Aries 2017: Three Festivals. The Mind. Glamour. Westminster. Democracy. HHH Documentary.

Aries the Ram: Khnum, the ram-headed god of Ancient Egypt.1
Aries Keynote
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
(Full Moon: April 11, 2017. 7:08 am. GMT.)
“Aries is the sign of beginnings – the beginning of the creative process, the first step of the soul … towards incarnation, the beginning of recurring and constant cycles of experience, the beginning of the period wherein the soul changes its direction, its purpose and its method, and finally enters upon that definitely defined process which we call spiritual regeneration and initiation.”2
Aries, First of Three Spiritual Festivals
Aries and the Mind
Aries and the World of Maya, Glamour and Illusion
Khalid Masood, Westminster and the Crisis of Western Democracy
Release of The Hidden History of Humanity Documentary
Aries, First of Three Spiritual Festivals
It is the beginning of the spiritual new year once again, where the cycle renews itself in Aries; the first of the three annual spiritual festivals – Aries, Taurus and Gemini – that establish an aspect of the Planetary Plan, the Divine Blueprint that is constantly precipitating into human consciousness. Aries’ theme is about the emergence of the subtle idea, patterned and programmed in the ethers, that will eventually manifest upon the outer plane:
“Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form – subjective and objective.”3
These first three signs of Aries, Taurus and Gemini function as a triangle of subjective energies that condition the remainder of the year. Hence, tuning into their qualities through personal reflection, group meditation and service will reward the enquirer.
Aries – Easter Festival, the Festival of the Risen Christ.
Taurus – Wesak Festival, the Festival of the Buddha or of Illumination.
Gemini – Festival of Unification – unifying East-West, carried forward by the Christ.
Aries and the Mind
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and rules the head; it represents that first ideation or thought that has “precipitated from the mind of God” – transmitted to the mind and brain consciousness. The human “consciousness thread” is anchored in the crown chakra, just as the “life thread” is anchored in the heart chakra.
It is vitally important at the beginning of the spiritual new year to be holding the right ideas for one’s soul purpose and to be able to direct them accordingly. These thoughts will determine the ensuing year, punctuated by the 12 rhythmic solar festivals.
The rooster is one symbol of Aries and coincidentally, the 12-year cycle of the Chinese Year of the Rooster has just begun. The rooster hearkens the dawn of a new day and a new year; it has a flaming red neck and struts its stuff as “cock of the hoop” (boastful elation), giving more than a few allusions to Aries ruler Mars, whose glyph also symbolizes dynamic activity.
Aries is a fire sign and our fiery Sun is exalted here. Fire is a symbol of the brightly burning mental processes rushing through the matrix of synapses in the brain. This is where fiery Aries ruler Mars is in its element, representing physical action, mental activity and the five finite senses.
Mercury as the soul ruler of Aries is the messenger who receives the higher inspiration and transmits it to the brain consciousness. Mercury is intuition and when placed in this sign displays very rapid thought processes responding to intuitive impulses. (Einstein is a good example here, having Mercury, Venus and Saturn all in Aries.) Mercury is the “messenger of the gods”, between the higher mind (our individual “god”) and the lower mind.
It is important to make this distinction because the higher mind is the seat of the soul and the lower concrete mind is the realm of Mars and the five finite senses. This is why Mars is also associated with exoteric science that utilises those five senses. Yet the best scientists often make their breakthroughs via the sixth sense, the intuition. Mars also rules the solar plexus, the seat of the astral body, and when combined with the lower mind, produces desire-mind or kama-manas – where most of humanity is today polarised.
Hence, Aries is connected to three levels – higher and lower mind, the astral; it all depends upon the soul evolution of an individual as to how they will respond to these various rulerships.

