The Jewish Group: D.K.’s Letters to Roberto Assagioli (FCD)

Some letters from D.K. to F.C.D. with unpublished portions
The following material was extracted from the commentary by Michael D. Robbins on the instructions given by the Master Djwhal Khul to the disciple F.C.D. and published in the book Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II. This commentary is available at Makara homepage –
The first of the following three letters is preceded by Michael D. Robbins’s words: “In the following letter, some portions of letters to FCD which, for various reasons, had been deleted from his letters will be included for their explanatory value. As a member of the Jewish group, I take the responsibility of discussing these matters in the hope that there may ensue some necessary clarifications and a deeper understanding.” The inclusions appear here in blue.

September 1943


I am not telling your co-disciples whether you are on this side of the separating veil or not. I am not informing them whether you have crossed the “bridge of light,” to which I referred in my last communication to you. You need their protective love, no matter whether you are here or there; the turmoil on the other side is so great—as great as the turmoil on the physical plane. Whether you are in the body or out of the body, you are therefore peculiarly vulnerable, because, my brother (as I have told you oft during the past years), your intense sensitivity has complicated your life problem. Your karma, your race (to which you do not belong except through physical heredity) holds you back from that complete freedom and liberation which you deeply desire. Only those who have achieved freedom can return to that group with immunity and helpfulness in their hands—the group from which they have been freed.

I have for you a suggestion. I will not call it an order, for no Master ever gives commands, and in any case you belong to the Ashram of K.H. and will have received your instructions direct from Him. He feels as I do, that in the pressure and anxiety and in your psychic participation in the fate of your country and in your sensitive reaction to racial strain, the import of His conversation with you a year ago may not have registered adequately. It has been difficult for you and well-nigh impossible to concentrate on planning. I am therefore going to summarise for you what He then said. The group protection accorded you (greater than perhaps you realise) enables me to reach you more easily at this time than can any other member of the Hierarchy. I can find and reach you with a minimum expenditure of force.

Your Master, K.H., asked you at that time if you were ready to begin work in preparation for a definite assignment upon the Path of World Saviours. Assignment after assignment in connection with groups, nations, races and increasingly large units is ever the mode of developing a world Saviour until the time comes when he can make a world impact and achieve a measure of world salvaging. Many times in the past, I have pointed out to you that you were on that most difficult path of service. K.H. desired to find out if you were prepared to accept your first major assignment upon that Way. When you assented and told Him that you would do what you could but that you had no inner confidence in yourself, owing to the pressures of the time which appeared to you to have a definitely disintegrating effect on your vehicles, He reassured you and told you that the potent inner unfoldment of your love nature and your complete decentralisation were a vital protection. He also informed you that—at the stage of spiritual development which you had attained—the aura of His Ashram and the aura of mine would act as a shield, and that the resources of both Ashrams were behind you. This, my brother, you know well, and to this fused efficiency you can testify.

KH then proceeded to tell you that the Jewish race, by means of the fires of purification, would (at the end of the war and prior to 1945) be ready for instruction and for that teaching which , as a race, they have never had and which, when given them, they will at first resent. For this resentment, all workers among the Jews must be ready. This teaching must be brought to them by one who loves them greatly, who is of their race and, at the same time, not of their race, who has suffered so deeply that naught can again touch him to any drastic extent and one also who has the power of the Hierarchy back of him.

All these requirement are met by you and you can—from the standpoint of your present life position and during your next immediate incarnation—act as the Teacher of the new dispensation for the Jews; you can, at least, give them that instruction which, during the next one hundred years, will change their point of view and attitude of life. Thereby you will salvage thousands; thereby you will begin your chosen task and fulfil your self-determined destiny; thereby you will lift off the shoulders of many disciples the burden of this peculiar phase of world salvage—for the Jews need salvaging. I do not refer to physical conditions which ever engross the attention of the Jew, oft to the exclusion of the spiritual values.

I have said enough here to enable you again to resume your active position as a pledged initiate-disciple (a position which your co-disciples have ever recognised as yours), and I have shown you definitely how valuable has been to you the last immediate experience.

A.A.B. has a very clear understanding of the Jewish problem, character, and racial trends; she has learnt in the ashramic instructions to which she has applied herself, something of the esoteric history of the Jewish peoples; their place, position, background and destiny is known to her in broad and general outline and in the Ashram of K.H. where you meet freely and frequently and at other times, you should talk freely with her. There are no barriers up between you two not only because you are co-disciples in the same Ashram but because your attitude to the Jewish problem is the same and you are both aware of the point of view of K.H. and of myself. Though you are a trained disciple of K.H., you are still working in my Ashram, as I remain in close touch with world affairs in relation to their immediate working out, whilst K.H., being a Chohan, is more active in the handling of the deeper incentives and purposes, and of those matters which will not materialise until such time as the work done by me, and others associated with the Great White Lodge and of like rank and of lesser rank, is completed or at least well on the way to fruition.

The work assigned to you, my beloved brother, will be work of profoundest difficulty. You will meet with rebuff from those you seek to help and from your own race; you will find very little understanding; you will meet with encouragement and assistance from the enlightened among the New Group of World Servers who are non-Hebrew in origin; this will make your work possible but it will also greatly handicap you. The intense pride of the Jewish people, their fixed and ancient stubbornness (closely allied in their case to the instinct of self-preservation), their mental approach to all subjects, their inherent weakness in the face of difficult situations which leads them ever to choose the easy way out and not the strong way, and the height of their racial walls will tend at first to baffle you.

Their natural separativeness, based on either sensitivity or orthodoxy, will create difficulties and make your task extremely hard. The beauty of their creative life, their ability to bring through ideas into forms of grandeur on the physical plane, their close unshatterable family relations, their dogged adherence to their divine heritage, so-called, their sympathetic handling of all life materials and their philanthropy and group enterprises for welfare and helpfulness are great spiritual assets with which you must work. Their vices must be transmuted into virtues and their virtues must be expanded into world usefulness. They must be lifted out of the past which they ever over-emphasised and the future must be held before them as one of radiance.

The Jewish dreams of an Utopia wherein they return to their ancient home must be relinquished; the goal of the orthodox Jew for centuries has been a basically material one—the repossession of territory to which they have had no rights for many many centuries. The trumpet call to them which you and those who help you must sound is that of the Kingdom of God without location but to be found everywhere as is the Jew who can, if he so choose, be the symbol of that spiritual race of men—of every nation and creed—who love and think divinely and who are to be found scattered in every nation and race and in every part of the planet. The symbol governing all Jewish thought should be that of the exodus but this time not the exodus out of Egypt, or the exile from Palestine and the great dispersal from the Mesopotamia valley, but the dispersal of the Sons of God throughout the world with the emphasis upon spiritual purpose and not upon material possessions and upon the fact of divine parentage (along with all other races) instead of the orthodox belief in the fact of the Jew being the Chosen People.

Are you big enough for this inadequately outlined task, my brother? Is your stamina, your inner spiritual orientation and your fixed psychic determination adequate to the undertaking? Can you do it with your present psychic equipment, or must you build new bodies for integration, use and service? The decision rests with you, for those who tread the Way of a World Saviour are left peculiarly free (owing to certain difficulties in time and space within the planetary life) and must work as they will, with what they choose to offer and with a trained understanding of their task.

Such was the gist of your interview with your Master. You can now go forth from where you are with the endorsement of your Master, with the aid and backing of myself and of A.A.B. and, at all times, the protective aura of K.H.; and—with reverence I would call your attention to this—an aspect of the aura of the Christ is incorporated in that lesser aura.

In my last communication to you I stated that “love is thy note and wisdom is thy guide. You need naught else but fire.” That fire, my brother, is the residue of the pure fire which is left when you have trodden upon and passed the burning ground, through the Portal into the PRESENCE. That you have done. The fire is there, and on it you can count if you seek to destroy opposition, to burn down barriers (inherent in yourself or presented by others), and also to blaze a trail straight from your heart into the heart of others.

The Jew needs to love without superiority or separativeness. Had the Jew loved more widely, generally and generously down the ages, his plight today would not be what it is and this in spite of his strange and peculiar destiny.

The Jewish people have been ever governed by the statements of transmitted prophecy and by an anticipated destiny. A defiance of prophecy and a planned control of destiny, plus an immovable purpose to demonstrate the expansiveness of love should be the clue to future racial development during the coming five hundred years. Each Jew who masters his individual tendencies passes out of the racial group as you did many lives ago. You position as a Jew is today one of your free choosing and a decision upon you desire to be of service in the salvaging of a race.

I stand by you, my brother, unalterably and at all times, and on this you can count. Such is also the wish of K.H., my Brother and also my Master. On that you can count. I am giving you no set form of meditation. Reflection and deep, considered concentration upon the work which I have outlined to you, and which your Master wants to see you do, is for you adequate spiritual focussing. The deep love of all your group brothers is yours, and many, many people are today sending love to you and many, many minds are thinking of you with thoughts of gratitude, of strength, of faith and hope. On this too you must count. The path of a world Saviour is, as you know, a hard one, but of compensations which far outweigh the difficulty. My blessing is yours and my hand is ever stretched out to you in helping.”

August 1946


You will have, by now, read and absorbed the papers and communications which have been held for you until the close of the war and the attainment of physical safety for you. There has been no great need for me to express myself on the situation which has existed, for the closeness of the link between the Master K.H., myself and you ensures understanding and precludes waste of time.

You have come through a period of great difficulty and danger with no loss of your spiritual grip upon essential reality or of your spiritual vision; your strength has been such that you have lifted your family with you and safeguarded them also all the time. Having achieved one pinnacle of spiritual success, another can be glimpsed, and between the two pinnacles lies a field of service, a sphere of danger, a land of glamour and deep morasses through which you must struggle, until the point of attainment planned by your soul for this life is yours. You can achieve, and for your aiding, I and A.A.B. stand ready.

