Scorpio 2015: Media Maya. Putin. Russia. Ukraine. Syria.

Sophia—the Wisdom of the Almighty. (Nicholas Roerich,1932.)
Scorpio Keynote
“Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(Full Moon: Oct. 27, 2015. 12.05 pm. GMT.)
Scorpio: “Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule”.
The Maya of World Media and the CIA
Edward Bernays: Scorpio Father of Propaganda
Vladimir Putin: Scorpio Rising, Libran Sun: Adversaries & Allies
Ukraine, NATO and USA
Vladimir Putin Horoscope
Vladimir Putin’s Transits
Russia: A Seventh Ray Aquarian Soul
Travel Diaries Revisited
This month’s newsletter will be controversial for some. It has been most difficult to write and it is certainly the longest ever! (Blame it on transiting Jupiter!) With dramatic events and heightened tensions in the past few weeks, the newsletter attempts a synthetic astro-ray analysis of the situation involving Russia, the Middle East and the USA; it is also an in-depth meditation on the meaning of Maya in the Media.
The world situation is critical as a potentially large conflict looms, and we are all obliged to be informed outwardly and inwardly, to weigh up all sides of the story in order to arrive at accurate view. Quite often mystical and esoteric students ignore the news altogether, and not without good reason, due to the degree of conflict, pain and suffering that is a constantly broadcast. There is also a political naivety for some, due to tuning out from “boring politics” and hence being insufficiently informed.
The argument is that it is better to get on with building the new paradigm emerging and “let the dead bury their dead” – with regard to world events and this is true. Yet, as servers we are obliged to keep up with what is going on, ideally working in the inner and outer worlds as detached observers. That is not always possible though because we all have our political biases and cultural experiences that shape our world view.
As a disclaimer, I am neither for nor against Putin and Russia, as I try to stay apolitical about all nations and leaders. My enquiries are based upon linking the esoteric to the exoteric, the inner to the outer, to make sense of what is going on astro-rayologically, in this turbulent cuspal period of the Ages.
We all want the best for Humanity, to foster harmonious relations and one of the best ways to bring out a better understanding of nations and individuals is through esoteric psychology and astrology.
This newsletter represents an analysis of a side of the story that does not get much exposure, hence I am sure it will be contentious for some. But as I point out in the following reflections, we really have to have a hard look out our news sources that we rely upon and take for granted; they form our opinions of leaders, nations and culture without us even realising it – or questioning the veracity of our sources.
As an experiment, the author posted some articles relating to this material on Facebook in the past couple of weeks to see opinions expressed, some quite vehement anti, whilst the pro seem to be less so! The Putin-Russia versus the West theme is quite divisive and complex.
Everyone has an opinion – there is opinion which is often a reaction based upon undiscerning evaluation of news, unconsciously absorbed and often with emotional manipulation by Big Media. And there is a more considered opinion based upon a much deeper research, analysis of news sources and long reflection. Of course, most of us do not have time to do the latter so we get by with what we can.
“If human beings (even the best of them) were not so undeveloped and so superficial in their judgments and their vision, they would be able to penetrate behind what is going on in the key countries in the world and see the gradual emergence of new and better conditions, and the passing away of the loved, but slowly decaying forms.”1
I would remind readers not to send me personal emails about newsletters – there is a comments section at the end of each newsletter where everyone can contribute their points of view and discuss these thorny issues. I would encourage everyone to contribute in the comments section in each newsletter; it enriches the full moon periods by creating a sense of community forum and exchange of ideas and viewpoints.
As a result of trying to do the subject some justice, the newsletter has turned into a bit of a monster, so feel free to spread your reading out over this one month Scorpio period!
Scorpio: “Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule”.
This phrase is the keynote for Scorpio on the “ordinary wheel” – for unawakened humanity, in contradistinction to the soul-awakened individual who sounds the keynote, “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
At this critical juncture in modern history, all warriors are being summoned to rise to the occasion, to hold at bay the “armies of the night” and the “hordes of maya” threatening to engulf Humanity. As the Old Commentary says:
“They who work to bring in light and yet are surrounded by the maya of the senses, work from the point of present being and need not to move out or in, or up or down. They simply stand.”2
Maya is all that exists, but is constantly changing and thus spiritually unreal, concealing the true character of spiritual reality; it is illusion upon the physical plane. The Buddha said all is maya in Samsara, the world of phenomenon, of outer appearances, what is apprehended by the five physical senses. The noumenon is equated with the world of ideas, engaging the higher mind, seat of the soul and invoking the even higher intuition. One succumbs to Maya when controlled by any other force than that which comes direct from the soul.

“Maya, the mirror of illusions”, Arthur Bowen Davies (1910).
The entire planet shares in this Grand Illusion, including those who have reached various stages of spiritual awakening – as they seek to free themselves from maya’s grasp, to which they have contributed over many lives.
The majority of Humanity is completely immersed in this world of Maya, interpreting outer appearances as the real and all else as unreal. It is the reverse of course, the majority of humanity live in the material world of the unreal, disconnected from the real – the soul. Hence the task of the modern soul-infused seeker is to “simply stand” between these two worlds, serving the greater Plan to the best of their ability.
Maya is the result of glamour and illusion – illusion on the astral and mental planes respectively. Scorpio is particularly and peculiarly a sign connected with glamour due to its intense astral nature. Mars is the ruler of Scorpio on both the personality and soul levels.
At the personality level, Mars rules the uncontrolled desire nature, and at the soul level that desire is ultimately controlled by Mars in its higher octave expression as the spiritual warrior; this is Hercules in his eighth labour of Scorpio, raising the nine-headed Lernean hydra out of the foetid swamp into the clear light of day.
As stressed repeatedly in these missives, Mars is also the ruler of the solar plexus, seat of the astral body; it represents the major burning ground for the modern disciple. Hence the connection to Scorpio and “emerging triumphant from the battle” when the astral body is brought under control, finally and unambiguously, in one life or another, culminating at the second degree initiation. Scorpio rules over this initiation and most aspirants and disciples today are working toward that goal, a high achievement that brings relative freedom from glamour.
But in the meantime, the World Arjuna struggles with the “daily kurukshetra”, the constant inner battle that requires acute vigilance and persistence. The key ally in that struggle is meditation, the conscious act of rejecting the all-pervasive daily trend of maya that engulfs the senses; whose right practice magnetises back to the heart, enabling true detachment.
Hence, Scorpio is a sign that on the “ordinary wheel” can represent some of the worst aspects of human behaviour – abuse of power, emotional manipulation, hatred, separativeness, jealousy, addiction, deception, glamour etc., yet, it is also the sign of ultimate triumph over all these heads of the hydra.
The Maya of World Media and the CIA
In this extreme Media Age, where all news emanates the world of Maya, everyone gets a semblance of the “truth”. The outer facts may be correct but the inner conditions that created the outer causes may not be so apparent. Or the outer facts may be distorted to varying degrees, which seems to be an increasing trend.
Journalists have their own biases and often employed by “think tanks” of various political persuasions (mostly to the right) and “spin groups”, whilst large media organisations have very specific agendas that seek to influence culture and politics. It is now fairly widely acknowledged that six corporations own 90% of the media in the USA:3
“Back in 1983, approximately 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the United States. Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations. These corporate behemoths control most of what we watch, hear and read every single day. They own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many of our favourite websites.
Sadly, most Americans [and the rest of the world] don’t even stop to think about who is feeding them the endless hours of news and entertainment that they constantly ingest … they have become absolutely addicted to news and entertainment and the ownership of all that news and entertainment that we crave is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands each year. ”4
Media ownership reduction has occurred in parallel with the increasing social disparity that has resulted in the 99% versus the 1%. Some of these corporations have quite blatant agendas such as Murdoch’s Fox News. Others less blatant, but agendas nonetheless – subtle, devious and often ruthless. CNN, BBC and many others are all inordinately influenced or skewed.
For instance, the once leftish The Guardian (UK) has been taken over by US influenced right-wing owners, spawning an alternative offshoot, offguardian (recommended). Many of these changes have crept in the past fifteen years, in many ways, without people realising it, still holding faith to their “reliable” news source.
“The Guardian which readers remember from the 1980’s and 1990’s no longer exists at all. Its exterior appearance and readership has been bought for cash by American fascist organisations … but covertly, so that readers “believe” they are still reading The Guardian.”5
Even those who consider themselves spiritually aware find it difficult to filter the news. The sword of the discriminating mind must be invoked, as well as the intuition. The world is immersed in propaganda, a virulent form of Maya.
With accelerating globalisation and the grab for planetary resources, propaganda wars have emerged, swaying public opinion by manipulating emotions, creating “scientific” studies to legitimise a product, or long term campaigns of character assassination. There is repetition of outright lies, distorted facts and emotional manipulation of the masses, feeding world glamour (illusion on the astral plane), where the majority of humanity are the most susceptible to manipulation. The age of the Kali Yuga is truly upon us!
Edward Bernays, Scorpio Father of Propaganda

Edward Bernays – Scorpio Sun.
Of course, this is nothing new – Edward Bernays (22-11-1891 to 1995) is widely regarded as the “father of public relations”, a pseudonym for propaganda:
“He combined the ideas of Gustave Le Bon and Wilfred Trotter on crowd psychology with the psychoanalytical ideas of his uncle, Sigmund Freud. He felt this manipulation was necessary in society, which he regarded as irrational and dangerous as a result of the “herd instinct. Bernays said:
“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits. He called this scientific technique of opinion-moulding the “engineering of consent”.”6
This “engineering of consent” is what Noam Chomsky calls “the manufacturing of consent”. Bernays had the Sun in the last degree of Scorpio, a most powerful placement, so he understood one or two factors concerning deception and maya! He also had innovative and scientific Uranus in Scorpio, in the same degree of this current Scorpio solar festival, 2015 – an interesting coincidence.
A recent revelation on “manufacturing consent” surfaced recently – “Tony Blair to George Bush: “I Will Help You Sell the Iraq War to the World”:
“The Guardian … it’s how Tony Blair came to power in Britain – the most Tory [Labour] leader Britain has ever had.”7

