and economic problems? The answer must involve the enunciation of principles of sharing and humanism, of grassroots groups promoting ideas of true democracy and a new monetary system.
Greece is in an ideal position to do this, given its recent drubbing by the EU and its capitulation to their harsh demands – contrary to what the people voted for in the referendum. Observers recently stated that Greece had been humiliated by Germany and the Eurozone. Is this the right lesson for Greece, perhaps as a fifth house Sun in Capricorn it must, like Leo, learn humility before it can invoke its soul?
“Capricorn rules the knees and this is symbolically true, for only when the Capricornian subject learns to kneel in all humility and with his knees upon the rocky mountain top to offer his heart and life to the soul and to human service, can he be permitted to pass through the door of initiation and be entrusted with the secrets of life.”22
As stated earlier, Greece is considered the birthplace of Western civilization. It is also the home of the modern democratic system of government. Perhaps Greece could rise to the task of re-enunciating the principles of democracy at this critical juncture of human history, where democratic nations are being dictated to by economic cabals. True democracy seems to be dissolving before our eyes.
Democracy: “A government by the people; especially: rule of the majority; a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them through a system of representation, usually involving periodically held free elections.”23

Pallas Athena by Gustave Klimt.
Invoking the Soul of Greece: Goddess Pallas-Athena
Perhaps one of the soul icons of Greece and Athens needs to be invoked – Pallas-Athena – goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, mathematics, strength, war strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.
Athena is the virgin patroness of Athens (the national daeva), hence her association with Virgo. Virgo and Athena are two aspects of the Divine Feminine – imminent in its reappearance at the dawn of the Aquarian Age. Athena is also portrayed as the patron of heroic endeavour.
In classical mythology, a hero was one who displayed great physical courage and was a, “man born from a god and a mortal.” Hercules (or Hero-kles) is one of these “solar heroes” who performed great service to mankind. Courage is the province of Leo, hence Pallas-Athena’s association with this sign. (Note the solar breast plate that she wears over the heart in Klimt’s painting.)
“The solar hero is the saviour, often the sacrificial victim and has one unique common feature – he ultimately comes back, or is resurrected. The sun is a role model, hence the “solar” part of the hero “dies” every dusk as the dark night takes over. Each dawn then brings a renewal.”24
The question may well be asked, is Greece at the start of a new dawn (not the fascist mis-named “Golden Dawn” political party), ready to rise up in an heroic endeavour to express its hitherto sleeping soul? Plato asserted that Athena means “divine intelligence … This is she who has the mind of God … she who knows divine things…”25
“As the Warrior Queen and as the leader of armies whose passion is to right the wrongs of the world, Pallas Athene gave prudent direction on matters pertaining to order. She seeks justice and equality for humanity.”26
Esoterically, Pallas-Athena represents the capacity for visualisation and rightly directed thought. She is connected closely to the third ray of Active Intelligence, nominated by some as the soul ray of Greece.27 (Others speculate that the first ray of Will-Power is the soul ray, but this is a matter of contention between students.)
Athena’s owl sees well in the night of this dark Kali Yuga. The owl is a symbol of perspicacity and erudition. Greece must exercise Virgoan discernment and discrimination in conjunction with Athena’s wisdom. It must also express the boldness and will of its fifth house Capricorn Sun – but without the arrogance and pride. Democracy is not an ideal system, but it’s the best hope for Humanity today:

“… such a thing as a true democracy is unknown, and the mass of the people in the democratic countries are as much at the mercy of the politicians and of the financial forces as are the people under the rule of dictatorships, enlightened or unenlightened …
When, however, the world has in it more truly awakened people and more thinking men and women, we shall see a purification of the political field taking place, and a cleansing of our processes of representation instituted, as well as a more exacting accounting required from the people of those whom they have chosen to put in authority.”28
The world has now arrived at this time of “… truly awakened people …” and we are about to see a “purification of the political field … a cleansing of our processes…”.
