(Continued from, Alice A. Bailey: Case for Leo Rising (Part 1)
Part 1
Arguments for Pisces and Leo Rising
AAB’s Personal Relations
Neptune Esoteric Ruler
Gemini the Intermediary
The Important Role of Cancer in AAB’s Horoscope
AAB’s Astral Body: The Sixth Ray or Transits?
Life Events Transits Confirm House Positions
Transits for DK’s Contact with AAB
List of AAB life events with significant angle activations
Part 2
Contentious Transmission Dates of AAB Books
Discrepancy of dates in Letters on Occult Meditation
Alice Bailey and the Lucis Trust Horoscope
Alice A. Bailey Will Return as a Sagittarian
Contentious Transmission Dates of Some Books
Some quotes below are from AAB’s “Unfinished Autobiography”. (UA) AAB stated,
“After ***writing for the Tibetan for nearly a month*** I got completely scared and absolutely refused to do any more work. … I therefore complied with the wish of K. H. and told the Tibetan that I would work with Him. I have been strictly his amanuensis and secretary and am not a member of His group. He has never interfered with my personal work or training. In the ***spring of 1920*** I entered into a very happy time of collaboration with Him, while working as a senior disciple in the ashram of my own Master.” (The Unfinished Autobiography, Alice A. Bailey. p.166-7.)
In the compilation book, Prophecies on Trial by James Stephenson, all the transmission dates for the blue books are given. The author cannot personally verify their accuracy, but as per the picture of all the dates, IHS was transmitted 1919-1920. Hence, the transmissions for IHS must have began intermittently after 19-11-19.
Let’s say that, “spring of 1920” – would be around March-April 1920. If DK contacted AAB in November 1919, it appears that AAB started “writing for The Tibetan” – on a more regular basis about one month before, possibly March or as early as February 1920.
Perhaps they collaborated a little since the November 19, 1919 contact, due to the busyness of Christmas and her other responsibilities. AAB-DK may have had more regular contact in February or March, for one month before she refused to do any more work. As demonstrated later, it appears IHS was written between November 1919 and April 1920. AAB later made contact with theosophist B.P. Wadia, through her Krotona associations, sharing her initial manuscript with him:
“I’ve written many books since then for the Tibetan. Shortly after finishing the first few chapters of “Initiation, Human and Solar” I showed the manuscript to B. P. Wadia. He got very excited and told me that he would publish anything that “came from that source” and printed the first few chapters in “The Theosophist,” published in Adyar, India. Then the usual theosophical jealousy and reactionary attitude appeared and no more was printed.” (The Unfinished Autobiography, Alice A. Bailey. p.167.)
That date for printing in The Theosophist was the March and June issues in 1921. This quote is from an excellent source of a researcher in Australia, at the Sydney Theosophy HQ:
“Her articles on Initiation and the Solar System, which would later become part of her book Initiation, Human and Solar, were published by Annie Besant, then President of the TS, in the February, March and June 1921 issues of The Theosophist.”
B.P. Wadia must have put the material in Annie Besant’s hands. Hence one claim that Wadia received the manuscript in Christmas 1919 must be incorrect, more like Christmas 1920, then published in early 1921.
When looking at the Prophecies on Trial dates and the transmission dates for LOM, they are very specific: May –October 1920. We may deduce from these date that IHS was written between November 1919 – April 1920. LOM was commenced shortly thereafter in May 1920.
Discrepancy of Dates in Letters on Occult Meditation (LOM)
Letters on Occult Meditation was written, as it states in the foreword – from May to October 1920: “The following letters were received during the period included within the dates, May 16th, 1920, and October 20th, 1920, with the exception of the two letters which were received in 1919. They are published in full as received, with the exception of certain parts which have a purely personal application, those having reference to a certain occult school, and those of a prophetic or esoteric nature, which may not now be communicated.”
Within the latter underlined section may well lie some answers to the puzzle! In the author’s 16th edition published in 2002 (the same as all previous editions back to 1922), the letters follow an sequential order that is broken after August 1920 – it is followed by 9th October 1919, then 25th September 1919 – the previous year, and before The Tibetan’s first stated contact with AAB on 19-11-19. These are the letters to which AAB refers in the foreword, “two letters which were received in 1919”. Its interesting to note that the 9th October date translates to 9-10-1919, the 9-10 part, an anagram for 19!
Indeed, if it is written in the American fashion it is, 10-9-1919 or 19, 1919. A co-worker has pointed out to me that 19 in the Kabbalistic system is Kuf, or the 19th letter of the alphabet, with gematria of 100 (1919-2019=100), and Kuf signifies “holiness” – “going down to fulfil purpose, extracting sparks of holiness from the outer shell”
Then the more or less chronological sequence continues after that, right through to 7th November 1920 (not mentioned in the foreword), with the last letter in the book dated 16th September 1920. Presumably The Tibetan wished for those letters to appear in that sequence, probably regarding the keeping together of certain specific subject matter.
The conundrum of the two letters of September and October 1919, before The Tibetan’s first stated contact with AAB, may never be solved. Reasons for this may be:
1. The letters were received after 19-11-19 and incorrectly dated by the editors.
2. Perhaps DK wished 19-11-19 to be the “official” date for His work – “I made my first contact with AAB 19-11-19”. This date certainly has deep numerological symbolism and was an especially auspicious day astrologically for AAB.