(Goebbels at left.)
Joseph Goebbels was the propaganda minister for the Nazis and used Bernays’ book, Crystallising Public Opinion. Goebbels had the Sun and four other planets in Scorpio, he was right for the job! Germany was one of the three Axis Nations that embodied the glamour aspect of illusion, befitting its watery psychic Pisces personality. (See a recent newsletter for more details; also the author’s in depth essay on the rise of Nazism.) Interesting to note also that Goebbels’ Sun-Mercury was conjunct Bernays’ Uranus.
Bernays’ most extreme political propaganda activities were said to have been conducted on behalf of the United Fruit Company and the US government (CIA), to facilitate the successful overthrow of the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Guzman.8

C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency.)
This post-war period was fertile ground for the newly formed CIA (1947) to exercise its Scorpio ascendant! Note the prominence of Scorpio co-ruler Pluto on the midheaven conjunct Saturn, an expression of powerful control – similar to Vladimir Putin’s horoscope, as will be explored later.
It was from here that the CIA has become today an entity answerable only to itself; its subversive activities over the ensuing decades, driven by Scorpionic paranoia, distorted political ambitions and colonial imperialism – have not been in the best interests of the USA or rest of the world in many cases. It was around the 1950’s that the CIA’s Project Mockingbird was launched:

William Casey, CIA Director, 1981.
“Operation Mockingbird was a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media. Begun in the 1950s, it was initially organized by Cord Meyer and Allen W. Dulles … The organization recruited leading American journalists into a network to help present the CIA’s views, and funded some student and cultural organizations, and magazines as fronts. As it developed, it also worked to influence foreign media and political campaigns, in addition to activities by other operating units of the CIA.”9
Cord Meyer was a Scorpio Sun (Nov. 10, 1920) and Allen Dulles was from the Uranus in Scorpio generation, his Uranus sitting precisely on the CIA ascendant! Now that almost seven decades have elapsed since that time, can one imagine how these programs have become even more refined and sophisticated?
In this perilous period where propaganda wars are at full tilt, one is challenged constantly to discern the real from the unreal; this is not just confined to mainstream media, but all alternative media – they all have their perspectives; it takes a lot research, reading and reflection to sift through them all and discern the wheat from the chaff, to use a Virgoan metaphor. And not everyone has that time, they have lives to live and to survive economically.
Even at the time of this newsletter “going to press”, RT news (more later) mentions that 72 ISIL targets have been hit in the past 24 hours, whilst CNN has no mention whatsoever, except a report about a commando rescue raid of 70 people from execution by ISIL. Such a huge disparity – on a subject that should be make world headlines, given the concern about ISIL’s existence by the West. Perhaps the US is deeply embarrassed and it is quite possible that the story in CNN was a complete fabrication and face-saving exercise.
The New York Times has long been seen as a US government propaganda tool, no less so with a recent article about Putin and Russia, that the following author comments upon:
“One sentence in a news report the other day on Russia’s assertive new campaign to subdue Islamic extremists in Syria simply will not leave my mind. It was written by Michael Gordon, the State Department correspondent at the government-supervised New York Times. American officials, Gordon reported, are “confident” that Moscow will fail as it tries to return some semblance of order to what is now the world’s most tragic nation. This failure would be a good thing, we are to understand.”10
This example is of course, the tip of the iceberg. In particular, in the USA now, pre-fabricated sound-bites in the news are fed through almost every network, as this short video illustrates. It would be almost too funny if it was not so appalling.
“The Western media has no independence. An editor of a major German newspaper has written a book, a best-seller published in Germany, in which he states that not only he himself served the CIA as a reliable purveyor of Washington’s lies, but that every significant journalist in Europe does so also.”11
Television propaganda in Russia is astronomical at the moment with daily screening of bombing raids in Syria, turned into a consumer spectacle, very similar to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and all the pomp that accompanied that. Perhaps it is meant to bolster Russia’s Leo ego – more of which later. But of course, most of the West does not see any of these reports.
This is a gigantic subject – a monster has been created in this past century, strengthened by technology and the culture of the instantaneous. This monster is of course part of Humanity’s Dweller/Shadow. The major problem is that media power lies in the hands of a relatively few selfish interests who, through their own greed, worldly ambitions and interconnectedness with other organisations, thwart the soul purpose of nations (particularly the USA), in their bid for global domination.
This is the true evil with which the world is faced – in the inner and outer worlds. The following passage is included here because the current world crisis has been brought about in large part by these groups who influence and buy off governments, thereby representing the shadow side of Aquarian co-operation and organisation. Many wars have economic factors as a primary cause:
“Those men are truly evil who seek to enforce a return to the bad old ways, who endeavour to keep their fellowmen in slavery of some kind or another, who block the expression of one or all of the Four Freedoms, who gain material riches at the expense of the exploited, or who seek to hold for themselves and for gain the produce of the earth, and thus make the cost of life’s necessities prohibitive to those not richly endowed. Those who thus work, think and plan are to be found in every nation, and are usually of prominence because of their riches and influence; however, they sin against light and not through ignorance; their goals are material and not spiritual.
They are relatively few [the 1%] compared to the countless millions of men [the 99%], but are exceedingly powerful; they are highly intelligent but unscrupulous, and it is through them that the Forces of Evil work, holding back progress, promoting poverty, breeding hatred and class distinctions, fostering racial differences for their own ends, and keeping ignorance in power.
Their sin is great and it is hard for them to change, because power and the will-to-power (as it militates against the will-to-good) is a dominant all-controlling factor in their lives; these men are today working against the unity of the United Nations, through their greed, their determination to own the resources of the earth (such as oil, mineral wealth and food) and thus keep the people weak and with inadequate food.
These men, who are found in every nation, thoroughly understand each other and are working together in great combines [cabals, trade groups like TPP etc.] to exploit the riches of the earth at the expense of humanity.”12
Vladimir Putin: Scorpio Rising, Libran Sun: Adversaries & Allies
As discussed in a recent newsletter, Vladimir Putin has Scorpio rising with the Sun in Libra – that falls directly upon USA’s Saturn in Libra. USA has Sun in Cancer square Saturn, giving a tendency toward imperialism, power and control.
This is ironic of course, as the USA was created through escaping the power and control of mother Britain. Perhaps Sun square Saturn is an inherited samskara that this young nation is still trying to resolve. (Why is it so often that the persecuted become the persecutors – nationally or racially?) If there is any opportunity to resolve this pattern, it must be whilst transiting Pluto opposes USA’s Sun and squares Saturn – in other words, Pluto is regenerating the Sun square Saturn pattern that represents extreme rigidity.

Inner to outer: USA, Obama, Putin, full moon chart Scorpio 2015.
Pluto the Destroyer breaks it all down so that new life may emerge. Pluto has been in orb of aspect to USA’s Sun square Saturn since early 2014 and will finish its’ influence by September 2016. Whenever a Pluto transit like this occurs to a square pattern like Sun-Saturn, it usually reinforces the worst of that configuration.
The entity in question will “dig its heels in”, in a desperate effort to resist change, until the point comes where adamancy reaches such a critical mass that the whole structure shatters and disintegrates. It seems that this is where the USA is headed, a necessary phase of growth that confronts the World Dweller so the Angel of the Presence may take control.

Do the new pictures of Pluto from Hubble reflect a greater responsiveness to the Plutonic forces of regeneration by Humanity?
Enter Putin – it seems a karmic agent of change for the USA, with his Libran Sun sitting exactly on USA’s Saturn. Whilst USA has Pluto triggering Sun-Saturn, Putin (or is that Plutin?) has had transiting Pluto square to his Libran Sun for a similar period, reaching its final pass now and finishing at the end of 2015.
Hence Putin’s timing for his super-strategic move into Syria could not have been better and one wonders if he engaged the services of an astrologer! He has caught the USA and NATO nations completely off guard. In a few weeks Russia has destroyed a huge chunk of the ISIL network, something that Britain and the USA did not accomplish in a year. Has this action exposed fraudulence in the Western powers and their clients in regional regimes? More on this later.
Putin is not trusted by the West. He was an agent with the infamous KGB for sixteen years, rising to the rank of colonel. The KGB, as ruthless as its CIA counterpart, has the Sun in Pisces (March 13, 1954), the same era as Putin. Putin has also been suspected of being behind assassinations of various journalists and activists who have criticised him over the years, though it has been claimed that they were “false flags” in an effort to discredit him.
His ongoing promotion of a macho image in the media has also attracted derision. Various Hitler comparisons have been made – from Prince Charles to Hillary Clinton. On his alleged fortune of billions he described as, “just rubbish, picked out of someone’s nose and smeared on bits of paper.”13
Putin is no saint – but ascertaining the complete truth about this enigmatic character (Ras-Putin?) may have been obfuscated by many years of anti-Putin, anti-Russian propaganda, stemming from a long cold war with Russia since the 1950’s. This long split is essentially one of ideology between Communism and Democracy. Putin has been forced to create his own propaganda machine through outlets like RT news, an organisation that challengs us again to discriminate and weigh up in the Libran scales what the truth might be.

The Mars in Sagittarius archer!
Could Putin be upon the first ray of will-power, a ray that is most likely conditioning the mental body of Russia? Many politicians are on the first ray, and it may even be Putin’s soul ray. Whether it is soul, personality or mental body ray …
“… first ray exponents of force are often misunderstood and hated. They may and often do misuse the energy available but they also use it constructively within the desired limits of the immediate plan … the lot of a first ray disciple is hard and difficult. There are disciples of Shamballa just as there are disciples of the Hierarchy and this is a fact hitherto not recognised and never as yet referred to in the current writings on occult subjects.
It is wise and valuable to remember this. They are powerful, these disciples of Shamballa, headstrong and often cruel; they impose their will and dictate their desires; they make mistakes but they are nevertheless true disciples of Shamballa and are working out the Will of God as much as the disciples and Masters of the Hierarchy are working out the Love of God.”14
Recent events such as Putin’s speech at the United Nations reveal a new-image Putin emerging. The quality of his speeches and interviews has been praised as outstanding, though of course politicians are adept at saying things they know people long to hear and idealise. His speech at the UN was followed very soon by military action in Syria. The following passage was written by patriotic American Paul Craig Roberts – who once served in the Reagan administration:
“The world is beginning to realize that a sea-change in world affairs occurred on September 28 when President Putin stated in his UN speech that Russia can no longer tolerate Washington’s … failed policies that have unleashed chaos, engulfing the Middle East and now Europe [with refugee fallout]. Two days later, Russia took over the military situation in Syria and began the destruction of the Islamic State forces …”15
Putin stated the following in his UN speech (video):
“Dear colleagues, I must note that such an honest and frank approach on Russia’s part has been recently used as a pretext for accusing it of its growing ambitions – as if those who say that have no ambitions at all. However, it is not about Russia’s ambitions, dear colleagues, but about the recognition of the fact that we can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world. What we actually propose is to be guided by common values and common interests rather than by ambitions. Relying on international law, we must join efforts to address the problems that all of us are facing, and create a genuinely broad international coalition against terrorism.” (See speech (transcript) And, in a thinly veiled reference to the USA:
“You must rise above the endless desire to dominate. You must stop acting out of imperialistic ambitions. Do not poison the minds of millions of people; like there can be no other way but imperialistic politics.”16
Putin has close astrological synastry with the United Nations: His Scorpio ascendant is on the UN Sun in Scorpio. His Sun is on the UN’s Jupiter-Chiron conjunction in Libra. Both entities have Gemini moons.