The third ray is certainly evident in the expression of its Capricorn personality – because the third ray passes through this sign. “… Exacting accounting …” sounds like Virgo-Capricorn! If Greece is a third ray soul, then its Capricorn personality would provide a good link to manifest the will of its soul.
“The 3rd ray is the ray of intelligent activity, and it manifests in a capacity for abstract thought, weaving, manipulation, inventiveness, incessant activity, search for novelty and variety, commercial and entrepreneurial activity. The single greatest achievement of the ancient Greeks must surely lie in the realm of philosophy, logic and abstract thought. Here, if anywhere, was the manifestation of their soul purpose.”29
If Greece can invoke the spirit of Pallas-Athena and Virgo, combining it with a third ray soul expression, then it may have the capacity to re-enunciate these principles of democracy for the entire planet. It would take an enormous effort to do this; is she up to the task, swamped in the chaos and confusion of current events? Greece could draw upon its past to inspire the future:

Shrine of Dreams by Nicholas Roerich.
“The failures of our representative democracies can be compensated for by new participatory decision making processes that we can refer to, generally, as E’democracy. Classical Athens must be the first port of call for aspiring e’democrats.
The Athenians invented … the notion of a citizen who enjoys not only free speech but also isigoria (equal say in the final formulation of policy) – independently of whether he was rich, comfortably off, or indeed a pauper eking a modest existence out of manual labour … The key figure was … the anonymous landless peasant who, despite his propertylessness, had a voice in the Assembly of equal weight to that of the great and the good. This was the remarkable novelty of Athenian society which has probably never been replicated since.
If e’democracy is to give voice to the voiceless, it is interesting to ask: What was it that endowed the labouring Athenian citizen with isigoria? Is there room for re-introducing whatever that was into contemporary democracies? Can e’democracy bring it about?”30
Nations all make the mistake of putting the cart before the horse, of focusing upon outer economic matters instead of conditioning causes that created the mess in the first place; it’s a band-aid approach at best because it does not address causal core issues, perpetuating an endless cycle of paying off debt and the interest on debt. What is needed is a radical new approach.
If any of these three soul-ruled Virgo nations were able to re-enunciate democratic principles and new financial experiments – the “democratisation of money”, then they would be doing a great service for Humankind. One promising factor since the recent crisis in Greece is that a thriving barter economy has emerged, perhaps an harbinger of future esoteric predictions regarding barter and exchange.31 (See also, Greek Financial Crisis and the Global Economy (July 2015))
Currently, Utrecht in the Netherlands (an Aquarian soul), is experimenting with giving away money to meet everyone’s basic needs. (See also other links on these themes: Positive Money We want to democratize money.)
Phillip Lindsay © 2015.
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.64. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.64. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine, H.P. Blavatsky. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.172. [↩]
- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.121. [↩]
- “Greek Mythology, The Secret Doctrine and the Rootraces” in The Destiny of the Races and Nations II [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p323. [↩]
- Tapestry of the Gods, Michael D. Robbins. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p210. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p37. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.491. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.282. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.282. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.264. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.159. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.231. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.154. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.169. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Robin Heath [↩]
- Plato, Cratylus, 407b. [↩]
- Asteroids, Mary Ester Andrews. [↩]
- The Rays of Greece and Rome, Ron Newbold. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.52. [↩]
- The Rays of Greece and Rome, Ron Newbold. [↩]
- Can the Internet democratise capitalism? [↩]
- The Guardian. [↩]
Interesting that you praise Athenian democracy.
Certainly a noble IDEAL, but in reality, women and slaves had no rights. They were possessions. How noble was that? If you were male and born free – yo had all the rights available.
So how much has changed in reality?
Idealism is one thing – reality for the majority is another altogether.
Yet it was the best system to date at that time. It laid the foundation for modern democracy, womens rights and voting in the past 100 years, the emancipation of slavery in USA etc. Of course the world still has a long way to go, there is much that is not right for women and slavery seems to be a huge global trade, despite the advances made. But despite all these set backs, we are in a better position today than we were then. So I do not think it was simply an ideal, it paved the way for the future, so credit where credit is due.
