Aries 2019: Blue Moon Equinox. Shamballa. Germany. India. Catholic Church and George Pell. New Zealand Massacre.
Aries Keynote
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
(Full Moon: March 21, 2019. 1.43 am UT.)
Aries Blue Moon and Equinox 2019
Aries and Shamballa
Aries Nations: Germany and India
The Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse
Cardinal George Pell’s Imprisonment
Saturn Catches Up with Netanyahu
Cohen Bombshell for Trump
New Zealand’s Loss of Innocence
University of the Seven Rays Conference
Two New Books
Aries Blue Moon and Equinox 2019
What is the new direction that you or your group will take in 2019, to enable new year’s resolutions made on January 1st? A Blue Moon is relatively rare – when there are two full moons in the first and last degrees of the same zodiac sign. Hence, this Aries full moon for March 21 will be repeated in Aries on April 19. (A blue moon claimed for two full moons in a calendar month – in two different zodiac signs, is not a proper blue moon.)
In December 2018, the Capricorn full moon cycle coincided with the solstice – one of the four cardinal points, creating a powerful blend of forces. At the 2019 Aries equinox, the full moon cycle of Aries coincides with its cardinal point, creating an amplification of Aries themes, reinforced four weeks later by the second full moon in Aries. Hence, the spiritual year is beginning with a bang, emphasising the clarity of thought needed to move in the direction required; what might be conceived at the first full moon may be adjusted at the second full moon!
Aries is the Ram, a masculine sign that expresses via its ruler Mars – action and activity on the physical plane. The glyph for Mars is the upright male phallus, which coincides with the breeding cycle of animals in the spring season of the northern hemisphere. Hence, new initiatives, adventures and pioneering efforts distinguish this sign. To chant the Star Trek mantra, “To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!”
The procreative nature of Aries is also applied to higher creativity. The Aries fire element symbolises mind or manas, hence Aries is “fertile” in the creation of mental progeny. Aries rules the head and brain, and can be headstrong, aggressive and dominating, action-oriented, egotistical and arrogant, fiery, impulsive and impatient.
The first ray of will or power works through Aries, invoking the spiritual will and the crown chakra over which it rules. Aries sorely needs to cultivate the balancing, polar-opposite forces of Libra: The restrained peace-maker who understands the value of the interlude as opposed to frenetic activity; that takes pause for thought and considers the consequences of actions initiated in Aries.
Mars influences Aries on all three levels – physical, emotional and mental. The physical has been discussed, whilst the emotional level is behind Aries’ impulsiveness, impatience and anger/temper. The mental level is about the connection Mars has to the five tangible senses:
“Mars governs the senses which are five in number. These senses are the basis of all human knowledge where that which is tangible and objective is concerned or inferred. Mars, therefore, rules science and hence the reason in this present era for the fundamental but not permanent materiality of science—a materiality which is rapidly lessening.”[1]
In this example, it is interesting to note that Mars is the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio. At the exoteric level, Mars governs the development of emotional sensitivity, desire and its satiation, through sex and other human activities. At the esoteric level, Mars rules the disciple who is rapidly overcoming desire and who is using “scientific mental-Mars” to gain control over the astral body; this theme is most complimentary to mentally oriented Uranus, exalted in Scorpio.

Mercury: Enhanced-color view assembled from images taken at various wavelengths by MESSENGER spacecraft. (An appropriate name!)
Mercury is the esoteric ruler of Aries, a planet generally associated with the transmission of thought and communication in general. However, in its role as Messenger of the Gods, Mercury is the “god of intuition” or buddhic consciousness; Mercury mediates between the buddhic and mental planes. Humanity is not truly intuitive yet, that faculty will develop more fully as it moves into the impending Sixth Rootrace.