Ashton Carter – An extraordinarily intelligent man but what about his motives?
The phrase, “poisoning the minds of millions of people”, is a direct reference to propaganda politics, played out through global media. One such instance is the repeated accusation of Syria using gas attacks on its own people, widely discredited as another false flag.
In responding to Putin’s decision to enter Syria, US Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter (Saturn-Venus in Scorpio), blustered,
“Moscow will soon start paying the price for its escalating military intervention in Syria in the form of reprisal attacks and casualties … Russia is pouring gasoline on the ISIS fire … ”17
One wonders how else Carter would imagine getting rid of ISIS when one year of so-called attacks achieved nothing – “virtually zero” to paraphrase Russian foreign minister Lavrov. Carter was fulminating because the Neocon plans of his cronies had been thwarted by Putin’s brilliant chess move.
Carter and the Washington administration have refused to work with Putin’s invitation of co-operation in Syria (although currently trying to keep out of each other’s air space in the region), instead claiming that Russia was targeting “non-ISIL groups”, “moderates” who they were funding to dislodge Assad as president of Syria.
There are many articles one can find, giving convincing accounts that there are no moderate groups in Syria. Major news outlets in the US have ignored the huge strides Russia has made against ISIL, despite detailed descriptions and video evidence from Russian generals. Articles that have appeared never seem to be impartial, carrying accusations and spin, or simply damning with faint praise.
Meanwhile, Putin has been exercising some Libran diplomacy and great patience it seems, by enduring insults and refusing to react. He knows the game. Carter on the other hand, represents the so-called “Neocon Agenda” that has been controlling the last few US governments in its bid to destabilise the Middle East, driven by Israeli paranoia.
““Neoconservative” means following right-wing policies and ideas under the apparently acceptable cloak of being socialists, in order to secure public support for these extreme right-wing policies.”18
General Wesley Clark (Capricorn Sun), one of the most highly decorated four-star generals of the US military, man of obvious integrity, stated six weeks after 9/11 that he had received a memo,
“It says we’re going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years – we’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.” Clark said the aim of this plot was this: “They wanted us to destabilize the Middle East, turn it upside down, make it under our control.” He then recounted a conversation he had had ten years earlier with Paul Wolfowitz [ex-president of the World Bank and “arch-neocon”] – back in 1991 – in which the then number three Pentagon official, after criticizing Bush senior for not toppling Saddam, told Clark:
“But one thing we did learn [from the Persian Gulf War] is that we can use our military in the region – in the Middle East – and the Soviets won’t stop us. And we’ve got about 5 or 10 years to clean up those old Soviet regimes – Syria, Iran [sic], Iraq – before the next great superpower comes on to challenge us.” Clark said he was shocked by Wolfowitz’s desires because, as Clark put it: “the purpose of the military is to start wars and change governments? It’s not to deter conflicts?””19 (See video excerpt of Clark telling this story.)
Echoing the Neocon sentiment of needing a “new Pearl Harbour” that would give them the excuse to topple Middle Eastern countries, the now Secretary of Defence, Ashton Carter, wrote an eerily prophetic paper in 1998 with Philip Zelikow (executive director of the distorted 9/11 Commission) – or did they know something that was already in the pipeline?:
“An act of catastrophic terrorism would be a watershed event in American history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented in peacetime and undermine America’s fundamental sense of security, as did the Soviet atomic bomb test in 1949. Like Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our past and future into a before and after.
The United States might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects, and use of deadly force. More violence could follow, either further terrorist attacks or U.S. counterattacks. Belatedly, Americans would judge their leaders negligent for not addressing terrorism more urgently.”20
Of course, there is a persuasive argument that the Neocons planned and executed 9/11, but that is another story!

Oct. 20, 2015 Assad traveled to Moscow on his first trip abroad since war broke out in Syria in 2011.
Putin and Assad have been so demonized by propaganda that both are widely regarded in the West as “evil”. Again, how to sort the real from the unreal, using the discriminating mind and intuition, not relying on the daily diet of mainstream media?
Some intuitive insights into both men can be gleaned by watching interviews with them. Neither use tele-prompters or insist on sticking to strict interview scripts (as some well known world leaders do) – they answer questions spontaneously and come across with integrity and honesty.
The Charlie Rose interview with Assad is riveting. Likewise, great insight can be gleaned in Putin’s answer to a BBC propaganda-peddling journalist in this short video. The BBC, like Australia’s ABC, has long since lost its independence and joined the ranks of controlled media. So it is really a matter of the kettle calling the pot black when the RT network is accused of being a propaganda tool for the Kremlin.
Putin’s annual four-hour press conferences with journalists from all over the world are quite staggering. What other world leader conducts such vast events? Of course quantity does not mean quality, but viewers are left to decide for themselves.
Putin most likely has the strategic third ray of active-intelligence in his make-up, giving him a broad knowledge of problems that Russia and the world faces; it complements his Gemini moon that is adept at communications – he can play the artful dodger or be honest and forthright.
Putin’s moon in Gemini rules his ninth house of foreign affairs and he shares this moon position with Barack Obama at almost the same degree. (See 4-wheel chart above.) The Gemini moon is highly strategising and quick on its feet, it can be a master of double-speak and sleight of hand, supporting the Scorpio keynote on the ordinary whee – “let deception rule”.
Mercury is the planetary link between Gemini and Scorpio, ruling Gemini exoterically and Scorpio hierarchically. Putin’s ascendant is Scorpio and he has Mercury in Libra conjunct the ascendant, allowing him good mediation and communications skills, conflict resolution, keeping people engaged, strongly evidenced at his recent UN speech, but also his many press conferences and interviews:
“Mercury, as it relates Gemini to Scorpio and to our planet, has a mass or general effect, for it is the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio and its effect is of a planetary nature far more than is usually the case … Its true significance will not be understood until the consciousness of individual man is also planetary in its scope and grasp, which is never the case until after the third initiation.”21
Putin may certainly have a “planetary consciousness in his scope and grasp” but whether he has achieved the exalted third degree … And, in relation to Scorpio, The Tibetan again comments on Mercury,

Aquarian Water-Bearer.
“… through the influence of Mercury and Neptune the group consciousness of the individual is developed, so that through the tests in Scorpio and the experience in Aquarius, the disciple emerges on the physical plane into the position of a world server; all world servers are decentralised workers and are governed by the need and the reactions of the mass or group.”22
Putin certainly seems to be serving his nation to the best of his ability, despite criticisms that he has conflated and egotistical personal ambitions. (See later HH Dalai Lama.) His Mercury is also harmoniously aspected to Mars and Pluto at the point of a “mini grand trine”, giving him great powers of persuasion and erudition.
RT (Russia Today), is a TV/internet media company that is accused of being a propaganda tool for the Kremlin. It certainly offers different perspectives and is currently experiencing meteoric readership. In a recent article, a leading US scholar on Russian studies said,
“American media on Russia today are less objective, less balanced, more conformist and scarcely less ideological than when they covered Soviet Russia during the Cold War. Since the early 2000’s, the media have followed a different leader-centric narrative, also consistent with US policy, that devalues multifaceted analysis for a relentless demonization of Putin, with little regard for facts.”23
Furthermore, the article goes on to describe how think tanks,
“Demonize Russia to such a degree that defense contractors – their very financial contributors! – reap the harvest as Eastern European countries boost military spending against a ‘Russian threat’ that exists only in the hyperactive imaginations of these so-called think tanks.”24
RT itself says, “When the New York Times publishes articles based on “government sources”, that is considered “news”. Yet, when RT carries legitimate stories that counter the established narrative that is termed “propaganda.””25
Digesting all of the above, lest he reader think that the author is a Putin apologist, far from it. There is certainly some sympathy in being born on the same day a year later (!) and trying to find a Libran balance of facts in the Maya of the media machine; looking at both sides of the story, questioning everything, calling Big Media to account.
On that note, the New York Times has recently come under increasing criticism from action groups like A Jewish Voice for Peace – for not reporting the situation in Israel-Palestine correctly, using its long-time institutional presence as a “respected authority” to veil the truth:
“The US strategic goal in Syria is not as your faithful mainstream media servants (led by that redoubtable channeler of Neo-Con smoke-screens at the New York Times – Michael Gordon), might have you believe to save the Syrian people from the ravages of the long-standing Assad dictatorship, but rather to heighten the level of internecine conflict in that country, to the point where it will not be able to serve as a bulwark against Israeli regional hegemony for at least another generation.
How do we know? Because important protagonists in the Israeli-American policy planning elite have advertised the fact with a surprising degree of clarity in documents and public statements issued over the last several decades.”26
“New York Times articles, commentaries and editorials feature all propaganda all the time, managed news misinformation and Big Lies, suppressing hard truths on issues mattering most – especially on war and peace. It notoriously supports US imperial lawlessness, in lockstep with every war of aggression Washington wages, perpetuating the myth about humanitarian intervention – in Syria and Iraq, claiming its air campaign aims to defeat ISIS and other terrorist elements.”27
Interesting to note Israel here, who many observers say is the tail wagging the US dog with regard to Middle East policy. Like Putin, Netanyahu is also (uncannily) Scorpio rising with Sun and several planets in Libra – two of the world’s arguably most dangerous men! Currently the situation between Israelis and Palestinians is deteriorating once again, with Netanyahu displaying a flawed leadership, making nonsensical remarks about the Holocaust to try and discredit the Palestinians.

