Vulcan: References from Alice A. Bailey

Vulcan Compilation from the Works of Alice A. Bailey

Esoteric Astrology

Let me reiterate: The Moon is a dead form; it has no emanation at all. That is why the Moon is spoken of in the ancient teaching as “veiling either Vulcan or Uranus.” This hint or inference has always been here and astrologers would do well to experiment with this suggestion I have made anent the Moon and (instead of working with the Moon) let them work with Vulcan when dealing with the undeveloped or average man and with Uranus when considering the highly developed man. They would find some interesting and convincing results eventuate.

p. 13

The Cardinal Cross

2. The Great        | Aries

Bear………….. | …….. Sun, veiling Vulcan……………….  Second Creative Hierarchy

| Libra                       (the 11th) Unknown

p. 50

The relation between the other constellations through the planets, as expressing the rays, is as follows:

1.   Taurus and Pisces, through Vulcan and Pluto, are related to Ray 1. Transmutation of desire into sacrifice and of the individual will into the divine will.

The World Saviour

p. 67

2.   At the various initiations, the influence of the planets affects the candidate in a totally different manner than earlier. Cyclically the energies from the constellations pour through the planetary centers.

a.   At the first initiation, the disciple has to contend with the crystallizing and destroying forces of Vulcan and Pluto. The influence of Vulcan reaches to the very depths of his nature whilst Pluto drags to the surface and destroys all that hinders in these lower regions.

p. 70

3.   The Sun (standing here for Vulcan, which is a sacred planet) governs a center in the front of the throat which is related to the para-thyroids and not to the thyroid gland, which is related to the throat center. This center in the front of the throat falls into disuse as the creative period of throat activity begins. It acts as a “mediator” between the higher and lower creative organs (between the sacral and the throat centers) and leads eventually to that creative activity which is consciously that of the functioning soul. Vulcan was one of the first creative workers among men. He was related to “Cain who killed his brother.” The symbolism underlying these ancient myths will be easily interpreted by the intuitive student.

pp. 78-9

I would remind you here that frequently when the ruler of a sign is given as the Sun or the Moon I shall speak of one of the hidden planets, Uranus or Vulcan. These are interchangeable in their use and it is difficult to tell which the esoteric planet refers unless you have been told. Hence my above reference to Uranus.

p. 99

Two other points might be touched upon, and for their understanding you will have to accept my statements as temporary hypotheses at least, for you are in no position to know them as truth for yourselves. Exoteric astrology has said and it is widely accepted that Vulcan, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune do not govern signs but only have affinity with them.

p. 114

Eventually there has to be the complete fusion of love and mind before a world saviour can manifest and function efficiently, and this is pre-eminently the final result of the forces of the Mutable Cross, as they work out the qualities released by the planets active in Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini. These planets are:

Orthodox – Jupiter and Mercury.

Esoteric – Pluto. The Earth. The Moon (hiding Vulcan) and Venus.

As you know, Pluto stands for the death or the region of death; the Earth stands for the sphere of experience; the Moon or Vulcan stands for the glorification, through purification and detachment, of matter, and Venus stands for the emergence of the love principle through the directing power of the mind. Students will find it interesting to work out the implications for themselves.

p. 126

2.   Through the Moon – under the bondage of form in order through form experience to achieve release and the “uplift of matter” in Vulcan.

p. 127

Leo gives us Jupiter, the Moon and Mars. He indicates, therefore, the success which is incident to proved discipleship and consequent readiness for initiation, the seeing of the vision with which Jupiter rewards the disciple, and the experience which Vulcan confers. Vulcan has been hitherto hidden, but its influence has steadily superseded all lunar control, for the personality or form side of life is lost to sight in the radiance of the Sun, the soul. The light of Vulcan and the light of the Sun are one light and these three, Mercury, Vulcan and the Sun – stand for a synthesis and a radiance which eventually dims the light of Mercury and it “falls” into the background and Vulcan too becomes invisible and only the Sun remains. We have consequently a vision of the Sun, the experience of the personality and effort, which is the mode of attainment governed by Mars.

pp. 132-133

In Taurus, Vulcan has both an esoteric and hierarchical effect.

p. 141

Path – Rays – Planets – Constellations – Evolution

6 and 4

Mars. Mercury…..Aries. Gemini. Cancer.

