Libra 2016 (Part 1): Equinox. Battle for Peace. Tutu. Vaughan. Spirit of Peace.
Libra Keynote
“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
Full Moon: October 16, 2016. 5:23 am. GMT (BST).
“In this transition period through which the world is now passing and in this interlude between two activities – that of the Piscean Age which is passing and that of Aquarius which is coming in – Libra will eventually rule, and the end of this century will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope. There is, therefore, no need for real anxiety.”1
Libra 2016 (Part 1)
The Libra Equinox
The Sun “Falls” in Libra
Libra’s Battle for Peace
No Man’s Land Revisited
The New Mystics
Libra the Interlude and Point of Balance
Desmond Tutu: Libran Peacemaker
Stevie Ray Vaughan: Guitar Prodigy
The Spirit of Peace
Unity, Peace and Plenty
Libra 2016 (Part 2)
Understanding the Agony of Syria
The Cause of Syria’s War: Entirely Through US Interference
Venus in Scorpio and Syria
Israel’s Influence
Shimon Peres and Israel: War and Peace
US Elections November 8, 2016
Russia and USA: Right Libran Relations
This newsletter blossomed into two newsletters – due, I am sure, to the influence of transiting Jupiter through Libra! So it has been arranged into two parts, the second part far more political and controversial – that delineates the global crisis at this time. So, plenty of reading and reflection for the month of October, enjoy!
(Click on the link at the end of this newsletter to access Libra 2016 (Part 2).)
The Libra Equinox
The Sun made its annual ingress into Libra on September 22, marking the balance of the year – when action initiated in Aries found its reaction in Libra. We call this the Law of Cause and Effect or karma, hence the reason why Saturn, the Lord of Karma, is exalted in Libra. Saturn is the harvester or reaper of “crops” (actions) we have created – mental, emotional or physical.
Libra is about making a decision, a choice – balancing the scales with the judicial mind, so that they cease to oscillate this way or that; where the middle point of equilibrium is achieved, that leads to the choosing of the Middle Way, the path that leads out of the dark forest of conflicting opposites.
This is why Libra is called “the master of no-man’s land” and why Libra has been so prominent in the planetary horoscope these past twenty years – where Humanity has had to make some critical choices.
This “no man’s land” is like the equinox when there are equal hours of night and day (equi-nox = “equal night”) – when the sun crosses the plane of the earth’s equator and is directly above it. The Sun is neither in the southern or northern hemispheres, it is “in between” – in an interlude.
The two equinoxes and two solstices, mark the astrological cardinal cross of Aries-Libra, Cancer-Capricorn. Like the solstices where the Sun “stands still”, equinoxes share the same theme of the illusion of no time.
The Sun “Falls” in Libra
A good way to remember this “fall” is to think of Aries, where the Sun is exalted, corresponding to sunrise. The opposite sign Libra is where the sun sets, hence “falls” below the horizon.
In Esoteric Astrology, the Sun represents the three-fold lower self or personality, hence Venus-ruled Libran sun-sign individuals are marked, at least superficially, by a lack of egoism (a setting sun) – compared to Mars-ruled Aries where egoism (the rising sun) is far more obvious or “in your face”. This theme of egoism is closely linked to identity and the ahamkara, the principle of self-consciousness.
“The sun falls in this sign because again neither the personality nor the soul dominates in the man who is a pure Libran; a balance is achieved and thus they esoterically “tune each other out.” Neither the voice of the personality nor of the soul is heard particularly but … “a gentle oscillation now proceeds. No strident note is heard; no violent colouring of the life affects … and no upsetting of the chariot of the soul.”
The significance of the place of the planets in this sign will emerge clearly in your consciousness when you study them with care and the meaning of Libra will become definitely formulated in your mind.

(Artist: Susan Boulet.)
