Gemini 2016: Second Blue Moon. Mt. Everest. Brexit. Pentecost.
Himalayas: Everest. (Nicholas Roerich 1938.)
“I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”
World Invocation Day
(Full Moon: June 20, 2016. 12.02 pm. GMT.)
The Second Gemini “Blue Moon” of 2016
Gemini New Moon Grand Cross & Mars in Scorpio
Himalayan Everest Conquered During Gemini
Britain’s Gemini Soul and the Brexit Crisis
The European Union Horoscope
Gemini and the Pentecost: Symbol of Right Human Relations
Safeguarding the Integrity of the Trans-Himalayan Teaching
The Second Gemini “Blue Moon” 2016
As commented upon in last month’s newsletter, this is the second full moon period of Gemini, a relatively rare event and it coincides with the Cancer solstice a short time after. It is worth repeating a little of what was said last month:
A blue moon occurs when there are two full moon periods around the first and last degrees of any zodiac sign. It’s not a very common occurrence, hence the saying, “once in a blue moon”.
This year the first full moon occurred in Gemini on May 21 and will again on June 20 in the last degree of Gemini. Gemini is the third of the new year’s three major festivals – Aries, Taurus, Gemini. The new impulse generated in Aries takes root in earthy Taurus at the Wesak Festival and is subsequently distributed in the sign of Gemini.
Full moon periods are monthly cycles of high spiritual import – to commune with the guiding forces of the planet and participate in the great celebration of souls who seek to guide Humanity into the light. Hence, this year will be an unique opportunity befitting Gemini’s twins theme – a “double distribution” by the blue moons – of the forces generated during the first two signs of Aries and Taurus, plus a potent Love-Wisdom blast of the Second Ray through Gemini!
A reminder also about The Great Invocation. Gemini rules communications and The Great Invocation is a potent, globally transforming mantram that can be used by individuals and groups at this time.
The annual World Invocation Day is always at the date of the Gemini full moon, meaning that this year there will be an unprecedented two World Invocation Days. Each full moon period during the year spans about five days, before and after the exact full moon time:
“The result of this solemn three days of invocation will be followed by a climaxing day wherein the Hierarchy will unitedly, and led by the Christ, pronounce the entire Invocation, prefacing each stanza with its appropriate keynote, again sounded in unison. These notes you cannot know, but if, for instance, a very large number of the New Group of World Servers were brought together, their united OM might approximate the appropriate keynote.”1
Gemini New Moon Grand Cross & Mars in Scorpio
Two weeks ago, between the two full moons of Gemini 2016, fell the new moon in Gemini on June 5. It was an extraordinarily potent and challenging configuration for the world as a whole – holding the seeds of great conflict but also resolution and transformation.
Gemini New Moon June 5, 2016.
Outcomes all depend upon choices that are made to utilise energies or be used by them. The point of least resistance for unawakened humanity is the latter option; for those more conscious, the former – though they will be not be immune to the latter! The new moon horoscope had a tight grand cross in mutable signs:

Jo Cox (Born June 22, 1974. Cancer Sun).
Truth (Saturn in Sagittarius) and discrimination (Jupiter in Virgo); communication (Sun, Moon, Venus in Gemini) and the mystic vision (Neptune in Pisces).
This configuration challenged fundamentalist attitudes in all areas of human thought; it would have its point of least resistance in magnifying extremist thinking and fanaticism in mainstream religion. Already, the world has witnessed some shocking and cruel violence with the slaughter of 50 people in the Orlando nightclub shooting – and Thursday’s hateful murder of British MP Jo Cox – extinguishing the light of a compassionate and dedicated server.
Omar Mir Seddique Mateen (Birth time unknown) was a man with deep psychological problems relating to his sexuality – in conflict with his chosen religion. At the time of the shooting he had transiting Mars closely conjunct his Scorpio sun – where the theme of sex is one of the strongest in the zodiac). His act of these fatal shootings was Scorpio at its lowest, vengeful and vilest violence.