A debate arose between your Master (K.H.) and myself. You had been sent (or loaned if I might call it so) to aid in my Ashram. We discussed the subject as to whether the sufferings of the past few years did not warrant your return to the Ashram of K.H.; the work there would be hard but not of the same kind, and there would not be so much need for contact work on the physical plane. I claimed that you were strong enough for the dual test; K.H. felt that you probably were, but that there was no need to ask a disciple always to drink the cup of sacrifice to its very last drop—not at least until the crucifixion initiation is your right. The task today proffered you, and its incidental strain and suffering, will be of another kind and the pain endured will be largely mental, but “you can take it,” as the saying is. It was decided to let you attempt the task demanded for three years or for seven (according to your own choice) and then, if you decide to do no more along the indicated lines, you can relinquish the task with no sense of failure.

As you know, the task consists in the effort to help the Jewish people to see their plight in a different light. They must register the situation in the light of truth. This work can be undertaken only by people who, like yourself, have taken a Jewish body but have not Jewish consciousness, who repudiate without any difficulty the dreadful and revengeful Jehovah of the Jewish religion and who never act or think as does the average Jew. You, my brother, meet all these requirements, though R.K does not. This work is most definitely part of my work … and I shall be in touch with you at frequent intervals. On that statement you can emphatically rely.

I would ask you to hold conversation with A.A.B. on this matter for (as I told you in earlier papers) she knows more about the problem than most people and has always loved the Jews and worked for them. In the enormous task of extricating the Jews from their ancient complexes and liberating them from a carefully cultivated persecution mania—a cultivation and a mania which their religious rituals have perpetuated for three thousand years—strong measures are and have been needed. The article I wrote wherein I appealed to the Jew to recognise his responsibility and to realise the existence of faults in the Jewish race, which he must change and for which he has pain penalty over the ages, has been well received by the younger Jews, but violently repudiated by older Jews, such as R.K. and some of her family. The “attack” made by me upon the churchianity of Christianity is far more drastic than that made upon the Jews.

You will have to be much thinking and studying, my brother, before you start contacting the various heads of Jewry; the Zionist movement is an impossible point at which to make a beginning, for their aim is not humanitarian but purely political in intent. So study, think, meditate, write, make contacts and lay a sound foundation for future work. Most of the work you plan to do will only begin at the close of about three years study, and will last around five years; in those years the Jews will come to recognise a new voice, a clear note and a sound policy.

This is all that I have to indicate here. A.A.B. will send you some books and papers, for it is no longer possible for her to help in this work which is a phase of my work. It would profit you much to go through my books and papers and pamphlets and collect into one volume of script all that I have said. A.A. B. has made a beginning here, but it is very poor as she has not due time. This work is more definitely part of my work, for there will be no true world peace until the Jewish problem is solved. More Gentiles, true friends of the Jews, such as A.A.B., see this correctly; the Jews seem unable to grasp it.

I shall be in touch with you, my brother, and at frequent intervals. On that statement you can emphatically rely.

Your meditation work must keep pace with your vision. I suggest for you the following outline.

The Pinnacles

  1. Imagine yourself standing at the top of a mountain shaped like a pinnacle, facing another, seemingly miles away.
  2. A vast struggling mass can be seen in the lowland in between the two pinnacles.
  3. One group of struggling people emerge more clearly in your vision than the rest; they carry the yellow flag, marked with a six-pointed star. On this phenomenon you ponder. (Let not the thoughtform of the Jewish people engulf your consciousness. Stand on your pinnacle and let not the potency of their struggle distract your attention from your mission and the goal.)
  4. In your meditation you plan guidance for their guidance. Ponder long and deeply on these plans.
  5. Then see yourself returning to my Ashram for conference deep. Later imagine yourself passing along the path which leads to the Ashram of K.H., entering the door which A.A.B. is always to be found. Go then with her to K.H. Give much time here for quiet thought and for impression. This is one of the most important parts of the meditation. Glamour will disappear, light shine, plans receive acknowledgement, and strength for the next step be given.
  6. Then return consciously to the place where you daily work and KNOW the guidance will be given—step by step as needed.

My love enfolds you, and the way into my Ashram stands open wide for you.

Your friend and co-disciple in the Ashram of K.H.


November 1948


It is two years since I last communicated with you, via A.A.B., and they have been years of great stress and strain for you. Every disciple in these troubled times carries three kinds of stress; no, my brother, I would say the major stresses are of four kinds:

  1. There are the stresses and the strains incident to the disciple’s family life or his immediate daily relationships, and of these you have had your full share.
  2. There are stresses and strains due to the deep interior life of soul relation; these bring with them their own unique difficulties which can be shared with no one (except the Master, when the disciple has reached the point of unfoldment which you have now reached), and yet which bring about a life of inner tension which can lead inevitably to the next point of revelation.
  3. There are the problems and circumstances which arise out of the period in which our modern humanity lives; these today are unique and of disturbing importance; they involve the balancing of values which is going on in every department of human living and which evokes in the disciple an almost unendurable pain and anxiety.
  4. There are also peculiar complications and tests which have their origin in ashramic relationships which the disciple realises through his contact with the Ashram. These are the result of his attempt to lift the burden of humanity and the measure of his understanding of the Plan, in unison with the entire Hierarchy. This produces an inevitable crisis and constitutes a load which—when added to the other three spheres of difficulty—often make the disciple feel that his cross (his vertical and his horizontal life) is more than he can bear. The Fixed Cross becomes a reality, and he begins to learn its true meaning.

All these four types of difficulties are further enhanced when you consider the fact that they are felt in all three aspects of the disciple’s personality simultaneously. There is a reaction in his etheric body, in his emotional vehicle and in his mind. This makes what is sometimes called the “seven divine sorrows”; these are symbolically and most inaccurately depicted in the Christian discipline as the seven stations of the Cross. As I told you elsewhere* “from the standpoint of Christian symbolism (even though the interpretation is as yet inadequate) these seven crises correspond to the seven stations of the Cross which mark the way of an advancing world Saviour.” Here again you have the four and the three brought together in a synthesis of service, of discipline and of unfoldment.

All these factors have been active in your life, my brother and co-disciple. I would like to commend you on one point. You have proceeded with your Ashram work, your thinking and your service in spite of all that has been going on. This has been noted by us and it is for this quality of spiritual stability that we watch. The field of your work remains the same; it is part of your karmic obligation which may not be avoided, but the mode of work and the nature of the work which should be done will have to be altered for reasons which I am confident you will understand.

Just as humanity is always left free to make its own choices and decisions, so is a branch of the human family or a group within that family left free to determine its own destiny. The Zionists have proved susceptible to that remnant of evil which is not yet “sealed” behind the door where evil dwells. They are today a point of infection and of danger to the rest of the world, and this is due to their lack of truth, their unbridled cruelty, and their biased hate. They are as much aggressors as were the Germans, and are working under the evil control of the same forces. The whole situation must be judged and gauged from the karmic angle; the Zionists are endeavoring to repeat the horror of their first invasion of Palestine, of which you may read in The Old Testament. There they behaved with unspeakable cruelty but were given the opportunity to offer the nations of the world—through the synthesis of Jewish culture—the fruitage of their third and fourth ray development: i.e., their comprehension of money and its intelligent use. This is possible to them because they are the remnant of the humanity of the first solar system which makes them (as souls) the oldest group on earth; this also gives them their essential creative and artistic value which is the result of their participation in the evolutionary processes of this planetary humanity.

They made, however, a false move in Old Testament days and since then their ways have been devious and wandering; they are unquestionably the most reactionary group on earth. Their desire for dominance in all fields can be seen founded in the Ten Commandments which are voiced in terms of an authoritative negation and in their clinging to an outworn and separative faith—all the tenets of which, the rituals and prohibitions serving to build a wall around the Jewish consciousness. The Jews are not a nation; esoterically, they are the seed or originating germ of mankind and hence their scattering in every nation in the hope that they would in due course of evolution cease to be Jews—as you have ceased to be Jew. But they have held on throughout the centuries to the infantile segregation and to the protective taboos which were necessary in the early days, five thousand years ago. Hence the trouble today and even the Hierarchy knows not what end shall be.

Their major spiritual test will come in their reaction to the Christ when again He comes and it will be a terrific test because they have never—as a race and during their long evolution—recognised a single one of the World Teachers. I am entering into these details so that you may see more clearly where the trend of your work should lie.

The last two years have demonstrated that the Jews (through the activities of the Zionists) have learnt little during the past 3000 years; they are still engulfed in the glamour of territorial acquisition and nationhood; they have, nevertheless, had the opportunity of being the group which could have (because of their wide dispersion and their international citizenship) demonstrated the factual nature of the One Humanity and be recognised because of their cultural life. They have no national importance.

Your task, my brother, because of Zionist compelling action, is not [?] to find and link together those Jews in every land whose relationships are cultural and spiritual and who are free in their consciousness of all claims of territorial possession. Think this out. Territories and national boundaries are symbolic of separativeness and aggression and frequently of theft and murder. Therefore, the sin of the Zionists becomes clear when—during this time when the United Nations are in process of forming—they fall back on old ways of fighting for a land which is no longer theirs. It is an effort of evil forces to render the United Nations a negative body and to offset the new ideals of the One Humanity and the One World.