The characteristics of this sign are not easy to define or comprehend because they are in reality the synthesis of all past qualities and achievements and any clear presentation of the pairs of opposites is difficult to get.”2
A “synthesis of all past qualities and achievements” – does this concern the aggregate of accomplishments in the previous six signs from Aries to Virgo – for the conscious soul on the reversed wheel journey? The following statement concerns the individual who has “reversed the wheel”, has taken the first initiation and had several incarnations earnestly treading the path toward liberation:
“As regards man upon the probationary path or upon the verge of treading it, it might be said that his characteristics and qualities in this sign are:
Fickleness and variability | A secure and settled position |
Imbalance | Balance |
Bias. Prejudice | Justice. Judgment |
Dull stupidity | Enthusiastic wisdom |
Untrue, showy outer form life | True correct expression |
Intrigue | Straightforward conduct |
Materialistic attitudes | Spiritual attitudes |
Libra’s Battle for Peace
“It is the balancing between the pairs of opposites which makes the man in Libra sometimes difficult to understand; he appears to vacillate but never for long and often unnoticeably, for there is always the final balancing of the qualities with which he is equipped.”3
This “vacillation” of the Libran scales produces its well-known procrastination and indecisiveness, played out in the drama of Arjuna on the battlefield, paralysed with indecision when facing his extended family – who are the enemy he has to fight. Krishna is his charioteer, representing the soul that is guiding Arjuna the personality. Here there is the pairs of opposites of Aries-Libra again. Aries-ruled Mars the god of war and Libra-ruled Venus as goddess of peace.
Paradoxically, although outwardly peaceful and laid-back, Librans can often have many Mars-ial wars in the inner life as they try to contain the pairs of opposites. And these pairs of opposites vary depending upon where the individual is upon the Path. In the journey to Liberation, of consciously treading The Way, there are three main phases of this Path:
Path | Percentages Upon the Path of Return | Plane |
Path of Aspiration | The majority. (about 60%) | Astral |
Path of Discipleship | Smaller but significant group. (about 30%) | Mental |
Path of Initiation | A minority. (about 10%) | Intuition |
“It should be remembered that just as the battle ground (the kurukshetra) for the aspirant or probationer is the astral plane, so the battle ground for the disciple is the mental plane. There is his kurukshetra. The aspirant has to learn to control his emotional psychic nature through right control of the mind, and this Krishna seeks to emphasise as he trains Arjuna to take the next step towards right vision.
The disciple has to carry forward this mental attention, and, through right use of the mind, achieve a higher realisation, and bring into active use a still higher factor – that of the intuition.”4
It can be a tricky exercise in knowing where to place oneself on the Path. Humans, with their hubris, want to naturally be further ahead of where they actually are. Aspirants think that they are disciples, and likewise some disciples think that they are initiates. Perspectives are attained by eventually piercing through these veils of glamour (astral) and illusion (mental) – in one life or another!
Even in one of the Master DK’s experimental groups in the 1940’s,5 one person who had not taken the first initiation thought he was ready to take the exalted fourth degree! Nevertheless, we are all aspirants from the most humble new aspirant to the Christ – it is simply a matter of relativity.
No-Man’s-Land Revisited
There are various phases of the Libran No-Man’s-Land:
- Where the consciousness is caught between the opposites and does not (in developed or undeveloped souls) for various reasons, temporary or permanent, have sufficient mental discipline or discrimination to free themselves. Hence the phrases, “sitting on the fence” or “caught between a rock and a hard place” – at times a place of futility and desperation. Libra-ruler-Venus is the mind and esoteric-ruler-Uranus is the ability to organise oneself. Perhaps some of the previous descriptions of opposites in Libra might apply here: Fickleness and variability. Imbalance. Dull stupidity (!).
- When one is unable to find the razor-edged path (which Libra rules), that leads out of this “neutral” no man’s land zone – it can be a place of utter nothingness where one is neither this nor that – even a place of abandonment, imagined or otherwise; a period of isolation and profound solitariness where one is tested in the fires of initiation.
Hence the importance of Libra as a sign of relationships, connecting with others, finding love and human kindness – and incidentally, identity. The testings for initiation is averred to elsewhere:
“Scorpio stands midway between two signs of balance or of equilibrium – Sagittarius and Libra. Libra marks an interlude or a notable point of balance before the strenuous testing and trial of Scorpio. Sagittarius marks another point of balance which follows after that testing, for the Archer has to acquire and hold a steady eye, hand and stance prior to firing the arrow which, when rightly directed and correctly followed, will carry him through the portal of initiation.”6
- When there is an absence of the warring opposites then peace and beauty of buddhi supervenes and one becomes a “master of no man’s land”.