Mateen was also in the middle of his Saturn return in Sagittarius, the sign of religion and philosophy – and often fanatical religious fundamentalism. The grand cross of the Gemini new moon also impacted on his Jupiter in Virgo square to aforesaid Saturn.
For the next six weeks, the theme of emotional and physical violence will be fueled by retrograde Mars in Scorpio, before it heads back into Sagittarius. It’s a perfect time to explore Scorpio’s keynote on the “ordinary wheel”: “Let maya flourish and deception rule”.
And, to invoke Scorpio’s keynote upon the reversed wheel, “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant” – it could still be a very torrid time. (See also this piece from when Mars was in Scorpio two years ago: “Mars in Scorpio: Applying the Blowtorch”…/leo-2014-jupiter-in-leo-l…/…)
In the Gemini new moon horoscope, Mars is opposite Mercury in Taurus, highlighting fixed attitudes, vindictive and critical communications – particularly for instance, in the US presidential race or the extraordinarily nasty Brexit debate in the UK. The Republican nominee was predictable in his response to Orlando. Mercury is the ruler of the Gemini new moon, hence its position opposite Mars is very important.
At a higher level, Mercury in Taurus opens the eye of the bull, conferring illumination, whilst Mars is devoted to destroying the old ways and forging new paths. For the masses, Mars in Scorpio will magnify humanity’s desire nature – for sexual satiation, material living, revenge and aggressive tendencies.

The Messenger. (Nicholas Roerich, 1922.)
Spitefulness and nastiness may prevail – witness the British-Russian soccer rivalry or the grisly killing recently of a French police officer and his wife. The world is currently going through an era of the most grotesque hate-filled violence – like some kind of gothic nightmare. Emotional overwhelm cannot be the response to this kind of psychological terrorism; one must hold fast to the fact that there is much of beauty in the world, that a new paradigm is emerging; to keep cultivating that particular garden in our hearts and minds.
This era will eventually pass, but much worse things may still surface as the Forces of Materialism fight furiously – desperately trying to retain their succubus-like hold over Humanity. The great Era of Light is approaching and nothing can arrest it, this veil of darkness will lift.
Yet in the meantime, the battle with the Dark Forces is being fought on all levels, from the obvious to the most subtle. Vigilance is the key, as a few excerpts from Master Morya indicate:
“However difficult the fiery path of Truth, service in vigilance permits no treason. The sun-sword does not falter in the hand nor does the knee bend to untruth. Thus must be understood the Teaching that brings with it the forging of a new life. It says: “You have heard; you must understand that from this moment you have accepted responsibility for any distortion!”2
“The tension of eternal vigilance, the tremor of striving and salutary toil, demand a special adaptability of the organism. We value this vigilance. How can one help the activities when the Battle is proceeding? First of all, one can create new circumstances, therefore vigilance and vigilance!”3

Mars-Pluto purge!
Even for, or perhaps *especially* for followers of some of the most exalted and in-depth spiritual wisdom available today, Mars promises to bring a purge to one and all without exception. For those who are adherents to various paths by whatever name – the Ageless Wisdom, Universal Spirituality, Tibetan Buddhism, Sufism or Hinduism – Mars in Scorpio will bring a purifying blowtorch to the astral nature.
Mars rules the solar plexus, the seat of the astral body. As the god of war, Mars applies the trials of initiation in the emotional body. And, with the assistance of Scorpio’s co-ruler Pluto, these planets will reveal where the dragon lurks in everyone’s lair (your inner Smaug!); what seethes and hisses in the shadows, that which is ancient and untamed, begging to be brought into the light.
Jealousy, possessiveness, resentment, hatred, control, material values – all these factors may be particularly pronounced as Scorpio The Exorcist applies its healing and transformative powers. Pluto as ruler of Scorpio also contributes by dragging to the surface all that hinders.

