Aquarius Keynote
“Water of life am I, poured forth for those who thirst.”
(New Moon Feb.11, 2021. 19.05 UT.)
New Moon Phases “The world glamour … sweeps an isolated unit, otherwise free from individual conditions producing depression, into the depths of a world reaction. This world glamour with its devitalising and depressing results has its roots in various factors … a. Astrological factors, either affecting the planetary chart and hence individuals, or primarily racial … b. The path of the sun in the heavens. The southern path tends to a lowered vibratory influence and aspirants should bear this in mind in autumn and the early winter months … c. The dark half of the moon, the period towards the end of the waning moon, and the early new moon. This, as you well know, affects the meditation work … d. Psychological factors and mass inhibitions due undoubtedly to forces external to the planet and to plans, obscure in their intent to ordinary humanity.”1
Aquarian Signposts of the Last 500 years
New moon solar eclipse Feb.5, 1962
Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius Dec.21, 2020
Aquarius New Moon Feb.11, 2021
Saturn square Uranus 2021-22
Pallas-Athena in Aquarius

The 5-pointed star of Venus created through its cycles over a period of time. Venus is ruler of the 5th ray, the only ray to pass through Aquarius.
In tracking history through planetary and zodiacal cycles, glimpses are gleaned of powerful forces that shape the future. Certain cycles establish seed points in consciousness, serving as signposts between the 2,160 year precession cycles; in this current age – between Pisces and Aquarius. Cuspal periods between the ages are around 500 years.
The astronomical precession of the Sun into Aquarius for the next 2,160 year cycle will occur astronomically in 2,117 – less than one century away.2 Therefore, the beginning of the cuspal period started 500 years earlier – around 1617 AD.
From a consciousness perspective and for a minority of those attuned, they are already in Aquarius, whilst the majority of Humanity still lingers in Pisces, clinging to the old values. There are in fact three groups:
“To those of us who are working on the inner side, the workers in the world fall into three groups:
- Those, few and far between, who are true Aquarians. These work under real difficulties, for their vision is beyond the grasp of the majority, and they meet often lack of understanding, frequent disappointment in their fellow workers, and much loneliness.
- Those who are straight Pisceans. These work with much greater facility and find a more rapid response from those around them. Their work is more doctrinal, less inclusive and coloured by the spirit of separation. They include the mass of world workers in all the various departments of human thought and welfare.
- Those Pisceans who are enough developed to respond to the Aquarian message, but who-—as yet-—cannot trust themselves to employ the real Aquarian methods of work and message.”3
The 1617 epoch fell in the middle of the “long” European Renaissance from the 14th to 17th centuries and at the end of the Elizabethan period in Britain. It also marked the outgoing cycle of the sixth ray of devotion-idealism in 16254, so characteristic of the Piscean Age and still very strong today.
Following on from this period was the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries – an age of scientific materialism, reason and rationalism. This was initiated and catalysed by the inception of the 1675 cycle of the Uranus-ruled 7th ray.5
Another major Aquarian marker followed with the Industrial Revolution from around 1760 to 1840, that witnessed the discovery of Aquarius ruler Uranus in 1781 – a planet that rules exoteric science. The only ray to pass through Aquarius is the Venus–ruled fifth ray of science or knowledge – a most complementary force aligned with Uranus and the ray which it rules – the seventh ray of ceremonial order, magic or organisation.
Around this period in 1775, the fifth ray entered into a special and intense cycle that was “withdrawn” toward the end of the 20th century due to serious side effects that can occur with too much focus on science and technology – e.g. environmental pollution or the erosion of compassionate values.
This period also saw much upheaval in the American and French Revolutions – with the establishment of the United States of America in 1776 – which is esoterically, an Aquarian soul whose destiny is to lead the world into the Aquarian Age.
Then in the 19th century, Neptune was discovered in 1846 – whilst Neptune was in Aquarius, making an exact conjunction to Saturn. Abraham Lincoln was then in his mid-30’s, soon to be elected president and preside over the American Civil War in the 1860’s.
Lincoln is esoterically seen as a “racial avatar” who struck one of the first blows against slavery. With an Aquarian sun and Aquarius rising, Lincoln came forth from the heart of an Aquarian nation; he also succeeded in preserving the Union and modernising the U.S. economy.