The New Mystics
Some world aspirants have a particular dharma to occupy “no-man’s land”:
“… both of these groups – the general public and the world aspirants in their varying degrees – have, among them those who stand out from the general average as possessing a deeper insight and understanding; they occupy a no-man’s-land, intermediate on the one hand between the masses and the esotericists and, on the other, between the esotericists and the Members of the Hierarchy.”7
Elaborating further,

(Artist: Nicholas Roerich.)
“A new type of mystic is coming to be recognised; he differs from the mystics of the past by his practical interest in current world affairs and not in religious and church matters only; he is distinguished by his lack of interest in his own personal development, by his ability to see God immanent in all faiths and not just in his own particular brand of religious belief, and also by his capacity to live his life in the light of the divine Presence.
All mystics have been able to do this to a greater or less degree, but the modern mystic differs from those in the past in that he is able clearly to indicate to others the techniques of the Path; he combines both head and heart, intelligence and feeling, plus an intuitive perception, hitherto lacking. The clear light of the Spiritual Hierarchy now illumines the way of the modern mystic, and not simply the light of his own soul; this will be increasingly the case.”8
A key phrase here is, “practical interest in current world affairs”. There is the Libran razor-edged path of “living in the world but not of it” – a delicate balance that must be embraced by all true seekers, whatever their astrological persuasion. The dilemma of being cloistered in ivory tower idealism of spiritual teachings that aspire to the highest, whilst not examining that which is happening in the world; a refusal to examine the mainstream narrative and look beneath it, as all true students of esotericism should. Well, not everyone is cut out to be a “new type of mystic” – this is simply illustrative of the various positions some aspirants and disciples take.
Libra the Interlude and Point of Balance
Libra has been called the interlude, which bears strong similarities to no man’s land, but is not quite the same thing. Libra rules the contemplation phase of meditation, the middle of the five phases – where the life of soul and personality is balanced and neither dominates. Yet the soul is preparing itself for battle on the probationary stage of the Path:
“Libra is the “point of balance” in the zodiac. In most of the other constellations, at some stage or other, there comes a “point of crisis” wherein the effect of the energy pouring through the sign (via the ruling planets) to man is at its highest point of effectiveness.
This in time precipitates the crisis which is required to release the man from the planetary influences which condition his personality and bring him more definitely and consciously under the influence of the sign of the zodiac.
But in Libra there is no such point of crisis any more than there is in Aries. There is only the interlude of balance as a prelude to a more effective and sensitive progress upon the path. It is the same in Aries.
As it is esoterically said: “Before creation, silence and the stillness of a focussed point.” This applies to both Aries and Libra – the one in a cosmic and creative sense and the other in an individual and progressive evolutionary sense.”9
The beauty of Esoteric Astrology facilitates the tracing of the evolution of consciousness through the signs, via their planetary rulerships – exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. Hence, tracing Venus through the signs gives a glimpse of this process:

Birth of Venus. (Botticelli) She balances in the centre of the shell upon the waters which she rules over, because Venus is the mind and the waters are the astral nature. Venus is beauty incarnate.
“Venus rules in Taurus, Libra and Capricorn, and is the source of the intelligent mind, acting either through desire (in the early stages) or love (in the later stages). In Taurus, this means the mind expressing itself through intelligent desire, for that is the goal of knowledge for ordinary man.
In Libra, the point of balance or equilibrium is attained between material personal desire and intelligent spiritual love, for the two qualities of cosmic desire are brought to the fore in the consciousness in Libra and balanced one against the other.
In Capricorn, it stands for spiritual love, expressing itself perfectly when the work in Taurus and Libra has been accomplished. Thus can the golden thread of evolutionary progress be traced throughout the zodiacal path from sign to sign, and thus the history of humanity can be seen and its goal visioned.”10
Desmond Tutu: Libran Peacemaker
(Oct 7, 1931) On the eve of The International Day of Peace (Sept 21) there was a fake news report that Tutu had died. Yet it was good news to know that this 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner’s influence is still very much present – and an opportunity to celebrate his life while he is still living.
