Capricorn 2022: Daring. Djokovic. Australia. Macron. WEF. NGWS. Mass Psychosis. All Creatures Great and Small.
Capricorn Keynote
“Lost am I in light supernal and on that light I turn my back.”
(Full Moon: January 17, 2022. 23.48 UT.)
Capricorn: A Sign of Daring and Confidence
___Goat, Crocodile and Unicorn
Capricorn Rising: Novak Djokavic
Capricorn Sun: Australia
Capricorn Rising: Emmanuel Macron
___Macron, WEF and Other World Leaders
___Macron’s Transits
Capricornus – La Vetta
Capricorn NGWS Week 2019 in Review: Prophecy
Rockefeller Revisited: Operation Lockstep
Technocracy and Mass Psychosis/Formation
___The Aquarian Age is Emerging!
All Creatures Great and Small: Reclaiming Right Relations
“Capricorn is … the sign in which is inaugurated a new cycle of effort, whether this effort is in connection with the individual man or with the initiate. Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation – these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn.”1
Capricorn: A Sign of Daring and Confidence
When one views breath-taking photographs of goats perched precariously on steep, rocky outcrops, or leaping across deep chasms – there is Capricorn’s skill, based upon its mental strength and discipline.
Saturn is the source of that mental erudition, it rules the throat centre, doorway to the mental body, and is the ruler of Capricorn at the personality and soul level. Saturn is also the Lord of Karma – governing the law of cause and effect, action and reaction. The goat is an admirable animal, physically strong and lean, taking greatest advantage of the law of economy to maximise its strength to weight ratio.
“The Goat leads us into arid ways in search of food and water. This is the “need for green,” but the Goat is equal also to climbing to the mountain top.”2
Here is hinted the Saturn-ruled third ray of active-intelligence which passes through Capricorn – its colour is green. The third ray embodies the Law of Economy, which is why Capricorn is successful with the prana known as money, whether selfishly or altruistically motivated.
Through mental discipline, Capricorn generates confidence and courage, to make an informed decision or a calculated risk – whether that is tackling a free-climb up El Capitan, speculating on the stock market or leaping into the unknown. Capricorn is usually always cautious but not averse to taking risks, it can be quite oppositely capricious at times.
This word has the same root as Capricorn – “capricious: subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change.” This is like the gambolling or frisky goat that kicks up its heels – in the joy of unconventionality, unhindered by rules and laws; it might be more indicative of those Capricorns born closer to the next sign of Aquarius, where “sudden, unpredictable change” can be effected via its ruler Uranus.
A caprice is a “sudden change or start of the mind without apparent motive,” – from French caprice “whim” or from capro “goat,” with reference to frisking, from Latin capreolus “wild goat”.3
Hence, the opposites in Capricorn are highlighted here – the prudent, steady mind versus a flimsy whimsy! Perhaps this trait of Capricorn is related to polar opposite water sign Cancer and the tidal fluctuations of its ruler, the Moon.
Anyway, there are some connections of Capricorn courage with the more well-known sign of courage, Leo. These tenth and fifth signs have in common a mental strength – 5 the number of manas or mind, 10 the number of perfected mind, as well as the synthesis of the masculine 1 and the feminine 0.
In terms of physical courage but also mental discipline, Alex Honnold, one of the legends of El Capitan – has Sun, Mercury and Mars in Leo. Garrett McNamara of Nazaré, Portugal’s “100 ft. wave” fame – has Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in Leo. Yet there are more esoteric correspondences between Capricorn and Leo:
“The Mystery of the Lion and the Unicorn. This secret is preserved for us in the ancient nursery rhyme about the “lion and the unicorn going up to town,” and contains in a peculiar way the secret of initiation and the “going up” of the human being to the portal of admittance into the Hierarchy as well as the “mystic raising” of which Masonry holds the key.
This deals with the emergence of the consciousness of the initiate (white and one-pointed) [the unicorn] and the defeat of the king of beasts (the personality) [Leo] leading to the triumph of group and world consciousness, of selflessness and illumination over self-consciousness and selfishness.
In the true rendition of this ancient myth the king of beasts [Leo] is blinded and killed by the piercing of his eye and heart by the long horn of the unicorn.”4
Capricorn: Goat, Crocodile and Unicorn
Capricorn has three animal totems, all of which have profound significance:
“It is the sign of the Goat which seeks its sustenance in the most rocky and arid of the world’s places and it, therefore, relates man to the mineral kingdom; it is also the sign of the Crocodiles which live half in the water and half on dry land; it is spiritually the sign of the Unicorn which is the “fighting and triumphant creature” of the ancient myths.
Under the symbolism of the above creatures, this sign gives us a rather complete picture of man with his feet upon the earth, yet running free and climbing to the heights of worldly ambition or of spiritual aspiration in search of what he realises (at any particular time) to be his major need.
As the Goat, he is man, the earthly, human, greedy seeker after the satisfaction of desire, or man, the equally selfish aspirant hunting for the satisfaction of his aspiration. This sign portrays to us man, an ambitious animal in two senses of the word: in the early stage upon the Mutable Cross, man, the blend of desire (water) and the animal nature (earth), and upon the reversed wheel, man, the blend of soul and form.