New moon solar eclipse Feb.5, 1962
Fast forward to the new moon solar eclipse on Feb.5, 1962 that has a strong echo in the forthcoming new moon of Feb.11, 2021. That 1962 eclipse saw an amazing stellium of seven planets in Aquarius: Mars, Saturn, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the south node. This is most certainly another “marker date” in the cuspal period between the ages – but was not technically the beginning of the Aquarian Age as claimed by some.
The world was just emerging less than two decades from the horrors of WWII – ended by nuclear bombs dropped upon Japan. Uranium is ruled by Uranus and the development of the cruder nuclear fission power is a precursor to nuclear fusion that will create many liberating effects in the Aquarian Age – perhaps as soon as the next 50 years. (France and the Nuclear Fusion Project – France’s soul is upon the 5th ray.)
Hence, the early 60’s saw a new era opening up in the development of technology – nuclear power and most notably the nuclear arms race, with the testing of weapons and the cold war between the USA and Russia – that came to a head with the Cuban Missile Crisis in Oct.1962. Mars in Aquarius recalls the innovation and scientific inventions of that great initiate, Leonardo da Vinci – who had the same position of Mars in his horoscope.
The appropriately named Project Mercury saw John Glenn become the first American to orbit the Earth on Feb.20, 1962. But there was also suppression of information then, that is now widely admitted in 2020:
“On February 7, 1962 [just two days after the eclipse], the United States Air Force announced that in 15 years of studying U.F.O. sightings via Project Blue Book, there was no evidence that any of the 7,369 sightings involved technology beyond the scientific capacities on Earth at the time and that none of the sightings involved extraterrestrial intelligence.”6
President Kennedy, who presided over the Cuban crisis, had Uranus placed in its own rulership of Aquarius – square to the esoteric ruler of Aquarius – Jupiter in Taurus. Just a few days before the eclipse, JFK delivered one of his first presidential messages on Feb.1, a highly Aquarian theme focused on public welfare, federal aid to fight poverty and job training programs.
JFK was subsequently assassinated in the following year on Nov.22, 1963 when the Moon and Saturn were passing through Aquarius, conjunct the eclipse planets of Feb.1962. Most of us have vivid memories of the deep impact that JFK’s death had around the planet. (The author was ten years old, hearing the news on Australian radio on a Saturday morning, running to tell his horrified parents who were trying to sleep-in!)
The Feb.1962 eclipse opened the door to great social and cultural changes of the turbulent 1960’s – with its “counter-culture”, new music, exploration of Eastern philosophies and meditation, the Vietnam war – and technology that landed a man on the moon in 1969. Hence, that 1962 eclipse had a marked impact on several generations.
Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius Dec.21, 2020
The next great Aquarian marker point for the cusp of the ages arrived on Dec.21, 2020 – with the rare conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. These conjunctions occur in signs of the same element for a bit less than 200 years and 2020 will mark the beginning of a new series of 20/60 year cycles between Saturn and Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius during the next 100 years.
This conjunction in Aquarius between Jupiter and Saturn had not occurred for 800 years (1226 AD) – and is known as the Great Mutation cycle. That 1226 Aquarian “trigon” lasted until 1405, spanning the “early renaissance” prior to the greater European Renaissance in the 1500’s.
Renaissance is an Aquarian theme: Renaissance, rebirth, rebuilding, REFORM – all these R words that have the value of 9, the number of initiation. R also hints at the Master R, Lord of Civilisation – who currently presides over the great plans for the Externalisation of the Hierarchy, post 2025. (See the author’s presentation on YouTube – The Aquarian Renaissance)
Aquarius New Moon Feb.11, 2021
Which brings us finally to the historical Aquarius new moon of Feb.11, 2021 – with seven placements in Aquarius: Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun and the powerful asteroid Pallas Athena.
This Feb.11 new moon is in fact, the second “Saturn return” of the Feb.5, 1962 new moon eclipse – 59 years and 6 days afterward. Saturn in 2021 has just passed over its position in 1962 and is still very close to it. With the exception of Mars, the same six placements are involved – Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Sun.
Hence, to use a Saturn-sickle metaphor, this is a harvesting cycle of maturity for what has unfolded and developed since 1962. As the words harvesting and Saturn imply, it is also a cycle of karma-reaping with regard to the stupendous advances in science-technology since 1962.
