Libra 2015: European Refugee Crisis. Austria & Germany. 4th Ray Cycle. USA.
(Artist: Johfra)
Libra Keynote
“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
(Full Moon: September 28, 2015. 3.50 am. GMT)
The Libra Equinox: Individual and Group Relationships
European Refugee Crisis: Pisces Germany and Austria’s Libran Soul
Austria, Germany and the Imminent Reappearance of the Fourth Ray
Integration of the Subraces of the Fifth Rootrace
The Magnetic Storm of 1859 and the USA
The Libra Equinox: Individual and Group Relationships
The recent Libra equinox (Sept.23), is symbolic of Libra in general, setting the tone for the next quarter of the year. It is one of the cardinal points that builds the four-square foundation of the annual cycle: Aries-Libra, Cancer-Capricorn. Libra is the balance between seasons, night and day, between people, between the head and heart. Libra is fairness, justice and right relationships – seeking to unite the pairs of opposites, creating beauty and harmony.
Through its esoteric ruler Uranus, Libra presides over relationships between groups, bringing like-minded collectives together in mutual co-operation. Libra precedes Aquarius, ruled by Uranus exoterically, furthering the shared goals of group work and community – particularly groups of nations, as is happening today in the world.
The airy trigon of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius represent the three main zodiac signs of relationships:
– Gemini – relationships in general, through identifying the common thread between all beings.
– Libra – personal, intimate relationships ruled by Libra.
– Aquarius – group relations.
Libra is currently prominent in the planetary horoscope:
“In this transition period …between … the Piscean Age which is passing and that of Aquarius which is coming in – Libra will eventually rule, and the end of this century [20th] will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope. There is, therefore, no need for real anxiety.”1
Perhaps there should be a T-shirt, RELAX, I AM LIBRA! Libra’s annual solar activation brings it into relation with the airy signs, particularly Gemini, the sign of travel, movement and restlessness. Currently, Gemini ruler Mercury is retrograde in Libra for the next few weeks, highlighting the plight of refugees – Wandering Humanity searching for its soul.
Mercury retrograde in Libra will create opportunities to put wrong relationships right; to arrive at decision-making based upon the judicial weighing of the scales – but only after Mercury goes direct!; to foster Libran harmony in the world through peace negotiations and détente.
European Refugee Crisis: Pisces Germany and Austria’s Libran Soul
“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.”
(John Donne)

From a series on the migrant by French sculptor, Bruno Catalano. They are missing what has been left behind – but will regain in their new nation.
The European refugee crisis is the biggest mass exodus of people since World War II. Many refugees are from the war-torn zones of the world such as Syria, Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan. These people are running away from war, ethnic and religious conflicts, human rights abuses and economic hardship. There is great suffering at the moment as boatloads of refugees are drowning in the Mediterranean almost every week, whilst families are divided through their desperation for a better life than the one they left behind.
The economic factor has been a main motivating impulse behind the huge exodus of migrants into northern Europe, of which Syrian refugees constitute only 20%. The rest are from places like Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.
Germany has been prominent in responding compassionately to the crisis. Germany has a Pisces personality and whilst Pisces ruler Neptune is transiting through its own sign, Germany has opened its heart and its borders to hundreds of thousands of refugees; it has performed a Piscean “absorption” of the masses.
Three factors have spurred this remarkable response. First, there was the recent full moon of Virgo 2015 – Jupiter in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces – a potent combination of planets and signs on the Love-Wisdom line. Jupiter, ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom and Neptune, god of the waters and expression of Christ-consciousness in this solar system. Virgo and Pisces are well known as signs of deep compassion and nurturing.
The second factor was an impulsive and genuinely compassionate response from Angela Merkel, stimulated no doubt from recent satirical portrayals, plus Germany’s hard line economic stance toward Greece, one of the nations buckling under the strain of the refugee inundation. Indeed, the Syrians were calling her “Mama Merkel” appropriate for this Cancer Sun individual.
The third factor was an independent response by the German and Austrian people themselves, regardless of what their governments deemed fit. They chose to demonstrate about it publicly and passionately, as did many other individuals, groups and nations around Europe. In Iceland, whose soul ruler is Libra, 11,000 families offered accommodation to refugees. All over Europe, Facebook and other help websites were set up, Airbnb, charities, food and clothing, donations etc.
Pro-migrant street marches and demonstrations spontaneously ignited all over the world, allowing the people to sound out a note of solidarity and compassion.
Of course, several European nations like Sweden and Norway have been helping Middle Eastern migrants and refugees for decades, but this current crisis is now overwhelming the rest of Europe. Many in those previously hospitable nations are currently having second thoughts, arguing abuses to the social security system, plus the manipulation of Islamic people by radical Imams, once re-established in their new host nation; that greater demands will be made to sustain old religious customs – no longer suitable for the 21st century and modern life.
