14 Responses to Cancer Blue Moon 2024: Sirius. Assange. Teresa of Avila. John of the Cross. Geo-Engineering. Trump Shooting.

  1. We cannot assume he was “a Republican voter” when he donated to a Dem group. It is highly possible he was a registered Republican to gain access to the site?

    1. No presumption, I try to base all my commentaries on facts. If you read his Wiki profile: “His voter registration was active since September 2021, the month he turned 18,[1] and his party registration was Republican.” And this ….

      “a review of public records suggests he may have had divergent political leanings, with Crooks registering to vote as a Republican but making a small donation to a Democratic-leaning group.”

      He did not really know what he wanted …

    2. Vicktorya Stone says:

      “a registered Republican to gain access to the site?”
      No political affiliation required to attend the rally (which one must register for ahead of time) –
      I’m more concerned about his parents and the connections to the FBI.

      Dir. Wray’s comments to congress were laughable, as usual.

  2. Heidi Kunkler says:

    Thunderstorms: about two weeks ago, there has been an unusual thunderstorm in Olbia and elsewhere: Meteo did not force any thunderstorm, but in the evening there was a heavy one and the lightening was not vertical, but horizontal in front of my window.
    In the north of Italy and in Switzerland rivers came out of their bed and distrofie everything, even entire villages. All consequence of the Geo-Engineering. During the day the sky was “designed” accordingly! How can we defend ourselves, all kingdoms and Earth from these attacks???

  3. Suzanne B. Miller says:

    As always. We should be aware and grateful for your observations! I’m wondering why 2 of your whistle blower web references show they have been” unexpectedly shut down by u tube”!! Interesting, and disturbing…

  4. Nic says:

    I appreciate your letter as I learn much from them. Sometimes there might be different opinions on some subjects which help to broaden and reconsider concepts held.
    Yet on your last Cancer Moon letter you wrote:
    “Scorpio is a sign of inquisition for which the Spanish were well known perpetrators for some centuries. Here is the zealous shadow of Spain’s sixth ray soul – fanatical and cruel.”

    I would like to know the reasons behind such an affirmation. The inquisitions was of French origin, not Spanish. While the inquisition presented its faults and issues, it is not necessarily and institution that reflected the character of Spanish people (for centuries). At roughly the same time as San John and Santa Teresa were living, there were also great improvement happening regarding common and international law. Look at Luis de Vitoria and what what called “Derecho de Gentes” as the origin on modern international law and human rights. There is much to say regarding this period and Spanish institutions that may also reflect the Spanish character not labelling them all as “fanatical and cruel”. So, once again I would appreciate the reasons that support the affirmation made ” the Spanish were well known perpetrators for some centuries. Here is the zealous shadow of Spain’s sixth ray soul – fanatical and cruel.”

    1. Thanks for your informative post Nic. The reason is simply a matter of history: Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834) “It became the most substantive of the three different manifestations of the wider Catholic Inquisition, along with the Roman Inquisition and the Portuguese Inquisition” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Inquisition)

      “France was one of the first countries where the papal inquisition was established in the 13th century. This ecclesiastical judicial institution was created to combat heresies. The southern region of France, Languedoc, was the primary center of inquisition activity in Europe until the mid-14th century. Most of the preserved sources concerning the inquisition (including trial materials) originate from this region. However, the history of the French Inquisition spans until the end of the 17th century and also encompasses other areas of the country.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Inquisition)

      I was not saying “that reflected the character of Spanish people” simply an observation of the shadow expression of the 6th ray and “Churchianity”, for which the Spanish mystics were the light expression. Hence, there is no argument with the good things achieved and there was no intention to label as fanatical and cruel. Though the latter history tells us was true, not only in Europe but in South America. The consquistadors – Cortes and Pizarro amongst others, the murders of thousands of indigenous people – ruthless and cruel, driven by greed for gold.