It gives us the picture also of the triumphant initiate, the “unicorn of God,” the symbol of the unicorn, with its one horn out-thrust like a single spear upon his brow instead of the two horns of the scavenging goat.”5
Capricorn Rising: Novak Djokovic
In the Sagittarius 2021 newsletter, there is an article, “The Global Jabberwocky and Novak Djokavic”. Since then, the world number one tennis player has faced an Australian jabberwocky, was put in detention and had his visa cancelled.
Appalling treatment for a person who apparently followed all the rules on his trip to Australia, where he was promised an exemption. Luckily, Djokovic won his court case and had his visa reinstated. In the latest news Jan.14, his visa was cancelled a second time – finally on Jan.16, Djokovic lost his appeal and was deported the same day. “Novak Djokovic has flown out of Australia after losing after the Federal Court upheld the government’s decision to cancel the tennis star’s visa.”
It appears that the Mercury stationary retrograde transit, square to his Pluto in Scorpio has prevailed – sooner than anticipated, due to “public sentiment”. Bear in mind that this sentiment or emotion, emanates from a nation that has been hypnotised by lies and propaganda for the past two years.Hence, a big star like Djokovic who has challenged that narrative very publicly, was bound to get the nation’s anger aroused.
Novak Djokavic is a Sun in Gemini joker (Djoker) with the soul purpose of Capricorn rising, having reached this sign’s mountain summit many times in his illustrious career. The mental discipline of Capricorn, via its ruler Saturn in athletic Sagittarius, is one of the major keys to his success.
Capricorn is the personality ruler of Australia, “indicating age, crystallisation and materialism.”6 Hence, the world watched a goliath of sport, playing the role of David against an Australian goliath: A new breed of Capricorn, a “young buck”, bucking the system, locking horns with an older buck that appears to be steadily losing control of its herd.
A few lilliputian officials attempted to tear down Djokovic but thankfully did not succeed, as a judge overturned the decision on Jan.10. Despite many illegal government decisions in the past two years, the legal system was robust on the day.
The ill treatment of Djokovic recalls the time when Lindy Chamberlain (“a dingo stole my baby”) – was vilified by the Australian press and public in 1980 – resulting in a mass hysteria and wrongful conviction.
Djokovic certainly had the tenacity to be fit for this fight, and he won – whether that is the first round of a longer battle – which includes defending his tennis title, time will tell. The day he was detained, transiting sun was passing across his Capricorn ascendant, close to the degree of Australia’s progressed Saturn.
The resolve of Dokovic’s soul purpose Capricorn was being tested. Likewise, Australia – this once carefree “lucky country” has lately succumbed for the past two years to Saturn’s lower expression – “The Lord of Lockdown”.
Djokovic has long been an advocate of alternative therapies such as Chinese medicine and acupuncture, choosing to be a vegan; he does not consider himself an “anti-vaxxer”, more about freedom of choice; he once stated that polluted water could be purified by the power of positive thinking, saying that science had proved how molecules in water respond to our emotions (See the work of Dr. Masura Emoto).
“In April 2020, Djokovic indicated he opposes vaccination and would not wish to be forced to take a vaccine in order to be able to return to the Тour. Djokovic later clarified his remarks by stating that he is not specifically against all kinds of vaccines, but that he is against forced vaccinations that use certain specific vaccines that he may not want, and that he prefers vaccines that have few side effects.”7
And who could blame him, given the mounting toll of injuries to sports people after being vaxxed – myocarditis in particular – most of which is dismissed or excused in the mainstream media. Similarly, ICU units in Britain are seeing the vaccinated accounting for 7 in every 10 cases, 6 in every 10 hospitalisations, and 8 in every 10 deaths.
Djokovic, in his role as a leading world sportsman, has made a stand against the deleterious effects of the vaccines themselves, now causing more injuries and deaths than Covid. Hundreds of sportsman have succumbed to myocarditis (video) and similar, having heart attacks and many documented deaths.
The following article deals with statistical facts: Reports Indicate Vaccines Causing More Injuries, Deaths Than Natural COVID-19 Infections. The treatment of Djokovic by the state is certainly not confined to him:
“There are 36 refugees at Djokovic’s Park hotel. Some have been stuck in the hotel for eight years [!] and have been treated abhorrently by the state ever since. They deserve the attention and compassion that Djokovic’s brief stay among them is generating.”8
Other theories as to why Australia was so heavy-handed with Djokovic, is that he put his weight behind Serbian protests against Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto, who were prospecting Serbia for rare earth metals such as lithium.
The Prime Minister’s chief of staff – John Kunkel, who allegedly banned Djokovic from entering Australia, was Rio Tinto’s chief advisor on relations with the government, working as a lobbyist for the mining company. (Nothing to see here, move along!)
There were many indicators in Djokovic’s horoscope for Jan.5, the day when his visa was rescinded, as well as some significant long term cycles:
1. Transiting Mars in Sagittarius (principles, ethics, law) conjunct Saturn (law). As stated earlier, Saturn is the ruler of his Capricorn rising soul purpose, placed in athletic Sagittarius – and is one of the major keys to his disciplined approach to the game. Note in the transits diagram that the progressed midheaven (career) is also approaching Saturn, with all placements sitting opposite natal Mercury and Chiron in Gemini – and progressed Venus, the esoteric ruler of Gemini.
Hence, both rulers of his Gemini Sun (Mercury-Venus) were activated. Gemini is Djokovic’s source of speed and alacrity around the court, the dexterity of Gemini, a sign that rules the hands.