Virgo. Scorpio.


3 and 5

Venus. Saturn…….Gemini. Sagittarius.



1 and 7

Vulcan. Uranus.

Pluto          …..Taurus. Libra. Pisces.


Fourth, on the Path of Initiation the activity of all three Crosses is felt simultaneously through the medium of the “released powers” of Taurus, Libra and Pisces. You will note the first ray influence, expressing through Pluto and Vulcan, is only felt in a positive manner upon the Path of Discipleship. This first ray potency has only lately been experienced by humanity as a whole as it neared the stage of being the world disciple, and vast numbers relatively stood upon the Path of Discipleship. Hence the recent discovery of Pluto and the sensed power of Vulcan, veiled by the potency of Mercury and hidden behind that planet.

p. 166

Within our solar system Vulcan and Pluto are expressions or custodians of this first ray energy and are, as I have told you, esoteric planets. The fist indication of the true spiritual will only begins to manifest upon the Path of Discipleship – hence the late discovery of these two planets (late in point of time and from the angle of human knowledge) for it is only in this Aryan race period that humanity is to any large extent beginning to manifest evidence (and as yet it is no more) of a reaction or a response to the spiritual will of deity as it comes to our planet and hence to us via Aries, Vulcan and Pluto. You have therefore, the following direct line of will energy:

1.   The Pointer furthest from the Pole Star in the constellation of the Great Bear. This is, esoterically speaking, a great reservoir or focal point for divine energy, carrying out God’s purpose. The Pointer nearest to the Pole Star is expressive of a lower aspect of will, which – in speaking of humanity – we call self-will.

2.   Aries, in which the will to create or manifest makes its appearance and the great divine experiment is initiated.

3.   Vulcan and Pluto are related to the two Pointers and are only now beginning, in any definite and clear manner, to affect human response. Their effect had been planetary in its nature up to date and has not hitherto been at all effective in either the fourth or the second kingdoms in nature.

4.   Shamballa, the Custodian of the Plan for our planet.

pp. 195-196

In this connection the Moon is given as the orthodox ruler [of Scorpio] and the hierarchical ruler of Aquarius. I would here remind you that the Moon is usually regarded as “veiling” or “hiding” some planet of these there are three which the Moon may be veiling. Here the intuition of the astrologer and of the esoteric student must be called out. These planets are Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus. These three create and influence certain aspects of the Mother principle, which nourish and feed the life of the inner divine reality until the time comes when the Christ child is brought to the birth. They determine or condition the physical, astral and mental natures, thus creating the personality. They form a triangle of immense creative potency, upon which I will later enlarge when dealing with the Science of triangles.

p. 219

I would like to touch upon another interesting point which will serve to demonstrate the potency of Scorpio and its energies in the life of the disciple. Scorpio is one of the four arms of the Fixed Cross of the heavens, as you well know. Upon that Cross, the correctly poised man stands right at the center where the four arms meet and, therefore, at the point where the energy of all four signs and of their ruling planets can pour through him and evoke the needed reactions, produce the conditions wherein test is possible and so bring about the necessary reversal of the life currents in the man’s nature and place him upon the reversed wheel. The planets which rule him and condition him in some aspect or other of his nature are:

