Libra 2016 (Part 2): Understanding the Agony of Syria. Peres, Israel. Russia USA. Clinton.
This is the Libra 2016 (Part 2) newsletter.
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Libra 2016 (Part 2)
Understanding the Agony of Syria
The Cause of Syria’s War: Entirely Through US Interference
Venus in Scorpio and Syria
Israel’s Influence
Shimon Peres and Israel: War and Peace
Hillary Clinton: US Elections November 8, 2016
Russia and USA: Right Libran Relations
A Personal Note
The following sections are all inter-related and quite long. Nevertheless, it might be worth persevering with reading because it sums up fairly accurately what is going on in this critical world situation. Of course there will be those who will disagree with my viewpoint!

Chew some cud for a while!
In trying to come to terms with the complexity of what is going on in the world at the moment it cannot be explained in a few sentences or conveniently succinct paragraphs! Strategic global politics are playing out and nothing appears as it seems. We have to take the time to “chew the cud” and reflect some because we are not going to find the truth in the dominant mainstream media of today. Yet many still subscribe to these sources and regard themselves as “well informed”!
Those of you familiar with my work may be able to trace a trail of thought on these matters – that connect current world events with the Ageless Wisdom teaching of the Master Djwhal Khul – through Alice A. Bailey. You could say therefore, that my path is connected to the “… new type of mystic … with a practical interest in current world affairs…”.
If you have not come across this work before, then newsletters can be found at The enquirer can also go to this link to easily find any topic Search by Subject. Humanity finds itself standing at the crossroads of history and Libran decisions must soon be made – to “choose the Path between the two great lines of force”.
Understanding the Agony of Syria
The following therefore, traces briefly ancient history in Syria and in more detail the past 70 years that have led to the international impasse that exists today.
“In the maps which are to be found in the Archives of the spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe – Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia – are under a heavy overshadowing cloud.
Can that cloud be dissipated by the right thinking and planning of Great Britain, the United States and the majority of the United Nations or – must it break in disaster over the world? Will it present a task too hard for correct handling by that inexperienced disciple – Humanity?”1
The “Near East” is an older term for what is now mainly referred to as the Middle East. Consider the conflicts in this region since the statement above was made: Israel-Palestine, Yugoslavia (1990’s), Turkey, Egypt and the Arab States – nothing but ongoing conflict. And Syria is right in the centre of it all. Europe and Russia referred to above are those very southern parts such as Greece and Yugoslavia, Georgia etc.
This previous passage was written in the middle of last century and it is obvious that this “overshadowing cloud” has not been dissipated. Perhaps Syria at the moment represents the area where this “cloud” is concentrated for the entire region.
What is the nature of this cloud seen on “maps … in the archives of the Spiritual Hierarchy”? Just as in a human being with a “clouded aura”, likewise in the body of the planet; these are most likely clouds of crystallised thoughtforms – accumulations of glamour and karma generated over aeons of living in this most ancient area of the world, where countless civilisations have risen and fallen. Perhaps now is the time when that cloud may be shifted but what will it take to do that?
The Chohan of the Sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism – the Master Jesus, is associated with Syria:
“The Master Jesus, Who is the focal point of the energy that flows through the various Christian churches, is at present living in a Syrian body, and dwells in a certain part of the Holy Land. He travels much and passes considerable time in various parts of Europe. He works specially with masses more than with individuals, though He has gathered around Him quite a numerous body of pupils.
He is upon the sixth Ray of Devotion, or Abstract Idealism, and His pupils are frequently distinguished by that fanaticism and devotion which manifested in earlier Christian times amongst the martyrs. He Himself is rather a martial figure, a disciplinarian, and a man of iron rule and will. He is tall and spare with rather a long thin face, black hair, pale complexion and piercing blue eyes.
His work at this time is exceedingly responsible, for to Him is given the problem of steering the thought of the occident out of its present state of unrest into the peaceful waters of certitude and knowledge, and of preparing the way in Europe and America for the eventual coming of the World Teacher.”2
Master Jesus is said to live in or near Syria (“in a certain part of the Holy Land”) and was one of the main inaugurators of the Piscean Age which is now rapidly crumbling. The wheel of the Piscean cycle now “travaileth and groaneth” as it “grindeth” up against the new wheel of the Aquarian cycle.
Also noteworthy is that both Russia and the USA have Master Jesus’ sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism as their personality ray. On the one hand this represents an encumbrance for both nations in terms of fanaticism and narrow-mindedness. On the other hand, both nations can pool their high idealism for a better outcome for the world as a whole.
It appears in this cusp of the zodiacal ages, that the last gasp of the crystallised Piscean force is playing itself out in Syria, in this critical period leading up to 2025. To paraphrase (or mangle!) Macbeth, the Western nations currently appear as, “poor players that strut and fret their hour upon the stage”, in dire danger of being “idiots telling the tale, full of sound and fury and then heard no more.”
This current situation has been created through old Piscean attitudes of colonialism and imperialism by Western nations. It is ironic as it is the dharma of USA’s Aquarian soul to lead the world into the Aquarian Age, yet through its ongoing policies, it appears to be leading the world on a very dangerous road that could precipitate another world war.
These are extremely precarious times, as the Libran scales oscillate one way and then another, not yet finding that middle point of balance and peace. Russia and USA both have an Aquarian soul and are facing off with one another through Syria. (More on Russia later: “Russia and USA: Right Libran Relations”)
It is through the shadow expression (the “dweller”) of these Western nations that the forces of materialism are working desperately to prevent the planned Externalisation of the Hierarchy (the Masters of Wisdom) – planned from 2025 onward. That externalisation process will eventually culminate with the return of the Christ Himself, the one with whom the Master Jesus worked so closely 2,000 years ago.
Syria is part of the ancient Holy Land of the last several thousand years and also the Assyrian empire dated exoterically 824-671 BC. Esoterically, the Assyrians are far older – a branchrace of the third subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.3.1).3 The “manu” or “patriarch” of that major subrace was Abraham, father of the “Abrahamic religions” – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Hence, in Syria can be seen where all the major players stand:
1. Israel – concentrating a third of the world’s Jewish population and currently espousing a virulent form of Zionism which has nothing to do with Judaism.
2. Western Nations – predominantly Christian.
3. Arab Nations who have all embraced Islam.
Note that these three points correspond to the three aspects. The Jewish people have a first ray soul. USA and Britain are second ray souls and the Arabs are strong on the third ray, belonging to the third subrace, 5.3.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The Cause of Syria’s War: Entirely Through US Interference
Interference is one of the glamours of the sixth ray of devotion, the personality ray that the USA and Russia also have in common as Aquarian souls. USA has a long record (much longer than Russia’s) of interfering in the destinies of other nations through sanctions, political manoeuvring and covert CIA operations in particular.
In a recent article, Why the Arabs don’t want us in Syria, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (the son of Bobby Kennedy) gives a history of the US/Syria relationship, starting in 1949:
“The CIA began its active meddling in Syria in 1949 — barely a year after the agency’s creation. Syrian patriots had declared war on the Nazis, expelled their Vichy French colonial rulers and crafted a fragile secularist democracy based on the American model. But in March 1949, Syria’s democratically elected president, Shukri-al-Quwatli, hesitated to approve the Trans-Arabian Pipeline, an American project intended to connect the oil fields of Saudi Arabia to the ports of Lebanon via Syria.”
This was followed in 1957 by a botched coup in Syria. Robert F. Kennedy Sr.’s brother, John F. Kennedy (JFK),