Serene Crucifixion. (Kahlil Gibran.)
As mentioned earlier, this Mercury-Mars opposition is the power that sub-stands the mutable grand cross new moon of Gemini, one of the most dynamic patterns for change that has emerged in recent times. However, it will not be without pain, individually and collectively. We all have obstacles that block our Path – the new moon grand cross will remain in the ethers for a while yet, creating those conditions that will force us to confront what needs to be eradicated.
We are living in a time of a great “sifting of souls”, where our mettle is being tested for goal fitness, whether some souls will “make the grade”. Hence, a huge effort is being demanded of everyone in this Forerunner period leading up to 2025 and the Externalisation of the Hierarchy.
Himalayan Everest Conquered During Gemini
On this theme of striving, goal fitness and having our mettle tested, it was 63 years ago that New Zealander, Sir Edmund Hillary, scaled the summit of Mount Everest for the first time. Most significantly it occurred on the Gemini full moon of 1953, the Festival of Lord Maitreya or Christ, leader of the Hierarchy:
“The attempt today to climb Mount Everest [written 1939-42] is amazingly symbolic, and it is being watched with much interest by the Hierarchy, for in this effort we see the attempt of humanity to achieve the top of the mountain whose height has hitherto defeated all efforts. But – and this is the matter of moment and of interest – when humanity emerges into the light and relative glory of the new civilisation, they will at the same time conquer this last remaining summit.
That which is of the densest materiality and which is the consummation of earthly grandeur will remain – but it will be beneath the feet of humanity.”4 (This story of Capricorn rising Hillary is written up in more detail in the author’s book, Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I.)
When Hillary and Norgay conquered Everest, it was during the entire full moon period of five days. Their great achievement has added significance concerning the previous statement, “when humanity emerges into the light and relative glory of the new civilisation, they will at the same time conquer this last remaining summit”.
The event horoscope for the exact time of the Everest ascension shows Jupiter in Gemini dominating the midheaven, an apt position, as it rules the second ray of Love-Wisdom (a symbol of the “watching Hierarchy”), and is the only ray to pass through Gemini. Mercury and Mars are also in Gemini, reflecting the ong trek and the martial drive required to reach the summit. Moon in Sagittarius opposite Mercury in Gemini is all about the long journey to the summit, subjectively and objectively.
The 1950’s is a far cry from the Everest industry of today where most climbers will pay around $70,000 to reach the top. But the last few years has seen many tragic accidents with climbers killed, as the recent movie Everest depicts. There are around 200 dead bodies on the slopes of Everest, some are used as markers, their bodies permanently frozen inside their brightly coloured climbing gear.
One wonders how much ego, ambition and money has taken over in these modern times; whether ill-prepared climbers have chosen to take the journey – and have been allowed to make the ascent –even if their fitness has been in question, putting other climbers in jeopardy. If there has been any truth in these trends, then Chomolungma (Tibetan for “Goddess, Mother of Mountains”), has sifted these human husks upon her threshing floor – on the threshold of the world.

Why is the late Muhammed Ali here? He was not only a great boxer and cultural hero, but had an amazing gift for “talking trash”: “Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee” – is all Jupiter in Gemini – trine his Aquarian moon. Ali was also a Capricorn sun, he had many Everests to conquer throughout his colorful life.
The threshold to initiation of Humanity is the theme here – and, like the mountain summit, is connected to Capricorn – though there is a strong Gemini connection! (Gemini is the third zodiac sign and Capricorn is the third sign counting backward.)
In the light of modern day attempts at the summit, it is interesting to note the comments of the late Sir Edmund Hillary, who claims to never have had an “ambition” to climb Everest:
“I never had a vision to climb Mt. Everest. As with everything else, it just more or less grew. I started in the New Zealand Alps and I got more competent, and I climbed harder mountains there, and I made a number of first ascents, and I had a year in the European Alps and I climbed there. Then we decided we’d like to go off to the Himalayas. Not Everest – we went off to the Indian Gahwal Himalayas and we were pretty successful.