3. A deliberate ploy by The Tibetan to confound the concrete mind of his students and evoke their intuition! Aspirants to The Mysteries often get caught up in the barrier of concrete mind mundanities and literalism – the “monkey mind”; focusing upon the peripheral intrigues and unhealthy speculation around an individual, their private lives or associated organisations – whilst missing entirely the actual Teachings that the Messenger has transmitted. It is interesting to note that the October-September letters dated 1919, compose one chapter of LOM called, “Dangers of Meditation”. In that chapter DK says:
“Some instructions are always given orally, as they appeal to the intuition and are not for the pondering and logical reasoning of lower mind; they also contain elements of danger if submitted to the unready … The dangers attached thereto are too great to permit of their being communicated in an exoteric publication. The occult effects of the spoken word and of the written word are diverse and interesting. ” (p.88-9.)
What student of the beloved Blue Books can say that they have thoroughly studied, applied and continue to practice – the material that resides within the covers of Letters on Occult Meditation?
Alice Bailey and the Lucis Trust Horoscope
The Lucis Trust was created on April 5, 1922 by Alice and Foster Bailey. The LT horoscope has quite a bit of synastry with AAB’s horoscope, and is another good proof of the veracity of her birth time, giving Leo rising and an Aries midheaven.
The time for signing of legal documents in New Jersey is unknown, so a speculative time of 9.15 am has been given, which falls on AAB’s sun in Gemini. (Perhaps any researcher who has access to old documents or letters and comes across a time, please let the author know.) Gemini is a great sign for an institution disseminating the Ageless Wisdom.
The Sun is in Aries, appropriate for a pioneering organisation – opposite Jupiter the second ray ruler of the Ageless Wisdom. (See next bi-wheel.) The Moon is in Cancer the sign of the mother, corresponding to NYC’s Cancerian influence. There are several close synastries between these charts that can be seen in the bi-wheel below:
– AAB’s Jupiter and midheaven in Aries conjunct LT Sun/Chiron in Aries
– AAB’s Moon in Libra conjunct LT Saturn in Libra.
– AAB’s Saturn in Aries conjunct LT Venus in Aries.
– AAB’s ascendant in Leo conjunct LT Neptune in Leo.
Other rising signs are possible of course, but it is interesting to see for the first time the main governing astrological energies behind the Lucis Trust entity, born in 1922 and nearly 100 years old. Of course LT, has transits and progressions which can be seen in the following chart:
Alice A. Bailey Will Return as a Sagittarian
The recent date of Dec.15, marks the passing of Alice A. Bailey (AAB) in 1949:
“The birth month indicates the day of opportunity. The door stands open. The particular month in which a soul comes into incarnation is indicated to that soul by the month in which it passed out of incarnation in a previous life cycle.
If it, for instance, died in the month governed by the sign Leo, it will return into incarnation in the same sign, picking up the thread of experience where it left it, and starting with the same type of energy and the peculiar equipment with which it passed away from earth life, plus the gain of thought and conscious onlooking. The quality of the energy and the nature of the forces to be manipulated during life are indicated to the soul in this way.”1
Given that AAB passed in 1949 whilst the sun was in Sagittarius, one might speculate that she would be back in incarnation by now – in a male or female body, with the Sun in Sagittarius. The following points arise:
1. When did the soul who was AAB, reincarnate? There is a passage from Foster Bailey in his introduction to Mary Bailey’s book “A Learning Experience”, written in 1971. It states that AAB was still working on the inner planes in the ashram of KH, “actively preparing for her next incarnation which will be soon.” (See photo of passage below.)
If re-embodiment took place in the 80’s, 90’s or 00’s “AAB” might be between 5 to 40 years of age. Yet, for all we know, AAB may be still disincarnate, waiting for some time after 2025 and the planning for Externalisation – taking the exalted 4th degree in that next incarnation?
2. Some students concur that AAB took the 3rd degree in that life:
“AAB was certainly a disciple of high degree and from all available evidence, at least an initiate of the third degree, well into the process of renunciation—the fourth degree.” – Michael D. Robbins.”

“She is actively preparing for her next incarnation which will be soon and which is carefully planned.”
This author speculates that AAB “came in” as a second degree initiate and took the third degree in that life. Will this soul be the disciple who will return “early in the century” to continue the collaboration with Djwhal Khul – and the third prophesied phase of the Teachings?
“In the next century and early in the century, an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching. It will be under the same “impression,” for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run.”2
Presumably, “early in the century” means sometime before 2025. Perhaps that process has already begun or about to begin through a chosen amanuensis, just one century after AAB’s first contact with DK in 1919. Maybe there will be another soul who will serve as Master DK’s next amanuensis …
This concludes the study thus far – and will no doubt be adjusted and updated in the future. Its always amazing to note that horoscopes still “work” long after the occupant’s departure. This investigation began in the third week of November 2019, whilst transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius opposed AAB’s sun in Gemini – which is at the same degree as the author’s Jupiter! And transiting Venus in Sagittarius was opposing her Venus in Gemini. Also most significant, was transiting Saturn in Capricorn making a square to AAB’s Jupiter and midheaven in Aries – and all that represents, as described above.
Please feel free to add any thoughtful comments to the conversation – in the section below. The author is not aware of many other astrological analyses of AAB’s horoscope, which is curious in itself – except for the few authors listed in this footnote.3 If there are any others missed, please notify and they will be added accordingly.
Phillip Lindsay © 2019.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.436. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.255. [↩]
- Michael D. Robbins; Adele Barger Wilson; Phillip Lindsay; [↩]