NATO members.
In order to fully comprehend the global situation with Russia and the Syrian crisis, it is important to understand what is going on in the Ukraine, a complicated scenario that has sparked the worst cold war between USA and Russia in decades.
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) is made up of 28 member nations, mainly in Europe and North America. Seventy percent of its funding comes from the USA, thus it can be argued that NATO is a tool of US foreign policy, masquerading as an alliance of equals. The problem of Ukraine, according to non-mainstream media is, in a nutshell:
“The intended US foreign policy in Eurasia is to cut off Russia from the rest of Europe and all its Central Asian neighbors, thereby weakening Russia’s geopolitical influence and economic power in the region. Once the US has Ukraine in its back pocket, which of course this recent coup effectively secures, the gas pipelines that drive Europe’s dependency on Russia to supply 90% of its natural gas will quickly be eliminated, and instead the oil and gas rich Ukraine can then be “groomed” as Europe’s new main supplier.”28
It is argued by many sources, that the Orange Revolution of 2004 and then again 2014 (v.2.0), were classic CIA-engineered plots to impose political outcomes upon the Ukrainian people – and they worked. US and NATO forces in the form of a US State Department cover, launched an all out assault on the democratically elected Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych and his government. Notorious neocon Victoria Nuland was at the centre of this blatant intervention. (See this article, The Neoconservative Threat to International Relations.)
“In fact, the Ukraine is where the various social network utilities were used so effectively that the new MO has become known as the digital blitzkrieg. Never in human history have so many citizens been stampeded in the direction of overthrowing their government while being completely ignorant of the real forces manipulating the cattle prods.”29

Pax Cultura by Russian artist, Nicholas Roerich.
The current Ukraine government is viewed as an “installed puppet regime”. The populist uprising of 2014, like the fake “Arab Spring” was a propagandist ploy demanding more democratic freedom, when in fact the opposite was true. CIA plotting has now been replaced by a far more ignominous,
“… shadow elite that has formed a loose and informal neocon network of various linked organizations such as think tanks, NGO’s, private corporate sponsors and lobbyists acting as no bid contractors, university research grants, and various intertwined government and mainstream media organizations – all designed to seal the cloak of secrecy and deception that permit the oligarchic global cabal to tighten its control, effectively conceal both its overt and covert misdeeds, along with its enormous money laundering scam operation from all public scrutiny and accountability.”30
Putin has a potent horoscope as has been touched upon throughout. His birth time is a matter of contention, though it was allegedly given from his birth certificate. Hence, Scorpio rising is his soul purpose, developing the ability to use power and the forces of destruction wisely, to develop a toughness and political imperviousness; to resist the lower Scorpion’s capacity for revenge and “back-biting”, with the sting in its tail – but to certainly sting when needed!
Scorpio’s ruler, as stated earlier, is Mars at the exoteric and esoteric level. Mars is placed in Sagittarius, a sign of fiery idealism and aspiration. Mars rules the solar plexus and the sixth ray of idealism, the personality ray of Russia and which also may be in Putin’s make-up, the astral body perhaps.
Mars in Sagittarius (described in another newsletter) can also be a loose cannon at times though the activation of the Gemini polarity, allowing diffusion, scatteredness and unpredictability to reign over the usually one-pointed Sage archer; it can also give a fanatical emotional adherence to religious or philosophical ideas.
Mars in Sagittarius is also the sportsman, hence the many macho images of Putin as a black-belt Judo exponent, hunting and fishing bare-chested in the great outdoors, even some Sagittarian archery! With a Gemini moon he can be an everyman appealing to the diverse cultures of Russia, from the cities to the Steppes – a smart way to stay elected? Putin’s Mars in Sagittarius is also conjunct the Galactic Centre, giving him an unusual combination of great sensitivity, power and destiny.
Mars in Sagittarius is trine to Scorpio’s other co-ruler, Pluto. When the two ascendant rulers are in harmony like this, much can be achieved in bringing an ideal into manifestation – especially with the aforesaid Mercury at their midpoint. Pluto is in Leo closely conjunct the midheaven, giving an all-commanding power, control and Leonine rule.
There is no doubt that this Scorpio rising horoscope “works” and that Putin was destined to be a leader. This combination might also be labelled “control freak” and Putin has ruled with an iron fist to stay in power (since 2002), to execute his nation’s dharma as he sees fit.
Vladimir Putin’s Transits
Before examining Putin’s current transits, let us recapitulate upon the transit analysis given in the Pisces newsletter, February 2014, at the time of the Ukrainian crisis:
“With a Libra Sun and Scorpio rising, the next couple of years will be intense for Putin, as Pluto and Uranus have their way. Transiting Pluto is almost exactly square his Sun, a big test for the right use of power. Usually the point of least resistance for these kind of transits is to ride roughshod over everyone, and events in the Ukraine were shaping-up like this for a while, with the deployment of the Russian military to ‘protect Russians’ in the Ukraine.
The forces of destruction and revolution are in the air, and it’s anyone’s guess as to how Vlad the Lad will respond in the long term – with Libran restraint, or become another Vlad the Impaler? … With Scorpio rising and its ruler Pluto on his midheaven, his tendency is to take no prisoners.
Also, Scorpio co-ruler Mars in Sagittarius loves a good hunt! Let us hope that his weighing, judicial Libran nature makes the right decision.”31
Judging by Putin’s recent actions, his Libran restraint has been noticeable, whilst he has also “ridden roughshod” over ISIL and other groups opposing the Assad regime. Many world leaders are most likely aspirants or disciples on the path, but all have their flaws. Hence, it is easy to criticise them, no matter what one’s politics, be it Obama, Cameron or Hollande.
Notwithstanding “sympathy for the devil”, can we imagine what it is like for a leader of a nation that covers the largest territory in the world (6.5 million square miles), catering to the needs of a diverse 144 million people, still in transition since Putin took over from Boris Yeltsin – let alone play global geopolitics? An extraordinary task to stay on track and juggle all the problems within and without the nation. Let us examine Putin’s most important transits in order of importance:

Vladimir Putin: Transits, Progressions and Solar Arc Directions for October 2015.
1. Transiting Pluto square Sun in Libra (Feb.2014 – Dec. 2015) This transit is detailed above in the 2014 recap. and also in the section headed “Vladimir Putin: Scorpio Rising, Libran Sun”, where his relationship to the USA horoscope is discussed. Pluto is the ruler of Putin’s Scorpio soul purpose. Hence the square by Pluto to his Libran Sun has the potential to magnify any personal lack of integration resulting in global consequences. Such is the nature of subterranean Pluto who raises to the surface that which lies hidden in the underworld.
Worst case scenario is that Putin pushes the nuclear button but this is highly unlikely, given his aforesaid Libran restraint – more likely the fanatical Neocons or someone like the inaptly named warmonger, General Breedlove. (Echoes of Dr. Strangelove!)
This square provides a point of high tension from which to work; it can also bring illness or life-threatening disease, as Pluto is regenerating and transforming on all three levels of the personality represented by the Sun. Pluto square the Sun can also bring one’s life into danger or death.
But transiting Pluto square the Sun has great potential to bring the personality (Libra Sun) into a more refined integration, subsequently into alignment with soul purpose – Scorpio ascendant ruled by Pluto (and Mars). Pluto squaring the Sun can be an initiatory period where one is thrust into one’s own self-created hell, bringing the darkest shadows into the light. Putin’s Libran Sun is/will be hard at work balancing the pairs of opposites and exercising Libran diplomacy!
2. Transiting Uranus opposite Saturn in Libra (Apr. 2015 – Feb. 2016) Transiting Uranus finished opposing Putin’s Sun in early 2015 and now moves on to oppose his Saturn in Libra. It is possible that during this period, combined with Pluto square the Sun, that Putin might have had some sort of spiritual awakening and/or, is given spiritual guidance. Saturn is exalted in this sign and concerns law, fairness and balance.
Revolutionary Uranus is also the soul ruler of Libra, bringing opportunities to break away from the established norms, to create a new Perestroika perhaps. Former Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev and commonly associated with perestroika, recently stated that Putin considered himself “second to god” and to be careful of getting a “big head”.32
Transiting Uranus will stimulate the inherent traits of Saturn in Libra:
“In this sign, Saturn is exalted for – at the point of balance – opportunity comes and a situation is staged which makes a choice and a determination inevitable. It is a choice which has to be made intelligently and upon the physical plane, in the waking brain consciousness.
It is only now that the full purpose and the work of Saturn for humanity can reach a point of group usefulness, for it is only now that humanity has reached a point of general and widespread intelligence which can make any choice a definite conscious act, entailing responsibility.
Prior to the present time, only a few pioneering disciples and a handful of intelligent people could be regarded as freely choosing at the “point of balance” the way that they intend “to tip the scales.””33
Hopefully Putin is one of those, “… handful of intelligent people”! He may be sorely challenged to make some tough decisions during this period, the tension is always great with an opposition aspect, ever more so when unconventional Uranus is pulling at the inherent conservatism of Saturn.
3. Solar Arc Mercury conjunct Mars in Sagittarius (Exact Nov. 25, 2015) This movement of Mercury has been influencing for over a year and reflects Putin’s driven communication in ethics, principles and law. (See UN speech.) (His natal Mercury is very strong, as discussed earlier.) Mercury is the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio, hence it must be having an influence with its’ conjunction to the soul and personality ruler Mars.

