Aries 2020: Global Crisis. Coronation-Initiation. Neptune. Easter: Death and Resurrection. Sowing a New Garden.
Aries Keynote
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
(Full Moon: April 8, 2020. 02.35 UT.)
“Aries is the sign of beginnings—the beginning of the creative process, the first step of the soul … towards incarnation, the beginning of recurring and constant cycles of experience, the beginning of the period wherein the soul changes its direction, its purpose and its method, and finally enters upon that definitely defined process which we call spiritual regeneration and initiation.”1
Aries Easter 2020: First of Three Spiritual Festivals
The Resurrection and Ascension of Easter
The Current Global Crisis (April 2020)
Neptune in Pisces: Is a Mass Deception Underway?
Meditation Medication!
Aries and the Coronation-Initiation
USA, Aries New Moon and the Asteroid Hygiea
Alternative Remedies for Immunity and Lung Health
Saturn in Capricorn-Aquarius 2020
Coronavirus: Pluto-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn
Death: Part of the Great Illusion
Will Coronavirus Halt Climate Change?
Aries: Sowing a Garden of New Ideas
Aries Easter: First of Three Spiritual Festivals for 2020
It is the beginning of the spiritual new year where the cycle renews itself once again. Aries is the first of three annual spiritual festivals – Aries, Taurus and Gemini – a foundational triangle of signs that anchor the annually amended Planetary Plan.
This Divine Blueprint is constantly precipitating into human consciousness. The theme of Aries is the emergence of the subtle idea, patterned and programmed in the ethers, that eventually manifests upon the outer plane – as it passes through the 12 zodiac signs during each year:
“Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form—subjective and objective.”2
That idea is a frequency embodied in sound and word. As a sign of beginnings, Aries recalls the Biblical injunction: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The esoteric ruler of Aries is Mercury, the god of speech and messenger of the gods. Hence Aries sounds the note via the sacred word – a mantric formula derived from the essentialised seed of the previous cycle that inaugurates the new cycle.
These first three signs of Aries, Taurus and Gemini function as a triangle of subjective energies that condition the remainder of the year. Hence, tuning into their qualities through personal reflection, group meditation and service always rewards the enquirer:
Aries – Easter Festival, the Festival of the Risen Christ.
Taurus – Wesak Festival, the Festival of the Buddha or of Illumination.
Gemini – Festival of Unification – unifying East-West, carried forward by the Christ.
Another Biblical phrase from Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” As above, so below is the ancient axiom. Just as Earth has various incarnations or “globes” over an immense period of time, so on a lesser scale in every year or every day, second to second – the cycle of birth is repeated.
The cock crowing (sounds the note), is a symbol of Aries – it heralds the dawn, a new day, a new beginning, a clean slate. Likewise, the Easter egg is profoundly symbolic – renewal for all beings, in potentia.
The word Easter also suggests East, the direction from where the Sun rises. The East is also the Orient and Aries is a sign of orientation, of recalibrating one’s direction annually. Easter is also connected to an English pre-Christian goddess – Eostre, who was celebrated at the beginning of spring.
The Resurrection and Ascension of Easter
The main message about Easter is not about the agony of the crucifixion, or the blood sacrifice – but the Resurrection:
“In the past, the keynote of the Christian religion has been death, symbolised for us in the death of Christ and much distorted by St. Paul in his effort to blend the new religion which Christ brought with the old blood religion of the Jews … It was the magnetic power of the will that Christ referred when He said, “I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.”
This had no reference to the crucifixion but to the magnetic will of the Christ to draw all men, through the life of the indwelling Christ in every heart, out of the world of material values into the world of spiritual recognitions. It did not relate to death but to life; it had no reference to the Cross but to the resurrection.
In the cycle which Christ will inaugurate after His reappearance [post 2025], the goal of all the religious teaching in the world will be the resurrection of the spirit in mankind; the emphasis will be upon the livingness of the Christ nature in every human being, and upon the use of the will in bringing about this living transfiguration of the lower nature.”3
Each individual has the capacity to emulate the Christ – “Christ in you, the hope of glory”, to draw themselves and others, “out of the material world into the world of spiritual recognitions”. More than ever in the world today and within this global crisis, there lies the possibility of millions relinquishing the old material values.
The Current Global Crisis, April 2020
Since the recent experience of Pisces, it is most important to invoke the Aries keynote – “I come forth and from the plane of mind, rule.” All the experiences of the previous year – especially during the recent Pisces/Lent cycle when the Coronavirus spread around the world, must be distilled and essentialised into the seed for the new cycle.
