Sagittarius 2015: Visioning a New World. Paris. Terrorism. Saturn in Sagittarius.
A scene from The Mahabharata directed by Peter Brook.
Sagittarius Keynote
“I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another.”
(Full Moon: November 25, 2015. 10.44 pm. GMT.)
“Sagittarius is esoterically regarded as a sign of balance and of no extremes;
there is no great fall and no exaltation. This fact indicates that the disciple has
to walk an even way between the pairs of opposites, uninfluenced by either the
“power of exaltation or the potency of that which falls.” Neither the valley nor the
heights produces any demonstrable effect.”1
Sagittarius: Visioning a New World
Slaughter in Paris and Escalating Geopolitics
Intellectual Terrorism and the Third Phase of the World War
Saturn in Sagittarius: Cycles of Economic Depression
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Sagittarius: Visioning a New World
“In Sagittarius, the intellect which has been developed, used and finally illumined, becomes sensitive to a still higher type of mental experience and to this we give the name of intuitive perception. There come flashes of light upon problems; a distant yet possible vision of attainment is seen.”2
The great counter-balance to the decay and destruction that is the last gasp of the Piscean Age, is the creation of the new paradigm that will replace it. In this process Sagittarius plays a key role, because it is a sign capable of visioning the new ideal, of reaching upward to wrestle from the Great Mind the perennial philosophical verities. The Sagittarian Archer shoots fiery arrows heavenward, piercing the “rain-cloud of knowable things”, precipitating Wisdom and Understanding.
With broad-ranging and philosophical Jupiter ruling, Sagittarius’ piercing arrows gain access to the True Code by which to live: The Plan for the evolution of human consciousness via the astrological forces that condition our unfoldment. In this cycle, the Sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism expresses more potently than any other ray through Sagittarius, providing the imagination that fuels Sagittarius’ mental acuity and intuition. Neptune and Mars rule the sixth ray, Neptune providing mystical vision and Mars the drive. (Mars is also the hierarchical ruler of Sagittarius.)

Leaving in our wake – on the way to awakening
Through Sagittarius’ ruler Jupiter, and Jupiter’s rulership of the Second Ray of Love Wisdom, Sagittarius possesses an unlimited optimism, following the intense and oft-times dark experience of the previous sign Scorpio. It is this optimism plus the building qualities of the second ray that allow us, during the annual passage of the Sun through Sagittarius, to reorient ourselves anew and contribute to the building of the new emerging pattern.
It also allows an acknowledgement of the destruction that “lies in our wake” whilst the one-pointed Archer stays focused on the target ahead. Fear is being continuously generated in this dire world situation. Sagittarius provides the opportunity to keep sounding the note of the Divine Plan, to “play our parts with stern resolve”, to hold to the vision and make a stand for, “where there is no vision, the people perish.” And, to use a great mantram for this sign, to head “onwards and upwards”.
“The vision is a vision of reality. The eternal Dreamer dreams and the greatest of all Mystics is the divine Logos Himself. But His dream must be registered in our consciousness as God’s Plan and the mystical vision is the necessary, though passing development in the human being of the “dreaming” aspect of God’s Nature. Ponder on this, for it holds revelation to those who ponder rightly.”3
Slaughter in Paris and Escalating Geopolitics
Just after the Scorpio new moon, the world witnessed a sickening massacre in Paris on no doubt, the deliberately chosen date of Friday 13th. The event bore all the hallmarks of the lowest expression of Scorpio the Scorpion with a venomous sting in its tail. At this level, Scorpio is a sign of emotional manipulation and revenge – and that is precisely what was achieved, striking fear into France, Europe and the world.
But it has also triggered a determined effort by thinking people to understand why this happened; to ponder upon the group called Daesh (ISIL) and others forces that have directed them in a deliberate effort to create instability in the Middle East and Europe. This event does not appear to be the work of one small group of fanatical Jihadists. Several horoscopes will be examined, the new moon chart, the event chart set for the time the attacks began and France’s First Republic horoscope.

New Moon in Scorpio 11-11.
The New Moon in Scorpio 11-11.