This entire Sagittarius-Gemini axis is T-squared by transiting Neptune, whose energy in its lower expression may have caused some confusion and mixed messages, uncertainty, and misunderstandings. On the other hand, Neptune’s presence has probably also stimulated Djokovic’s idealism around philosophical principles, so well represented by Saturn in Sagittarius.
2. Transiting Mercury in Aquarius T-square Pluto in Scorpio/Venus in Taurus. Mercury had just entered its “pre-shadow phase” before going retrograde on Jan.14. Hence on Jan.5 and the few days of legal uncertainty that followed, Mercury was at a powerful stationary position in Aquarius (freedom, unconventional) – square to Pluto in Scorpio (power) in the ninth house of foreign nations.
Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn during the tennis championships and could cause some problems with the Australian authorities back-tracking over rules and regulations. (See the Mercury retrograde section later.) But as mentioned above, Djokovic will now be deported, having lost his court appeal. The following transits that discuss his entering the tennis finals, are therefore irrelevant.
3. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius square Scorpio Midheaven. This is similar to the previous transit of Mercury. Saturn the authority or authoritarian, square the midheaven (public, authority, law). Transiting Saturn reaches its exact square to the midheaven on Jan.21, halfway through the tournament, presenting a major challenge for Djokovic – a tough game, that could even be lost.
On that day however, the Sun has just entered Aquarius, and is making an harmonious aspect to his Gemini Sun. Or there could be government rules and regulations coming back to haunt him. He is already in a very tough game!
4. Transiting Jupiter square Gemini Sun, can generate over-confidence but often brings some luck, with a bit of Jupiter amplification – global headlines!
5. Transiting Venus conjunct Capricorn ascendant, retrograding back toward it, may offer some respite. But Venus is also re-entering the 12th house of “hidden enemies” until the third week of February. The Australian Open Tennis starts right on the Capricorn full moon Jan.17 and runs until Jan.30. During that time, Venus passes back over Australia’s sun in Capricorn which may indicate a greater degree of harmony.
Djokovic will be gunning for his tenth Australian Open title – 10 being the number of Capricorn and perfection. If he makes it to the finals, the match will take place on Jan.30. Transits for that day look strong:
1. Transiting Mars in Capricorn – the sign of the planet’s exaltation, where warrior Mars strives toward the summit of achievement. Mars is also exactly opposite his progressed Sun (vitality) in Cancer, the sign where his natal Mars is placed.
2. Transiting Moon in Capricorn – passes over his ascendant, lending an emotionally detached, mentally focussed energy.
3. Transiting Mercury and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn. Given that he is a Mercury-ruled Gemini sun, this should be an empowering influence, particularly if it requires the stamina of a long match in the often hot conditions of a Melbourne summer – that may demand he dig deep. Mercury-Pluto are also opposite is progressed Mars in Cancer, adding more fighting power.
From one perspective, it does not matter if Djokovic does not make or win the final match – although that would be his crowning glory. What really matters, is that he has made a powerful statement about the right of free choice – and won against ruthless Australian authorities. “No-vax” Djokovic has made a stand against the world-wide trend of demonising and ridiculing those who choose not to take the vaccine.
Capricorn Sun: Australia
“Capricorn … seldom appears as a sign governing the egoic [soul] expression of any nation but quite often as governing the personality manifestation, or the exoteric country. Austria [Australia], Greece, India, Japan, and Spain have Capricorn as their personality rulers, indicating age, crystallisation and materialism; a little study of conditions and the present point in evolution will make this apparent.”9
Even though Australia is a much younger nation, it is certainly suffering the fate of the older nations. The severe, “draconian” lockdown approach by Australian authorities has been adhered to by a majority of its population – becoming meekly obedient and compliant, under the spell of what could be argued as a “mass-formation”/psychosis. This kind of phenomenon has never been seen since Germany temporarily lost its soul in the 1930-40’s. (More on this mass pychosis phenomenon later.)
Many other nations are working from the same playbook as Australia, some of the most notable that are also following excessively stringent procedures – Austria, Canada, Britain, New Zealand etc. Australia also has a well known and unfortunate characteristic known as “tall poppy sydndrome”:
“The tall poppy syndrome is a cultural phenomenon in which people hold back, criticise, or sabotage those who have or are believed to have achieved notable success in one or more aspects of life, particularly intellectual or cultural wealth — “cutting down the tall poppy”.
It describes a draw towards mediocrity and conformity. Commonly in Australia and New Zealand, “cutting down the tall poppy” is used to describe those who deliberately put down another for their success and achievements.”10
This kind of national psychology is the province of Australia’s Capricorn personality, which in its lower expression encourages, “a draw towards mediocrity and conformity”, obedience and following the law.
It is somewhat of a contradiction, because Australia is esoterically Virgo rising, placing its Capricorn sun in the fun-loving fifth house, for which this nation is well-known. Australia also loves the “larrikin” who acts with apparent disregard for social or political conventions. There is a pair of opposites still unresolved in Australia’s psyche and once again the Capricorn pair of opposites – super serious or carefree.
“Tall poppy” is also an expression of Capricorn’s ruler Saturn, which in its lower expression is “draconian”, a frequently used adjective in the past two years – all around the world. The word derives from Draco, an Athenian statesman, one of the first democratic legislators who imposed harsh laws.