JFK and Eisenhower.
“… infuriated the Eisenhower White House, the leaders of both political parties and our European allies – with a milestone speech endorsing the right of self-governance in the Arab world and an end to America’s imperialist meddling in Arab countries.”4
Yet, it was not just Syria, according to the presidentially appointed Bruce-Lovett Report in 1956:
”… there were “CIA coup plots in Jordan, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Egypt, all common knowledge on the Arab street, but virtually unknown to the American people who believed, at face value, their government’s denials. The report blamed the CIA for the rampant anti-Americanism that was then mysteriously taking root “in the many countries in the world today.”5
Further insights can be gleaned by personal comments of the investigators themselves,

JFK with CIA director Alan Dulles, responsible for many covert programs.
“Bruce was very much disturbed,” Lovett told the Cuba board of inquiry in 1961. “He approached it from the standpoint of “what right have we to go barging into other countries buying newspapers and handing money to opposition parties or supporting a candidate for this, that or the other office?” He felt this was an outrageous interference with friendly countries … He got me alarmed, so instead of completing the report in thirty days we took two months or more.””
“The 1956 report, written in Bruce’s spirited style, condemned the increased mingling in the internal affairs of other nations of bright, highly graded young men who must be doing something all the time to justify their reason for being … Busy, moneyed, and privileged, likes its “King Making” responsibility (the intrigue is fascinating – considerable self-satisfaction, sometimes with applause, derives from “successes”.”6
The Mars-ruled sixth ray personality demonstrates itself in USA’s 1776 horoscope through the position of Mars in Gemini – reflected by the phrases, “barging into other countries”, “bright young men”, “busy” etc. (The author has published extensive commentaries on the USA Mars theme in books and on the web.)
Now 60 years on, is it any wonder why there is so much resentment toward the USA from these Arab nations? Unfortunately, the majority of the US population (including metaphysically oriented students), still believe mainstream media (MSM) with regard to US foreign policy propaganda, although a healthy minority, thanks to the internet and alternative news sources, are starting claim the truth.
The author will use extensive quotes from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s article – for its outstanding success at unravelling a proverbial Gordian Knot of intrigues in the Middle East – for its logic, clarity and subsequent illumination.
RFK Jr. hails from that lineage of those indisputable disciples, brothers Kennedy who made a huge sacrifice to challenge subversive forces that had crept into US politics, post WW2. He continues,
“Even as America contemplates yet another violent Mideast intervention [Syria today], most Americans are unaware of the many ways that “blowback” from previous CIA blunders has helped craft the current crisis. The reverberations from decades of CIA shenanigans continue to echo across the Mideast today in national capitals and from mosques to madras schools over the wrecked landscape of democracy and moderate Islam that the CIA helped obliterate.
A parade of Iranian and Syrian dictators, including Bashar al-Assad and his father, have invoked the history of the CIA’s bloody coups as a pretext for their authoritarian rule, repressive tactics and their need for a strong Russian alliance. These stories are therefore well known to the people of Syria and Iran who naturally interpret talk of U.S. intervention in the context of that history.”7 (The author has written on the CIA and propaganda in a previous newsletter.)
The next stage of meddling in Syria started in the year 2000:
“Qatar proposed to construct a $10 billion, 1,500 kilometer pipeline through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. Qatar shares with Iran the South Pars/North Dome gas field, the world’s richest natural gas repository … The Qatari pipeline would have benefited Saudi Arabia’s conservative Sunni monarchy by giving it a foothold in Shia-dominated Syria …
In Putin’s view, the Qatar pipeline is a NATO plot to change the status quo, deprive Russia of its only foothold in the Middle East, strangle the Russian economy and end Russian leverage in the European energy market. In 2009, Assad announced that he would refuse to sign the agreement to allow the pipeline to run through Syria “to protect the interests of our Russian ally.””8
It can be seen that even if other nations are minding their own business or content with practicing trade in a certain way, that they are forced to respond when there are deliberate ploys by other nations to upset the balance. Poor humanity, if only it could learn to share rather than dominate other nations and want full control:
“The true problem of the United Nations is a twofold one: it involves the right distribution of the world’s resources so that there may be freedom from want, and it involves also the bringing about of a true equality of opportunity and of education for all men everywhere. The nations which have a wealth of resources are not owners; they are custodians of the world’s riches and hold them in trust for their fellowmen. The time will inevitably come when – in the interest of peace and security – the capitalists in the various nations will be forced to realize this and will also be forced to substitute the principle of sharing for the ancient principle (which has hitherto governed them) of greedy grabbing.”9
Hence, this geo-political manoeuvring was putting the squeeze on Assad:
“Assad further enraged the Gulf’s Sunni monarchs by endorsing a Russian-approved “Islamic pipeline” running from Iran’s side of the gas field through Syria and to the ports of Lebanon. The Islamic pipeline would make Shiite Iran, not Sunni Qatar, the principal supplier to the European energy market and dramatically increase Tehran’s influence in the Middle East and the world. Israel also was understandably determined to derail the Islamic pipeline, which would enrich Iran and Syria and presumably strengthen their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas.
Secret cables and reports by the U.S., Saudi and Israeli intelligence agencies indicate that the moment Assad rejected the Qatari pipeline, military and intelligence planners quickly arrived at the consensus that fomenting a Sunni uprising in Syria to overthrow the uncooperative Bashar Assad was a feasible path to achieving the shared objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey gas link.
In 2009, according to WikiLeaks, soon after Bashar Assad rejected the Qatar pipeline, the CIA began funding opposition groups in Syria. It is important to note that this was well before the Arab Spring-engendered uprising [2011] against Assad.”10
We have to bear in mind also, that the Neoconservative (Neocons) factions of the US administration came into their own around the year 2000, through their potent influence in the George W. Bush presidency (a “big oil” family) and post 9/11 attacks upon Iraq. The Neocons have stated quite publicly at various times their intentions in the Middle East. The following excerpt is from the highly regarded General Wesley Clark:
“After recounting how a Pentagon source had told him weeks after 9/11 of the Pentagon’s plan to attack Iraq notwithstanding its non-involvement in 9/11, this is how Clark described the aspirations of the “coup” being plotted by Dick Cheney [vice-president and oil tycoon], Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and what he called “a half dozen other collaborators from the Project for the New American Century” [PNAC = Neocon group]:
Six weeks later, I [Clark] saw the same officer, and asked: “Why haven’t we attacked Iraq? Are we still going to attack Iraq?”

