Aquarius 2025: USA Aquarian Soul. Freedom. LA Fires. Initiation. Trump’s Inauguration. Tech Billionaires. Trusk. Trumpanyahu.

Aquarius (Johfra Bosschart. Bosschart is Aquarius Rising,)
Aquarius Keynote
“Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.”
(Full Moon Feb. 12, 2025. UT: 13.53.)
“This constellation [Aquarius] is one of supreme importance to our solar system at this time, for it is the sign into which our Sun is rapidly moving and its influence is gaining in momentum and added potency with each vanishing decade. It is, therefore, largely responsible for the changes now being effected in our planetary life in all the kingdoms of nature, and, because it is an air sign, its influence is all pervasive and inter-penetrating.
To many types of mind, this influence is intangible and must, therefore, be unable to produce the desired results; yet the fact is that these intangible pervasive results are of far greater potency and are far more extensive in their effects than the more concrete and spectacular happenings.”1
Introduction: USA’s Aquarian Soul
USA’s Third Uranus Return: Principle of Freedom
Los Angeles Heart Centre Burns
___Astrological Transits
___Reflections on the Theosophical Society and Ageless Wisdom Teachings
___Nature’s Purification, Poor Management or Attack?
___Inspired Leadership
___Christ’s Imminent Return
The Burning Ground of Initiation
Donald Trump Presidential Inauguration 2025
___Disclaimer: Cultivate the Apolitical
___The Tech Billionaires
___Stargate Project: Artificial Intelligence
___Trusk: Unique Synastry of Trump and Musk
___Elon Musk, DOGE and USAID
___Trumpanyahu on Gaza
Introduction: USA’s Aquarian Soul
This newsletter is mainly devoted to events occurring in the USA – such as the LA fires but mainly the fast and furious changes that the new Trump administration is bringing about. The United States of America is an Aquarian soul and its dharma is to be a planetary leader – as the world passes into the 2,160-year cycle of the Aquarian Age.
The destiny of the USA is shared by Russia, another Aquarian soul. Once the current enmity between the two nations evaporates and better relations ensue, they will work together in a triangle with Britain – to bring on the Aquarian Age. (See several of the author’s articles such as this one: The Combined Destiny of Russia, Britain and US.)
In USA’s 1776 horoscope for the Declaration of Independence from mother Britain, the Moon is in Aquarius – which represents the shadow or dweller on the threshold. In this respect, it is the misuse of the Aquarian skill to work together in groups, that has spawned many exploitive corporations that currently dominate the nation. That great initiate, reformer and “racial avatar”- President Abraham Lincoln made a dire warning about this potential:
“As a result of the [civil] war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”2
Lincoln was a “double Aquarian” with his personality expression (the Sun) in Aquarius and his soul expression, Aquarius rising. Lincoln emerged from the soul of a young Aquarian nation.
As an Aquarian soul, USA’s purpose is to now work on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral – to move from old exploitive corporate practices to an altruism that genuinely serves the people. Aquarius is a sign of world service and the free distribution of prana (including money) to all – where the Water-Bearer pours forth the waters of life for thirsting humanity. The Water-Bearer’s urn contains the waters of Love-Wisdom – the 2nd ray soul of the USA, ruled by Jupiter, which is also the esoteric ruler of Aquarius.
But today, Lincoln’s prophecy has reached its worst possible outcome, where predatory corporations plunder and exploit with impunity, revealing themselves through Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Media, Big Banks – and the likes of behemoths such as Blackrock and Vanguard. Humanity is rapidly waking up to this fact, particularly after their attempted coup of the last few years.
Even the latest administration line-up has several of the world’s richest people prominently on display (Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos etc.): Will they work tirelessly for the people, inspired by the nation’s soul, or continue their old patterns of financial manipulation and control? (More on them later.)
These are all glaring problems that have many people worried about the future of the nation – which reflexively determines the fate of the entire word. Therefore, the next four years offers an opportunity to nip in the bud these prevailing patterns – to turn around a potential Titanic in mid-stream.
The USA has a Gemini personality, reflecting the nation’s ethnic diversity, the blending of cultures from all around the world, its communications and media industries, the ability to connect with others – finding that point in common so characteristic of Gemini, a sign of relationships in general.
This Gemini force works via the 1776 horoscope through Mars in Gemini, a subject dealt with at length by the author, regarding USA’s personality integration. Mars is the ruler of the 6th ray of devotion, the personality ray of the nation. Upon this position of Mars in Gemini, sits Donald Trump’s Sun in Gemini. This is one of the reasons for his populism, but also the fact that his Leo ascendant opposes 1776’s Moon in Aquarius – the masses.
Gemini the Twins gives Trump the dual attributes of the Dweller/Diablo to half the nation, whilst to the other half he is the Divine. The USA might be regarded esoterically as “hosting” the Planetary Dweller on the Threshold.
The victory of the battle between the Dweller and the Angel in the USA will be a planetary victory; similarly, defeat will have dire ramifications. All of these factors set the stage for the centennial conclave at Shamballa, which can be reasonably speculated to be at the Wesak Festival this year, May 12, 2025.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus “the planet of science” and this sign has only one ray passing through it – the 5th ray of Science/Knowledge. The computer and internet revolutions which started primarily in the USA, are an expression of the soul of the nation.
As an Aquarian soul, the USA will come into her own during the Aquarian Age, providing that its Gemini personality reaches a point of correct integration, only a matter of when, not if. USA’s Aquarian soul is often distorted through the lens of its personality. Hence, although it aspires to the great vision of serving Humanity, it also serves other interests. The following was written around 80 years ago, but still applies:
“If the idealism of the United States of America can be illumined by the law of love and not by personality self-expression, then the pattern which underlies the structure of the States may be seen in lines of light and we shall look for future racial light instead of the many separative national lines.
At present it is the personality ray of the United States which controls … A close study of that for which each nation stands will be most revealing and their pattern will emerge – a pattern of personality selfishness or a pattern of soul goals.”3
In its lower expression, Aquarius is superficial and selfish, serving the lower self. At a higher level, it consecrates its service to the whole. Currently the USA is dominated by special-interest groups and organisations, who are themselves “immature Aquarian entities” that self-serve USA’s extensive resources; they are powerful minorities who have great lobbying influence – and are not “consecrated to the whole”.
USA’s Third Uranus Return: Principle of Freedom
The USA is still processing the effects of its first ever Pluto return, the last closest “hit” of which was around Oct.7, 2023 – the beginning of the current Israel-Gaza crisis. Pluto has the longest cycle of all the planets, taking 248 years to circle the Sun. Hence, its effects are deep and long lasting as it drags to the surface and destroys all that has become crystallised in the life of the nation.
Corresponding to the 248-year Pluto cycle is the Uranus cycle of 84 years: x 3 = 252 years. Uranus is about revolution, liberation and freedom – and is the ruler of Aquarius, USA’s soul purpose. USA was founded at the American Revolution of 1776 when Uranus was in Gemini, hence the three Uranus returns – past and future can be enumerated or speculated upon:
1. The 1st Uranus return saw the American Civil War of 1860 and the emancipation of slaves.
2. The 2nd Uranus return in 1944 saw the USA consolidating its 1941 entry into WWII, playing a massive role in the Pacific and by liberating Europe – along with fellow Aquarian soul Russia.
3. The 3rd Uranus return will be from May 2027 through to July 2028. What might we expect for the potential of another great liberating event? The USA has been responsible for some important milestones in human liberation:
“There have been in the history of the past two thousand years, four great symbolic happenings which have sequentially presented (to those who have eyes to see, ears to hear and minds to interpret) the theme of liberation—and not simply of liberty.
1. The life of Christ Himself.
2.…….a. The signing of the Magna Charta.
………..b. The founding of the French Republic.
………..c. The Declaration of and the Bill of Rights.
………..d. The Atlantic Charter and the Four Freedoms.
3. The Emancipation of the Slaves.
4. The Liberation of Humanity by the United Nations.”4
From the above, points 2 (c, d), 3 and 4 – were all achieved or hosted by this young nation. USA’s development of the nuclear bomb which halted WWII in its tracks, might also be added to this list. (A controversial topic where critics say that it did not have to happen.)
And yet now, on the eve of USA’s third Uranus return, the fascist forces that were defeated in WWII, have infiltrated the nation via various ideologies and departments such as the CIA and Operation Paperclip.
The first warning of this trend was the assassination of JFK in 1963, who sought to confront those nefarious forces. Also, soon after – the broader development of the military industrial complex, Neocon and “deep state” ideologies.
All of this – combined with the evolution of predatory corporations, technocracy, government mismanagement and the corruption of paid for politicians, has led the nation to its parlous position today. In the 1776 horoscope the star Sirius is conjunct USA’s Cancer sun, no doubt planned by the founding fathers:
“It is the principle of freedom … it is that which provides a “pathway of power” between our Hierarchy and the distant sun, Sirius, and gives the incentive towards the “culture of freedom” or of liberation which motivates the work of the Masters of the Wisdom …
… This mysteriously “exerted influence,” this “pulling away” from form … emanates from Sirius and for it we have no name; … the Law of Freedom … is not … its true name, for in the last analysis, freedom and liberation are effects of its activity. This unique and mysterious law governs the Life and the Lives upon Sirius…”5
So how will this principle of freedom or liberation work out in the next few years – where the current administration’s 4-year term of office overlaps the beginning of the third Uranus return?
Will the very Uranian Trump (Sun-Uranus in Gemini) – who was born in 1946 at the beginning of the third cycle, be able to pull off a raft of reforms through his administration? Or is another civil war of conflicting ideologies already in progress, that may or may not develop into more serious altercations?
Already there have been a mind-boggling list of executive orders, some good, others not so good!6 Some of the good (arguably):
Restoring Freedom of Speech and Ending Federal Censorship, Withdrawing the United States from the World Health Organization, Ending Radical and Wasteful DEI Programs, Designating Cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations, Securing US Borders, Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism, Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports, Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation.
Declassification of records on the assassinations of JFK, RFK Sr., MLK Jr., Emergency Measures to Provide Water Resources in California, Reinstating Service Members Discharged Under the Military’s COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate, Imposing Duties to Address the Synthetic Opioid Supply Chain, Imposing Duties to Address the Flow of Illicit Drugs Across Northern Border, Withdrawing the United States from and Ending Funding to Certain United Nations Organizations.
Los Angeles Heart Centre Burns
“Nations, for instance, have seven centres, as have all forms of existence from the human and animal upwards, and it is an interesting study to discover these centres and note the type of energy which flows through them. In connection with the United States of America, Chicago is the solar plexus centre, whilst New York is the throat centre and Washington the head centre. The heart centre is Los Angeles.7
Fire is the great puri-fire and California/LA have been subject to constant wildfires for the past several years. The video footage and photos coming out of LA are jaw-dropping, apocalyptic and deeply moving.
The awakening of the heart centre in any entity is a major evolutionary goal and a significant phase of that process may well be occurring in LA right now – during Capricorn, a sign of initiation. The fires occurred during the transitional phase of US govt, an unprecedented purification took place in LA – perhaps as a prelude to a greater heart awakening for USA’s 2nd ray love-wisdom soul.