Ever since that time, the name Draco has had a negative connotation, compounding already existing superstitions around the dragon of evil. There is also a connection with the constellation of Draco the Dragon. In a more esoteric interpretation, a “Dragon of Wisdom” is the name for a planetary logos – or to a lesser degree, a Master of Wisdom.
Ptolemy, a first century astronomer-astrologer, stated that Draco’s brightest stars such as Thuban, have the quality of Saturn – with analytical mental capacities. The Saturn theme as Lord of Karma is further borne out by the fact that Thuban was called the “Judge of Heaven” – especially in its role as pole star at one time. Yet in Australia and the rest of the world, Saturn has expressed mainly as the Lord of Lockdown.
This lower Saturn malaise was particularly focussed in Melbourne and then spread to the rest of the nation. “Across the ditch” in New Zealand the same actions were already implemented by New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern – her Capricorn moon sits very close to Australia’s Capricorn sun. As a “graduate” of Klaus Schwab’s WEF “finishing school”, it was a no-brainer for Ardern to follow the playbook with its distinctly authoritarian and fearfully pedantic attitude.
A new documentary is currently being made about some of the stunning events that have occurred in Australia – Battleground Melbourne – see the trailer below. This author has always regarded Melbourne as the throat chakra of Australia, seat of the national intellect.
The throat centre is ruled by Saturn which is also the ruler of the third ray of active-intelligence, the personality ray of China. As described in other newsletters, China has had a very big influence in Australia and Melbourne has been a major doorway for its infiltration and undue influence. Many observers have remarked upon the similarity of severity of lockdowns between China and Melbourne.
Another factor with Australia’s political leadership, is that there are many conflicts of interest between politicians and the private sector, particular regarding Big Pharma, which the following documentary exposes quite brilliantly: Conflict of Interest: Covid in Australia.
Capricorn Rising: Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron’s Covid strategy is revealed in his recent declaration “to piss off the unvaccinated” – an unwise, deliberately divisive move that might also be aimed at the forthcoming elections in April 2022.
“A president “should not say such things … the language was “not worthy of the office” … Macron was “turning the unvaccinated into second-class citizens.” Others called Macron’s language “appalling”, adding: “It’s clear the vaccine pass is a collective punishment against individual liberties.”11
Some hope that Macron, in true Capricorn style – is brought to his knees, or falls flat on his face – in a thorough humiliation for his hubris!
Macron has Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune in zealous Sagittarius. His Capricorn ascendant ruler Saturn, is placed in Virgo – the sign of meticulousness and often pedantic attitudes, amplified by his Moon in Taurus.
Macron, WEF and Other World Leaders
Macron served his apprenticeship in the Rothschild banking system and is also a “graduate” of Klaus Schwab’s WEF “finishing school” for young global leaders – “class of 2017” – along with other devotees, going back to 1992:
Nicolas Sarkozy, Tony Blair, Viktor Orbán PM of Hungary, Jean-Claude Juncker, Justin Trudeau (Capricorn sun), Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Chelsea Clinton, Jeff Bezos (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars in Capricorn), NZ PM Jacinda Adhern (Capricorn moon), Gavin Newsom, Peter Buttigieg and former German chancellor, Angela Merkel – to name a few.
In other words, all these leaders march to the mantra of the World Economic Forum and its virtual global dictatorship that has created so much misery in these past two years. The devotees of this skewed “new world order”, appear to dispatch their duties with a disturbing zeal – relishing their dictates from on high and applying them in a way that appears to border on obsession.
The degree of vilification by past or present leaders of nations is astonishing: Macron, Trudeau, Blair, Johnson and many more. In the following short video, Neil Oliver comments upon them in one of his acerbic analyses, saying that world leaders think the unvaccinated are idiots, racists and misogynists!
Some gems from Justin Trudeau (or is that Turdeau?) – are that the unvaxxed or the “vax hesitant” were likely to hate women and black people. Macron said that unvaxxed were, “irresponsible – were not citizens and he wanted to make their lives as unbearable and unliveable as possible”.
Jacinda Adhern has admitted that the country will become a two-tier society between the vaccinated and unvaccinated … “That is what it is.” Boris Johnson says the unvaccinated indulge in “mumbo jumbo” and keeps telling more outrageous lies:
“Boris Johnson lied about 90% of Covid-19 ICU patients being unvaccinated. With the vaccinated accounting for 7 in every 10 cases, 6 in every 10 hospitalisations, and 8 in every 10 deaths, do you really believe the Prime Minister and the mainstream media when they tell you that 90% of the people in intensive care with Covid-19 are unvaccinated?”12
Tony Blair labelled the unvaccinated as “idiots”. All of these divisive, unstatesman-like comments do of course, constitute a cruel coercion upon the inhabitants of those nations, designed to make them feel inferior and hence remedy their situation by taking the remedy … er, vaccine … er, experimental mRNA drug:
“Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology used in mRNA vaccines, said that it’s those who got the experimental COVID shots that are the real “super-spreaders” and not those who didn’t get jabbed – as totalitarian states and establishment media claimed. The idea that if you have a workplace where everybody’s vaccinated, you’re not going to have virus spread, is totally false. A total lie.”13

NZ PM Ardern with Bill and Melinda Gates. Ardern is regarded by Schwab as WEF’s poster child for the WEF.