“Tutu’s admirers see him as a great man who, since the demise of apartheid, has been active in the defence of human rights and uses his high profile to campaign for the oppressed. He has campaigned to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, poverty, racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984; the Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism in 1986; the Pacem in Terris Award in 1987; the Sydney Peace Prize in 1999; the Gandhi Peace Prize in 2007; and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009. He has also compiled several books of his speeches and sayings.”11
Tutu has Sun, Mercury and Venus in Libra, plus Mars in Scorpio – a true “warrior for peace”. He has a hearty Leo moon conjunct Jupiter expressing a boundless generosity. His fight for justice in South Africa with his brother Nelson Mandela has spanned many decades. He has been at the forefront of promoting forgiveness as the co-chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He also wrote a book called The Book of Forgiving and with that theme so prominent in his life, one might suspect that he has Pisces rising (birth time unknown).
Tutu has a challenging Moon-Jupiter in Leo square to Mars in Scorpio aspect – highly potent but can also be stridently misguided in the use of power, anger and violence. Tutu as a child witnessed violence from his father toward his mother and felt powerless to stop it, blaming himself until he learnt how to forgive his father and himself.
But this point of tension in his horoscope has helped him transform his anger at the injustices of apartheid, into an intense passion that has directed law reform. He has been the moral conscience of South Africa, having a huge impact for Humanism in the world.
Tutu has recently been in hospital for further prostate cancer treatment after successfully treating it in 1997; something a Libran might suffer, given one of its themes of sex, but also because transiting Pluto has been squaring his Sun for the last few years, bringing vestiges of the cancer from the Pluto-ruled base chakra into the light of day.
Stevie Ray Vaughan: Guitar Prodigy
The anniversary has just passed of Stevie Ray Vaughan (October 3, 1954 – August 27, 1990) – a “guitar avatar”. He was widely considered one of the most influential electric guitarists in the history of music, and one of the most important figures in the revival of blues in the 1980’s. Said Eric Clapton:
“I suddenly got this flash that I’d experienced before so many times whenever I’d seen him play, which was that he was like a channel. One of the purest channels I’ve ever seen, where everything he sang and played flowed straight down from heaven. Almost like one of those mystic Sufi guys with one finger pointing up and one finger down … They [Vaughan and Hendrix] both played out of their skin, every time they picked up their instruments, as if there was no tomorrow,”
Neptune is the mystic, and Vaughan’s Sun Mercury and especially Neptune in Libra – square to Jupiter-Uranus in Cancer constituted his watery “channel” and inspiration from on high; the downside of which was his addiction to alcohol and cocaine. As a Virgo rising, incredible attention to disciplined technique and perfection, not unlike fellow musician, Virgo rising multi-instrumentalist, Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. Or Virgo sun, violin virtuoso David Garrett. Also, with Mars in Capricorn exalted opposite Jupiter exalted in Cancer, one excels for excellence!
Some similarities to Hendrix astrologically too, Moon in Sagittarius – the guitar as archer’s arrow or spear! Hendrix also had Jupiter in Cancer but was a 12-year Jupiter generation earlier than Vaughan. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and taps into Neptune’s esoteric rulership of this sign – bringing high inspiration. (See a short piece here from one of the author’s travel diaries on Hendrix.)
Having cleaned himself up in rehab, he was tragically killed several years later in a helicopter crash. Enjoy the master here in this version of Voodoo Chile, the only one up there with Hendrix. (Also recommended Stevie Ray Vaughan Live at Montreux 1985.)
“And if I don’t meet you no more in this world
Then I’ll, I’ll meet you in the next one
And don’t be late, don’t be late” (From Voodoo Chile by Hendrix.)
The Spirit of Peace
When giving instructions on the use of the original Great Invocation in the few years leading up to WW2, The Tibetan talked about the invocation of a great Being known as the Spirit of Peace. He gave these instructions because He and the Masters of Wisdom could see the rise of fascism in Europe and the karmic cycle about to unfold. The mantram was given out somewhat as an emergency measure but also because the cycle had come to give it to Humanity at the dawn of the Aquarian Age:

The Angel of Peace descends upon the chariot of war.