Hunter becomes the hunted!
Combined with transiting Pluto square the Sun, the Mercury conjunction to Mars can also see the hunter become the hunted (Mars in Scorpio), with a risk of assassination. Indeed, one ex-CIA officer publicly called for same, perhaps echoing the general trend of CIA culture and some world leaders.
Apparently there have been about seven attempts on Putin’s life thus far; there was even speculation that the MH17 Malaysian flight shot down over Ukraine was mistaken for Putin’s plane.
4. Transiting Uranus opposite Mercury in Libra. (Apr., Sep. 2016 to March 2017.) This transit will be very interesting to watch, bringing innovative communication skills and possibilities of conflict resolution. Again, Mercury is the hierarchical ruler of Putin’s Scorpio ascendant, hence there is a great potential to negotiate for the highest good for all. Recall the earlier passage,
“… through the influence of Mercury … the group consciousness of the individual is developed, so that through the tests in Scorpio and the experience in Aquarius the disciple emerges on the physical plane into the position of a world server; all world servers are decentralised workers and are governed by the need and the reactions of the mass or group.”34
Putin has had his progressed Sun in group-oriented Aquarius for the past thirteen years, corresponding to his rise to President. Aquarius is the soul of the Russian nation, as will be discussed in the next section.
5. Transiting Jupiter conjunct Libra Sun. (Late Nov. 2016, May-Jul. 2017.) This transit holds much promise from the beneficient second ray of love-wisdom forces from Jupiter. The timing of this transit will of course coincide with Jupiter passing over USA’s Saturn close to the same degree. As the Sun rules Putin’s midheaven (public perception, power), he could win himself much favour through generosity and magnanimity. Conversely, Jupiter conjunct the Sun can make over-confident decisions and inflate the ego!

The Phoenix Fire Bird, rising from the ashes of its “slain self”.
6. Transiting Jupiter conjunct Scorpio Ascendant. (Late Nov. 2017) This transit coincides with the Sun’s annual pilgrimage around the zodiac. Any long term cycle passing over the ascendant is an opportunity to exercise soul purpose and this Jupiter transit will be the first one in twelve years.
7. Scorpio full moon 2015 conjunct Scorpio Ascendant. (Oct. 27) The intensity of the full moon will be bought to bear on Putin’s soul purpose. It may well indicate a crisis with the aforementioned Western powers and NATO but it will bring the Scorpio warrior out as well. Putin will give as good as he gets and will not take any bullying from other powers.
If Putin feels that he is backed into a corner with a refusal for negotiations or communications by others, then he will not hesitate to exercise his forthright Mars in Sagittarius, as when he released his arrows recently in Syria. Libra is a sign of decision and Putin is quite decisive. Libra is also a practical sign,
“You will note how three of these rays definitely predispose the Libran subject to concrete understanding, to intelligent will and to knowledge: the first ray (functioning through the 3rd and 5th rays) the fifth ray and the third ray. Hence the effectiveness of Libra upon the physical plane and the power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression. An instance of a person, equipped to do this, can be seen in H. P. Blavatsky.”35

Nicholas Roerich.
Interesting that DK mentions fellow Russian, H.P. Blavatsky! Russia’s soul is also on the seventh ray of Organisation. Putin has also paid tribute to another great Russian, Nicholas Roerich:
““Roerich’s life was an amazing life, a marvel of creativity and astonishing example of spiritual closeness that, perhaps doesn’t lie on the surface, but is nevertheless the spiritual closeness that binds all peoples.”36
Later, we discover that this is not just a head of state mouthing sweet platitudes about a fellow countryman:
“President Putin, himself a native of St. Petersburg [Roerich’s birtplace], promised “100-percent support” for Russia’s Buddhists .., Putin said he was proud that Russia is the only country in Europe where Buddhism is officially recognised as a traditional religion … “Buddhism plays a significant role in Russia … It has always been that way … Putin described Buddhism as a “kind, humanist learning based on love for others and love for one’s country …
Putin is known to be a devout Russian Orthodox believer with a strong interest in Eastern wisdom. [His sixth ray, Mars in Sagittarius!] A master of both sambo and judo, Putin has often spoken of how the martial arts – imbued with Asian philosophy – are intended to train the body and the mind. Though an Orthodox Christian, he is conscious of the spiritual authenticity of other traditional religions.
And like Nicholas Roerich, who was born Orthodox Christian but later became steeped in Buddhism, Vladimir Putin may well sympathise with the view that the highest forms of all the world’s religions point to the same ultimate reality.”37

The Messenger. (Nicholas Roerich.)
Russia: A Seventh Ray Aquarian Soul
(See also this 2014 newsletter on Putin and Russia.)
In the Ageless Wisdom teachings, only three nations are given as ruled by Aquarius at the soul level – USA, Russia and The Netherlands.38 This makes each of these nations particularly important in helping to manifest the Aquarian cycle for the next 2,000 odd years.
The seventh ray of Ceremonial Order, or Magic and Organisation, is ruled by Uranus, ruler of Aquarius. Russia is also a seventh ray soul – the only other nation upon that ray (at the soul level) is Spain. This also makes these two nations important in the Aquarian cycle because the a cycle of the seventh ray has already started in 1945 and will last for 2,500 years.39
Hence, out of all the nations, Russia possesses an unique combination of Aquarius and the seventh ray conditioning its soul. Its spiritual motto is, “I link two Ways”, referring to the East and West, noting the extent of this nation over the entire stretch of Asia.
“Just weeks after paying tribute to Nicholas Roerich, Putin told an international forum that “Russia has always perceived of itself as a Eurasian country.”40
Northern Asia, linking to eastern Europe, linking to Russia. Part of the Russian population has Mongolian roots, note the border of Mongolia and Russia in the map below. The Mongolians are part of the seventh subrace of the Atlanteans (as are Tibetans) – perhaps this is connected to Russia’s seventh ray soul and the ability to “link two ways”.
Russia has an Aquarian soul and the opposite sign Leo conditions its personality, providing a dynamic pair of opposites with challenges in personal selfishness versus serving the greater group dynamic. The following was written over seventy years ago, so allowing for some maturing …
“… control of the Russian personality [Leo] has been offset … At present, the intensely individualistic Leo force in its worst aspects is dominating, but this will not last as history will eventually prove. The noisy, cruel child can turn into a controlled humanitarian in adult life and the influences potent in the Russian horoscope indicate this.”41
It’s not clear to what horoscope DK is referring here. Russia has several horoscopes over hundreds of years and often the exoteric horoscopes are not the same as the horoscopes on the inner planes. The reader will note that Putin’s Pluto is in Leo and his progressed Sun is in humanitarian Aquarius opposite, hence he is living out the national polarity in his own life.

Russian Easter (Nicholas Roerich).
It would be only one step for Putin to take, to adopt nationalistic pride and individualism in a selfish way if he so chose. He is a Sun-Saturn conjunction in Libra however, and Libra governs choices and decisions, giving him caution, pause for thought and restraint. Nevertheless, Putin has come under criticism for self-centredness from H.H. The Dali Lama:
“The Dalai Lama has criticised Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “self-centred” autocrat whose actions in eastern Ukraine and the former Soviet space demonstrate that he is seeking to “rebuild” the Berlin Wall, according to German media reports. The Tibetan Buddhist leader said that “while we had become accustomed (to the fact) that the Berlin Wall has fallen … President Putin seems to want to rebuild it. But he is hurting his own country by doing this. Isolation is suicide. “His attitude is: “I, I, I,” reported the German newspaper, Welt am Sonntag.”42
Russia is also a sixth ray personality – like USA and Spain, a cycle that is waning in strength but nonetheless still very potent in the world, as expressed by fundamentalists, fanatics and jihadists worldwide:
“Hence the tremendous conflict which is going on between the fanatical sixth ray cruelty of her sixth ray regime [written in the Stalinist era] and the spiritual harmlessness which is the basic principle of the national ideology. Hence also the materiality of several important sections of her populace and the essential brotherliness which is imposed by the idealism and the mystical aspiration of the Russian genius, expressed through its people as a whole.”43
It is also important to state that USA, the British Empire and Russia form an important subjective triangle which is of immense importance in the Aquarian Age, no doubt y the fact that nations are Aquarian souls:

King Solomon (by Svyatoslav Roerich who painted his father as a model for Solomon.)
“a. Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.
b. The United States (and later South America), fusing and blending central and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.
c. The British Empire, fusing and blending races and men throughout the entire world.”44
It is possible that Vladimir Putin, in trying to retain Crimea-Ukraine, is working (or being guided) toward “fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia” – Eurasia. In this triangle of nations, can be seen in the history of Britain and USA particularly, how colonialism and imperialism, though crude and very cruel at times, played a part in the unfolding of the Planetary Plan.
The “fusing and blending” is going ahead rapidly now, despite many abuses by governments and corporations trying to create their selfish “new world order”, as opposed to the emerging Aquarian paradigm based upon generosity, sharing and community. Seventy years ago, DK also had this to say about Russia’s destiny:
“Russia is the home of a germinating revelation of great spiritual value and group significance – a revelation for all mankind … The true secret of brotherhood (one hitherto unknown and unrealized) is hers to give the world, but as yet she knows not what it is. [Russia’s Aquarian soul.]
This fact, that Russia is the spiritual custodian of a revelation, is sensed by the other nations in the world; and the first reaction has been fear, based on certain initial mistakes … Nevertheless, all peoples view Russia with expectation; they dimly realize that from her will come some new thing … Russia is a giant, getting into his stride – a young giant, aware of great possibility, animated by a deeply religious, though unorthodox spirit [Aquarius soul], handicapped by a combination of oriental traits and occidental purposes, and distrusted by the world, owing to earlier moves falsely taken.

And We Do Not Fear. (Nicholas Roerich,1922.)
Russia is inwardly (but as yet unconsciously) motivated by a desire to bring brotherhood into being … Russia must also learn to cooperate with other powers on an equal basis … Above everything else, the problem before Russia is to give to the other nations of the world such an example of wise rule, free expression of individual purpose, and the use of an inclusive and sound education, that other nations will pattern themselves upon what Russia has demonstrated, yet will at the same time, preserve their own cultural approach, their own self-chosen form of government, and their own mode of expressing brotherhood.
Russia inherently stands for a new world consciousness, and through her means, a new planetary expression will gradually be wrought out in the fire of experiment and experience. That great nation (a synthesis of East and West) must learn to rule without cruelty, without infringing the free will of the individual and because she has complete confidence in the beneficence of the ideals which she is developing but which are not yet expressed.”45
A very complex situation in the world at the moment, with many competing propagandas. The resistant and distrustful attitude of USA and Britain toward Russia is delaying and blocking their dharma of working together. Their co-operation seems to be a critical part of the Planetary Plan and the Forces of Materialism are desperately trying to prevent this occurring.

