Leo 2016: Self-Sovereignty. Raja Yoga. Sanat Kumara. Brazil Olympics.
Leo Keynote
“I am that and that am I”.
(Leo Full Moon Festival: August 18, 2016. 10.26 am, Greenwich, UK.)
“The true Leo type must react in a new and unique manner to the proffered opportunity, and when I say type, I refer to those people whose sun is in Leo or who have Leo rising. The reason for this is that Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius, and the interplay of energies between these two is far more potent than at any previous time in racial history.”1
Leo the Sovereign: Self Rule
The Kingly Science of Raja Yoga
Philippe Petit: Leonine Concentration and Courage
The Ultimate Leo: Sanat Kumara
Leo Soul Brazil and the Olympic Games
Leo the Sovereign: Self Rule
When the Sun enters Leo on its annual cycle, the opportunity arises to invoke the forces that this sign transmits: to manifest Leonine creativity, unfold leadership skills, develop courage and confidence, cultivate intense self-awareness or activate self-discipline. Whatever cusp of the horoscope is ruled by Leo, there will be the area of life experience where this sign can excel – Leo on the 7th house cusp – relationships, 10th house – career etc.

Note the lions and the solar symbol of the sunflower. The queen has a solar jurisdiction over the lunar elementals, represented by the black cat.
All of Humanity are destined to be kings, queens or sovereigns of their domains – this is the evolutionary program and plan that leads to liberation. Those who do not “make the grade” in the great long cyclic manvantara will be recycled into other cosmic evolutions, ensuring eventual sovereignty!
“Once [Leo] is spiritually awakened … this leads to an imposed self-discipline – the thing the Leo subject sorely needs and which must always be self-imposed and self-applied for he brooks no disciplinary measures which others may seek to impose.”2
Everyone is given “the right to rule” through the success of their own self-imposed disciplines. The most immediate domain is the personality that must be integrated and brought under control, otherwise it becomes the “rampaging lion of the jungle”.
This theme of self-discipline in Leo has a Saturnian quality – reflected by the fixed star Regulus (“little king”, to rule, regulate) standing at the heart of Leo, connecting it with Saturn-ruled Capricorn; the fifth and tenth zodiacal signs are related to perfection (10) of the mind (5):
“Leo, is the fifth sign of the zodiac which indicates that it is part of the mysterious number, ten – the number of perfection, a relative perfection, prior to entering into a new cycle of progress. This links Leo consequently with Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, for it is the processes of initiation which make the self-conscious person the group conscious individual.”3
There is also an ancient connection between the Lion and the Unicorn – the latter the transformed goat of Capricorn who defeats the king of beasts (Leo as personality) – “blinded and killed by the piercing of his eye and heart by the long horn of the unicorn.”4
The Sovereign of the Soul must ultimately be brought into active and perfected expression and increasingly so over many lifetimes, toward the end of the evolutionary journey. The soul on its own plane, has a grand and almost limitless domain, knowing and seeing all.
Yet, its domain within the personality life of one incarnation, with its attendant karma and field of service, is for most individuals, limited by comparison. The limitations come from lack of soul contact or, having “drunk from the waters of Lethe” – forgetting the source from where one came:
“Plotinus … said that our body was the true river of Lethe, for “souls plunged into it forget all,” meant more than he said. For, as our terrestrial body is like Lethe, so is our celestial body in Devachan, and much more.”5

The Waters of Lethe by the Plains of Elysium (John Roddam Spencer Stanhope).
Dante also had a few words to say on this subject,
“To that I answered: ‘As far as I remember
I have not ever estranged myself from You,
nor does my conscience prick me for it.’
‘But if you cannot remember that,’
she answered, smiling, ‘only recollect
how you have drunk today of Lethe,
‘and if from seeing smoke we argue there is fire
then this forgetfulness would clearly prove
your faulty will had been directed elsewhere.’
(Purgatorio XXXIII.91-99.)

Focusing the mind …
The Science of Raja Yoga
Right education is a key factor for this soul contact theme, especially in this deeply materialistic age of distorted values, narcissicism and superficiality. Part of that education process must be the teaching of meditation – the “kingly science” of Raja Yoga.