The one underlying constant with all these global leaders is a mixture of nastiness, arrogance and confidence, that belies the fact that they are enabled and supported by powerful institutions like the WEF. Yet, as authoritarianism reaches its peak in the world, so it is starting to self destruct.
The fact that these leaders are resorting to the lowest form of fear mongering and coercion, indicates that they are engaged in a desperate scramble to maintain the focus of their WEF mission – which may start to fall apart, as millions of people wake up to what is happening.
The degree of some of their zealotry and cruel speech – appears as if some of them are psychically possessed, as mentioned in earlier commentaries about the Australian state premiers. Here is Neil Oliver’s video:
Macron’s Transits
Macron is Capricorn rising with four placements in Sagittarius – a sign well known for shooting off its mouth! There is a lot going on in Macron’s horoscope at the moment, if the reader will follow the colour-coded transit chart:
1. Transiting Mars in Sagittarius. Mars is undoubtedly the trigger to Macron’s outburst, lining up precisely with his Neptune in Sagittarius (a double dose of idealism) – and progressed Moon in Sagittarius – in the tenth house of the public, career.
That line-up opposes solar directed Chiron in Gemini. Mars is also the hierarchical ruler of Sagittarius and can be the “loose cannon”, incendiary zealot or fundamentalist at times. (See this analysis of Mars in Sagittarius.)
Both Mars and Neptune rule the sixth ray of devotion and idealism, the most common influence upon the astral body. The outgoing sixth ray also finds its most potent expression through Sagittarius in this cycle.
2. Transiting Sun in Capricorn conjunct progressed midheaven – square Pluto and directed Saturn in Libra. Here is the trigger of ambition and power – Macron looking to consolidate his position. By similar comparison, Justin Trudeau has the natal Sun in Capricorn square to Pluto – whose expression in the past couple of years has been dictatorial, brutal and totally in lockstep with other WEF leaders.
3. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius conjunct progressed Sun – square Uranus-Moon. Capricorn ascendant ruler Saturn is making a T-square to Uranus in Scorpio – opposite natal Moon in Taurus.
Here is a great point of tension where Macron’s dweller/shadow is being activated. The Taurus moon is Macron the banker, but also indicates the dictator with rigid, stubborn attitudes. Making his radical “piss off” statement might have been one way to escape the tension of this square, breaking out of his impasse.
4. Transiting Pluto conjunct Ascendant and progressed Mercury. A once in a lifetime transit where Pluto the planet of power will activate Macron’s ascendant, on and off from now until the end of 2024. This can be an empowering time to achieve greater personal ambition – but also ruthlessness or descent into megalomania. So far so good, relatively speaking, but will he change his tune in one year’s time?
“I won’t send [unvaccinated people] to prison, so we need to tell them, from 15 January, you will no longer be able to go to the restaurant. You will no longer be able to go for a coffee, you will no longer be able to go to the theatre. You will no longer be able to go to the cinema.”14
This Pluto transit brings on the breakdown of old patterns that had previously given a sense of security. Especially with progressed Mercury involved, the destruction of mental rigidity. The polar opposite extremes of power, or a fall from power are accentuated here – leading to a possible humiliation.
As Capricorn is one of the main signs of initiation, this period can also represent going through some kind of initiation process – that initiation can be deeper into the realm of matter, or upward to the light. One can be sucked into the vortex of the underworld of the unconscious and hidden realms of Pluto – “the fight with the forces native to the underworld”. Hence, the breaking down of all the crystallisations built up thus far in this lifetime:
“The keynotes of this sign are all indicative of a crystallisation process. This concretising faculty of Capricorn can be considered in several ways … Capricorn is an earth sign, and in it we have expressed the densest point of concrete materialisation of which the human soul is capable. Man is then “of the earth, earthy” and is what the New Testament calls “the first Adam.”
In this sense, Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality …When crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called “hardness,” it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the “blows of fate” which are the enactments of the law of karma.
Again and again, a certain measure of concreteness is achieved, only again to undergo destruction, prior to the release of the life and the rebuilding of the form … Capricorn is ever the sign of conclusion … the mountain top is frequently the symbol, for it marks the point beyond which further ascent in any particular life cycle is not possible. Capricorn is, therefore, the sign of what has been called esoterically “periodic arresting.”
Progress becomes impossible under the existing forms, and there has to be the descent into the valley of pain, despair and death before a fresh attempt to scale the heights takes place.”15
Also, Paris is ruled by Capricorn and the recent blaze in 2019 that destroyed Notre Dame, is part of Pluto’s work:
“The forces of crystallisation pour through Paris which is ruled by Capricorn in its personality and yet the soul of the French nation is nurtured in that great capital through the soul of the city, energised by Virgo.”16
5. Solar directed Moon in Gemini opposite Sun-Mercury in Sagittarius. This will be exact to the Sun by the first week of Feb.2022 – it is like a full moon period, a harvest of sorts. This kind of direction can amplify or exaggerate existing traits of Sagittarius. Note also the line-up with solar directed Uranus in Sagittarius, making an exact conjunction to Macron’s Sun-Mercury – amplifying his penchant for impulsive or radical action.
Another extraordinary factor – Macron’s horoscope shares much in common with the WEF – that also has a Sagitarius stellium – Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, midheaven Venus and Moon. WEF moon falls right on Macron’s Sun-Mercury, and WEF Neptune on his Venus. This synastry reveals Macron as a devoted soldier of the WEF, aligned idealistically with its vision. And fanatically determined to carry out his task, no doubt believing that the vision is a noble one to be fulfilled heroically.