The new moon cycle is the darkest time astronomically for any month. It holds the seed for future cycles, particularly the following full moon fourteen days later. Scorpio is a sign that is intimately related to the darkness of matter and its ultimate transformation. The Moon falls in this sign, expressing symbolically that which is dead.
Scorpio is one of the four signs of death (Aries, Pisces, Capricorn), but is probably the most infamous for its misuse of power. One could say that this horrific event in Paris was a well-planned act of black magic. Scorpio rules the nine-headed hydra and the three “astral” heads were invoked – fear, hatred and love of power.
Mars, the God of War, is the ruler of Scorpio, along with Pluto the Lord of the Underworld. Both of these planets work at a lower and higher level; together at the lower level – voilà, the Paris terrorism.
Both planets working at a higher level demonstrate how the World Hercules can raise the Lernean Hydra out of Humanity’s astral swamp into the clear light of day; how the world disciple can enter into battle against these forces of materialism by holding up the Lamp of Illumination. This latter symbol is displayed in the ninth card of the Major Arcana tarot – The Hermit, corresponding to the ninth sign, Sagittarius.
Mars was placed in the last degree of Virgo, opposite France’s First Republic Sun in Pisces – on a collision course with retrograding Moon’s Node in Libra; they made an exact conjunction in Virgo 23 hours later, just one day before the attacks on 13-11.
That conjunction was on the fourth house cusp, the home, family and “psychological foundation” of one’s life. France was shaken to its foundations by cold-blooded and calculating Mars in Virgo, acting out the darkness of this Scorpio new moon. It was reported that two gunmen in the theatre stood for a full ten minutes firing their weapons and calmly reloading four times. This fourth house emphasis also corresponds to the Cancer ascendant of the Paris attacks horoscope.

Chiron the wounded healer.
The new moon horoscope also has Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces (in the eleventh house of community), representing the wound of unconditional love and compassion. Pisces is the soul sign of France, whose goal is “the salvation of others”.
The tenth house cusp (public) has Aquarius on the cusp; its ruler Uranus is placed in another Mars-ruled sign Aries, quincunx to the Scorpio Sun and Moon – linking these disparate fire and water signs.
Hence, Uranus represents the sudden unpredictable nature of this public event, all the more deadly with its retrograde square back to Pluto, co-ruler of Scorpio – in its own eighth house of death and transformation.
Uranus was also prominent in the chart of the alleged mastermind of the attacks (Abdelhamid Abaaoud), who was reported killed in a raid in St. Denis on Nov. 18. He was a Mars-ruled Aries Sun (April 8, 1987) and radical Uranus was making its second pass over his Sun; he was also of the Pluto in Scorpio generation.
The Sabian Symbol for the degree of the Sun-Moon conjunction in Scorpio is, “A woman drawing two dark curtains aside”, suggesting that through this traumatic event, light will ultimately be shed upon all that is currently arising from the depths of Humanity’s unconscious.

The Event Horoscope for Paris attacks 13-11.
The Event Horoscope for the Paris Massacre
This horoscope has several important features:
1. The Moon (ruler of the Cancer ascendant) was in Sagittarius, a sign well known for religious extremism and fundamentalism. The Moon is placed in the fifth house with several other planets, indicating the places of recreation and entertainment where the attacks were directed.
2. The Moon was square to Jupiter in Virgo. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and a square like this usually tends to dramatic exaggeration.
3. Jupiter is placed in Virgo, the soul ruler of Paris. Jupiter is the hierarchical ruler of Virgo, yet despite its latent potency, its power is hidden.
4. Mars had just entered Libra, the god of war in the sign of the peacemaker. As described in the new moon chart above, Mars had just made a conjunction with the Moon’s north node in late Virgo (soul of Paris) the day before – well known by astrologers as a conjunction that manifests frequently with Mars-tial violence.

France’s First Republic Horoscope 13-11-15
The First Republic Horoscope had some very important transits:

Notre Dame (June 2015 – Author’s photo.)