Planet Sign Ray School
1 Venus Taurus 5th Orthodox
2 Vulcan Taurus 1st Hierarchical, Esoteric
3 The Sun Leo 2nd All three
4 Mars Scorpio 6th Orthodox, Esoteric
5 Mercury Scorpio 4th Hierarchical
6 Uranus Aquarius 7th Orthodox
7 Jupiter Aquarius 2nd Esoteric
8 The Moon Aquarius 4th Hierarchical

p. 221

Uranus is the planet whose characteristics are the scientific mind, which, at this stage of the disciple’s career, means that he can begin to live the occult life and the way of divine knowledge can take the place of the mystic way of feeling. It also means that knowledge can be transmuted into the way of wisdom and of light. This necessarily brings in the will aspects or the influence of the first ray (Vulcan) blended with the seventh ray (Uranus) producing the desired manifestation on the physical plane.

p. 224

2.   The Moon (Vulcan). This is the esoteric ruler [of Virgo]. The significance of this is similar to that of the orthodox ruler. The Moon (or fourth ray energy) is here seen as an expression of first ray energy, manifesting through Vulcan. The Moon rules the form and it is the will of God to manifest through the medium of form.

p. 263

It will be obvious to you that the task of Mercury in connection with humanity has gone forward most satisfactorily and has brought humanity to its present point of evolution upon the probationary path; that the energy of Vulcan is potently making its presence felt, and hence the struggles going on upon the planet between the men of will – selfish and ambitious – and men of good will who are desirous of the good of the whole.

p. 264

The other point upon which I might here touch is that certain of the rays express themselves through two planets. For instance, the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict reaches us both through the Moon and through Mercury, whilst the first Ray of Will or Power reaches us through Vulcan and through Pluto. The real reason for this is one of the secrets of initiation and is hidden in the destiny of the fourth Creative Hierarchy and in the will-to-manifest of the Lord of our Earth, Who is Himself upon the third Ray of Active Intelligence; of Him it is said “when the third great energy is related to the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the mystery of the perfected Seven will be understood.”

p. 269

It is in this sign [Virgo] also that the Moon in its own right of antiquity and of ancient thoughtform control, and also as veiling Vulcan and Neptune, connects the force of Virgo with the energies of Taurus, of Cancer and of Aquarius. This is of peculiar importance for it relates the form building aspect with the consciousness aspects which, at a high stage of development, produces the manifestation of the Christ principle or the Christ-child.

p. 273

Virgo is also related to Taurus through Vulcan which brings in what might be called the endurance aspect of the will-to-be which carries the incarnated Son of God through the experiences of the dark time wherein the personality becomes the Mother in the stage of gestation, through the period of infancy upon the physical plane and through the stage of adolescence until the initiate attains full maturity. This necessitates persistence, endurance and continuity of effort and is one of the characteristics imparted or stimulated by energies pouring from Vulcan. You can realize that these are first ray attributes and are the reverse side of those usually emphasized, namely, death or the activity of the Destroyer aspect. Taurus is an expression of the third unmanifested Hierarchy and of this Hierarchy we know nothing beyond the fact it is concerned with the light which liberates from death. Therefore, you have:

Taurus – Illumination.

Vulcan – First ray or endurance.

Third Creative Hierarchy – Liberating Light.

Virgo – The Christ-life, latent and unexpressed (as in the 3rd Creative Hierarchy).

The Moon – The form nature, the substance of the flame which lights the way.

p. 274

The Moon and Mercury together indicate the activity of the higher and lower mind and are, therefore, related to the third Ray of Active Intelligence which controlled the first solar system. There is consequently only one planet, Vulcan, which is distinctly and purely first ray energy.

p. 280

This is the situation which confront the Knowers of the race in their various grades of knowledge and illumination at this time. Neither of these influences, the Taurian or the Aquarian – can be avoided. As you will see when we study the analysis of its rulers, Taurus forges the instruments of constructive living or of destruction; it forges the chains which bind or creates the key which unlocks the mystery of life; it is this forging process, with its consequent clamor, which is going on at this time in a most potent manner. Vulcan controls the anvil-like processes of time and strikes the blow which shapes the metal into that which is desired, and this is true today as never before.

pp. 374-375

We come now to a brief study of the Rulers of this sign. As Taurus is so close, esoterically speaking, to the sign Aires – which – in this world cycle – is the sign of beginning, it constitutes, relatively speaking, a very complex aggregation of forces, being related not only to Aries with its cosmic contacts, but also to the Pleiades and the Great Bear. Yet at the same time, it is very simple in expression for it is governed by only two planets. Venus is its exoteric ruler and Vulcan its esoteric and hierarchical ruler.