The misuse and abuse of science, arguably witnessed during 2020 – with the global proposal of “The Great Reset” into AI technology, transhumanism, robots, human separation, mask wearing, perpetual lockdowns from supposed Covid variants – all the cold and clinical attributes of runaway science in the hands of a few powerful technocrats. Here is the shadow of the Aquarian Age.
Saturn square Uranus 2021-22
The major saving grace of the Feb.11 new moon horoscope, is the square from Aquarius ruler Uranus in Taurus – to Saturn in Aquarius. Here is the potential for the people to rise up and resist, to exercise their democratic right to free speech – to march, demonstrate and exercise public disobedience – against the illegally imposed restrictions upon populaces all around the world.
Saturn represents the status quo, the prevailing powers that be, Uranus over-turns that paradigm through radical changes and even full-on revolution – hearkening back to the days of Uranus’ 1781 discovery between the American and French revolutions.
If Humanity continues to meekly accept the almost daily, multiplying suppression of liberty and free speech, of health dictatorship – by cringing and cowering from the falsely imposed, lying authority of the state and its minions – then it is doomed to a long period of enslavement by its technocrat and media masters – who are naturally, masters of the dark arts of propaganda, manipulation, exploitation and profiteering.
Uranus square Saturn in Aquarius is the “push that comes to shove”, these planets being in orb of aspect to one another for most of 2021-22. The exact squares that will be the crisis markers are:
Feb.17 – accompanied by the “trigger” of moon in Taurus. Jun.16, Dec.23 through to mid-Oct.2022 for the last exact hit!
The tug-o-war between the old and the new will be sharply accentuated during this period. There will (or should!) be resistance and rebellion by the masses to imposed authority. This is already occurring in sporadic demonstrations around the world but may reach new heights of resistance over the next two years.
Uranus is the great Awakener-Shakener, slapping us out of our deep sleep, the culturally conditioned somnambulism that prevents expansion into a broader spectrum of consciousness.
Pallas-Athena in Aquarius
The power of the asteroids, especially the “four asteroid goddesses”, should never be underestimated – they are powerful psycho-mythological archetypes whose, “significance must eventually be interpreted in terms of energy and on etheric levels”.7
As the patron and protector of ancient Athens, she is associated with warfare – but equally so with intellect, intelligence and wisdom, hence her totem, the owl. Some astrologers have noted that Pallas-Athena bears some similarities to Uranus in terms of,
“… wake up calls, sudden changes and shocks … violent and disruptive, even destructive, making things as hard to endure as they need to get, in order to catalyse necessary action and alteration”8.
This theme is even more accentuated in the new moon horoscope by Pallas Athena’s position in Aquarius – one who fights for humanitarian or political causes. Greek mythology was a medium used to express some of the most arcane mysteries – of initiation and the great ineffable causes behind creation.
Athena was believed to have been born from the forehead of her father Zeus, who is Jove or Jupiter. Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, the benefic water-bearer who pours forth in service to thirsting humanity. Hence, Pallas Athena’s conjunction to the Sun-Moon is highly influential, sandwiched between Mercury the messenger to distribute the Aquarian waters.
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.307. [↩]
- Beginning of the Age of Aquarius: 2,117 A.D. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.632. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.26. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.26. [↩]
- Thanks to – “Parallels Between the Aquarius Stellium of February 1962 and the Aquarius Stellium of February 2021”. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.794. [↩]
- Solar Fire astrology program. [↩]
Thank God for Phillip Lindsay! Otherwise I would feel so alone in my thoughts.
Thank you!!
Hear hear Rosalyn, exactly my thoughts! Phillip’s analyses and highly intelligent and intuitive perspectives are so much needed and so very welcome for the likes of us/me. Many thanks for your persistence Phillip!
One thought or question I struggle with: I notice your communication about the Corona-measures, which are awful and horrifying in my perspective as well, becomes more fierce and ‘warlike’ so to say. I have to control myself a lot to no doing the same. But isn’t this crisis not the perfect thing to wake us all up? Are the draconian measures of the governments of more or less ALL the countries in the world not perfect in the sense of awakening the sleeping masses? Do we have to speak out loud against it or is it better te be silent and focus on the inner work?