My suggestion to you, therefore, (as regards your future work) is to gather together those Jews out of every nation who seek cultural but not national unity and who—because they are not strictly orthodox—can begin to accept the premise of a returning One for Whom they may prepare. Begin, my brother, with the utmost caution, discovering the views of such men as Dr. …, certain Jewish writers with whom you may already be in touch, and with the leaders of the Council for Judaism, with whom A.A.B. and F. B. have ben in touch. Begin with the cultural angle only and NOT as yet with the preparation for the Christ. You need only a group of seven men to begin with and you should have no difficulty in finding them. Move forward with optimism but with caution and also with no undue haste.

You are one who is authorised subjectively by the Hierarchy to help build up the true nature of the Jewish group; you are well equipped to do so. You can write in several languages and you move at times in and out of many different countries. Gather together into one folio (if you have not already done so) all that I have said anent the Jews; arrange them into proper sequential form and use it with discretion as wisely as possible. Be not discouraged, but work as if the Zionists did not exist; waste no time on them but aid the true Jews, the people who were chosen to form the nucleus of the One Humanity; let them learn what is the real objective of their existence and realise how wrong they have been in creating the separative element which has infected the whole body of humanity. This trend of theirs goes back into Atlantean history and lies outside the pale of our modern historical records.

I have, as you will have noted, said little to you about yourself and your own spiritual development. The war taught many disciples that it is in serving and in thinking through that true wisdom comes; they came to realise that in enlightening others the radiance of the glory of God can be revealed. This you have learned and from henceforth you enter in a new stage of discipleship and can be regarded as one who can teach himself.

The work outlined for you will require only one discipline for you and that is a hard one. It is the drastic organising of your time, irrespective of personality claims, or the hindrances of an etheric body which is too loosely knit, and a sensitivity which makes life very hard for you. The great need of the service which you can render and the desperate task involved in the reorganisation of your time and plans will do much to offset the above difficulties and—in time—to cure them. You do not, my brother, belong to your family any more. You belong to humanity—a lesson which A.A.B. had much difficulty in learning.

I give you no meditation to follow. You may feel it necessary to make certain changes in the one you are now doing; feel free to change where you deem it desirable and seek constantly and daily a closer contact with your Master and with mine—the Master K.H.

Keep in touch with A.A.B. for whether she is here on earth or elsewhere in the Great Service, she stands every ready to stand by you. Her link with the Jews is close, because of her link with the Master K.H. and with the Christ.

Daily I look towards you, brother of mine, and that is no idle statement on my part. Rest back on my understanding and call on me at need. Develop telepathic sensitivity to my voice—as I have developed it to yours.

MDR Commentary
It is interesting that a number of DK’s disciples were born in Jewish bodies but had no true relation to the Jewish group, per se. Among these were FCD, RSU and RVB.

