Scorpio 2016: US Election. Trump. Propaganda. Imperialism. Clinton.
The Phoenix rises from the ashes of its slain self. (Artist: John Edwards.)
Scorpio Keynote
“Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(Full Moon Nov. 14, 2016. 1.52 pm. GMT.)
USA Election 2016: Trump Triumph
Cyclic Factors Leading to the Election 2016
USA as World Dweller
Donald Trump: President Elect
Insistence upon Imperialism Will Ruin this Planet
Propaganda: “Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule”.
Clinton and Assange. Black Moon Lilith and Medusa
Steps for World Unification
USA Election 2016: Trump Triumph
The world has been held in thrall by the US election and now that Donald Trump is president-elect, how is the nation going to come together and unify itself? Trump made (the “right noises”) in his acceptance speech stating unifying aspirations and of course the nation needs to hold him to that, and to at least support the Office of US President, as distinct from the (odious to many) personality that will be occupying the Oval Office.
The Democrats’ loss can be largely attributed to the marginalisation and expulsion of the highest polling candidate, Bernie Sanders – by the underhanded machinations of the DNC (Democratic National Committee) and the Clinton campaign. If Sanders had been allowed to run, there would have been a very good chance of victory over Trump. (See this extensive analysis of Trump’s horoscope and transits, earlier in March 2016.)
This is a humbling and humiliating defeat for the Democrats and neo-liberalism, for which the majority of voting Americans have declared their opposition. It has long been held that Trump voters are not well educated (“unengaged and uninformed”), are “from rural areas” (implying lack of education) and respond to the lowest common denominator fears that Trump has played them on. Yet this is somewhat misleading, as Trump has a significant proportion of college graduates as well as many voters in the 50-64 age range. See also this footnote from The Guardian that breaks down the voter demographics, showing how varied the voters were, not just the groups mentioned above.1
But there is also another component that documentary maker Michael Moore delineates:
“At a recent promotional event for his new film “Michael Moore in TrumpLand,” Moore told audience members that he thinks the loudmouthed GOP nominee is going to win, largely because American elites are so cut off from regular people that they don’t realize just how much the middle class has been harmed in recent years.
“I know a lot of people in Michigan that are planning to vote for Trump, and they don’t necessarily agree with him,” the left-leaning documentarian said. Many middle-to lower-income people are going to support the former reality TV star because at least he uses language directly pertinent to issues that have affected their lives, Moore argued …
“Trump’s election is going to be the biggest “f*ck you” ever recorded in human history – and it will feel good,” Moore argued. Whether Trump means it or not is kind of irrelevant because he’s saying the things to people who are hurting, and that’s why every beaten-down, nameless, forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class, loves Trump,” Moore continued. “He is the human Molotov cocktail that they’ve been waiting for, the human hand grenade that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them.” Moore has repeatedly made clear that he does not support Trump, just that he can see why some people choose to.”2
Somehow the USA has to re-educate itself now because the election result has allowed it to sink to its lowest ebb since its inception in 1776. Trump is one of the heads of the USA hydra that is playing the role of World Dweller and Americans may have to acknowledge and embrace him as their own, if they are to move on from here. Not a savoury prospect, but there will be important lessons emerging in the next four years that may not be so obvious now.
Not least of all – racial, religious and gender discrimination, misogyny, hatred, white supremacy and other issues. It may take a Trump presidency to truly “make America great again” but not in the way Trump has proselytised – more in terms of how Americans will find out how much worse it will get (with the Republican domination of the House and the Senate), hence inspiring a better vision through popular revolt and protest.
Some observers say that Trump may be, albeit unconsciously, the needed “spanner in the works” to break up the old system of politics, overdue for Republicans and Democrats alike. This may also allow for the emergence of new political parties that do not have the baggage of the old ones, an opportunity to start afresh and prepare for the next election in four years time.
The unprecedented divisiveness and hatred that emerged during this election, traveled all around the world, creating many testy and snippy exchanges, dividing friends in all nations over both the candidates.
The cleavage that exists within the American psyche now may provide a great opportunity to heal its split personality, conditioned by the sign of Gemini (Trump’s sun sign) – and the sixth ray of Idealism; to bring about a personality integration and maturity that this nation sorely needs in order for its Aquarian soul purpose to flow and benefit the world at large. (This subject was covered in the Gemini newsletter for 2016: USA’s Gemini Personality Maturation.)
The other factor here is karma. The US has created alot of karma for itself, both at home and overseas. Transiting Pluto has been activating the Lord of Karma, Saturn, as explained below.
Cyclic Factors Leading to the Election 2016
In assessing the current world situation, one must bear in mind the long term influences that have led to the current political climate. These influences have been mentioned in earlier newsletters, but it is always useful to recall the energy cycles that are in play – from the greater to the particular:
1. Cuspal Period of Pisces-Aquarius
The world is transitioning through a 500-year cuspal period between the two astrological ages of Pisces and Aquarius – finishing about 2200. The former is more emotionally polarised whilst the latter is more mentally polarised. Meanwhile, conflict and confusion reigns with the over-lapping of these two very different forces.
2. Overlapping Cycles of the Sixth and Seventh Rays
There is also a transition from a long cycle of the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism to the new incoming seventh ray of Order and Organisation. Both rays have an affinity with Pisces and Aquarius respectively. Likewise, conflict is generated through the disparity of these two different forces. (USA is a sixth ray personality.)

Message from Shamballa. (Nicholas Roerich 1946.)
3. Increasing Shamballa Force
The potency of the Will force only recently direct to Humanity, no longer “filtered” by the Hierarchy. The point of least resistance or the lower expression of this little understood energy expresses itself as tendencies toward fascism and imperialism.
4. 1965-2025 Window of Achievement
The world is in a cycle of opportunity that emulates the achievement of the Buddha and his Arhats 2,500 years ago, seeing its zenith in the West between 1965 and 2025. It is a time of unprecedented spiritual opportunity and accelerated consciousness.
5. From 2025 Onward: The Externalisation of the Hierarchy
A planned, planetary event for which the forces of materialism are fighting desperately to prevent. This is far more serious than most people realise and requires staying in a diligant alignment. This emergence is coming for the first time since the ancient days of Atlantis. (Covered in other newsletters.)
6. Transiting Pluto opposite USA Cancer sun
The USA is still experiencing the long term effects of transiting Pluto opposite its Sun in Cancer. This began in January 2014 and is only just finishing right at the time of the election in November 2016. Although transiting Pluto passed its last exact opposition of USA’s sun in November 2015, the square of USA’s sun in Cancer to Saturn in Libra has kept Plutonic forces active for this entire period.
When Pluto squares or opposes the Sun (which in esoteric astrology represents the personality), it can be a very painful process of drawing disease to the surface – mental, emotional or physical. Indeed, in a personal horoscope, it can represent the diagnosis of life threatening diseases such as cancer. (There have been statistical studies by some astrologers on this theme.)
Some significant long-term transits in USA’s chart November 8, 2016.
