One Response to Leo 2012: London Olympics. Kieron Williamson. Holmes & Aurora.

  1. david says:

    Hi Phillip, today reading your article about James Eagan Holmes I went to Astrodients website and I saw they have his birth time …, It is not in my spirit to contradict your analysis, just to share.

    His ascendant Leo agrees with the title of your article about him: “Leo in the Horoscope of James Holmes: Aurora Massacre”.

    “Transiting Moon-Mercury square Mars-Pluto. The Moon-Mercury conjunction in Leo made a close square to the ‘killer combination’, Mars-Pluto in Scorpio. Bearing in mind the power of Holmes’ natal Mercury-the-hunter, then he will most likely always be very sensitive to Mercury transits.” …, and this transit exercised its power from house one, the self.

    It is clear that this “boy” had his consciousness anchored in the exoteric meanings of the mutable cross.

    So in this case so karmic, blind and selfish, Saturn, the Moon, the Nodes, the Sun and the houses are the key. Above all the lunar mind, she conditioned everything else.

    Moon conjunction south node in last degree of Virgo = psychic fragility.
    The moon also exercises an applicative square to falling Neptune = psychic fragility.

    From this fragility related to the mutable consciousness we can say:

    – Sun applicative conjunction to Saturn = schizophrenia. Reason or understanding wrong.
    – Venus in 6th house = tendency to loneliness or enmity, suspicion.
    – Jupiter in house 9 aspecting the Sun in house 5 = the power of ideal or conviction that led him to commit the act. In James’ consciousness, this Jupiter, due to its proximity to the north node, can be excessive, selfish, ambitious.
    – Mars, regent of this Jupiter, in 4th house with Pluto = “Dark Mother”, destructive or uncontrollable emotion.
    – Leo + Mars in Scorpio sextile Neptune + Sagittarius Sun + Jupiter Aries/9 = the courage to grab the gun and shoot. He knew he was going to die.
    – Angular Pluto + Sun joint Saturno and Uranus = a sure final death.

    Thanks Phillip

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