We climbed a half-a-dozen new peaks of well over 20,000 feet, and it really wasn’t until then that we read in the paper that the British had got permission to do a reconnaissance to the south side of Mt. Everest through Nepal which, up until those days, had been completely closed to foreigners. The idea that, “Gee it would be fun to go along on that reconnaissance,” certainly entered my mind, and we contacted the organizers in London and two of us were invited from that expedition to join up with the party and go into the south side of Mt. Everest.

Everest. (Nicholas Roerich, 1931.)
You know, it’s almost like a football team, even a team of climbers. If you’re pretty competent and if you don’t make any grave errors, once you’re in, you’re in. You’re sort of appointed next time. So on the Everest reconnaissance, we had a successful expedition. We came back next year and we had some more successful climbs, and then in ’53 we were invited to join the summit attempt. It was a growing process and a learning process. Never, in my early days, did I ever think of attempting to reach the summit of Mt. Everest.”5
Likewise, in the “spiritual community” there is plenty of evidence of unpreparedness by students going for the big ascent up the mountain of initiation – placing themselves at “higher elevations” than they have earned – and for which they have not been properly prepared. The penalties for such transgressions are not unlike Icarus flying too close to the Sun, resulting in various psychic and mental casualties that can take lifetimes to rectify. Hence, the dilemma of striving ever upwards, having a certain spiritual ambition to achieve, yet not becoming a victim from the materialisation and distortion of that ambition.
Britain’s Gemini Soul and the Brexit Crisis
(Brexit = Proposed British exit from the European Union)
“There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.”
(Julius Caesar, Shakespeare.)
As discussed in other newsletters, Britain is a Gemini soul. Gemini is a leading sign of distribution for the second ray of love-wisdom and the Christ principle. Gemini is also a gateway for the cosmic influences of Sirius that guide this solar system.
Britain has both the second ray and Gemini conditioning its soul; it is an advanced nation upon the spiritual path; its capital London is the throat centre of the Fifth Rootrace, the seat of expression for the Western mind.6
The Brexit crisis is essentially a battle between Britain’s Gemini soul (Remain in EU) and its Taurus personality (Leave EU) cutting across political party lines:

John Bull and the British bulldog, personification of Taurus.
“As yet, from the higher angle, Gemini does not entirely control [written in 1920’s], for the soul of Britain is only now struggling for expression. For long ages Taurus has led the way with his material aims, his acquisitive desires, his arrogant will and his blind moving forward towards the possession of that which has been desired. Pervasiveness [Taurus] and movement [Gemini] are two qualities with which Gemini and Taurus have dowered the race.”7
Although his passage was written almost 100 years ago, nations take a long time to develop, from 2,500 to 4,000 years, according to H.P. Blavatsky.8 Hence, the Taurus influence remains potent today and Britain’s Gemini soul is still struggling for the upper hand.
Because London is the proposed throat chakra (mind) of the Fifth Rootrace, the Brexit decision will affect not just Britain and Europe, but the whole Western world. Libra is the ruling personality sign of London, seat of government and also the world’s major financial centre. A sampling of personalities on either side of the political fence:
David Cameron (Tory Leader), Jeremy Corbyn (Labour Leader), George Osborne, Stephen Hawking , Thirteen UK Nobel-prizewinners, all living former Prime Ministers, Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Mark Carney, Bob Geldof. And outside the UK: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merckel. | Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Nigel Lawson, George Galloway, Michael Gove, Lord Owen, Richard Desmond. And outside the UK: Donald Trump, French National Front’s Marine Le Pen |
Brexit is a classic Libran dilemma of decision – of weighing the scales – until the collective judicial mind has made its choice. The energy expended by the British people in trying to understand and discriminate on this issue has created a magnetic force that is involving thinkers from all around the world. Especially as there are millions of British ex-patriots whose lives will be significantly affected if a Brexit occurs. Again, the dilemma relates to the struggle between the progressive Gemini soul and recalcitrant Taurus personality.