Transiting Pluto opposite Cancer sun, square to Saturn in Libra and transiting Jupiter.
Transiting Neptune conjunct progressed sun in Pisces – until 2020.
Transiting Saturn conjunct ascendant in Sagittarius.
Transiting Uranus conjunct Chiron in Aries.
Lunar return in Aquarius on election day.
As Pluto purges, revealing the hidden, it can delineate a period of one awful revelation after another, exposing for all to see. Now, at the end of Pluto’s cycle to USA’s Sun square Saturn, the world is witnessing the ugliness that is emerging from the underbelly of the USA; many secrets revealed, the lies, corruption, hatred and divisiveness. But of course, as the USA is currently playing the role of the “World Dweller”, these facets of its not-self apply to many nations.
Pluto’s transit is also trying to “break the back” of the rigid square pattern between USA’s Cancer sun and Saturn in Libra. Saturn in Libra is about the law and US politicians spruik endlessly about the need for “the rule of law” – when paradoxically, many circumvent the law in their personal lives or are lame in congress when it comes to passing important legislation. (Climate-change deniers are one example.) As a result of not coming to terms with the challenges of this square pattern, it is often exercised in an over-compensating, heavy-handed manner.
Other examples of the inability to resolve the dynamics of the Sun-Saturn square include USA invading other nations illegally, NSA vacuuming up large chunks of information illegally, for-profit prison systems etc. – in contravention to Saturn’s law. Saturn is Lord of Karma and Pluto’s transit to Sun-Saturn is evoking a karmic cycle where the USA will have to pay the piper for past transgressions of the Law.
Cancer is also a sign that esoterically rules Washington and New York, exoterically USA’s Cancer sun in the 1776 horoscope. Cancer is an important sign for the USA as it is the “mother” of many races at various levels of consciousness, synthesising them into a greater whole, a process by no means completed:
“Cancer … is the constellation which symbolises the will of the mass, which conditions mass response and mass psychology … It is basically the focussing of the mass will through the medium of the mass consciousness – a thing unknown as yet, though the rudiments of this knowledge can be seen in that peculiar factor in the life of humanity which we call “public opinion”. This is now being brought into the educational field through what is commonly called propaganda.” (See later section on propaganda.)3
USA’s Cancer sun is also conjunct the fixed star Sirius, a fact that the founding fathers were probably aware. Sirius is the “star of sensitivity” and of liberation, representing the “culture of freedom” so esteemed in USA’s ideals. Hence, Pluto, one of the most outer planets of the solar system, has been activating the Sirian force quite potently in the past couple of years.
7. USA’s Pluto Return 2022
The USA is about to go through its “Pluto return” – when Pluto on its 248 year cycle, returns to its natal position in Capricorn in 2022. It is this Aquarian soul’s first Pluto return – founded in 1776, well before Pluto’s discovery. Pluto is the planet of upheaval, death and regeneration. (Soon after 2023-4, Pluto will move into Aquarius.)

Regeneration: “Star Baby” Alex Polanco.
Pluto transits, as one might expect with the Lord of Death, are not unlike the after-death state of seeing with crystal clarity all that happened in the life just lived – the good, bad and indifferent, stimulating acknowledgement and regret, but inspiring that soul to do better in the next incarnation.
During a Pluto transit, whilst incarnate the same realisation occurs as in the after-death state. One sees clearly past misdeeds and mis-steps – in such a clear light that immediate measures are taken to redress the balance.
Pluto then assists with the relinquishing and releasing of that which has been brought to the surface, regeneration is effected and a new inspiration unfolds for the next cycle, during that incarnation. This is the promise of not only USA’s Pluto return, but the transit that precedes it, Pluto opposite the sun and Sirius, enumerated in point #6.
8. Transiting Saturn conjunct USA Ascendant
During the 2016 election, transiting Saturn was passing over USA’s Sagittarius ascendant for the first time in 30 years. It has been in 2016 at the same position as transiting Pluto on 9/11/2001 – a wake up call for the nation – engineered by its own internal forces. Now a new wake-up as emerged the day after the US election – 11/9!
Saturn is the Reaper or Harvester and currently connects the USA (and the world) with the consequences of decisions made before and after the 9/11 event. For example, the invasion of Iraq and other Middle Eastern nations, political policies related to imperialistic ambitions etc.
One of the themes of Sagittarius is morality or a lack thereof. Saturn transiting the ascendant holds up the mirror on that theme, whilst at the same time stimulates a collective inspired vision of what the future could be.
9. Transiting Neptune in Pisces conjunct USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces
Complicating the previous transits has been the passage of Neptune through its own sign of Pisces. As God of the Waters, Neptune rules the feeling nature – in the watery sign of Pisces. Hence world psychic sensitivity has been heightened, and like Saturn in Sagittarius squaring transiting Neptune, has been encouraging a higher vision and purpose for humanity.
But the downside of Neptune’s influence on the undeveloped or unredeemed astral bodies of humanity has created much glamour, illusion and confusion; it reached the point during the election cycle with so many competing propagandas, that the general populace hardly knew what was real anymore.
This tendency is particularly marked in USA’s horoscope (arguably the “propaganda capital” of the world), where transiting Neptune has been conjunct USA’s progressed sun in Pisces – and will be all the way through to 2020 – for this Republican presidency. Hence the nation will be hard-pressed to develop discrimination, embodied by Pisces polar-opposite Virgo. The choices made through right discrimination have never been so difficult or critical as the 2016 election.
The progressed Sun’s position represents a phase of personality unfoldment that utilises other signs of the zodiac to round out its development. Pisces is a sign of great sensitivity and compassion, but its lower expression can result in being lost in the astral realm, addictions of all kinds and being easily duped. Similarly with Neptune, so when Neptune and Pisces come together every 164 years, the stimulation can have twice the impact, higher and lower. Neptune is also the ruler of USA’s sixth ray personality, stimulating inherent glamours of fanaticism and mass delusion.
10. Transiting Uranus in Aries Conjunct Chiron
Currently, transiting Uranus in Aries is conjunct USA’s Chiron in the fifth house, the “mansion of the soul”, reflecting an opportunity for revolutionary change. Uranus is the planet of revolution so prominent at this nation’s 1776 inception, and is of course, the ruler of Aquarius, USA’s soul purpose.
11. USA Election in Scorpio
The election has taken place in Scorpio (as it does every four years), the sign where Hercules confronts the Hydra in the swamp and ultimately triumphs over all the “hissing heads”.