1. Transiting Moon in Sagittarius square Mercury in Virgo. Mercury is the ruler of this chart’s Virgo Sun and occupies the degree where a partial solar eclipse occurred in September 2015.
2. The Virgo Sun in the exoteric chart is a reminder of the fact that Virgo is esoterically the soul of Paris. (Think Notre Dame) The Virgo sun was also eclipsed by the total solar eclipse of March 2015. Transiting Mars and the south node were both conjunct the Virgo Sun, triggering March’s solar eclipse pattern.
3. Transiting Mercury and the Sun were in Scorpio in the ninth house of foreign affairs – which Mercury rules. Both bodies were approaching the Scorpio midheaven where Mars is placed in Scorpio. This position represents the war and violence before and after the declaration of the First Republic. (More on this below.)
5. Transiting Saturn had just recently conjoined the Moon in Sagittarius; it was also the lunar return of this chart only 22 hours previously. The Moon in any entity’s chart represents the shadow. In France’s case it symbolises the ethics, principles and idealism upon which the Republic was founded, from all the thinkers of that time.
But the First Republic’s Sagittarius Moon also represents the fanatical Reign of Terror that started at that time, the guillotining of thousands of people:
“The committee was in favour of imposed equality by direct democracy, punishment and violence. The guillotine was the scythe of equality, the people’s axe.”4
This is the scythe of Saturn, Lord of Karma. It is interesting to note that transiting Saturn (on its 30-year cycle) recently passed over the Moon in Sagittarius early November 2015, on its third of three passes for 2015. The first hit coincided with the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January 2015. (See this newsletter.) Was some sort of past (Moon) karma (Saturn) being activated here?
6. Since the attack, transiting Sun and Mercury culminated with Mars and the midheaven in Scorpio, seeing France dramatically step up its involvement in Syria – and also routing some of the alleged terrorists in Paris.
President Hollande declared “guerre” and to deal with the problem “mercilessly”, an understandable response. We have just been considering the “exoteric” chart for France, but when considering the esoteric horoscope, the Tibetan tell us,
“The lesson France has to learn today is that the salvation of others is the goal of her Piscean soul and in this, the self-interest of Leo [France’s personality] precipitates conflict – it is responsible for its intensely nationalistic spirit …”5
Hence, to reach its soul expression, nationalistic pride must be somehow tempered. Hollande is himself a Leo Sun, sharing the same day of birth as Hasna Aitboulahcen (August 12, 1989), the woman who was blown up with a suicide vest during the raid in St. Denis.
Of course, the esoteric workers and meditators in the world can do much subjectively to offset these global tensions – individually and especially in regular group reflections. (More on this later.) Many are doing so already, holding the light of France’s soul in this time of darkness. This is the higher aspect of the Mars-Pluto rulership of Scorpio – moving from the solar plexus to the heart. (For a more thorough analysis of France, see this past newsletter.)
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Intellectual Terrorism and the Third Phase of the World War
Sagittarius is the sign of religion and spiritual principles, so a discussion about this subject is always appropriate when the Sun traverses here annually, particularly as Saturn has just entered Sagittarius for a two-year tenure. And also because of the current world crisis and the focus on Islam.
The use of fear to manipulate world politics has been discussed earlier, but in the increasingly mentally polarised Fifth Rootrace, an “intellectual terrorism” has developed, insidiously appealing to the reasoning and rational aspect of human nature, yet creating fear and paranoia; it exploits Humanity’s basic polarisation in kama-manas or desire mind, mind and emotions combined, hence obscuring the clarity of clear thought. Many students of the Wisdom are aware of one of The Tibetan’s dire warnings about religion:
“This situation is one which the Christ is seeking to alter; it has been in preparation for His instituting a new and more correct presentation of divine truth … with love and understanding … to point out the faults of the world religions, with their obsolete theologies and their lack of love …
… That the Jews should be rid of fear is of major importance … that they [religions] should all move towards loving synthesis and eliminate their mutual antagonisms and rivalries is equally urgent … That the Vatican cease its political scheming, its exploitation of the masses … that the manifold divisions of the Protestant churches be bridged is imperative.
