Tag Archives: Moon

Mars in Cancer: The Archetypal Mother & The Collective Psychic Substrate | Risa

Mars has its “fall” in Cancer, which can often posit some challenges from both the concrete and psychological manifestations of astrology, though reveals a occult secret from the esoteric stand point (as do all the “difficult” planetary placements). Exoterically, Mars as a penetrative planet of assertion and direction can be a little shady in the sign of the protective crab. Natally it may speak to someone who is indirect in their expression of anger or desires (the crab, after all, …

Water Moons and Boundaries

As the Moon moves into Pisces for the next few days, one is reminded of the need for awareness of personal boundaries for water moons – physical and psychic. Very broadly and somewhat superficially speaking, a Pisces Moon is blissfully unaware that they have transgressed someone else’s boundary or that theirs has been invaded. A Scorpio moon is usually more exorcisive with its Mars-Pluto rulership. Cancer can be extremely subtle and manipulative. Both water and the Moon are connected to …

Moon in Esoteric Astrology

Astrologers agree that the Moon is closely associated with form life, memory and emotion; these dimensions of human experience are basic to our understanding of the role of the Moon in both traditional and esoteric astrology. Seeming differences between the two astrological orientations actually derive from their similarities: esoteric astrology acknowledges traditional concepts concerning the Moon, but regards them from a cause-and-effect perspective and in terms of the energetic dynamics to which they refer.