Mysteries of Ancient Lemuria and Atlantis
(First draft from Chapter One of forthcoming book in
The Hidden History of Humanity series: Geography, Geology and Giants.)
“Geography was part of the mysteries, in days of old. Says the Zohar: “These secrets (of land and sea) were divulged to the men of the secret science, but not to the geographers.”1
“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”2
“ … in Bible and tradition the Gibborim (Giants, the mighty ones) the Rephaim, or the spectres (Phantoms), the Nephilim, or the fallen ones—(irruentes)—are shown “as if identical, though they are all men, since the Bible calls them the primitive and the mighty ones”—e.g., Nimrod.
The “Doctrine” explains the secret. These names, which belong by right only to the four preceding races and the earliest beginning of the Fifth, allude very clearly to the first two Phantom (astral) races; to the fallen one—the Third; and to the race of the Atlantean Giants—the Fourth, after which “men began to decrease in stature.”3
“The giants of old are a fiction—say the wise men of the modern West. Whenever the bones of an alleged gigantic race of men are found, and speedily made a pretext for the glorification of [Genesis 6:4] … the revealed Book—there invariably comes a Cuvier to crush the flower of superstition in the bud, by showing that they are only the bones of some Dinotherium giganteum of the family of tapirs. The “Secret Doctrine” is a fairy tale and the races of giants that preceded our own, a figment of the imagination of the ancients.”4
Secret Sources in the Ageless Wisdom
Carnac: Mystery and Meaning of the Standing Stones
The Rocking Stones at Huelgoat
Fontainebleau’s Animals in Stone
Resuming The Hidden History of Humanity project in France, I could not pass up a visit on the way at the Museum of Human Evolution in Burgos, in northern Spain. One of the best museums I have ever visited, proudly displaying the work of local archeologists at nearby Sierra de Atapuerca:
“One of the world’s most important and extensive archaeological sites for the study of human evolution. There, skeletal remains were discovered that are believed to be the earliest evidence of humans in Western Europe.” But of course this is mainstream archeology, that does great work – but still adheres to two main determining factors within the framework of exoteric science:
1. Modern archeology and anthropology (due to scant skeletal evidence), studies mainly primitive cultures which have always existed alongside advanced, more sophisticated civilisations, throughout Lemuria and Atlantis – over an extraordinarily longer time span than currently recognised.
Esoteric science and history informs us that Humanity was gigantic in stature in these earlier stages of evolution, even up to comparatively recent times – and there is much evidence to support this.
Due to massive flooding and other cataclysms, most skeletal evidence of giants has disappeared, been re-interred, hidden in private collections, or suppressed by various institutions. (More detail on this in another chapter.)
2. The “humans came from apes” theory. H.P. Blavatsky tells us that apes were created by humans, interbreeding with animals back in early Lemuria – a far more feasible theory/fact. (See Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles: Book I, Ch.2: The Mystery of the Origin of the Apes.)
This renewed phase of The Hidden History of Humanity project, seeks to gather material for the next planned book and video in the series, tentatively titled, Geography, Geology and Giants (GGG).
This involves not only tapping into the wealth of evidence that HPB’s The Secret Doctrine and other modern researchers have presented on giant human origins, but also reviewing how the Lemurian and Atlantean continents, morphed and shifted over millions of years.
Geological and paleontological science will also be examined, regarding mineral structures of the stones – their capacity to receive and transmit forces. The arguments for extensive timelines beyond the conventional, are based upon the ancient Hindu science of cycles – the Yugas, discussed in the author’s previous publications:
1. Article Time: Re-Establishing Esoteric Chronology in World History.
2. Video (2017): The Hidden History of Humanity. (2 hr. 37’)
3. Book (2017): Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles. This book is an extensively rewritten and copiously illustrated version of the original book, The Hidden History of Humanity (2005). (The latter title is now out of print, selling for exorbitant prices on Amazon – please don’t buy it!)
The area of Carnac in Britanny (north-west France), is covered with thousands of standing stones, dolmens and menhirs – collectively known as megaliths/megalithia. They have remained an enigma for centuries of enquirers.
Many questions remain as to the who, what, how and where: Who placed them there? What was their purpose? How were these stones weighing scores of tons placed there? From where were they quarried and transported?
Some light might be shed upon these mysteries from comments in The Secret Doctrine (SD), by Helena P. Blavatsky (HPB) – the famous amanuensis for the Masters of Wisdom, several of whom worked through her – Masters Morya, Koot Hoomi and Djwhal Khul (DK). Through HPB, the Theosophical Society was created, whose keynote was, “There is no religion higher than truth”.