Intuition or buddhi, is the true goal for consciousness evolution and final liberation from this Earth plane. Intuitive awareness is developed over many lives, expressing in flashes that are reflected for most people in the astral body. The astral and buddhic planes have a close relation to one another, straddling the mental plane:
“The intuition is a higher power than is the mind … it is the power of pure reason, an expression of the buddhic principle, and lies beyond the world of the ego and of form. Only when a [wo]man is an initiate can the exercise of the true intuition become normally possible. By that I mean that the intuition will then be as easily operative as is the mind principle in the case of an actively intelligent person.”[2]
There are various levels of the intuition that unfold through the various initiations that all human souls progress through:
“Initiation is never taken unless the intuition is becoming active. Spiritual instinct, the lowest aspect of the intuition, indicates readiness for the first initiation; an illumined mind and spiritual intelligence are the definite sign that a man can take the second initiation, whilst spiritual perception or intuitive instinct signifies preparedness for the Transfiguration, the third initiation.[3]
Aries and Shamballa
Shamballa is one of the four major planetary centres depicted in the table below:
“It is the will of the Father aspect, manifesting through Aries, that governs Shamballa; the loving desire of the Son which attracts to the Hierarchy;
and the permeating, intelligent activity of the Holy Spirit [mother] which animates that centre of divine life which we call humanity.”[4]
Shamballa is that mysterious place in legend, myth and scripture from where the Lord of the World directs the affairs of all kingdoms, serving planetary purpose:
“… Shamballa … the Western name is Shangri-Lha—a name which is finding recognition everywhere and which stands for a centre of happiness and purpose. Shamballa or Shangri-Lha is the place where the Will of God is focussed and from which His divine purposes are directed. From it the great political movements and the destiny of races and nations and their progress are determined.”[5]
Shangri-La was popularised by the novelist, James Hilton in his 1933 novel, Lost Horizon where, “a veteran member of the British diplomatic service finds inner peace, love and a sense of purpose in Shangri-La, whose inhabitants enjoy unheard-of longevity[6] … Shangri-La has become synonymous with any earthly paradise, particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia – a permanently happy land, isolated from the world. In the novel, the people who live at Shangri-La are almost immortal, living hundreds of years beyond the normal lifespan and only very slowly aging in appearance. The name also evokes the imagery of the exoticism of the Orient.”[7]
Hilton was born at the full moon in the sign of wordsmith Virgo, with an imaginative Pisces moon opposite; he was influenced by National Geographic articles of early travellers in Tibet but may well have been impressed by one of the Masters such as Hilarion, who is said to work with fiction writers. And hence the idea of Shamballa has been disseminated into mainstream consciousness, even with its distortions or inaccuracies. Shamballa is assuming greater and unique importance in the world because its mighty forces are being used to accelerate human evolution:
“The impact of the Shamballa force will be more frequent because men will develop the power to withstand it. Hitherto, it has been too dangerous an energy to apply to mankind. Now the experiment is being attempted of permitting man to receive it and its impact, free from the mediation of the Hierarchy.”[8]
Aries is the place of beginnings, from where the annually amended Planetary Plan is impressed and implemented – stepped down from Shamballa to Hierarchy, to the New Group of World Servers and then to Humanity and the other kingdoms of nature. Aries and Shamballa have several factors in common:
1. Shamballa is the crown chakra from where the “the will of God is directed”.
Aries rules the head and brain and is a sign of the fiery element of manas or mind.
2. Shamballa directs the Will and Purpose of the Planetary Logos, our “Earth God”.
Aries is a sign through which pour the forces of the first ray of Will-Power.
3. Shamballa is the first place of incarnation of our Planetary Logos, spirit incarnate in matter.
Aries is the sign of beginnings, the first impulse of life that announces the new pattern.

The three major planetary centres: Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity. Note the intermediary groups of the mysterious Nirmanakayas and the N.G.W.S.
It is unique that the first two festivals of each spiritual year – Aries and Taurus – are intimately connected to Shamballa. (For Taurus, see here.) In other words, the new impulse from Shamballa is emphasised in different ways, in order to ensure that divine guidance proceeds accordingly. What begins in the fiery ethers of Aries becomes more grounded in earthy Taurus. As detailed in the earlier table, the precipitation of the Plan takes place through the various centres:
From Shamballa to Hierarchy or the Great White Brotherhood who, directed by the triangle of The Buddha, The Christ and Sanat Kumara, are responsible for the guidance of human souls. Thence, the transmission of the Plan is effected through the Ashrams of the Masters that are composed of aspirants, disciples and initiates at all levels of spiritual unfoldment – who are also members of the Mercurial mediating body known as the New Group of World Servers.
This latter group permeates all human expressions and vocations – and hence, the Plan is disseminated in various ways throughout the human matrix. Humanity itself however, ultimately has karmic free will in how it utilises these forces – constituting collectively the throat chakra – ruled by Saturn, Lord of Karma.
The throat centre is where developed intelligence and mental discrimination determine how the energies are received and interpreted. Humanity has free will to exercise creatively its divine purpose – but often mis-interpret – and so the ever-patient and long-suffering Watchers of Humanity sigh … and probably roll their eyes!
Because undeveloped Humanity is still not accustomed to the Shamballa force, it is often distorted through personalities – particularly in that first ray vocation, politics – resulting in force, aggression, cruelty, ruthlessness and a marked lack of compassion. This may partially account for what is occurring today in global affairs. At an advanced stage of unfoldment it is said that, “The death by fire or burning in Aries releases man into another centre to which we give the name Shamballa.”[9]
When recalling the earlier statement about action in Aries and consequences in Libra, we are reminded of the Law of Karma – and also of the importance of the polar opposite signs, in balancing duality on all levels. Libra also has a connection to Shamballa:
“Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries.