This is the philosophy that underlies European nations resisting immigration, such as Denmark, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. And not without good reason, they have all experienced the abuses that come with some immigrants.
Yet, there is a short historical memory for some nations; it is ironic that right-wing governed Hungary is seeing today’s refugees following the path of Hungarians who fled the Soviets in the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. The Hungarians have enlisted the help of Israel in building fences to keep refugees out. But all the refugees want is to pass through the country, not to stay in it.
“Being a victim of war doesn’t know a particular religion. If you’re a woman facing terrible crimes to be committed against you, if you’re a child, a little child, potentially drowning at sea, I’m not interested in their religion, I’m interested in their safety.” (Australian Opposition Leader, Bill Shorten.)
The cynics and critics have said that Germany is not being that generous because it needs more people to keep the nation going, due to a declining birth rate and that they have been trying to attract more immigrants and cheap labour for the past few years. This is true, but one only has to witness the spontaneous and generous welcome that refugees have received from the German and Austrian people to know that it has been a genuine heartfelt response, an outpouring of compassion. Generosity is a quality of the soul, many nations have not reached that point yet.
Germans are acutely aware of the shadow of their Nazi past which they have been desperately trying to leave behind. The response in recent weeks must have gone a long way toward balancing some of that karma.
Time will tell how sustained that response will be and not just an emotional reaction to a picture of a drowned boy on a Turkish beach. It is no coincidence that this is the biggest refugee crisis since the World Wars, both started by Germany.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
It is ironic that the words upon America’s Statue of Liberty reflect more of how Europe is responding than the USA, who many commentators say is responsible for the Syrian debacle – through their attempted de-stabilisation of that nation. Many Western nations are complicit in the Middle Eastern mess, through financial advantage taken, armaments trading and the exploitation of resources such as oil etc. And so the karma is now visiting itself upon the nations of Europe and there is an encouraging recognition of this fact. As a New York Times headline says, “The refugee crisis isn’t a “European Problem”” – in other words, it’s a global problem because all nations are inextricably related economically, religiously and politically.
Love the Stranger “I used to think that the most important line in the Bible was “Love your neighbour as yourself”. Then I realised that it is easy to love your neighbour because he or she is usually quite like yourself. What is hard is to love the stranger, one whose colour, culture or creed is different from yours.

A father breaks down at the Hungarian border, after walking with his family from Serbia.
That is why the command, “Love the stranger because you were once strangers”, resonates so often throughout the Bible. It is summoning us now. A bold act of collective generosity will show that the world, particularly Europe, has learned the lesson of its own dark past and is willing to take a global lead in building a more hopeful future.”2
Austria, Germany and the Imminent Reappearance of the Fourth Ray
“… humanity is primarily governed by two rays (the second and fourth) … those nations and countries whose governing rays are the second and fourth must and will play an important part in determining human destiny.”3
The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict – or the ray of art, music and beauty – is the main ray that conditions humanity. Like all lives, human or cosmic, the rays have cycles of incarnation. The fourth ray is due to come back into incarnation in 2025 but its effects have been felt for the past thirty years. Now, only ten years away from 2025, all entities conditioned by this ray will start to experience its effects more potently. It is also worth reminding that Britain and the USA are second ray souls, demonstrating much compassion and generosity in the past.

Extraordinary, massive demonstrations for refugee support in Austria.
For humanity in general there will be more conflict, that is certain – with the potential for harmonisation – as the forces of materialism try to maintain their hold on a Humanity struggling to free itself. The imminent reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom sometime after 2025 is also having an effect, as Their combined Power and Love-Wisdom gradually precipitate into the world.
Austria and Germany, are both fourth ray souls.4 The souls of both nations have given much to the world in the form of classical music during a minor fourth ray cycle during the Piscean Age. (Germany’s unintegrated Piscean personality was responsible for causing both World Wars, described here in another newsletter.) It seems now that Austria and Germany’s recent humanitarian responses are indicative of the fourth ray soul influence which carries much of the compassionate second ray in it:
Angela Merkel and the unfortunate incident with a Palestinian girl.
“When the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict is the energy expressing itself through the soul, the indications are that the country concerned is nearing the Path of Discipleship or the Path of Probation. Austria and Germany are nearing the Path of Discipleship; Brazil is on the Path of Probation and will rapidly move forward; Austria is nearer true discipleship than is Germany and, spiritually, Austria has much eventually to give.
Spiritual leadership will not be lacking once a measure of security and better living conditions have been assured [written WWII] … Germany will recover, provided she does not again permit herself to become a battleground, owing to her strategic position in central Europe.”5 Note, these three nations are the only ones on the planet listed as fourth ray souls.6
The recent signs of Germany’s response (giving them the benefit of the doubt), may indicate that her personality has reached a point of integration that it did not possess in WWII. Hence, with that personality integration comes easier soul alignment with its Fourth Ray soul.