The esoteric ruler of Taurus is Vulcan, the forger of metals, the one who works in the densest, most concrete expression of the natural world (from the human angle). He is the one who goes down into the depths to find the material upon which to expend his innate art and to fashion that which is beautiful and useful. Vulcan is, therefore, that which stands for the soul, the individual, inner, spiritual man; in his activity we find the key to the soul’s task upon the eternal round of the wheel of life. You will remember how Hercules upon the Fixed Cross had to fashion his own weapons before he succeeded in his struggle. This is in reality a reference to the art of Vulcan who rules the inner man and guides his fashioning.

Vulcan also rules nations at a certain stage of embryonic soul expression, such as the present, and governs their activities, fashioning the instruments of war when war and conflict are the only means whereby liberation can come, though woe betide those through whom wars come. Vulcan then takes hold and – since the Middle Ages – has brought the mineral kingdom, “the depths from which supply must come,” under human control. In the present war [World War II], Vulcan is concerned along with Venus in the relation of man to man, and of man to the mineral kingdom. Venus, the mental energy of humanity, establishes the relation between man and man, between nation and nation whilst Vulcan establishes relation between the fourth kingdom in nature and the first. Vulcan, as we shall see later, us governed by the first ray and the first kingdom are definitely bound together. This, therefore, brings in the Shamballa force and you consequently have an esoteric triangle of energy – will, humanity and the mineral kingdom. They have a very close rapport with each other, both from the angle of the Plan and from the expression of material selfishness. Hence the great use of minerals (iron, copper, etc) in World War II. It is literally a war in which the mineral kingdom is used against the human. Humanity had gone down into the caves and the depths of concretion and is ready now for an upward shift or move, this time consciously taken and taken all together. This is a most difficult situation for the average man to comprehend but the entire problem of the conscious use of that which exists upon the planet and also its destructive usage is tied together into one most critical situation. Part of the solution will come along similar lines and of the prophecy now coming into the racial awareness that there are those “who sleep in the caves of the Earth who will arise and bring liberation” has reference. But be not too literal in interpretation for “that which is of the Earth can also be found in the sky.”

Hierarchically also the ruler is Vulcan, conditioning the planet and determining the fact that man is the macrocosm of the microcosm and that the fourth kingdom fashions or conditions all the subhuman kingdoms.

pp. 386-387

When we come to a consideration of the esoteric ruler of Taurus, we find ourselves confronted by Vulcan, one of the veiled and hidden planets one which is, therefore, little known or understood. I have earlier referred to Vulcan as the Fashioner of divine expression. In a peculiar sense, the energy which streams  from Vulcan is fundamentally the strength and potency which sets the world evolutionary process in motion; it embodies also the energy of the first ray, that force which initiates or begins and that which also destroys, bringing about the death of the form in order that the soul may be set free.

Vulcan is the ray or planet of isolation for, in a peculiar sense, it governs the fourth initiation wherein the depths of aloneness are plumbed and the man stands completely isolated. He stands detached from “that which is above and this which is below.” There comes a dramatic moment when all desire is renounced; the will of God or the Plan is seen as the only desirable objective but as yet the man has not proved to himself, to the world of men or his Master whether he has the strength to move forward along the line of service. There is revealed to him (as there was revealed to Christ at the fourth great initiatory crisis in His life) some definite, active undertaking which embodies that aspect of the will of God which it is his peculiar function to appropriate and make possible of expression. This has been called in Christian phraseology, “the Gethsemane experience.” The Christ, kneeling beside the rock (symbolic of the depths of the mineral kingdom and of the activity of Vulcan, the fashioner), raises His eyes upward to where the light of revelation breaks forth and knows at that moment what it is He has to do. Such is the test of Vulcan, ruling Taurus, if the soul, ruling desire, of the Son of God, fashioning His instrument of expression in the depths, grasping the divine purpose and so bending the will of the little self to that of the greater Self.

