Tag Archives: Nazism

Bismarck: Statesman, “Avatar” of Materialism.

Otto Von Bismarck: Statesman, “Avatar” of Materialism, Founder of “Real Politik” Michael D. Robbins © 2003 (1815-1898) April 1, 1815, Schoenhausen, Germany, approximately 1:30 PM, LMT. (Sources; Sabian Symbols, and Notable Nativities. Birth was recorded between 1:00-2:00 PM. Also McEvers Quotes Lyndoe in American Astrology, November 1967, “drawn for a family member”.) Note: It is conceivable that the birth occurred before 1:15 PM, LMT, which would have placed military and militant Aries on the MC, with its ruler, Mars, rather …