  • It appears that FCD’s feelings on the matter are very definite. He feels strongly that, even though he was born into the Hebrew race, he has little or no real relation to the Jewish people, and DK confirms his opinion.
  • We will see when analyzing DK’s instructions to FCD in DINA II, that FCD was born a Jew for important inner reasons relating to his potential work for the Hierarchy. Such work, however, would require that (although biologically a member of the Hebrew race) he be inwardly disidentified from the Jews. Only thus would he be in a position to help them.
  1. DK is encouraging FCD to achieve a new freedom so that he may “return to that group [the Jewish people] with immunity and [with] helpfulness” in his hands. This is the beginning of an important and sensitive discussion about a type of service which FCD is uniquely fit to render—the elevation of the Jewish people.
  2. DK is suggesting that FCD must free himself completely from the Jewish group if he is to be in a position which can really help them.
  3. It must be said that, as the possibility for this type of service begins to present itself to FCD, transiting Chiron (indicating the Master, the healer and the guide) is returning to the cusp of the fourth house of the chart, indicating one’s individual heredity, including one’s racial heredity. It would seem that FCD is being prepared to face some deep-seated issues within the psyche of humanity, within the psyche of the Jewish people, and within his own psyche (all indicated by the fourth house).
  4. KH then proceeded to tell you that the Jewish race, by means of the fires of purification, would (at the end of the war and prior to 1945) be ready for instruction and for that teaching which, as a race, they have never had and which, when given them, they will at first resent. For this resentment, all workers among the Jews must be ready. This teaching must be brought to them by one who loves them greatly, who is of their race and, at the same time, not of their race, who has suffered so deeply that naught can again touch him to any drastic extent and one also who has the power of the Hierarchy back of him.
  1. The Jews suffered intensely during World War II, as did millions of others who passed through the fires of the global Holocaust.
  2. It is always hard for humanity to see and understand from a Shamballic perspective, but the Chohan, Master KH, a member of Shamballa (because He is a Chohan) informed FCD that the “fires of purification” would have prepared the Jewish race for an important teaching at the end of the war, and even prior to 1945—the year when the war ended. Thus, the teaching intended for the Jewish people was to begin reaching them before the end of the war.
  3. The teaching now intended has never been given to them in any concerted way. Perhaps the Kabbalah (in which FCD was deeply interested) had supplied a few spiritual hints. The new teaching, however, would emanate from the enlightened perspective of the Trans-Himalayan Lodge and would surely bring forth the centrality of the Christ, the Lord Maitreya, by whatever name He might be described (for instance, the “Coming One”).
  4. Naturally, then, given the prevailing consciousness of victimization within the Jewish group (especially in the wake of a terrible war), this teaching would be resented. Resentment is a solar plexus reaction, and we remember, that, according to Master DK, the Jews (correlated as a group with the third and seventh rays—cf. EXH 89) represent the solar plexus of humanity.
  5. The inevitable resentment is related to a well-known persecution complex (which, itself, is based upon insufficient self-knowledge). The race, as a whole, does not know where it has been and what it has done. It feels wronged by others and by the blows of fate, little realizing the nature and purpose of the retributive karma it has earned.
  6. On a personal note (and having been raised as a Jew within the Jewish thoughtform) I must concur with Master KH’s prognostication, though, today, the situation is somewhat better among many progressive Jews who are not of the orthodox persuasion. There are many Jews today, even inside Israel, who represent the best of the Jewish consciousness and who are more than open to the spiritual perspectives of the Trans-Himalayan Lodge. There has been a tremendous revolution in consciousness beginning in the mid-1960s and thousands of Jews have been swept along in the great wave towards enlightenment. Generalization is always a danger.
  7. Master KH’s logic proceeds. There are very few who are qualified to bring a new message to the Jewish group. The requirements are high. Such a one
  8. must love the Jewish people
  9. must be one of their race and yet not of their race
  10. must have suffered so deeply that naught can again touch him to any drastic extent
  11. and must be supported by the Hierarchy.
  12. It must have been apparent to FCD how closely he fulfilled the requirements. When an assignment is offered on the Path of World Saviours, it could, of course, be refused. But fate, the soul and the Master combine forces to engineer such an opportunity, and I would judge that refusal is rare indeed. All these requirement are met by you and you can – from the standpoint of your present life position and during your next immediate incarnation – act as the Teacher of the new dispensation for the Jews; you can, at least, give them that instruction which, during the next one hundred years, will change their point of view and attitude of life. Thereby you will salvage thousands; thereby you will begin your chosen task and fulfil your self-determined destiny; thereby you will list off the shoulders of many disciples the burden of this peculiar phase of world salvage – for the Jews need salvaging. I do not refer to physical conditions which ever engross the attention of the Jew, oft to the exclusion of the spiritual values.
  1. The Jewish Problem is, in the annals of humanity, a heavy one with deep implications concerning the relations between the Moon-chain and the Earth-chain, and the first solar system and the second (i.e., our solar system). Many disciples struggle under the weight of this problem, and FCD is being presented the opportunity to lift that weight off the shoulders of a number of his fellow disciples.
  2. Solving the “Jewish Problem” (a problem far deeper than any normal member of that race can possibly suspect) is what is called “a peculiar phase of world salvage”. DK tells us that the Jews need salvaging. They need saving (not as the fundamentalist Christian might think, but in a far deeper, psychological sense).
  3. The salvaging required has nothing to do with physical conditions. These, the Jews have always been able to manage, due to their close ties to the first and third rays and to the practical, material signs Capricorn (the personality sign of the Jews) and to Virgo (their soul sign). Their attention is already focussed on material matters and in them they have always succeeded, often to the detriment of the higher spiritual values, we are told.I have said enough here to enable you again to resume your active position as a pledged initiate-disciple (a position which your co-disciples have ever recognised as yours), and I have shown you definitely how valuable has been to you the last immediate experience. A.A.B. has a very clear understanding of the Jewish problem, character, and racial trends; she has learnt in the ashramic instructions to which she has applied herself, something of the esoteric history of the Jewish peoples; their place, position, background and destiny is known to her in broad and general outline and in the Ashram of K.H. where you meet freely and frequently and at other times, you should talk freely with her. There are no barriers up between you two not only because you are co-disciples in the same Ashram but because your attitude to the Jewish problem is the same and you are both aware of the point of view of K.H. and of myself. Though you are a trained disciple of K.H., you are still working in my Ashram, as I remain in close touch with world affairs in relation to their immediate working out, whilst K.H., being a Chohan, is more active in the handling of the deeper incentives and purposes, and of those matters which will not materialise until such time as the work done by me, and others associated with the Great White Lodge and of like rank and of lesser rank, is completed or at least well on the way to fruition.
  1. FCD and AAB are fellow disciples in Master KH’s Ashram, with AAB holding, perhaps, a slightly senior rank.
  2. Although it might not be suspected, and although AAB has often been accused of anti-Semitism, DK on several occasions assures us of AAB’s love for the Jewish people and for her deep understanding of their psyche and their situation. She has, apparently, studied the matter ashramically and esoterically. She has something of value to communicate to FCD.
  3. It is also apparent that FCD is beginning a process of ashramic education which is necessary before he can carry out the task of racial salvage to which he has assented (and to which, it seems, he has been assigned by his soul/Solar Angel). The work assigned to you, my beloved brother, will be work of profoundest difficulty. You will meet with rebuff from those you seek to help and from your own race; you will find very little understanding; you will meet with encouragement and assistance from the enlightened among the New Group of World Servers who are non-Hebrew in origin; this will make your work possible but it will also greatly handicap you. The intense pride of the Jewish people, their fixed and ancient stubbornness (closely allied in their case to the instinct of self-preservation), their mental approach to all subjects, their inherent weakness in the face of difficult situations which leads them ever to choose the easy way out and not the strong way, and the height of their racial walls will tend at first to baffle you. Their natural separativeness, based on either sensitivity or orthodoxy, will create difficulties and make your task extremely hard. The beauty of their creative life, their ability to bring through ideas into forms of grandeur on the physical plane, their close unshatterable family relations, their dogged adherence to their divine heritage, so-called, their sympathetic handling of all life materials and their philanthropy and group enterprises for welfare and helpfulness are great spiritual assets with which you must work. Their vices must be transmuted into virtues and their virtues must be expanded into world usefulness. They must be lifted out of the past which they ever over-emphasised and the future must be held before them as one of radiance.
  1. DK enters realistically into the nature of the work asked of FCD; it will “be work of the profoundest difficulty”. FCD is to expect to be rebuffed and rejected. This was the fate of the Christ when He sought to help humanity: “He was despised and rejected of men”.
  2. DK is playing the role of seer; He knows, along general lines, what will eventuate as FCD begins to carry out His mission.
  3. The enlightened among the NGWS, especially those who are not Hebrew in origin, will encourage and assist, but this may also prove a handicap. DK does not say why, but we may presume that the Jewish group would not appreciate one who is encouraged (by well-meaning Gentiles) to help the Jews change their ancient ways.
  4. The Tibetan now launches into a fair-minded assessment of the weakness and virtues of the Jewish people. The first list would be exceedingly unpalatable to most Jewish readers; the second list would meet, I think, with their gratified recognition.
  5. Pride, stubbornness, overemphasis on mentality, expediency, walls and barriers—these liabilities result from the combination of first and third rays and a deficiently of the second ray.
  6. DK does not write as a critic, but one with deep understanding. He knows that the traits of fixity and stubbornness are linked to survival issues. He knows that what He calls the “natural separativeness” of the Jews is based not only on orthodoxy but on sensitivity. There is much of the contradictory fourth ray in the Jewish people, and hence their “baffling” nature.
  7. On what basis does Master DK speak? He knows the ancient history of the Jewish people, far more than they do. As a Master, He is in a position to see what even the highly intelligent human being cannot see. He bases His assessment on the “reading of the record”, and will thus be criticized and misunderstood, and, certainly, disbelieved. We can reject out of hand what He says, as it may seem so “far fetched”. Or, having learned to trust Him and His truthfulness in so many other matters, we may give Him the credit for knowing whereof He speaks. We may also observe and evaluate with fair-minded intelligence to see whether His assessment seems to us true or false.
  8. Master DK is, however, definitely fair-minded, and He balances the liabilities of the Jewish people (as He seems them) with a list of great virtues which are surely spiritual in nature and which can be used on behalf of humanity, and which, in fact, are already in use.