6. Transiting Neptune square Venus in Sagittarius. Not only was natal Neptune in Sagittarius triggered by Mars, but transiting Neptune is activating another Sagittarius planet, Venus. This kind of aspect can create illusions, if not delusions – of grandeur!
One cannot forget Macron’s pompous and grandiose inauguration display after he was elected president in 2017 – an over the top display of military and police power – there is Exagittarius!
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Capricorn NGWS Week 2019 in Review: Prophecy
How often do we take notice or keep track of astrological forecasts and their outcomes? Perhaps the main tendency is in our own horoscopes, but not so much nationally or internationally for most people.
Hence, during this period of Capricorn 2022, it is a good opportunity to reflect upon what was written about the New Group of World Servers Week in Dec. 2019. This special festival has seven-year cycles, hence its influence in 2019 carries through until 2026.
Students may recall that during NGWS week from Dec.21-28, it encompassed the Capricorn solstice, a balsamic moon, followed by the new moon annual solar eclipse on Boxing Day – with an extraordinary stellium in Capricorn: Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Venus! That date was just a few days before China announced Coronavirus to the world on New Years Day 2020. The astro-cartographic eclipse lines in the diagram below, radiated from South East Asia through China.
The following excerpts summarise the extraordinary power of that period and how it has profoundly influenced the past two years. (The full article can be read here: Astrological Analysis of Capricorn 2019: World Servers Week)
… “Capricorn is the most material and spiritual sign of the zodiac. With the forces of the 1st ray of Will-Power and the 7th ray of Ceremonial Order passing through it, there is a great capacity to bring spiritual purpose into manifestation.
… The power of the will working through the mental body is a great force that must be handled responsibly, hence Capricorn’s reputation as the black or white magician, the sign of grossest materiality or the most sublime spirituality.
… In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears.
… Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn The conjunction of these two planets in the sign of Capricorn has not occurred for 500 years, when Protestantism emerged at The Reformation ….
… Similarly, we may look for another Reformation, so urgently needed in diverse areas of human activity: Religion, politics, economics etc. Hence, the period from the December solstice through to the end of January [2020], may see a major world crisis precipitate – financially, politically and/or spiritually.”
… The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is like a mighty karmic hammer that can deliver the blow needed.
… Mars in Scorpio conjunct Scorpio ascendant Scorpio – battleground for the World Disciple and humanity at large; where the World Hercules must lift the seething nine-headed dragon out of the stinking swamp – symbol of the unpurified astral nature:
… The disciple has now to demonstrate the strength, character and quality which he has unfolded and developed within himself during his long pilgrimage. [from Mars-ruled Aries] …
…The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation … the revelation of the vision of liberation and service …
… Humanity appears to be resisting change and a portion may have to be dragged by dramatic events, “kicking and screaming” out of their apathy and selfishness.
… It is said that “Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future.”
… It will be a potent opportunity for the New Group of World Servers to give their all, to transform the mental and psychic atmosphere of our struggling planet, so that Humanity may be positively influenced, empowered and encouraged
… to effect all the urgent changes that are needed; to push back at the opportunistic and ruthless materialistic forces that work through the global culture; to make a stand and bear our burdens and hold fast.
… Will the world Hercules lift this problem up into heaven and “elevate the Hydra” of passion and hate, of greed and aggression, and of selfishness and ambition up into the region of the soul? Or will it carry the whole matter down on to the physical plane with the inevitable corollary of world disaster, world war and death? Such are the problems with which the guiding Hierarchy is faced.
… Mercury represents reorientation and re-direction for humanity as a whole, as in “reversing the wheel”; plus all the re-orientations that aspirants and disciples must make
Rockefeller Revisited: Operation Lockstep
This subject was first presented in May 2020, for which the author was criticised for “indulging in conspiracy theory”. In that missive the following was stated:
“The wider dimension to this crisis is claimed to be a deliberate global plan called “Lockstep” (as in “lockdown”) – initiated by the Rockefeller Foundation in May 2010, as one of four scenarios for human survival. (See this PDF document freely available for download.)
It appears now, exactly ten years later, that this one of four plans has been “chosen” to come into effect:
“LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.
CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues. [Preferable!]
HACK ATTACK – An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge.
SMART SCRAMBLE – An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems.”17
When reviewing this document from 2010, it is chilling how more or less accurately the Lockstep scenario (or pre-meditated plan), has been implemented successfully – so far. This is a script that has been followed studiously by most nations and their leaders – under the direction of various bodies such as WEF, WHO etc.
Following are some key points from the Rockefeller Foundation document, Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (Download here). It is quite obvious that the WEF and people like Bill Gates have run with the Lockstep scenario, with several pandemic exercises between 2010 and 2019, the latter of which was the infamous “Event 201” in Sept.2019, that went “live” just a few months later.18
The following passages are excerpts from the Lockstep document, with bolding emphasis by the author:
“A new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. [Not geese, allegedly bats – but undoubtedly the Wuhan laboratory!]
“The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers. [Supply chain issues are already a looming problem in 2022.]
The pandemic blanketed the planet — though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. [Not accurate.]
… However, a few countries did fare better — China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery. [Because China was in on the whole scam from the start.]