There are several stages of meditation and Leo governs the first stage of concentration. The next stages are meditation (Virgo), contemplation (Libra), illumination (Scorpio) and inspiration (Sagittarius).6
The Sun as the ruler of Leo, with its rays focused through a magnifying glass, burning paper or wood, is a good example of concentration. The world’s largest solar farm at Ivanpah in the Mojave Desert uses “350,000 computer – controlled mirrors roughly the size of a garage door to reflect sunlight to boilers atop 459-foot towers. The sun’s power is used to heat water in the boilers’ tubes and make steam, which drives turbines to create electricity.”7
Leo is a fire sign, a symbol of manas or mind, hence the propensity for Leo to leave its mark. The word “magnify” (to make larger, esteem, make much of) is associated with many other “mag” words and Leo: Magha corresponding to Regulus in Leo; magnificent – the larger than life Leo; magus – the magician who controls the elementals with the mind. (For a broader description of these themes, see this past Leo newsletter.)
“Raja Yoga stands by itself and is the king science of them all; it is the summation of all the others, it is the climax and that which completes the work of development in the human kingdom. It is the science of the mind and of the purposeful will, and brings the higher of man’s sheaths in the three worlds under the subjection of the Inner Ruler [the soul].
This science coordinates the entire lower threefold man, forcing him into a position where he is nothing but the vehicle for the soul, or God within. It includes the other yogas and profits by their achievements. It synthesises the work of evolution and crowns man as king.”8
A profound statement – “Raja Yoga … is the climax and that which completes the work of development in the human kingdom”. A hint lies here as to the eventual higher evolutions of the human monad – as above, so below – from a perfected human to a Master of Wisdom, to a planetary logos (a “Heavenly Man”), a solar logos etc:
“Man aims at becoming a Divine Manasaputra, or perfected Son of Mind showing forth all the powers inherent in mind, and thus becoming like unto his monadic source, a Heavenly Man. A Heavenly Man has developed Manas, and is occupied with the problem of becoming a Son of Wisdom, not inherently but in full manifestation. A solar Logos is both a Divine Manasaputra and likewise a Dragon of Wisdom, and His problem concerns itself with the development of the principle of cosmic Will which will make Him what has been called a “Lion of Cosmic Will.” ”9
Philippe Petit: Leonine Concentration and Courage
Philippe Petit (1949 – ) is an outstanding example of Leonine concentration and courage – by his extraordinary hire-wire exploits throughout his life, most notably between the newly erected Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in 1974. (This event was later made into a movie called Man on a Wire.)
Petit has a Sun-Pluto conjunction in Leo, bringing the first ray of will or power via Pluto, through this very first ray sign Leo. Pluto is also the Lord of Death and Petit cheated death every time he stepped out upon the wire; he was also versatile in many arts, becoming,
“… adept at equestrianism, fencing, carpentry, rock-climbing, and bullfighting. Spurning circuses and their formulaic performances, he created his street persona on the sidewalks of Paris. In the early 1970s, he visited New York City, where he frequently juggled and worked on a slackline in Washington Square Park.”10
Libra is the perfect rising sign for a man always trying to find the right balance on the tightrope. Even Petit’s balancing pole forms the Libran glyph. Treading the narrow razor-edged path between the pairs of opposites. Yet the key factor for Petit was concentration (Leo): “If you lose your concentration, you lose your balance.”
Petit must have had great confidence in his concentration skills – he crossed and re-crossed the wire between the Twin Towers eight times. Neither was his act a simple “stunt”. Petit means “small” – a modest surname for a man with a grand couer and grander designs! Petit planned his exploit for six years, from the age of eighteen when he read about the construction project. Transiting Jupiter was conjunct is Sun in his solar return chart that year, no doubt stimulating some grandiose ideas and expansive plans!
Philippe Petit (Rodden Rating AA).
The planning for those six years is as breath-taking in its thoroughness as the actual tightrope walk itself:
“What was called the “artistic crime of the century” took Petit six years of planning, during which he learned everything he could about the buildings and their construction. In the same period, he began to perform high wire walking at other famous places. Rigging his wire secretly, he performed as a combination of circus act and public display. In 1971 he performed his first such walk between the towers of the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, while priests were simultaneously being ordained inside the building. In 1973 he walked a wire rigged between the two north pylons of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, in Sydney, Australia.