Scorpio on the “ordinary wheel” (for those who have not awakened from the material realm to the fact of the soul), has as its keynote: “Let maya triumph and deception rule” – a most appropriate phrase that describes where many thinking people are today, besieged by the beasts of propaganda. (See later section.) This is a needed process for the planet and particularly the USA, facing its shadow, where Hercules confronts the Hydra and in all its hideous guises, and emerges triumphant from the battle. These heads of the hydra have been enumerated numerous times in past newsletters. The following is delineated according to the US election:
Physical |
Comments |
Sex | The right use of sex. Greater awareness in the world but still a long way to go. Claims and counter-claims between candidates and associates have dogged the US election – Trump and Clinton alike. |
Comfort | Not just about a comfortable home, a nice car and a stable income! Moving outside the comfort zone of conditioned thinking, or thinking that has become crystallised and outworn. |
Money | Like sex, one of the most ancient and difficult themes. The misuse of money has reached its most refined and sophisticated in history. Both presidential candidates have “money issues”! |
Astral |
Comments |
Fear | Humanity’s major “glamour”, still ensnaring most of the planet. Courage as its antidote is on the increase! Trump has tapped into this lowest common denominator and played the fear card the most blatantly of the two candidates. |
Desire for power | A challenge for Scorpio’s! Pluto ruler is power, with a lower and higher expression of the Will. Clinton and Trump have desire for power, but how much is about accruing personal power or serving the nation? |
Hatred | The obverse of love, the astral plane is a reflected medium for the expression of love, but also hate. Trump has been the obvious offender generating hatred, mainly from the uneducated and disaffected who voted for him. However, consider what politicians say publicly but think privately. Clinton is well known for her hatred of some individuals. |
Mental |
Comments |
Pride | The problem confronting most of the Western world at the apotheosis of the Fifth Rootrace where mind has been developed and “fire has been stolen” from the gods by the global Prometheus! Trump with his Mars in Leo emphasis is again in strong contention! |
Separativeness | The lower mind, unalloyed with heart activity, naturally separates. It is the one major problem that underlies all human relationships. There has been great divisiveness generated during the election campaign, something that must be healed and unified. |
Cruelty | Based upon the illusion of mental superiority; has many subtle expressions besides the more obvious one of cruel speech. Trump has made very cruel remarks. Clinton has not been immune either – her comments on Gaddafi’s murder is one notable example. |
From the table above, it can be seen how the majority of attributes refer to Trump – and this is appropriate as he stands for the US dweller. Yet, these traits are not unredeemable and there is no reason why he cannot summon up his inner Hercules to lift himself out of the swamp!
USA as World Dweller
Like Germany in WWII, the USA has taken on the role of the world shadow or dweller. This is a natural part of its dharma as an Aquarian world leader into the Aquarian Age. It must face its own dweller on the threshold that stands at the doorway to its soul. Every unredeemed quality that constitutes the dweller will arise and we are seeing this now with so many issues coming to the surface at once. The above-mentioned Pluto transits and its transformative effects in points 6 & 7, offers the perfect opportunity for that process to occur.
Political observers have noted parallels between events in Europe in the 1930’s leading toward German aggression – and today’s aggressive imperialism by the USA, UK and NATO nations toward Middle Eastern nations and Russia. (See later section, Insistence upon Imperialism will Ruin the World)
Since the election of Obama in 2008, the US election has no longer really been that nation’s election – it has become a global concern because of USA’s far-reaching influences and political policies, for better or worse. The 2016 election has probably been the most critical and bizarre in US history – in this cuspal period between the zodiacal ages and ray cycles that turn the “hour hand” of the grand cosmic clock.

USA at the Crossroads – Let choice be made! (From blues great Robert Johnson’s “Crossroads” album.)
The short term timing or the “minute hand” within these greater cycles is determined by the transits of the outer planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The transits of Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Sun constitute the “second hand”.
Taking this analogy further, it could be stated that the time is currently one minute to midnight: A do or die, make or break effort is required by the Republic to “focus”, as the author Salman Rushdie recently stated; for a divided nation to unite and overcome the forces of separativeness that it has generated within itself.

Gandhi had Venus, Mercury and Mars all in Scorpio!
This will require intense lobbying of the US President to keep the Washington administration honest. Public protests, popular uprisings and even civil disobedience, putting pressure on politicians will be imperative for the USA to regenerate itself – like that great Scorpio symbol of Phoenix rising from the ashes. Just days after the election, there are many anti-Trump protests across the USA.
This applies particularly to the looming environmental catastrophes that threaten to overwhelm the nation – and the planet – for which Republicans are dyed-in-the-wool climate change deniers. The world witnessed a brief emergence of public democratic pressure with the Occupy campaign, not seen since the anti-war movement of the sixties.
It is high time that a new revolution takes place soon if USA’s destiny as Water-Bearer is to be preserved; that its faltering democratic ideal is restored and the Aquarian stables are cleansed. This will probably create a lot of pain and conflict if the USA is to truly meet the challenge of the age. As mentioned earlier, transiting Uranus in Aries is conjunct USA’s Chiron in Aries, in the fifth house, the “mansion of the soul”, reflecting this opportunity. Uranus is the planet of revolution so prominent at this nation’s 1776 inception, and is of course, the ruler of Aquarius, USA’s soul purpose.
The Republicans will now control the White House and Capitol Hill together for the first time in 90 years making for a dominance of non-progressive Republican ideologies. Given that USA is such a strong sixth ray personality ruled by Neptune, it must come to terms with its conflicting idealisms – so characteristic of its sixth ray personality. It must also let go of its sense of exceptionalism and special-ness, all illusions that keep it trapped in the past.
Donald Trump: President Elect
As mentioned earlier, if the reader wants to refresh their memory about my extensive analysis of Trump’s natal horoscope and transits (March 2016), please go to this link.
In that analysis it was mentioned that Trump had a very good chance of winning the election, given his transits and progressions. There are a couple of challenging transits that are still playing out. One transit that was not mentioned was that of Saturn in Sagittarius opposing Trump’s Gemini sun that begins in late December 2016 and is exact just a day or two before Inauguration day, January 20, 2017.
This Saturn transit can represent several things, foremost of which is the great responsibility of a Presidency that has been taken on and an ability to really get focused and goal-oriented. It can also attract obstacles placed by people in positions of authority and power, giving a sense of being blocked by rigid circumstances. One difficult problem Trump may face is a military aggression by or upon the US – initiated during the interim between election and Inauguration day. Hence, frustrations but opportunity to clarify purpose using the one-pointed focus of Sagittarius the Archer.
Another factor that pertains to personal danger is the period of two weeks before the inauguration as Saturn closes in to oppose his sun, it creates a T-square between Sun-Saturn with its apex on transiting Mars and Chiron in Pisces – on his 8th house cusp. At the same time, a grand cross is formed on January 13 by transiting sun in Capricorn opposing Saturn and progressed moon in Cancer, crissed-crossed by transiting Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Libra.
This transit can also have an effect upon the heart which must have been under enormous exertion on the past year or so. The sun represents the heart and Saturn can have a restraining influence on its physical vitality at this time, so Trump needs to watch his health, holding a balance between an enormous workload and right living. Trump is Leo rising and Leo rules the heart, both physically and spiritually.