Thank you Phillip. Killed this week one of the biggest Lions in Africa by a spanish hunter:
Klaus, a great pity, showing lower Leo at work when hunters have to boost their egos by killing these magnificent animals. Spain is a Capricorn personality, another nation like India and Australia who has the crystallisation of Capricorn – you can see this in the fact that they still tolerate the cruelty of the bullfights. Spain is another example of soul energy distorting as Sagittarius the hunter is their soul ruler…
As per usual Phillip, a fair and just, beautifully written commentary…
As to Greek women’s rights… perhaps one needs to re-visit Greek history and the myths of their day.
As a mature woman, I have always been inspired by the mythical Greek women, especially Pallas Athene. I am who I am today, because of learning to rise to the occasion of conflict, when the necessity of justice equality peace and harmony, maintained through respect, was and is, required.
We have all been used by someone, regardless of gender, it is our personal perspective of such matters, that create the balance within our own soul….I feel Jupiter in Virgo will be a perfect time to reflect on these various understandings, regarding the inspiring concept and possibility, of a new world to come….
Personally…I feel its already begun….seek and ye just might find, a world of expansive perfection..
Others will personally choose to remain in a guild-ed cage of wounded judgement modes and illusions, rather than in a Leonine world, of creative imagination…that has the power to suggest “What if?”….
…and that to me is what Jupiter in Virgo does best…it takes Leo’s creative ideas and Virgoanly researches, the best way that Jupiter can explore and expand new horizons…for Leo’s humanity.
‘Phillip, you’re writing opened my perspective and yours, Michelle, gave me shivers (the good ones)
thank you both
I feel humbled Ingrid, whilst also feeling blessed, when I say the words “Thank you”…. as indeed I always am, when I read Phillips monthly insights…. I feel very grateful and fortunate to be surrounded by an Astrologer, of such ancient wisdom……I am reminded within.
PS – @Klaas, it appears it was not a Spanish person but an American dentist who killed the lion and that it happened a month ago (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Cecil_the_lion) Now this person is being vilified in the media and has also become a scapegoat.
Hate will never heal hate. It is shocking seeing what human beings are doing to another human being, no matter what he has done. Criminals are only vehicle for collective energies, generated by humanity itself. We are all responsible for everything that is happening on the planet, there are no others… Pointing out faults tells about the one pointing out, similar things to the one who have been pointed.
As students of the occult and esoteric, whichever word you choose, once we have a good grasp of the nature of a problem its most productive to move to figuring out the best solutions. Europe and the USA and the rest of the world all have a problem with democracy (republic or not) and also the problem of economic distribution. For a long time now, those who control money creation and supply also have full control over our politicians. Our politicians are bought and payed for by those with the cash to buy them to do their bidding. If you have studied in depth the cause of 911 and have come to the conclusion, as many intelligent people now have, that it was an inside job committed by the crime syndicate that runs the Federal Reserve you’ll know that the people who have controlled the money down the ages have been responsible for just about every major and minor war on the planet. Wars have largely been engineered for profit. The controllers behind the scenes, who work through the central banks, know that if they control the debt, they control everything else as well. So its great we are having such a massive debt crisis right now. It gives us all a chance to get to grips with the problem and push for much better solutions.
This current economic and political crisis is not really very complicated. In fact it is incredibly simple. The problem is simple and the solution is simple and there are already a lot of bright people who have studies the problem and have suggested excellent solutions. They are actually not new solutions because they have been suggested throughout history by clear thinkers.