If none of these things happen, humanity is headed towards a religious war which will make the past war [WWII] appear like child’s play; antagonisms and hatreds will embroil entire populations and the politicians of all the nations will take full advantage of the situation to precipitate a war which may well prove the end of humanity. There are no hatreds so great or so deep as those fostered by religion.”6
It appears that in this last gasp of the Piscean Era that the “Intransigentia” are trying their hardest to prevent these reforms from occurring, especially by fomenting anti-Muslim hatred through various propagandas – from the very subtle to the blatant. There are also corresponding and long running anti-Jewish propagandas founded upon perceptions of Zionism, thereby tarring all Jewish people with the same brush.
Yet reforms are moving ahead – Pope Francis’ efforts in the Vatican and Papacy is one notable example, as is the Inter-Faith movement. In the Aquarian Age of the next 2,000 years, there will emerge an Universal Spirituality or religion that will acknowledge and celebrate the thread that links all belief systems, all approaches to God. (See author’s essay, The Blending of Races and Cultures: Moving Toward a New Race and Universal Religion (2011))
However, there are still desperately crystallised areas that need much labour in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Buddhism far less so, but Buddhist violence has increased dramatically in the past decade. Out of all these religions, Judaism and Islam might present the greatest problems, making the Israel-Palestine conflict all the more complicated.
All religions without exception have their fanatical adherents in this age of the waning sixth ray of idealism and Pisces. Many of them commit atrocities in the name of religion but essentially through ignorance and decades of cultural conditioning. Years later, the Tibetan refers to the previous passage about “antagonisms and hatreds” with a different slant:
“Years ago I said that the war which may follow this one would be waged in the field of the world religions. Such a war will not work out, however, in a similar period of extreme carnage and blood; it will be fought largely with mental weapons and in the world of thought; it will involve also the emotional realm, from the standpoint of idealistic fanaticism.”7
Well, it might be mildly reassuring to know that “such a war will not work out in a similar period of extreme carnage and blood” – but we cannot take this for granted. These “mental weapons” now manifest through monstrous media propaganda (see last month’s newsletter on this subject), online forums, websites, TV, radio and books. The world finds itself embroiled in a full scale, never-ending war of ideas, half-truths and lies that create division and hatred.
Propaganda has been steadily refined for the past seventy years and hence these propaganda wars can be seen as the third and (hopefully) final phase of World Wars I & II; of reaching a relative point of stability in the ongoing balancing of mental plane polarities.
World leaders MUST know that a nuclear war will be the end of Humanity (is there such a thing as a “limited nuclear war”?), hence during this third phase they must dig deep to resolve these warring ideologies – opposites upon the mental plane. The mental plane is where “mental weapons in the world of thought” can be activated through group meditation, to offset the onslaught of propaganda. We have been told that WWII could have been avoided as it was not “karmically necessary”8 and that,
“… war could have been averted from expression on the physical plane had the disciples and aspirants of the world measured up to their opportunity and responsibilities. The Great Invocation was rendered relatively powerless, from the angle of dynamic usefulness, because the majority of those who used it, turned it into a peace prayer. It was instead a great spiritually militant invocative demand.”9
In other words, if the Great Invocation had been used in a more detached and less selfish or fearful way, in co-ordinated group, it may not have taken more than thirty or more people to influence the world psyche. Now days with excellent internet communications and group forums, group efforts have far more possible chance of success.
Right now, all the world super-powers are gathering in Syria (USA, Russia, France, China, Iran etc.) – to co-operate with one another and defeat all the terrorist groups such as Daesh. Or, depending on hidden agendas, engage in a final showdown with one another (Russia vs. USA) upon the physical plane, or try to remove Assad from power.
Close to this theatre of war is Lebanon, also the scene of tragic suicide attacks the day after the Paris attack. Israel is arguably at the centre of it all, surrounded by Arab states on all sides; it has huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons, as do the superpowers. Continuing from the same passage above,
“This inherent fanaticism (found ever in reactionary groups) will fight against the appearance of the coming world religion and the spread of esotericism. For this struggle certain of the well-organised churches, through their conservative and most powerful elements are already girding themselves. Those sensitive to the new spiritual impacts [most of those who read this!] are still far from powerful; that which is new always faces the supreme difficulty of superseding and overcoming that which is old and established.