This balance and this relation of the great opposites, spirit and matter, is symbolised for us in the personality situation of balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane, and finding between them the “narrow razor-edged path” which leads the [wo]man into the kingdom of the soul.”[10]
The first ray is the major ray that passes through this first sign of the zodiac. Aries is a sign of new life yet also death – as it burns and destroys all hindrances on the path. Pluto, co-ruler of the first ray, is the Lord of Death and is activated in this sign.
The Sun is exalted in Aries and nourishes life, yet burns and destroys, “producing the flame and heat of the final burning ground[11] … Fire is an agent of purification and, “Through the lesser fire of mind, the “jungles of experience are set on fire and dissolve in flames – and then the Path stands clear and unobstructed vision is achieved.”[12]
Somewhat paradoxically, it is also through this fiery purification that the mind is released and the soul ruler of Aries – Mercury, becomes the intuitive illuminating principle throughout the life experience. When considering the three rulers of Aries, Mercury is the mediating principle between Uranian spirit and Martial matter; it is this combination of factors that allows Aries to “take a stand”, to set an example, to be that idea in manifestation.
Aries Nations: Germany and India
Like humans, nations are entities ruled by zodiac signs and rays – they have a soul destiny and purpose. Aries governs several significant nations at the soul level: India, Switzerland, Germany and South Africa – hence these 2019 Aries full moons will have a profound effect upon them, invoking positive and negative aspects alike.
At the personality level, Aries rules Finland and Romania. The Aries full moons will certainly stimulate all these nations, for better or worse depending upon their stage of integration and soul evolution. The point of least resistance for some nations will amplify attributes of domination, force and competition.
India for instance, currently in a spat with Pakistan, could easily be tempted to ride roughshod over its neighbour. India is a first ray soul and this is one of the primary rays that pour through its soul sign Aries, hence restraint with its warring brother will be tested! Capricorn is the personality sign of this nation, indicating its great age and crystallisation. The first ray of power works through Capricorn and currently the first ray ruler Pluto is transiting through Capricorn!
Both nations share the same horoscope for the 1947 partition, holding five placements in Leo. Excessive nationalism and Leonine pride is on daily display at the (see video) infamous border ceremonies – straight from the Ministry for Silly Walks! One wonders whether Pakistan has the same ruling rays and signs esoterically, given that its separation from India was somewhat artificial, based upon Islam religion. India is also a fourth ray personality, hence it is fond of putting on dramatic displays, pomp and ceremony.
Both nuclear-armed nations have choices – to perpetrate childish squabbles, or to use a Vulcan first ray word, forge a new direction that will benefit both, ensuring peace, harmony and good relations reflected by Aries polar opposite Libra.
Germany is a leading nation in Europe, befitting its Aries soul purpose – and has the first ray conditioning its personality. That first ray personality and distorted Aries soul force was misused and abused in WWII as it sought to dominate the world. Now Germany has recovered and achieved economic domination of Europe, if not the world. This is not necessarily a bad thing, its all about right motive in how it utilises its wealth. Yet, Germany has been criticised heavily for dominating and manipulating other European nations such as Greece.
Nevertheless, the Aries blue moons afford an opportunity to blaze new trails, and blaze new trails that can benefit the greater good. First ray Aries is connected to the first ray constellation – the Great Bear, that is in turn connected to Merak, the pointer star furthest from the pole star, Polaris – this latter star is regarded as a “major star of direction”:
“The Pointer furthest from the Pole Star … is esoterically speaking, a great reservoir or focal point for divine energy, carrying out God’s purpose … [and] … begins to make its presence felt … a sense of right direction or guidance is registered by the disciple upon the Path, and such guidance (when followed) leads man nearer to the Hierarchy.”[13]
Eighty years ago, Germany was stated as “nearing the path of Discipleship”, has it arrived at that stage yet?:
“Austria and Germany are nearing the Path of Discipleship …Austria is nearer true discipleship than is Germany and, spiritually, Austria has much eventually to give. Spiritual leadership will not be lacking once a measure of security and better living conditions have been assured. Germany has a bitter price to pay because her immaturity and childish interpretation of world affairs, her lack of thinking capacity and her curious innate cruelty permitted the Forces of Evil (temporarily) to work through Germany and precipitate the world conflict. But Germany will recover, provided she does not again permit herself to become a battleground, owing to her strategic position in central Europe.”[14]
The Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse
The theme of the Catholic Church is connected to Aries by the association of the first ray of Will-Power with Aries – the soul ray of the Catholic Church; as well, through Aries’ Mars rulership, the ruler of the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism, extraordinarily prominent in this institution, as will be discussed later.
