Brexit Group Meditation: Suggested Visualisation

This meditation has been created in a response to some strong impressions by the author in these past few days (late March 2019). The meditation can be used in group, individually or incorporated into your current triangles work. The aim of the group meditation is to help stabilise the chaotic nature of the UK Parliament in these final crucial days before April 12, to link and co-operate with certain members of Hierarchy.

Many spiritually oriented people are not aware of just how serious the situation is in Britain. If Brexit or some other outcome occurs, other than staying in the European Union – it will have a negative impact upon the world as a whole,  profoundly undermining the democratic system. If the UK remains in the EU, then a road to reorganisation of the entire EU lays open – with the potential of Britain being one of the main catalysts. The principle of democracy is at stake – in a nation that is the principal founder of modern democracy.

It appears that a five-pointed star is the most appropriate formation to visualise because it factors in the main Hierarchical figures who are responsible for politics, racial evolution and Britain. Hence, both English Masters, Master R, Master M and The Manu. (See below some detailed descriptions of their roles from Alice Bailey’s writings.)

The Manu naturally takes the postion of the tip of the pentagram, his two closest co-operators – Masters R and M – are the “arms”, whilst the two English Masters are the “feet” of the pentagram. Inside the pentagram is the British parliament with certain personalities or key figures ( listed below) that may be included, according to each individual or group preference.

Bear in mind, we may all have reservations or resistances about some of these individuals, but as occult meditators there must be a transcendence of the duality of partisan politics. There are most assuredly disciples on both sides of the UK parliament, though it may not be so obvious to some.

The pentagram or five-pointed star, is of course a powerful magical symbol of human evolution, mind and the Fifth Rootrace – of which Britain is a leading nation. London is the proposed throat centre of the Fifth Rootrace and a second ray (old) soul that is at the vanguard of implementing the Planetary Plan.

The suggested meditation visualization: We invoke Britain’s second ray soul, imagining it flowing down into the parliamentary chamber, infusing it with Love and Wisdom. As we focus the pentagram in London, it  can also be linked to the triangle of Brussels and Geneva.

The recent entry of Mars into Gemini, the soul sign of Britain – will ensure a vigorous debate in these next few weeks. Mars as the god of war establishes a relationship between the pairs of opposites in Gemini, one of the most dualistic of the zodiac signs, the Twins. Typically Mars in Gemini can generate debate that is incisive and intelligent, and/or furious and acrimonious argument, hence its presence in this last phase of the Brexit crisis is most timely.

Also noteworthy, is that Mars is moving into an opposition to the troublesome position of Mercury in Sagittarius – in Britain’s 1801 horoscope. Likewise, transiting Mercury, stationary direct in Pisces conjunct transiting Neptune, squares Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius, creating a crucial dynamic regarding political idealism and choosing new directions – particularly in light of the Neptunian illusions that have been perpetrated upon the public by Brexiteers in the first place.

Additionally, Britain’s solar arc Mars is also moving into a conjunction to Mercury in Sagittarius, whilst its progressed ascendant is in Gemini opposite, an interesting coincidence between the exoteric and esoteric horoscopes. (For a detailed reminder of the extraordinary transits occurring in Britain’s horoscope, click here.)

Personalities which may be included

Amber Rudd, the leader of the new moderate Tory (Conservatives/Cons) faction that seeks to contain the far right faction.
Labour Party or (Tory) Conservatives: Tory Dominic Grieve, Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn. House Speaker, John Bercow.
Ian Blackford and Joanna Cherry Q.C. (Scottish National Party), organisers of the Revoke movement.
Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, and a key player who is pro-Remain.

Famous Resisters: Caroline Lucas (Green Party ex-leader, brave, moral, vocal against PM); Justine Greening; the main TIG’ers (new group): Anna Soubry (ex-Cons.) Heidi Allen (ex-Cons, now group leader), Chukka Umunna, (ex-Lab) Dr. Sarah Wollaston (ex-Cons). Vince Cable (leader of Lib Dems) plus all Lib Dems and Scottish National Party (SNP).

Those who need to increase their resistance to Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn, Tom Watson, Keir Starmer, Yvette Cooper, Margaret Beckett, Hilary Benn, Kenneth Clarke – Father of the House.

The Manu “directing the minds of statesmen everywhere so that racial government will proceed as desired, and conditions be brought about which will produce those needed for the fostering of any particular type.”

Master Morya “As the Master M. is upon the first Ray, that of Will or Power, His work largely concerns itself with the carrying out of the plans of the present Manu. He acts as the Inspirer of the statesmen of the world, He manipulates forces, through the Mahachohan, that will bring about the conditions desired for the furthering of racial evolution.  On the physical plane those great national executives who have far vision and the international ideal are influenced by Him, and with Him co-operate certain of the great devas of the mental plane, and three great groups of angels work with Him on mental levels, in connection with the lesser devas who vitalise thoughtforms, and thus keep alive the thoughtforms of the Guides of the race for the benefit of the whole of humanity.”