When the Remain or Leave arguments are examined, it is clear that less progressive voters are the ones who want to “leave” – they are resisting the inevitable changes of positive globalisation – a mutually beneficial cooperation between nations. Yet, there are also valid concerns in terms of other European nations manipulating the EU for their own benefits.
When we see the likes of Rupert Murdoch exercising undue “Leave EU” influence through his Sun newspaper – and rumours of a British invitation for a Donald Trump visit on the eve of the Brexit vote, then one can see the writing on the wall! Add to that UKIP’s recent nazi-like propaganda and the picture is complete.
A good example of thinking is in the following analysis of voters taken from the “Remain or Leave arguments” link above:
REMAIN Young voters (under 30): 63% Voters aged 30-39 : 58% Voters aged 40-49 : 52% University graduates: 62% Those with A levels or equivalent: 53% University students: over 75% |
LEAVE Older voters (over 60): 56% Voters 50-59: 52% Voters with no qualification higher than GCSE: 57% |
The European Union Horoscope
Not surprisingly, this entity has some extraordinary features activated at this time in its birth chart; it has an exact Mars-Pluto conjunction in Scorpio – currently transited by Mars on its two year cycle (“the Mars return”) – hovering stationary over this conjunction for the next five weeks! The progressed midheaven (destiny, career, authority) has also moved up to join the party at the same degree. The European Union’s destiny is definitely on the line.
Also, if the 12 pm chart is a valid time, then the Sagittarius-Gemini axis also takes a direct hit from this Gemini blue moon of June 20.
European Union: Progressions and Transits: June 20, 2016.
(Mars hovering “stationary” on Mars-Pluto in Scorpio for the next five weeks.)
It seems that there will be much turbulence in the EU for the next five weeks, with or without a Brexit! This is further exacerbated by the natal square from Mars-Pluto in Scorpio to Saturn in Aquarius; it is probably the main obstacle to the European Union’s development – learning to work with one another as a group of nations (Aquarius). The theme of group co-operation and group relationships is further underscored by the fact that Mars-Pluto reside in the eleventh Aquarian house of groups and community – a community of nations.
The particular lessons to be learnt with Mars-Pluto square to Saturn, is to not fall into old emotional fear patterns and a grasping for power (Mars-Pluto) – versus clear mental reason represented by Saturn in Aquarius. Given that the EU nations are a mix of the hot-headed and passionate versus the cool and detached, we witness this developing amalgamation – that should be given the chance to develop further.
The EU has the same kind of challenges as the United Nations, still only a young and immature entity, finding its feet and struggling with all kinds of selfish motives within. Blocs of nations will eventually unite further on in the Aquarian Age of group progress; they will empower and expand the United Nations ultimately, creating a unified world without separation, one of sharing of resources, money, values and culture.
The Pentecost: Symbol of Right Human Relations
Also called Whitsunday, the Pentecost falls upon the 50th day after Easter (Aries), hence, falls regularly in Gemini. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples after the death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. Even if it falls in the previous sign Taurus as it did in 2016, it is still relevant because Taurus rules the organs of speech and the expression of accumulated knowledge-wisdom. Hence Taurus and Gemini have this curious connection and continuation of mutually complimentary forces.

The Pentecost. (Alexander Sadoyan.)
This Holy Spirit was known to manifest in the phenomena of “talking in tongues” and was associated with healing, prophecy and the expelling of demons (exorcism). (Today, Pentecostal Christian groups seem to be obsessed by spirits rather than exorcising them!) One account in the bible says:
“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 2:1.)
In the not too distant future, we are informed that The Pentecost will be a major festival,
“The Festival of Easter and the Feast of Pentecost will be the two outstanding days of the religious year. Pentecost is, as you must well know, the symbol of right human relations in which all men and nations will understand each other and – though speaking in many and diverse languages – will know only one spiritual speech.”9

The Pentecost. (El Greco.)