Astrological Transits
When the Pacific Palisades blaze began on Jan.7, transiting Mars retrograde in Cancer was exactly squaring California’s Mercury-Pluto in fiery Aries. Mars-Pluto have a role in raising solar plexus forces to the heart. The following passage has some uncanny symbolism:
“… the solar plexus (Pluto). This latter planet becomes active in the life of the man who is “becoming alive in the higher sense, his lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the man may live in truth in the higher land of light.””8
In USA’s 1776 horoscope, the Sun and Jupiter are in Cancer – the sign of home, family and the mother. Transiting Mars in Cancer squaring CA’s Pluto, has rendered hundreds of thousands homeless in a city known for its wealth, affluence and materialistic lifestyles. Multi-million-dollar homes of celebrities and movie stars reduced to ashes in a few short hours. But the fires did not discriminate, as many ordinary folk of more humble means were equally swept up in the fire storm.
Pluto destroys, yet is also the Phoenix that rises from the ashes: Transiting Pluto is now fully engaged in Aquarius, the soul of the USA. Pluto is also square to CA’s Venus in Scorpio, creating a grand cross of crisis in California’s horoscope.
Transiting Saturn in Pisces was also opposite CA’s sun in Virgo, creating a particularly potent karmic opportunity – based upon loss, suffering and the thousands of people coming together to help one another out.
The symbolism of a fiery heart awakens the 2nd ray soul of the USA to a greater degree of compassion and love-wisdom. If ever there was a critical time globally, for the millions of souls within the nation’s heart to truly awaken – it must be now.
Although there were several fires that created huge losses of property, Pacific Palisades was completely devastated with the assistance of “unprecedented” Santa Ana winds driving ferocious fires.
With over 12,000 homes, businesses, schools and other structures and 24 lives lost in the greater LA area, the sacrifice petals of the heart lotus might well have been trembling into wakefulness.
Pacific Palisades is home to Yogananda’s Lake Shrine Temple – which was left untouched. Across town in Altadena near Pasadena, the Theosophical Society building was completely destroyed – containing the world’s largest archive of Theosophical materials – a 25,000+ volume library.
Apparently, most of the books had been digitized, but there were many other treasures that were destroyed such as paintings by mystic British artist-writer Reginald Machell, works of Boehme, Gichtel, donations from the king of Siam, including rare Buddhist scriptures. In the Theosophical Society horoscope of 1875, transiting Mars was exactly conjunct the TS Moon in the last degree of Cancer, symbolising destruction of the past, of old comfortable ways of functioning.
The Sabian symbol for that last degree is, “A daughter of the American Revolution”, perhaps symbolising a new revolution about to take place. The upcoming Aquarius full moon festival certainly backs this up. (See later chart analysis.)
Reflections on the Theosophical Society and Ageless Wisdom Teachings
In 2024 the author visited the TS in Amsterdam and held talks and seminars at the TS in Copenhagen. In both lodges there were questions of how to better bring the ageless wisdom teachings to younger generations, to attract new students. Also, what different modes of can be used to disseminate the Wisdom.
Most of the people in the discussions were 60-90 years old, including yours truly! (Both lodges also have extensive theosophical libraries in several languages with valuable first editions and so forth.)
These questions have been floating around for decades – about the generations that have “slipped through the net”. The advent of the internet in the 90’s saw a dilution from book reading, bookshops and libraries – to online reading and exposure to many other disciplines, group discussion forums, social media, videos – and other distractions!
The author’s response to these TS questions is partly stated above, but it was also speculated that our generation is winding down now, has made its major contributions, or not – and will all return/reincarnate in the ensuing decades to undertake another group effort which will allow “occultism to win the day” – as the Master KH once declared.
Particularly so regarding the proposed re-establishment of the Mystery Schools in the coming centuries that coincides with the return of the Masters of Wisdom among humanity in these ensuing decades.
The TS has had a broad global influence, but like any organism that becomes an organisation, crystallisation eventually sets in. Critics have been observing this even since the late 1800’s. It is not known how much the Altadena library was being used – but if not, then the old adage arises, “use it or lose it”.
Hence, the destruction at Altadena, whilst a tragic loss on the one hand, might be also putting paid to the past, paving the way for the future – for the next prophesied third phase of the Teachings:
“In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching. It will be under the same “impression,” for my task [DK’s] is not yet completed and this series of bridging treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run.”9
Who knows, that initiate may have already been at work for some years, with a release of said work imminent?
Whatever the many speculated causes of the LA fires, the destruction was likely needed – if not well overdue. Whether the fires are perceived as a purification or planned aggression, nature or circumstances attack that which has become old, weak or atrophied. The fires occurred during Capricorn, a sign that reflects crystallisation – when destruction of the form is needed to release the imprisoned life. Viva Los Angeles – city of angels!
“I see your hair is burning
Hills are filled with fire
If they say I never loved you
You know they are a liar.” (LA Woman, The Doors)
Nature’s Purification, Poor Management or Attack?
Due to certain facts emerging and similarities to other recent weather events such as Maui, Paradise and North Carolina – there are a few ways to look at what happened: The rhythms of nature taking their toll? Bad management by local government authorities? Deliberate military style geo-engineering in order to fulfill certain agendas – or all three?
1. Nature’s Purification
Already discussed above. “Or divine intervention”, where the Guiding Lights of Humanity are forced to take drastic measures by manipulating natural cataclysms:
“Divine intervention could also take the form of a cataclysmic happening which would bring aggression to an end through destruction. It would probably be at such a cost of human life that there is definite hesitation over employing it by the custodians of natural law and the workers who understand divine purpose, apart from the fact that humanity has now reached the point in evolution where the expression of human free will is definitely possible.
The use of cataclysm was the method employed in Atlantean days, as you well know from the tales of the flood; and through the flood there was almost complete destruction of the civilisation of that time. It is hoped that such a drastic step will not be needed today, though there are ancient prophecies which foretell the possibility of the destruction of this world at this time through fire—instead of flood.
Which of the two methods – divine embodiment and natural cataclysm—will be employed will really be decided by humanity through its use or non-use of free will and understanding. If humanity fails to unite under the banner of the Forces of Light against the forces of material aggression and selfishness, then the “fiery ordeal” might be unavoidable.”10
Inspired Leadership
Other forms of divine intervention include the emergence of inspired leadership:
“The stimulation of certain people to phenomenal action, and the instigation of others to emerge as dynamic and inspired leaders, is also another way in which divine intervention might find expression.
Oft, down the ages, men have been overshadowed by divinity and inspired by God to accept positive leadership, and so make divine purpose a fact in conditioning world affairs. Had they not so responded to the influencing impression, and had they not accepted the responsibility imposed upon them, the course of world affairs and world events might have been very different.”11
Many people today, in the USA and around the world believe that President Donald Trump bears such inspired leadership, with all his human flaws and failings – but inspired and rightly motivated nonetheless. Others regard him as the anti-Christ!
Christ’s Imminent Return
The other intervention option is the aforementioned “divine embodiment” – such as Christ’s return – as representative of the Hierarchy of Enlightened Being. That group, Who watch over and guide Humanity, are about to meet at the centennial Shamballa Conclave, most likely at the Taurus-Wesak full moon festival on May 12, 2025.
Their once-in-a-century meeting will set a date in the ensuing decades for Their gradual externalisation amongst humanity once again – for the first time since the dying days of Atlantis. Astrological conditions are ripening for Christ’s reappearance while Neptune passes through Pisces from March 30, 2025 to March 2039.
As regularly stated in these missives, “the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune”.12 Aries is the Ram or “Lamb of God”, hence Neptune’s imminent passage through Aries portends an unique astrological opportunity that millions are already sensing.
2. Official Explanations
There are many relevant points to be made about failures in various departments, a few of which are listed below:
– Chronic under-investment in public infrastructure and public safety. Planned obsolescence.
– CA governor Newsome deducted $150 million from California’s wildfire prevention budget.
– Donald Trump said: “Governor ‘Newscum -refused to ‘sign water restoration declaration that would have allowed millions of gallons of water from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California.
– LA mayor Karen Bass’ budget: $17.6 million cuts to fire department … then days ago, an extra $49 million in cuts.
– Water supply was cut off in many areas, fire hydrants were dry. LA Dept. Water/Power said all three water storage tanks in the area – each holding about 1 million gallons – had run dry.
– Dry scrub and unmanaged forests become flammable with just a single spark. Needs regular clearing but environmentalist lawsuits have consistently blocked the necessary logging, grazing and thinning of forests.
– Smart city planned for LA in 2028 to coincide with the LA Olympics. Hence fire was “engineered” like Lahaina, Maui.
– Due to increasing frequency of fires, insurers dropped fire coverage for thousands of homeowners in Palisades three months ago. A week ago in some cases, did they know something was coming?
– Electrical wires from power grid are causing more fires.
3. Geo-Engineered Attack?
“Conspiracy theorists are regularly ridiculed for their views and disqualified in serious discussions. But what, then, of the statement made in 1956 by the FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover who said that, “The individual is handicapped, by coming face-to-face, with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists. The American mind … rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy, which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.””13
Given the repeating patterns observed in other fires such as Paradise – CA, Maui etc., many observers are saying that these fires are a mixture of natural cycles manipulated and enhanced for maximum destruction – by geo-engineering techniques. (See the author’s 2018 Paradise fires report.) Sounds like “conspiracy theory” – right? Many people are still struggling to come to terms with the fact that,
a. Geo-engineering patents (several hundred) have been around for almost a century and have become very sophisticated.
b. President Lyndon Johnson’s famously stated, He who controls the weather will control the world”.
c. That there is a small but powerful group who are hell-bent on exploiting and controlling humanity.
d. That this group uses weather modification to push the climate change narrative, to set up “smart cities” etc.
During the LA fires, mainstream news outlets moved into overdrive, blaming the fires on climate change – almost more than reporting upon the actual fire events on the ground. This propaganda trend has been increasing for the past decade – for any weather event – fire, flood, hurricanes etc.
“The 15 Minute City Plans for Los Angeles: Los Angeles is one of dozens of cities whose “mayors and the cities they lead” are members in the international C40 Cities initiative. This is a movement to achieve the United Nations and globalist goals of restructuring cities to address the manufactured “climate change” crisis. Cities from around the world are participating in this movement.”14
Severe and extreme weather events – unprecedented, are now becoming commonplace: Snow in Florida, wild storms, floods and fires all over the planet – where geo-engineering is practiced continuously.
The Burning Ground of Initiation
Fire is a symbol of purification, of burning away the dross:
“The whole of mankind is passing en masse through the fires which precede the first initiation. Every disciple creates his own burning-ground; he then takes his stand within it, and eventually passes out of it to stand before the Angel of the Presence, at the very door of initiation.”15
Pluto’s transit through Aquarius (The soul of only three nations: USA, Russia and the Netherlands) – is appropriate as the planet which rules the “lesser burning ground” – so that “man may live in truth in the higher land of light.”16
The fiery processes of initiation concern burning away of the veils,
“Those taking the first two initiations must tread the Path as it passes through the Burning Ground. Those taking the higher initiations have to plunge into the sea or pool of fire which is essentially the fire of God as it has been cleansed from every aspect of the material form through the complete purification of desire.”17
The “purification of desire” concerns the 2nd initiation, ruled over by Scorpio, the sign of discipleship that brings many tests and trials. Scorpio is a water sign, a symbol of the astral body or the “desire nature”. Scorpio is ruled over by god of war Mars – and Pluto the Destroyer.