“The Spirit of Peace … is an inter-planetary Agent of great power Whose cooperation has been promised – if all aspirants and disciples can cooperate to break through the shell of separation and hatred which holds our planet in thrall. The Spirit of Peace … is that mysterious and divine Entity with Whom the Christ came into touch and Whose influence played through Him at the time that He earned the right to be called the “Prince of Peace.””12
The use of this Invocation certainly helped to invoke the “Lords of Liberation” whereby the Allied Forces were able to triumph in that great Kurukshetra:
“The necessity to withdraw [by the Hierarchy] was averted. I may not say in what manner, beyond telling you that the Lords of Liberation took certain unexpected steps. This They were led to do owing to the invocative powers of humanity, used consciously by all those upon the side of the will-to-good and unconsciously by all men of goodwill.
Owing to these steps, the efforts of those fighting in the realm of science for the establishing of true knowledge and right human relations were aided. The trend of the power to know and to discover (a definite form of energy) was deflected away from the demanding evocative minds of those seeking to destroy the world of men, leading to a form of mental paralysis.
Those seeking to emphasise the right values and to save humanity were simultaneously stimulated to the point of success.”13
Likewise, in this critical third phase of the World Wars currently being fought mainly upon the mental plane, these Beings, along with the Spirit of Peace, can be invoked by meditating groups and individuals everywhere – such is the dire urgency of the times.
Consider using this mantram at every full moon meditation that you attend. (Print it and hand out copies so that everyone can participate in sounding the mantram.) It can be used by itself or with the second part of the Great Invocation which most groups use now.
“When the thought behind the Great Invocation can be carried high enough in the consciousness of those using it through a joint effort of the world disciples and the Hierarchy of Light – as well as being reinforced by the Forces of Light – then the Spirit of Peace can be invoked.”14
The Original Great Invocation
Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.
Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be, and help us to do our part. – 1935.
Let the Lord of Liberation issue forth.
Let Him bring succour to the sons of men.
Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth,
And coming, save.
Come forth, O Mighty One.
Let the souls of men awaken to the Light,
And may they stand with massed intent.
Let the fiat of the Lord go forth:
The end of woe has come!
Come forth, O Mighty One.
The hour of service of the saving force has now arrived.
Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.
Let Light and Love and Power and Death
Fulfil the purpose of the Coming One.
The WILL to save is here.
The LOVE to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad.
The ACTIVE AID of all who know the truth is also here.
Come forth, O Mighty One, and blend these three.
Construct a great defending wall.
The rule of evil now must end. – 1940.

Conquerer of the Serpent (Nicholas Roerich)
“When the world aspirants and disciples use this Invocation, the first phrase takes the consciousness to the Hierarchy of Light, which is the intermediate centre between Humanity and Shamballa. It serves then to emphasise and establish a close rapport, blending and fusing the human and the hierarchical centres.
When this has taken place, the Hierarchy can then use this Great Invocation with greater potency and can carry the relation to a higher state still and produce a blending with the Shamballa centre, where the Forces of Light are found as embodied Presences and where Their focussed energy serves to provide great reservoirs of light and love.”15
Unity, Peace and Plenty
“There is no thinking man today in prominent position who does not in his highest moments appreciate the necessity for world peace, international order and religious understanding – all leading in the last analysis to economic stability. The right order by which men will find that stability is the ancient one that certain fraternities have ever emphasised: – Unity, Peace and Plenty. They lead sequentially and automatically from one to the other.16
Phillip Lindsay © 2016.
Click here for Libra 2016 (Part 2): Understanding the Agony of Syria.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.251. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.251. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.376. [↩]
- Unpublished letters regarding the Discipleship in the New Age books. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.189. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. pp.33-4. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. pp.33-4. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.248. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.244-5. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.26. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.494. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.160. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.159-160. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. pp.659-60. [↩]
Thank you, Phillip. Great effort.
What I find incredible is the complete exclusion of women, and only references to men, the hearts of men, the sons of men, etc, etc. The Divine Feminine is not invisible, though ‘men’ and cultures, and languages would like to think so. It’s exclusive sexist and dishonouring in this day and age. Plus, it’s insulting for all women, and girls, for eternity.
Thank you Phillipa. Although I am a woman, I did not even notice this until you mentioned it! We all have our habits to overcome. I agree with you that now is the time to bring women into our language. Other groups, like the Native Americans and LGBTQ and Black Lives Matter are waking us up to truths that has been covered up too. The learning curve is not comfortable, but it is necessary.
One would trust that “eternity” see the end of duality, where feminism is a concept of the past and its defense relegated there, as well.