In planning for the Twin Towers walk, Petit had to learn how to accommodate such issues as the swaying of the high towers due to wind, which was part of their design; effects of wind and weather on the wire at that height, how to rig a 200 ft (61 m) steel cable across the 138 ft (42 m) gap between the towers (at a height of 1,368 ft (417 m)), and how to gain entry with his collaborators, first to scope out the conditions and lastly, to stage the project. They had to get heavy equipment to the rooftops. He traveled to New York on numerous occasions to make first-hand observations.
Since the towers were still under construction, Petit and one of his collaborators, New York-based photographer Jim Moore, rented a helicopter to take aerial photographs of the buildings. Jean-François and Jean-Louis helped him practice in a field in France, and accompanied him to take part in the final rigging of the project, as well as to photograph it. Francis Brunn, a German juggler, provided financial support for the proposed project and its planning.
Petit and his crew gained entry into the towers several times and hid in upper floors and on the roofs of the unfinished buildings in order to study security measures, in addition to analyzing the construction and identifying places to anchor the wire and cavalletti. Using his own observations, drawings, and Moore’s photographs, Petit constructed a scale model of the towers in order to design the needed rigging to prepare for the wire walk.
Working from an ID of an American who worked in the building, Petit made fake identification cards for himself and his collaborators (claiming that they were contractors who were installing an electrified fence on the roof) to gain access to the buildings. Prior to this, Petit had carefully observed the clothes worn by construction workers and the kinds of tools they carried. He also took note of the clothing of office workers so that some of his collaborators could pose as white collar workers. He observed what time the workers arrived and left, so he could determine when he would have roof access.”11
Having a rest and a look at the sky … (From the movie, Man on a Wire.)
It certainly was no over-statement, “the artistic crime of the century”, befitting Libra’s soul ruler Uranus conjunct his midheaven – symbol of Petit’s younger rebelliousness that saw him expelled from five schools. Uranus is also the force behind his non-conformity and creating an unique identity for himself – his innovation and invention – always so close to the leading edge of creativity – and the precipice between life and death. On his Twin Towers walk, Petit hopped, jumped, lay down on his back to look at the sky, knelt to look down at the street below – all so casually and unfeigned – but heart-stopping to all onlookers!
Petit possesses a Gallic intelligence, a scintillating French intellect, expressed so acutely by his Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Virgo. One could not ask for a better combination when it comes to meticulous planning and execution. On the day of the Twin Towers walk, transiting Mars was on its two-year cycle conjunct Mercury-Saturn.
The Sun in Leo was conjunct Petit’s Pluto and it was a week before his 25th birthday. Transiting Saturn was conjunct his Mars in Cancer, giving him incredible discipline. Mars would have also had a lot to do with all the hardware gear that had to be set up, the cables and tools etc. So transiting Mars and natal Mars were both strongly activated.
But it is the Leo quality of courage and daring that substands all of Petit’s achievements, ably assisted by another daring fire sign prominent in the horoscope of adventurers – Moon in Aries. (The late Dean Potter – base jumper, wingsuit flyer – had the Sun in Aries.) The Moon on the day of the Twin Towers walk had just entered Aries, activating more daring.

Statue of Liberty and Twin Towers, World Trade Center at Sunset, New York City, New Jersey, New York, designed Minoru Yamasaki
Leo is also the personality expression of Petit’s mother country France. Perhaps Petit’s more esoteric mission was encouraging the American people to find their own courage, although essentially it was an universal act that reached around the globe.
Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that in USA’s horoscope, transiting Mercury was conjunct the north node in Leo (development of courage/leadership), whilst transiting Saturn on its 30 year cycle was closely conjunct the USA Sun in Cancer – not the most confidence-building transit!
Also noteworthy is the fact that USA’s progressed Sun was in the last degree of Capricorn, representing material ambition and the mountain top – symbolised by the two towers – the tallest in the world at that time. (And of course, we all know what happened 29 years later on 9/11/2001, just after the Saturn return of the 1974 Tower walk date.)