… China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets.
… Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power. [Did they ever!]
… At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty — and their privacy — to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit.
… In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.
… But more authoritarian leadership worked less well — and in some cases tragically — in countries run by irresponsible elites who used their increased power to pursue their own interests at the expense of their citizens. [This has been the majority of behaviour.]
… Meanwhile, in the developed world, the presence of so many top-down rules and norms greatly inhibited entrepreneurial activity. Scientists and innovators were often told by governments what research lines to pursue and were guided mostly toward projects that would make money (e.g., market-driven product development) or were “sure bets” (e.g., fundamental research), leaving more risky or innovative research areas largely untapped.
Well-off countries and monopolistic companies with big research and development budgets still made significant advances, but the IP behind their breakthroughs remained locked behind strict national or corporate protection.
… China’s investment in Africa expanded as the bargain of new jobs and infrastructure in exchange for access to key minerals or food exports proved agreeable to many governments. [China’s influence is everywhere.]
… By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them. Wherever national interests clashed with individual interests, there was conflict. Sporadic pushback became increasingly organized and coordinated, as disaffected youth and people who had seen their status and opportunities slip away — largely in developing countries — incited civil unrest.
… predictability of this world began to grow uncomfortable and constrained by so many tight rules and by the strictness of national boundaries. The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish.”
And finally, a good video interview with German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his work with the Nuremberg 2.0 project, laying charges against various organisations and individuals.
Technocracy and Mass Psychosis/Formation
(The author recently posted an essay on the subject: Shamballa, Technocracy and the 84-Year Cycle of Uranus.)
“Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire populations For the first time in human history it will be done as a scientific, technical, engineering problem.”
A Belgian Professor of Clinical Psychology, Dr. Mattias Desmet, recently articulated how this is playing out on a global scale. His concept of “mass formation” (ie, global delusion) is predicated on four conditions that must first be met.
1. The masses must feel alone and isolated.
2. Their lives must feel pointless and meaningless.
3. The masses then must experience constant free-floating anxiety.
4. They must experience free-floating frustration and aggression.
(Note: Free-floating means that there is no discernible source for aggression or anxiety.)
It should be self-evident that all four have been masterfully set into motion with the Great Panic of 2020.”19
As the author has stated frequently, the phenomenon of mass hypnosis/psychosis is related to Neptune’s transit through Pisces. Neptune, god of the waters, is the co-ruler of the astral plane – wherein the bulk of Humanity is polarised in consciousness. Glamour that is generated upon the astral plane, might be the esoteric term for all these psychological names.
Hence, humanity has been an easy target for social engineering, simply by having the primordial instinct of fear activated and reinforced by endless media propaganda. The following video is one of many that can be found with Dr. Mattias Desmet. Watch and learn …
Several other video interviews on the same subject can be found with Dr. Peter McCullough here and Dr. Mark McDonald’s “The United States of Fear – Mass Delusion”. McDonald and Desmet, both came to the same conclusions independently, using the phrases “mass psychosis” and “mass formation” respectively – but essentially saying the same thing.
Technocracy author Patrick Wood, says there are three big threats to watch in 2022. Most of us are aware of these trends, hence this is not to perpetuate the fear virus, but to be well prepared for any possible radical events in 2022. “Technocrats are totally committed to fear mongering, sustaining chaos and even promoting outright panic. Such is their war against humanity. During this time, they may continue unchallenged to install their apparatuses of control.”
1. Systemic failure of a major financial infrastructure. Global monetary authorities have been running simulations of financial collapse caused by various things, including hacking. This would necessitate rigid digital identities for Internet passports, a takeover of digital currencies.
2. Supply chain failure. Already very fragile, the global supply chain could seize up like a motor that loses its oil. This could result in crippling shortages of parts, consumer goods and even food.
3. Major stock market and real estate rout. The Fed is already pledged to remove some liquidity from the economy in 2022. But, is another nuance to “liquidity”. Historically, when bubble-sentiment “pops”, a collapse occurs.
Removing money from the system can be a trigger, but when fear set in, buyers run for the hills and refuse to buy falling equities at any price. This can result in a free-fall of prices based entirely on sentiment rather than fundamentals.”20
The Aquarian Age is Emerging!
But its all good! The actions of these groups are now driving millions of people into small community groups that give physical, emotional and spiritual support to one another. The world is witnessing the Aquarian Age emerging from under the shadow of the declining Pisces age, where like minded groups resonating to the same consciousness – band together, creating their own medical support, their own food production, their own currencies of barter and exchange, self-sufficiency and a true sustainablity that bypasses the corrupted UN’s distorted version,
Dr. Pam Popper (her birthdate anyone?) is an amazing activist who started Wellness Forum Health – a good example of the first ray of will-power, perhaps as her personality ray. She talks in this video with Dr. Mercola in an inspiring interview How to Win the War Against Tyranny. Popper discusses the law suits her group has pending, as well as the creation of communities and The Great Awakening.
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius-Capricorn (Jan.14 to Feb.4)
Mercury goes into a retrograde several times each year, already begun its “pre-shadow phase” on Jan.1, denoted by the blue shaded days in the diagram.
This means that Mercury appears to slow down on its daily orbit, preparing to go retrograde. Often this period, as well as the “post-shadow phase” can feel like Mercury retrograde for some people.