General Wesley Clark.
He said: “Sir, it’s worse than that. He said – he pulled up a piece of paper off his desk – he said: “I just got this memo from the Secretary of Defense’s office [Rumsfeld]. It says we’re going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years – we’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.”11
The Neocons are also known for their public avowal of “needing a new Pearl Harbour” based upon a paper written in the 1990’s, which subsequently played out as 9/11 – the monstrous deception of the millenium. But that is another story!
In this author’s book The Destiny of the Races and Nations I there is an essay (The Neocons of the American Administration) written in 2005, describing Neocon ideology and their major players. There is also a link there that connects to three BBC documentaries (The Power of Nightmares – parts 1-3) about the Neocons and the Middle East. (Before the BBC “went over to the other side” or, further to the other side!)
Hence, the Neocons through the US administration, are still pursuing their goal of Middle East hegemony but Syria is proving to be a thorn in its side, especially due to Putin’s tactical move, by entering Russia into the fray in October 2015 – the day after he spoke at the United Nations. (See also the Scorpio 2015 newsletter, with profiles of the CIA, Putin, Assad and Syria, propaganda, Neocons and US Defense Secretary, Ashton Carter.)
Today, the degree of US desperation is revealed in the extraordinary lying propaganda in the media (BBC, CNN, FOX News, The Guardian, New York Times, and Washington Post) – that has completely skewed the whole story of Syria and Assad, Russia and Putin – due to ulterior oil motives and Russian cold war baggage that the Pentagon still carries, post Mikhail Gorbachev.
Many western governments and news sources are meekly complying with Neocon/NATO policy, including the US and UK representatives in the United Nations. The demonisation of Assad goes on relentlessly, yet this Doctor of Ophthalmology is a much different man than he has been unfairly characterised. RFK Jr. continues,

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
“Bashar Assad’s family is Alawite, a Muslim sect widely perceived as aligned with the Shiite camp. “Bashar Assad was never supposed to be president,” journalist Seymour Hersh told me in an interview. “His father brought him back from medical school in London when his elder brother, the heir apparent, was killed in a car crash.”
“Before the war started, according to Hersh, Assad was moving to liberalize the country. “They had internet and newspapers and ATM machines and Assad wanted to move toward the west. After 9/11 [Assad’s birth date!], he gave thousands of invaluable files to the CIA on jihadist radicals, who he considered a mutual enemy.” Assad’s regime was deliberately secular and Syria was impressively diverse. The Syrian government and military, for example, were 80 percent Sunni.
Assad maintained peace among his diverse peoples by a strong, disciplined army loyal to the Assad family, an allegiance secured by a nationally esteemed and highly paid officer corps, a coldly efficient intelligence apparatus and a penchant for brutality that, prior to the war, was rather moderate compared to those of other Mideast leaders, including our current allies. According to Hersh, “He certainly wasn’t beheading people every Wednesday like the Saudis do in Mecca.””12
One could speculate that Assad is on the Path. Observers say, that watching Assad in video interviews, one sees a calm, firm and strong, yet compassionate individual who exudes integrity. Those who are familiar with “reading” people will know what that means. (The Charlie Rose, 60 Minutes interview with Assad is worth watching.)
To spend many years becoming a specialist doctor is usually motivated by a compassionate outlook and motive to heal others. (Of course there have been infamous, badly motivated doctors in history!) Assad certainly “wanted for naught” financially, nor did he have political ambitions to follow his father, but was obliged to because of his brother’s death.
Can we imagine what it must be like to lead a nation through almost six years of bloody conflict against the aforesaid vested interests and propaganda? To continually characterise Assad as a cruel tyrant appears to many reasonable thinking people to be over the top. He may be no saint (we do not really know him), but what world leader is? Many of them are “obliged” to routinely sign orders for the assassinations of individuals or groups, by drone or CIA agents, or through sending troops to war. Assad has probably been forced to make some difficult calls over the last few years. Are we in a position to judge and are we sufficiently informed?
Students of the Wisdom may recall a past life of the Master Jesus as Joshua the Son of Nun:13
“He is mentioned first in connection with the fight against Amalek at Rephidim, when he was chosen by Moses to lead the Israelites. Soon afterward he was one of the twelve chiefs who were sent to explore the land of Canaan [part of Syria, see map]
… Joshua assumed the command of the people at Shittim, sent spies into Jericho … In the great battle of Beth-horon the Amorites were signally routed, and the south country was open to the Israelites. Joshua returned to the camp at Gilgal, master of half of Palestine. He defeated the Canaanites under Jabin king of Hazor. In six years, six tribes, with thirty-one petty chiefs, were conquered … Joshua and all the fighting people … smote these five kings with a great slaughter.”14
All this (!) from a disciple who was a second degree initiate15 – an advanced stage of unfoldment. The point to be made here is not a justification for Assad but to consider that there are actions and events that occur in history – of which we have no idea of ultimate causes behind the outer effects. If one’s back is to the wall then ruthless measures might have to be taken. What will it take for understanding this crisis and prevent the Shittim hitting the proverbial fan? This essay seeks to explore the causes of the “Syria Effect”. Some of Assad’s accomplishments may be worthy of examination:
• The Assad family belongs to the tolerant Islam of Alawid orientation.
• Syrian women have the same rights as men to study, health and education.
• Syria women are not forced to wear the burqa. Sharia (Islamic law) is unconstitutional.
• Syria – only Arab country with a secular constitution – does not tolerate Islamic extremist movements.
• Roughly 10% of the Syrian population belongs to one of the many Christian denominations, all fully integrated in Syrian political and social life.
• Syria has banned genetically modified (GMO) seeds, stating his decision was made in order “to preserve human health,”
• Syria has an opening to Western society and culture like no other Arab country.
• Its media and universities openly debate the global power elite’s influence in things. This means that they fully grasp the fact that real power in the West lies not in the White House but rather with the complex and powerful grid of elite think-tanks and central banks.
• Throughout history there have been five popes of Syrian origin. Religious tolerance is unique in the area.
• Prior to the current civil war, Syria was one of the only peaceful countries in the area, having avoided major wars or internal conflicts.
• Syria was the only country that admitted Iraqi refugees without any social, political or religious discrimination.
• Syria clearly and unequivocally opposes Zionism and the Israel government.
• Following a massive oil find in Syria’s Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967, Netanyahu recently asked Obama to recognize its annexation of the territory. To consolidate its hold, plans are afoot to quadruple Israeli settler numbers to 100,000.
• Syria is one of the only countries in the Middle East without debts to the International Monetary Fund (Pre-invasion Libya & Iran the only others.)
• Syria is the only Mediterranean country which remains the owner of its oil company, with an oil reserve of 2,500 million barrels, the operation of which has avoided privatization and is reserved exclusively for state-owned enterprises.
Compare this to the absolutely draconian Saudi Arabia – oil-rich and US ally, – whose Sunni brand of Wahhabism insists upon a strict Sharia law, beheadings, repression of women etc; it is widely accused of having one of the worst human rights records in the world.
According to RFK Jr., the next stage of meddling in Syria happened in 2011 when there were,
“… some small, peaceful demonstrations in Damascus against repression by Assad’s regime. These were mainly the effluvia of the Arab Spring that spread virally across the Arab League States the previous summer. However, WikiLeaks cables indicate that the CIA was already on the ground in Syria.
But the Sunni kingdoms with vast petrodollars at stake wanted a much deeper involvement from America. On September 4, 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry told a congressional hearing that the Sunni kingdoms [Saudis etc.] had offered to foot the bill for a U.S. invasion of Syria to oust Bashar Assad …
Despite pressure from Republicans, Barack Obama balked at hiring out young Americans to die as mercenaries for a pipeline conglomerate. Obama wisely ignored Republican clamouring to put ground troops in Syria or to funnel more funding to “moderate insurgents.” But by late 2011, Republican pressure and our Sunni allies had pushed the American government into the fray.