  9. The Jews have a creative life of great beauty; they have a sense of grandeur in manifestation; their family relations are so close as to be unshatterable, and they adhere to their divine heritage as they conceive it; as well, they are generous, philanthropic and support group enterprises for human welfare; they also handle life materials sympathetically (a most interesting quality). We can never accuse Master DK or AAB of “hating the Jews”. They see the soul and spirit of Judea in all its beauty and they affirm that beauty.
  10. FCD is to help release the Jews from their vices, help them transmute vices into virtues, and assisted them to see how their virtues can be applied in “world usefulness”. The Jewish past is to be deemphasized and the possibility of a future “of radiance” strongly emphasized.
  11. The plan is clear, but the obstacles are formidable to say the least. The Jewish dreams of an Utopia wherein they return to their ancient home must be relinquished; the goal of the orthodox Jew for centuries has been a basically material one – the repossession of territory to which they have had no rights for many many centuries. The trumpet call to them which you and those who help you must sound is that of the Kingdom of God without location but to be found everywhere as is the Jew who can, if he so choose, be the symbol of that spiritual race of men – of every nation and creed – who love and think divinely and who are to be found scattered in every nation and race and in every part of the planet. The symbol governing all Jewish thought should be that of the exodus but this time not the exodus out of Egypt, or the exile from Palestine and the great dispersal from the Mesopotamia valley, but the dispersal of the Sons of God throughout the world with the emphasis upon spiritual purpose and not upon material possessions and upon the fact of divine parentage (along with all other races) instead of the orthodox belief in the fact of the Jew being the Chosen People.
  1. We see that DK is engaged in discussing “world work” with FCD; world work is the true preoccupation of the Ashram. FCD has transcended the phase in which he needs to be reminded of his own personal liabilities. As a profound psychologist, he understands them all too well. The discussion, instead, focusses on the work to be done and how it is to be done.
  2. The concept of Utopia exists strongly in the Jewish consciousness. Much needed, however, is a reinterpretation of the meaning of Utopia. It must not be understood in material terms. The “repossession of territory” has nothing to do with the real meaning of Utopia or of Jerusalem (for which “Shamballa” is another name).
  3. DK offers great possibilities for the Jewish people if they can spiritualize the vision of their objectives. They can become “the symbol of that spiritual race of men – of every nation and creed – who love and think divinely and who are to be found scattered in every nation and race and in every part of the planet”. This is a high destiny and worthy of the aspiration of ever progressive Jewish person.
  1. We see DK taking certain great themes in Jewish history, the “Exodus”, the “Diaspora”, Utopia-as-Jerusalem and the “Promised Land”, and reinterpreting them in far more spiritual and philosophical terms. The third ray (and the first solar system under the third ray) has contributed to a heavy layer of materiality in the Jewish consciousness. This layer must be lifted if the process of redemption is to succeed.
  2. A great and new thoughtform is to be substituted for the out-worn world-view uncritically accepted and constantly reemphasized by so many Jews. The spiritual Exodus is to be the Exodus into the world (and not out of the Land of Egypt) so that the Sons of God may be found everywhere and understood as One World Humanity. Spiritual purpose is to replace the ancient emphasis upon material possessions, and the divine parentage of all races is to be understood, and not alone the separative idea of one “Chosen People”.
  3. This is a tremendous task in the reconditioning of consciousness, but is inevitable if there is to be peace in the world.
  4. We see DK offering FCD the main ideas for his approach to the Jews. AAB, who has studied the problem much, will also have ideas of value. As well, FCD must engage in much study before he can successfully carry out his first “assignment”. It must have seemed to him a daunting prospect. Are you big enough for this inadequately outlined task, my brother? Is your stamina, your inner spiritual orientation and your fixed psychic determination adequate to the undertaking? Can you do it with your present psychic equipment, or must you build new bodies for integration, use and service? The decision rests with you, for those who tread the Way of a World Saviour are left peculiarly free (owing to certain difficulties in time and space within the planetary life) and must work as they will, with what they choose to offer and with a trained understanding of their task.
  1. In the context of considering FCD’s first “assignment”, it may be significant to realize that (probably in 1951 or just after) he established the “Foundation for an Italian Union for Progressive Judaism”. Little is reported about this foundation, and mention of its existence was found only in an obscure German summary of the highpoints of FCD’s life. It may reasonably be said, however, that the establishment of such a Foundation can be seen as directly correlated with the decision he was asked to make as a result of his interview with Master KH in 1942.
  2. FCD will need this fire as he seeks to win the hearts of the Jewish people. Only if their heart is awakened will they accept the redemptive world view he will seek to offer. The Jew needs to love without superiority or separativeness. Had the Jew loved more widely, generally and generously down the ages, his plight today would not be what it is and this in spite of his strange and peculiar destiny.
  1. The energies of the first and third rays often inhibit the expression of love. One glamor of the first ray (the soul ray of the Jewish people) is the glamor of superiority. Both the first and third rays (the ray of the Jewish personality) may feed the glamor of separativeness. The Jew must overcome these ray tendencies and learn to love without falling victim to either liability. If love is expressed in a way that is tainted by an attitude of superiority or separativeness, it is not true love.
  2. Master DK makes an interesting retrospective assessment. Looking at the terribly unhappy plight of the Jewish people, He concludes that a more generous attitude of love down the ages (love from the Jew to others) would have done much to avoid the present horror. He seems to be saying that the Holocaust could have been avoided had the Jew expressed more love more widely—all this despite the “strange and peculiar destiny” of the Jew (related, it would seem, to the origin of that group of souls in the first solar system). What that destiny is, we are not given to know. We know something of the peculiar origin of the ‘race’, but not what they are intended to become. A hint may have been given, however, when, in various sections of the Teaching, the Jew is considered to be prototypical humanity itself. Are the Jews intended to become the “symbol of [a] spiritual race of men”?
  3. As well, one must think of the Jew as bringing gifts of great value from the first solar system to the second. The nature of those gifts must be pondered. The Jewish people have been ever governed by the statements of transmitted prophecy and by an anticipated destiny. A defiance of prophecy and a planned control of destiny, plus an immovable purpose to demonstrate the expansiveness of love should be the clue to future racial development during the coming five hundred years. Each Jew who masters his individual tendencies passes out of the racial group as you did many lives ago. You position as a Jew is today one of your free choosing and a decision upon you desire to be of service in the salvaging of a race.
  1. A contrast between past practice and a new approach to the future is offered. What DK says here is really profound. In the past and the present the Jews have been governed, and are governed, “by statements of transmitted prophecy and by an anticipated destiny”. Their entire attitude, says DK, must be reversed and become, instead, “a defiance of prophecy and a planned control of destiny…” They are to repudiate the promises made by the “wrathful Jehovah”; neither are they to passively anticipate the arrival of a promised destiny. They are to use the love-illumined will to control their destiny. A certain strange passivity must come to an end.
  2. The words here are so well chosen. The next five hundred years of racial development are to see, for the Jew, “an immovable purpose to demonstrate the expansiveness of love”. This is an amazing statement. We can see in it the combination of the first and second rays. With the first ray the Jews are abundantly endowed, for the first ray is the ray of the “Soul of Judea”. It is, however, the expansive, Jupiterian second ray which they need (despite the fact that there are many within the ranks of the Jews who express this ray admirably).
  3. It also becomes clear that the Jewish people are not slated to disappear any time soon, for DK speaks of the development of the race for five hundred years to come.
  4. A suggestion is made that FCD has been a Jew before—long ago. At that time he mastered his individual tendencies and passed out of the racial group. This is the pattern to be followed by progressive Jews today: master individual tendencies and leave the racial group behind—in consciousness.
  5. DK may also be saying that anyone who masters the individualism of the personality, thereby, passes out of any racial grouping, for those groupings have their major impact upon personalities rather than souls.
  6. In RSU’s instructions, DK informed her that she had little real connection with the Jewish people even though she felt herself closely identified with them. In this instruction, He is informing FCD, that his present membership in the Jewish group occurred as a result of his own free choice to be an agent of service and salvage to that race.
  7. We must pause to question. We know that the Christ (and the Buddha) achieved the third degree in Atlantean times, but what about the fourth degree (which meant adeptship in Atlantean times, but not in Aryan times). At least, in Aryan times, it is often the initiate of the fifth degree who is called the Adept.
  8. Did the Christ take the fourth degree as Krishna or was it well before that time? This question cannot easily be answered. If we look at the life of Krishna, we shall see that He had certainly attained the fourth degree. He also sacrificed His life, as fourth degree initiates will often do. But Krishna did not live in Atlantean times, but only in rather recent Aryan times! We must leave this question temporarily unanswered until more is known.
  1. In any case, the task which FCD has been offered (and is still offered as a result of Master DK’s and Master KH’s decision) involved redemptive work with the Jewish people. It was decided between DK and KH to let FCD work at this for three years or perhaps seven years, and then to decide whether he wished to continue with it. Three years would take him to 1949; seven years to 1953. In the early 1950’s, some time after the death of FCD’s son in 1951, the Foundation for an Italian Union for progressive Judaism was founded, so FCD must have persisted with this task for some time beyond the shorter of the two spans (the three year span). As you know, the task consists in the effort to help the Jewish people to see their plight in a different light. They must register the situation in the light of truth. This work can be undertaken only by people who, like yourself, have taken a Jewish body but have not Jewish consciousness, who repudiate without any difficulty the dreadful and revengeful Jehovah of the Jewish religion and who never act or think as does the average Jew. You, my brother, meet all these requirements, though R.K. (i.e., RSU) does not. This work is most definitely part of my work … and I shall be in touch [Page 471] with you at frequent intervals. On that statement you can emphatically rely. The edited and altered text that appeared in DINA II was as follows: [ “This work can be undertaken only by people who, like yourself, repudiate without any difficulty all separative attitudes and who ever act and think in terms of the one humanity and with inclusive love. You, my brother, meet all these requirements….”]
  1. DK comes back to the main issue which He has been discussing with FCD for the last few communications (whether or not FCD had actually read these communications shortly after they were transcribed). We can see DK’s essentially benevolent attitude to the Jewish people, even though His frankness offends some with high solar plexus sensitivity. That the Jews are deeply immersed in a “plight” is acknowledged, but the way through it, is to see the plight “in a different light”. A program of re-education must be undertaken so the Jews can understand their condition in the light of a wider truth.
  2. It makes sense that no group will take initially unpalatable advice from an ‘outsider’. FCD, because his mother was Jewish, is an ‘insider’. The fact that he is Jewish by heredity makes him far more acceptable to the Jews than if he had been a Gentile.