It is heartening to witness the Vatican addressing this deeply entrenched, long term problem of child sexual abuse – an extraordinary phenomenon that has been brought to the surface whilst Pluto has been transiting Capricorn – the sign of institutions; these events are preparing the way for a prophecy about the Master Jesus and His chelas effecting great changes:
“The Master Jesus will take a physical vehicle, and with certain of His chelas effect a re-spiritualisation of the Catholic churches, breaking down the barrier separating the Episcopal and Greek churches from the Roman. This may be looked for, should plans progress as hoped, about the year 1980.”[15]
Well, perhaps better late than never, it appears that this prophecy is finally manifesting, Hierarchical initiatives do not always go according to plan! It does not necessarily mean however, that Jesus has taken a physical vehicle – but his sixth ray ashram disciples are no doubt paving the way.
Sexual abuse is widespread throughout all facets of human living and many different institutions – and the Catholic Church is no exception. A paragraph from Wikipedia on this subject of sexual abuse in the churches states the following, and I would ask this statement is not superficially interpreted as the author trying to link homosexuality with pedophilia; to tar all gays with the same brush would be grossly inaccurate – but nevertheless, statistically appears to be true within the Catholic Church:
“Gay priests and homosexuality: According to the John-Jay-Report, 80.9% of the abuse victims in the United States were male. A number of books, such as “The Rite of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church”, have argued that homosexual priests view sex with minors as a “rite of passage” for altar boys and other pre-adult males.
William Donohue of the Catholic League argued that the Church’s pedophile problem was really a “homosexual crisis”, which some have dismissed as unwarranted by arguing that there’s a lack of correlation between a man identifying as homosexual and any particular likelihood he will abuse children.
In the United States Father Cozzens quoted figures from 23 percent to 58 percent of homosexual priests, with a higher percentage among younger priests. On the other hand, research on pedophilia in general shows a majority of abusers identify themselves as heterosexual, and the Causes and Context Study of the John Jay Institute found no statistical support for linking homosexual identity and sexual abuse of minors. Additionally The New York Times reported “the abuse decreased as more gay priests began serving the church.
In 2018, Cardinal Müller, former doctrinal chief in charge of clerical abuse of minors, argued that “it is part of the crisis that one does not wish to see the true causes and covers them up with the help of propaganda phrases of the homosexual lobby.” In a new report, Dr. Paul Sullins examined measures of the share of homosexual Catholic priests and the incidence and victim gender of minor sex abuse victims by Catholic priests from 1950 to 2001 in the United States. The statistical analysis shows that more homosexual men in the priesthood was strongly correlated with more overall abuse and more boys abused compared to girls.”[16]
The esoteric doctrine informs us that,
“The Catholic Church is governed by the first ray as its soul ray, and by the third ray as its personality ray. Hence its love of politics and of temporal power; hence also its intensely commercial and financial preoccupations. The mental ray of this Church is sixth ray. Hence its narrow one-pointedness; its emotional body is also sixth ray in quality, whilst the physical ray of the outer organisation is seventh.”[17]
Soul 1, personality 3. Mental 6, astral 6, physical 7. This ray structure is extraordinary, the mental and emotional bodies are upon the sixth ray ruled by Mars, ruler of the solar plexus centre – seat of the astral or desire body. Neptune is the solar plexus co-ruler, representing the religious mystic and visionary with an elevated faith. Mars represents faith and devotion but also uncontrolled desire, passion and aggression. Here is the shadow of the Catholic Church laid bare, also present in the the Greek Orthodox Church which in the pre-Russian revolution had, “reached a high stage of corruption, graft, greed and sexual evil.”[18]
Perhaps Pluto’s transit through Capricorn is evoking the first ray soul of the Catholic Church, given that Pluto is the co-ruler of this ray, a ray that passes through Capricorn – a sign that represents large institutions and corporate structures. Also, as Aries ruler Mars transits through Taurus (the sign that rules Rome) during February-March 2019, it is bringing up many of these themes and of course, activating the Scorpio polarity of Taurus:
“Mars is in detriment in this sign [Taurus]. Its activity adds constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus but the potency of the Taurian struggle is so great, esoterically speaking, that the effect of Mars is lost in the larger whole. It “adds to the glamour and confusion and yet holds within itself hope for the struggling [wo]man.”[19]
The recent entry of Uranus into Taurus (where it will remain for the next seven years), also has a bearing on the matter, “producing a sharp division between body and soul”[20] – and eventually, “awakening an intuitive response to an ever-increasing light until full illumination is achieved, the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.”[21] Uranus is also the ruler of the incoming seventh ray cycle as the old sixth ray cycle that ruled Christianity – wanes.