The Mystery Teachings that were passed on to her in the late 19th century, came about as a response by these Divine Guides to humanity’s cry over the previous centuries – for greater light and understanding. Humanity’s mainly unconscious invocation, led to a great evocation or dissemination of the Perennial Wisdom.
Following on from HPB, another amanuensis continued the distribution of the Ageless Wisdom through the 24 books of Alice A. Bailey (AAB), transmitted to her from The Tibetan or Djwhal Khul (DK), one of the Masters who worked extensively with HPB.
Occultism (that which is hidden), also called esoteric science, is something with which some megalithic researchers and alternative archeologists are unfamiliar, or only have patchy knowledge. The word esoteric means, “Designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone. Requiring or exhibiting knowledge that is restricted to a small group.”
Hence, occultism and esotericism are not for everyone because they have have their own disciplines and terminology. They are “sciences of the subtle”, the “unseen worlds” around us, requiring knowledge of subjects such as the various planes of perception, energy centres (chakras), thought and meditation, astronomy/astrology – all of which constitute the “esoteric sciences”.
However, that does not mean that these Teachings are exclusive or elitist, though they are sometimes viewed as such; they are available for anyone who is willing to engage in the spirit of enquiry and contemplation, applying their tenets to everyday life.
Hence, establishing this caveat for the reader because the work of The Hidden History of Humanity Project is based upon the Wisdom Teachings of HPB and AAB. HPB’s work includes The Secret Doctrine, Isis Unveiled and the many volumes of her Collected Writings, carrying several references to Carnac, Karnak, Stonehenge, menhirs, dolmens and tumuli.
For the sake of this newsletter, this is an abbreviated version, so only one out of eight passages relating to Carnac will be examined – in this first draft chapter of GGG.
Carnac’s Standing Stones. The Rocking Stones of Huelgoat.
Fontainebleau’s Animals in Stone.
Carnac: Mystery and Meaning of the Standing Stones
“And yet there are records which show Egyptian priests—Initiates—journeying in a North-Westerly direction, by land, viâ what became later the Straits of Gibraltar; turning North and travelling through the future Phœnician settlements of Southern Gaul; then still further North, until reaching Carnac (Morbihan) they turned to the West again and arrived, still travelling by land, on the North-Western promontory of the New Continent. [Britain]†
What was the object of their long journey? And how far back must we place the date of such visits? The archaic records show the Initiates of the Second Sub-race of the Aryan family [5.2] moving from one land to the other for the purpose of supervising the building of menhirs and dolmens, of colossal Zodiacs in stone, and places of sepulchre* to serve as receptacles for the ashes of generations to come.
When was it? The fact of their crossing from France to Great Britain by land may give an idea of the date when such a journey could have been performed on terrâ firma.
† Or on what are now the British Islands, which were not yet detached from the main continent in those days. “The ancient inhabitant of Picardy could pass into Great Britain without crossing the Channel. The British Isles were united to Gaul by an isthmus which has since been submerged.” (“Man before Metals,” p. 184.)”5
Let us unpack the quite dense information contained in this passage:
1. Egyptian priests—Initiates – Highly evolved beings (or Masters of Wisdom) – who carried scientific knowledge, both exoteric (outer) and esoteric (inner).
2. Journeying in a North-Westerly direction, by land viâ what became later the Straits of Gibraltar. To travel in a north-westerly direction by land from modern day Egypt would have to be at a minimum, its southern border. [Libya too]
But as old Egypt was colonised closer to the source of the River Nile, these priests probably ventured from what is today known as southern Sudan, the region of Nubia near the intersection of the Blue and White Nile rivers. This proposed origin would give a more accurate “north westerly direction” toward their destination, the north west corner of Morocco where the M’zora megalithic enclosure is located, very similar to monuments in Britain and France:
“While Mzora has been rediscovered in Africa within the past 200 years, it was first described by the Roman general Quintus Sertorius in the 1st Century AD as he was told it was the tomb of Antaeus – a legendary giant who was slayed by the heroic demi-god Hercules as one of his labors.
The size of the barrow in the center of the circle is probably at the heart of this rumor, which astounded Sertorius so much he conducted one of the first recorded archaeological excavations at the site. He wrote that the body of a man 26 meters (85 feet) long was found and he was so struck with horror that he immediately covered it again.”6
This area borders what is now known as the Straits of Gibraltar, formerly “dry land” that initiate-priests walked across on their way to Britanny and Britain. Hence, this crossing was infinitely further back in history than modern day assertions that these dolmens, menhirs and tumuli are from 5,000 BC – a pitifully short period!