“This second initiation—as now undergone—is to some extent one of the most difficult. It involves purification, but it is purification by fire, symbolically understood. The occult “application of fire to water” produces certain most serious and devastating results.
The water, under the action of fire, “is resolved into steam and the initiate is immersed in the fogs and miasmas, the glamours and the mists” thus caused. Out of this fog and out of the glamours, the initiate must emerge; out of the present fog of human affairs humanity will also emerge eventually.
The success of the individual initiate is the guarantee of the racial destiny. The complications, produced by water in conjunction with fire in these Aryan days [5th Rootrace], are far greater than those produced entirely by water in Atlantean times; this age is kama-manasic and not simply kamic [desire] or strictly astral.
Remember therefore as you read these words that I am speaking symbolically. The fire of mind today has to be reckoned with in conjunction with the water of desire, and it is owing to this that much of humanity’s problem develops. It is because of this that the second initiation has become one of the most difficult which the modern disciple has to take.”18
Donald Trump Presidential Inauguration 2025
Disclaimer: Cultivate the Apolitical
The author is constantly obliged to remind readers who have strong reactions, that the following statements are astrological assessments, not a biased pro-Trump/Republican position, for which there are regular accusations! Indeed, deep hatred, disgust or contempt toward Trump will blind to certain realisations, ignoring the good, not giving credit where due – seeking always to condemn.
Hence the goal of the apolitical perspective is a mantra that everyone needs to work upon. Its not just Trump, its an entire Republican party that was elected by a majority of the population.
As stated regularly in these missives, there is virtually no Left or Right (two wings of the same bird), that exists in politics: In the USA and some other major Western nations like Britain and Australia; they are all slightly left or right of a bland and intransigent centre.
As a general rule, the Left has been connected to progressive, independent spiritual thought, whilst the Right is often associated with fundamentalist, organised religion.
Hence, it is contended that most of the spiritual communities – and the more esoterically oriented, have been mostly aligned with the left – as the author was for many years. (Please share your perspectives about this in the commentaries at the bottom of this newsletter.)
Therefore, the author’s goal in these evolving political analyses, is to stay engaged with the hard core left – or those still vainly clinging to liberal left ideology (that still contains many good things), in order to avoid the great glamour of separation and division within our communities: To encourage dialogue and discourse – as opposed to reactionary argument, bickering or poorly informed, crystallised opinions. (Readers can always have their say at the bottom of every newsletter, but please do not send the author personal emails.)
It is incumbent upon the New Group of World Servers to invoke the Aquarian principles of detachment and impersonality, to keep cultivating subjective seeds that will eventually realise a harvest of outer expression.
The Inauguration
This four-yearly event generates an horoscope that gives some indications for the next four years. The chart is set for 12 pm on January 20, 2025 in Washington, DC.
This date always sees the inauguration take place when the Sun is in the first degree of Aquarius, the sign which rules the soul of the USA. Aquarius is also the position of the Moon in USA’s 1776 horoscope.
What made this inauguration unique, is that the Sun was closely conjunct Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in the nation’s history. Pluto, planet of power, ruler of the first ray of will-power – which destroys in order to facilitate regeneration.
Sun-Pluto are highly visible in the 10th house of the public, institutions and the status quo. Given that Aquarius rules USA’s soul, Pluto in this sign has the potential to bring the nation into a deeper soul awareness. How? By destroying the way that corrupt, paid-for politicians and corporate-dictated government has been operating for decades – if not centuries.
The first Pluto return has only just occurred – 248 years since 1776. Pluto clears the decks for the new emerging cycle – putting paid to all that has perverted and distorted USA’s destiny over past centuries. USA, whose dharma is to lead the world into the Aquarian Age – with other Aquarian soul Russia – and Britain.
The challenge for this Sun-Pluto conjunction is the right use of power by the incoming administration – yet, there will be made some ruthless and difficult decisions to cut through the many resistances that will emerge. Half of the US/World population has dreaded Trump’s election; the other half are far more optimistic and want to embrace radical change.
The inauguration horoscope contains a particularly challenging grand cross between Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer, Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries. (See red lines in chart above.)
Mars is the most problematic planet, continuing its retrograde passage through Cancer. It was prominent in California’s horoscope on Jan.7 when it squared Pluto-Uranus in the last degree of Aries – rendering widespread destruction and hundreds of thousands homeless. In the inauguration horoscope, transiting Mars in Cancer sits tightly between Trump’s Saturn and Venus. The Sabian symbol for Mars’ 25th degree is, “A leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power”.
Trump’s Saturn in Cancer is not an easy position – the soul chooses, “the path of earth life with all its consequent sacrifices and pains, in order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity.”19
In the inauguration horoscope, Mars falls in Cancer, an emotionally touchy position, but also a stalwart defender of family. Mercury, the planet of communication is in Capricorn, a shrewd position for doing business – yet opposite Mars can result in volatile or aggressive communication.
However, this is partly offset by the position of the Moon in Libra the Peacemaker – which falls on Trump’s natal Jupiter. Trump, working behind the scenes with Biden, helped secure a ceasefire in Gaza, leading to prisoner exchanges of Israelis and Palestinians. Now in retrospect, it appears that this ceasefire was not only a ploy to boost the Trump inauguration, but a behind-the-scenes agreement that set the stage for the “Trumpanyahu” announcement about Gaza. (See other article in this newsletter.)
In the inauguration horoscope, Mercury is in the ninth house of foreign countries, hence the square it makes to the Moon in Libra is a positive point of tension that can potentially render tough negotiations for ongoing peace in Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan or any other trouble spots.
Another factor with Mars in Cancer, is that it occupies the same sign of the Sun, Jupiter and Venus in USA’s 1776 horoscope. Similarly, Washington is esoterically ruled by Cancer, “which leads the United States to act like the Crab (Cancer) and be pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back”.20
Perhaps domestic “preoccupation” has not been occurring enough in recent decades, with so much focus funding foreign conflicts – vast $billions spent interfering in other nations; or supporting Ukraine’s tragic conflict – which the public record shows the US and NATO instigated from 2014 onward.

Uranus surrounded by zodiac signs and various naked couples. Physical archetype is no different to depictions of Jupiter and other gods. (Artist unknown.)
Transiting Mars in Cancer may well emphasise the new administration’s stated objective of withdrawing from foreign wars and their funding, pouring resources back into badly needed infrastructure throughout the nation.
Although the same sign rises at every inauguration ceremony, given its traditional date and time of midday, Uranus, the ruler of USA’s Aquarian soul – was uniquely rising in Taurus at this 2025 inauguration. Hence, the energy of radical reform and unpredictable change is present. Trump himself has Sun-Uranus conjunct in Gemini – his “wildcard” horoscope signature.
Transiting Uranus has been activating Trump’s midheaven (public, career) throughout 2024, and was probably a prime force in his electoral success. On Jan.20 inauguration day, Uranus still sat very close to his midheaven, moving further into the 10th house by April 2025.
This is not an exhaustive analysis, just a few pertinent observations. There are many unknowns at this stage that will more clearly emerge in the next few months. Truly might it be declared however – God bless America to fulfill her dharma!
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The Tech Billionaires
The presence of several tech billionaires at the inauguration ceremony may have been somewhat disconcerting for the working class who voted for Trump. Some of these billionaires had been cosying up to Trump some months before the election – as it appeared obvious that Trump would win. (A list of the rich and powerful who attended the inauguration can be found in this article.)

World’s richest men. Left to right: Zuckerberg and partner, Bezos and partner, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Musk. Other tech leaders there were Google’s Sergey Brin and Apple’s Tim Cook.
Elon Musk (See author’s Elon Musk: Progressed Sun in Leo) – the world’s richest person (Net worth $428 B!), with a key role in Tesla cars, SpaceX, Starlink satellites and Twitter (X) owner. Now designated Special Government Employee in his role and unique relationship with Trump. (See “Trusk” article later in this newsletter.)
Mark Zuckerberg (See author’s Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, Sun in Taurus) of Meta, which played a leading role in censorship and propaganda (recently blamed upon the Biden administration) during the scamdemic; he claims to have “changed” (spiritually or opportunistically?) – and at the same time has discontinued his “fact checker” program.
Most likely that was a concession since his pre-election visit to Mar-a-Lago in Nov.2024, combined with a $25 million payment to Trump who sued him for being kicked off Facebook! (Net worth $211 B.)
Jeff Bezos (See author’s Libra, Money and Billionaires: The New Nazis?) – owner of worker-seller-exploitive Amazon and the propagandising Washington Post. (Net worth $250 B.)
Larry Ellison – Oracle CEO. ($248 B.) Not present at the inauguration, but later at the Oval Office with Rupert Murdoch, witnessing the signing of executive orders.
Sergey Brin – Google co-founder. ($123 B.)
Tim Cook (Apple) A modest $2.2 B. OpenAI. ($1.2 B.)
Shou Zi Chew (TikTok CEO) $200 M.
The income of many billionaires soared exorbitantly during the pandemic crisis 2020-2023.
Other non-Tech billionaires who attended the inauguration:
Bernard Arnault ($179 B) Wealthiest family in France.
Mukesh Ambani ($98 B) India’s richest man.
Miriam Adelson ($32 B) Casino billionaire, Dallas Mavericks owner.
Rupert Murdoch ($22.2 B.) Former Fox News and Newscorp chairman.
Bill Gates ($109 B) was conspicuously absent, but this historical liberal said he was “impressed” by the president-elect. “I had a chance to go have a long, and actually quite intriguing dinner with him.” ((
There is of course nothing “wrong” with being a billionaire, they have all excelled in their respective fields and been remunerated accordingly. What counts is the motive and methods behind how they make and spend their money.
Yet billionairism (Does Ethical ‘Billionairism’ Exist?), is arguably the result of a skewed capitalist system that sees global wealth concentrated into the hands of the clever few, while the masses often miss out on the redistribution or sharing of that wealth.
If these billionaires wanted to develop concentrated programs to help humanity, they could do so in a heartbeat – as opposed to pursuing the endless treadmill of profit, or the token and disingenuous philanthropy that some practice. Yet, a significant group of billionaires have created some excellent social programs.
“The global billionaire count increased by 204 to 2,769 in 2024. Nearly $100 million per day was amassed by the world’s 10 wealthiest people. Low- and middle-income nations are spending half their budgets on debt repayment …
… the economic system that we have created where the billionaires are now pretty much being able to shape economic policies, social policies, which eventually gives them more and more profit.” (Five Trillionaires Predicted to Emerge in Next Decade: Report)
So the question remains, will these billionaires use their money-making and organisational skills to serve the people, or continue with their manipulative practices – business as usual, so characteristic of the Machiavellian 3rd ray of active intelligence? Is Musk for instance, going over the top through his financial influence in the politics of Britain and Germany?