The depths have been reached and there is no more to be done. The light from the eye of the Bull which with ever increasing radiance has guided the struggling soul must give place eventually to the light of the Sun, for Vulcan is a substitute for the Sun; it is spoken of sometimes being veiled by the Sun and others it stands for the Sun itself. It stands between the man and the Sun, the soul. Therefore, we have in this connection three symbols of light:

1.   Taurus. – The eye of illumination or light. The Bull’s eye. Illumination. Exoterically – the physical Sun.

2.   Vulcan. – The one who reveals that which is deeply hidden and brings it up into the light. Esoterically – the heart of the Sun.

3.   The Sun. – The great Illuminator. Spiritually – the central spiritual Sun.

Thus from every angle, illumination remains the theme of this sign.

We have somewhat considered the rays and their effect and relationships as they, through Taurus and its rulers, pour their force and energy into individual man, or into humanity as a whole. The two rays which directly affect the sign are, as we have seen, the fifth (through Venus) and the first (through Vulcan). These two when viewed in combination with the Earth (which is an expression of the third ray) demonstrate a most difficult combination of rays, for all are along the line of the first Ray of Energy:

Ray 1. – The ray of Will or Power.

Ray 5. – The ray of Concrete Knowledge.

Ray 3. – The ray of Active Intelligence.

This combination tremendously increases the already difficult tasks of the Taurian subject. Only indirectly does the second Ray of Love-Wisdom and its subsidiary line of energies appear and, therefore, love and wisdom are often lacking in the person born in this sign. Such a man will have much self-love. self-esteem, self-respect and a good deal of selfish centralization or personality focus. He will be intelligent but not wise; aspirational but at the same time stubborn and set so that his aspiration does not take him very far very rapidly. He will move spasmodically and in wild rushes; steady measured progress upon the Way is very hard for him. He finds it difficult to apply practically the knowledge gained. It is apt to remain a mental acquisition and not a practical experience. He will be almost painfully conscious of duality but, instead of its producing a struggle for unity, it produces often a set and static depression. He will be destructive because “bull-headed” and because the hammer aspect of Vulcan will be dominant. Because he has a measure of light – his power to be thus destructive will distress him.

He needs to grasp the spiritual side of Venus which emphasizes that the Son of God who is the Son of mind is the instrument of God’s love; he must learn, therefore, to transmute knowledge into wisdom. He must transcend the destructive side of Vulcan and so of the first ray instead work as a “fashioner of souls,” including his own. He must aim at clear seeing, pure joyful will and the death of the personality desire. Such is the goal of the Taurian disciple.

pp. 392-394

The Moon is also present but again veils Vulcan, whose influence we have already considered.

p. 395

In this sign [Taurus], the Moon is exalted. Symbolically this means that the form side of life is a powerfully controlling factor and one with which the man must ever reckon. The Moon is the Mother of form and in this case veils or hides Vulcan – which might be expected. The Moon, therefore, stands here for the fashioner or molder of the form, bringing in both the feminine and masculine aspects of form-building, the dual functions of Father-Mother. This is a point for astrologers to remember. This process of interplay brings about two phases of the needed fashioning:

1.   A process wherein is created a form of great potency in which self interest and personality aims and desires ate the motives bringing about activity. The Moon and Taurus activity.