Friends (?) of Syria Meeting in London, England, 15 May 2014. Eleven foreign ministers from the Friends of Syria group were meeting, in an effort to reinvigorate the Syrian peace process and step up their support for the opposition.
In 2011, the U.S. joined France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the UK to form the Friends of Syria Coalition, which formally demanded the removal of Assad. The CIA provided $6 million to Barada, a British TV channel, to produce pieces entreating Assad’s ouster.
Saudi intelligence documents, published by WikiLeaks, show that by 2012, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia were arming, training and funding radical jihadist Sunni fighters from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere to overthrow the Assad’s Shiite-allied regime. Qatar, which had the most to gain, invested $3 billion in building the insurgency and invited the Pentagon to train insurgents at U.S. bases in Qatar. According to an April 2014 article by Seymour Hersh, the CIA weapons ratlines were financed by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.”16
Little by little, over this brief few years period, the manoeuvring and organisation was further developed to bring down Syria. The following passage quoted from RFK Jr. is extensive (about one page), providing great insights into the machinations of that time:
“Rand [A 2008 Pentagon-funded report] recommended using “covert action, information operations, unconventional warfare” to enforce a “divide and rule” strategy. “The United States and its local allies could use the nationalist jihadists to launch a proxy campaign” and “U.S. leaders could also choose to capitalize on the sustained Shia-Sunni conflict trajectory by taking the side of the conservative Sunni regimes against Shiite empowerment movements in the Muslim world … possibly supporting authoritative Sunni governments against a continuingly hostile Iran.”
“As predicted, Assad’s overreaction to the foreign-made crisis – dropping barrel bombs onto Sunni strongholds and killing civilians – polarized Syria’s Shiite/Sunni divide and allowed U.S. policymakers to sell Americans the idea that the pipeline struggle was a humanitarian war.
“When Sunni soldiers of the Syrian Army began defecting in 2013, the western coalition armed the Free Syrian Army to further destabilize Syria. The press portrait of the Free Syrian Army as cohesive battalions of Syrian moderates was delusional. The dissolved units regrouped in hundreds of independent militias most of which were commanded by, or allied with, jihadi militants who were the most committed and effective fighters. By then, the Sunni armies of Al Qaeda in Iraq were crossing the border from Iraq into Syria and joining forces with the squadrons of deserters from the Free Syrian Army, many of them trained and armed by the U.S.”
Despite the prevailing media portrait of a moderate Arab uprising against the tyrant Assad, U.S. intelligence planners knew from the outset that their pipeline proxies were radical jihadists who would probably carve themselves a brand new Islamic caliphate from the Sunni regions of Syria and Iraq.
Two years before ISIL throat cutters stepped on the world stage, a seven-page August 12, 2012, study by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, obtained by the right-wing group Judicial Watch, warned that thanks to the ongoing support by U.S./Sunni Coalition for radical Sunni Jihadists, “the Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood and AQI (now ISIS), are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.”
Using U.S. and Gulf state funding, these groups had turned the peaceful protests against Bashar Assad toward “a clear sectarian (Shiite vs. Sunni) direction.” The paper notes that the conflict had become a sectarian civil war supported by Sunni “religious and political powers.” The report paints the Syrian conflict as a global war for control of the region’s resources with “the west, Gulf countries and Turkey supporting [Assad’s] opposition, while Russia, China and Iran support the regime.”

US pentagon.
The Pentagon authors of the seven-page report appear to endorse the predicted advent of the ISIS caliphate: “If the situation unravels, there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor) and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want in order to isolate the Syrian regime.”
The Pentagon report warns that this new principality could move across the Iraqi border to Mosul and Ramadi and “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria.”
Of course, this is precisely what has happened. Not coincidentally, the regions of Syria occupied by the Islamic State exactly encompass the proposed route of the Qatari pipeline.
But then, in 2014, our Sunni proxies horrified the American people by severing heads and driving a million refugees toward Europe. “Strategies based upon the idea that the enemy of my enemy is my friend can be kind of blinding,” says Tim Clemente, who chaired the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force from 2004 to 2008 and served as liaison in Iraq between the FBI, the Iraqi National Police and the U.S. military.”17