Outgoing President Biden warned that the U.S. was becoming an oligarchy of tech billionaires wielding dangerous levels of power and influence. Yet, these same billionaires have been present behind or in front of the scenes in all administrations.
To his credit, Trump – the first ever billionaire US president, stated that despite receiving millions from many tech companies, $200 million from Musk in the election campaign (plus Zionist, Miriam Adelson’s $100 M), that he didn’t need their money and would not be receiving anything in return:
“They’re not going to get anything from me … I don’t need money [Trump net worth $7 B], but I do want the nation to do well, and they’re smart people and they create a lot of jobs.”
The intelligence that made the material wealth of all these successful people can also be redirected into a wealth of creative ideas that might serve humanity more altruistically. But does humanity really need the accelerated development of AI – artificial intelligence?

Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, and SoftBank chief Masayoshi Son said their companies will invest $100 billion to kick the project off, with up to $500 billion expected in the near future.
Stargate Project: Artificial Intelligence
“The presence of Sam Altman, Larry Ellison, Elon Musk, and other technocrats like Peter Thiel should be a signal to those who value liberty that MAGA has become the home for the faux populist branch of Big Tech.”21
Indeed, it has been stated that Elon Musk’s projects are totally in line with the WEF’s stated aims of transhumanism, digital surveillance, brain implants, 15 minute cities, universal income etc.
Musk was a WEF young global leader in 2008, yet in 2023, he criticised the WEF as “increasingly becoming an unelected world government that the people never asked for and don’t want.”22
Trump is keen on this joint venture that will invest $500 billion for infrastructure tied to artificial intelligence, through partnership with OpenAI, Oracle and SoftBank.
“The new entity, Stargate, will start building out data centers and the electricity generation needed for the further development of the fast-evolving AI … This will be the most important project of this era,” said Altman, CEO of OpenAI.
Ellison noted that the data centers are already under construction with 10 being built so far. The chairman of Oracle suggested that the project was also tied to digital health records and would make it easier to treat diseases such as cancer by possibly developing a customized vaccine.”23
Customised vaccine? No thanks! The reservations that many people have about AI is the further consolidation of state or corporate control, the dumbing down of true learning and creativity, the deceptive nature of AI-generated visual media – plus a host of other issues listed below. (For more detail on these 15 points, see this article: The 15 Biggest Risks Of Artificial Intelligence.)
- Lack of Transparency
- Bias and Discrimination
- Privacy Concerns
- Ethical Dilemmas
- Security Risks
- Concentration of Power
- Dependence on AI
- Job Displacement
- Economic Inequality
- Legal and Regulatory Challenges
- AI Arms Race
- Loss of Human Connection
- Misinformation and Manipulation
- Unintended Consequences
- Existential Risks
AI chatbots distort and mislead when asked about current affairs, BBC finds
Stargate: Trump Partners with Technocrats to Promote mRNA Injections, AI, and Transhumanism
“Larry Ellison is the second richest person in the world behind Elon Musk. His company is known for having deep ties to the U.S. government, including the CIA. In fact, the CIA was Oracle’s first customer, and the company even takes their name from a CIA-project code-named “Oracle”.
“Oracle wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for government contracts,” Mike Wilson, author of the book, The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison, told the San Francisco Gate in 2002. Oracle also has a history of lobbying both Democrats and Republicans, as well as employing ex-CIA agents in their lobbying efforts.
More recently, Ellison has generated controversy with his statements regarding using AI to keep the populace on their “best behavior”. I” (Read the rest of the article here.)
Breaking Feb.11, 2025: Musk-led group bids $97.4bn for control of OpenAI.
“Elon Musk leads a consortium of investors that on Monday submitted a bid of $97.4bn for “all assets” of the nonprofit that controls OpenAI, with Musk escalating his feud with OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman. Altman posted on X that the bid would not be accepted. OpenAI, which operates ChatGPT, was co-founded as a nonprofit in 2015 by Altman and Musk. It has been working to restructure itself away from its original nonprofit status.”
Trusk: Unique Synastry of Trump and Musk
The recent strong alliance between Trump and Musk over the past year is a remarkable phenomenon – reflected by the astrological synastry.
Their bromance brings together two very powerful individuals who have worked with formidable speed and ruthlessness, carrying out many of the president’s executive orders in the first couple of weeks of the new administration.
“One point I must make here, and I make it with great joy: this year 1946 marks the beginning of a cycle in which humanity is more closely involved in the Festivals than ever before and in which they can take a much more important part than ever before.”24

Trump defiantly pumps his fist in the air after a bullet ripped through his ear – shoutung “fight” three times! That event clinched it for undecided voters such as left-leaning Zuckerberg – who called Trump’s action “badass”.
Trump is a Gemini sun-Sagittarius moon, born on the full moon in 1946. (Also known as the Festival of Humanity.) Pro-Trumpers in the spiritual community might regard this as a “sign”, while others will dismiss with contempt!
Yet, Trump’s remarkable survival of numerous legal and media attempts to block him in the past few years, and at least two attempts on his life, one which saw him survive by a mere split second-turning of his head – followers would feel justified in saying that this is the president meant to lead the nation.
Musk is a Cancer sun with Moon in Virgo. Trump is Leo rising while Musk is the opposite sign, Aquarius rising. Some points of synastry worth noting:
1. Both have Mars upon their respective ascendants, opposing one other – which can generate a strong attraction but can also be quite combative at times:
“They’re the two most powerful people on the planet right now. They desperately need each other … “They’re in this for the long haul so people who think this thing’s going to bust up in a month or two are smoking something. We’re looking at four years of these two doing this. They are like two monsters and every day they’re growing stronger.”” ((The Guardian))
2. Similarly, Musk’s moon in Virgo T-squares Trump’s Uranus in Gemini and moon in Sagittarius – which can be a tough aspect in any personal relationship – dwellers clashing. Yet it is a positive point of tension because the at-times impulsive and undiscriminating nature of Trump’s moon is contained by Musk’s super discriminating and restrained Virgo moon.
3. Trump’s Sun-Uranus in Gemini is attractive to Musk’s Sun in Cancer square Uranus in Libra. In other words, there is a strong Uranian bond between them. It is likely that both have the 7th ray in their make-up as well, a ray ruled by Uranus the rebel:
“It was the consummation of an unlikely relationship that is bringing an unnerving revolution to America. Trump and Musk share an appetite for disruption, rule-breaking [Uranus] and goading liberals. The convergence of the world’s most powerful man and the world’s richest man spells double trouble for democracy in the eyes of critics.”25
4. Musk’s Venus in Gemini falls directly on Trump’s Sun, node and Uranus, generating an harmonious friendship and the rapid exchange of ideas. Perhaps they have close karma too – who knows!
“Musk, for his part, wrote on his X social media platform: “I love @realDonaldTrump as much as a straight man can love another man.””26
Musk has a brilliant mind of course, reflected by his Sun in Cancer square Uranus in Libra – the planet of science and technology. Wikileaks founder – Julian Assange, shares the same configuration, born only 5 days after Musk in 1971. Musk’s Mars in Aquarius – the author has dubbed the “Da Vinci factor” – as that renaissance genius had the same position. Musk has also been diagnosed with a form of Asberger’s syndrome/autism spectrum disorder.
5. Musk’s Cancer sun falls close to Trump’s intuitive Mercury in Cancer, allowing for a rapid exchange of ideas. Musk also has super-intuitive Mercury in Cancer, hence the two think alike when it comes to Cancer themes, such as the management of resources. (See the author’s recent article: Cancer Resource Manager.)
Resources include money and real estate – Trump’s background, aided and abetted by the position of his Saturn-Venus in Cancer.
6. There is also powerful synastry by progression, which one often sees when analysing relationship horoscopes. The key factor here is that Musk’s progressed Sun has been in Leo for 27 years and has just passed over Trump’s Mars in Leo, heading for Trump’s Leo ascendant in the next 2 ½ years.
This no doubt saw them moving into closer collaboration with one another. Similarly, Musk’s progressed Venus in Leo is about to conjoin Trump’s Mars in Leo, exact by Nov. 2025. They might well get a room together!
Dynamic forces along the Leo-Aquaius axis. From the inner to outer wheels: Trump, Musk, Musk progressed, Aquarius full moon 2025.
7. Trump and Musk are a political power couple, using the energies of Leo the ruler and the first ray of will or power that pours through this sign. The first ray may be in Trump’s ray structure, possibly his personality ray, and it has been in potent expression since he took office.
The first ray cuts to the chase, taking the sword to any tangled Gordian Knots. Trump has certainly demonstrated that in his first weeks in office – on a breath-taking scale, probably never seen in any other US President – for better or worse. Likewise Musk might have the first ray in his ray structure too:
“Musk, known for a leadership style that rules by fear and demands total loyalty from workers, has duly brought a Silicon Valley-style “move fast and break things” approach to scything through the federal government with no regard for the constitution or rule of law.”27
The first ray, via its co-ruler Pluto, is also the ray of the destroyer that breaks up old crystallised agencies and groups. This allows first ray co-ruler – Vulcan the Smithy, to forge new forms and group structures that are more aligned with new envisioned ideologies.
The great danger of the combination of the first ray and Leo is the dictator and tyrant who ignores Leo’s Aquarian polarity of co-workers and advisors. And yet, when certain changes need to be effected, dictatorial attitudes or executive orders are at times needed – it’s a very fine line for any Leo leader to tread.
Musk’s obvious 3rd ray of Active Intelligence (which passes through Cancer) is the ray that rules the Law of Economy, and one of his main projects is the new agency DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency), tackling government waste, spending and dealing with the now notorious USAID. (See next article.)
Pluto has to be a potent planet in Mush’s horoscope, place in Virgo in exact harmonious sextile to Jupiter in Pluto-ruled Scorpio. Jupiter occupies the 10th house of career, and represents Musk’s forceful approach to his work and employees.
Billionaire Vivek Ramaswamy was touted to work with Musk in DOGE but they fell out with each other early in the piece. Ramaswamy’s Sun-Mars-Mercury in Leo, no doubt clashed opposite Musk’s Mars in Aquarius! In previous newsletters, the reader can find other articles about Musk:
Elon Musk: Progressed Sun in Leo
Elon Musk: Reincarnation of Thomas Edison?
Elon Musk Seals the Twitter Deal
Twitter Under Musk 2022
8. The Aquarius-Leo Full Moon 2025.
This Aquarian festival is extraordinary in itself but also has a strong synastry with “Trusk”. The full moon chart might be called The Revolution, with Aquarius ruler Uranus in Taurus, creating a tense T-square to the Sun-Moon opposition in Aquarius-Leo. Uranus, the planet of reform and revolution, still dominates Trump’s midheaven, keeping him firmly in the public eye – domestically and internationally. A reminder that Uranus as ruler of Aquarius also rules science and technology.