“The fact of the resurrection will be demonstrated during the next few centuries, and the Living Christ will walk among men and lead them onward towards the Mount of Ascension. The Pentecost will become truth. All men will come under the tide of inspiration from on high, and though they may speak with many tongues, they will all understand each other.”10
How will humanity “know only one spiritual speech” and “all understand each other”? Is it an inner recognition that comes about through soul alignment and right human relations, resulting in a telepathic understanding?
“Pentecost. This event does not portray the triumph of orthodox Christianity (as the theologians believe and teach), but signifies the universal dissemination of the Christ consciousness throughout all time in the heart of every human being; to this the words and promise, “Lo, I am with you all the days, even until the end of the world,” bear witness.”11
Note these words, “dissemination … in the heart of every human being”. Gemini is the great disseminator; it rules the thymus gland associated with the heart chakra and the second ray of love wisdom is the only ray to pour through this sign.
This subject of “talking in tongues” provides a good segway into the final section of this newsletter – which announces the creation of a new web page dealing with channelled writings and claims by their authors. There are varying levels of “talking in tongues” and likewise “received transmissions” – one must exercise a keen discrimination!
Safeguarding the Integrity of the Trans-Himalayan Teaching
Announcing the creation of a new web page discussing this large and complex subject:
“The Ageless Wisdom Teachings dictated to Alice A. Bailey, via the Master Djwhal Khul – contain a treasury of Wisdom that will require prolonged study, perhaps over a series of lives, in order for the audience they were intended for, to assimilate – let alone achieve full comprehension.
… Since the “Blue Books” were completed in 1949, several questionable writings have emerged which claim inspiration from the Masters, or being the “Third Phase” of Hierarchical dispensation, even though The Tibetan has stated that there would not be another transmission via an amanuensis, until after 2025.”
Click here for the full article … which contains other important articles, especially:
The Search for Truth in the Matter of Channeled Esoteric Writings (Part I).
Phillip Lindsay © 2016.
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- [↩]
- Agni Yoga, Verse 212. Helena Roerich. [↩]
- Heart, Verse 212. Helena Roerich. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.158. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.81. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine, H.P. Blavatsky. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.151. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.471. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.356. [↩]
Phillip, that was beautiful and very energizing! Thank you.
Phillip, great posting both last month and this month covering the full moons and the grand cross at the new moon. Those forces of chaos continually seek to draw forth a point of tension among the masses of men that hatred might spill over and the abstraction of matter into light be arrested. A unified Europe is an impediment to war. Feeding the fears and doubts of people by confounding the truth and saying globalization = fascism keeps people confused.
The linchpin in all of this is always right human relations, which has as its base the understanding of the oneness of the soul. It’s hard to hate others when you see the soul in them – the all-pervasive, ever-present, ever-radiant Self-nature. Moving forward along the line of manifest oneness, the EU should be strengthened. Lucky for us, Great Britain and the United States both have 2nd ray souls and are responding to 2nd ray energy. As you state in your post, reaching the summit of Everest is indicative of humanity moving into the light and relative glory of the new civilization:
“If in these early days of restoration and of the inauguration of the new civilization and of the new
world, men of all faiths and all religions, of every cult and all esoteric groups were to keep these three great Festivals of Invocation, simultaneously and with understanding of the far-reaching implications, a great spiritual unity would be achieved; if they unitedly invoked the spiritual Hierarchy and sought consciously to contact its Head a great and general inflow of spiritual light and love would occur; if they together determined, with steadfastness and understanding, to approach nearer to God, who could doubt the stupendous results which eventually would be seen? Not only would an underlying unity between men of all faiths be attained, not only would brotherhood be recognized as a fact and not only would our oneness of origin, of goal and of life be recognized but that which would be evoked would change all aspects of human living, would condition our civilization, change our mode of life and make the spiritual world a dominant reality in the human consciousness.”