2.   The processes, self-applied by the awakening Taurian, wherein the form nature is fashioned anew and motivated in a different manner and so is “raised up into Heaven” and this irradiated and glorified. The Vulcan and Taurus activity.

pp. 399-400

This capacity is indestructible and is itself a divine focus of energy which must and will without fail carry forward the good undertaken under the inspiration of The Great Architect of the Universe. He fashions all things to a divine foreseen end and in this sign [Taurus] – through His agents, Venus and Vulcan, typifying the form and the soul – will lead man from the unreal to the real. p. 404

Related to this triangle is a secondary one within our Sun’s orbit, composed of Vulcan, Pluto and the Earth. In the Archives of the Great Lodge this is referred to symbolically as:

[Diagram EA483.gif] p. 482-483

The sacred planets are, as you know, seven in number:

1. Vulcan              4. Jupiter

2. Mercury             5. Saturn

3. Venus                6. Neptune

7. Uranus (p. 506)

It is only in the present cycle that the Sun and Moon “veil” certain planets and are the exoteric symbols for certain esoteric forces. As evolution proceeds, the planets will not be veiled. Their influences will not be so remote. At present the mechanism of the majority of the human family is not tuned to the reception of the rays from Vulcan, Uranus or Neptune whilst Pluto at present only evokes response from groups or from disciples who are enough evolved rightly to respond. The three veiled planets – Vulcan, Uranus and Neptune are all sacred planets, embodying first, seventh and sixth ray energies. Vulcan is never an exoteric ruler and only comes into real activity when a man is on the Path, whilst Uranus and Neptune are rulers of the eleventh and twelfth houses, and govern Aquarius and Pisces. The implications will be clear to you.

p. 509


1. Head Centre first ray Vulcan

p. 517

Seven great psychological Lives, qualified by seven types of life force, are manifesting through the medium of seven planets. Five other Lives express themselves through five planets, of which two remain to be discovered.

1. The Sun (Substituted for Vulcan)

2. Jupiter

3. Saturn

I.      4. Mercury

5. Venus

6. Mars

7. The Moon (substituted for Uranus)

8. Pluto

II.    9. Neptune

10. The Earth

11. Undiscovered

3.      12. Undiscovered

The Kingdoms of Nature and the Planets. In this cycle:

1.   The mineral kingdom – Pluto and Vulcan

2.   The vegetable kingdom – Venus and Jupiter

3.   The animal kingdom – The Moon and Mars

4.   The human kingdom – Mercury and Saturn

5.   The kingdom of souls – Neptune and Uranus

6.   Synthesizing these five – The Sun

p. 650

2.   “Jehovah was identified with Saturn and Vulcan.” (S. D. I. 632.)


Vulcan (1st) – The School of Fiery Stones. There is a curious connection between the human units who pass through its halls and the mineral kingdom. The human units on the earth scheme are called “the living stones”; on Vulcan they are called “fiery stones”.

p. 693

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Neptune and Uranus are not here enumerated, nor Vulcan.

The orbit of Neptune includes apparently the entire ring-pass-not.

Vulcan is within the orbit of Mercury.

p. 206 footnote

The seven planets, centers, or schemes:

1.   Vulcan (the Sun, exoterically considered).

2.   Venus.

3.   Mars.

4.   Earth.

5.   Mercury.

6.   Jupiter.

7.   Saturn.

The three synthesizing planets:

1.   Uranus.

2.   Neptune.

3.   Saturn.

The One Resolver.

1.   The SUN

I would caution you here against attaching any importance to the sequence followed in numbering these seven schemes, either in connection with their order of development or importance, or their position in relation to the central planet, the sun, or to each other.  Only two are to be considered numerically accurate at this stage and in this round, i.e., our Earth, the fourth scheme, and Venus, the second. Venus is either the second or the sixth scheme, according to whether the schemes are counted mystically or occultly. Inversely, Jupiter will be either the second or the sixth, and it must be remembered that:

a.   The planets Venus and Jupiter are exceedingly closely connected with the Earth, and form eventually an esoteric triangle.

b.   Saturn is the synthesising scheme for the four planets which embody manas purely and simply, or is the major resolution of the minor four, and eventually for all the seven.