As a Sun-Uranus personality, whatever one’s views on Trump, he has stepped into the role as leader of a new American revolution. And it may well be a wild ride, yet given his drive, there must surely be some major successes that will benefit the nation.
The full moon Sun-Moon opposition straddles Trusk’s Mars/Ascendants, which includes Musk’s progressed Mars-Sun in Leo. And Uranus in Taurus T-squares the whole shebang – the red triangle in the chart wheel, in the 2nd house of money – reflecting the radical Uranian cuts currently being made to various departments.
In light of the above tech billionaires’ involvement with Trump, transiting Uranus in Taurus is currently sitting on Mark Zuckerberg’s Sun in Taurus making its third and final pass in the next three months – reflecting his statement of being “changed”.
Zuckerberg’s Venus-Moon in Scorpio squares Musk’s Mars in Aquarius, potentially igniting a major clash between them. This potential enmity was activated in mid 2023 when the two were doing some chest-beating about a proposed cage fight that ultimately fizzled out.
At that time, Uranus was making its first conjunction to Zuckerberg’s sun, while squaring Musk’s progressed Sun in Leo, opposing his natal Jupiter in Scorpio. Ok boys, are we done measuring yet?
Similarly, Jeff Bezos’ Saturn in Aquarius contains or restrains Musk’s Mars/Aquarius rising, while Bezos’ Venus in Aquarius opposes Trump’s Mars in Leo, and squares Zuckerberg’s Sun in Taurus.
Added to this could be the horoscope of vice-president JD Vance – Leo Sun conjunct Trump’s progressed midheaven, Leo rising with Venus also in Leo, conjunct Trump’s Mars in Leo! Most of Vance’s Leo positions square his Moon in Scorpio which sits near Zuckerberg’s Moon in Scorpio!
Hence, Trump, Vance and these three money moguls create a heavily populated fixed grand cross – with a strong emphasis on Leo the leader. This could be an enormous power for good (huuuge as Trump might say), but also carries potentially explosive tension. One could even call this combination a gigantic “think tank” or super-group. And of course, the Aquarius-Leo full moon with the Uranus T-square will considerably amplify all these positions.
Elon Musk, DOGE and USAID
DOGE: Department of Government Efficiency.
USAID: United States Agency for International Development.
“DOGE’s algorithms weren’t just programs—they were archaeology tools, excavating decades of buried networks. Each data point connected to another. Each discovery revealed new targets. Each pattern exposed larger systems. “It’s beautiful,” one of the coders whispered, watching connections form across his screen. “Like watching a galaxy map itself.””28
The drama of what has unfolded in the past two weeks is astonishing. DOGE’s penetration into Treasury payment systems started hours after Trum’s inauguration – at 2 am on Jan.21, 2025:
“… four young coders … As their algorithms crawled through decades of payment data, one number kept growing: $17 billion in redundant programs … staggering discoveries. Programs marked as independent revealed coordinated funding streams.
Grants labelled as humanitarian aid showed curious detours through complex networks. Black budgets once shrouded in secrecy began to unravel under algorithmic scrutiny.
By 6 AM, Treasury’s career officials began arriving for work. They found systems they thought impenetrable already mapped. Networks they believed hidden already exposed. Power structures built over decades revealed in hours …
… This wasn’t just another reform effort. This was the start of something unprecedented: a revolution powered by preparation, presidential will, and technological precision. The storm had arrived. And Treasury was just the beginning …”29
Elon Musk’s designated task as a “special government employee” has been the setting up of DOGE, to make government agencies run more efficiently and economically, or break them up altogether – which appears to be the fate of USAID.
Given the fact that Musk is a successful businessman who has been involved in money management all his life, trimming much fat from his newly acquired Twitter, he appears to be the right person for this new job.
Apart from the 3rd ray energy in his field, Musk most likely has a strong 7th ray of organisation in his make-up. The 7th ray is also the ray of finance, or the organisation of money – which in itself is related more to the 3rd ray.
Both 3rd and 7th rays are the only two rays which pass through Cancer, Musk’s sun sign. Even if he did not have those rays in his personality or soul equipment, he would certainly be able to invoke them.
Contrary to what legacy media is saying about the breakup of USAID is intensifying humanitarian crises around the world, the following might be closer to the truth, albeit a Republican view:
“Based just on the part we do know, it is fair to assume USAID funds Mexican drug cartels, paid for the stolen 2020 U.S. election, funded the overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected government in 2014 (which in turn provoked the Proxy War), engineered the barbarian invasion of most Western countries including our own, and caused, negligently or intentionally, the covid pandemic and its resulting millions of deaths.”30
Apparently, 7,000 of USAID’s 10,000 employees were staffed overseas, meddling in other countries’ business. Since last week their funding has been cut off and they have all been ordered to return to the USA.
Next in line is the CIA and most likely other 3-letter agencies like the FBI and NSA. The Wall Street Journal ran a story headlined, “The CIA Is About to Get a Trump Makeover.” The sub-headline added, “Spy agency’s workforce receives buyout-style offer.”
“The scale was breathtaking: EPA climate initiatives? Not just mapped—found unauthorized programs in 47 states. Education’s DEI maze? Not just exposed—revealed coordination across 1,200 programs. Intelligence community black budgets? Not just traced—uncovered patterns hidden for 30 years.
“The administrative state runs on two things,” a senior advisor explained, watching patterns emerge across DOGE’s screens. “Control of information and money flows.” His eyes tracked new connections forming in real-time. “We’re not just exposing their networks—we’re rewriting their DNA.”
The cracks began showing in unexpected places. A career EPA director, tears streaming: “Everything we built…” A USAID veteran, hands shaking: “They’re inside all of it…” A Treasury lifer, closing his office: “They move faster than we can think.””31
The speed and precision with which the DOGE team has worked, will apparently not slacken its pace, according to vice-president JD Vance – a “double Leo”. Musk’s Leonine leadership and take-no-prisoners approach is reflected in the following:
“Musk is not just going after payments, he’s also going after jobs, salaries and the employment status of federal employees. And his strategy mirrors what he did to Twitter after being forced to buy it.
At around 5 pm on 28 January, millions of US government employees received an email from Musk with the subject line “Fork in the Road”. The message in the email was stark: accept a sweeping set of workplace changes or resign within nine days. It was more or less a replica of the email that Twitter employees received in November 2022 and it signals an intention to do to the federal bureaucracy what he did to Twitter in 2022: hollow it out and subject it to intensive personal control.”32
In the past few days,President Trump stated,
“… that he expects Elon Musk to find “billions” of dollars of abuse and fraud in the Pentagon during an interview with Fox News … “I’m going to tell him very soon … to go check the Department of Education … Then I’m going to go, go to the military. Let’s check the military … We’re going to find billions, hundreds of millions of dollars of fraud and abuse.
… Last week, Musk and Trump attempted to put thousands of workers of the US Agency for International Development (USAid) on leave, but a judge on Friday temporarily blocked the effort.”33
There are hundreds of initiatives underway at the moment, one can barely keep up with the rapidity of change. It will take some months for the dust to settle and a clearer outline of the radical reorientation that is currently taking place. And obviously, changes in the US will have a ripple effect around the planet.
Trumpanyahu on Gaza
On the surface, it appears to be the most bone-headed, nonsensical, short-sighted and absurd decision ever touted as a solution for the plight of the Palestinians. A great display of US arrogance and greed that will attract opposition from the whole Middle East – and Russia, with the potential of pushing the whole region into a major showdown.
Or is it a radical approach to “hold your enemies closer” (the American Zionists) enabling greater exposure of The Cabal – while Trump the Trickster plays the game of being their greatest defender?
If Trump’s proposed idea is genuine, it confirms and condemns the US as not only (obviously) a supporter of the Gaza genocide for the past couple of years, but its continued support of what can only be described as ethnic cleansing – pushing Palestinians into neighbouring nations that have all stated that they oppose the idea.
Must watch (2′) – the astonishing devastation of Gaza …
After the deaths and suffering of tens of thousands of people, a callous statement:
“Gaza could become “the Riviera of the Middle East” where “the world’s people” could live there, echoing the previous sentiments of his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who said Gaza had very valuable “waterfront property”.”
Or is this Trump the Provocateur, stirring the cauldron to see what emerges, to obtain some kind of leverage? Similarly, the imposition of tariffs as a leveraging ploy on Mexico and Canada – with already exacted concessions. Some interesting assessments about Trump’s possible tactics can be found the following interview:
And what does the word “riviera” imply? Expensive real estate, an exclusive playground for the rich and famous, materialistic lifestyles, luxury hotels, condominiums and casinos?
With all the pro-Israel appointees in Trump’s cabinet (Hegseth, Huckabee, Stefanik, Gabbard, Kushner, Witkoff, Bondi, Gorka, and many others)34 – some of them quite rabid (!), observers were “hoping beyond hope” that an humane solution would emerge.
Has the US administration now revealed its hand beyond any ambiguity? Are they simply continuing and extending the policies of the previous Democrat administration – who wholly condoned and supported Israel’s actions since Oct. 7, 2023? Is it too early to call or take appearances at face value, in this long game for the most intransigent problem on the planet?
As stated in previous missives, the great irony is that the Palestinians have become the 21st century Jews – persecuted and continually moved on, with even their fellow Arab neighbours refusing outright to take them in.
Does this decision by Trump reveal the moral corruption of the nation, a lack of compassion – all of which is shared by other Western leaders who support the decision? And that he will go all the way with “Greater Israel”? Or does Trump recognise that Israel is the ultimate enemy which controls much of the global media that has attacked him?
Hence the old Sun Tzu-inspired saying from The Godfather movie – “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” Time can only tell what will be revealed about this complex Middle East problem and proposed solutions. The next few months will no doubt offer many twists, turns and shocks in this long running saga – Uranus and Pluto will ensure that!
Update Feb.2, 2025: Not a promising approach to the current conflict: Trump says Gaza ceasefire should be cancelled if Israeli hostages not freed. President proposes letting ‘all hell break loose’ if hostages held by Hamas are not returned to Israel at noon on Saturday.
“Hamas will find out what I mean. These are sick people.” Yes, sick and tired of their oppression for 77 years and sick of the slaughter.
Phillip Lindsay © 2025.
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Monthly Full Moon Meditation and Talk
Sorry, there will no meditation and talk this month! The author is still getting reorganised from foreign travel and long book editing projects!
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.134. [↩]
- See this link for a broader context of Lincoln’s speech and its authentication. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.59. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.260. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.416-7. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.79. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.255. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.259. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.259. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. P.553. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.316. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.675. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.342. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.88. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.553. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Jeff Childers [↩]
- [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- [↩]
Though it could, it will not go without saying that your stance on taking a strong, objective apolitical position is fully supported by every teaching I have studied. Mud slinging and emotionally charged objections serve nothing constructive; such is the balancing act and communication skills that students of the Ancient Wisdoms must strive continuously to perfect, especially in highly charged times of change and transformation, while always keeping a watchful eye. Additionally, it is important to remember that world leaders have incredible forces working for and against them every hour of every day. Let us pray that world leaders receive the light of compassion and greater understanding of Synthesis. Thank you, Phillip, with all my heart.