The soul or causal body as it exists upon the higher mental plane. The subplanes of the lower mental plane below.
Because of the capacity for directed thought, Aries quite often expresses itself through leaders, explorers and adventurers – upon the inner or outer planes. There is quite often the “gung ho” (eagerness) of Mars that helps these individuals execute their tasks. But it is also the ability to receive an intuitive impression, hold that idea and follow it through to its conclusion that determines the successful Aries.
Explorer Percy Fawcett had the Moon and idealistic Neptune in Aries. It is said that he was the inspiration for the Indiana Jones movie character. He disappeared in the Brazilian jungle around 1925, allegedly searching for Shamballa or “El Dorado”, depending upon one’s sources. Fawcett undoubtedly had the derring-do of Aries and perhaps also its recklessness. He was also reputedly a keen student of H.P. Blavatsky and The Secret Doctrine – from where he probably discovered his interest in Shamballa. There is now a movie about his life, The Lost City of Z.
When the keynote for Aries is considered, “I come forth from the plane of mind, I rule”, it is on one level, the power of the concrete mind or the desire-mind to achieve its unwavering goal – using the lower personality will. Yet, it is ultimately the “coming forth from the plane of higher mind” where the power of the soul implements true purpose via the receptive lower mind, bringing spirit into matter.
The two rays that pour through Aries also hint at this potential marriage of heaven and earth – the first ray of will-power and the seventh ray of ceremonial order. Often Aries is simply the sower of seeds, whose impulses take root in Taurus, blossom in Cancer, are harvested in Virgo, weighed in the scales and “traded” in Libra. Karmic seeds sown in Aries are harvested in Libra.
Aries-Libra is an important axis to consider the seed idea or action in Aries – that finds its karmic consequence in Libra. The Law of Attraction works powerfully between these signs – and the theme of sex is strong as Aries’ Mars seeks to unite with Libra’s Venus.
Aries and the World of Maya, Glamour and Illusion
“It must constantly be remembered that we are living in the world of illusion – an illusion which is temporary and transient and which will some day disappear, taking with it the illusion of appearance, the illusion of evolutionary unfoldment, the illusion of separativeness, and the illusion of distinctive identity – that illusion which makes us say “I am.””4
Glamour is a generic term for illusion as it exists upon the three levels of the personality: Mental, emotional or astral and physical.
The Three Phases of Glamour | |||
Mode | Plane | Chakra | Planetary ruler |
1. Illusion | Mental plane | Throat | Saturn-Earth |
Illusion is marked in those who are more intellectual than emotional. The misunderstanding or misinterpretation of ideas and thoughtforms. | |
2. Glamour | Astral plane | Solar plexus | Neptune-Mars |
Glamour is subtle and more potent than illusion, affecting the majority of people because there are few who are truly mentally polarised. | |
3. Maya | Physical plane | Sacral | Uranus-Moon |
Maya is vital, a quality of force; energy as it swings into activity under subjective influence of mental illusion/astral glamour, or both. | |
The subject of glamour is a science in itself, explored profoundly in the book, “Glamour: A World Problem” by Alice A. Bailey. The table above points to just a few of the intricacies of this science – whose understanding and earnest application will lead to liberation. It has been predicted that in the coming age of Aquarius there will be a scientific investigation and comprehension of illusion and the world of glamour.5 When we reflect upon how long Humanity has been tossed around upon the dark ocean of illusion, the imminent Aquarian cycle holds in store much illumination.
“It is much that you have recognised that glamour and illusion exist. The majority of people are unaware of their presence. Many good people today see this not; they deify their glamours and regard their illusions as their prized and hard won possessions.”6
In Aries therefore, purity of thought is to be highly valued if illusion is to be avoided or at least minimalised. To the degree in which we are all immersed in the Great Illusion, each individual is only capable of projecting their clearest thought, commensurate with their stage of soul unfoldment. The mind can only be sharpened into more refined degrees of discrimination and purity through meditation and other lifestyle practices.
The shifting sands of truth become more navigable as the Pilgrim spends lifetimes peeling back glamour after glamour, illusion after illusion – until the Dweller on the Threshold (the sum total of all maya, glamour and illusion) – is faced and vanquished, leading to the portal of initiation.
Hence the imperative of invoking the forces of Vulcan, ruler of the first ray of will or power – that passes through this first zodiac sign Aries. The first ray is the “energy of divine embodied will … described as “unavoidable directed purpose.”7 Vulcan invokes fire into his furnace and hammers out “raw” ideas upon his anvil, where they eventually take shape and consolidate in Libra as cohesive thoughtforms of great power.
Aries and the first ray are also associated with Shamballa, the “centre where the will of god is known”, the crown chakra of this planet – whence emanates the Planetary Plan. It is during Aries and again in Taurus that this Plan (with its annual adjustments and modifications), is impulsed to Humanity via the Hierarchy during the 5-day full moon period. Because of its highly attenuated frequency upon the first ray of will-power, the Shamballa force is the least understood energy and is often misused; it has been increasing its impact direct to Humanity in recent years, creating dictatorial attitudes and a spirit of separation – at the expense of the Love-Wisdom principle. The will energy has its point of least resistance upon the lower mind, hence the tendency for separativeness:

Shades of Shamballa! (Command of Rigden Djapo, Nicholas Roerich 1933.)
“Viewed esoterically, the unfoldment of the intellect is governed by the Law of Cleavages which stimulates the ability to separate and divide, thereby enabling consciousness to make comparisons and choose between them – in other words, to discriminate. Until human nature is sufficiently refined, choices are often led by desire for self-empowerment over that which empowers the good of the whole. But as desire gives way to love this will steadily change as the Law of Cleavages is superseded by another great law – the Law of Loving Understanding.”8
Aries embodies all levels of glamour – illusion, glamour and maya – especially when Mars as Aries personality ruler is considered. In Esoteric Astrology, Mars is a “non-sacred” planet and hosts the great war between dualities, establishing relations between opposites. (Here we can see Mars working with Venus, the ruler of polar opposite Libra, the sign of relationships.) Mars produces great struggles, leading eventually to “the final revelation of the nature of knowledge and the purpose of incarnation.”9
When the table above is considered – glamour upon the astral plane – is ruled by Mars and Neptune. The majority of humanity live in glamour because they are still ruled by the forces of desire which Mars embodies. Mars and Neptune both rule the solar plexus centre, seat of the astral or desire body. Neptune influences strongly the transformation of desire into aspiration. Although Neptune is a “sacred planet”, its highly refined frequencies as the idealist, artist and mystic are often distorted, expressing as addiction, undisciplined emotion and unwholesome fantasy.
The current situation in the USA (discussed in previous newsletters) of extreme propaganda and “fake news” has partly to do with the West as a whole grappling with Illusion and balancing of opposites upon the mental plane. But the current situation is saturated with Glamour; illusion is compounding the existing glamours of USA’s sixth ray personality – also ruled by Mars-Neptune.
Hence, as discussed in recent newsletters, the situation is exacerbated by the fact that transiting Neptune is conjoining USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces from now until 2020; this is affecting the world because of USA’s broad influence – both objectively and subjectively.
Neptune’s reputation for addiction is reflected in the USA today where an extraordinary epidemic has emerged resulting in hundreds of thousands addicted to hard drugs like heroin and Oxycontin. Has the existential pain and current confusion of being an American become too much to bear? Or are they simply pawns who have been manipulated by drug companies and cartels? The answer surely lies somewhere in between.
The world is witnessing the worst aspects of mass glamour as never before, immersed in this Kali Yuga cycle of chaos, quarrel and confusion. Yet, in expressing itself so starkly and darkly, the monster is being revealed and greater discrimination is being developed. This Fifth Rootrace is facing its Dweller on the Threshold – humanity is coming to grips with glamour, being fed by illusion at the same time.
There are smaller groups of truly mentally polarised individuals who are more subject to illusion but are altruistically motivated. However, there are also significant numbers who are selfishly motivated, who are manipulators of the forces of illusion, deliberately compounding Humanity’s glamour problem for personal gain – by creating greater complexities through propaganda and other insidious machinations.
These groups are used by the Materialistic Forces in this lead-up to 2025, the date from which it will be decided when the Forces of Light via the Masters of Wisdom will make a reappearance on this planet. (One comedian recently quipped, “Bush gave us Obama and Trump will give us Jesus!”)
Hence the battle is really raging at the moment – in whirlwind obfuscations, political intrigues and the non-stop war for “hearts and minds” via competing media. Humanity is facing the World Dweller in its many hideous facets and must invoke the needed soul force to transform this dire situation.
The following table shows the various phases of glamour applied to the rootraces. It can be seen how the world is now in a culminating phase of this aeon-long development – facing the glamours of the ages – individually and collectively, before stepping up to a higher consciousness, embodied by the various levels of initiation that await those who strive:
Modality |
Rootrace |
Body |
Solution |
Maya | 3rd Lemuria | Etheric-Physical | Inspiration |
Glamour | 4th Atlantis | Astral | Illumination |
Illusion | Late Atlantean 5th Aryan |
Lower mental | Intuition |
Dweller on Threshold | 5th Aryan | Lower mental | Angel of Presence (Soul) |