  5. Nic says:

    King Charles the I of Spain, V of Germany, when seeing the extension of the newly discovered land, decided to make consultations and debates on how to run the affairs of the “new lands”. Among those consulted Francisco de Vitoria was a major figure.
    In three lectures (relectiones) held between 1537 and 1539 Vitoria concluded that the Indians were rightful owners of their property and that their chiefs validly exercised jurisdiction over their tribes. This had already been the position of Palacios Rubios. Neither the pope nor Charles V had a rightful claim over Indian lives or property….Vitoria defended the Indians against other forms of harm which were being proposed, such as indirectly coercing the Indians into Christianity, “by taxes and levies by which they may be encouraged to become converts to the faith.” He argued, “but as for tributes which cannot also be demanded of the faithful, I assert that they cannot be demanded of unbelievers with the intention of making them convert. Unbelievers cannot be deprived of their goods on the grounds of their unbelief, any more than other Christians, because they possess true right of ownership over their own property.”[15]
    II) Even today in many countries in America indigenous languages have the status of co-oficial languages. A heritage from the Spanish rule where Indian languages were official and never banded. Whats more, they were taught at universities, and priest could not preached if they did not know the native language. For example, until late XIX Century or early XX Century Nahuatl was the most spoken language in Mexico, not Spanish.
    Regarding the Inquisition, the same law and considerations were applied in Spain, (it was Castile not Spain who discovered and ruled the “New World” and set the law. Spain as such took over the chore with Philipe the Second).
    Yet, by recommendation of Fray Juan de Zumárraga: In the treatment of the indigenous people, who from then on were treated with greater leniency, until later they were excluded from all inquisitorial proceedings “because they were new to the faith, weak and of little substance.”
    The most spectacular of the American autos-da-fé, the culmination of the most active period of the Inquisition in New Spain, took place on April 11, 1649, with 109 penitent and 13 relaxed in person, of whom only one died at the stake: Tomás Treviño de Sobremonte

    Torture was employed in all civil and religious trials in Europe. The Spanish Inquisition allegedly used it more restrictively than was common at the time. Unlike both civil trials and other inquisitions, it had strict regulations in relation to when, what, whom, frequency, duration, and supervision.[146] [page needed][147] According to some scholars, the Spanish Inquisition engaged in torture less often and with greater care than secular courts.
    Death tolls and sentenced:
    García Cárcel estimates that the total number prosecuted by the Inquisition throughout its history was approximately 150,000; applying the percentages of executions that appeared in the trials of 1560–1700—about 2%—the approximate total would be about 3,000 put to death. Nevertheless, some authors consider that the toll may have been higher, keeping in mind the data provided by Dedieu and García Cárcel for the tribunals of Toledo and Valencia, respectively, and estimate between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed.[1] Other authors disagree and estimate a max death toll between 1% and 5%, (depending on the time span used) combining all the processes the inquisition carried, both religious and non-religious ones.[146][195] In either case, this is significantly lower than the number of people executed exclusively for witchcraft in other parts of Europe during about the same time span as the Spanish Inquisition (estimated at c. 40,000–60,000).
    III) “Gold and greed”:
    Not much gold was found in the Spanish Vice kingdoms (not Colonies) in America. The amount of gold taken by Spain the crown was the tax of 5% of the findings. The quinto real. All other minerals and the profit made was kept in the Vice kingdom where it was found.
    Cities that exist today were founded then and they were of great size and wealth, sometimes they surpassed in wealth and life quality those found in Europe. Many cities were build miles from the coast line, in sharp contrast with what centuries later the English crown did with its Colonies, mostly coastal towns.
    Those born in the ultramar lands were citizens with equal rights everywhere were the Spanish crown ruled. In contrast with other European ways of land and law administrations.
    Compare the ways of the Belgian King Leopold whom he personally (not the crown) owned the Belgian Congo, that included the people. Personal possessions of Leopold himself. The Dutch in South Africa or Indonesia with the apartheid system, the American expansion to the West (the only good Indian is the dead Indian). I would recommend the book Empire of the Summer Moon (by SC Gwynne).

    In conclusion: while all conquest is difficult to say the least. Probably no land has seen more people come and gone than the Iberian peninsula. Their conquest of their own land and of land overseas was not worst than other “expansion” efforts. Therefore we may say that the cruelty of the Spanish people is no greater than that of other people.

    1. It sounds like you might be Spanish Nic, and defending your country, an apologist as such. Which I understand, especially with a knowledge of the finer points of history. But the fact of inquisition and its cruelty cannot be escaped or parsed over. Catholicism – that was dominant throughout France, Spain and Italy, is ruled by the first ray of will or power at the soul level – and the third ray of active intelligence at the personality level, hence the impulse for power and control, plus the active scheming of the Vatican and its amassing of wealth that it still sits on.