Master R is the Lord of Civilisation and presides over racial development and politics (Master M also for the latter). “It must be remembered here that though the Master R., for instance, belongs to the seventh ray, and thus comes under the department of energy of the Mahachohan, yet in Hierarchical work He may and does hold office temporarily under the Manu. These regents hold in Their hands the reins of government for continents and nations, thus guiding, even if unknown, their destinies; They impress and inspire statesmen and rulers; They pour forth mental energy on governing groups, thus bringing about the desired results wherever co-operation and receptive intuition can be found amongst the thinkers.”

English Master (1) is “also exceptionally active in preparation for the externalisation of the Hierarchy.” “A more stable state of affairs is gradually being brought about, and this may permit of definite occult work being attempted with success. The Master R. is working upon this problem, and likewise the Master of the English race…”

English Master (2) “The Master Who was responsible for the organisation of Labour. This work He began to do in the latter part of the nineteenth century … the Master Who started “the labour movement”, regarded by the Hierarchy as one of the most successful attempts in all history to awaken the masses of men (in the brackets called middle class and lower class) to general betterment, and thus set up a momentum which would, occultly speaking, “swing them into light.” One of his disciples was Arnold Toynbee (1852−1883), an English economist and social reformer who started the trade union movement.

His Ashram is occupied with the problems of industry, and the goal of all the thinking, all the planning and all the work of impressing receptive minds is directed towards spiritualising the concepts of the labour party in every country, and of industrialists, thus turning them towards the goal of right sharing, as a major step towards right human relations.

This Master therefore cooperates with the Master R.—Who is the Head of the third ray Ashram, and Who is also one of the Triangle of Forces which controls the greater Ashram of the Hierarchy Itself.

This Master is necessarily an Englishman, for the industrial revolution started nearly one hundred years ago in England, and the potency of the work done is related to its mass effect and to the results achieved in every land by labour and its methods. All the great labour organisations, national and international, are loosely knit together subjectively, because in each group this Master has His disciples who are working constantly to hold the movement in line with the divine Plan.

The Ashram of this Master is therefore occupied with worldwide economic problems, and also with a direct attack upon the basic materialism to be found in the modern world. The problems of barter and exchange, the significance of money, the value of gold (a basic symbol of the third Ray of Active Intelligence), the production of right attitudes towards material living, and the entire process of right distribution are among the many problems dealt with in this Ashram; the work done is enormous and of great importance in preparing men’s mind for the return of the Christ and for the New Age which He will inaugurate.

Capitalists and labour leaders, financial experts and thinking workers, and members of all the differing ideologies which are prevalent in the world today are to be found actively working within this Ashram. Many of them are what the orthodox religious man or the hide-bound occult student would regard as non-spiritual, yet all of them are in reality deeply spiritual in the correct sense, but they care not for labels, for schools of thought nor for academic, esoteric teaching. They exemplify within themselves a livingness which is the hallmark of discipleship.”

Author’s Links on Brexit and Democracy in Britain
Capricorn Britain: Extraordinary Transits & Brexit 2018
Aquarian British Labour Party 2019
Britain’s Gemini Soul and the Brexit Crisis
Great Britain: Gemini soul
Khalid Masood, Westminster, Crisis of Western Democracy
London’s Burning: Crisis in Democracy 2017
London and Britain: Financial Effects of Uranus in Taurus
London as Leo Soul, Libra Personality:
Westminster Attack 2017
London: Planetary Throat Centre – The Esoteric View
Britain: Gemini Soul: Taurus Personality
Britain’s Election: Gemini Jeremy Corbyn

2 Responses to Brexit Group Meditation: Suggested Visualisation

  1. Helen Kunz says:

    Thank you for the image to hold Philip, I will add it to the Triangle of London Brussels Geneva that i have been visualizing.See you in Az.Helen

  2. Torgny Jansson says:

    Thanks for the suggestion that we should actively support Britain’s membership in EU. I lived in UK for many years, including at the time of the referendum. And although the result was a chock for me, now I think it was maybe what Britain needed, a chock to wake up. Britain has been very reluctant to change (personality rulers Taurus and 1st ray). Although the soul is beautiful, the nation still believes it is an empire, the difference between upper class and working class is unbelievable, the nation is using clever diplomacy to gain what its personality wants. Before the refendum most of those who wanted Britain to remain were lukewarm and not very active in supporting EU. The result of the election was a chock that was so painful for many people that it stirred up their soul. Many young people felt betrayed by the older generation that mainly voted Brexit. Their pain was unbelievable, they said that their opportunity of travelling, working, studying and living in other EU countries was gone. Those who support EU have after the referendum been very active to promote Britain staying in EU.

    But we can’t forget those who voted leave. They are also a part of the nation, and have their rights to be listened to. One reason that many wanted Brexis I think is about identity. They identify with the old ideology of their nation or another group, not with the new ideology of the Age of Aquarius – the ideology of brotherhood and right relations. Brexit was strongest in the countryside, among working class and older people, Remain was strongest in cities, middle and upper class and young people. It is the middle and upper class from the cities that have most of the power and sets the agenda, and honestly does not listen much to the needs of working class and people on the countryside. This creates alienation, people feel that they are left outside, so they voted against what they consider the “elite”. Britain now has to unite, and this can not be done until working class and people on the countryside are being included and are not left outside in the coldness.

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