[Diagram TCF0370.gif]

c.   Mercury, the star of the intuition, or of transmuted manas, is, at this stage, considered as the fifth scheme.

p. 369-370

The Divine Septenary hanging from the Triad thus forming the Decad and its permutations 7, 5, 4, 3. (S.D. Vol. I, pp.259)

[Diagram TCF0373.gif]

The Dense Physical Planets


4th Chain, 4th Globe


4th Chain, 4th Globe


3rd Chain, 4th Globe


3rd Chain, 4th Globe


3rd Chain, 4th Globe


5th Chain, 5th Globe


4th Chain, 5th Globe

p. 373

[Diagram TCF0385.gif]

p. 385

Again it must be noted that Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Vulcan are as yet developing manas, and the stage achieved in each varies, and is not for exoteric publication. The Heaven Men of these schemes have not yet succeeded in bringing Their bodies to the stage where transmutation on a large scale is possible. They are approaching it, and when the necessary three fifths is reached, then They will begin to transmute on a larger scale. The Earth scheme has about one fifth in process in transmutation in one or other of the globes at this time and Vulcan has very nearly two fifths.

p. 403

It is Vulcan and Neptune in opposition, which is as yet an almost incomprehensible thing for us.

p. 597

They could only “come in” in the middle of the fifth round, and were a group of initiates who arrested their own evolution (technically speaking) in order to take up a special piece of work on the planet Vulcan, therefore, they must return to continue and complete that which has been left undone. Owing to the results of their experience on Vulcan, the physical vehicle necessitated is of such an order that they could not at this time, and in this round, incarnate without disaster.

p. 719

In every scheme They have Their place, but in some – as on the Jupiter scheme – They are just beginning Their work, and in others – as in the Vulcan and Venus schemes – Their work is nearly completed.

p. 742

These three activities are the main work of the solar Pitris where man is concerned. Where the group, and not the individual, is concerned, their work lies along the line of adjusting the egoic units in their groups, and of making them group conscious, but this is only possible towards the final stages of evolution when the work of the highest group of Agnishvattas is in order. The middle group who form the nine petals are always the most active. They work in connection with the lower group who are the direct transmitters of energy to the atomic triangle, receiving it from the middle group. More of their work it is not possible to detail, for the work of the Agnishvattas is vast and intricate, and differs also in the various schemes in certain particulars. Those who are working in the Uranus, the Neptune, and the Saturn scheme work somewhat differently to those functioning in the Venus, the Vulcan, the Mars, the Mercury, the Jupiter, the Earth and the exoteric scheme of Saturn, and so do the Manasadevas of the inner round. We should note here that we again have a triplicity of force, and herein lies a hint. In the central list of schemes the middle and lower group of Agnishvattas are active. In the others the higher group and the middle group hold sway as these planets are the most occult and sacred in manifestation, and are concerned only with egos who are on the path, and who therefore are group-active.

p. 777

Unseen Planets: “Not all of the Intra-Mercurial planets, nor yet those in the orbit of Neptune, are yet discovered, although they are strongly suspected. We know that such exist and where they exist; and that there are innumerable planets ” burnt out” they say, – in Obscuration we say; – planets in formation and not yet luminous, etc.”

p. 837 – note

VULCAN – The School for Fiery Stones. There is a curious connection between the human units who pass through its halls and the mineral kingdom. The human units on the earth scheme are called in mystical parlance “the living stones”; on Vulcan they are called “fiery stones.”

p. 1178

The Destiny of Nations

Great Britain

2.   Taurus with its rulers, Venus and Vulcan.

p. 83

d.   Ray 1. Will or Power, via the planet Vulcan. There is in the first ray – as it expresses itself through Vulcan -very little of the Destroyer aspects as there is in the planetary influence of Pluto, another agent of the first ray. Again you find in this ruler of Great Britain’s Taurian personality, a link with the first ray German personality. It accounts for the forging of the chains which tie the Empire together, making it a unity through the will of the people.