For love of the planet, may they work harmoniously together!
“Will the great powers, Russia, the United States, and the British Commonwealth of Nations stand together for the total good of humanity, or will they each proceed upon their separate way towards their own selfish objectives?” (Written in the 1940’s)46
Travel Diaries Revisited
In anticipation of a forthcoming new travel diary, the old ones have been tidied up on the new format Esoteric Astrologer website, a much easier read. (See here.) These are accounts of travels for my Origins Odyssey project (2010-2012) – that, after a few delays, will be resumed soon, hopefully before Christmas …
The diaries are part of the The Hidden History of Humanity project, that seeks to demonstrate the esoteric chronology of the World through books, documentaries, webinars and traveling seminars. The purpose of visiting these many locations is to not only create film footage for the HHH documentary series but to connect with the soul of these places and let them tell their history.
Phillip Lindsay © 2015.
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- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.17. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.42. [↩]
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- Paul Craig Roberts [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.668. [↩]
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- The Destiny of the Races and Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.16. [↩]
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- Excerpt from Putin’s speech at the UN. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.358. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
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- The Destiny of Nations, Alice A. Bailey.p.67. [↩]
- Aquarius 2,117 AD: Beginning of the Age of Aquarius. [↩]
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- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.86. [↩]
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- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.60. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.104. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.22-3. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.22-3. [↩]
Excellent understanding and reporting on Putin — references to RT, etc.
However, you should understand that Crimea is a former province of Russia proper and happy to have returned to a now-Christian nation.
Khruschev in 1959 tacked Crimea onto his Ukrainian home for more power and influence thereof.
Kiev coup people have told eastern Russian-speaking citizens and Crimeans to stop speaking Russian as they have done as their homeland language. This is crazy.
US ambassador Nuland bragged about spending $5 billion to overthrow the democratically elected Ukraine government of 2013. These power-plays of Rothschild zionist bankers is outrageous.
Wonderful and very useful work, thanks, Phillip.
On Crimea, Putin had this to say:
“To understand the reason behind such a choice [by the Crimeans, “to rejoin the Motherland”] it is enough to know the history of Crimea and what Russia and Crimea have always meant for each other. Everything in Crimea speaks of our shared history and pride. This is the location of ancient Khersones, where Prince Vladimir was baptised. His spiritual feat of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined the overall basis of the culture, civilisation and human values that unite the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The graves of Russian soldiers whose bravery brought Crimea into the Russian empire are also in Crimea. This is also Sevastopol – a legendary city with an outstanding history, a fortress that serves as the birthplace of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. Crimea is Balaklava and Kerch, Malakhov Kurgan and Sapun Ridge. Each one of these places is dear to our hearts, symbolising Russian military glory and outstanding valour.” (Speech to Lawmakers in Crimea –
disagree with the description of Putin. He is definitely a karmic agent, someone who triggers for a better change. But trigger person is not necessary a good person. Creating challenge and making others to change doesn’t determine its own ( trigger person) transformation . He has stamina, smarts, but he is the person of no integrity . Integrity is vast concept and can’t be applied only for a certain behaviors , example: just for international politics, but when it comes to inner politics it’s not there.
P.S. Big fan of yours. Thanks for your newsletters
Dear Victoria.
You might like to take a look at this:
Also this:
Babisky, a journalist at RFE/RL, “a state-run U.S. broadcasting organization”, recalled that in the early 1990s, “after a long period of unanimity imposed by the state, the Russian people were unceremoniously thrown into a world in which literally thousands of ideas competed with one another. In the course of over 20 years, however paradoxical it may seem, an understanding emerged that, in Russia, there are as many opinions as there are people –Communists with their red flags, pie-throwing National-Bolsheviks, libertarians who fight for the rights of the rich against those of the poor, anarchists, monarchists, politicized Buddhists, nationalists, etc.”
“Russian society proved to so diverse, that only a person who respects others peoples’ freedom, and the right of others to think differently, to believe otherwise, to walk and breathe differently, can live here.”
Phillip, I want to say that your “Scorpio” newsletter is a very valuable document. I follow the large narrative very closely, having the time and net access to do so. You have done a most excellent job identifying, citing and explaining, the current geopolitical factors. Relating them esoterically as you expertly do certainly makes clear the immense conflicting energies and high value stakes the dark and light actors represent. An analysis of this quality deserves wide sharing and i have begun wherever I suspect someone will see and hear what is being explained. Thank you.
Great unfiltered raw essay. Spot on. Such a relief to get to see one’s loner perception actually written SOMEWHERE! A keeper. Grateful for you, Mr. L. – A. Call
Very interesting read Phillip. Useful overall break down of Putin and current world events. Thank you.
The optimist in me wants to believe what Russia is doing in Syria is to help these people and end the bloody conflict. As any right minded human being would want/ or good leader.
It was the Russian forces which invaded and finished off the German Army in Berlin April 1945, bringing World War Two to an official end. They also suffered the greatest loss of 27,000,000 deaths. Russia is the underwritten hero of World War Two, not often acknowledged by the West.
The sceptic thinks it’s simply within Russia interests and an opportunity presented itself in Syria, due to the bloated corporate indecisive nature of the Western leaders, acting like a bunch of spoilt 14 year old teenagers (which they will eventually grow out of). Russia played its hand as a successful super power will do. It’s a bit like Ukraine; it makes no geo-political sense to lose these strategic land buffers/ or strong holds to western expansionism (not without a fight/ or calculation), same applies to Syria. What happens in Syria and Ukraine ultimately threatens the stability of Russia and its empire, due to their strategic geopolitical locations.
Currently I am living in Autocratic country and what I find the most interesting is that, once the people running the show make up their mind….and if their intensions are good, which does happen occasionally….you actually can get a lot done.
Nice to see the other side of the medal. It clarifies many things. Blessings, Phillip.
Thank you Phillip for your amazing insights. For many years my group worked to strengthen the cooperation between Russia, USA and Britain. Let’s hope!
Yours in an important and much needed voice, Phillip. Thank you for your service.
you never let us down with your insights Phillip…our minds expand with further awareness….
As to your earlier comments in the newsletter, it is irrelevant whether thoughts and theories are agreed upon or corrective in statements for us all….. it is our brains ongoing openessness and awareness, that becomes, the modest winner, through your enlightening knowledge and understandings….your value of worth is always much appreciated by me and I’m sure, by many others….take care Phillip under this beautiful full moon
It´s the same for me either English or Spanish. The important result is to receive such formidable information.
Phillip thank you thank you thank you. Yours is a voice of reason and intelligence in a world sorely lacking both. Your Scorpio newsletter is well worth the read and your service is so appreciated.
Here is an excerpt from an article written by a student of the Ageless Wisdom ( 2008-9) about Edward Bernays. I particularly like the opening quote:
Advertising – Its influence on Humanity
By David E. Hopper
“The platform of the leading ideologies is not necessarily wrong or wicked; it is the imposition by force and by a police state of an ideology, and its use by powerful men or groups for their own benefit, plus the keeping of the people in blind ignorance so that no free choice is theirs—which is fundamentally wicked and evil.”
The Rays and the Initiations, p. 744
One of the most influential people in the 20th century was not a politician, economist, General or scientist but the founder of public relations. Edward Bernays, was the nephew of Sigmund Freud and the founder of public relations in the early part of the 20th century. He took his uncle’s ideas on people’s repressed unconscious and subconscious desires, and changed how the advertising industry operates.
Another pertinent article today:
(Putin): “The authorities in countries that seemed to have always appealed to such values as freedom of speech and the free dissemination of information – something we have heard about so often in the past – are now trying to prevent the spreading of objective information and any opinion that differs from their own; they declare it hostile propaganda that needs to be combatted, clearly using undemocratic means.”
This is a very good article and quite informative from both a astrological as well as an international relations perspective. If I can add my perspective to the conversation, I will say this:
Why do dictatorships suddenly collapse?
From my own viewpoint, dictatorships suddenly collapse due to a catalyst that finds its root in the will of the mass of people being subjugated. Of course, this will is not necessarily based in spirituality, but usually has its roots in economic well-being. Either a dictatorship undertakes economic development, that once achieved, delegitimizes the regime, or a group of people having lost economic well-being and being lorded over by a plutocracy, break under the yoke of economic oppression and thus demand freedom.
Either way, the changes are brought about through the will of the masses, which change as a result of the changing sea of vibration in which the many live, move and have their being. The reason I bring this up is because the real reason that Russia is having an effect on the US and the nature of the dynamic between these two nations is due to one overarching thing – disciples in each nation that have through their own efforts developed the ability to act as conscious channels of spiritual energy and can therefore elicit the soul ray of each nation, step down hierarchical energies, and feed the masses by “standing in spiritual being”. If it was not for the awakened and aware individuals in Russia and the USA who have fought for their own measure of spiritual success and gained the ability to “remain at the center” we would not see the current dynamic between the USA and Russia.
Look, the US and Russia share the same personality ray (6), but their soul rays differ (2 & 7, respectively). Nonetheless, their soul rays are intimately a part of Aquarius (724). Even if one takes the names of Russia or even USSR and the name USA and look at the numerology of these names, they all sum to the number 5, which as you are aware is also a ray that is intimately connected with Aquarius. So, there is the mentality (arms race) and this fanatical adherence to ideologies (capitalism vs. communism) that codified the Cold War between these two countries. The USSR collapsed, and in retrospect, I think this may have had a subtle, but powerful effect on triggering the Russian soul ray and lessening the personality ray. The USA, bolstered by the collapse of the USSR looks like it received a temporary dose of the opposite – a strengthening fanatical adherence to its own ideology and a personality driven need to feed its God of War (6th ray Martian influence).