Trump has the opportunity to fufil his Leonine soul purpose of right leadership or “kingship”, to be “hearty” and generous to those around him; to be benevolent and kind on the one hand, to rule with a firm will on the other; to “drop the knee” and serve his nation with true humility. Can the aura of the exalted presidential office help transform him from a boastful braggart into a true statesman? Already, photographs taken since victory hint at a new seriousness and realisation of his task ahead.
One might hope that entering the office of US president may make Trump a little more “presidential”. The problem for the USA will be how to unite the nation or will there be massive resistance to Trump that generates greater conflict? Various thuggish groups will no doubt feel emboldened by Trump’s win – and then there is the question of the individuals who will be Trump’s cabinet and closest advisors. Political observers have said that there is already an appalling rogues gallery of suspects lining up for their posts and some of their appointments are bound to be highly controversial! Several proposed posts touted so far already mean that it will be “business as usual”.
The next four years promises to be tumultuous in the USA. On the other hand, if Trump’s stated non-aggression in foreign matters is really true, then it may mean a cessation of those hostilities, allowing a focus back inside the nation’s borders, especially economically, to benefit ordinary working Americans.
The declaration of Trump’s victory was synonymous with Mars’ ingress into Aquarius, the spirit of revolution, innovation and change. Trump himself has Mars in the opposite sign of Leo, on his Leo ascendant, which was described in this author’s earlier analysis, as the self-centred baby Trump who “spits the dummy”.
Aquarius is the soul of the USA, hence Trump’s balancing of the pairs of opposites between the personal selfishness of Mars in Leo and altruistic service of Aquarius, carries a great opportunity for him. But again, this means a complete reversal of previous behaviours, literally a “reversal of the wheel”, perhaps – from the mutable cross to the fixed cross of the soul. This is entirely possible too, because Leo is a sign associated with reversal and the first initiation. There is no reason why Trump cannot have his “road to Damascus” moment.
Also, during this Scorpio period, the sun-moon opposition in Scorpio-Taurus creates a T-square to Trump’s Mars, whilst moon in Taurus is conjunct his midheaven (career, public). This has the potential to transform his selfish Mars issues but also exacerbate them at the same time. In other words, he will find himself in the middle of alot of conflict, within himself, from those around him, from the nation and overseas. A huge test and the dynamics of this configuration will probably last several months.
Time will tell, and like any leader who has attained such a high office, whatever our objections to his obnoxiousness and values, does he deserve (as would have Clinton), the lighted subjective support that can elevate him to express his highest soul potential? Indeed, Clinton said in her concession speech, “We owe Trump an open mind and the chance to lead.”

Old British Imperialism
Insistence upon Imperialism Will Ruin this Planet
Imperialism: The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
The key factor to be considered with any new US government is if they still intend to keep imperialistic ambitions alive – that unnecessarily endanger the rest of the world. A movement away from these kind of reckless policies could transform the planet overnight – from one of constant antagonism to a true culture of peace.
Imagining the obvious – of how the USA would thrive internally if the trillions of dollars spent on armaments and useless wars were directed toward a more uplifting and refined culture at home? Continuing imperialism was one of the dangers of a Clinton presidency, given her foreign policy record. (See this link.) Does Trump mean what he says about withdrawing from foreign antagonisms?
When considering the wider span of history, the ancient trend of imperialism seems to not have diminished since World War II. This may be partly due to the aforementioned Shamballa forces of the first ray of will or power. Scorpio and its ruler Pluto are closely connected to power in its many expressions. Commenting just after the cessation of WWII hostilities:
“The outstanding disaster which faces humanity at this time is a return to the state of affairs prior to the outbreak of war, and the rehabilitation of the old familiar world, with its imperialism (whether of empire or finance), its nationalisms and its distressed, exploited minorities, its vile distinctions and separative barriers between rich and poor, between the oriental and the occidental, and between the castes and classes which are found in every land – without any exception.

Nazi imperiaiism.
The history of the world has been built around the theme of war; its points of crisis have been the great battles. The thought of revenge motivates some nations; the demand for the righting of ancient historical wrongs influences others; the restitution of lands, earlier held, directs the acts of others.
For instance: the ancient glory of the Roman Empire must be restored – at the expense of the helpless little peoples; the culture of France must be paramount and French security must outweigh all other considerations; British imperialism has in the past outraged other nations; German hegemony and “living space” must dominate Europe, and the German superman must be the arbiter of human life.”4

Old Russian imperialism.
If we are to truly learn the lessons from history and not, in the words of George Santayana, “be condemned to repeat them”, then it is critical to acknowledge that the prospect of an “outstanding disaster” is lurking and imminent today – where the “rehabilitation of the old familiar world” has taken place.
Perhaps to a lesser extent than the warning given above, because there have been great advances in human rights compared to then. Nonetheless, imperialism has reared its ugly head quite significantly, particularly regarding the theme of aggression by USA, UK and NATO nations toward Middle Eastern nations and Russia.
These threats and incursions have recently become quite alarming, reinforced by needless sabre-rattling statements from foreign ministers in the UK and USA, the build up of armaments and troops in Europe regarding the “threat” of Russia (and also China now), as well as ongoing interference and slaughter in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Why does there always have to be an enemy, particularly toward those who have not threatened these Western nations? Seems to be just plain old school-yard bullying on an international scale! Fearful men projecting their insecurities onto others. Let us pray that no forces are unleashed between election and inauguration day because it will create mayhem and chaos.

Modern US imperialism.
Some perception of the situation may be enhanced by viewing the world divided into three main groups, realising that, “the exponents of these three groups are to be found in every land and among all people”:
“1. The ancient entrenched forces of aggression, of material acquisition and pure selfishness, working through a pronounced cruelty which reaches out and grasps what it wants, irrespective of any other rights, historical and legal possessions or the will of anyone.
2. The forces of spiritual purpose, embodied in the will to protect the rights of others, along with individual rights; to end aggression and its consequent fear, and to throw the weight of their combined influence on to the side of the most spiritual values, of human freedom, of the right to think, and of kindness. I use the word “kindness” advisedly because it embodies the idea of kin-ship, of brotherhood and of right human relations.
It is world goodwill in expression, just as the will-to-good is the basis of any possible peace – a goodwill which would negate any premature peace at this time, because the latter would give time for the Forces of Materialism to consolidate their gains and prepare the way for further aggression. Kindness, the will-to-good and peace – such should be the practical expression and the formulated intention of those who are conditioned by the Forces of Light.
3. The force of mass negativity, as expressed today by the dominated people in the strongholds of aggression and by the neutrally minded people everywhere. They are all coloured by racial fear, by the instinct to self-preservation, and by short-sighted selfish interest.
The problem is one of exceeding difficulty because, even though the lines of demarcation are becoming steadily more distinct, yet the exponents of these three groups are to be found in every land and among all people – in every church and in every home. No nation or group is exempt from this triplicity.”5
The solution is so succinctly stated, everyone knows it, it is simply a matter of implementing and demonstrating:
“The forces of spiritual purpose, embodied in the will to protect the rights of others, along with individual rights; to end aggression and its consequent fear, and to throw the weight of their combined influence on to the side of the most spiritual values, of human freedom, of the right to think, and of kindness.”