Extraordinary Syrian exodus.
Well, most readers will get the picture by now – a very convincing argument that RFK provides, consolidated by many other observers, investigators and writers around the world. RFK finishes his article with the following inspirations:
“We must recognize the Syrian conflict is a war over control of resources indistinguishable from the myriad clandestine and undeclared oil wars we have been fighting in the Mideast for 65 years. And only when we see this conflict as a proxy war over a pipeline do events become comprehensible. It’s the only paradigm that explains why the GOP on Capitol Hill and the Obama administration are still fixated on regime change rather than regional stability …
“Once we strip this conflict of its humanitarian patina and recognize the Syrian conflict as an oil war, our foreign policy strategy becomes clear. Like the Syrians fleeing for Europe, no American wants to send their child to die for a pipeline. Instead, our first priority should be the one no one ever mentions – we need to kick our Mideast oil jones [addiction], an increasingly feasible objective, as the U.S. becomes more energy independent.
Next, we need to dramatically reduce our military profile in the Middle East and let the Arabs run Arabia. Other than humanitarian assistance and guaranteeing the security of Israel’s borders, the U.S. has no legitimate role in this conflict. While the facts prove that we played a role in creating the crisis, history shows that we have little power to resolve it.
“America’s founding fathers warned Americans against standing armies, foreign entanglements and, in John Quincy Adams’ words, “going abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” Those wise men understood that imperialism abroad is incompatible with democracy and civil rights at home.
The Atlantic Charter echoed their seminal American ideal that each nation should have the right to self-determination. Over the past seven decades, the Dulles brothers, the Cheney gang, the neocons and their ilk have hijacked that fundamental principle of American idealism and deployed our military and intelligence apparatus to serve the mercantile interests of large corporations and particularly, the petroleum companies and military contractors that have literally made a killing from these conflicts.
It’s time for Americans to turn America away from this new imperialism and back to the path of idealism and democracy. We should let the Arabs govern Arabia and turn our energies to the great endeavor of nation building at home. We need to begin this process, not by invading Syria, but by ending the ruinous addiction to oil that has warped U.S. foreign policy for half a century.”18
Summary of Dates for US Meddling in Syria
1949 – The CIA began its active meddling.
1957 – Botched coup.
2000 – Qatar proposed to construct oil pipeline.
2003 – Neoncons vow to “destroy 7 ME countries in 5 years”, including Syria.
2008 – Pentagon Rand report recommended using “covert action” in Syria.
2009 – Bashar Assad rejected the Qatar pipeline.
2009 – Military and intelligence planners foment Sunni uprising in Syria.
2011 – “Arab spring” peaceful protests in Syria – started by Neocons – Wolfowitz.
2011 – Republican pressure and Sunni allies pushed US government into the fray.
2012 – DIA study – Salafist, Muslim Bro., AQI (ISIS) major forces Syrian insurgency.
2013 – Western coalition armed the Free Syrian Army to further destabilize Syria.
2013 – Washington Institute for Near East Policy (think tank of Israel lobby):
“Attacking Syria Is the Best Way to Deal with Iran.”
2013 – John Kerry: Sunni kingdoms had offered to foot the bill for a U.S. invasion of Syria to oust Bashar Assad.
2014 – US Sunni proxies – severing heads, driving a million refugees toward Europe.
2015 – Putin dramatically makes a military move to openly back Syria.
The following recent dates all have a relationship to one another as a further demonisation and blaming of Russia and Syria by Western nations:
2016 – Sept. 17 – US/allied forces attack Syrian army killing at least 62 soldiers.
2016 – Sept. 17–19: 4 Bombings around NYC – Claimed as a smokescreen to remove from the headlines the US attack on the Syrian army.
2016 – “White Helmets” further revealed as propaganda in Syria for NATO.
2016 – Sept. 19 – Syrian aid convoy is attacked with many casualties. Blamed upon Syrian army and Assad. Russia is held responsible by US.
2016 – Sept. 25 – US, UK and French ambassadors walk out of UN meeting on Syria.
2016 – Sept. 28 – Netherlands report says MH17 was shot down by Russian weapon.
Robert F. Kennedy takes us up to 2015, then a dramatic turn of events started in 2016 just days after a ceasefire had been organised by Russia and USA. On September 17, US and allied forces attacked the Syrian army killing at least 62 soldiers and more than 100 wounded.
“Russia’s foreign ministry said in a strongly worded statement that the strikes were “on the boundary between criminal negligence and direct connivance with Islamic State terrorists”.19
“The US has offered condolences and insisted that the airstrikes were a mistake.” United States UN ambassador Samantha Power (with strong Neocon sympathies), says that “Russia really needs to stop the cheap point scoring.” Incidentally, at the UN around the same time Obama said: “In a world that left the age of empire behind, we see Russia attempting to recover lost glory through force.” Bashar Assad commented,
“It was not an accident by one airplane; it was four airplanes which kept attacking the position of the Syrian troops for nearly one hour or maybe a little bit more than one hour,” Assad told AP, adding they were attacking a large area that “constituted of many hills” adjacent to where the Syrian troops were stationed.”20
If the actions or inactions of Secretary of State John Kerry are anything to go by, the US does not want peace. In a recent leaked recording, Kerry said:

Kerry with Russian counterpart Lavrov.
“I’ve argued for use of force. I stood up. I’m the guy who stood up and announced we’re going to attack Assad because of the weapons, and then you know things evolved into a different process.”
“Regarding Russia, Kerry proclaimed, “We are on the verge of suspending the discussion,” adding, “It is one of those moments where we’re going to have to pursue other alternatives for a period of time.”21
And why would he want peace if the rest of the Neocons in the Obama administration want to topple “seven nations in five years”? Is Kerry just playing the game of appearing to negotiate for peace? Likewise the US representative in the UN, Samantha Power:
“Much could be gleaned by Samantha Power’s flippant tantrum after walking out of a crucial UN Security Council emergency session after the US had attacked and massacred over 80 Syrian military soldiers after a ‘Coalition’ airstrike on Dier Azor – a US attack which allowed ISIS to strategically advance past Syrian Army defensive positions. Undoubtedly, this act by the US is what ruined any chance of a viable ceasefire agreement. Power then went on the blame Russia for the crisis.”22
One must also bear in mind that a large base of ISIL came from Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi Army, left over from Hussein’s deposition from power – another Neocon instigated invasion based upon the lie of weapons of mass destruction. Hence the quagmire of the Middle East, one disaster of human suffering after another.
Philosopher, Pope Francis, has made some insightful statements on peace:
“When an Egyptian child living in the suburbs of Rome asked the Pope, “Why don’t powerful people help schools?” the Pope answered, “We can ask a bigger question. “Why don’t so many powerful people want peace?”
“Because they live off war, the arms industry is a serious matter! The powerful earn a living by producing and selling arms to countries: it is the industry of death, they make money from it. You know greed is really bad for us, our desire to have more, more money: and when we see that everything revolves around money, that the economic system revolves around money and not around people, around men and women, a great deal is sacrificed and people go to war to defend money.
This is why so many people do not want peace: you profit more from war and money but you lose lives, culture, education, you lose so many things. An elderly priest I met some years ago, used to say: the devil enters through people’s wallets, through greed and this is why they do not want peace,” the 78-year-old Pontiff said.23
Venus in Scorpio and Syria
As the Sun travels through Libra this year, its expression is qualified by the placement of its ruler Venus, transiting through Scorpio until October 24. This will have an intense influence on all human relationships, particularly upon the crisis of peace negotiations in Syria. Syria is heading for its annual Venus return – it has Venus at 27° Scorpio 17’. (0.00 am. January 1, 1944. Damascus.)
From the personality-centered perspective, Venus in Scorpio is profoundly related to sex, emotional intensity and power-plays within relationships. Currently, Russia and the USA are not good bedfellows and must cease the antagonism that has been driving the Syrian theatre; their future destiny is to work harmoniously together as Aquarian souls in the Age of Aquarius. The forces of materialism and various vested interests are currently preventing “good sex” occurring between Russia and the USA. (Putin’s Libran sun sits on USA’s Saturn in Libra and this is pause for some reflection of karmic connections.)
- One scenario of Venus in Scorpio’s transit, and often the point of least resistance, is that those brokering an agreement will tend to be secretive and possessive, untrusting of one another – compounding the already existing situation of lies, paranoia and mistrust. There is also a tendency with the lower expression of Venus in Scorpio to take hostage upon the astral plane, creating emotional blackmail – it seems that many propaganda news stories are attempting this.
__ Another possibility is that one or both sides may become particularly ruthless, drawing upon the destructive power of Scorpio rulers Mars and Pluto. This of course, could lead to all out conflict as diplomacy is downtrodden, the rules of engagement are dispensed with altogether – and an all or nothing approach is adopted.
__- A third scenario is that all players undeviatingly face the problems head on, stay engaged in dialogue, acknowledging the skullduggery going on in Pluto’s underworld – but seek earnestly to find their way out of the hellish darkness (of Aleppo) into the light of day. This is where Venus in Scorpio excels as an agent of transformative relationships.
Currently, at the time of this writing, point #1 has happened and seems to be heading toward point #2. Point #3 remains a dream. Esoterically, Venus in Scorpio is,
“… the intelligent mind … its power lessened in this sign because the intellect – having been developed and used – must now be subordinated to a higher power of the soul, the spiritual intuition.”24
Will the highest good emerge during this period, through right relationship, an unremitting perseverance for peace (aided by the intuition), so that Libra the Peacemaker will triumph?
This Syrian crisis is so deep and threatening globally, yet the real motives of Western powers are being obscured by propaganda and other distracting or even manufactured “event” stories in the media.

