Tag Archives: cosmology

Great Wheels: Solar Systems and Constellations

(What DK has said about the Bigger Picture) (Version 1: With Some Commentary) Solar Systems and Constellations as Planetary in their Motion: “The orbital path of the solar system in the heavens around its cosmic centre is now being sensed, and the general drift also of our constellation is being taken into consideration as a welcome hypothesis. Scientists have not yet admitted into their calculations the fact that our solar system is revolving around a cosmic centre along with six other constellations …

Geometry of the Logoic Personality

Only in recent years has sacred geometry engaged the attention of an ever-widening esoteric audience. This comes as something of a surprise, given HPB’s statement about: “Geometry, the fifth divine Science (“fifth” –  because it is the fifth key in the series of the Seven Keys to the Universal esoteric language and symbology)…” (The Secret Doctrine II, page 471) and her identification of this mother lode of wisdom: “…the evolution and correlation of the mysteries of Kosmos, of its growth …