Gratitude my friend and needed in this time of uncertainty
Thank you Phillip for this wonderful service – excellent on all levels. Thank you too for your new website -this is a much needed service right now and I know that you are more than capable of performing it.
Thank you, insightful, thought provoking stuff. A bloke I worked with 19 years ago, shared his views on what I guess is “now time” he was spot on, adding to my many flashes, dreams since then. Adding my summations from endless study into astrology, genetics/dna, ancient wisdoms seemingly lost in today’s society, I guess the feelings of apprehension but also intrigue are warranted. Pray, collectively we can all transcend & Create Foundations fit for those enlightened souls to walk amongst us.
Thank you Philip. I have loved reading this and took a special interest in your section on Brexit.
My observations are slightly different from yours. And as I live in uk maybe worth sharing ?
Yes there is the stark contrast between the list of personalities in both camps. And that may in the end be what swings people. I say swing, because when I talk to people I do not see the statistics as quoted in the article reflected in the people I speak with.
Yes. Most young ( under 25) are in he remain camp. But most others I speak to (many hugely intelligent both intellectually and emotionally) admit to being torn (head says stay, heart says Brexit – the opposite of what you seem to say) – and simply not yet decided how they will vote.
As they crave more transparency (e.g TTP) and accountability as well as a steering away from bureaocracy. They are worried about how the eu bankruptcy is just patched over. About a top down approach. Should we be legislated info oneness or should we celebrate our diversity and feel one regardless of it?
I for one keep on reading, researching and meditating ahead of this vote. With gratitude to you for this contribution.
I concur with your remarks Catherine, there are alot of concerns associated with “Remain” such as the insidious TTP agreement. Let us see what happens…
Thanks Phillip,As we are in the Womb of change,rebirth of Humanity,your updates,are so precise and grateful for your writings.
The link to the Safeguarding article was not live in my newsletter, so I could not read it. However, one must be careful here to not dismiss ALL teachings other than DK and the Bailey books…not all people belong to the 2nd Ray ashram. Other soul rays will have their own teachers who serve the Divine Plan for their ashramic groups, do not get caught up in the glamour of separative ego. “By their fruits you shall know them” would be a good rule of observation when investigating other teaching groups. The world discipleship is large and varied, we are not a “matched set”. Do not forget we belong to the One Life and don’t shut out someone serving the Plan in different form.
Speaking as a native on the ground and expected to vote in tomorrow’s referendum, i have given this article some thought. The statistics seem polarized. Most of my [educated] friends are for leave and have done a good deal of research and analysis, while the common remain arguments i’ve heard are much more trivial e.g. from one (high ranking policeman) who is voting to leave because he likes to holiday in France, or other city slickers being swayed by the free mobile roaming charges.
A simple vertical (spiritual) integration would be fine if the argument wasn’t for a vertical one, where, in the case of the EU, “the law and state seek to control the economic and cultural life and the economic life seeks to control the political life (TTIP).” Boardman
A truer soul perspective would first seek to chisel the diamond rather than seek to incarnate into a broken vessel. First one, then the other, and not vice versa.
Something founded upon such unsound principles as the EU cannot be progressive and history has shown that such entities have a finite lifespan. e.g League of Nations failed because it was institutionalized, abstract and top down.
“One has to be careful in defining globalism because a reductionist ‘unity in diversity is not quite the same as an holistic ‘diversity in unity’.”
The difference here is so subtle as to be unrecognizable:
“Unity in diversity is a concept of “unity without uniformity and diversity without fragmentation” that shifts focus from unity based on a mere tolerance of physical, cultural, linguistic, social, religious, political, ideological and/or psychological differences towards a more complex unity based on an understanding that difference enriches human interactions.” Wikipedia
“This [unity in diversity/ multiplicity] is therefore an abstract unity. It is also a reductive unity because it reduces multiplicity to unity, diversity to identity, by finding the respect in which the different “entities” (organs, organisms) don’t differ at all but are the very same. This is the static unity of self-sameness.