This month’s newsletter had me squirming like a nervous patient before a root canal. As an Occult Student for over 60 years and a life time of sincere endeavor of The Ageless Wisdom I found this letter troubling. I find myself questioning my intuition of right and wrong, inclusion versus exclusion. I disagree with so much I will only be able recenter through deep meditation. The paradox of the middle path is, sometimes we must choose sides.
Found the para referenced with source 30 “lost” particularly disturbing. What a huge claim not to be able to provide a reference Phillip!… not ok.
The dance of energy and consciousness is intense right now.
None of us want the wool pulled over our eyes but equally none of us want to disappear down the wrong rabbit hole.
Ethics can be easily separated from ideologies.
Ethically things stink. People in power lining their own pockets and stripping resources from those in need in unethical ways are not the new Messiah.
Jenni, the reference has been found now: Jeff Childers – see the link. When you state “People in power lining their own pockets and stripping resources from those in need” you might be falling for the propaganda that USAID defenders are touting. I do not see any reason for Musk or Trump to “line their own pockets”, they already have plenty. It does appear to be a genuine attempt to reform this agency. Again, too early to call, lets see where the USA is in 4 years time.
Totally agree with you Phillip..
Keep waking up the masses.
THANK you Phillip for your Great Work!!
How do you see the seventh ray and uranus working to bring about constructive change in the new administration?I clearly see the destructive aspects of the first ray at work with utter disregard for the rule of law.
Hey Philip how are you doing
interesting often to read your assessments of the world
I may have missed it but did you not have any one possibly positive position or understanding of why Trump is suggesting that the Gaza strip become something other than garbage dump as it is now.
If anyone can comment without trying to impune something about me personally for asking the question I will be even more impressed
take care
Hello Vicktorya,
I’m not Phillip, but am an ‘anybody’ 🙂
“One possibly positive position or understanding of why Trump is suggesting that the Gaza strip become something other than garbage dump as it is now.”
Here are a few:
1. It is an unlivable garbage dump now. Unfit for living.
2. Human beings born in an open-air concentration camp who were subjected from birth to present of the atrocities committed against them (occupation, restricted food and water, restricted travel, restricted upward mobility, subjected to frequent killings and woundings of friends and family member, kicked out of their homes and farms, etc). The Israeli’s military has been known to say everyone in Gaza is a terrorist from three years old onward. There is some truth to that, if one was to honestly observe. Here is a word picture. Imagine a bear in a cage that is constantly poked, hit, scratched, underfed, sees other bears killed or wounded for no apparent reason by you. Are you going to trust that bear when it gets free? That bear will see you as a natural enemy. And you will know in your mind, you had something to do about it. It will be a very long time before they get along.
3. Trump is attempting to get the Arab world to come up with a solution. Lots of money at stake here. A more united Arab presence will deter Israeli aggression.
4. Trump took money from Zionist. He has to be very careful.
5. Trump, a real estate developer knows it is big money that is going to resolve the Mideast problems. That money is already lining up. Big plans for gas and oil transport hub, etc. in the area. If big money will be happy with that. Then peace in the area has a better chance. The Israeli trained ‘terrorist’ a.k.a. the Gaza people are a danger to a peaceful important regional energy hub.
Oil is on the agenda, USA might just take it from Israel – is the gist of this article: Why Does Donald Trump Want to Transform Gaza into a “U.S. Territory”?
Hello Victorya, well thanks! IMO Gaza or the West Bank should not be for sale to the USA or Israel, it belongs to the Palestinians. That fact cannot be skipped over conveniently.
Col. Macgregor comments ….
Dear Phillip – & kind Saluti from afar to wherever you are.
Quick note – and I am quoting here KennethBowser (western sidereal astrologer) from one of his recent postings:
“February 2025 – In a recent biography, Musk’s birthtime is listed as 7:30 am in Pretoria, South Africa.”
That would give EM a cancer AC according to my spiffy software.
Which chart is the most accurate? Would you know?
And thanks again for much appreciated newsletter, provided insights , observations, reflections, links, etc.
Thanks Claudia, I guess the two charts would have to be tested together. I find that Starkman gives some good rectifications so I have gone with that one so far. Other astrologers may want to weigh in here.
The middle path…between the manifest and the unmanifest…Ob(serve). Thank you for all your service! May we all serve the will of God…peace on earth and goodwill to all. Be still.
“Hence, it is contended that most of the spiritual communities – and the more esoterically oriented, have been mostly aligned with the left – as the author was for many years. (Please share your perspectives about this in the commentaries at the bottom of this newsletter.)”
Raised in a very conservative aura, my proclivities leaned towards conservatism. However, simultaneously I was also somewhat of an iconoclast (Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction?). I seeked the truth of the matter and would directly question any authority if need be. My mother told me that I would question God if he came down here. I would and I do.
I soon discovered that both polarities have their favorite ox and would brook no honest discussion regarding some of their favorite strong oxen. Their reasoning was always based on logical fallacies (Strawman, Bandwagon, Appeal to Authority, False Dilemma, etc.). If you watch the world news, particularly in the West, and most particularly in the USA Congress, and the ‘Logic Police’ had the authority and the ability to stop any logical fallacy from being spoken; we could all hear a pin drop in the halls of congress, and the ‘old TV test pattern’ would have to be placed on the media screen.
Long held beliefs that a person holds are key support structures in their world view (mental, emotional, and physical). Removing them requires a person to completely re-evaluate their life position, even everything they have built up to that moment. Investment in a bridge too far, so why change now, at least it goes some place? Emotional issues require the mind to resolve. Mental issues require the soul to resolve. That is if one gets backed into a deep dark mental corner. In searching for the Truth, one travels wide and far.
Our world is complex, an enigma, the results of numerous cover stories to hide lies and activities and the truth. Churchill’s words, like or hate him, these words are worth pondering.
• “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”
• “There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true.”
We are at war. All wars have an objective, and all is fair in love and war as the saying goes, and most of humanity believes, as does all of the dark face.
Never just look at the problem or facts as they are now. They are galvanized adjusted energy heading somewhere, by somebody, for a specific end state. Disengage, dispassion, detachment, and discrimination (as in from where does this energy flow from?) are all required and is foundational for any aspirant or disciple.
We should also ponder the different ray structures each of us possess. People who are predominantly on the soft line with no hard lines may simply recoil away from Mars and Pluto energy, as all is love as the saying goes. However, the trinity is Power, Love, Intelligence. Power clears away the dross so love may flourish and grow. Intelligence assembles a strategy and systems for love to express. Mystics are to become occultist.
Pay attention, but at 20,000 feet pay attention. That is my 2 cents.
It seems to me that what we are experiencing is necessary because of the depths we have touched as humanity. Evil is so deep-rooted that only among themselves will they be able to destroy each other so that Aquarius can Be, and THE CHRIST manifests itself on the Planet. I rephrase, The United States is living its KARMA, then, THEY COULD LIVE THEIR DHARMA. And the World in Peace. To Bruce Headrick who commented above… I say, you are not the only one who found these opinions disturbing, ME TOO, and I say to you, Stay strong in these moments of such darkness, just follow the light… what is correct, what is good, what takes you to the Father is always love, Good Will, where lies, manipulation is not the north.
(Editor: Foreign language comments, please run through Google translate before posting thanks!)
Me parece lo que estamos viviendo es necesario por el fondo que hemos tocado como humanidad. El mal esta tan arraigado que solo entre ellos podran destruirse entre si para que Aquario pueda Ser, y EL CRISTO se manifieste en el Planeta. Refraseo, Los Estados Unidos estan viviendo su KARMA, entonces , PODRIAN VIVIR SU DHARMA. Y el Mundo en Paz. A Bruce Headrick que opino mas arriba…le digo, no eres el unico que encontro estas opiniones inquietantes, TAMBIEN YO, y te digo, Mantente fuerte en estos momentos de tanta oscuridad, solo sigue la luz… lo correcto, lo bueno, lo que te lleva al Padre es siempre el amor, la Buena Voluntad, donde la mentira, la manipulacion no sea el norte.
Hi Phillip, as always thank you for your extensive work!
I totally agree with the statement, “two wings for the same bird”.
But if I may I have serious doubts if Donald Trump, from the right wing, is connected with the American Soul.
We know from Master DK that the ruling sign of the American Soul, through which his 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom expresses itself, is Aquarius. But in Donald Trump’s horoscope Aquarius is not activated and neither is it in his progressed horoscope. And on the other hand, I do not perceive that his powerful Gemini, main sign of the 2ndR of Love and Wisdom, is expressing itself from its higher aspect.
The higher aspect of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom refers us to qualities such as understanding or inclusion, qualities very contrary to Trump’s attitudes towards immigration, the Palestinians, the humiliated Ukraine or the humanitarian aid.
In Trump’s Ascendant, Leo and Virgo energy are blended, but according to my perception, Trump is not aware of the esoteric meanings of Virgo. If he were, the excessive and inflexible Sagittarian idealism suggested by his full moon would be mitigated by the kindnesses of the Virgin Mother, the Mother who best understands the needs of the Son, Polux, ruled by the 2ndR of Love and Wisdom.
But from Trump’s attitudes it is evident that Castor rules through Mars, which drags to itself all the power of Leo, leaving aside, unconsciously or consciously, the nurturing aspect of Virgo.
This makes Donald Trump, always according to my perception, a radical self, “a bossy one” full of personal and patriotic idealisms that are not very inclusive. Of course he is also a determined patriot, unabashed, rebellious and with destructive power …, time will tell to what extent his return has been necessary.
I would like to think that society in general, faced with so much crystallized establishment, with so many “outdated” or “extravagant” ideologies or so many taxes on the middle and working class, has had no choice but to vote for him, but we must be careful, because having the power to revolutionize or destroy the establishment does not necessarily mean being an advanced Soul.
Finally, I will state an astrological fact. If we look at the horoscopes of the most valued or charismatic presidents of the USA, those who knew how to caress the Soul of the nation, we can see that all of them have the sign of Aquarius especially activated, something that does NOT happen in Donald Trump’s horoscope.
George Washington: Vulcan, the esoteric ruler of his Taurus Ascendant, in Aquarius.
Abraham Lincoln: the Sun and his Ascendant sign in Aquarius
F.D. Roosevelt: the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aquarius
J.F. Kennedy: Uranus, the esoteric ruler of his Libra Ascendant, in Aquarius.
B. Obama: Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of his Aquarius Ascendant, also in Aquarius.
Even in the horoscopes of other presidents not so charismatic or transcendent, the power of the “water carrier” also emerges; R. Reagan Sun in Aquarius. Jimmy Carter, Mars, the esoteric ruler of his Scorpio Ascendant, in Aquarius.
Thanks for sharing!
“Donald Trump’s horoscope Aquarius is not activated”. I beg to differ David, Aquarius is very obviously activated by the potent synastry that Trump has with the 1776 Moon in Aquarius – and the fact that polarities or opposite signs are extremely important in esoteric astrology, even considering the whole cross a person is on, in this case the fixed cross. Leo in this case represents the leader of the Aquarian group or collective.