According to the author’s calculations, based upon HPB’s writings, and as enumerated in Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles (UGMRC), the period of time was probably around 860,000 years ago – preceding the second great Atlantean flood.
3. Turning North and travelling through the future Phœnician settlements of Southern Gaul.
This region is essentially the western portion of Western Europe (France, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland) – hence predominantly France. To arrive in that region, the priest-initiates would have traversed Spain on their northern path from the Gibraltar region, perhaps even creating some of the clusters of dolmens and tumuli in south-west Spain. Then their path must have curved over the north-east to access “southern Gaul”.
There are megaliths all the way along that route, some of which they may have created. (Others could have been erected much later.) Dolmens, menhirs and tumuli are all over Europe but the main focus of this investigation is Britanny and Britain – the latter being the location of Stonehenge, conceived and built by the same hands.
4. Still further North … reaching Carnac (Morbihan)
This is where the initiate-priests left their most extensive work, through the prolific stone placements and tumuli in the area.
5. What was the object of their long journey? Perhaps because of a particular earth magnetism of the granite in that area lent itself to the work of invoking spiritual forces and anchoring them on Earth – more on this later.
6. And how far back must we place the date of such visits? As mentioned earlier, around 850,000 years ago, a stupendous stretch, even for the “alternative archeologist” who is accustomed to not straying too far outside conventional timelines!
In UGMRC, it is demonstrated that the Egyptians, Cambodians, Mayans, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Pelasgians and Aethiopeans are all connected to the first and second subraces of the Fifth Rootrace (5.1/5.2), which manifested between 1,000,000 and 850,000 years ago, coinciding with the date of the second major flood of Atlantis.
7. The Initiates of the Second Sub-race of the Aryan family. The Fifth Rootrace is called the Aryan, from the Hindu for “noble”. The Hindu was the first subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.1) and came into being around 1,000,000 years ago; it is the foundation of all the Western races.
Hence, the second subrace (5.2) unfolded roughly 200,000 years later. The Egyptians and Mayans both originated in southern India, around Sri Lanka – which was part of the now sunken, Tamil Nadu – extending down to where the Maldives are today. Other names for its greater extent was Kumari Kandam, a continent that in its earlier evolution spanned the Indian Ocean, from Australia to Madagascar.
8. Moving from one land to the other for the purpose of supervising the building of menhirs and dolmens … colossal Zodiacs in stone, and places of sepulchre. [sepulchre: a chamber that is used as a grave; burial chamber.] Here lies a clue as to one of the purposes of building megalithia – zodiacs, astronomical alignments to not only solstices and cardinal directions, but also fixed stars and constellations.
9. The fact of their crossing from France to Great Britain by land may give an idea of the date when such a journey could have been performed on terrâ firma. Just as earlier in their journey they crossed dry land between Morocco and Spain, so the English Channel never existed at that time either. Hence the date speculated is before the second Atlantean flood 850,000 years ago.
The footnote to this paragraph says: “The ancient inhabitant of Picardy [nor-nor-east of France] could pass into Great Britain without crossing the Channel. The British Isles were united to Gaul by an isthmus which has since been submerged.”
The Channel isthmus was probably the last remnant of Doggerland, the area that connected Britain to Europe but is now submerged beneath the North Sea.
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The Rocking Stones at Huelgoat
“Brittany has its “pierres branlantes” [“loose stones”] at Huelgoat. They are found in the Old and the New Worlds: in the British Islands, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Germany, etc., as in North America.”7
The rocking stones – not those crusty old musical octagenarians, these other stones are much older, even older than Keith Richards! The author travelled through France for the month of October 2023, since resuming the next phase of The Hidden History of Humanity project – Geography, Geology and Giants (GGG).
A visit to the amazing menhirs and dolmens in Carnac (recently documented on Facebook and Telegram), marked the beginning of writing this long-planned book; it will be accompanied by the production of another video in the HHH series and may take a few years to complete! (See the original Hidden History of Humanity documentary, available in several languages subtitles.)
Huelgoat (Breton for “high forest”) – in Brittany, is a magical place in which swirl legends of Merlin, King Arthur, giants – gigantic balancing boulders – and an enchanted forest clothed in green moss. Walking through the forest throws one back into a Lord of the Rings lost age. A strong magnetism permeates the atmosphere, the nature-deva energy is very powerful here – one of the most mysterious and haunting places I have ever visited.
Many of the stones have obvious signs of being quarried many millenia ago, not in the last few centuries. But why would some of them such as the Trembling Rock weighing 137 tonnes, be quarried – when there would have been no means to transport a stone of that weight – and for what purpose anyway?