This is the 84-year Uranus return for Pope Francis – for his natal Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the most elevated planet in his horoscope and indicates the reformer. Francis has worked very hard in his few short years in office to overhaul the financial system of the Vatican – as well as the sexual abuse issues, resulting in the resignation or defrocking of several high profile people. He has frequently been criticised for not doing enough or engaging in cover-ups, but as the old saying goes, “you cannot turn the Queen Mary around on a dime” – ancient entrenched attitudes take a long time to destroy.
It will be interesting to watch Pope Francis in 2019, arguably one of the best popes in generations, as transiting Jupiter passes back and forth across his philosophical Sagittarius sun – the re-establishment of right ethics and principles that has the potential to create a major reorientation for the Catholic Church and restore faith for the masses.
As transiting Saturn approaches transiting Pluto in Capricorn for their exact, rare conjunction in January 2020, what is stirring in the Catholic Church today, could be the biggest reformation since The Reformation, when Protestantism emerged, courtesy of Martin Luther, splitting off from the Catholic Church; that event occurred just some months before the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.
As an aside, Martin Luther was a disciple with several planets in Scorpio, who helped effect those changes with his infamous 95 Theses protest to the Catholic Church. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction fell precisely on Luther’s progressed Sun in Capricorn in 1517, just a few years before the beginning of the outgoing cycle of the Sixth Ray of Idealism in 1525; it must have been a time of initiation for Luther, who had the Moon in Aries, and was regarded as a “pioneering soul”,[22] who the Master further comments upon:
“More often have they come as agents of destruction, breaking up the old forms of religion and of government in order that the life within the rapidly crystallising form might be set free and build for itself a newer and a better vehicle.”[23]
The phrase, “rapidly crystallising form” is Capricorn, regarded as the sign of crystallisation – which brings us back to the discussion of 2019. The comparison being made here is not necessarily related to Protestantism (where sexual abuse is also widespread), but the enormous changes that are now being wrought since the last time Saturn and Pluto conjoined one another in Capricorn 500 years ago. Transiting Saturn is closely conjunct Pluto already, only separated by some few degrees, so the Catholic Church already finds itself in a compelling “do or die” reformation.
Cardinal George Pell’s Conviction
One of those transgressors within the Catholic Church was the Australian, Cardinal George Pell – brought to Rome to advise on Vatican City finance and governance issues. Pell has been recently convicted of sexual abuse of minors in an Australian court – whilst transiting Jupiter (truth, justice) was activating his Scorpio moon opposition Uranus in Taurus in 2018.
It is a day of justice for those who suffered at the hands of George Pell and other priests for whom he covered for, in his senior role as Archbishop of Melbourne. Its a sad day for Catholicism internationally as Pell’s conviction comes hot on the heels of the Vatican’s four day summit on sexual abuse. Perhaps the summit was called as a damage control measure ahead of Pell’s publicising in the media.
Other high ranking officials have since been indicted globally, the process continues as Pluto relentlessly drags all into the light of day from the “hell realms” over which he presides. And of course, not just in this one institution, but in corporations, politics, the movie and music industries – the latest casualty of the latter being Michael Jackson, in a new damning documentary.
Yet, its also a time to rejoice that all these matters are being revealed; a great purging and purification is underway, that will usher in a period of renewal, regeneration and healing. Pell’s conviction of abuse of two boys (and recent sentencing to six years in prison) – is a major milestone for this ancient, deep-seated problem that has been slowly emerging into the light in recent decades, but particularly since transiting Pluto has been in Capricorn, the sign of institutions – since early 2008.
Cardinal George Pell (Time unknown, speculative chart.)
Pell is a Gemini Sun with a Scorpio Moon opposite Uranus in Taurus – the signature of a lifelong struggle with his sexuality (not necessarily homosexual) – in an institution that demands celibacy. This Moon-Uranus opposition was activated for most of 2018 when transiting Jupiter passed back and forth across his Scorpio moon; during that time these matters emerged into greater illumination and became legal issues.
Whilst Pell will be vilified for his dogmatism, hypocrisy, hardness of heart and manipulation – as a powerful high-ranking official in the church, he is not undeserving of the Christian/Buddhist values of forgiveness and compassion. Yet he is not making matters any easier for himself by maintaining his innocence – like Sean Penn’s character in “Dead Man Walking” – does he need the Susan Sarandon nun character (paradoxically) – to help him own the truth?