  3. But his consciousness is not Jewish, and like so many thinking people in the modern world, he rejects “the dreadful and revengeful Jehovah of the Jewish religion”. HPB has much to say of Jehovah as a lunar deity, and not an especially high one. Those with no knowledge of occultism will not be able to see to the truth of the matter.
  4. FCD meets the requirements. R.K. (also known as RSU—Regina Keller), so we are told, does not meet these requirement, for although she is Jewish, she is overly identified with the limited perspective and ‘wounded’ psyche Jewish people. She identifies, as DK says, as a “persecuted Jew”. Therefore she lacks the necessary objectivity on the Jewish problem, and cannot see things as the Hierarchy sees them. Therefore, she cannot represent Them.
  5. It would seem that FCD cannot easily avoid the responsibility which has come his way, even though his free choice in the matter is affirmed by the very Masters Who have presented him with this “assignment”. I would ask you to hold conversation with A.A.B. on this matter for (as I told you in earlier papers) she knows more about the problem than most people and has always loved the Jews and worked for them. In the enormous task of extricating the Jews from their ancient complexes and liberating them from a carefully cultivated persecution mania – a cultivation and a mania which their religious rituals have perpetuated for three thousand years – strong measures are and have been needed. The article I wrote wherein I appealed to the Jew to recognise his responsibility and to realise the existence of faults in the Jewish race, which he must change and for which he has pain penalty over the ages, has been well received by the younger Jews, but violently repudiated by older Jews, such as R.K. (RSU) and some of her family. The “attack” made by me upon the churchianity of Christianity is far more drastic than that made upon the Jews.
  1. We read of AAB’s love of the Jews: “she…has always loved the Jews and worked for them”. This is exactly opposite to what many people have come to believe! She can counsel FCD on the matter because she knows much about the problem.
  2. Facing FCD is an “enormous task”, although it does not face him alone. He can be a significant teacher in the process of “extricating the Jews from their ancient complexes and liberating them from a carefully cultivated persecution mania…”
  3. Complexes are unconscious thought patterns which live a semi-autonomous life in the unconscious psyche. Any kind of ritual, oft repeated, is an agency of reinforcement, and Jewish rituals, says the Tibetan, reinforce the ancient complexes.
  4. It is interesting that the number “3000” is given, when the usual history of the Jews dates from 4000 years ago or even earlier. Three thousand years takes us back to the time of the great Hebrew kings and to Joshua (an earlier incarnation of the Master Jesus) whose armies slaughtered thousands in aggressive wars to seize the “Promised Land”, ‘promised’ to the Jews by Jehovah (admittedly, a jealous, blood-thirsty, revengeful god). The major ‘sins’ committed by the Hebrews date from this period.
  5. Is somehow fitting that much of this enormous task of psychological redemption falls upon one of the finest, deepest and most spiritual of the world’s psychologists.
  6. Master DK has written much on the Jewish Problem, and has been much criticized for doing so. Perhaps, AAB has been even more criticized, for it is assumed by many that it is her attitudes (not those of the Tibetan) that come through the words which have been written on the subject.
  7. We see that, in DK’s view, one of His very own and most trusted disciples (RSU) has violently repudiated His analysis of the Jewish Problem. It is obvious that He considers this repudiation a serious mistake.
  8. DK closes with an important and, perhaps, surprising statement: in His eyes, the so-called “‘attack’ made by me upon the churchianity of Christianity is far more drastic than that made upon the Jews.” A careful reading of all that Master DK has said about the present state of the Church will confirm His assessment. The reason for the over-reaction of Jewish people and passionate sympathizers is that there are very many Christians and only relatively few Jews. The atrocities of the Second World War (also, let us remember, perpetrated against Christians of conscience) did much to feed the over-reaction. Then, there is the highly sensitive Jewish solar plexus, as the Jews are said to be, by DK, the solar plexus of humanity.
  9. It is obvious that this over-sensitivity must be dropped if the Jews are to fulfill their planetary purpose as a symbol of planetary, spiritual man.You will have to be much thinking and studying, my brother, before you start contacting the various heads of Jewry; the Zionist movement is an impossible point at which to make a beginning, for their aim is not humanitarian but purely political in intent. So study, think, meditate, write, make contacts and lay a sound foundation for future work. Most of the work you plan to do will only begin at the close of about three years study, and will last around five years; in those years the Jews will come to recognise a new voice, a clear note and a sound policy.”The danger of “Imperil,” as the Master Morya has called it. This is somewhat erroneously interpreted as irritation by the neophyte, but it is not in fact irritation in the ordinary connotation of the word. The surface ripples of ordinary irritation and the evanescent angers to which all disciples are prone are relatively of small importance. They pass and, in the sum total of the soul’s attitudes to the personality, evoke no response or registration whatsoever. What is referred to is the reaction of the disciple to world evil. This produces uncertainty as to the future, annoyance at what is being done throughout the planet by non-disciples, criticism of national and international planning and a general atmosphere of unhappiness, plus a sense of superior knowledge. All this is expressed in a negative, unconstructive manner. To this many disciples are today prone; they need to realise that world affairs are not and cannot be moulded or determined by any hierarchical knowledge in the possession of the disciple. World affairs and conditions have necessarily to be based upon the demand and the point in evolution of the mass of humanity, working through their representatives, chosen or imposed, in every country. This demand can be and is affected, modified and spiritualised by the attitude and the teaching of disciples everywhere who are vocal and of humanitarian instinct. If, however, the will and knowledge of disciples in all nations were to condition world affairs and control entirely the political, economic and social life of the people, it would produce a far more serious cleavage than now exists, for instance between the rich and the poor, or between the classes and the castes. It would produce a pronounced line of demarcation between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of men. This would run counter to hierarchical intention, which is rapidly healing the existent breach, and thus offset the work which Christ set out to do on Earth. This point is often overlooked by well-intentioned disciples. It is humanity which determines its own destiny. Disciples point the way, indicate the vision, set a needed example and emphasise the ancient landmarks”.  Discipleship in the New Age Vol. II, p. 68.
  1. FCD cannot leap into the redemptive process immediately. Much deep study must precede his first approaches, so enormous is the task and so defensive the Jewish psyche.
  2. We can see that much contact will be required. FCD will have to contact the various “heads of Jewry”. It is hardly a task which can be handled from an ivory tower. The outer contact required identifies the task as closely related to DK’s Ashram.
  3. DK always distinguishes between the Zionists and the true Jews. From His perspectives, the Zionists are a politically motivated, reactionary group who work without humanitarian motives. It would be hopeless to begin with them. Their mind is made up. Later, He gives His assessment of who the Zionists really were—historically and reincarnationally.
  4. DK seems, temporally, to circumscribe FCD’s work in this regard. It is not to begin for another three years (after much study) and will last around five years. This means that it begins in 1949 (interestingly, a year in which Uranus by transit crosses FCD’s natal Ascendant). In 1952, we do note a solar eclipse on FCD’s natal Sun and Ascendant. We do not know the exact year in which the Foundation for an Italian Union of Progressive Judaism was begun, but we do know that it was after his son’s death in 1951. Such an eclipse would have indicated important opportunities in this regard. As well, during 1950, 1951 and part of 1952, the progressing Moon was to be found in Capricorn, the sign which rules the personality of the Jews.
  5. We can see that Master DK was somewhat optimistic about the possibilities, for He foresaw that “in those years the Jews will come to recognize a new voice, a clear note and a sound policy”. Unfortunately, this was not to be, for the Zionists moved powerfully in 1946 and 1947, and in 1948, the State of Israel was established amidst war, political maneuverings and general turmoil.
  6. The consolidation of a national homeland for the Jews probably limited the scope of FCD’s intended work. The imagination of Jewry was captured by the founding of Israel and no new voice or clear note could be heard. From the perspective of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the establishment of the land of Israel was not “sound policy”.
  7. This, of course, is still a subject over which the greatest passions rise, as we can see from the terribly conflicted situation in the Middle East today. No one (not even Hierarchy) knows where the present situation, so filled with mutual hostilities, will end. What is clear is that certain superpowers, and world Jewry (in general), moved in exactly the ‘wrong’ direction from the perspective of Hierarchy. Now, there is no going back, and resolution will have to be found in another way. Fortunately, Sanat Kumara is that great Being Who has the power to promote the emergence of the “Good” from all distressed and darkened situations. This is all that I have to indicate here. A.A.B. will send you some books and papers, for it is no longer possible for her to help in this work which is a phase of my work. It would profit you much to go through my books and papers and pamphlets and collect into one volume of script all that I have said. A.A. B. has made a beginning here, but it is very poor as she has not due time. This work is more definitely part of my work, for there will be no true world peace until the Jewish problem is solved. More Gentiles, true friends of the Jews, such as A.A.B., see this correctly; the Jews seem unable to grasp it.
  1. The work with the Jewish people, we are told, is definitely a part of Master DK’s work. Why? Because “there will be no true world peace until the Jewish problem is solved”. This means that Master DK’s work, and the work of His Ashram, are clearly involved with the attempt to create “world peace”.
  2. This would make sense if, as Marion Walters (RSW) used to say, Master DK’s Ashram is ruled by Libra.
  3. FCD’s job will be to help the Jews grasp what so many Gentiles, who are true friends of the Jew’s already grasp.