Propaganda: “Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule.”
“The new race, the coming civilisation, and the new age culture will be found throughout the world – the universal inheritance of the human race. But everywhere humanity is the victim of propaganda – a propaganda which can only be seen in its true light when (wo)men think in terms of human liberty; when they together take the needed steps to ensure human happiness, and learn in so doing to face world conditions as they are, not hiding their heads in a dream world of their own making.
The world of the future, of which people in all lands dream, is more than a possibility if they will shoulder their just responsibilities and together make it a fact in human experience.”6
As stated earlier, on the “ordinary wheel” of evolution the keynote for Scorpio is “Let maya flourish and deception rule.” During the Scorpio period for 2016, this phrase begs some reflection, given the chaos and confusion which currently exists. Invoking the keynote of Scorpio for the “reversed wheel” is of paramount importance: “Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant.” Taking a stand between these warring forces demands a lot of will and perseverance.
A good example of lower Scorpio “Let maya flourish and deception rule” was Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with a Scorpio stellium – Sun, Mercury, Mars, Chiron and Uranus placed here. He held the office of “Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda” (!), founded on 14 March 1933, when the sun was in Pisces, the personality of the German people. (See previous newsletter about this.) This worth bearing in mind, given the previously detailed transit of Neptune in Pisces conjunct USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces. USA is ripe for mass deception in this era of “fake news” – a new term for old propaganda.
Informing ourselves rightly is a challenging task – everyone has a different approach. There is only so much news that one can absorb to achieve a balanced global outlook. Many people are simply too busy to try and inform themselves correctly, resignedly accepting whatever comes through the mainstream media and perhaps running it through the personal filter of the intuition:
“Of course, not all the information available is necessarily relevant or has any truth, hence the increasing need for the use of the discriminatory mind. Information also stimulates the emotional nature which is responsible for the hatred engendered by those who react sensitively to suffering and who, because of their emotional identification with suffering, lay the blame for the distressing conditions encountered upon a person or a group.
What is needed, therefore, is a well-considered mental response to humanity’s need, then the whole problem will be lifted out of the world of glamour and illusion. This is a gradual process however for many people are still polarised on the astral plane and therefore immersed in their desire nature.”7
And bearing in mind that everyone is at varying stages of unfoldment upon their soul’s journey, not fully developed emotionally, mentally or intuitively:
“One of the first lessons we need to learn is that our minds, being as yet unresponsive to the hidden intuitions, make it impossible for us to say with assurance that such a condition is this, that or the other; that, until we can function in our soul-consciousness, it is not for us to say what is or what is not; that until we have submitted ourselves to the needed training we are in no position to deny or affirm anything.

Pilgrim of the Radiant City. (Nicholas Roerich 1933.)
Our attitude should be that of reasonable enquiry and our interest that of the investigating philosopher, willing to accept an hypothesis on the basis of its possibility, but being unwilling to acknowledge as proven truth anything until we know it for and in ourselves”.8
Who among us can state with certainty that we have “submitted ourselves to the needed training”? One thing is certain, we are all in training”! Let us consider the following passages with regard to news and propaganda, understanding that Humanity is going through an unprecedented emergence from mass consciousness – with all its glamours and illusions, toward a more individualised consciousness:
“The forces flowing through the masses of average intelligent people today (and by that I mean those who are educated and able to recognise the world news and to discuss world events and trends), are constituting the experimental ground for the transference of the energy of the sacral centre to the solar plexus. This leads inevitably to turmoil, over-stimulation, revolt and many other difficulties.”9
And speaking in the prelude to WWII, The Tibetan advises,
“I seek to see you free yourselves from the condition where you are swayed by propaganda of a political, national or religious kind, and deciding for yourself where you, as a soul, must stand in this world crisis and on which side you will place the emphasis of any influence you may wield; I would have you note where your highest ideals will lead you and whether the springs of your life’s decisions and attitudes are truly pure and unadulterated.”10
In modern times, the phrase “conspiracy theory” has emerged, connoting various shades of the truth. This is a kind of “layman’s esotericism” – of inquiring minds seeking to penetrate behind propaganda – when they intuitively feel that they are not being told the truth. But in so doing, they can also get caught up in a world of paranoia – fear in its extreme expression, that has its origin upon the astral plane – the “fear head” of the Scorpio hydra. Kama manas, “desire mind”.
These enquirers may find a skein of truth but then distort it (in good faith or deliberately), by embroidering other “half-baked” theories and concepts. Hence the phrase “conspiracy theory” has been used to deride others, whether their ideas are accurate or not. It has become a tool to dismiss outright anyone whose ideas do not concur with, or that challenge their own ideas or beliefs – more often than not, without even investigating for oneself the so-called “conspiracy”. It takes discrimination and intuition to sift the wheat from the chaff but many people cannot be bothered doing this because of prejudice, old habits of thinking and the “comfort hydra” discussed earlier.
However, humanity is gradually reclaiming its power by finding out what is really going on in the world and how it is being manipulated by cabals and the corptocracy. They are gradually discovering the Ageless Wisdom which the Masters have said “must win the day”.
This is cause for celebration, Humanity is being illumined and emerging from the darkness in which it has been imprisoned for so long. However, the fine-tuning of more refined discrimination may take some lifetimes!
Facebook Problem
The following passage was written decades ago but is still very pertinent to our modern times:
“In the final analysis, the main problem of world government is the wise use of ideas. It is here that the power of speech makes itself felt, just as in the department of religion or of education the power of the written word, of the printed page, is felt. In the field of politics, the masses are swayed by their orators, and never more so than now through the use of the radio. [or Facebook today] … ideas are dinned into the ear of the public without cessation. Methods of rule by this or that group of thinkers are presented to the public, leaving them no time for consideration, or for clear thinking.
Racial antipathies are spread, and personal preferences and illusions find expression, bringing about the deception of the unthinking. The man who has a golden tongue, the man who has the gift of playing with words and can voice with emphasis people’s grievances, the juggler in statistics, the fanatic with a certain and sure cure for social ills, and the man who loves to fan race hatreds, can ever get a following. [Trump!] Such men can with facility upset the balance of the community and lead a body of unthinking adherents to a transient success and power, or to obloquy and oblivion.”11
And a co-worker who wishes to remain anonymous, said the following:
“I know Facebook can be used equally for good and for the Light. But the signal-to-noise ratio is very low and people only communicate within their respective identity bubbles …
I am repelled by the [Facebook] interface, the visual clutter, the ads, the distraction of the newsfeeds, timelines and the endless scrolling of posts into oblivion, all emphasizing the transitory nature and shallowness of discussions.
I much prefer the old-school platform of discussion forums with only text and no ads. Where you can have categories, and threads where people can interact with in-depth on topic discussions and have them retained and archived for historical reference and further research. For me Facebook is a platform that fosters a form of digital Attention Deficit Disorder. [DADD!] Clicking mindlessly on Likes and Shares without further contemplation … REACTING, not THINKING.