France, Great Britain and Italy were all regarded during WWII as having integrated personalities,7 and hence a little further along the Path. Presumably this is still the case with this family of European nations.
Austria is also ruled by Libra at the soul level and her national motto is, “I serve the lighted Way.” Given that Austria is “nearer true discipleship” than Germany, perhaps both its soul ray and soul sign Libra have been instrumental in the most recent initiatives emanating from the heart of Europe.
Libra is concerned with the law, fairness and right relationship. The refugee-immigration crisis represents a failure of those Libran principles by most nations. Perhaps Austria’s Libra/4th ray soul has recognised this fact, just as its Scandinavian Libran counterpart has risen to the occasion for decades now. Scandinavia (Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark), is also ruled at the soul level by Libra and is one of the main destinations for refugees. (Resistance in Denmark at the moment.)
It is noteworthy that Austria’s soul sign and ray have much in common. The fourth ray of beauty, music and art resonates with Libra’s Venus-inspired love of beauty and harmony. Libra cannot stand conflict, yet the fourth ray is Harmony through Conflict. Aries is the polar opposite to Libra and happens to be the soul sign of Germany, a very complimentary pairing for these nations to work together.
Germany and Austria have agreed that there must be an organised approach worked out to deal with the refugee crisis. If anyone is suited to that, it is Germany, whose ability to initiate action under its Aries soul will complement its seventh ray qualities of organisation and order – a formidable combination!
It will be interesting to observe the dynamics of this Libra-Aries axis between the souls of these two nations: Aries Germany initiating action whilst Libran Austria maintains the balance and harmony, as well as assisting in the practical implementation of any plans through its fifth ray personality:
“You will note how three of these rays definitely predispose the Libran subject to concrete understanding, to intelligent will and to knowledge: the first ray (functioning through the 3rd and 5th rays) the fifth ray and the third ray. Hence the effectiveness of Libra upon the physical plane and the power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression.”8
Integration of the Subraces of the Fifth Rootrace
The world is witnessing an integration of cultures and diversity of peoples never experienced before in history on this scale; it could be termed a “psycho-synthesis of nations”. As touched upon in other newsletters, there has long been historical enmity between the fourth and fifth subraces against the third subrace.
That is, the Teutonic, Nordic, Latin and Celtic – toward the Arabs, Moors, Afghanis, modern Egyptians and Jews.9 The following table is from the author’s The Hidden History of Humanity I, detailing the strictly Western subraces:
For the past twenty years or more, but especially now, it seems that this ancient enmity is waning, as millions flock to the European nations that embody the fourth and fifth subraces:
The Latin-Celtic nations such as Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, France, Ireland and Scotland.
The Teutonic, Anglo-Saxon, Nordic nations such as Great Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, Russia etc.

Heading north to Europe.
Notwithstanding misgivings from a large percentage of the European population, this migration and integration is going ahead so quickly that it is almost beyond anyone’s control. There is so much mixed blood in Europe now; the blending of the races at the peak of this Fifth Rootrace proceeds in preparation for the emerging Sixth Rootrace, where there will develop completely new racial archetypes – as a result of the current blending. Add to the mix the many streams of African and Asian heritage, the proverbial melting pot is expanding to include all.
The paradox here, although this discussion is about ethnic divisions, it is more about consciousness evolving in the Fifth Rootrace. Hence, many of those in Atlantean bodies, such as Asians, Indonesians, indigenous South Americans and Africans – are developing or are already expressing Fifth Rootrace consciousness, depending upon their own individual soul evolution and service – and upon the bodies and nations in which they have chosen to incarnate and serve. Conversely, many of those in so-called Aryan bodies, such as the masses of India, are still rooted in Atlantean consciousness.
There will still be preserved the archetypes of each race and the Asian races in particular will always have their own individuality due to the fact that there are two major divisions upon the globe – the Occident and the Orient. The merging in consciousness of those two hemispheres is inevitable but still a long way off.
The Tibetan comments upon “ceaseless migration”:
“… I would differentiate most carefully between countries and nations, owing to the fact that today and increasingly in the future, they will not be synonymous. The British nation is, for instance, a great synthesis of people, as is the United States of America, and also, in a lesser extent, both Brazil and the Argentine.
Under the present situation, incident to the war [WWII] and starting around the year 1900, there is a constant and ceaseless migration of peoples from one place to another and from one country to another, taking place today not only individually but also in group formation. This tends to produce an inevitable fusion, blending and producing inter-racial life, thus constantly offsetting and negating what has been called “racial purity.”
This attempt at an impossible racial segregation and purity is a misnomer, for the past renders it impossible; mixed blood runs in all veins, but the effort to produce this is the keynote of certain of the more modern cultures. These fortunately are in a minority, for they are anti-evolutionary and their objective is quite impossible of achievement, for they do not start with any pure strain.