The Pinnacles

  1. Imagine yourself standing at the top of a mountain shaped like a pinnacle, facing another, seemingly miles away.
  2. This is a very important mediation given to FCD to promote success in his important “assignment”. It was not included in the DINA books because the whole discussion of his responsibility in relation to the Jews was deleted.
  3. A pinnacle is a summit. It represents a  mountain peak, higher than which it is impossible to go (without descending and then re-ascending a still higher mountain).
  4. We can think of a pinnacle as cone-shaped. The cone suggests a vortex and a spiral action which tightens and increases in speed until the topmost point is reached.
  5. FCD stands on the first pinnacle. This suggests that he has taken the third initiation and is now transfigured.
  6. Far away, “seemingly miles away” is another pinnacle, representing, one would think, the fourth initiation. The term, “seemingly” is important, because, perhaps, the next pinnacle is not as far away as it seems. This idea relates to whether it would be possible for FCD to take the fourth initiation in the present life.
  7. From certain respects, his horoscope is more favorably configured for the fourth initiation than for the third.
  8. A vast struggling mass can be seen in the lowland in between the two pinnacles.
  9. When FCD descends the mountain, he will encounter many who must be elevated and, eventually, ‘saved’. These are the “struggling mass”—those laboring under mass consciousness and victim of their lunar natures.
  10. One group of struggling people emerge more clearly in your vision than the rest; they carry the yellow flag, marked with a six-pointed star. On this phenomenon you ponder. (Let not the thoughtform of the Jewish people engulf your consciousness. Stand on your pinnacle and let not the potency of their struggle distract your attention from your mission and the goal.)
  11. One who is intent on salvage cannot salvage all—unless that One is of the calibre of a Christ.
  12. We can see that group of struggling people who emerge with greater clarity in FCD’s vision is the Jewish people.
  13. They carry a yellow flag. Yellow is, from different perspectives, the color of both the third and fourth rays—two rays prominent in the previous solar system and with which the Jews are strongly identified.
  14. Yellow is also connected to Gemini and to Mercury, both of which influences are important for the Jews. Mercury, a highly mental planet, is one of the rulers of Virgo, which is the soul-sign of the Jews. Mercury is also involved in a triangle connecting it to the Pleiades and Capricorn (and also to humanity, per se, of which the Jews are the eternal symbol).
  15. The six-pointed star is King Solomon’s Seal, and is always associated with the Jews, although its antiquity and its significance are far greater. It was the symbol of Akbar, who would be associated with King Solomon (if both of these kings were incarnations of the Master M.)
  16. The six-pointed star can be considered the star of form with which the Jewish group is so identified.
  17. We are not told in what color the six-pointed appears; only that the flag is yellow.
  18. The personality ray of the Jews is the third ray, associated in Esoteric Psychology I, with the color yellow. The great artistic development of the Jews may indicate a fourth ray monad (since they were the “bridge” from the first solar system to the second). In most of the Tibetan’s writings, the color yellow is assigned to the fourth ray.
  19. Yellow is a color of both pain and harmony, as well of brilliant mentality. Yellow is, therefore, an appropriate color for the Jewish group. For Master DK, ‘personally’, yellow is also important, as He is associated with Gemini and with Mercury because He is the “Messenger” of the Masters.
  20. DK warns that FCD is not to be engulfed by the thoughtform of the Jewish people. It is a powerful thoughtform and has already engulfed RSU, limiting her service.
  21. If he stands on his pinnacle (third degree consciousness), he will not be dragged down, and will be able to preserve his vision of his mission and goal. He must resist being lured from his pinnacle by sympathy for the struggle and suffering of the Jew. This type of resistance has not been easy for FCD to develop, because he identifies to readily with human suffering.
  22. In your meditation you plan guidance for their guidance. Ponder long and deeply on these plans.
  23. This is a mental and planning phase of the meditation. It is a stage of enlightened brooding on possible futures.
  24. Then see yourself returning to my Ashram for conference deep. Later imagine yourself passing along the path which leads to the Ashram of K.H., entering the door which A.A.B. is always to be found. Go then with her to K.H. Give much time here for quiet thought and for impression. This is one of the most important parts of the meditation. Glamour will disappear, light shine, plans receive acknowledgement, and strength for the next step be given.
  25. DK returns to FCD’s intended work with the psyche and consciousness of the Jewish people. We learn that it is, in fact, for FCD, a “karmic obligation”. DK hinted that FCD had been a member of the Jewish group but had worked his way out of it long ago.
  26. It is interesting that in 1942 FCD was given an “assignment”, the following of which seemed at the time optional. Now (1948) he is told that it is part of a karmic obligation which may not be avoided.
  27. There have been many developments with respect to the Jews. The State of Israel has been founded on May 14th or 15th, 1948. The context in which FCD’s redemptive work could be done has changed dramatically. These are the reasons to which DK obliquely refers. Just as humanity is always left free to make its own choices and decisions, so is a branch of the human family or a group within that family left free to determine its own destiny. The Zionists have proved susceptible to that remnant of evil which is not yet “sealed” behind the door where evil dwells. They are today a point of infection and of danger to the rest of the world, and this is due to their lack of truth, their unbridled cruelty, and their biased hate. They are as much aggressors as were the Germans, and are working under the evil control of the same forces. The whole situation must be judged and gauged from the karmic angle; the Zionists are endeavoring to repeat the horror of their first invasion of Palestine, of which you may read in The Old Testament. There they behaved with unspeakable cruelty but were given the opportunity to offer the nations of the world – through the synthesis of Jewish culture – the fruitage of their third and fourth ray development: i.e., their comprehension of money and its intelligent use. This is possible to them because they are the remnant of the humanity of the first solar system which makes them (as souls) the oldest group on earth; this also gives them their essential creative and artistic value which is the result of their participation in the evolutionary processes of this planetary humanity.