Fanaticism, entrenched theological positions, and materialistic selfishness are to be found actively organised in the churches in all continents and of all denominations. They can be expected to fight for their established ecclesiastical order, their material profit and their temporal rule, and already are making the needed preparations. (Written 1945)10
The key phrase here is, “… inherent fanaticism found in reactionary groups, will fight against the appearance of the coming world religion … [universal spirituality]”. Fanaticism exists in several religions – Islam, Judaism and Christianity are the top offenders. They have their flames fanned by subversive forces that seek to destabilise other nations or set one group against another. Yet, although this is doing enormous short-term damage, does Humanity as a whole really buy it? On the other hand, much doubt still lingers with the unknown outcomes of massive immigration and refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa.
There also remains a sticking point in the Middle East that reflects some of the deepest religious and racial cleavages – Israel and Palestine. The far right-wing philosophy of the political Zionism that dominates Israel and USA’s government (and hence their attempted domination of the Middle East), is connected to a monotheistic religion that has outlived its use-by-date by over 2,000 years. The Tibetan discusses further what must be done in the future:
“The gradual dissolution of the orthodox Jewish faith, with its obsolete teaching, its separative emphasis, its hatred of the Gentiles and its failure to recognise the Christ [or in Jewish terms “The Messiah”]. In saying this I do not fail to recognise those Jews throughout the world who acknowledge the evils and who are not orthodox in their thinking; they belong to the aristocracy of spiritual belief to which the Hierarchy itself belongs.
The re-organisation of the world religions – so that their out-of-date theologies, their narrow-minded emphasis and their ridiculous belief that they know what is in the Mind of God may be offset, in order that the churches may eventually be the recipients of spiritual inspiration.”11
Fanatical Judaism was behind the creation of Israel by Zionist fundamentalists, illegally taking over a land that they had no right to and which has immersed it in constant conflict ever since 1948.
There are several varieties of Zionism, but the underlying theme is the support of the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel. One could say that responsibility for the intractability of the Israel-Palestinian problem lies with the outdated Jewish faith, particularly in such distorted and hate-filled texts as the Talmud.
Judaism is the parent of the three “Abrahamic religions” that include Christianity and Islam. The Israeli-Palestinian problem is also exacerbated by the development of radical Islam, due to hatred and resentment built up by decades or repression and mistreatment – not only in Palestine, but other Arab nations and Afghanistan. Hatred has bred ever more hatred, keeping the situation in a perpetual cul-de-sac of mistrust and lack of compassion.
It can be argued therefore, that these conditions have led the world to its current impasse in the Middle East, fighting “terrorists” who many observers state are a creation by the intelligence agencies of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the USA – for the motive of creating complete dominance in the region.
The soul of the Jewish people is the first ray of will or power12 and political Zionism (which cares nothing for Jewish people), is the shadow of that ray; its lower expression seeks ruthless control and expresses through (first ray ruler) Pluto’s lower aspect of subversive domination and destruction.
Lest the reader be mislead, this commentary is not taking a blaming “anti-Jewish” position, it is simply an esoteric appraisal of the facts of what Zionism is and how it has helped create a culture devoid of spirituality in both Jew and Gentile; it is motivated by an ancient Jehovistic, fearful, vengeful, tribal consciousness and is possessed by dark forces as much as the extremist elements in Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. Together they all constitute part of the Dweller of Humanity that must be overcome through tolerance and the cultivation of compassion.

Statue of Lord Saturn
Saturn in Sagittarius: Cycles of Economic Depression
The 29.4 year cycle of Saturn (or its multiples) has been demonstrated to coincide with major economic crises over the past few centuries. The October 1929 and October 1987 stock exchange crashes are two famous examples, but lesser known ones were as follows:
1. 1782. A decline began resulting in economic depression in U.S.A. 1783-1787.
2. 1838-1841. Severe economic depression lasted seven years – began with panic of 1837, caused by a series of bank failures.