Neither did Pell’s barrister make matters easier by his crass description of Pell’s sex with minors as, “vanilla sex” – implying that it was virtually harmless; this statement is also very revealing as to the depth of normalisation within many institutions, that the practice is harmless – tell that to the victims of the infamous Ballarat abuses over which Pell presided in the 1970’s.
Pell will be the sacrificial lamb (to use a Biblical term) for some time, indeed a crucifixion of sorts – by media and all those he shamed or felt ashamed by association. Yet he still has unmitigated support from two deeply conservative Australian prime-ministers – all peas from the same pod! Pell’s disgrace in the harsh media spotlight will make him the Catholic Church’s scapegoat and a life of bitter regret. (There is mention of Pell in the Taurus newsletter for 2018, when examining Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby.)
Pell’s birthtime is unknown, but a Scorpio moon seems appropriate, somewhere between 22-29 Scorpio. When the Pope terminated Pell’s position in late October 2018, transiting Jupiter was at 27 Scorpio. When Pell was found guilty in the closed trial on December 11, 2018, transiting Mercury (ruler of the Gemini sun), was at 29 Scorpio.
Transiting Sun was opposite his natal Sun, and Jupiter was transiting through Sagittarius opposite his Jupiter in Gemini. On the day of his sentencing in March 2019, the moon was in Gemini conjunct his Jupiter position, indicating its sensitivity both natally and by transit. It might also indicate that Pell is a second ray soul, ruled by Jupiter.
When Pell was first charged with multiple counts of child abuse around June 29, 2017, transiting Jupiter was in Libra and transiting Saturn was in Sagittarius. Significantly, transiting Venus in Taurus was activating the Moon in Scorpio-Uranus in Taurus opposition.
There is a good case for Sagittarius rising, given the prominence of Jupiter transits in Pell’s horoscope; the degree may be around 7 or 26 Sag, corresponding to the dates of the other events. Or, it could be fairly closely opposite his Gemini sun which gets many hits in all these events. Pell’s Gemini sun was one of the main ingredients in his lying and two-faced deception, as was his secretive Scorpio moon that created the shadowy subterfuge.
Sagittarius rising is a good contender however, Pell was tall, sporty, played the ruck in Australian Rules football – and considered playing for the Richmond club. Sagittarius also rules religion and the ageless wisdom, the path that he chose and which has some synastry with Pope Francis’ Sagittarius sun at 26 degrees. The following passage from Aussie astrologer Varij Varidium, highlights Mars in Pisces square Pells’ Sun in Gemini. Mars is the dispositor of his troublesome Scorpio moon (the shadow) and hence, Mars’ square to the Sun represents the challenge to integrate into the emotional body component of the three-fold personality (the Sun):
“A key aspect in the chart of Pell is Sun square Mars. Sun in Gemini square Mars in Pisces. The Sun is our central life force and Mars is the planet of sex and aggression, war and passion. A 90 degree square aspect linking the two indicates a challenge to integrate two very different energies, namely the detached Gemini mind and the turbulent emotions of Pisces.
This plays out in his tough, big man/hard man persona, self acknowledged anger issues, relentless ambition, uncompromising advocacy of traditional Christian teachings regarding celibacy for priests and against homosexuality, and now legally confirmed, inability to control his own, powerful sexual urges and practice what he preaches.
Throughout his recent trials and tribulations, this natal aspect has been triggered by transiting Neptune in its own sign Pisces conjuncting his Mars and squaring his Sun. Think the Greek god Poseidon erupting from the oceanic depths sending forth waves of (suppressed) wrathful e-motion, both within and without. (“Burn in hell Pell” was the angry cry directed at him after the public reporting of his guilt).
This transit continues through 2019, though now joined by both planet of law Jupiter in its own sign Sagittarius and Saturn, the lord of karma in its own sign Capricorn, which together will ensure that cosmic justice prevails. There’s a long way to go, but whatever the final legal outcome, one could confidently surmise that Pell is already burning in a living hell.”[24]
Indeed, the fires of Pluto’s “lesser burning ground” – which can be interpreted as the solar plexus centre. In the hypothetical Sagittarius rising horoscope, Pell’s Gemini sun falls in the seventh house of relationships and marriage, squaring Mars in Pisces in the fifth house of romance and children. On the day of his sentencing on March 13, 2019, transiting Moon in Gemini was conjunct his natal Jupiter in Gemini and opposite Sagittarius rising, moving into his seventh house.
