Tag Archives: Vulcan

Vulcan: An Etheric or Physical Planet?

As many of you are aware, for some years I have been researching the history of the search for the planet Vulcan. The search has been an integral part of astronomical history, especially during the latter part of the 19th century. I will summarize the history into a very short space here. Speculation about the existence of an intra-mercurial planet is not new – it existed going back to the days of Galileo. It was not until the discoverer of …

Vulcan through the Zodiac Signs

Vulcan in Aries: Vulcan has a natural relationship with Aries through a fivefold relationship: Pointer 2, Aries, Earth, Vulcan, Pluto. What is the nature of the “divine design” being inwardly forged in the life?

Vulcan: References from Alice A. Bailey

Vulcan Compilation from the Works of Alice A. Bailey Esoteric Astrology Let me reiterate: The Moon is a dead form; it has no emanation at all. That is why the Moon is spoken of in the ancient teaching as “veiling either Vulcan or Uranus.” This hint or inference has always been here and astrologers would do well to experiment with this suggestion I have made anent the Moon and (instead of working with the Moon) let them work with Vulcan …