Which is why I favor emails and texts. I can speak privately and target my remarks to specific individuals without indiscriminate public broadcasting. I think Google+ was a better idea, with compartmentalized “circles” of friends. Too bad it never took off. The other thing I dislike about Facebook is their fascistic insistence against using aliases or anonymity. As a consequence, on Facebook, the focus is on PERSONALITIES and not IDEAS, resulting in the personal insults, cyberbullying, unfriending and blocking.”
And one could add to this the insidiousness of the instant chat facility on Facebook which makes it impossible to keep track of communications and allows too much for reacting without due consideration. Then there is the commercial side of harvesting data and personal pictures.
Here are some links here to articles talking about Facebook influencing the US election:
And a final word from Noam Chomsky:
“The leading student of business propaganda, Australian social scientist Alex Carey, argues persuasively that “the 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy.”12
See these previous newsletter comments on propaganda:
The Maya of World Media and the CIA
The Materialistic Forces and Misleading Media
Syria: Understanding the Agony of Syria (2016)
USA and Media

Some Scorpio power here!
Hillary Clinton and Julian Assange
Hillary Clinton proved herself as a tough fighter throughout the 18 month campaign, revealing her Scorpio nature ruled by Mars, the god of war. She endured many attacks during that time, some of which were from Julian Assange. She also made many attacks, as she has in her career as a politician.
Assange has been one of the biggest thorns in Clinton’s side by revealing many of her secrets – something Scorpio’s do not like! This is confirmed by the fact that Assange’s Venus in Gemini is in Clinton’s 12th house of secret enemies.
It is also another good confirmation of Clinton’s chart being Gemini rising. (The birth time was uncertain at either 8 am or 8 pm, the latter yielding Gemini rising.) Jupiter, as ruler of Clinton’s 7th house of open enemies is placed in Assange’s 12th house of secret enemies.
Clinton is a Mars-ruled Scorpio with several other planets placed there. (See a recent analysis of her horoscope here.) Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and FBI director James Comey all (amazingly) have their Scorpio moons near or on Clinton’s sun, indicating some karmic connections from the past. And of course, they have created the largest exposures of Clinton and the US administration, particularly Assange through Wikileaks emails.
Mars as the co-ruler of USA’s sixth ray personality, played a big part in the election and the charts of the leading protagonists. Assange has his south node in Leo conjunct Clinton’s Mars-Pluto conjunction – another indication of a possible past life connection.
Assange’s Mars in Aquarius is precisely opposite Clinton’s Saturn, in fact creates a T-square to Clinton’s Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn. This will be highly activated on the Scorpio full moon, as the Sun falls exactly on Clinton’s Mercury – ruler of her proposed Gemini ascendant. Also on the day of the full moon (November 14), Assange will be interviewed at Ecuador’s London embassy, Swedish prosecutors say:
“Ecuador has granted the Swedish request for legal assistance in criminal matters and the interview will be conducted by an Ecuadorian prosecutor,” the Swedish Prosecution Authority said in a statement.”13
This is extraordinary timing, given the transpiring of the election cycle. Perhaps it was anticipated that Clinton would win? Their natal and progressed horoscopes have some amazing synastry:
Synastry between Clinton and Assange
The multi-wheel chart above has the following charts in the formation of a Grand Cross, counting from the inside wheel outward:
1. Hillary Clinton natal chart.
2. Hillary Clinton progressed chart.
3. Julian Assange natal chart.
4. Julian Assange progressed chart.
5. Transits on the Scorpio full moon.
Clinton and Assange synastry in a fixed grand cross.
Note in this grand cross formation Assange’s Mars is the lone protagonist. Mars in Aquarius is Assange’s computer hacking skills, innovation and invention. Mars here is the “digital warrior” exactly opposite the authority of Clinton’s Saturn in Leo and her progressed ascendant in Leo. Assange’s Mars also T-squares Clinton’s nodal axis in Taurus-Scorpio, and in the colloquial vernacular, “really gets up her nose”!
Mercury square Saturn in Clinton’s chart indicates her tendency for deception and lies – although we know many politicians lie, especially Trump! Also, particularly as Mercury is the ruler of her Gemini ascendant – this most duplicitous and “slippery” sign of the Twins.
The dynamics of Assange’s natal and progressed planets with Clinton in a tight grand cross pattern like this indicates the unveiling of those lies – and there may be further revelations about this to unfold. The meeting of Assange’s progressed Venus with Clinton’s Saturn indicates another karmic connection. The opposition of Clinton’s Saturn to Assange’s Mars reflects Assange as the thorn in her side. Saturn is the authority of the establishment which Clinton serves.
Note also the progression of Venus to oppose natal Mars in Assange’s chart, reflecting the obviously false sex charges against him – which he is finally being asked questions about on the full moon day. The criss-crossing of this opposition by Clinton’s Mercury in Scorpio (which squares her natal Saturn) hints that she could have even suggested the original sex charges laid by Sweden. The full moon of Scorpio-Taurus is very close to Clinton’s nodal axis, covering the themes of sex, the use of power and subterfuge of the worst kind.
Clinton and Black Moon Lilith
On election day, transiting Mars was in the sign of its exaltation in Capricorn where,
“Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward, and this most material of all the signs is the battleground of the old established order and habits and the new and higher inclinations and tendencies.”14
Transiting Mars was also in the last degree of Capricorn, conjunct Clinton’s Black Moon Lilith in the Scorpio-Pluto eighth house. Black Moon Lilith is itself a rather Plutonic force:
“The Black Moon placed in the 8th House … can reveal intimate details of your life that you would, perhaps, prefer stayed forgotten. This is because the darker aspects of the Black Moon are associated with sexuality, birth, death, debt, lust, greed and other such intimate matters. It is possible that you attract, albeit inadvertently, the darker elements of society into your life … The challenge for you is to face the depths of your own dark side and hold it to the light … Rather than blame others for disrupting your peace of mind, thank them. They present your opportunity to face your own emotional, and psychic, depths.”15
This interpretation therefore, may indicate that something about Clinton’s life is further revealed between the election and the inauguration on January 20, 2017. The day before the inauguration, transiting sun on its yearly cycle passes through this last degree of Capricorn, activating the election day transit of Mars to her Black Moon Lilith.
Likewise, interpretation for Black Moon Lilith placed in Capricorn means,

Astraea, goddess of justice.
“You like to be in charge. There is nothing wrong with this trait. In fact it means that you are often willing to take responsibility when others are not. However, the problem comes in that you don’t recognise when the need to let go. You don’t mean to impose your will on other people … your need to be in charge – of everything! … You need to face the fact that your sense of duty is self-defeating. Once you can let go, and let others have a say and assist, then you are likely to feel much better. Your strength is accentuated as you learn to be more flexible.”16
Transiting Mars conjunct this point in Clinton’s horoscope could have been one of the significators of a victory, given the factors above that were triggered. She did win the “popular vote” but not the “electoral vote”, which must have been a deep painful loss for her to be so close. Hence, this transit did contribute to her downfall as well: The asteroid Astraea, the goddess of justice and the law, is exactly conjunct Black Moon Lilith natally – the latter may have been an influence for Clinton compromising the law or approving of illegal activities – generating a distrust from the electorate.