It is clear from the movement of thinking by which it is formed that “unity in multiplicity” is the unity of the dead end. [It is] a consequence of beginning from things in their finished state (the given) and then going “downstream” into abstraction.” Bortoft.
Anyway, politics is in itself binary; left – right, in- out. This can lead to divisiveness among groups and friends (i’ve seen it displayed here on fb, and don’t forget the recent Jo Cox assassination) Surely the soul would make its decision based not upon the binary but upon the reconciliation thereof. In this respect, we as a nation need to do some serious introspection regarding our capabilities and limitations. Yes, we are certainly at the height of the tide or flood and the right way to go would be humanitarian. However, the EU has at present far too many leaks, as far as i am aware.
Wow, I am so relieved the UK has chosen freedom to make her own laws rather than the dangerous group think of the EU that is mainly controlled by the big money interests who make the laws to keep the little guy out of the game. England is ruled by Aries, (according to the Tibetan) and I think this wise decision for free cooperation of sovereign nations is going to spread like wildfire, first of all throughout the EU (Greece really needs to get out asap) and then later around the world. Much of the credit for getting the UK out of the hole she was in with the centralized political project goes to Nigel Farage, who has so brilliantly and persistently explained in sensible logical terms why it makes perfect sense for the UK to take full responsibility for her own decisions and actions rather than allowing a collective of Europeans to do it for her. I’m still amazed the UK went so far down the hole of giving up her political and economic power to other nations. 23rd June 2016 is definitely independence day for the UK, although it was mainly the English (Northern Island, Wales and Scotland voted to stay) vote that won the day.
This is a classic example of either going along with the group (staying in the EU) or thinking for oneself and taking responsibility for ones actions (leaving the EU).
We can now look forward to a total revitalizing of the UK. There will be new confidence. New ideas will be tried out.
One of the things Nigel Farage mentioned during the campaign to leave was his respect for the Swiss style direct democracy, where everything is decided by the people via referendum on local, regional and national levels. He said that once the UK had left the EU he (and their political party UKIP) would work towards bringing in such a system into the UK. With direct democracy the electorate will no longer have to rely on expedient and often stupid politicians to represent them, but instead will get to vote on every issue. I think this is where we’ll see the 2nd ray Soul and Gemini rising really expressing itself.
This is all going to work out really well.
I think it is inevitable that Britain will join the EU again, it is an unavoidable evolutionary trend. But when it does rejoin – who knows when, it may be on better terms where the corruption of the EU is cleaned up and more equitable situation is worked out without the domination of big money.
Joining the EU was a devolutionary trend cooked up by the corporate elite who control bought and payed for politicians to make laws that work for the elite and their multinationals and corrupt banking systems. England is just the first to leave, now watch the people of the other EU countries demand referendums on whether to leave or go and they will all vote to leave. The people were never asked in the first place if they wanted to join a socialist dictatorship economic protection zone. If they had been asked they would have said no, including the Germans. I honestly don’t know why people think anything has been lost in leaving. England will negotiate and get a free trade agreement with the whole of the EU. The only difference is there will probably be work permits and passports and I don’t see anything wrong with that.
The EU is an evolutionary necessity moving toward a greater sharing of planetary resources. Of course it will be used by selfish interests in the short term, but nothing will stop it from reforming in the long term. S0 even if other nations leave as well, it is inevitable that once the corruption and wrong motives are sorted out, that EU will continue to evolve. The United Nations is also a young entity, they all need to time to grow.
I agree we need to all to come together in peace and harmony I agree there is corruption and wrong motives involved in EU. I cannot see how or when this will be sorted out.
I am interested in Theresa May the new PM. have you looked at her birth chart. I feel she will be good for GB.