I really don’t know. That’s why I ask..
speak out loud AND do the inner work, I think this is required Eric!
Than you, Philip, for continuing to shake us awake with your insights !–Suzanne
Phillip, thank you for your insights. In 1962, I was just entering politics with a keen Uranian sense of change required on women’s rights. Over the years, my view changed from me me me to recognition of the rights of all overlooked people, to an awareness in the final analysis, the fight wasn’t about gender. It was about wholeness.
Apply this to what appears to me as a controversial rise up against those in power approach. Perhaps in 60 years there will be a modified sharing of power. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Can we propose change that works instead of revolution?
Hello Phillip,
In relation to the United States and its current situation, a phrase from Thomas Man comes to mind
“If ever fascism came to America, it would come wrapped in the freedom flag” (Conference “The next victory of democracy” 1938)
And the question is, what is freedom?
Esotericism tells us that Aquarius is the sign of freedom thanks to the development of the Group, and, that is the group if not the good of the whole to the detriment of the individual?
The works of Hercules (by Alice Bailey) in the Aquarius chapter it is said:
“There are two lawgivers in the Zodiac, Regulus and Kefus. In Leo we have one of the four royal stars, Regulus, the lawgiver, the law for the individual, the law of selfishness, if you like, the law of competition, the law that sets every man against his fellowman, the law that makes him grab and grasp, the law under which we live, the law of competition.
Regulus, the law of the individual, has to give place to Kefus, the law of Aquarius, where we shall have a new law based on suffering, illumination and love. It would be interesting to see how far you yourself can grasp what those types of law will be, based upon the suffering of the individual that has led him to lose interest in himself. When you have suffered enough you do not care about yourself any more. You find that the only way to happiness is not to be free from suffering but to lose yourself in something outside yourself”.
Aquarius is the Light (mind-knowledge) of the 5 Ray,
but it is not the destructive critical mind but the inclusive, scientific analysis. (Jupiter – Urano)
It is getting lost in the “darkness” (ignorance) of the other to be able to specify it as Light (service-knowledge) in the Soul. It is the freedom of the soul mind that accepts and knows diversity.
From the US horoscope, the Dharma or correct action must necessarily pass through the meanings of the eighth house, (detachment, “the death of things”), and thus transmute the egoistic powers of Mars into spiritual goals, inclusive, reflected in Sagittarius Ascendant, the path of the Soul of the Nation; the path that will bring to consciousness the 2nd Ray of the country through the impersonal light of Aquarius, the light of freedom.
In other words, the Dharma of the USA is to bring the forces of the solar plexus to the Heart, The Light of the World, Christ, the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom. A Dharma that is not exclusive to this country but is Universal (Aquarius) and in its example will be the other countries will have.
Thank you
The insights presented are very interesting. I was 7 when JFK was assassinated, saw Oswald assassinated live and direct on TV, which prompted a profound insight at that time which altered my perceptions of pretty much everything. I learned at a very tender age to not always trust adults because many prefer easy answers and old ways of thinking.
I do, however, have another spin regarding science and Covid. The pandemic has created unprecedented cooperation and extreme levels of work in the science community, resulting in Uranian-accelerated, rapid scientific breakthroughs. People were forced into physical isolation, yet they also invested in a lot of self development, as well as learning new ways to communicate and work together. Overnight, teachers developed new technological skills, performers developed new ways to perform, and many companies learned that eliminating office commutes empowered employees with a better work/life balance (as well as reducing pollution).
In retrospect, we may find that the pandemic brought much opportunity and growth and advancement through the pain, the Piscean suffering transmuting to Aquarian transcendence.
Calling the scientific breakthroughs as the dark side of Aquarius sounds like a fearful, suspicious Piscean perspective. It’s a brave new world, and the adults on both sides might well be lying to us again. I’m taking it all in with open eyes, open mind, and a grain of salt.
Nothing suspicious about it Eileen, my writings are full of positive pieces on science, I am discussing science’s shadow which I have also identified in numerous writings. The “unprecedented cooperation” you discuss is all based upon lies and manipulation, so it is a false light that is being generated. It is also commercially profit driven, so to me it all amounts to a shallow harvest, castles made of sand.