Thanks for your feedback Phillipa, this is a long standing bone of contention and much has been discussed about it on forums over the years. That’s why there was issued a “politically correct” version of the Great Invocation that put less gender-specific wording.
It created problems when sounding it in group meditation however, because most people were used to sounding the original. One thing to bear in mind that “man” comes from “manas” or mind, and generically Humanity can be viewed as “masculine” or “men”, whilst its parallel evolution of the deva kingdom is regarded as “feminine”.
Eventually there will be a divine marriage between these two kingdoms that will merge both genders. Another factor is that the soul knows no gender and we have all had incarnations in both genders.
I understand your point however, in this age where women still do not have an equal footing with men. The other aspect is that when alot of this was written was early last century when that kind of terminology was still in use.
But any deep student of The Tibetan (men and women alike) will tell you that these teachings are far from dishonouring women – they are empowering for all of humanity. So it helps to go beyond the language to some degree, and to understand that the balance will be made eventually. In Atlantean times the culture was predominantly matriarchal and this is still strong within Humanity’s racial memory. Also of course, the last few thousand years of patriarchal religion has not helped! I welcome others to weigh in on this issue as I do not have time currently to discuss all of this big subject.
Balance is in short supply yet desperately needed in this current world we occupy. And yes, Saturn, who give unto them that which they have earned, is encroaching. May the gods have mercy on us all.
A beautiful and thoughtful work you have given to us Phillip.
I think that Phillip give a very good initial response to the raised question of male/female. If you would like to know more about this, than I would recommended reading the work of Andrew Harvey and especially Anne Baring. ( Her latest book Dream of the Cosmos gives excellent insight in the lost role of the Divine Feminine and how it is currently slowly regaining its position so a divine marriage between the two can finally be envisioned.
Thank you, Phillip – it’s good to be controversial.
Especially as esotericists – we can get rather locked in.
And especially in Libra (Uranus ruled).
Controversial thoughts/ideas – makes everyone think more – then, as disciples,
love more, too. with gratitude, Risa
i would be a lot more comfortable if the language was non-sexist. we are, after all, talking about balance.
i often use this version ….. S/HE, instead of she or he, unless i am talking specifically about one sex.
its not all that difficult.
Phillip, an outstanding newsletter, capturing Libra beauty.
I found the following particularly valuable,
“when action initiated in Aries … its reaction is in Libra…
Libra is about making a decision, a choice … the choosing of the Middle Way, … and the highlighting of the work of the “intermediaries”, those who become a “master of no man’s land”.
“… in Libra there is no such point of crisis any more than there is in Aries. There is only the interlude of balance as a prelude to a more effective and sensitive progress upon the path.
“Before creation, silence and the stillness of a focussed point.”
So needed at this time, “In Libra, the point of balance or equilibrium is attained between material personal desire and intelligent spiritual love, for the two qualities of cosmic desire are brought to the fore in the consciousness in Libra and balanced one against the other.
Thank you too for highlighting the Great Invocation in its original form, reminding us of the critical need at this time of “emergence”, from what one observes mass humanity is seemingly in a similar form of mental paralysis, a crystalised cacoon, from which an almost entirely different species can and is emerging, one with wings on!
Regards the Great Invocation wording, are we not all seeking a balance of masculine (directive active) and feminine (receptive, creative) principles achievable at the (Libran) point of stillness and being? Fe- iron, (devic) magnetic centre of the (human) electrical force. GEN-ISIS, the feminine cosmic creation of our planetary mankind is there at the centre of the Great Invocation!
And did you know …
Today is International Forgiveness Day
“Congratulations to Desmond Tutu who is receiving the Champion of Forgiveness Award at his birthday celebration in South Africa today! And to Nelson Mandela who was honored with the posthumous Champion of Forgiveness Award October 4th. ”
Excellent article, Phillip. Well worth the read. Thank you.
For those who are interested in additional information on the Middle-East. I recommend the following extraordinary book written in 2013:
Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East
Thank you, Phillip, for the work that you do, and the clarity of thought that you express in your writing. It does help in work of keeping my mind open and my heart balanced.
Gretchen potter, a very moving article Phillip, thank you for the original great invocation, I perceive that it could benefit the times we are in, as they are similar to the 1930s