Clinton as Medusa
Medusa is a feminine archetype similar to Black Moon Lilith and Pluto. Another extraordinary transit on election day was the transiting asteroid Medusa conjunct Clinton’s asteroid Pallas-Athena in Aquarius – which also happens to be the position of USA’s Aquarian moon! (Clinton’s horoscope and transits were examined in detail earlier in 2016.) The comment was made then,
“Transiting Moon in Aquarius conjunct Pallas-Athena. This is a curious transit as Pallas-Athena is the warrior goddess archetype, ascending toward Clinton’s midheaven of career. Election day is also the USA’s monthly lunar return, hence transiting moon goes over the USA lunar position just after the polling booths open – and then over Clinton’s Pallas-Athena during the day. Pallas-Athena was the patron of Athens – would Clinton be the patron of the “new Athens”, i.e. Washington?” Unfortunately not for her supporters but she may continue to serve in an influential capacity.
I had not noticed at the time the asteroid Medusa until it came into prominence in two ways: Seeing Clinton being compared to Medusa in the media and simultaneously coming across Medusa and her symbol in the coat of arms of Sicily whilst traveling there. Medusa in popular belief is the “nasty mother” but is far more complex:
“Medusa means “sovereign female wisdom” … Medusa was originally an aspect of the goddess Athena from Libya where she was the Serpent-Goddess of the Libyan Amazons. There she had a hidden, dangerous face. It was inscribed that no one could possibly lift her veil, and that to look upon her face was to glimpse ones own death as she saw your future.

Medusa in the Sicilian coat of arms.
Medusa is the ultimate truth of reality, the wholeness beyond duality. She rips away our mortal illusions. Forbidden yet liberating wisdom. The untamable forces of nature. As a young and beautiful woman she is fertility and life. As crone she consumes by devouring all on the earth plane.”17
Hence, Medusa is a very Plutonic force that Scorpio Clinton may feel quite comfortable with – but what aspect of Medusa? Those who are pro or con Clinton will apply what they may. A prominent Medusa can invite demonisation by others and that has happened extraordinarily (rightly or wrongly) – to Clinton from many quarters. The goddess Athena turned the beautiful maiden Medusa into an ugly monster:
“Medusa, for your pride this has been done. Your face is now so terrible to behold that the mere sight of it will turn a man to stone,” proclaimed the goddess, “Even you, Medusa, should you seek your reflection, shall turn to rock the instant you see your face.”18
Hence, Medusa as the “dark apect” of Athena is, “… separated into polarized opposites”:19
Medusa | Athena |
feeling | thought |
crazy | rational |
cyclical | linear |
circular | hierarchical |
chaos | order |
dark | light |
death | life |
old | new |
ugly | beautiful |
mortal | immortal |
slut | virgin |
bestial | civilized |
nature | city |
earth | heaven |
left | right |
degraded | honored |
bad | good |
So what does it mean for Clinton when transiting Medusa made a conjunction to Pallas-Athena on election day? That the “dark goddess” who has been so demonised will unify with her other half Athena and be made whole? And take her place as “Athena of Washington”? She can still serve well as a Democrat that will keep the Republicans “honest”. This is also somewhat a reflection of Clinton’s dual nature as a Gemini rising, the Twins.
One might reflect that Clinton’s Gemini cunning play of the political game might be now well directed in a stateswoman-like way, contributing to Washington becoming a true Athens (the birthplace of democracy), allowing the democratic ideal to flourish on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral – a rebirth of the democratic ideal. But this will take many years and may not succeed at all, it’s incumbent upon the USA to direct its will in this direction.
Steps for World Unification
“There is no counsel of perfection to give the world or any solution which will carry immediate relief. To the spiritual leaders of the race, certain lines of action seem right and to guarantee constructive attitudes.
1. The United Nations, through its Assembly and Committees, must be supported; there is as yet no other organization to which man can hopefully look. Therefore, he must support the United Nations but, at the same time, let this group of world leaders know what is needed.
2. The general public in every nation must be educated in right human relations. Above all else, the children and the youth of the world must be taught goodwill to all men everywhere, irrespective of race or creed.
3. Time must be given for the needed adjustments and humanity must learn to be intelligently patient; humanity must face with courage and optimism the slow process of building the new civilization.
4. An intelligent and cooperative public opinion must be developed in every land and the doing of this constitutes a major spiritual duty. This will take much time but if the men of goodwill and if the spiritual people of the world will become genuinely active, it can be done in twenty-five years.
5. The world economic council (or whatever body represents the resources of the world) must free itself from fraudulent politics, capitalistic influence and its devious scheming; it must set the resources of the earth free for the use of humanity. This will be a lengthy task but it will be possible when world need is better appreciated. An enlightened public opinion will make the decisions of the economic council practical and possible. Sharing and cooperation must be taught instead of greed and competition.
6. There must be freedom to travel everywhere in any direction and in any country; by means of this free intercourse, members of the human family may get to know each other and to appreciate each other; passports and visas should be discontinued because they are symbols of the great heresy of separateness.

The Treasure of the World, Chintamani. (Nicholas Roerich.)
7. The men of goodwill everywhere must be mobilized and set to work; it is upon their efforts that the future of humanity depends; they exist in their millions everywhere and – when organized and mobilized – represent a vast section of the thinking public.
It will be through the steady, consistent and organized work of the men of goodwill throughout the world that world unity will be brought about.
… How can order be restored? How can there be fair distribution of the world’s resources? How can the Four Freedoms become factual and not just beautiful dreams? How can true religion be resurrected and the ways of true spiritual living govern the hearts of men? How can a true prosperity be established which will be the result of unity, peace and plenty?
There is only one true way and there are indications that it is a way towards which many millions of people are turning. Unity and right human relations – individual, communal, national and international – can be brought about by the united action of the men and women of goodwill in every country.”20
Phillip Lindsay © 2016.
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- The Guardian: “What appears to have made the biggest difference on the night was the turnout for Trump of white voters across the board – of both sexes, almost all ages and education levels, and from mid- and higher income levels. Among the more startling data to emerge from the poll:
- White voters, who make up 69% of the total, voted 58% for Trump and 37% for Clinton. Non-white voters, who make up 31% of the electorate, voted 74% for Clinton and 21% for Trump.
- White men opted 63% for Trump and 31% for Clinton; white women voted 53% for Trump and 43% for Clinton.
- Among non-college-educated whites, 67% voted for Trump – 72% of men and 62% of women.