My own subjective sense is that the 7th ray soul of Russia is now more active than it was 20 years ago and coupled with the increasingly 7th ray energies of Aquarius, the USA is feeling the heat of the friction due to a tidal change in the vibratory sea in which it lives, moves and has its being (bye bye 6th ray). Over the longer term, the 2nd ray soul of the USA will come to the forefront and I see the energy of Russia’s soul aiding in this process, despite the constant stream of damning vitriol present in US media claiming that Russia is the Antichrist. It is just the opposite.
In conclusion, I am not giving credence to the actions of any leaders of any nation state. I am simply trying to point out that it is the united efforts of individuals learning to stand in spiritual being and remaining centered that is the root of the effects we see.
So for Scorpio, whose hierarchical ruler is 4th Ray Mercury, the ray of humanity, we can say, We are the Warrior and from the battle We emerge triumphant.
I understand about “not giving credence to the actions of any leaders of any nation state.” But since, a/c to DK, Russia is expected to play such a central role in human advancement, isn’t it important to know whether or not this country is on course for this role? And how shall we find out if we do not look at the actions of its leaders, as Phillip has done? (Many thanks again, Phillip)
And we all agree this work is not “political” in the usual sense.
For mu part, I have satisfied myself that Putin’s ambitions are not of the “egotistical personal” kind – by listening to what he says:
“I did not become the President of Russia to satisfy my personal ambitions. I do not need [to be popular with US or other leaders] if Russia’s interests are neglected.” (Interview to TASS, 24/11/2014 –
“I became President [at a time] when the country found itself unwillingly plunged into the chaos of civil war in the Caucasus and facing enormous economic difficulties, the collapse of the social sphere and a huge number of people living below the poverty line.
I can say to you with all certainty that I did not just take up a job, or merely stepped into this office… I decided for myself that I was ready to do everything I could, to make any sacrifice, in order to restore the country. I made this the main purpose of my life and I decided that my own life in the broad sense, my personal life and interests, had therefore ended.
Destiny has given me the chance to play a positive role in the history of my people, and I see myself as a part of this people and feel very strongly my connection to them. I have always felt this and I feel it now, and from the moment I made my decision I have subjugated my entire life to this goal.
So when you ask me when I first had this feeling of being a leader, I can say that I haven’t had this feeling and I don’t have it now. I feel like a work horse that is hauling along a cart filled with a heavy load, and I can tell you that the satisfaction I get from my work depends on how rapidly and effectively I manage to make progress along this road.” (Interview with Time Magazine – Dec 20, 2007,
Phillip has noted the similarity of Putin’s and Russia’s energy patterns, a fact borne out by Putin’s strong identification with his country:
“Russia is my life. That is a fact. …I feel a connection with the Russian soil and Russian people and I could never [be happy] anywhere but in Russia.” (Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club, October 24, 2014 –
As these not hopeful signs?
I appreciate you bringing up a valid point in what I had presented regarding not giving credence to any world leader. I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment that looking at the actions of a leader of a country, as Mr. Lindsay has so kindly elucidated for us, is critical to understanding the path that a country is currently taking. By presenting my comment to the article, I was only trying to draw attention toward a couple of things:
(1) no head of state will ever appear that is not in at least relative alignment with the will of the masses.
(2) Since the head of state is somewhat of a symbol or metaphor for the level of awareness of the mass of people over whom the head of state presides, one can then look to the level of awareness of the masses to understand, at least somewhat, international dynamics.
Remember when the USSR fell apart we had the stumbling happy faced drunkard of Boris Yeltsin in Russia and we had Mr. Reverse the Public Deficit and enjoy sexual favors, Bill Clinton in the USA, who were both the heads of state. Well, what happened to those fuzzy, feel good times? Shambhala in 2000. The dispensation was marked (apologies to not reading Mr. Lindsay’s Shambala Impacts book yet). So, after that we now have new leaders of the USA and Russia who embody 1st ray energies. The USA embodied 1st ray energy as a subsidiary of 6th ray energy, which is why we saw these Spanish Inquisition style tortures happening under Bush and this overt Romanesque worship of War. Russia got its 1st ray dose through Putin.
Victoria Malev brought up a valid point above regarding V. Putin in an earlier comment. He might appear to be an international panacea in combating what many might consider Zionist plans, but domestically the role of the Russian State in repressing freedom of speech of its own people is egregious. Though some might argue that if it was not for this strong man, then we might see the Russian state overrun with billionaire oligarchs and the situation could be far worse.
Look, we are at a place in human history where there are now lots of people that do not need to use what is concrete for guidance. Many folks can feel thoughts or read words, and in their decentralized minds flash forth the colors and undulations of energies which Alice Baily so kindly described in her compendium. So here we are now at this place in human history, where yes, world leaders are important, but they are only as effective as the population will let them be. Conversely, they are only as wily as the population will let them be.
The whole point behind my two posts is only to point to one simple fact. Scorpio is a zodiacal sign that points toward bodhichitta. We fight the inner battle to become decentralized and free from selfish tendencies so that we can become lightning rods due to our ability to remain centered in “essential nature” (before a thought arises) and therefore step-up the vibration of the nation in which we may find ourselves so the prisoners can be free. Beneath the skin of Scorpio lies that rocket fuel which propels one out of the valley of the shadow of death so that we stop saying “me” and become pretty much wholly invested in the well being of everyone – bodhichitta.
Again thank you HMM for responding to my post! I was hoping to start a conversation so that we can all profit from hearing each others voices.
Hello Adam,
Yes, I think we should all do some more exchanging on this country and this man and his team of co-workers.
As regards your point and Victoria’s concern. it is clear that if freedom of speech [FOS] is really repressed in today’s Russia, then it is a very serious indictment indeed, since a/c to DK, this was “the true sin” of the S. Union. Therefore, Putin stands or falls on this test. Which means we as students of the AW should look at this issue very carefully.
Personally, having read what Putin has written over the years, and followed his speeches and interviews and talks, and watched (through the media) his general behavior with the “common people”, I have come to agree with the assessment of former German Chancellor G. Schröder (Putin’s long-term friend): Putin is a “flawless democrat” (Nov. 2004) (
But of a democrat of an unusual kind, as we’ll see below – but first these pointers on Russia’s freedom of speech (FSO) as usually understood:
1. For FOS as a free press, see this description of the Russian media landscape: and also this:
2. For FOS as political freedom, on needs to realize first of all that the major opposition parties are not the ones that Western mainstream media (MSM) puts forward (Navalny, the late Nemtsov, who never had any power base to speak of), but the Communist Party, followed by the Nationalist Party (LDPR). 2012 elections: Putin: 63.64%, communists: 17.2% (12.3 million votes); LDPR: 6.2%. Both opposition parties seem to be very active on the national scene (the communist party with surprisingly conservative proposals!), but they get zero coverage outside Russia – no doubt to maintain the impression that there is no opposition to Putin. Every year, the President holds a meeting with individual party leaders. (See also ‘Glaziev’ below)
3. For FOS as street demos, etc., the latest was a demo against the war in Syria (not well attended). However, LGBT demos are forbidden – “to protect the children” from what DK terms “imitative homosexuality.” No persecution of H/S, but clear social disapproval, a consequent ban on public promotion for “this dangerous trait.” (DK)
4. For FOS for experts and scholars, we have the interesting case of Putin’s aide, economist and politician Sergei Glazyev, and a consistent critic of his policy from the early 2000s ( Recently, Glaziev vehemently criticized Russia’s financial policy, even after Putin had defended it on several occasions, expressing his satisfaction with the work of both Central Bank (RCB) and Finance Ministry. But Glazyev, an economist and a politician (co-founder of Rodina party, presidential candidate in 2004), said these institutions were ruining the economy, either on purpose, being unpatriotic, or due to “stupidity” (article title was translated as “Stupidity Is Worse Then Theft” – Putin said, very well, Sergey Yurievich, put your ideas and strategies on paper, and let’s assess them. The paper (a five-year road map to Russia’s economic sovereignty and long-term growth”, is now out, and it has been said to read like a plan for a “financial WWIII.”( ). It is now being hotly debated, having attracted “a firestorm of criticism” from liberal economists,” and presumably more sedate criticisms elsewhere.
Another constant critic, equally vehement but on the neoliberal side (he is dead against Putin’s social policy), is Putin’s former FM Alexei Kudrin ( Kudrin is currently Dean of St Petersburg State University and member of the Presidential Economic Council Presidium – which latter position doesn’t prevent him from arguing with Putin very publicly: see “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin”: 2014 (
Note that these marathon conversations with the people do lead to changes in policy and practice: the criticisms, ideas and suggestions are actually investigated and discussed with government, and new instructions issued based on them. If an idea needs refining, then Putin asks the person or group to work on them and submit them directly to him. (For instance, the Instructions following the 2015 “Direct Line” ( took into accounts suggestions and complaints on medical benefits and specialist and special needs care, and measures to keep ferry charges and air travel fees affordable in a particular locality! But most questions only need further explaining, and the inquirer is usually satisfied – after a lively exchange, as with Galina Alekhina’s complaint about the height of dams, or Professor Torkunov on S-300 air defense systems (DL 2014 – or dairy farmer John Kopiski on milk prices (DL 2015 – And there is Ukrainian writer Sergei Lukyanenko who he described his country as a “cursed (or damned) land,” and got a gentle but firm rebuke, and a lecture on the traumas of history and the need to treat Ukraine with understanding and compassion. (DL 2014)
Is democracy and FOS? I think it’s more than the usual democracy! The people don’t just get to express themselves, but they get heard, and their views and needs are taken into account.
Does this means that there is perfect democracy in Russia – that the entire leadership functions like Putin, “wholly invested in the well being of everyone”? No. FOS – and freedom tout court – still leaves a great deal to be desired in Russia, but it is not because of “Putin’s repression”. The problem, as Putin sees it, is that civil society is still very weak and largely inarticulate, and unable to put up an intelligent defense of its ideas and interests. This is not due to a lack of education, since Russia tops the list as the most educated OECD country: over half the population has a tertiary university degree ( Russian civil society’s relative lack of political engaged is explained by people’s disempowerment under the Soviet system. However, Putin traces it back to the earlier period of serfdom: there is much truth, he says, in the caricature depiction of the serf mentality, “Let’s wait for the master, he’ll tell us what to do.” (Interview with TASS, 24/11/2014 – , and Time, 20/12/2007,