3.   Taurus with its rulers, Venus and Vulcan.

p. 87

e.   Ray 1. Will or Power, via Vulcan, the forger and the worker in metals whose influence in this case closely associates itself with the undeveloped aspect of the Leonian aspect.

p. 88

United States of America

Of these influences there are eleven in all, for the Earth presents two aspects and the Moon veils both Vulcan and Uranus.

p. 90

c.   Ray 4. Harmony through Conflict, via the Moon, veiling in this case the planet Vulcan. Vulcan here “forges on his anvil, through fire and blows, that linking network which covers all the nation and makes it hold together.” This ray produces the condition which brings together Germany and the States, for the fourth ray is the German soul ray and the first ray, which Vulcan transmits via the Moon, links the German soul and personality to the United States. Hence the vast numbers of Germans who come to the Sates in order to escape from the personality activity of Germany as it expresses itself through its first ray destroyer aspect.

p. 90

Esoteric Psychology

We call these seven by various names:

1.   The Lord of Power or Will. This Life wills to love, and uses power as an expression of divine benefice. For His body of manifestation He uses that planet for which the Sun is regarded as the esoteric substitute.

Vol 1, p. 23

All the Lords of the rays create a body of expression, and thus the seven planets have come into being. These are their major expressions.

The Sun (veiling Vulcan)






The Moon

Vol I, p. 62

The First Purpose of Deity

Ray I. Will or Power.

Behind the central sacred Sun, hidden within its rays, a form is found. Within that form there glows a point of power which vibrates not as yet but shines as light electric.

Vol I, p. 63

It might be stated therefore that the planetary relations in this cycles are as follows:

1.   The mineral Kingdom. . . . . . . . Pluto and Vulcan.

Vol 1, p. 245

It must be remembered that these are the cyclic influences dominant at this time, and that they change from cycle to cycle. For instance, a disciple who is upon the path is strongly influenced by Mercury and Saturn, but when he begins his training for the first initiation he has to contend with the influences of Pluto and Vulcan; the training for the second initiation brings him under Neptunian influences, with Venus and Jupiter contending for control.

Vol I, p. 246

The Planets and Rays

Sacred Vulcan Mercury Venus Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus
Ray 1st 4th 5th 2nd 3rd – veiling a hidden planet 6th 7th – veiling a hidden planet
Non-sacred Mars Earth Pluto The Moon The Sun
Ray 6th 3rd 1st 4th 2nd

Vol I, p. 335

It is obvious to the observant reader also that certain sacred planets and certain non-sacred planets have a close relation with each other through the rays which influence them. These are:

Ray I Vulcan Pluto

Ray II Jupiter The Sun

Ray III Saturn The Earth

Ray IV Mercury The Moon

Ray VI Neptune Mars

Vol I, p. 336

References in the Secret Doctrine

Planet Sun, substituting for the veiled planet Vulcan.

Vol I, p. 418

Note: Esoterically speaking, the planets which are the expression of the three major rays are:

Ray I. . . . .Uranus.

Ray II . . . .Neptune.

Ray III. . . .Saturn.

A study of this will make it apparent why Saturn is ever the stabilizer. In this present cycle, the two rays of Power and Love are directing their energies to Vulcan and Jupiter, whilst Saturn’s attention is turned towards our planet, the Earth.

Vol 1, pp. 420-421

Esoteric Healing

Only when these four interrelated systems are viewed as one integrated whole and as the four aspects of one vital circulatory system will the truth emerge. Only as they are acknowledged to be the four major distributing agents of the combined rays of the individual man will the true nature of material phenomena be grasped. It might be added here that:

1.   The etheric vehicle from the circulatory angle, is governed by the Moon, as it veils Vulcan.

2.   The nervous system is ruled by Venus.

3.   The endocrine system is governed by Saturn.

4.   The blood stream is governed by Neptune.

p. 143

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