- Among college-educated whites, 45% voted for Clinton – 39% of men and 51% of women (the only white demographic represented in the poll where the former secretary of state came out on top). But 54% of male college graduates voted for Trump, as did 45% of female college graduates. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.632. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.369. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.215. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.236. [↩]
- Christine Agaarde, Lucis Trust, London. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.32. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p. 542. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.228. [↩]
- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. p.115. [↩]
- World Orders: Old and New [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. [↩]
- Solar Fire Astrology Software. [↩]
- Solar Fire Astrology Software. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. pp.176-7. [↩]
Thank you Phillip, your analysis is lucid, profound and, in my opinion, spot-on. Thank you for sharing it with us all.
A poignant analysis of the bigger picture and how we as members of America must stand and evolve through soul activities in the face of great evolutionary change
Thank you Philip for your synthesis of the arcane wisdom as it applies to the turmoil of this election with illustrations of art photo and drawing Blesding!
Wow Phillip, quite a monthly newsletter! There are a ton of golden astrological nuggets in this. I am particularly intrigued by your suggestion that there may be additional revelations from WikiLeaks regarding HRC. Also you mention of Pluto’s return for the USA is most fitting.
I want to share with you my thoughts on the subject. First, looking at this apparent USA election debacle from the eyes of spirit where self-nature is Purpose Itself and the soul becomes a quiescent point contained within the monad, the field of phenomenal existence can be seen as inherently symbolic in its expression of what we call the consciousness-aspect of existence.
A symbol:
A radioactively propelled (using plutonium) satellite named “New Horizons” travels through the far reaches of dark space and arrives at Pluto to find a large heart of frozen nitrogen on the planet that is periodically refreshed due to (probably) radioactivity within Pluto heating up the nitrogen and allowing it to pool on the surface where it refreezes. So now we have this intimate view of Pluto showing that there is a big heart on the surface; an image reminiscent of Pluto’s original meaning, “wealth” and Pluto’s association with what lies underground (soul covered by personality sheath).
The USA’s second ray soul is going to be heavily activated by this Pluto return as Pluto uncovers the radioactive heart of the people of the USA and allows for a greater 2nd ray expression. This will naturally occur leading up to 2025. But before we get to the gradual appearance of the 4th Ray objectively manifesting (starting in 2025) a number of things must occur. The first and perhaps most major will be the collapse of the US dollar as an international reserve currency. This has been transpiring for some time. However, I believe this will kick into high gear during the 8.64 year transition period leading up to 2025 (this period we are now in is a 4th ray “sandhi” or boundary).
We should witness an uptick in 4th ray activity leading into 2025 as 4th ray souls become more active, countries with 4th ray souls become more active, and the Orient (4th ray) taking a more prominent role in world affairs. Given this 4th ray activity I suspect the following:
-Germany will pivot away from the Federal Reserve / continual war axis of the western world and will develop closer ties with that country that links east and west, Russia (and to a lesser extent Turkey). Over the long term this will lead to a reevaluation of the EU and the construction of very high efficiency rails for bullet trains to transit the ancient Silk Road linking east and west.
-Saudi Arabia will stop settling oil transactions in US dollars. Other countries will quickly follow. It will no longer be fashionable for countries to hold Eurodollars. Demand for the USD will collapse abroad. Domestic policy may shift to try to have a domestic dollar and an international dollar to shield US citizens from the growing worthlessness of their currency.
-The devil will eat its own children (as it always does) and the military-industrial complex of the USA will pivot away from the Middle East and the catabolic process of shedding what the souls of the US have outgrown will commence on US soil. I fully expect that the USA will enter an incubation period for the next 8.6 years and suffering will lead to transformation of its people.
-Although many state China has some severe debt problems, its karma is not to collapse but to grow in financial prominence. Domestic capital controls will help guide this process.
-Finally, given the coming into manifestation of the 4th ray and the Pluto return for the USA, I suspect that underground there will be found a metallic gift of some kind that has to do with the lowering of resistance in wiring. I think this will occur in the USA somewhere in the mountains. As the 4th ray comes into manifestation and conflict gives way to harmony, the world of science will reflect this change and it will manifest through less friction, which is lower resistance in wiring or more efficient power generation & transmission.
So… even though the election of D. Trump is an apparent disaster. He will (inadvertently) spark the global shedding of US dollars, which will erode the power of the Western elite to continually wage war. This is not an endorsement of Trump nor his narrow-minded views that are an anathema to humanity and the manifesting Oneness of Life, but a look beyond the immediate turmoil.
Jwala Kula’s vision of a humanity guided by the principles you enumerated above will come to pass and 2025 will be a momentous year for all those upon the Path. We should look past the immediate appearance of D. Trump as an ominous sign and see the working out of the Plan, but first Pluto will uncover the heart of the USA, as this country is temporarily isolated, transformed, and then reborn as a more mature, wiser global citizen by the middle of the next decade.
Your monthly reminder of unity, right human relations (white magic), and service through radiation are always appreciated!
A very rich and interesting analysis, Thank you, Phillip.
A comment on the UN: if Trump follows through with his stated plans to work with Putin on international security and other world issues, then the UN will be strengthened. Trump said in his WSJ interview that “Putin sent him “a beautiful letter” in response to his overtures. When the two leaders meet, Putin will surely outline his views on the indispensability of the UN system, which he has been advocating for a decade.
In 2007, he told the Munich Security Conference:
“When the UN truly unites the forces of the international community and can really react to events in various countries, when we leave behind this disdain for international law, then the situation will be able to change. … Along with this, it is necessary to make sure that international law have a universal character both in the conception and application of its norms.”
As the time, the US was not ready to listen. But Putin kept repeating his call on various other occasions. He tried again last month at the Valdai Club Conference:
“It is my firm belief that we can overcome [current] threats and challenges only by working together on the solid foundation of international law and the United Nations Charter.
Today the United Nations remain an agency unparalleled in representativeness and universality, a unique venue for equitable dialogue. Its universal rules are necessary for inclusive economic and humanitarian integration, guaranteeing the political rights and responsibilities of all countries, coordinate their actions while also preserving their sovereignty and developmental models. We have no doubt that sovereignty is the central notion of the entire system of international relations. Respect for it and its consolidation will help underwrite peace and stability both at the national and international levels.”
Fortunately, we now have a US leader who seems ready to “deal fairly with all nations”, and wants to “get on with Russia.”
If, thanks to Trump, the US and Russia can move from confrontation to cooperate along the lines indicated by Putin, then the UN system will be strengthened and no longer flouted, international law will be respected, and the world will be saved, and the US will rest from all its conflicts.
Hello RMM –
I’m reviewing this obviously several years hence, and I appreciate your cogent assessment. Now, in 2022, had the 2020 election not been stolen (and lied about by the criminals and their self-righteous supporters’ willingness to believe The Big Lie), we wouldn’t be in the proxy war situation with Ukraine, Russia wouldn’t be demonized but cooperated with, NATO wouldn’t be running rampant, the UN may have still been relevant, and free speech wouldn’t be squashed at every turn.