Petit’s horoscope is also a good reminder of another courageous Leo, Joe Simpson, whose five day crawl with a broken leg, down a mountainside in South America, was depicted in another movie, Touching the Void. Simpson had a Sun-Uranus conjunction in Leo. (Here for the full and free movie on YouTube.) Simpson had transiting Pluto conjunct his Scorpio ascendant (speculated); likewise, Petit had transiting Pluto going over his Libran ascendant at the time of his 1974 walk.
Christ as King
We hear this phrase frequently in exoteric Christianity and of course, it bears deeper truths:
“When Christ is known as king upon the throne of the heart, then He will reveal the Father to His devotee. But the devotee has to tread the Path of Raja Yoga, and combine intellectual knowledge, mental control and discipline before the revelation can be truly made. The mystic must eventually become the occultist: the head qualities and the heart qualities must be equally developed, for both are equally divine.”12
The Ultimate Leo: Sanat Kumara
It has only been in the last one hundred years that more information about the spiritual purpose of this planet has been given – of the “spiritual government” that guides awakening Humanity. Essentially, our planet can be viewed as embodying three major centres – Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity. Most students of the wisdom are familiar with the idea of The Hierarchy of Enlightened Being or The Great White Brotherhood – the Masters of Wisdom who have perfected their human evolution and have chosen to watch over and guide the affairs of Humanity.

The Order of Rigden Jyepo (Nicholas Roerich 1947.) Rigden Jyepo is the Tibetan name for Sanat Kumara.
Yet, Hierarchy “take their orders” from a still greater Being who is the custodian of the planetary Purpose and Plan, known as Sanat Kumara – Lord of Shamballa:
“At the head of affairs, controlling each unit and directing all evolution, stands the KING, the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, the Youth of Endless Summers, and the Fountainhead of the Will, (showing forth as Love) of the Planetary Logos …13
The Three Planetary Centres: Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity.
Sanat Kumara is the outer personality expression of that great Being, the Planetary Logos who utilises the entire planet with all its kingdoms as its body of expression.

The Ancient of Days (William Blake).
“Through Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days (as He is called in the Bible), flows the unknown energy of which the three divine Aspects are the expression. [Will, Love, Intelligence] He is the Custodian of the will of the Great White Lodge on Sirius, and the burden of this “cosmic intention” is shared by the Buddhas of Activity and those Members of the Great Council Who are of so elevated a consciousness and vibration that only once a year (through Their emissary, the Buddha) is it safe for Them to contact the Hierarchy.”14
This paragraph also requires a little explication. The star Sirius acts as a higher self to this entire solar system, of which our Earth is but one component. Hence, all of the Planetary Logoi (or Yogis!) take their “orders” from that Sirian source. Our planet is no exception and the Great White Lodge or Masters of Wisdom are the earthly correspondence of the Great White Lodge on Sirius. Yet only a small percentage of the Masters, including the Master of all Masters, The Christ, are privy to The Council of Shamballa.
Note also, that it is only once a year, that it is “safe” for the members of the Great Council to contact Hierarchy who must perforce step that energy down to Humanity at the Wesak Festival in Taurus. We can see here the power and potency of the first ray of Will or Power that Shamballa embodies, such a pure and refined spiritual force that will destroy all those unprepared to receive its emanations.

Regulus – “a star of the first magnitude”, like Sirius. The rotation of Regulus is at 700,000 mph at its equator – what are the esoteric implications of this?
Pluto is the co-ruler of the first ray, the “power” component and it is currently opposing Sirius for the first time in 248 years. Hence, Pluto is activating the Sirian Law of Karma whilst transiting through Capricorn – another zodiacal conduit for Sirian energies. (See last month’s newsletter for more.) Note also, that Leo is probably the most important festival for the transmission of Sirian forces:
“Later … we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force.”15
And the aforementioned star Regulus also plays an important role:
“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.””16
Therefore, Sanat Kumara acts as a receiver and transmitter of “unknown energy ” – and the seven ray forces as they are transmitted by the planets through the twelve zodiac signs. The “unknown energy” may well be a composite of forces that emanate from the three major constellations: The Great Bear, Sirius and Pleiades. The diagram above gives an idea of how this conglomerate of forces is “funnelled” down to Humanity.