Mercury in Aquarius is all about innovative ideas and rethinking them for systems that benefit everyone. Mercury here can create rebellion against the system – the status quo, represented by the previous sign Capricorn – toward which Mercury moves in retrograde.
When Mercury in Aquarius goes stationary retrograde on Jan.14, it makes a close square to Aquarius ruler Uranus in Taurus – which could “throw a spanner in the works” globally, particularly with regard to Aquarius-Uranus themes such as technology, internet, finance etc.
On Jan.27 (in the last few days of the Australian Open Tennis), Mercury re-enters Capricorn where there may emerge a rethinking of rules, laws, constitutions – old structures that may need an overhaul.
Jan.30 (Men’s tennis grand final), sees Mercury meet up with Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury the guide in Pluto’s underworld, the power of thought, linking with the planet of power. This can result in some trenchant or persuasive communication, power struggles, obsessiveness or dark manipulation.
All Creatures Great and Small: Reclaiming Right Relations
“Rolling Stone magazine has called it “incredible balm”, and the New York Times extolled its “cheerful optimistic tone”. American viewers are enthralled by its bucolic setting, the small, everyday dramas and its old-fashioned sense of community. And, of course, the animals …
… It’s strangely revolutionary to be making a series about people trying to be kind to each other … “empathy and simplicity of All Creatures feel genuinely radical.”21
This new 2020 TV series is a remake of the remarkable original series – All Creatures Great and Small, that went for 90 episodes between 1978 and 1990. (Available free on YouTube)
The author has frequently felt that shows like this (Similarly, The Darling Buds of May), emerge from the heart of Britain’s second ray soul of Love-Wisdom; so it is no wonder that second ray soul America has warmed to it as well:
“A combination of the pandemic and the very uncivil society that we live in the US has meant the simple values of community, friendship and kindness have got lost in a very ugly political debate. The show serves as a relief from the stresses and strains that people are feeling right now … Its warm reception was because “people need gentle, decent television about people trying to care for each other and reduce suffering rather than excellent hard-hitting, what you might call gritty, television about terrible things happening to innocent people”22
Indeed, this statement follows on the heels of the author’s recent commentaries on trash culture and the absorption of mindless, violent movies with the same hackneyed themes. People want a return to “normal” – which is not about being stuck in an nostalgic past, but about reclaiming the values of right relationships and freedom from fear.
Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal
Following the announcement of this project in late 2021, and as a reminder of the AWCR’s ongoing service activities, Phillip Lindsay is offering regular astrology newsletter commentaries and other talks/discussions – via the Go to Meeting webinar platform. There will also be ongoing monthly full moon meditations at dates and times to be announced.
Go to Meeting for Capricorn 2022 will be Saturday, Jan.15 at 19.00 UT.
Registration Visit the Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat website.
At the link above, add your email to the mailing list – and/or,
make an optional donation to AWCR’s activities.
Phillip Lindsay © 2022.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.159. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.157. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.155. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.153-4. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.69. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
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- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.69. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
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- The parallels with 9/11 are uncanny. A NORAD training exercise went live on the same day. NORAD was running two drills on 9/11: Vigilant Guardian and Vigilant Warrior. These drills scrambled jets all over the country, and over the ocean and made it impossible for the pilots to intercept the hijacked jets in time once they were scrambled towards the hijackings. In 2000, NORAD exercises had 67 intercepts with 100% accuracy. On 9/11 they failed 4 times in one day. NORAD interceptions on 9/11 took 80 minutes to scramble, too late to do anything. The average time is 10 minutes.” [↩]
- Patrick Wood, “Beware 2022: Technocracy’s War Against Humanity Set to Continue”. [↩]
- Patrick Wood, “Beware 2022: Technocracy’s War Against Humanity Set to Continue”. [↩]
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Popping up signs here and there of some sort turning point, but it might be to early to tell.
This is however promising – a Danish newspaper apologising for following the official narrative without questioning.
Hi Philip very good work TY so much I can add a few things, 1 is China’s 2 largest Ports are in lockdown 2 Xi’an a City of 14 million is in complete Lockdown, no shopping no thing allowed must stay at home. 3 2 other cities are now in complete lockdown they are reporting it as covid. Yet reports out of Xi’an were a more deadly issue
So considering Olympics is Feb 4th what can we read into this, as its more dire as time tics by.
AS for great Awakening aspect more folks are seeing the hidden part of material plane construct. I am getting the black lodges are at odds with each other as the covenant “allowing them” to operate to a certain degree is no longer in effect, thus the collective fear factor and anger they have incited no longer feeds their cause. AAB does have a comment about Black Lodges and Hierarchy. .
“Keep an open mind”
We could very well relate this expression to Capricorn and its hierarchical ruler Venus, because the light of the 5th Ray of Mind and Science is the mind that through Capricorn (1st, 3rd and 7th Rays) can concretize (in the material plane) the Light seen on the buddhic plane or “the top of the mountain”.
Let us remember that when Jesus went up the mountain and saw the Light, the three disciples who accompanied Him fell asleep.
Because the buddhic plane cannot be understood by the physical plane, emotional plane or concrete mental plane, but it can only be understood by “an open mind”, that is, not conditioned or attached to the three lower planes.
Capricorn is the final goal of “the fight”, the Eagle in Scorpio, the intuition (Mercury) realized through the mind in Venus.
Thank you Phillip for your work