Manal, One, in Za’atari Refugee Camp, Jordan.
Mars in Capricorn
Another factor that will complicate or enhance the situation in Syria is the transit of Mars through Capricorn for the entire month whilst the Sun is in Libra. Mars is exalted in Capricorn and in its lowest expression can create a lot of competition and ambition between nations negotiating peace in Syria. Mars in Capricorn can create a coldly calculating selfishness (over resources and money), a desire for recognition and status, especially for politicians, business people and the military.
There is already a fair bit of self-aggrandisement by some nations, in a bid to keep their sense of national identity in check. Esoterically, Mars in Capricorn is,
“… the God of War, the Producer of conflicts, and in this earthly sign Mars triumphs in the early stages … in the life history of the undeveloped and average man. Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward, and this most material of all the signs is the battleground of the old established order and habits and the new and higher inclinations and tendencies.”25
Israel’s Influence in Syria (2016)
Many observers have stated that Zionist-controlled Israel is the main influence behind these Middle East problems – the “tail that wags the dog” of USA; that Israel’s right-wing Zionist ideology drives the Neocons to do its bidding in the Middle East, based upon its insecurity born from illegal occupation of Palestine in 1948 – in the middle of several Arab nations. Note the date here, just around the time of the CIA’s formation in 1947 and their “active meddling” in 1949.
Speaking as an impartial observer of the Zionists organising to create a “homeland” back in the 1940’s, the Master makes a commentary. When he refers to the “Jews”, he means the Zionists:
“The area of difficulty – as is well known – is the Near East and Palestine. The Jews, by their illegal and terroristic activities, [well documented] have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace. As a Jewish member of my Ashram pointed out (and I commend him on his soul vision), the Jews have partially again opened the door to the Forces of Evil, which worked originally through Hitler and his evil gang.
The “sealing” of that door had not been successfully accomplished, and it is the part of wisdom to discover this in time. These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine. Palestine is no longer a Holy Land and should not be so regarded.”26
One can observe that since that time the Zionists have considerably consolidated their grip upon the Palestine-Israel point of the triangle. It is speculated that the point in Europe might be Vienna, because it is where Theodore Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, started Die Welt (The World) in 1897, a weekly newspaper promoting Zionism. The point in USA is most likely either New York City or Chicago, both strong Zionist power bases.
Another theme playing itself out continually in Israel and Syria is oil and armaments. In an article, The ongoing media propaganda war against Syria, Daniel Margrain talks about a broader strategy to dismember Syria:
“… one that has hardly been mentioned within the mainstream … The Jewish state has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to the multinational corporation, Genie Energy. Major shareholders of the company – which also has interests in shale gas in the United States and shale oil in Israel – include Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild.

Cheney, Murdoch and Rothschild.
Other players involved include the Israeli subsidiary, Afek Oil and Gas, American Shale, French Total and BP. Thus, there exists a broad and powerful nexus of US, British, French and Israeli interests at the forefront of pushing for the break-up of Syria and the control of what is believed to be potentially vast untapped oil and gas resources in the country.
Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, major defense contractors Raytheon, Oshkosh, and Lockheed Martin assured investors that they stand to gain from the escalating conflicts in the Middle East. Lockheed Martin Executive Vice President Bruce Tanner said his company will see “indirect benefits” from the war in Syria. In addition, a deal that authorized $607 billion in defense spending brokered by the U.S Congress, was described as a “treat” for the industry.
What better way to benefit from this ‘treat’ than for the major powers to secure the hydrocarbon potential of Syria’s offshore resources with the aim of reducing European dependence on Russian gas and boosting the potential for energy independence.”27
Shimon Peres and Israel: War and Peace
(Shimon Peres: August 2, 1923 – September 28, 2016)
Peres was a Leo sun, a veritable “Lion of Judah”, with the Moon in Aries and a Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Leo, reflecting his inspirational oratory. He was one of the foundational pillars of Israel, founded however, upon a distorted Zionist ideology that promoted a “homeland” for the Jews.
The formation of Israel has created a “state of separation” manifesting a deeper crystallisation of Zionist ideology, complicating the plight of the Jewish people as a whole, their aeons-long problem of non-assimilation. (At lease for one third of the world’s Jewish people who reside in Israel.) This attitude of racial pride and separativeness is reflected in Israel’s 1948 horoscope with the Moon and Pluto conjunct in Leo.
Popular media say that originally Peres was a “hawk” but in later years much more the “dove”, with his promotion of equality for Palestinians and a two-state solution. His former perspective may have been governed by his Mars-ruled Aries moon and in latter years by Saturn in Libra.

Palestine land loss 1946-2000.
“Israel must not only be an asset but a value. A moral, cultural and scientific call for the promotion of man, every man. It must be a good and warm home for Jews who are not Israelis, as well as for Israelis who are not Jews. [Today, any new immigrant must be Jewish to live in Israel.] And it must create equal opportunities for all, without discriminating between religion, nationality, community or sex … I have seen Israel in its most difficult hours and also in moments of achievement and spiritual uplifting.
My years place me at an observation point from which can be viewed the scene of our reviving nation, spread out in all its glory… Permit me to remain an optimist. Permit me to be a dreamer of his people. If sometimes the atmosphere is autumnal, and also if today, the day seems suddenly grey, the president Israel has chosen will never tire of encouraging, awakening and reminding – because spring is waiting for us. The spring will definitely come.” (Shimon Peres)28
Great sentiments but in the harsh light of Israel’s history, his peacemaking efforts were an impossible dream of compensation for the Zionist displacement of Palestinians, a problem that still has not been solved since Israel’s inception.
“Spring is waiting” because Israel is stuck almost irretrievably in a long winter that delivers mainly iciness and a cold heart toward Palestinians – essentially amounting to “ethnic cleansing”. It was notable at Peres’ funeral that Obama sung so many praises of phrases that must have been music to some Zionist’s ears. Here are just a few samples from his speech:
“Justice and hope at the heart of the zionist idea in a homeland regained.” What a load of pandering rubbish! Entirely the opposite with right wing Zionism.
Obama talked about Nazi atrocities in WW2, some amazing irony with, “the way one group of people could dehumanise another” – precisely what continues to occur with apartheid in Palestine, an example of one of the worst records of human rights abuses in the world.
Then there was Obama’s disingenuous, “The Jewish people were not born to rule another”. These words sounded very hollow and meaningless. I do not think that one person at Peres’ funeral believed that for a second! Because this is exactly what Zionists do, not only in the Middle East region but especially “ruling” the USA. One only has to view the grand puppetmaster Netanyahu in the US Congress receiving 29 standing ovations! to understand the degree of control which exists.