The reader will note in this diagram that Humanity is associated with the first initiation – awakening to soul consciousness within the cave of the heart. Humanity is currently undergoing this initiation en masse, as lesser groups are being prepared for the higher initiations. Sanat Kumara (the Leonine King) only presides over the higher initiations, starting at the Third Degree, an highly exalted stage that more souls will achieve during the age of Aquarius:
“But when the initiate has made still further progress, and has taken two initiations, a change comes. The Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days, the ineffable Ruler Himself administers the third initiation. Why has this become possible? Because now the fully consecrated physical body can safely bear the vibrations of the two other bodies when they return to its shelter from the Presence of the KING; because now the purified astral and controlled mental can safely stand before that KING.
When purified and controlled they stand and for the first time consciously vibrate to the Ray of the Monad, then with prepared bodies can the ability to see and hear on all the planes be granted and achieved, and the faculty of reading and comprehending the records be safely employed, for with fuller knowledge comes added power. The heart is now sufficiently pure and loving, and the intellect sufficiently stable to stand the strain of knowing.”17
Leo Soul Brazil and the Olympic Games
As discussed is a previous newsletter, Brazil is a Leo soul with a Virgo personality. Its exoteric, rectified horoscope reflects this fact – Leo rising with a Virgo sun. Brazil has been going through massive changes in the past few years, with high-profile political corruption and civil unrest.

Demonstrators parade large inflatable dolls depicting Brazil’s former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in prison garb and current President Dilma Rousseff dressed as a thief, with a presidential sash that reads “Impeachment,” in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Sunday, March 13, 2016.
It appears that this house-cleaning has been occurring under the influence of transiting Saturn (law) in Sagittarius (ethics, principles) – bringing the nation to account. Transiting Saturn has been square to Brazil’s Virgo sun since February 2016, making its third and final square by November 2016. As the Sun is the ruler of the Leo ascendant, this is a big opportunity for Brazil’s Virgo personality to fall into greater alignment with its Leo soul.
Following Saturn’s “personality adjustment”, transiting Uranus is now starting to trine the Leo ascendant in 2016, bringing the seeds of revolution and change that will empower Brazil’s soul purpose as a leader of Latin-American nations. This transit will be much stronger in May 2017 – all the way through to March 2018. Uranus is the hierarchical ruler of Brazil’s Leo soul and may well use its “electric fire” to stimulate Brazil’s reinvention of itself with many innovative and progressive ideas.

Activists demonstrate in Brasilia 2013.
During the transit of Uranus in Aries, the progressed Sun will shift from Pisces to Aries in the next year. Likewise, progressed Mars will shift into its own sign of Aries in the next few weeks, further propelling a drive for a new beginning. The shift of the progressed Sun from one sign to another is always highly significant – from water to fire – from emotional to mental. Aries is the pioneer, a blazer of trails and a fire sign like Leo. Brazil will have the progressed Sun in this sign for thirty years, a perfect opportunity to make a new start and to overcome some of this nation’s burgeoning problems such as:
Political and business corruption, crime, poverty, environmental degradation, financial recession, lack of education, the Zika virus and the world’s highest murder rate. The culture of selfish legal, media and corporate impunity will be hard to turn around – as it has been deeply ingrained since the Portuguese first visited Brazil 500 years ago. The following description is encouraging however:

The infamous favellas of Rio.
“The web of corruption the prosecutors uncovered has touched Brazil’s highest levels of corporate and political power. The Odebrecht conglomerate, Latin America’s biggest company, is based in Brazil, and its head was just sentenced to 19 years in prison for involvement in the kickback scheme.
The leader of Brazil’s lower house of Congress has also been implicated, as have many other senior business and political figures – most notably, Silva. Many observers say the investigation is fundamentally changing the country. That might be overstating the case. But it certainly isn’t business as usual in Brazil anymore.”18
Also during this period of the next couple of years, transiting Neptune will oppose the Virgo sun, starting around April 2017 through to February 2019. Neptune will be dissolving away Brazil’s sense of self and old crystallised patterns, a healthy phase for making a new start. Yet, the lower expression of Neptune can create confusion about the national identity, as well as inviting further subterfuge and deception by selfish interests. Hence, this will be a prolonged period of uncertainty for the next three years.