  1. This paragraph contains Master DK’s harshest indictment of the Zionists, but, let us note, not of the Jews (especially, the “true Jews”). At various points He takes great pains to make the distinction.
  2. Humanity has come of age and must make its own decisions which will determine its destiny. The same may be said for groups of human beings within humanity. The Zionist group is one such.
  3. The attempt was made during the Second World War to “seal the door where evil dwells”. It was very nearly done, but the door was left ajar, so FCD noted elsewhere, by the Zionists.
  4. DK gives an occult analysis. This group “proved susceptible to that remnant of evil which is not yet ‘sealed’ behind the door where evil dwells.” This is a shocking statement and demands reflection. The nature of the Zionists is never portrayed in this manner; how could it be? Occult understanding and the ability to “read the record” is missing in all conventional assessments.
  5. DK says that the Zionists represent a “point of infection” and are danger to the rest of the world.
  6. In the Bailey Teaching we learned that Germans and the Jews were brothers and, as it were, members of the same family. We learned that, from the reincarnational perspective, Germans had been Jews and Jews, Germans. The great contention between them during WWII was a family quarrel. “Like frequently repudiates and swings away from like, and the Germans and the Jews are curiously alike. Just as many British people and the preponderance of the British race are reincarnated Romans, so many Germans are reincarnated Jews. Hence the similarity of their points of view. It is a family quarrel and there is nothing more terrible than this.” (GWP 147)
  7. The mediumistic German nation (with its mediumistic Pisces personality) was obsessed by the Forces of Darkness. DK tells us (to the shock, horror and disbelief of many) that the Zionists were working under the same impression.
  8. We have no way to prove the veracity of this statement, but when one looks at the world situation today, and the great danger to humanity posed by the Middle East situation, one can see the hand of the Dark Forces at work. They have set up a new front for their attack against humanity.
  9. The condemnation of the Zionists (again, not the Jews) is uncompromising: they are accused of “lack of truth”, of “unbridled cruelty”, and of “biased hate”. A thorough condemnation! We must remember that Master DK does not exaggerate. He speaks truth as He sees it. If any group inspires from Him such a condemnation, it cannot be taken lightly.
  10. DK resorts to an analysis of the problem from the karmic angle. DK seems to equate the Zionists with those who invaded Palestine at least three thousand years ago in the time of Joshua (the successor to Moses). We may think of these two great figures as the later Masters, Morya and Jesus.
  11. The invasion of Canaan is a historical-biblical fact. The Hebrews of the time took Canaan (the “Promised Land”) by the sword and neither man, woman or child was spared. This is why DK tells of the “unspeakable cruelty” of “their” invasion of Palestine. By the word “their”, He means that the Zionists are the reincarnated aspects of the early invaders. Obviously, none of this will make any sense to those who do not accept the veracity of the doctrine of reincarnation and will be rejected as the wildest, anti-Semitic fantasy.
  12. The guerilla wars fought before the establishment of the State of Israel, and the conventional wars fought after that establishment are, from the Tibetan’s point of view, a replay of that early invasion. These wars have been, relatively, more restrained, with far less slaughter, but the continued wars and hostilities between Israel and the surrounding Arab countries are filled with ongoing horror and deep frustration for all who work for world peace. These wars and have held the world stage for over half a century.
  13. We can only listen carefully to what the Tibetan is saying, and then see if, intuitively, it carries the ring of truth. We are not in a position to estimate whether the Zionists are the same souls who took Canaan by the sword more than three thousand years ago. If they are, however, an entirely new light on the founding of Israel is shed, and not a happy light.
  14. The Hebrews of those ancient times acted, says DK, “with unspeakable cruelty”, but were given (in the hope of compensation) an opportunity to offer to humanity the fruitage of their culture based upon the third and fourth rays. We have remarked that the personality ray of Judea is the third and speculated that its monadic ray may be the fourth. This group possesses the “comprehension of money and its intelligent use”. This was, potentially, one of the gifts to be given to humanity.
  15. The Jews (as a group), are, we are told, part of the remnants of the first solar system—souls knows as the “ancestors”. This makes them, according to the Tibetan, “(as souls) the oldest group on earth”. This is an amazing thought and suggests that humanity does not learn its lessons rapidly—especially some sectors of humanity who are strongly conditioned by the energies of the first solar system.
  16. Their great creative and artistic value is affirmed. Interestingly, this value is said to result from their participation in the “evolutionary processes of this planetary humanity”. It is as if much along the artistic and creative paths was learned during the fourth round of the fourth chain—our Earth-chain. These “ancestors”, as they are sometimes called, are said to have entered evolution on this chain and in this round before the individualization of Earth-chain humanity—another astonishing thought. They made, however, a false move in Old Testament days and since then their ways have been devious and wandering; they are unquestionably the most reactionary group on earth. Their desire for dominance in all fields can be seen founded in the Ten Commandments which are voiced in terms of an authoritative negation and in their clinging to an outworn and separative faith – all the tents of which, the rituals and prohibitions serving to build a wall around the Jewish consciousness. The Jews are not a nation; esoterically, they are the seed or originating germ of mankind and hence their scattering in every nation in the hope that they would in due course of evolution cease to be Jews – as you have ceased to be Jew. But they have held on throughout the centuries to the infantile segregation and to the protective taboos which were necessary in the early days, five thousand years ago. Hence the trouble today and even the Hierarchy knows not what end shall be.
  1. DK is still talking of those who manifest as the present Zionists (especially, the ones who paved the way for the founding of Israel through violence and machination). There are some in the Jewish group who are strongly identified with its strange history. They are the true “ancestors”, although, it must be said, that many “ancestors” have moved on, have changed their motivations and identifications entirely, and have ‘graduated’ from this planetary school. DK is speaking of the most resistant group, which He calls “the most reactionary group on earth”. For such statements, He will wrongfully be accused of anti-Semitism. In fact, He is looking at a vast panorama, unavailable to any strictly human researcher, and is evaluating in an objective manner the origin and destiny of races, peoples and nations.
  2. It must certainly be clear that not every member of the Jewish people is a reactionary “ancestor”—i.e., a soul who individualized in the first solar system and who has remained identified with that orientation throughout its development on the Earth-chain. Souls are constantly changing races and subraces and only a Master of the Wisdom can decipher the soul’s history on this planet and on an earlier chain or solar system.
  3. The whole problem can be solved through dis-identification from the not-Self. Consciousnesses who are identified exclusively with the form through which they manifest, and with the hereditary history of those forms, have yet very much to learn about the spiritual aspects of evolution.
  4. DK speaks of a “false move in Old Testament days”. Presumably, this was the invasion of Canaan, now Palestine. This led, eventually, to the karma of the Diaspora, and to the over-emphasis of the devious third ray personality. The first ray Soul of Judea had been vanquished by the Romans, and for two millennia after their conquest by the Romans and the destruction of the Temple, the majority of Jews were forced to live more according to their personality ray than by the first ray of the soul.
  5. In modern times, with the rise to power of the Zionists (a group strengthened by world reaction against the repugnant horrors of the Holocaust) the first ray Soul of Judea has again reasserted itself, in a manner very little influenced by the love aspect (which has been growing in most human groupings under the Piscean influence for the past two thousand years). These Zionists, it seems, were ancient warriors upon the first ray, and represented a certain aspect of the first ray Soul of Judea, though not its best aspect.
  6. The first ray, when unmoderated by the ray of love and wisdom, insists on dominance. The Ten Commandments, with its “authoritative negations”, the Tibetan tells us, demonstrate this will-to-dominate. The first ray is a ray of isolation as well. DK tells us that a wall has been built around the Jewish consciousness and held in place over centuries by means of the rituals and prohibitions of the orthodox Jewish religion, thus perpetuating an “outworn and separative faith”. Many Jews will instinctively and violently recoil from such an assessment; only once they have observed the panorama revealed by the esoterically-trained mind, will they give such views a hearing.
  7. DK tells us that the Jews are not a nation, per se. Their nature is far more occultly based; “…esoterically, they are the seed or originating germ of mankind and hence their scattering in every nation…”
  8. DK says that it has been hoped, apparently by the Directors of our planetary process that, eventually, the Jews would cease to be Jews. Immediately, thoughts of genocide will enter some minds, and the prospect will be seen horrifically inhumane.
  9. But the suggestion has nothing to do with any cruelty or intended annihilation (as was enforced by the barbarism of the German nation responsive to impression of the Black Forces). Rather, it is question of the gradual assimilation of the best that the Jewish people has to offer, and their harmonious blending with the newer human group—the humanity of the Earth-chain and of the second solar system.
  10. Such an assimilation or blending would be a project overseen by the Department of the Manu as He seeks to build a racial form which ensures the best possible vehicles for the incarnating human race. The Jews are carriers of a great treasures for humanity—creativity, artistry and great intelligence. DK has named many virtues of the Jewish people and said they were spiritually based. These qualities have to be preserved and eventually blended with the energies which characterize the humanity of our present chain and solar system.
  11. Humanity comprises some sixty billion souls. These souls will be taking incarnation for millions of years in all manner of races and subraces. For the psychological health of humanity, it is important that souls cease to identify with the forms through which they manifest.
  12. DK speaks of the “infantile segregation” and “protective taboos” of the Jewish group, necessary, perhaps, five thousand years ago, but no longer necessary. These must be released. They are a obstructive concretion in the psyche of humanity. There are far better possibilities for humanity ahead. The invocation and manifestation of such possibilities is the real project for the human race. The old and outworn can only be preserved for so long.
  13. The best that the Jewish people, or any people, have to offer the ‘new racial amalgamation’ must be offered. The great spiritual, psychological and artistic riches of the Jewish group will make their indispensable contribution to what humanity must become. There is nothing anti-Jewish in this point of view. The treasures of consciousness carried by the Jews are acknowledged and the contribution of these subtle treasures to the human race eagerly anticipated. It is just that outworn identifications with ancient forms and rituals must go (however gradually, naturally, harmoniously and lovingly)—for the welfare of humanity as a whole.
  14. The problem is one of the utmost seriousness. DK does not exaggerate when He says, “even the Hierarchy knows not what end shall be”. Upon this rock, humanity could be broken and might not recover for millennia, if then. DK warns of a next war which must not be fought. In such a war, religious passions would be ascendant, and hatred of unimagined proportions released. We can see that ancient religious approaches, whether pertaining to Judaism, Christianity or Islam, must go. They have nothing to do with the elevation of human consciousness into that state of transcendent realization characteristic of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Their major spiritual test will come in their reaction to the Christ when again He comes and it will be a terrific test because they have neveras a race and during their long evolution –recognised a single one of the World Teachers. I am entering into these details so that you may see more clearly where the trend of your work should lie.
  1. The major test for the Jewish people has not yet arrived. The Christ is expected to reappear in physical form some time after 2025—members of humanity do not know exactly when. Perhaps the Christ, Himself, does not know the day or the hour, but He certainly knows the prevailing conditions which will allow Him to reemerge.
  2. DK told of us of the changes in consciousness which should occur for the Jewish people over the next five hundred years. The Jewish people will persist into the future for an unspecified time. But positive changes in their consciousness and psyche are possible and highly desirable.
  3. DK promises a “terrific test” for the Jews when the Christ reappears. As one with access to the “akashic record”, He tells us that they have never – as a race and during their long evolution – recognized a single one of the World Teachers”. This is another amazing statement and obviously is a historical perspective which includes Atlantean and Lemurian times. One day we shall see the “record” He references when He relates this information.
  4. We can anticipate that this terrific test will occur during the next one hundred years. It probably will occur before the Age of Aquarius begins in earnest in the year 2117—which fact was imparted by DK to FCD in a letter responding to FCD’s enquiry about the actual astronomical beginning of the New Age.
  5. The test will, it is anticipated, be part of the clearing of Piscean karma (and of much karma from the preceding Age of Aries), for we are still in the five hundred year overlap period between the outgoing Piscean Age and the incoming Aquarian Age.
  6. FCD is having his work outlined for him with the greatest care. The historical context of his work is revealed in a way that no conventional historical analysis could describe. As a trained esotericist, He will see the reasonableness of the analysis. He could not, however, speak in such terms to those he would seek to help. He would not be believed and he would certainly be resented. In fact, he would be considered a madman. The last two years have demonstrated that the Jews (through the activities of the Zionists) have learnt little during the past 3000 years; they are still engulfed in the glamour of territorial acquisition and nationhood; they have, nevertheless, had the opportunity of being the group which could have (because of their wide dispersion and their international citizenship) demonstrated the factual nature of the One Humanity and be recognised because of their cultural life. They have no national importance.
  1. Hierarchy’s view on the founding of the State of Israel is apparent. The Jews have been misled by the Zionists—a very intelligent, ruthless and aggressive group. They have fallen under the glamour of “territorial acquisition and nationhood”.
  2. Although intelligent and perceptive world Jewry does not share the perspectives of the Zionists and of many Israeli governments, we could say that within the Jewish consciousness, the glamor here named still prevails. It is, I would think, a great deterrent to the progress of humanity.
  3. This does not, in my view, exonerate the policies of various Arab nations who have resorted to countermeasures which are abusive, aggressive, and cynically manipulative. The virulent determination to “push the Zionist Entity into the sea” is equally odious and heedless of the lives of thousands of good people who are working in Israel for peace and cooperation with all Arab nations.
  4. If Germans have been Jews and Jew, Germans, I will hazard a guess that Arabs have been Jews and Jews, Arabs. It seems to be another desperate family quarrel!
  5. Again DK holds out a vision of what the Jews might have become and, perhaps, can still become: “they have, nevertheless, had the opportunity of being the group which could have (because of their wide dispersion and their international citizenship) demonstrated the factual nature of the One Humanity and be recognised because of their cultural life.”This is a beautiful destiny.” Can it be appreciated by world Jewry? There is still a chance that many Jews scattered in the various nations of the world can relate to it and see its planetary purpose. It would be a fitting and climactic destiny for the world’s oldest group of human beings.
  6. The Jews, then, are to excel through the medium of culture rather than nationhood. This would indicate a response to their deeply recessed fourth ray, rather than a personal response to their first ray soul. When there is a true soul response to the first ray, they will seek to know the Will of the Planetary Logos (certainly not Jehovah) and will abide faithfully by that Will. Your task, my brother, because of Zionist compelling action, is not to find and link together those Jews in every land whose relationships are cultural and spiritual and who are free in their consciousness of all claims of territorial possession. Think this out. Territories and national boundaries are symbolic of separativeness and aggression and frequently of theft and murder. Therefore, the sin of the Zionists becomes clear when – during this time when the United Nations are in process of forming – they fall back on old ways of fighting for a land which is no longer theirs. It is an effort of evil forces to render the United Nations a negative body and to offset the new ideals of the One Humanity and the One World.
  1. The “Zionist compelling action” has been the forceful founding of Israel.
  2. FCD is put into an emergency mode. He must work with Jews “whose relationships are cultural and spiritual and who are free in their consciousness of all claims of territorial possession”. The glory and beauty of the Jewish people is that there are many Jews who fulfill these requirements.
  3. DK seeks to lay clear the “sin” of the Zionists. It is a sin against humanity which, as a whole, is seeking to cooperate and harmonize through the United Nations. At a time of such great promise for the rest of the human race, the Zionists “fall back on old ways of fighting for a land which is no longer theirs”.
  4. Behind the Zionists, the Tibetan sees the “an effort of evil forces to render the United Nations a negative body and to offset the new ideals of the One Humanity and the One World”. We can see why He is so forceful in His condemnation of this ancient and aggressive group.
  5. We can understand that FCD is meeting his destiny in this request for aid by Master DK and KH. When the fourth degree is involved, the area of sacrificial service becomes the world and humanity. My suggestion to you, therefore, (as regards your future work) is to gather together those Jews out of every nation who seek cultural but not national unity and who – because they are not strictly orthodox – can begin to accept the premise of a returning One for Whom they may prepare. Begin, my brother, with the utmost caution, discovering the views of such men as Dr. …, certain Jewish writers with whom you may already be in touch, and with the leaders of the Council for Judaism, with whom A.A.B. and F.B. have been in touch. Begin with the cultural angle only and NOT as yet with the preparation for the Christ. You need only a group of seven men to begin with and you should have no difficulty in finding them. Move forward with optimism but with caution and also with no undue haste. You are one who is authorised subjectively by the Hierarchy to help build up the true nature of the Jewish group; you are well equipped to do so. You can write in several languages and you move at times in and out of many different countries. Gather together into one folio (if you have not already done so) all that I have said anent the Jews; arrange them into proper sequential form and use it with discretion as wisely as possible. Be not discouraged, but work as if the Zionists did not exist; waste no time on them but aid the true Jews, the people who were chosen to form the nucleus of the One Humanity; let them learn what is the real objective of their existence and realise how wrong they have been in creating the separative element which has infected the whole body of humanity. This trend of theirs goes back into Atlantean history and lies outside the pale of our modern historical records.
  1. FCD receives important practical instructions. He is to gather together those Jews of every nation “who seek cultural but not national unity”. This will be a theme for the future as well (and will probably involve FCD in his next incarnation, which, at the time of the writing of this commentary, may already have begun).
  2. The idea of the “Coming One” or a “returning One” must also be promoted among those who are not strictly orthodox. Orthodox Jews also believe in a Messiah, but their views are far at variance with the understanding of the Trans-Himalayan Lodge.
  3. DK directs FCD towards certain specific individuals and bodies.
  4. He is to work occultly with a group of “seven men”. Perhaps, FCD would be one of the seven. We cannot tell whether DK means both men and women; times were different fifty-six years ago.
  5. We remember that Hitler, too, knew how to work occultly, and gathered around him an “evil gang” (as DK calls them) to reinforce his purposes.
  6. DK leaves no question about FCD’s authorization to do this particular kind of work: “You are one who is authorised subjectively by the Hierarchy to help build up the true nature of the Jewish group; you are well equipped to do so.” Many energies, forces and spiritual factors have come together to present FCD with this opportunity. One may imagine that a candidate for the fourth initiation will find himself to be the right person, in the right place, at the right time for an extremely difficult task demanding great sacrifice—if not the sacrifice of all.
  7. FCD is to ignore the Zionists and aid the “true Jews”. We should fix in our minds DK’s definition of the true Jews: “… the true Jews, the people who were chosen to form the nucleus of the One Humanity;” If the monadic ray of the Jews is the fourth ray (and, in any case, the fourth ray is powerful in the Jewish expression) that monadic ray will correlate with the ray of humanity which is also the fourth ray. We can understand how the Jew can be understood as prototypical of humanity. The history of the Jews, as DK presents it, seems to confirm this. The true Jew is a ‘non-local’ being and has the capacity to identify with all human states and conditions. This deep comprehension of all manner of human expression is often seen in the great motion pictures produced and directed by Jews.
  8. DK wants the Jews to understand the nature of the glamor of separateness—derived from the Great Heresy of Separateness. They are to repudiate the “separative element” by means of which they (through their most reactionary members) have “infected” all of humanity. Among the “true Jews”, who are more enlightened beings, this repudiation is certainly possible. In fact, there is promising movement in this direction.
  9. DK traces the trend to separatism to Atlantean history; naturally, modern historical research cannot investigate the happenings of such remote times associated with a civilization which most suspect never existed! The revelatory historical records do, however, exist, in the annals of the Masters. Before long some of these archives may be opened to prove the point.

* A Treatise on the Seven Rays (Esoteric Astrology), Vol. III, Page 476.

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