Buddha and his golden Arhats.
There have been two major “blows” struck upon the problem of glamour in the past few thousand years, with another soon to come:
“1. Buddha and his 900 Arhats struck the first blow at glamour with Four Noble Truths:
- Existence is inseparable from suffering.
- The cause of suffering is desire.
- The cessation of suffering is through eradicating desire.
- The path to cessation of suffering is the Noble Eight-Fold Path:
a. Right belief. b. Right intentions. c. Right speech. d. Right actions. e. Right livelihood.
f. Right endeavouring. g. Right mindfulness. h. Right concentration.

Christ Blessing. (Titian 1570, Venetian School.)
2. Christ struck the second blow to glamour, emphasising individual responsibility and Brotherhood.
3. The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) and the Christ – with his 9,000 initiates will strike the next blow. (9 = initiation)”10
Note the word “blow”, as in Vulcan hammer blows! Humanity will still be working upon the first two blows for a very long time because there has been established a proven, perennial roadmap. We can only speculate what will come with the third blow that many world disciples are working upon now; it will probably be a synthesis of the previous two plus something radically new.
Bear in mind that the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) is composed of aspirants, disciples and initiates working in all areas of human endeavour, who are a bridge between the masses of Humanity and the those who guide the race, the Hierarchy. The NGWS functions as the planetary ajna centre, acting as the “eye of Sanat Kumara” at Shamballa.
Khalid Masood, Westminster and the Crisis of Western Democracy
In true Mars-ruled fashion, Aries started with a bang at the Westminster attack in London. This tragedy is the outer of expression of a much deeper friction and lack of cohesion within not only the British, but Western psyche in general. This is connected to the fact that London functions as the planetary throat centre and hence holds the mental function for the Fifth Rootrace.
This event cannot be simply or solely blamed upon the distorted ideologies of one lone attacker or ISIL; it is related to the ongoing and until recently, mostly successful experiment in racial integration in Europe since WWII.
This racial and religious integration has never occurred on this scale or speed in the history of the world; the process will probably take a hundred years or so to effect successfully – in this cuspal period between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius. So it may be wise to consider the larger picture and not allow the short term failures to loom too large upon the horizon; to jump the gun too quickly and lay the blame with various groups or religions. There is no way to halt this integration process, it is part of our natural evolution and the Planetary Plan.
There have been abuses of course in this great social experiment which has provoked the ire of the original inhabitants of host nations. This in turn has been seized upon by involutionary forces and those upon the far right, amplifying a sense of separation; subsequently it has created a deeper hatred within Muslim enclaves in Britain and throughout the world – who are already feeling a sense of persecution. This situation has been recently fueled by Britain’s Brexit decision as well as travel ban and immigration policies of the USA. Hence, a sense of inclusiveness and compassion must be the over-arching approach, but also firm policies that do not allow further abuses of the system.

Khalid Masood.
The perpetrator of the Westminster attack was born and bred in Britain and later converted to Islam. “Quiet and friendly but with a dark side” was one description. The following brief analysis helps us to understand his psyche; it answers very easily the current investigation of motive by British police – which seems quite obvious given his criminal record – and his horoscope confirms it. Masood was always violent and held a simmering anger:
“Masood had a number of prior criminal convictions, the earliest for criminal damage in 1983, when he was 19, and the most recent for knife possession in December 2003. He also had convictions relating to assaults, which included grievous bodily harm, and other public order offences. When Masood was 35, he was imprisoned for 2 years for slashing the face of a local business owner, following an argument in a pub. The victim required 20 stiches. Three years after that incident, he stabbed a man in the nose. He served prison sentences in Lewes Prison in East Sussex, Wayland Prison in Norfolk and Ford Open Prison in West Sussex.”11
Whatever Masood’s ethnic origins, he was a victim of his own distorted ideology which he perpetrated upon the British public in his murderous rampage. That ideology may have drawn upon Jihadist Islam or ISIL anger, but essentially the attack was personally motivated and organised; it was his way of venting his frustration at a complex and troubled world.
Whether he chose to appropriate certain ideologies or not, he probably would have offended violently again in some way. This does not dismiss the ISIL influence however, as he was a “known associate of radical individuals in Birmingham.” Like many other perpetrators of these kind of attacks, his horoscope reflects the truth of personal motive and choice. Ironically, Masood was born on Christmas Day 1964 (birthtime unknown), leaving this world as a tragic anti-Christ by inflicting the callous murders, injuries and trauma upon many people.