The “logical and scientific” modern day explanation is that it rolled off a ledge where it was quarried to its current position and sits in such a manner that a single person can rock it back and forth!
Arthur’s Cave (Author’s photo.) See video on Facebook.
Similarly, Le Champignon (The Mushroom) which weighs more than 200 tonnes, sits balanced on a much smaller rock – explained thus, , “because of the stages of geological evolution over time”. These somewhat superficial and dismissive explanations fall well short of the truth, which is that an ancient humanity had knowledge of how to lift enormous weights effortlessly, using the power of sound and magical mantrams.
H. P. Blavatsky notes in this extended passage from her magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine,
“… why the monstrous stones of Stonehenge were called in days of old chior-gaur … the dance of giants? … various learned works on the ruins of Stonehenge, Carnac and West Hoadley [Sussex, Britain], give far better and more reliable information upon this particular subject. In those regions—true forests of rocks—immense monoliths are found, “some weighing over 500,000 kilograms [500 tonnes] ….
These “hinging stones” [Stonehenge] of Salisbury Plain are believed to be the remains of a Druidical temple. But the Druids were historical men and not Cyclopes, nor giants. Who then, if not giants, could ever raise such masses (especially those at Carnac and West Hoadley), range them in such symmetrical order that they should represent the planisphere, and place them in such wonderful equipoise that they seem to hardly touch the ground, are set in motion at the slightest touch of the finger, and would yet resist the efforts of twenty men who should attempt to displace them.
We say, that most of these stones are the relics of the last Atlanteans. We shall be answered that all the geologists claim them to be of a natural origin. That, a rock when “weathering,” i.e., losing flake after flake of its substance under influence of weather, assumes this form.
That, the “tors” in West England exhibit curious forms, also produced by this cause. That, finally, as all scientists consider the “rocking stones to be of purely natural origin, wind, rain, etc., causing disintegration of rocks in layers”—our statement [Masters] will be justly denied, especially as “we see this process of rock-modification in progress around us to-day.” Let us examine the case.
The rocking, or Logan stones bear various names The Celts had their clacha-brath the “Destiny or judgment-stone”; the divining-stone, or “stone of the ordeal” and the oracle stone; the moving or animated stone of the Phœnicians; the rumbling stone of the Irish.
Brittany has its “pierres branlantes” [loose stones] at Huelgoat. They are found in the Old and the New Worlds: in the British Islands, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Germany, etc., as in North America.
“I had believed for a long time,” he [Cambry] says, “that Nature alone could produce those wonders . . . but I recant . . . chance is unable to create such marvellous combinations . . . and those who placed the said rocks in equipoise, are the same who have raised the moving masses of the pond of Huelgoat, near Concarneau [north of Carnac].
… the various properties of flints and pebbles from the standpoint of Magic and psychic powers. In a poem on Stones attributed to Orpheus, those stones are divided into ophites and siderites, “serpent-stones” and “star-stones.”
“The ‘Ophite’ shaggy, hard, heavy, black, and has the gift of speech; when one prepares to cast it away, it produces a sound similar to the cry of a child. It is by means of this stone that Helanos foretold the ruin of Troy, his fatherland . . .” etc. (Falconnet.)
Sanchoniathon and Philo Byblos, in referring to these betyles, call them “Animated Stones.” Photius repeats what Damascius, Asclepiades, Isidorus and the physician Eusebius had asserted before him … [he] never parted with his ophites, which he carried in his bosom, and received oracles from them, delivered in a small voice resembling a low whistling.
Arnobius (a holy man who, “from a Pagan had become one of the lights of the Church,” … confesses he could never meet on his passage with one of such stones without putting it questions, “which is answered occasionally in a clear and sharp small voice.””8
Britanny was linked to Britain in ancient times when there was no English Channel:
“In Cornwall and in ancient Britain the traditions of these giants are, on the other hand, excessively common; they are said to live even down to the time of King Arthur. All this shows that giants lived to a later date amongst the Celtic than among the Teutonic peoples.”9
Indeed, it is said that King Arthur was buried with his servants in La Grotte D’Artus – called a “natural cave” but is another example of ancient Cyclopean construction.(See photos/videos.) The “mythical” Cyclopes, the three giants with one eye – represent the giants of the last three subraces of Lemuria, a civilisation predating Atlantis.