Furthermore, it is important to note that first ray types trample over and barge their way through, offending all second ray types! The Tibetan tells us that first ray types are, “often misunderstood and hated. They may and often do misuse the energy available but they also use it constructively within the desired limits of the immediate plan.” Many consider Trump’s heart to be in the right place, despite his ignorance or finesse on certain issues, some of the clumsy things that are said.
This may or may not be true of Trump, as I said in the newsletter, it is too early to call many things, the dust will take a while to settle. On the surface there are many things that look awful and may even get worse, time will tell. I am not sure what you mean by your reference to Virgo, his progressed sun?
Hi Phillip, my comment regarding Donald Trump’s Virgo is based on this comment by DK:
“There are no rigid lines of demarcation separating two entirely different areas of experience and consciousness upon the solar path. It only appears to be so and this itself is part of the Great Illusion”.
Knowing that Donald Trump’s Ascendant (with the confirmed exact time, 10:54am), is situated at 29 almost 30 degrees of Leo, it is logical to think that Donald Trump’s “soul path” should be interpreted from the mixed meanings of Leo+Virgo. But I am afraid that the power of Mars in Leo does not allow Trump to make the leap to the more esoteric meanings of Virgo.
If his consciousness were able to access the esoteric meaning of Virgo (without forgetting Leo) its expression (Moon) could be interpreted from the higher aspect of Virgo. This attitude would greatly reinforce the 2nd R, since Vulcan is situated in Gemini, and both Virgo and Gemini are carriers of the 2nd R ruling the American Soul.
If Donald were able to reinforce conscious access to the constructive aspect of the Mother, it would greatly facilitate his contact with the American Soul. Let us think about DK’s two statements:
“Virgo hides the light which irradiates the world in Aquarius”.
“Aquarius releases Virgo from her load”.
If, as you say, Trump’s heart, despite his mistakes, is on the right path, it is possible that the connection with Virgo has already taken place and that therefore, his Soul is being released through the nation’s Moon in Aquarius. But I have serious doubts… I may be deceived by appearances… but Donald Trump’s attitudes seem to be rather the self-centered (conceited, rebellious) expression of a Mars (6ºR) in Leo.
Time will tell us what kind of intention or quality is hidden behind his expressions of power.
it is important to note that first ray types trample over and barge their way through, offending all second ray types! …… saintly patience 🙂
See my latest post today David (The Peace Process Begins), proving how Leo rising Trump has everything to do with Aquarius!
It greatly saddens me to see how this newsletter has gotten so political but worse than this is the questionable sources that the author cites…especially “Inside the Revolution Rewiring American Power”. Shame on you Phillip.
Did you include that substack article just to see if any of us ever double checks your sources? I encourage everyone to do just that! I so long for just the astrological and Hierarchy information but alas it won’t be from this newsletter anymore. I’m Out
Mary, As I mentioned in my disclaimer in the newsletter, I presented perspectives from both sides of politics. There will always be reactions, even commenting on Trump and striving for the apolitical, people will think the author is being pro Trump by simply mentioning him, lol! When taking some weeks to write a newsletter, I review many sources of material and sometimes bits get lost – even when I try to do a search for them again. So on this very rare occasion of not having a reference when on a publishing deadline before the full moon, I decided to leave the reference in and chase it up later. It was not some deliberate ploy to bolster any argument. It has been found now if you go back to footnote 30. Jeff Childers I have always found gives reasonable commentary and good insights. Shame on me for taking the time to present all sides of the argument!
PS “It greatly saddens me to see how this newsletter has gotten so political”. Politics is an area of great divisiveness, but if we are to participate in evolving to toward democracy universally, it is incumbent upon all of us to be informed and participate. As stated in the newsletter, “To encourage dialogue and discourse – as opposed to reactionary argument, bickering or poorly informed, crystallised opinions.”
A further excerpt from the missing footnote 30 that created such a fuss for some. From Jeff Childers at
“USAID probably also ensured the homogenous and catastrophic worldwide response to the virus that it helped create and unleash.
Historian Hannah Arendt’s banality of evil, from her book Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), shattered the comforting illusion that only fanatics commit great crimes. Watching Adolf Eichmann’s trial, she saw not a monster, but a dull bureaucrat—obedient, career-driven, and chillingly thoughtless.
His evil wasn’t ideological rage but blind conformity, a cog in a system that made atrocities routine. Arendt’s horror was realizing that authoritarian regimes don’t just rely on radicals; they thrive on ordinary people mindlessly enforcing evil, making malevolence disturbingly mundane.
We never thought it could happen here. But like a deadly, mutant fungus, the poison grew quietly, unrecognized, right below the public’s noses in the State Department’s sub-basement. USAID’s “independent” bureaucrats shoving billions to criminals all over the world were, indeed, banal, bureaucratic, but no less blameless Adolph Eichmanns.”
A view here from the Satya Centre. There are some excellent insights and analyses here, though I am not necessarily in agreement with them all – as readers of my missives have the same prerogative!
“This fiery Leo Full Moon is startling, electric, conflicted, and potentially creative — a wake up call for all of us as we prepare to enter a New Era in outer planet Air and Fire Signs that will completely restructure every aspect of human civilization, for better or worse.”
A reminder to readers that I have a Telegram channel – phillips-alt-media, where many articles and videos are posted.
Dr. Chris Martenson: The Second American Revolution
Today’s segment examines a perceived ideological takeover of institutions, resistance to it, and the role of technology and figures like Elon Musk in challenging entrenched systems.
Check Martenson’s graphic early in the video, not left-right but up-down: Integrity versus ideological rigidity.
Hi Phillip,
Its been a long time since I wrote here. With respect to the TS as becoming an olde dinosaur of an organization, well, i think of it like a dried flower scattering its seeds. The work of Blavatsky (Voice of the Silence) and Baily & DK have been thoroughly disseminated throughout a lot of spiritual teaching. I believe DK made mention of this in one of their books, stating something to the effect, “you’re reading it here first folks”. A ton of what DK and AAB wrote is out there in piecemeal and often distorted form but nonetheless the seeds have been scattered, in my opinion 🙂
Good point mentioning Neptune and the course of the next 15 years through the overshadowing of this planetary force. If I must make a wager, I would be it will be during this time we begin to see the next phase of DK’s dissemination of his teachings, which will find fertile ground in a much wider audience given the way his teachings have crept into so much as little anchor points for the Esoteric Wisdom.
Also, history in some instances is a good predictor of the future and in others, not so much. The trajectory of the US from about 1980 onward has been a methodical unfolding of materialistic fascism that has slowly and ardently eroded the humanitarian gains made from the time of the Great War. Don’t expect any *good* black swans to appear. Trump was elected because the majority of the populace is astrally polarized and easily manipulated by rhetoric centered upon fear and scarcity. To be completely blunt and pessimistic (sorry), I have little hope for the externalization of the USA soul until truths about 9/11 are widely thought about and accepted, which probably won’t happen until we have mass, nonpartisan rioting, probably brought about by a confluence of forces stemming from terrible inflation and an erosion of civil liberties.
It’s not so much that we are witnessing the emergence of a new paradigm but rather a phase change from one state of matter to the other, or what happens with computer models of a magnetic pole reversal…. lots of chaos, multiple poles appearing… drifting about…. are we going forward or backward? where is north or south? …. and then the system settling into a new equilibrium.
It happens to people prior to the two minor initiations, and it’s happening to the USA as a precursor to the Aquarian Soul being externalized. And as you know, that process totally sucks…. then things click into place and calm down into a new life with a new period of stable experience/integration. All the best to you. Thanks again for writing your newsletter.
Ye of little faith Adam! See this video I posted today on facebook.
Phillip, thank you for sharing. I sure hope you’re right. And if you are, it’s party time! I’ll seek you out and buy you a beer 😉 take care, adam
The Peace Process Begins
The Aquarius full moon which has just unfolded – with Uranus in Taurus at the point of a T-square to Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo – is the dynamic point of tension behind the recent discussion between presidents Trump and Putin.
Perfect timing, with the approaching third anniversary of the conflict which began on Feb.22, 2022. In the recent Aquarius newsletter, it was stated:
“The full moon chart might be called The Revolution, with Aquarius ruler Uranus in Taurus, creating a tense T-square to the Sun-Moon opposition in Aquarius-Leo. Uranus, the planet of reform and revolution, still dominates Trump’s midheaven, keeping him firmly in the public eye – domestically and internationally.“
Also mentioned in the latest newsletter,
“Trump’s inauguration horoscope contains a particularly challenging cardinal grand cross … partly offset by the position of the Moon in Libra the Peacemaker – which falls on Trump’s natal Jupiter …
… Mercury is in the ninth house of foreign countries, hence the square it makes to the Moon in Libra is a positive point of tension that can potentially render tough negotiations for ongoing peace in Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan or any other trouble spots.”
More significantly, the full moon horoscope has much synastry with the main players, with the T-square of Aquarius ruler – Uranus in Taurus, to Sun in Aquarius-Moon in Leo.
Russia and USA are Aquarian souls – with a shared dharma to work together in the Aquarian Age. Moscow is a Taurus soul and Aquarian personality.
Trump – Leo-Mars rising, Taurus midheaven. Putin north node, progressed Venus-Mars in Aquarius.
Uranus is the planet of freedom, acting on behalf of a cosmic freedom transmitted from the “higher self” of our solar system – Sirius, through Uranus (EA427):
“It is the principle of freedom … it is that which provides a “pathway of power” between our Hierarchy and the distant sun, Sirius, and gives the incentive towards the “culture of freedom” or of liberation which motivates the work of the Masters of the Wisdom …
… This mysteriously “exerted influence,” this “pulling away” from form … emanates from Sirius and for it we have no name; … the Law of Freedom … is not … its true name, for in the last analysis, freedom and liberation are effects of its activity. This unique and mysterious law governs the Life and the Lives upon Sirius…” (RI416)
In Russia’s Dec. 25, 1991 horoscope, its Leo ascendant was closely activated by the 2025 full moon in Leo-Aquarius, setting off the ascendant square to Pluto-Venus in Scorpio. Mercury the messenger and negotiator was also close to the full moon Sun in Aquarius.
In its 1991 chart, Russia’s progressed Sun is in Aquarius, while the 27 year cycle of the progressed Moon falls directly on Pluto-Venus in Scorpio!
The full moon activated USA’s 1776 horoscope, with Sun-Mercury in Aquarius conjunct progressed Mercury the mediator in Aquarius – all positions in orb of 1776 Moon in Aquarius – the dweller.
The USA as an Aquarian soul, has the paradoxical position of the Moon in Aquarius in its exoteric horoscope. The Moon’s shadow was discussed in the Aquarius newsletter:
“… the misuse of the Aquarian skill to work together in groups, that has spawned many exploitive corporations that currently dominate the nation.”
USA’s Aquarian moon has also been activated powerfully by solar directed Mars in Aquarius which is still in orb of influence, though it was exact in Feb.2024.
It came into influence with a 2° degree applying orb around Feb. 2022, when USA and NATO poked the Russian bear one time too many, setting off the tragedy of the Ukraine war.