Obama and Netanyahu at Peres’ funeral.
Also, there are many Israeli leaders in the past seventy years who have made appalling statements about how other nations or “goys” (non-Jew) are inferior and should be subjected to Israeli-Zionist domination.
Owing partially to his Libran mediation skills, Peres was also instrumental in setting up the nuclear arms industry in Israel. (The hawk and dove of Aries-Libra.) But it was more Peres’ deviousness that was responsible for obtaining what was needed for a nuclear reactor. There is an amazing story of how Peres pulled many strings to achieve this – “How Shimon Peres Stole the Nuclear Bomb with a Bluff”.
“Israel’s bomb has enabled it to reject virtually every peace initiative offered going all the way back to 1967 … Opposition to an Israeli bomb was strong and crossed party lines. Among those who were against were future prime minister Levi Eshkol, Pinchas Sapir, Yigal Alon, Golda Meir, and Israel’s leading weapons developer, Yisrael Galili.”29
Now, Israel has one of the largest and sophisticated nuclear arms arsenals in the world. Something to reflect upon in light of revelations that came forth the day after Peres’ death – where Peres claimed that he persuaded Netanyahu from making a nuclear attack upon Iran in 2014.30
Now that Peres has left the stage, will there be a vacuum and where does that leave Netanyahu? Paradoxically this man has the sun and several planets in Libra! (See this link for his astrological analysis.)
Peres was regarded as a “great exponent of peace” and received the Nobel Peace Prize with Arafat and Rabin in 1994. But really, his idealistic efforts were futile – like “trying to close the stable door after the horse had bolted”. Perhaps he only played the game of appearing to be a peacemaker:
“Peres was intermittent in his search for peace with the Arabs. True, in 1993, he led the effort that culminated in the Oslo Accords. But subsequent Israeli governments abandoned them and they eventually came to be discredited entirely both on the left and right.
But Shimon Peres is one of those Israeli leaders like Ben Gurion, his mentor, and Ariel Sharon, who built a myth around themselves. Part political hype, part astute branding, and part a need in Israelis and the rest of the world to believe the myth they were sold of Israel as the miracle in the desert, the people which made a barren land bloom, which drained swamps and turned them into thriving kibbutzim.”31
Likewise, an NBC report says in part:
“According political analyst Mahdi Abdel Hadi, Israel’s former president and twice prime minister had only pretended to pursue peace and an independent Palestinian state.
Hadi called Peres a “fox” who strengthened Israel by “lying, deceiving, changing cards, playing games.” [Perhaps Peres was Gemini rising? There is no birth time available.]
Prominent Palestinian activist and politician Mustafa Barghouti accused Peres of “deceiving the cause of peace.” Barghouti added: “He is now presented all over the world as a peacemaker, but he is the one who created … nuclear power in Israel, an Israeli power that was used against the Palestinians and many Arab countries.”32
Peres’ passing is certainly timely in light of the imminent US elections in November, and the possibility that if Clinton is elected, Zionist policy and control by Israel will continue. One only has to watch the notes of solidarity sounded by Obama and Bill Clinton in their eulogies to realise this fact. (Yes, Bill may be back in the White House!)
Hillary Clinton: US Elections November 8, 2016
In a recent Hillary Clinton speech (March 2016) to AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), it was reported:

Hillary Clinton looking her Scorpio best in red with a black background.
“Hillary Clinton has always been hawkish about the Middle East … Much of the rhetoric of the Democratic presidential front-runner sounded indistinguishable from that of a neocon. Some viewers even compared her to hard-line right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
“The United States and Israel must be closer than ever, stronger than ever,” Clinton declared. “We must take our alliance to the next level,” she said, calling for “even more intense security and diplomatic cooperation” and demanding that the U.S. arm the Israeli military “with the most sophisticated defense technology.”
… She affirmed her staunch support for the organization – which is notorious for its equally staunch support for right-wing policies, such as its vehement opposition to the Iran nuclear deal – and spoke glowingly of “the privilege of working closely with AIPAC members to strengthen and deepen America’s ties with Israel.”33
(And who could ever forget Hillary Clinton in an interview gloating over the cruel murder of Gaddafi – leader of Libya and another nation destabilised by US-UK-France; now to the point of a failed state, creating a vacuum for all sort of insurgency groups that now stalk the country. And then there was the awful tragedy of Clinton’s involvement in Benghazi.)
Whoever gains office, one thing is for certain, that leader will be dictated to by the Neocons as proxies for Zionist-Israel. (Note this distinction for those that might be too hasty in applying labels of anti-Semiticism.)
So it might be a relief for everyone if Trump is not elected, but Clinton may be even more dangerous, working for the status quo, perpetuating endless war and aggression in the Middle East and elsewhere. It is interesting to note, that the Republican Bush family may be voting for Democrat Clinton at this election.
There have been analyses of the candidates for the US elections in previous newsletters. The transits analysis on November 8 for Trump is here. The one for Clinton is here. The analysis for Trump is far more detailed. He has excellent chances but unlike Clinton, two very difficult transits that could take him down. (See points 6 & 7 in the newsletter, highlighted in blue.)
The election campaign is getting dirtier and crazier now as both candidates swap accusations of sexual or financial impropriety, leaked rumours etc. More commentary will be forthcoming about the election of the new US president, in the forthcoming Scorpio newsletter for the full moon period of November.
Russia and USA: Right Libran Relations
This section repeats some content of newsletters from past years and helps to remind us of the energy dynamics between Russia and the USA. It is certainly timely to review USA and Russia’s relationship, in light of their slipping back into a cold war.
“… there are three great fusing energies or vital centres present upon our planet:
- Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.
- The United States (and later South America), fusing and blending central and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.
- The British Empire, fusing and blending races and men throughout the entire world.
In the hands of these nations lies the destiny of the planet.”34
Quite an extraordinary statement! Out of these nations, two are ruled by Aquarius at the soul level – Russian and the USA – most appropriate that two of these three groups have Aquarian “soul guidance” at the beginning of this Aquarian Age. (Only one other nation has an Aquarian soul and that is Holland.)
Moscow also has an Aquarian personality, contributing further to the unconventionality, rebelliousness and individualism of Russia. Russia has Aquarian polar opposite Leo ruling its personality hence individualism is emphasised:
“… control of the Russian personality [Leo] has been offset … At present, the intensely individualistic Leo force in its worst aspects is dominating, but this will not last as history will eventually prove. The noisy, cruel child can turn into a controlled humanitarian in adult life and the influences potent in the Russian horoscope indicate this.”35
Nation | Soul | Personality |
Russia | Aquarius (Moscow: Taurus) | Leo (Moscow: Aquarius) |
USA | Aquarius (Washington: Cancer) | Gemini (Washington: Sagittarius) |
UK | Gemini (London: Leo) | Taurus (London: Libra) |
Besides Aquarius, note the signs in common with these three nations:
UK Gemini soul – USA Gemini personality.
UK Taurus personality – Moscow Taurus soul.
UK London Leo soul – Russia Leo personality.
Apart from the same Aquarius soul, here is not much in common at the personality level between Russia and USA. Hence the crucial position of Britain to mediate between these two other nations. As Britain is at the behest of USA currently, her proper role is being thwarted. The following was written in the 1940’s but is still true today:
“Russia is a giant, getting into his stride – a young giant, aware of great possibility, animated by a deeply religious, though unorthodox spirit, handicapped by a combination of oriental traits and occidental purposes, and distrusted by the world, owing to earlier moves falsely taken. These moves were an attempt to infiltrate into other nations, in order to upset their stability and so weaken them that they could be easily swept into the house of humanity which Russia is attempting to build. Russia is inwardly (but as yet unconsciously) motivated by a desire to bring brotherhood into being.”36