Chart I: Westminster Attack Event Chart (March 22, 2:40 pm).
In looking for the source of violence in a horoscope, Mars and Pluto are usually sought. In the Westminster event horoscope for March 22 (2:40 pm) in London, Mars dominates the midheaven in Taurus. The Sabian Symbol for this 10th degree of Taurus is “A Red Cross Nurse: When battle lines have long been drawn, let a symbol, a Red Cross signify a common healing ground.”12 (Update: Stockholm Attack – Mars is again on the midheaven of this event chart.)
Mars is in detriment in Taurus and,
“Its activity adds constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus but the potency of the Taurian struggle is so great, esoterically speaking, that the effect of Mars is lost in the larger whole. It “adds to the glamour and confusion and yet holds within itself hope for the struggling man.”13
One of the main significators of this horoscope that reflects the sudden violent act, is the position of the Moon in Capricorn (cold, heartless) square to Uranus (revolt, revolution). The Moon represents the crystallisation of the perpetrator’s views as well as that of the social structure he was rebelling against.

Chart II: Khalid Masood. Dec. 25, 1964. Dartford, Britain. (Speculative rectification 3:28 am.)
In Masood’s horoscope, Mars and Pluto sit together in Virgo – which in itself is not necessarily criteria for violence. However, searching for a rectified birthtime around 3:30 am places the Moon (the dweller/shadow) closer to Mars, giving it a much more reactive and incendiary nature. Adjusting this time also yields a Scorpio rising horoscope – the sign which both Mars and Pluto rule, notorious for violence and ruthlessness.
Tweaking the chart a little further to the 10th degree of Scorpio rising, would see transiting Mars on March 22 entering Masood’s seventh house of relationships and of course, directly opposite his hypothetical Scorpio ascendant. The image that comes to mind with Mars in Taurus the Bull is, “a bull in a china shop” – the cruel scenario of Masood’s car ploughing its way through pedestrians on Westminster Bridge.

Women form a chain on Westminster Bridge to condemn the attack.
The other main significator of violence in Masood’s chart is the square from Mars in Virgo to Mercury in Sagittarius. Mercury in Sagittarius has been noted by some researchers in the charts of serial killers14 – Sagittarius the hunter. A standard exoteric interpretation of Mercury square Mars states:
“You can be quick on the trigger when it comes to verbal reactions to others, and you are not always courteous or tactful when it comes to expressing your opinions. You often take things quite personally, and your defensiveness can make it hard for others to have peaceful or productive conversations with you at times.
You might often find yourself stirring up controversy with what you say, or how you say it. You love a good debate, but sometimes turn conversations that needn’t be stressful into arguments … Your mind can be so quick that you are nervous, easily stressed, often over-stimulated, and prone to headaches. Impatience, especially while driving or operating machinery, could lead to accidents.”15

The very esoteric British coat of arms. The lion, soul of London and ruler of the British Empire. The unicorn, symbol of the triumphant initiate.
The Event Horoscope: London as Leo Soul, Libra Personality
The London event was an universal attack on humanity because, like so many other similar tragic events, the victims were from many nationalities visiting the city. Chart I has Leo rising for the time of the event. The degree of this rising sign is close to the midheaven of Masood’s rectified horoscope, indicating his need to be seen and to “make a splash”, to “go out with a bang”. Masood’s progressed moon is also in Leo.
The Leo rising sign of Chart I indicates “soul purpose” – Leo is the soul of London and represents its past world leadership:
“London, the heart centre of the empire is ruled spiritually by Leo and materially by Libra … It is not, however, the spiritual quality of this sign [Leo] which dominates British policy, but primarily the Libra aspect. Great Britain regards herself as the preserver of the balance [Libra] of power among the nations and as the one to mete out justice [Libra] and indicate the right methods of law and order [Leo/Libra]; yet her Gemini nature [British soul] at times offsets this, whilst Taurus [British personality] frequently blinds her to the real issues.”16
From the previous passage one could be excused for being confused because there are several astrological influences discussed. London is its own entity, a “nation within a nation”. Much more could be explained here but space does not permit:
Britain Gemini soul, Taurus personality. Soul ray 2, personality ray 1.
London Leo soul, Libra personality. Soul ray 5, personality ray 7.