But of course, gigantic human bodies persisted throughout Atlantis even until relatively recent times in our current Fifth Rootrace. How high were they? Between 15 and 30 ft. or 5 to 10 metres – and there is plenty of evidence that will be covered in the forthcoming book GGG. These giants were not only able to manhandle large stones but possessed magical knowledge, reminding us of another passage from HPB:
“That Third and holy Race [Lemuria] consisted of men who, at their zenith, were described as “towering giants of godly strength and beauty, and the depositaries of all the mysteries of Heaven and Earth” … Then came the Atlanteans; the giants whose physical beauty and strength reached their climax, in accordance with evolutionary law, toward the middle period of their fourth sub-race. [4th rootrace Atlantis, hence 4.4] ((The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. pp.319, 171.))
Fontainebleau’s Animals in Stone
Fontainebleau was the author’s third and final major destination of a four-week sojourn in France in Oct.2023. Looking back on the expedition, Carnac was a long and very tantalisising appetiser, Huelgoat was a sumptuous main course, whilst Fontainebleau was a delicious dessert!
Fontainebleau is an animal park in stone – and it does not take much imagination to discern the mineralised forms of owls, snakes, monkeys, rhinos, dinosaurs, frogs, birds, bears, hippos, turtles, whales or elephants etc.
The place feels very ancient – perhaps it is a remnant of one of the Lemurian continents, similar to Huelgoat but maybe much older. Its almost as if the animals were petrified within the auric envelope of the planet at the beginning of creation.
Many boulders seem to be surmounted by gigantic coiled serpents, complete with scales. In the forthcoming Geography, Geology and Giants book, geo-morphology – or the shaping of landscapes over vast periods of time will be explored, but also comments from some people like the French writer, Robert Charroux:
“Whoever does not believe in the intelligence of nature and things, who does not believe in the language of stones, wood and water, is a material being bounded in perceptions and subtle sensations; he is irretrievably doomed to thick and out.”
… Robert Charroux devoted to what he calls the petrimundo: a very old petrified world, where nature foreshadows the living beings through a profusion of animal and human forms … [even] evoking the Titans of ancient myths.
But the most amazing rocks are gathered in a menagerie of immobile animals. Seemingly at random, they are in the most powerful spots – in geobiological terms. For several years, Edith Guerin studied and photographed the site: “Is it coincidence that these unusual rocks are grouped as if they belonged to ancient rituals centers, particularly in the gorges and chaos of Apremont?”
… the thesis of the conscious nature of reproductive control, i.e. to try to draft future forms of its most elaborate creation. This is the most rational explanation, whatever its incredible and miraculous appearance. The petrimundo of Fontainebleau, in our view, signs the manifestation of intelligent matter.”10
This is a very esoteric statement that pertains to the “auric envelope” description earlier, for which HPB hints at in The Secret Doctrine:
“So far as our present Fourth Round terrestrial period is concerned, the mammalian fauna are alone to be regarded as traceable to prototypes shed by Man. The amphibia, birds, reptiles, fishes, etc., are the resultants of the Third Round, astral fossil forms stored up in the auric envelope of the Earth and projected into physical objectivity subsequent to the deposition of the first Laurentian rocks.
“Evolution” has to deal with the progressive modifications, which palæontology shows to have affected the lower animal and vegetable kingdoms in the course of geological time. It does not, and from the nature of things cannot, touch on the subject of the pre-physical types which served as the basis for future differentiation.
Tabulate the general laws controlling the development of physical organisms it certainly may, and to a certain extent it has acquitted itself ably of the task.”11
And the Titans referred to in Charroux’s previous quote evokes another passage by HPB:
“But we can easily believe that the Titans and Cyclopes of old really belonged to the Fourth (Atlantean) Race, and that all the subsequent legends and allegories found in the Hindu Purânas and the Greek Hesiod and Homer, were based on the hazy reminiscences of real Titans—men of a superhuman tremendous physical power, which enabled them to defend themselves, and hold at bay the gigantic monsters [dinosaurs] of the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic times—and of actual Cyclopes—three-eyed mortals.”12
Here is just a taste of the first chapter of the GGG book that will cover many areas of the world!
Phillip Lindsay © 2023.
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- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. pp.6-9. [↩]
- King James Bible. Genesis 6. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.278. [↩]
- Collected Writings XIII, H.P. Blavatsky. p.111. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.750. [↩]
- Ancient [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.342. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.342. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.754. [↩]
- Strange Rocks At Fontainebleau. [↩]
- The Secret Doctine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.684. [↩]
- The Secret Doctine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.293. [↩]
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Thank you for this special article. I follow your publications. Thank you for your efforts, greetings from Turkey.
How fascinating Phillip. There is still so much to discover. Thank you for putting together this puzzle and to share it.