A series of measures and initiatives have been taken to develop a more dynamic civil society, but they are frequently misrepresented as “Putin creations”. State-funded press companies or “Presidential” associations and commissions understandably invite suspicion (forgetting that BBC, for instance, is also state-funded), but since private funding by millionaires (e.g. Murdoch) has frequently proved to be even less of a guarantee of independence, we’ll just have to scrutinise the work of these “Putin creations” and decide for ourselves (f. ex. Putin’s discussions with the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights
Again, I think this specific issue of FOS is a key test for Putin, and largely determines the extent to which he is in tune with Aquarian values. And given the importance of Russia’s “gift to humanity” as suggested by DK, we should all be on the lookout for any signs of serious curtailment of people’s freedom of thought and speech. I for one see no danger of this at this time. On the contrary, I see a determination to hear the very heart of the people.
But what I find most interesting (and this has to do with being “wholly invested in the well being of everyone,”) is Putin’s major quality – is his capacity to listen, as during the above-mentioned Direct Line sessions, but especially face-to-face. Lavrov (the foreign minister) once said that Putin “hears” even what is incompletely or vaguely expressed – or even left at the back of the mind. (See “PRESIDENT” – a series of interview with Vladimir Solovyov: Episode 4 – “Developing partnerships” – – at 06:30 – listening capacity.
With the ordinary people, Putin uses this faculty in very effectively to communicate with them beyond words – although he still listens to their words and speaks with them at great lengths. His aides think he “over-listens” and “wastes precious time” with the people (because of this he is often late for the next appointment). He never interrupts, no issue raised is too petty for him, and he never leaves a neighbourhood or village meeting, a young people’s association, a gathering of veterans…, until all have said their bit. He frequently tours his immense country, meets so many of such groups that a journalist once asked him why he spends so much time and energy on “meeting babushkas” (“little grannies” = simple folk) – perhaps he distrusts his civil servants’ reports? No, Putin replied, these direct meetings with people in their environment are important for my work. I can get a better sense of the people’s needs, mindset and feelings. (And, like every one of his actions, he also intends this to serve as an example for leaders and everyone else.
Putin then explains that he has developed a capacity for “feeling” the people’s needs, concerns, attitudes and expectations just by standing among them and watching them – without needing to ask questions. And he finds that this works better with the ordinary, humble people, a fact he attributes to his own modest background and also because he feels himself to be “at one with our country, with our people”, and easily “attuned to their signals.” He had even feared he’d lose this capacity for unmediated communication with the people’s hearts when he became head of state and was thus relatively cut off from them. “But thank God this [sensitivity] is not yet lost, and I am still able to feel [the signals] at once.” (See “PRESIDENT” – Episode 5: “Formation of Personality” – – from 14:20 –
Putin then goes on to explain the fundamental importance of this fellow feeling of at-one-ment with the ordinary people, adding that it helps him in his work. And, according to former Finance Minister German Gref, now CEO Sberbank, “the 80%” are indeed attuned to Putin and “can heart and understand him better than “the 20% – the officials and intellectuals. It seems to me that he sees his role as [primarily] that of a defender of the simple people.” (Same episode, from 13:06)
And this explains why Putin’s approval ratings are. However, it seems that even the 20% have can now “hear” Putin: his approval ratings currently stand at 90%. (I like to link this to DK’s statement: “Russian genius, expressed through its people as a whole.”)
Does this mean that the entire government machinery is as “wholly invested in the well being of everyone” as Putin is? Obviously not. The Russian bureaucracy drives Putin up the wall – though he sometimes finds their inertia and obstruction “comical.” (
The major headache for the Russian leadership a particularly vicious form of abuse of administrative power, combined with red tape and procrastination, and corruption and favoritism. In his 2014 (State of the nation) Address to the Federal Assembly, Putin noted the government’s slow progress in changing the frustrating mentality of “the oversight, supervisory, and law enforcement agencies.”
“Presumption of guilt is still very much alive. Instead of curbing individual violations, they block the path and create problems for thousands of law-abiding, self-motivated people. It is essential to lift restrictions on business as much as possible, free it from intrusive supervision and control.”
For the set of corrective measures proposed, see
While it’s obvious that Putin works in a difficult environment, we must also recognize that Russia is a good lab for developing a genuinely people-centred democracy provided Teacher Putin’s lessons and example are understood and applied.
Lastly, when we say “Putin” we really mean the individual Putin plus his team, some (or perhaps even many) of whom may be even more advanced than him. I am intrigued by this comment on Sergey Ivanov, the head of the Kremlin administration (and a close friend of Putin from their early 20s) a participant in a Valdai Club meeting:
“… And Sergey Ivanov on the podium: it seemed [that] a live, powerful radiation came from him.” (
Very impressive and elaborate description of the hidden forces behind what seems to be going on. This gives profound insights and hope that there is a leader like Putin (Plutin, Ras-Putin, great finds!) who is pictured as a war monger in the western media (certainly in the Netherlands too), who is exactly doing the opposite and who has the strenght and wisdom to do the right things to prevent the world falling into a WW III. Great work Philip! Many thanks. I will spread your newsletter where I believe it can be digested well.
RMM: “Putin uses this faculty in very effectively to communicate with them beyond words – although he still listens to their words and speaks with them at great lengths. His aides think he “over-listens” and “wastes precious time” with the people (because of this he is often late for the next appointment). He never interrupts, no issue raised is too petty for him, and he never leaves a neighbourhood or village meeting, a young people’s association, a gathering of veterans…”
This is a very interesting statement as Gemini moons are not often good listeners, they tend to want to do more talking than listening. I have always found Pisces the best listener of the zodiac, due to its receptive, absorptive quality. I note Putin has the asteroid Pallas-Athena in Pisces. The asteroids are extremely important and the more I work with them, the more they validate their importance. Pallas-Athena is the warrior goddess born from Zeus’s head and,
“… represents the wisdom seeker and intellectual pursuits … has a bearing on ‘wake up calls’, sudden changes and shocks … rules a higher understanding of things …one of the symbols of the mind, and prospers intellectual acumen and the cultivation of intelligence. Pallas people tend to be smart and fast, quick on the uptake and quick in action…” (Solar Fire astrology program.”
Aha! “…Sudden changes and shocks…. smart and fast, quick on the uptake and quick in action…”
Then this is interesting:
While answering a question on his handling of the Crimea crisis, Putin explains decision-making method or “style”:
“You know, I have a certain style of my own that has developed over years. I never take arbitrary decisions, decisions that may entail consequences I can’t foresee. And if I cannot foresee the consequences, I prefer to take some time. It’s like overtaking another car on the road: never try unless you are certain. First, take a good look if the road is clear for the maneuver. But that’s not all. The road may look empty because it goes down in front of you and then up and you may be just unaware of another vehicle speeding in the opposite direction. You have to be absolutely sure that nobody is driving the other way, that you really see the whole road ahead of you. That you are in control of the situation. If you are sure, go ahead.
Q.: And we are not in the wrong lane at the moment, are we?
A.: It’s those trying to race us who are in the wrong lane now. We keep driving along ours at a steady speed. If you’ve done everything right, it’s no use hurrying or making a fuss. It is like in the world of sports – which you are so reluctant to join. Certain things are perceived on the basis of the first-signal system, but still with reliance on the previous experience and your understanding of how the situation should evolve, and your reaction must be fast.
Q: I hear a judo wrestler speaking now. The philosophy of judo leaves no room for hustle and bustle.
Putin: Basically, yes. But if you indulge in reflection for too long, you will get nowhere. A specific result is a product of not just good research, but of a specific decision, of real action that follows, and not mere reflections on the subject.”
”Interview with Tass News Agency –
Regarding Putin and Eastern wisdom, one might add a comment he made on Yoga. Indian PM Modi thanked Putin for Russia’s support of India’s proposal for an “International Yoga Day,” and hoped Putin will also take up the practice…
Later, a journalist asked Putin whether he had begun his yoga practice. Reply: “Yoga involves development from the physical aspect to the spiritual. Let’s say I’ve been working on the spiritual aspect, but I still have a lot of ground to cover.”
Phillip. Thank you for such great work! Your assessment is close to mine although mine was not based on the same facts and information about Putin’s horoscope. I am just so glad to know that there is Libra influence in him! He is scary otherwise, but this lessons the blow and gives hope. Thank you for that! Again, a well written and well thought out piece!
“Scary Putin?”
Thank God! Let’s hope he scares ISIL/Daesh and the other dark forces that are now abroad, threatening the very survival of humanity.
Against these, may he take an even more terrible aspect!
The religion-based war that DK warned about is on: Daesh. It has broken out in the “area under a dark cloud” that DK mentioned, precisely around the ME point of “triangle of evil”.
– There is a war also around the point in central Europe, where a Nazi remnant has remained active since WWII.
– There is heightened warmongering in the US point of the triangle, which acts as the source and command centre of the evil activities in the other two centres.
– All this is led by the “neocons” – the current face of Zionism (if you haven’t seen the documentary “War Party” by BBC panorama, now is the time) working with that class of people mentioned by DK and quoted above by Phillip. Russia was then “free from them” and it still is today, after Putin routed their representatives – the “oligarchs”)
– WWIII, DK says, will be fought (mainly? at first?) on the mental plane: that’s where the major battles of the neocons against humanity are fought. On that plane, the neocons/Zionists seem to have already defeated Western leaders (US and its EU and NATO allies), whose minds they now fully control and “lead by nose” as they wish, including into these otherwise senseless ME wars.
– By means of a well-oiled propaganda machine, the neocons have so obscured the issues that the people in the West have come to a point where the only people fighting the rising evil in the two “hot points” of the triangle of evil are seen as evil demons: Assad, Rouhani, Nasrallah, Putin – especially Putin, the more powerful of the group fighting for humanity’s survival.
– Putin is tough (when he needs to be – he has other faces as well), and we should be thankful for that. This war will not be fought by soft, unprogressed Ray II leaders… And if, as DK says, the Hierarchy will not get directly involved in this war, I suppose it means that we now have leaders and influential people in sufficient numbers and inner quality to defeat the dark forces.
– Have we ever imagined what these leaders might look like? Cute and cuddly? I think not… Scary but fair? More likely.
(“Cute and tough”: Bashar’s wife Asma al-Assad): on video)