Demonstrators on a peaceful anti-Brexit March for Europe, marching to Parliament Square in London on September 3, 2016. (See article.)
Libra is prominently represented in the attack Chart 1 – with Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries, T-squaring the moon in Capricorn. London’s Libra personality reflects the parliament where laws are made. (Also the fact that it is the world’s main money centre. Libra is one of the major signs of money and the seventh ray personality of London is also connected with finance.)
The presence of Uranus represents the need for creating radical new laws, to break out of the rigid pattern that Britain has fallen into. Britain is a first ray personality, which is susceptible to crystallisation more than any other ray.
The T-square also represents the tensions of Brexit and the stubborness of Britain’s Taurus personality – “Taurus frequently blinds her to the real issues.” This Taurus them of possession is also being reflected by Britain’s current squabble with Spain over territory – Gibraltar.
As mentioned earlier, Mars in Taurus dominates the event chart. Hence Masood’s attack comes straight from the belly of Britain’s beast (its shadow), rebelling against the deep conservatism of the nation. Blaming Masood and Muslims for the attack might have some truth but it does not address the deeper underlying social problems of the nation and the racial integration process. There is an ongoing, worrying lack of Libran fairness in British law currently, and this is happening in other Western nations who are saddled with the same problems.
Prime minister Theresa May made some predictable statements in parliament, lending some dignity to victims of the attack, mixed with a dash of stalwart British defiance. But many observers saw her words as outright hypocrisy – talking about free speech when those freedoms are being continually diminished, especially as the UK is the world’s leading “surveillance state”; discussing anti-terrorism when British companies are allowed to make enormous amounts of money as the world’s third largest arms manufacturer; the UK is also actively engaged in the slaughter in Yemen. Western governments cannot condemn terrorism when they are the main perpetrators of terrorism; they have the ongoing support and collusion of corporate media – who are trained to look the other way, not ask any tough questions or adopt completely fictitious narratives.
Already in the past few days, with the horrific gassing of children in Syria, the media campaign to demonize President Assad and the Russians (version 2.0) is in full swing on CNN, BBC, The Guardian, New York Times etc. Playing into the blame game, US president said he has “changed his mind about Assad”. His emotional reaction to events is reflected in his transits.17 This is an obvious ploy by the USA to again try and unseat Assad, a very dangerous game to play, using their “assets” in Syria – ISIL; it has all the hallmarks of a “false flag” operation, playing upon the emotional outrage of the general population – to give an excuse for a planned military meddling and manipulation. (See the latest footnote [18] commentary here on Mercury retrograde since the US attack on Syria.)18
Great footnote 18!
In response to your final sentence suggesting insurrection, may I offer the following quote from the works of DK & AB:
“I said earlier that the war could have been averted from expression on the physical plane had the disciples and aspirants of the world measured up to their opportunity and responsibilities. The Great Invocation was rendered relatively powerless, from the angle of dynamic usefulness, because the majority of those who used it turned it into a peace prayer. It was instead a great SPIRITUALLY MILITANT INVOCATIVE DEMAND [sic]. This must not happen with this Stanza of Invocation. It is a demand; it is also an authoritative affirmation of existent fact; it sets in motion agencies and forces hitherto quiescent, and these can change the face of the world battlefield; it invokes the Prince of Peace, but He carries a sword, and the effects of His activity may prove surprising to those who see only the needs of the form aspect of humanity.”
Food for thought at the 1st Ray high point of the new year. May our insurrection be of a spiritual nature and our minds grounded in ways of initiates:
A reminder of wherefrom the power originates:
form, substance, life depicted as 0,0,0.
For average humanity 0,0,0
For aspirants & disciples 0,0 … 0
For initiates 0 …0,0
The rays dominate physical form which is wholly receptive to the Divine Idea.