But Neptune can also bring high inspiration and a new idealism that can craft a new vision for Brazil. Neptune is the soul ruler of Brazil’s Leo soul, hence its opposition to the Virgo personality has a strong potential to align personality with soul; to be subsequently energised, driving the nation forward into a new era, symbolised by the progressed Sun entering Aries.

Rio Olympics opening ceremony.
In the middle of all these current and imminent transits falls the Rio Olympic Games for 2016, in the month of Leo – perfect timing for Leo’s soul purpose. Paradoxically, for Brazil’s Virgo personality, the Olympics have been scandalised by corruption in building projects for the games, unsafe and unclean water for the rowing and sailing events, plus shoddy workmanship in some of the athlete’s facilities.
Thousands of people have been protesting the games but this has been down-played by the media. Also, thousands of security paramilitary and police have been in attendance to quell any social unrest and promote a sanitised image to the world.
The Games finish just a few days after the Leo full moon period, so the bulk of the ensuing events will be on the waxing full moon of Leo – contesting to see who will be king of their respective sporting domains!
Despite Brazil’s current setbacks and scandals, the Olympic Games mark an important moment for its Leo soul to shine; to stimulate a self-awareness that will hopefully generate a new sense of generosity and magnanimity by its governing powers toward the rest of the nation.
Physical and solar fire – symbol of the nation – the electric fire of Uranus, hierarchical ruler of Leo.
The esoteric motto for this nation is, “I hide the seed”. 10,000 athletes from around the world planted seeds in small vases placed in a metallic structure, where they will stay for one year germinating, later to be transplanted to a large area creating an “Olympic forest”.
This ritual performed by the athletes is most symbolic of Brazil’s task of synthesising all the previous races for the coming Sixth Rootrace, for which it is predicted that Brazil will be a leading nation. After all seeds were planted, the metallic structure was taken to the centre of the arena, forming the Olympic symbol of interlaced rings. This kind of creativity and innovation is one of the features of Brazil’s Leo soul purpose.
Brazil’s Leo potential will start to flower during the Age of Aquarius in the next 2,000 year cycle. Leo’s ability to invoke its polar opposite Aquarius will start to emerge, creating a synthesis of national life, a unification and fusion, blending together further the many ethnic strains that compose that nation and playing a greater role on the world stage for global fusion.
Phillip Lindsay © 2016.
Dedicated to my (Leo) father Peter Lindsay, who passed away August 15 just before his 88th solar return on August 18. Farewell and much love dear friend – happy trails on your next adventure!
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.285. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.309. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.286. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.155. [↩]
- The Key to Theosophy, H.P. Blavatsky. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.228. [↩]
- http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/02/15/world-largest-solar-plant-burning-up-birds-in-nevada-desert.html [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.120. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.305. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.47. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.39. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.130. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.299. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.300. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.88. [↩]
- http://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2016/03/14/470116613/as-the-olympics-loom-brazil-lurches-from-one-crisis-to-the-next [↩]
Well said about Brazil Phillip. I work with a colleague who’s in Rio for 2.5 weeks while her daughter competes for beach volleyball gold on Copacabana Beach. The whole notion of “elite athletes”, drugs, medal counts, and domination by the USA and China leaves me sickened. A recent TV documentary based on a book about the 1936 Berlin Games gave much insight into the workings of the post war games including the push for “bigger better” extravaganzas, and even the Olympic torch run. Sufficient to say, the documentary suggested a blighted history of the post WW2 games, kick-started by Hitler’s 1936 games. Nice to see Fiji get a gold medal for the 1st time in history, but will it help their country and flow to the people.
Thank you very much Mr. Phillip Lindsay for freely sharing this information, with both those who have money and those who don’t.
“Everyone who has understood the fundamentals of evolution has the responsibility to transmit his knowledge to some others. In this, the one who transmits the knowledge, whether he is great or not, is subject to the same law: he must pass his knowledge on without violating the freedom of others. The fundamentals of evolution can be realized only voluntarily, and can be applied in life only through the striving of the awakening spirit. Agni Yoga 153.