3. 24-9-1869. Gold Market panic – “Black Friday”, began an economic decline that resulted in a severe recession for the U.S. 1873-1879.
4. 1893. The “Panic of 1893” resulted in a severe recession until 1897, when Saturn entered Sagittarius, in this case at the end of the recession.
Generally, the U.S. economic pattern of recessions every 30 or 60 years is connected to the 29.4 period of revolution of Saturn around the Sun. Of course there were 30 year cycles where no major economic downturns occurred and that may have been due to the modifying influences of other planets at those times.
Now that Saturn has just entered Sagittarius again, the prospect of a major world depression, as bad as or worse than 1929, may be overdue – as many economic analysts are pointing out. Sagittarius is not a sign normally associated with money, so why has this pattern repeated itself so consistently?
The answer may lie in the fact that Sagittarius is at times a sign of great speculation, inflated thinking and misplaced idealism. Sagittarius might well be called Exaggatarius! Here we witness Jupiter’s influence, along with the emotionally oriented sixth ray – a deadly cocktail for creating a drunken stock market frenzy. There is an old saying on Wall Street that the market is driven by just two emotions: fear and greed. Therefore, Saturn brings its pragmatism to Sagittarius’ idealism.
The 1929 crash occurred in Libra, one of the main signs esoterically associated with money. (See past newsletter.) Sagittarius ruler Jupiter was in flighty Gemini in 1929, adding to speculation in the market. Hence, Saturn as the Lord of Karma, makes adjustments and brings some tough lessons – keeping Humanity on track. The 1929 crash occurred because of,
“… a speculative boom that led hundreds of thousands of Americans to invest heavily in the stock market. A significant number of them were borrowing money to buy more stocks. By August 1929, brokers were routinely lending small investors more than two-thirds of the face value of the stocks they were buying.”13
In other words, greed – and the corruption which is Wall Street. Fast forward to the 2008 financial crash and the same fundamental reason of greed, one of the “seven deadly sins”. It was this time due to the highly esoteric financial wizardry that involved, “packaged subprime loans and credit default swaps issued to insure these loans and their issuers, rapidly evolved into a global crisis resulting in a number of bank failures in Europe and sharp reductions in the value of equities (stock) and commodities worldwide.”14
It is noteworthy that the October 1929 crash occurred four months prior to the discovery of Pluto in 1930. In the September 2008 crash (which also encompassed Libra), transiting Pluto was in late Sagittarius, delivering a similar message that abusing spiritual law will have consequences. This time Saturn may well deliver some pain and Bob Dylans’s lyric comes to mind from his extremely apocalyptic song – “It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall”.
The taxpayers bailed out the banks and Wall Street went back to business as usual – without much ethical adjustment. Hence, it will be very unusual if Saturn does not exert its influence in his most austere way during this period between now and December 2017 when Saturn enters Capricorn – one of the signs of financial competence and prudent management.
If politicians are talking about “austerity cuts”, then Saturn will say “You want to see austerity, I will show you austerity!” If a crash does come soon, then the Saturn in Capricorn period from early 2018 may see a complete restructuring of the global financial system. Any kind of transformation is not without pain and readjustment. It seems that if this needed financial crisis occurs, it could last as long as ten years, as it did in 1929. For ordinary humanity, Sagittarius rules “ambitious desire. direction and orientation”. Saturn transiting through Sagittarius must bring a new orientation.
Phillip Lindsay © 2015.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.186. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.181. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.606. [↩]
- [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. P.72. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. Alice A. Bailey. p.545. [↩]
- Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.453. [↩]
- The Unfinished Autobiography, Alice A. Bailey. p.302. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.250. [↩]
- Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.453. [↩]
- Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.453 [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.394. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- [↩]
As usual, spot-on, fair, illuminating. I just keep thinking as i read, “If only all of humanity could follow and understand P.L.’s words and Gift.” Grateful for your sincerity, and the depth of your heart in this compassionate Work you offer to the world.
Bravo! Great analysis of the situation.Thank you once more.