Also, transiting Jupiter was square to his Neptune in Virgo – opposite his troublesome Mars in Pisces. Mars and Neptune are the two rulers of the sixth ray of devotion, so prominent in the Catholic Church, and of the solar plexus, seat of the desire nature. The “dark night of the soul” is related to Pell’s Scorpio moon and there are several levels of the “dark night” that eventually culminate in,
“Scorpio-Taurus.—The final victory of soul over form. Death and darkness demonstrate as life and light as the result of this energy relationship. The dark night of the soul becomes radiant sun.”[25]
Is George Pell an aspirant or disciple upon the Path? Most probably he has gone beyond the stage of “reversal of the wheel” and the first initiation:
“The darkest hour of human life … frequently brings to the earnest disciple the experience—terrible yet beautiful—to which has been given the name of the “dark night of the soul.” This dark night takes different forms and different degrees of intensity, according to the ray, the type and the point in evolution of the disciple. From it you cannot escape.
But one error emerges if careful thought is given to this dark night as pictured by the mystics down the ages. Their emphasis has, in the past, been laid upon the suffering which the personality experiences and the agony through which the personality goes. But in reality and from the angle of the facts, that is not the true dark night.
The real “dark night” is that of the soul as it participates in the pain of humanity as a whole, in the agony of humanity’s separation from God (a separation based upon illusion but not on actuality) and upon the desperation of humanity’s reaching forth towards what appears to be an unresponsive God. Personality pain, agony and desperation are very different things and are not concerned with the totality of pain and suffering to which mankind is subjected.”[26]
Due to Pell’s current denial and lack of “ownership”, it appears that he has not yet “participated in the pain of humanity as a whole” – at least not in the pain of his victims or those perpetrated by other priests. Perhaps reflection in prison may hold some epiphany for Pell, or if he is simply too recalcitrant, then only when he passes over to the other side of life.
As a result of the crimes of the Catholic clergy, many thousands within the Catholic Church have felt abandoned by an “unresponsive god” – undermined and abused by those who were supposed to be their shepherds, but were actually wolves in sheep’s clothing.
The main underlying theme to this entire tragedy has been the suppression of the sexual urge through enforced celibacy, an unrealistic ideal for many of the clergy to live up to; it has not been enforced in the Anglican Church, but nonetheless sexual abuse still went on, albeit on a lesser scale, about one tenth of Catholic cases.
“One is apt to recognise with ease that the sixth ray, working through Mars, rules Christianity. It is a religion of devotion, fanaticism, of high courage, of idealism, of the spiritual emphasis upon the individual and his worth and problem, of conflict and of death. All those characteristics are familiar to us in the presentation of Christian theology.
It is however pre-eminently a religion which has waged a cruel and oft illogical war upon sex and its implications; it has emphasised a militant celibacy (militant where women and their rights and natures are concerned); it has regarded the sex relation as one of the primary evils in the world and has laid the emphasis upon the inviolable nature of the marriage bond when endorsed by the Church. This has all been the result of the beneficent or the malefic effect of the impact of sixth ray force upon the form nature.
… One of the reasons for this travesty of the truth has been that St. Paul, that great initiate, prior to taking the third initiation which he did at the time he was functioning as related in The Acts of the Apostles, was potently under Martian influence and was born in Scorpio; a study of his horoscope would demonstrate this … It was he who gave the Scorpio-Mars slant to the interpretation and exposition of the Christian teaching and deflected its energy into channels of teaching which its Founder had never intended.”[27]
Saturn Catches Up with Netanyahu
Those in positions of great global power are starting to topple, and Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu may be no exception, with impending corruption charges just before an election in Israel soon. The author has written at length about Netanyahu and Israel over the past 20 years – using a Scorpio rising chart. The horoscope here is Sagittarius rising, the most widely accepted one at Astrodatabank – so it will be interesting to test it anyway.
In either chart, the Moon in Libra only moves half a degree and that is what transiting Saturn (the law) is/will be squaring – on and off for all of 2019. Transiting Saturn square moon transits (the past, mother, the Dweller on the Threshold), are usually never pleasant! Netanyahu’s moon is in Libra (with Sun, Neptune and Mercury) – and he has certainly tried to keep the balance of all the warring factions within his government.
Yet, if Sagittarius rising is correct, he has also exhibited a one-pointed fanaticism for his cause, often at any cost. (Scorpio rising can be similar, very ruthless.) This Saturn square Moon transit will therefore, present some major obstacles in facing up to the past, dealing with legal issues etc. Transiting Saturn will also be squaring his south node and Neptune in Libra.
Also, during 2019, transiting Jupiter, ruler of a Sagittarius ascendant, will be squaring natal Saturn in Virgo, the most elevated planet in this horoscope – further driving home the theme of karma, the law – and the Jewish people who are ruled by Saturn-Capricorn.