Hence, regarding USA’s Aquarian soul and the Aquarian moon dweller, here is the thick of the battle between USA’s soul and dweller, which also plays host to the Planetary Dweller on the Threshold.
Through these recent peace initiatives, emerges the opportunity to not only halt a despicable and evil war (and all the people who started it and kept it going since 2014), but for soul of the USA to triumph over its dweller, that will have major ramifications for its future.
Additionally, it may well pave the way for better relations with Russia, cutting through the obfuscating forces that have prevented these two Aquarian souls working together –(in a triangle with Britain), to bring in the Age of Aquarius.
Then there is Israel, but that is another can of worms ….
It is true Phillip, this full moon has powerful synastry with the horoscopes of USA, Russia, Trump and Putin. Don’t forget the Ukraine chart (24-08-81 at 18h) either, its synastry with this full moon is also very powerful. The Ukraine horoscope expresses a full moon in Aquarius (23º) with a powerful stellium in the last four degrees of Leo. The transits that this chart receives are also very powerful.
I am happy to hear Trump talk about peace talks regarding the war in Ukraine. His ability to break the rules of the establishment gives him a surprising initiative (freedom).
Your definition of Freedom/Sirius/Aquarius/Uranus is very interesting, I would add with the support of Jupiter.
In the vase of the water bearer is the seal of the “just measure”, the understanding of the need, light in the darkness.
Excellent point about Ukraine David, I will revise that into the article for the next newsletter. I think you might have meant Aug. 24, 1991 for Ukraine? (14.31 Kiev) Indeed moon at 23 Aquarius opposite a Leo stellium, but Sun in early Virgo. Saturn in Aquarius too, with Capricorn-Uranus-Neptune rising.
“I think you might have meant Aug. 24, 1991 for Ukraine?”, Yes Phillip, it responds very well to everything that is happening to the country.
By synastry, the fantastic stellium (accompanied by a Full Moon) of Ukraine, connects powerfully with the 9th house, (ideals, spirituality), of the US horoscope, and on the other hand, activates the 2nd house of the Russian horoscope, the house of that which one feels as one’s own, one’s own substance, from the lower aspects of Tauro: that which one wishes to possess.
The current transit of Pluto on the Saturn of both (Russia and Ukraine) will be definitive. It will be the destruction of that which the Soul (of both) no longer needs.
On the part for the personality, where attachment rules, it is always difficult to accept such destruction, but Pluto always brings the transformation (detachment) that the Soul or Higher Consciousness needs.
Ukraine will experience it from the Soul, since Saturn is the esoteric ruler of its rising sign, the path of the Soul in Capricorn. It will be the loss of something substantial, very dear to its Soul, Saturn, ruler of the house one, in the second house.
Russia will experience it like the painful loss of a partner, because its Saturn is in the 7th house, the partner.
But every destruction dictated by the Soul brings a “reward”, in the case of Ukraine it will be a renewed root. Uranus (“fresh water”, new ideas) is transiting the cusp of her 4th house (the roots, the house, the earth, the motherland).
For Russia the destruction of Pluto will be accompanied by the entry of Neptune into its 10th house in Aries. Russia, if it understands the destruction of Pluto, will be able to successfully express (10th house) the new (Aries) ideals (Neptune) that its people need so much. Even, if we are very positive, we can think that these ideals will serve as an example for other countries of the world.
By the way, it is no coincidence that the first peace meetings are held in Munich, Germany’s heart center.
Talking about the US horoscope now would make the answer too long, but I see a very important moment in 2028, when the third Uranus return is accompanied by Jupiter transiting the nation’s MC/Neptune, and Neptune is just entering the 4th house. This suggests to me that what is happening now, the Pluto return, is the destructive aspect of the constructive energy (Uranus-Neptune) that is to come.
Thanks for sharing
Very good point about Munich as the heart centre where the talks are taking place. Vance made a bold speech completely off the cuff, no notes. As I posted yesterday on phillips-alt-media on Telegram. (
Yes, Vance’s speech was necessary, Europe is certainly too bureaucratized and excessively afraid of its fascist past. But I often wonder to what extent Vance, or D. Trump himself, or Elon Musk are aware of what the triumph of Hitler and Mussolini meant for Europe (and the whole world). We must not forget that both won free elections… freedom without responsibility is not freedom.
Hello, sorry, but I was wrong when I said that Mussolini came to power in a free elections. He came to power through the social fear created by the Blackshirts, (the Voluntary Militia or the paramilitary wing of the National Fascist Party), that supported Mussolini’s ideas.
Hi Phillip, what a great and very thorough Newsletter again! I wouldn’t know why mingling esotericism and astrology with politics would be wrong. I think it is very important to do this, especially in the objective way you do it, and underpinned with the many references and sources you give. As DK says the disciple has to work in two worlds, with his head in the esoteric world, and his feet firmly on earthly ground with the compassion of his loving and truthfull (which is the same) heart…. or something like that… I’m very much paraphrasing here out of my head… The time and effort you spend on this are incredible and very much appreciated, and a great contribution to the world and especially to all the disciples, of whom many are goodwilling but (still) misled.
Thanks Eric! I am often damned if I do and damned if I don’t, one cannot please everyone. Truth can be unpleasant at times because it forces a person to rearrange their reality structure for which the have identified for decades.
I would expect disciples are able to do that, but it seems a lot of them don’t which hinders the work I’m afraid. This makes it nessary to bring in a wrecking ball like Trusk. Not nice but how else can the path for the Masters be paved? Not with group meditations alone I guess. Love is truth and often not nice.
To add to my previous comment about climate change – there is the incontrovertible science – pumping 100’s of billions of tons of geologically exhumed carbon into the atmosphere that is not part of a more stable equilibrium with balancing sequestration rates – versus exploitation with narratives to benefit vested interests (WEF, taking agricultural land, 15 minutes cities, etc.) that don’t solve anything and serve to consolidate centralized power and control.
As for DOGE and restructuring of the government. I think Trump with the tech billionaires is a process of a random wrecking ball of Trump (trying to look like he knows what he is doing which I do think he does), which then serves the billionaires, whose primary mission is to break down anything that gets in their way of their efforts to run the world like Bill Gates has been doing, all being Ahrimanic servers that expose some things (more incidentally – like the USAID cut-out agency) but must be resisted by the servers of the Light, such as RFK JR – who is trying to facilitate an intelligent transformation of agencies so their core purpose can be realized. However, there is indeed so much waste – HHS has twice the budget as the DOD! And, it is apparent if one looks into real science of biology and medicine, 90% or so is completely useless to harmful. Then there is the USAP and SAP groups Dr. Steven Greer has exposed (Unaknowledged Special Access Programs) and (Special Access Programs) that have siphoned TRILLIONS from the treasury via the DOD (SAP being ‘legitimate’, USAP illegal). These are the biggest dinosaurs in the park – the rest are “look over there! distractions. The Pharma-Military-Industrial Complex that Pres. Eisenhower warned about – (he also mentioned the medical aspect, not usually cited).
Craig, you say: “I think Trump with the tech billionaires is a process of a random wrecking ball of Trump (trying to look like he knows what he is doing which I do think he does), which then serves the billionaires, whose primary mission is to break down anything that gets in their way of their efforts to run the world like Bill Gates has been doing.”
Many would disagree with this statement, there is nothing random about what they are doing and it remains to be seen whether it is billionaire-serving. Many people, particularly on the left, are speculating about what is going on, but I believe it is way too early to call. Appearances can be deceptive, as can existing prejudices that blind people to making assumptions and presumptions about one thing or another.
I would encourage everyone here to seek broader information on all these factors. To that end, I have created a Telegram channel that has posts from alternative news sources that I wade through every morning!
“Virgo hides the light which irradiates the world in Aquarius”.
“Aquarius releases Virgo from her load”.
Phillip … much respect and recognition of the challenge and role you serve for your community as an ‘awakener’ through your newsletter. Your efforts of care, consideration and attention to the nuances of a ‘middle path’ perspective / message are evident, applauded and most welcomed.
Highlighting the movement of the ‘spirit of our times’ through certain leaders ( e.g. Donald Trump)
and the nation charts is illuminating. Your deep dive with David in the comments above is particularly insightful.
David mentioned the Virgo statements above … which prompted me to write and contemplate another perhaps useful lens through which to identify / perceive the spiritual impulses of this time.
With the transiting south node in Virgo … what burdens might the Virgo generation of NGWS be invited to off unload ? … and might these be gifts / seeds for the rapidly emerging aquarian world ?
As with the quieter more humble and unassuming nature of Virgo (in contrast with the Leo generation) the gifts / impulse may be easily overlooked. … perhaps likely overlooked ( by those on the path) if the archetype of the Herculean trails in Virgo are in play !
The pluto in Virgo generation (mid 1960’s) are grappling with / digesting their 2nd Saturn returns in Pisces flavored with natal Chiron conjunctions in the mix …. This is in opposition to the Pluto and Uranus conjunction in Virgo which may be a key note of the generational impulse.
As this generation steps into their 3rd age and leadership…..
What might we see emerging in the next 18 months (informed by the nodal transits) through this Virgo generation and what might the NGWS, served by this newsletter, be invited to pay close attention to perhaps avoiding the pitfalls of Hercules not recognizing the gifts from Virgo ?
This might serve as a useful lens to explore, perceive and contemplate how best to attend to the spirit moving through these ‘interesting’ and perhaps epoch seeding times …
Thanks Glyn, much to reflect on here regarding the nodal cycle!
Thank you, Glyn. Great perspective to add. Issues of health came to my mind. One of the seeds being planted now is ‘our health is more important than unlimited profit’. That confrontation is now front and center between Big Agra / Pharma and the people who want health.
Almost impossible to read this and not donate. Thank you Phillip!
As usual, great work Phillip.
And I just want to say that every day it becomes clearer to me that Trump is in the style of Julius Caesar, exponents of the first ray who first destroy and then build “their vision” of a new order… the question is whether this new order will be successful.
In any case, they serve to uncover the hidden rot and air it, so not so bad!
Kind regards from Spain.
Como de costumbre, gran trabajo Phillip.
Y solo comentar que cada día tengo más claro que Trump es del estilo de Julio César, exponentes del rayo 1º que primero arrasan para después construir “su visión” de un nuevo orden… la cuestién es si ese nuevo orden será acertado.
En cualquier caso, sirven para destapar la podredumbre escondida y airearla, así que ni tan mal!
Un cordial saludo desde España.
As to Lincoln’s quote regarding corporations:
“Did Abraham Lincoln Warn of the Tyranny of Capitalism?
This quote is periodically dusted off and attributed to President Abraham Lincoln.”
Why use this quote if a long-standing, reliable source calls into question the veracity of the quote?
Thanks Christopher. I am aware of the controversy around this quote, but also wary of Snopes being sometimes biased in its findings. It may not be so in this case, but there is reasonable doubt. Nevertheless, whoever wrote it was very accurate about corporations and how they have taken over. I am sure it was a major concern for Lincoln himself. Next time I use the quote, it will be attributed to the person who allegedly wrote it.