Saturn: “This is the planet which conditions primarily the point in evolution where choice definitely becomes possible, where rejection of opportunity or its acceptance can consciously be undertaken, and the shouldering of personal responsibility becomes a recognized fact in a planned and ordered life” (A Treatise on White Magic)
Sagittarius and Capricorn are related to the 3rd ray. Paris is a 3rd ray city, one point in a triangle of European force (London, Paris, Berlin) and has a prominent influence on the collective mind of the Occident.
It is interesting that the Paris terror attack on the 13th may carry within it the seed of its own destruction. Because the attack was placed on a major 3rd ray city combined with strong Saturnalian influences, one can state that this attack, though horrific, has at least brought us (the collective disciple) to the point where “rejection of opportunity or its acceptance can consciously be undertaken”.
Mr. Lindsay cuts to the heart of the issue when he states, “The mental plane is where ‘mental weapons in the world of thought’ can be activated through group meditation, to offset the onslaught of propaganda. We have been told that WWII could have been avoided as it was not ‘karmically necessary’ and that, ‘… war could have been averted from expression on the physical plane had the disciples and aspirants of the world measured up to their opportunity and responsibilities. The Great Invocation was rendered relatively powerless, from the angle of dynamic usefulness, because the majority of those who used it, turned it into a peace prayer. It was instead a great spiritually militant invocative demand.’”
It is interesting to note that the nations now involved in Syria are using air power/missiles as the predominant means of combating ISIL. Air power being at least a physical reflection of a mental-plane polarized conflict and the missile a symbol of Sagittarius. Nonetheless, based upon my own subjective sense of this conflict, Sagittarius is the veiled initiate as the initiate is an initiate through their own efforts and attains that level of awareness prior to actually being initiated. Herein lies the moment for the collective disciple, a veiled initiate, to act.
We are at collectively being given a great opportunity, the key to transcending this whole religious mess through united invocative action upon the mental plane – the utilization of the Great Invocation after having subjectively linked up via the use of the creative imagination. This is the imperative of all disciples, through the use of “standing in spiritual being” to bring forth the stabilization of the collective mind and the conscious interplay of Saturn and Mercury within one’s own being so that one can then, in full consciousness invoke the energies of Venus (head and heart linked) to complete a triangle which as DK states, “…will usher in the long hoped for era of love-wisdom, of brotherhood and of expressed brotherly relationships. Opportunity— Illumination—Brotherhood: these are the gifts that Shamballa is planning to confer upon mankind during the Aquarian Age, if man will but prepare for them, accept them, and use them” (Esoteric Astrology).
It would have been interesting to also look at the destruction of the Russian passenger plane over the Sinai, killing 224 people, on October 31. The Paris massacres were given more coverage, of course (the media bias discussed in the Scorpio article), but the place crash has had an equally significant impact on ongoing events, given Russia’s central role in the ongoing war.
The next days and weeks are going to see more long-range (Sagittarian) missiles used: Russian, and now French (since yesterday), and with the new Security Council resolution, from other countries as well.
A very dangerous situation, since it seems that no one in particular is coordinating these attacks, and various countries seem to have differing and contradictory agendas. Especially since the resolution ( simply “calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures…” and the targets includes the phrase “and other terrorist groups”, which Israel may interpret as including also Hezbullah, now fighting Daesh and al Nusra, etc., alongside the Syrian government forces…
Those working to maintain some order in what threatens to be a free-for-all will need the support of our meditation and prayer. There is some limited Russia-US coordination, some cooperation between Russia and France since last week (Putin says they’re to “work together as allies” – And of course full Russia-Iran-Iraq-Syria coordination (same with China if/when she joins), but the UK is also coming but its intentions are yet to be clarified: Cameron’s response to Putin’s urging was still quite vague at their meeting on 16th (
Nevertheless, there is a possibility three of the countries on which the fate of the world depends – Russia, UK and France – may “see the light”, pending a similar jolt on the US side.
I read these monthly excellent analyses with growing interest, attention, admiration and enthusiasm. Many thanks for your great work! I will try to spread some parts to possibly interested people in the Netherlands.