This tendency towards racial segregation (so noticeable in the Jew and the German) is a form of isolationism and necessarily an aspect of materialism, and is related to the personality of humanity and not to the soul aspect; it is separative in effect and normally feeds pride in the individual and the nation; it runs counter to the true progress of humanity which must lead increasingly to closer human relations, to human wholeness in the truest sense of the term; it will produce the inevitable recognition of vital human unity, placing no emphasis upon individual nations and races.
This isolationist spirit was one of the dangers to which the neutral powers were at one time prone, particularly the United States, and the physical warning as to this danger was given to them in the magnetic storms which severed contact between them and Europe and dislocated their relationship between states within America itself.”10
Again, this passage was written during WWII. Germany since that era has completely reversed its isolationist stance, indicating a greater maturity and measure of soul contact.
The Magnetic Storm of 1859 and the USA
The previous passage about “magnetic storms” is extraordinary as it concerns the Sun and its’ co-rulership of the second ray of Love-Wisdom. A magnetic storm is a disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field caused by solar flares from the Sun:
“The effects of these storms include disruption of communications and navigation systems, intense auroras, damage to satellites, and during the most extreme storms, induced currents in power lines and pipelines that result in power outages and corrosion.”11
Perhaps Humanity should pay more heed to these kind of warnings. Is the planet experiencing more solar phenomena – as universal law imparts its warnings through Mother Nature?
When considering this statement, “… the magnetic storms which severed contact between them and Europe and dislocated their relationship between states within America itself” – there is a possibility that The Tibetan is referring to a huge magnetic storm in 1859 – just as the American Civil War was brewing and about to break out:
“On Sept. 2, 1859, an incredible storm of charged particles sent by the sun slammed into Earth’s atmosphere, overpowered it, and caused havoc on the ground. Telegraph wires, the high-tech stuff of the time, suddenly shorted out in the United States and Europe, igniting widespread fires. Colorful aurora, normally visible only in polar regions, were seen as far south as Cuba and Hawaii.
Earth’s magnetic field normally protects the surface of the planet from some storms. In 1859, the planet’s defenses were totally overwhelmed. Over the past decade, similar but less powerful storms have likewise busted through, giving scientists insight into what will eventually happen again.

On August 31, 2012 a long filament of solar material that had been hovering in the sun’s atmosphere, the corona, erupted out into space.
The solar storm of 1859 was three times more powerful than one that cut power to an entire Canadian province in 1989. If a storm that severe occurred today, it could cause up to $2 trillion in initial damages by crippling communications on Earth and fuelling chaos among residents and even governments in a scenario that would require four to 10 years for recovery …”12
From August 28 to September 2, 1859, numerous sunspots were observed on the sun. The Sun was transiting through Virgo, square to Uranus in Gemini, for this five-day period. Uranus rules electricity and, via its rulership of Aquarius, revolution and change.
The American Civil War was about to break out and to paraphrase the earlier quote, “…contact was severed between them [USA] and Europe and dislocated their relationship between states within America itself.” Underlining this amazing statement is that it was the Uranus return in USA’s horoscope – in other words, Uranus was on its 84-year cycle – returned to its natal position, almost to the exact degree. Hence, transiting Sun was not only squaring transiting Uranus, but also USA’s natal Uranus – a marvellous point of tension from which to launch a seventh ray sub-cycle!
Uranus rules the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic and 1860 was the beginning of a seventh ray sub-cycle of the sixth ray. Another notable event at this time (June 4, 1859) was the Second Italian War of Independence that culminated in freedom from Austrian rule and a united Italy in 1861.
It is also worth noting that the USA’s soul is on the second ray of Love-Wisdom. The Sun is the co-ruler of the second ray and it was transiting through Virgo at the time, the most powerful sign in the zodiac for the expression of the second ray. Also, Jupiter, the other co-ruler of the second ray, had passed over the USA Cancer Sun (1776 chart) just a few weeks before this event.
The main issue at stake in the American Civil War was African American slavery and its proposed abolition. This was a decision that came from USA’s second ray soul, based upon compassion and the ending of suffering. In 1859, USA had its progressed Sun in Libra (fairness, the law) and solar arc Mercury was passing over USA’s Saturn in Libra – as transiting Mercury is now in 2015 – at the time of this writing!
It’s interesting to note that racial integration has recently taken a few backward steps with ongoing injustices and prejudices toward African Americans. The new slavery now is below-minimum wages – for all ethnic groups – and the corporate domination of America – that ironically, Abraham Lincoln warned about in the 1860’s.
Phillip Lindsay © 2015.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
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- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.102. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.50. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p. 625-6. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.50. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.77. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.400. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.64. [↩]
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