      Most of the European and American colonialists – the British, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, French et. – abused their powers in exploiting resources in foreign countries, as well as indulging in the slave trade. Many of those nations are still dining out on the incredible wealth that was accrued over those centuries. Though that is starting to change now as various African nations are for instance cutting old French colonial ties. (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/31/au-revoir-sahel-did-2023-crush-frances-influence-in-africa)

    2. Carlos Urtasun says:

      Many thanks for the info Nic. Have come across “la leyenda negra” recently, specifically regarding the history of Mexico. Lots of things to re educate myself on

  6. Nyima Nyönpa says:

    Brother Phillip thank you for your service of in depth, insightful synthesis of esoteric astrology, the ageless wisdom, and astute observation and analysis of history and current world events in these ‘interesting times’ we’re traversing.

    It is on every single aspirant, disciple, man & woman of goodwill, intelligent critical thinker, and conscious creative free spirit at this time to recognize truth, reality, and events clearly as they are and speak out and do whatever we can to aid the great transition of the ages from this declining dystopian disaster of a musty, dusty, crusty old order guard plutocratic puppet show Kabuki theater of the absurd animated and galvanized by the lodge and forces of materialistic thrall.

    From the New Group Of World Servers to the most humble peace pilgrim and Sun of Buddha and Child of God it is all hands on deck at the dawn of a great new advanced enlightened Aquarian consciousness renaissance era and civilization to be ushered in by Mahum Ta-Ta Maitreya Buddha Christ Imam Mahdi Messiah and the Masters Of Wisdom walking hand in hand with the human and Earth Spirit onward upward to full harmony, beauty, evolution of perfection of Logoic Divine Life More Abundant for all!!!

    ‘What has been uttered in secret is now being shouted from the rooftops’. Let us ever bear in mind that history and events are a causal effective vicious symbiotic circle wherein it is not simply that the ‘Bond villains’ are laying waste to the beams as all the little Neros fiddle their final black swan song of a dying colonialistic unipolar empire of wrongly directed engineering and exploitation of chaos but that the masses of mankind conscious and un must also allow them to get away with it, settle for it, and demand no better or it would of course forever be otherwise if such Divine Will and Purpose RULED the day so that people wouldn’t have to RUE the day!

    Peace Love Light Divine Life More Abundant Tashi Delek Namaste I Say Blessed Be -Nyima Nyönpa (formerly also known as Shantiasta Avadhuta, Shamballaram, Etc..)

  7. Craig B. says:

    I have to say, Nyima Nyönpa, that your commentary above I thought had such ironic wit, and was hilariously sardonic! Made my day 😀 I fully agree with your sentiments!

  8. Craig B. says:

    What many commentators that recognize the exploitation of ‘climate change’ concerns miss is the reality of pumping 10’s of billions of tons of geologically exhumed carbon into the atmosphere annually that cannot possibly be sequestered by the natural global processes to maintain atmospheric balance (coastline marshes, seaweed, sea bed deposition). Therefore there is increasing acidification of seawater, which makes it difficult for shell bearing sea life to live, and other complications. It is obvious that this will have effects, even though the data debated over can be represented or slanted in different ways (just like COVID vaccine statistics). Lack of robust 100% solid comprehensive data does not mean there are no climate change issues. Historically, also, it depends on what window of geologic history one uses to determine if we have a problem. For example during the carboniferous era there were not 8 billion people busy deforesting verdant forests that were sequestering carbon, AND the carbon/oxygen ratios have varied quite a bit (also a concern). So, I would say, given what I have reviewed that we indeed have an increasingly unstable climate condition, not just from HAARP etc., but indeed from destructive entropic combustion of hydrocarbons for fuel. The only way out is to assist the emergence of advanced free energy (zero point) to get off the hydrocarbon/global energy control/ polluting sources of energy. See the work of Dr. Steven Greer (Disclosure Project) and Nassim Haramein (Intergalactic Space Federation, formerly Resonance Foundation). We HAVE to move from entropic destruction to synergistic SYNTROPIC living, or die. These are the Yang/Yin polarities of Natural Law physics.

  9. Vicktorya Stone says:

    President Trump speaks of love a lot. He tells others and crowds that he loves them, loves the country, the flag… People say “I love you” to him. Crowds chant “we love Trump.” They act with love and interact as a family with love and care about the country, as a Festival of Christ?
    Interesting that so many have denied

    Thank you for emphasizing this point about Trump’s birthday, Phillip.
    So much more to know about him, and of his uncle John and his work with Nikolai Tesla’s research.

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