“Russia is a giant” – a good reminder of the vastness of Russia, spanning East to West, part of her important role. Map courtesy of FreeWorldMaps.
This distrust has carried through the various cold wars since WWII and is present today to an alarming and peace-threatening degree. The maya of media is further being used through global corporate networks, so that most of the world’s population has received a distorted view of events in Ukraine or Syria.
Two points of this triangle, Britain and the USA, are actively pitted against Russia for various reasons, imperialistic control, resources etc. British government has gradually come under the influence of the USA and does much of its bidding now in relation to global politics. Hence, the selfish interests that compound these problems are contrary to the Planetary Plan – these three nations working together for the good of Humanity. As mentioned earlier, USA and Russia are dealing with the fact that they both have sixth ray personalities, a ray that can create much fanaticism. Nevertheless,

(Artist: Nicholas Roerich)
“The keynote, however, of human living will be struck by Russia, Great Britain and the United States – not because of their power, their historical past and their material resources or territorial extent, but because they are in a position to fuse and blend the many types, because they are far-visioned in their world purpose, because they are not basically selfish in their intent, and because the government of the peoples reaches down into the depths of each nation and is fundamentally for the people.”37
As an Aquarian soul working through Moscow – an Aquarian personality, Russia is uniquely positioned to illumine the Aquarian tenets of brotherhood, co-operation and community in the world – something that Libran Putin may have thought was achievable with the USA in Syria:
“The true secret of brotherhood (one hitherto unknown and unrealized) is hers to give the world, but as yet she knows not what it is. This fact, that Russia is the spiritual custodian of a revelation, is sensed by the other nations in the world; and the first reaction has been fear, based on certain initial mistakes and her premature activity upon the physical plane. Nevertheless, all peoples view Russia with expectation; they dimly realize that from her will come some new thing, for Russia is rapidly maturing and integrating and will demonstrate that she has much to give.”38

Heavenly Battle (Nicholas Roerich 1912).
Russia is a seventh ray soul (Ceremonial Order, Magic) and a sixth ray personality (Devotion, Idealism). The following written last century during Stalin’s rule, so allowances can be made for a great maturity:
“Hence the tremendous conflict which is going on between the fanatical sixth ray cruelty of her sixth ray regime and the spiritual harmlessness which is the basic principle of the national ideology. Hence also the materiality of several important sections of her populace and the essential brotherliness which is imposed by the idealism and the mystical aspiration of the Russian genius, expressed through its people as a whole.”39
Phillip Lindsay © 2016.
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- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.430. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.56. [↩]
- See The Hidden History of Humanity, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
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- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.174. [↩]
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- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.57. Master of the Seven Rays, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Master of the Seven Rays, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.56. Master of the Seven Rays, Phillip Lindsay [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.225. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.429. [↩]
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- Shimon Peres, President’s inaugural address, July 2007. [↩]
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- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.104. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.22. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.104. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.22. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.60. [↩]
Hi Phillip,
I always enjoy reading your monthly newsletter. I particularly enjoy your well informed viewpoints and perspectives on global politics and current world affairs. Which media resources do you use, trust and consider the be the best sources of information?
Thank you,
Karen Gritzka
thank you phillip for this comprehensive history of the middle east and its current position.
such analysis is not available in the mainstream media in australia where i live. unfortunately, many otherwise intelligent people still believe the propaganda of our piscean mainstream media and do not seek information elsewhere even though it is widely available on the aquarian internet.
very interesting to me, especially with an aquarian ascendant and a piscean sun. thank you again for this great article.
Hi Phillip,
Great paper, well documented. I’d like to see and hear more of that to counterbalance the propaganda we are submitted to.
Thank you,
Louise Langdeau
To Karen Gritzka. I personally find Global Research is a very good source of information. However, it is a little biaised on the left.
Thank you for the great amount of time and effort to bring us this incredibly well-documented and detailed understanding of our political times and the history which brought us to this point. Incredible work!
Yes, hard to find Palestine mentioned on maps these days, so effective is Zionist Jewish propaganda. Good to see the map of the theft of Palestine in compensation.
Thank you so much Philip…
I live in Sweden….I can read English , but not write, so well.
I just want to say how grateful I am for Your article..
Whith Love and Gratitude from Maria
Thank you Phillip for this detailed and bluntly honest attempt to shed some light on current events! This is much needed in an environment full of propaganda and misleading media.
It is our responsibility to see as clearly as we can, to have discrimination using the searchlight of the soul and razors edge discernment to sift the chaff from the grain!
The more we do this, the more we help dispel the glamour clouds for the “inexperienced disciple humanity”.
Many thanks for the time and effort it must have taken to create this detailed analysis.
As a long-time student of the Ageless Wisdom, I wonder why the Zionists have such deep control over the US? This control seems so thorough that it does not matter who is elected President!
I remember reading an ancient story given in the Bailey books by the Master DK describing the refusal of Jewish disciples to accept the Hierarchical Path and Plan. As a result, they were turned out (thus the beginning of the so-called wandering Jew tradition). I do hope I am remembering this correctly. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Could this story have something to do with the present situation?
Anyway, I would really appreciate any clarification regarding my question. Thank you.
That is correct Anne. The Zionists today are the shadow of the Jewish people and do not represent them as a whole. They are fanatically focused upon politics and power. You can find other newsletters and articles on my website about this theme here under “Israel and Middle East”
Phillip – Thank you for such an outstanding, timely and needed review of a pivotal and critical world situation durinng this Libran interval.
I can well understand the following statement, for one senses that the pouring forth of the Aquarian waters/saving force will come through the “humanity” that is within the people of these three nations, despite their apparent leadership, that starts with the help of the “new type of mystics … with a practical interest in current world affairs” aligned with responsible citizenship everywhere.
“The keynote, however, of human living will be struck by Russia, Great Britain and the United States — not because of their power, their historical past and their material resources or territorial extent, but because they are in a position to fuse and blend the many types, because they are far-visioned in their world purpose, because they are not basically selfish in their intent, and because the government of the peoples reaches down into the depths of each nation and is fundamentally for the people.”
… a Triangle relationship worth meditating upon?
Dear Philip,
Thank you for this perspective which is so expanded over space time fabric. Using the mathematics of the countries birth charts is quite awesome. Thank you. Thank you.
Adam Curtis’s new documentary “Hypernormalisation” is as brilliant as his previous work (Century of the Self, Bitter Lake) and is just off the press covers some of your territory (and fits perfectly) and I bet he would love to get your perspective. See link below.
It is a blessing to have “discovered” you and I will sign up for a consultation asap.
In gratitude
Paul Cragg
Heartfelt gratitude for opening, widening and deepening my understanding – I will endeavour to put it to good use –