Michael Cohen Bombshell for Trump
In the Aquarius newsletter for 2019, there was an analysis titled, “Trump the Mercurial Mad Hatter: Jupiter Transit for 2019”. It was stated then,
“This short-term Mercury transit is highlighted here because it is the microcosm of a longer term transit of Jupiter, as it sweeps through on its 12 year cycle in Sagittarius this year. All these personality foibles of Trump will be exaggerated and amplified – beginning in the last week of January 2019 to early March; then again in mid May and finally, most of October 2019. This will be the year of living dangerously for Trump – and the USA!
Given that Jupiter is transiting through its own sign of Sagittarius, the TRUTH may win out during this time. Also, as Jupiter is the ruler of USA’s second ray soul, and the esoteric ruler of its Aquarian soul, there is great potential for soul infusion in 2019.”
Indeed, that time has now arrived with Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen testifying recently – as transiting Jupiter (truth) closely conjoined Trump’s Sagittarius moon, amplified by transiting moon in Sagittarius on the same day. Cohen’s Jupiter in Cancer is currently under a transit from Pluto for the next two years, so there may well be ongoing revelations as Pluto pries open and exposes. Cohen’s testimony confirmed what most people knew or suspected of Trump (racism, bigotry, wilful lying etc.), but nonetheless despite Cohen’s suspect reputation, will be extremely damning for Trump and may undermine his hold on power or lead to impeachment.
Meanwhile, Trump’s recent overtures to North Korea may well have been a superficial smokescreen set up with full knowledge of Cohen’s impending testimony. Trump claims to have a “love affair” with Kim Yong Un, which might be explained by their chart synastry: Un’s stellium of planets in Sagittarius (1984 chart) – Venus, Uranus, Jupiter and Neptune.
During the hearings, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was at the sharp end of the spear with her erudite querying of Cohen. As mentioned in a recent astro-profile, Ocasio-Cortez is Sagittarius rising, close to Trump’s moon – and will therefore have the same transit of Jupiter back and forth across her ascendant for 2019 – as she contributes to holding the Office of the President to account.
New Zealand’s Loss of Innocence
We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in New Zealand, in the wake of the horrifying terrorist attack upon mosque worshippers in Christchurch. The ominous date of the Ides of March and its theme of assassination, has been eerily resurrected in the slaughter of around 50 people. This will just be a brief analysis of the horoscope, because the Aries newsletter was about to be released when this event occurred – there will be more in the next newsletter.
Here follows a brief list of impressions based upon the attack horoscope, for the time when the shooting began:
- The Sun and Mercury on the midheaven in Pisces – dominating the horoscope in high profile, representing the past era from which humanity is passing – and all the redundant attitudes that go with that.
- Sun-Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Sagittarius – here is distorted ideology.
- Gemini rising, the soul sign of New Zealand. Mercury the ruler, retrograde conjunct the sun in the tenth house.
- Mars in Taurus – “adds constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus.
- NZ Prime Minister (Leo sun, Capricorn moon) Jacinda Ardern’s magnificent power, presence, eloquence and reassurance – live on global television – stating that New Zealand is a nation of compassion.
Two New Books
Just released, these two books are the sum total of the last three years of writings through newsletters and occasional articles – illustrated. For more information, please click the following links. Available from my website (for US customers only), Amazon. (Or order through your bookstore from Ingrams distributors.)
Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays IV: Esoteric Astrology and Initiation
Destiny of the Races and Nations III: Astrological & Ray Cycles in History
University of the Seven Rays Conference
The annual conference of the USR will take place from May 1-12 in Phoenix, Arizona. There will also be a three day pre-conference workshop on Esoteric Astrology. I will be attending for the first time in three years, presenting a plenary and workshop called “The Three Shamballa’s”. I look forward to re-connecting with old friends and meeting new attendees, see if you can make it!
Phillip Lindsay © 2019.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
[1] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.215.
[2] Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.81.
[3] Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.267.
[4] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.156.
[5] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.407.
[8] The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.19.
[9] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.98.
[10] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168.
[11] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100.
[12] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.95.
[13] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.196.
[14] The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.626.
[15] A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.759.
[17] Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.206.
[18] Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.131.
[19] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401.
[20] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.400.
[21] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401.
[22] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.297.
[23] Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.38.
[25] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.338.
[26] Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.29.
[27] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.212.
I find the Newsletters very enlightening. Life is moving at such a quick pace both on a personal and global rate. I hope I will see a move to a better humanity in my lifetime. I take pleasure in my grandchildren and how their thinking is quite ahead of us. I hope these new souls have a chance of changing the world.
Kind regards