The main problem with the Euro is that it has bundled a load of nations together and forced them all to have the same interest rate. Nations have historically used interest rates to manage inflation. Now they can’t do that. The other main problem with the Euro is that when you give up economic control by joining a single currency, you have lost much of your political control. As we see with Greece and numerous other nations, their politicians have all sold out for loans from central banks or the IMF. It makes far more sense to keep your own currency, manage your own interest rates (while there still are interest rates) and simply negotiate a free trade and free movement agreement with the rest of Europe. Its also a good idea to keep control over your own borders, something impossible once you join the Euro with its political directorates.
There are all kinds of illusions and false ideas floating around that need to be harpooned. One is the idea of austerity and the concept of paying back loans. The current ridiculous system runs like this. A central bank or Federal reserve in the US, creates money out of nothing, loans it to the government and the government from taxing the people, has to pay interest on the loan back to the creator of the money. Its an insane system of corruption right at its route. There is no sign of intelligent design in the current economic systems of the planet. Once a loan is payed back to the bank it literally disappears from existence. This causes a huge boom bust cycle that continues every few years. Banks tend to loan most to people who want to buy property so every few years we get property bubbles followed by crashes when banks refuse to loan or begin to call loans in when people can’t pay their mortgages. It’s a silly immature merry go round.
There are two main solutions to the current problem.
1) Take away the power to create money from the banks and the politicians and have a new accountable body responsible for creating interest free debt free money and spending it into circulation via public works and other ways.
2) Create a Basic Unconditional Income for every legal citizen. This would be payed monthly or fort nightly.
If you think through the implications and possible effects of introducing the above two policies you’ll probably find yourself raising various internal conceptual arguments against the possibility of this policy working. There are very simple solutions to any objections. The first objection people raise is that people will sit around all day and won’t do anything useful, lol. We are not destroying the free market, you can still get a job. You can choose how much time you spend working and what you’ll do.
The main organization in the UK promoting these ideas are http://www.positivemoney.org. On their website you will find many videos and they have written a very good book on the subject too. This is Bill Dyson, of positive money explaining how money is made/created https://youtu.be/C7KAV7Iln2o
The UK parliament last Nov 2014 debated the issue in the House of Commons and you can watch it here https://youtu.be/YxG3O49uVjg
The other nation that has moved far along with economic reform is Switzerland. Recently the Swiss gained 140,000 petition signatures in support of a referendum on introducing a Basic Unconditional Income for all citizens. I think the figure they are after is about $2500 per month. The referendum is in 2016 and if they get the votes it will be enacted into Law. Switzerland has perhaps the most sophisticated form of democracy on the planet and the Swiss get to vote in referendums all the time to decide policy. I wish we had the same system here in New Zealand.
You can read about the Swiss referendum on a Basic Income for everyone that’s going to be held in 2016, here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_referendums,_2016
These guys are making a documentary on the Basic Income, in Switzerland. Watch the trailor http://www.basicincomeforall.com/
Here is a Ted talk in Maastricht explaining why we should give everyone a basic income http://grundeinkommen.tv/why-we-should-give-everyone-a-basic-income/
Here is a guy in New Zealand doing the numbers and showing how easy it would be to afford to pay for a basic income for everyone in New Zealand. It would do away with a lot of useless government jobs and departments for one thing. https://youtu.be/O4LUiSfLIa8
Basically, the Greeks need to get together and demand the above two policies for Greece, interest free money creation and a basic income. The idea of debt, loans, austerity, the EU and the Euro were all created by dark forces. The concept of a Basic Unconditional Income is an idea who’s time has come. Help spread the word to everyone you know. Be aware also though that the Crime Syndicates controlling all Western nations right now will fight tooth and nail to losing control over the power to create money with interest. They will start wars and all kinds of conflict just to keep their power. In the US these dark forces own the media, Hollywood, all the banks, nearly all the corporations. Its going to get rough. That’s one of the reasons why DK wanted every esotericist to form Great Invocation Triangles with at least eight other people, so the planets etheric body could be transformed from a network of squares into triangles.
Thanks Phillip – beautiful and profoundly expressed and explained. I appreciate your contributions to the ‘commonwealth of wisdom’. Blessings, Michael L