Very helplful! Thank you Phillip. As a Leo with a Scorpio moon and Aries ascending, I was profoundly affected mentally as I studied your Leo comments.
Thank you Phillip for adding the analyzes on Mr. Petit, the comments on raja yoga, and the astrological interpretation on Brazil’s chart.
The science of the Raja Yoga, is very much needed at this moment, it offers the real cure for dispelling the prevalent glamour. The book by AAB the Light of the Soul, to me is the best one on this science, as it brings a revision by DK on the translation for the West, of the aphorisms of Patanjali. This book is around already for 10000 years and it will be still around for more 7000 years, and it is said it is used even by high initiates.
What happen in developing countries, needs a different vision understanding, and interpretation from people who broadcast the news abroad…. at the appearance side may have similarities with the developed ones, but it is not at all the same. The security measure (police, military and paramilitary) had the purpose of protecting the athletes, the visitors and the population, and not to show a sanitised image to the world, it is amazing how the foreign media can be mean, and how they try always to look at the downside of things, (in a dual system, and in a dual world/universe, everything has two sides), in a 4th ray organism things can be out of balance, or not. The information of world’s highest murder rate needs to be checked. Of course one can not say that nothing is happening here (and it is happening everywhere), but it is not exactly what is in the news abroad. There are false propaganda from all sides, positive as well as negative, it is very difficult to discern what is really going on… well it is a long story…
Brazil is a probationary and is going through several test of choice related to the next step, and in spite of all odds, it seems it is going in the right direction, it is kind of being at the Chrysalide stage before becoming a butterfly, a true process of ‘solution’ (dissolution) that precedes transformation; there are very positive signs of it, when one sees them.
There were at Rio city the representatives of 205 nations, around 11000 athletes plus their trainers and technicians…people from all races and ethnic groups, they all planted a seed (as you mentioned). There happened many moments of true inspiration and uplifting, and the energies focused in the heart centre of the country were steadily used by the spiritual groups to fulfill the purpose of the soul of the nation. When the soul is activated, the conflict is on.
Dear Phillip,
I read with great interest your story of Philippe Petit’s accomplishments. While watching the video of his walk across the Twin Towers I had the impression that in addition to his phenomenal balance and concenration he possesed an understanding about the illusion of reality. He looked as if his body fit perfectly within the space of what he was doing at the time in an atomic sense.
Do you think Philippe has any 7th Ray qualities in his make up?
I also watched the Touching the Void Video”. It was deeply moving in my energy centers and had me gripping the arms of my chair for dear life. It seemed from the movie intervies that all parties involved in that experience were able to move on in life having had that kind of emotional onslaught.
Thank you for this evokative addition to you Leo Newsletter.
With Gratitude,
Diane Adams
Dear Phillip,
Thank you so much for this rich contribution of esoteric wisdom and cognitive interpretation of Leo´s characteristics as they apply to our daily phenomena – I particularly like this approach, as a good Virgo personality would. You shared with enormous generosity your knowledge about Philippe Petit and the videos impacted me profoundly. Also thanks to your comments about Brazil, very well commented by MCristina above….I was in Finland during the most part of the Olympic games, but returned in time to see the impeachment process going on in Brasilia, with legal implications that tend to make the needed changes go on at a slower pace: the ex-president was condemned for being irresponsible using public money without the approval of Congress, and subsequently allowed to take any public office, due to an spetacular manoeuver of the Labor Party, led by Lula (Luis Inácio da Silva). This, in turn, makes the mission of the new president Michel Temer, who is presently in China trying to finalize new contracts for Brazil, very difficult. As you said, what is happening to Brazil still is unknown for the world as well as for most of us, Brazilians. Your comments, however, shed enough light to meditate deeply on this important issue in order to define how we can better contribute to the probationary cause, as classified by MCA. The presence of Morya Federation in Brazil was the small seed that was planted this year as well, with the launching of the Meditation Quest Course in Portuguese version, an Herculean feat in the City of Salvador (the Savior).
With gratitude and praise,
Tania Belfort