Aries plants the seed and sounds the note of daring and optimism – hence the exaltation of the virus-killing Sun in this sign. When a new seed sprouts, it literally sends out a note – a complex, prescribed code or blueprint for the species, to which the building devas can hear and automatically respond, to build the form that the seed will become. The Aries exalted Sun rules the heart, the organ of love-wisdom – and of courage that eliminatesthe fear virus.
Thanks to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on Jan.10, 2020 – Humanity is now in what WHO has called “the biggest crisis since WWII” – at the beginning of this third decade; A 9/11 courtesy of Covid-19 (with similar numbers) – sowing uncertainty and fear, but presages a new beginning.
Lockdown is the keyword for Saturn who is temporarily sentencing everyone to a self-isolating prison – recalcitrant humanity sent to its room! There are various streams of thought about what is happening right now and one observes them flowing by in the river of consciousness:
1. That this is a deliberate “socially engineered” situation created by the globally controlling cabals and cartels, “deep state”, the 1% elite or the nebulous “them” – all of whom embody the Materialistic Forces. The aim is to crash the economy, force people off “dirty, virus carrying” cash – onto digital, compulsory digital ID’s, compulsory vaccination, personal freedom and civil liberties limited or removed completely, police/military state – herd control.
That the virus is not as dangerous as hyped and that Humanity have been conned into believing it by the authority of science, governments pushed by corporate interests, and irresponsible media pounding home the message relentlessly. And there is much to suggest that all this is true, in the countless reports and opinions that can be found. There are many truths out there, but also woven with grey threads of misinformation, fear and lack of discernment.
2. That this period signals the destruction of neo-liberalism, the breakdown of the controlling cabals who have had a stranglehold over humanity for centuries. We would all love that miracle to be true! –
“The cause of all world unrest, of the world wars which have wrecked humanity and the widespread misery upon our planet can largely be attributed to a selfish group with materialistic purposes who have for centuries exploited the masses and used the labour of mankind for their selfish ends.
From the feudal barons of Europe and Great Britain in the Middle Ages through the powerful business groups of the Victorian era to the handful of capitalists—national and international—who today control the world’s resources, the capitalistic system has emerged and has wrecked the world.
This group of capitalists has cornered and exploited the world’s resources and the staples required for civilized living; they have been able to do this because they have owned and controlled the world’s wealth through their interlocking directorates and have retained it in their own hands.
They have made possible the vast differences existing between the very rich and the very poor; they love money and the power which money gives; they have stood behind governments and politicians; they have controlled the electorate; they have made possible the narrow nationalistic aims of selfish politics; they have financed the world businesses and controlled oil, coal, power, light and transportation; they control publicly or sub rosa the world’s banking accounts.4
The head of the United Nations – António Guterres, has just stated that a global recession is a “near certainty”. Perhaps this is what will take to break the back of materialism, or even more drastic:
“These wrong attitudes lead to the disastrous economic conditions which we find all around us. They are effects of causes which are initiated by man himself. In the re-generation of money and in the changing of man’s attitude to it will eventually come world release. If this cannot take place, then some dire condition will arise; money (as we know it) will vanish off the earth and the situation will have to be met in some other way.
Let us hope that this will not be needed but that it will be possible to change the thought of humanity where money is concerned so that it will be regarded as a great spiritual asset, as a definite spiritual responsibility and as a means to real world work.”5
3. That whatever the cause or motives behind this pandemic, it is an unique opportunity for Humanity to take some time out, to reflect, to hit the reset button, to go within themselves as well as their homes and ponder the meaning of life; to get back to basics and establish a way of better values to live by, instead of being trapped on the treadmill of soul-destroying work, mindless recreational shopping, frivolous living and debt. Humanity is currently feeling the pain and grief of many planetary crises – ecological, economic, political, cultural etc.
That there is a clandestine war going on behind the scenes, of various groups rebelling against or trying to bring down the cabals; that while this is going on, various military forces are being deployed around the rest of the world, that the “good guys” are in control and all will be well.
4. That this is simply a virus that has emanated from somewhere and has become a global contagion – that humanity must now deal with, through very severe, and to some quite unnecessary measures that may create the side effects mentioned in point #1 – economic collapse, social dislocation, alienation, deep distress etc. There is no way to sugar-coat what Humanity is facing in these years to come – not just months.
It is very hard to ascertain the truth at this time – these points hold some validity and whilst the pandemic continues, everyone is obliged to give the benefit of the doubt, conform to current restrictions and recommendations – to “flatten the curve”.
In the ensuing 18 month period, it is forecast that these restrictions will come in cyclic waves, and that where there was an easing or abolition of restrictions, they may return again for “bio-security” reasons. At the moment, the masses of humanity are simply sitting out their confinement and coping, not necessarily making any assessment of their lives, waiting to go back to the same routines and lifestyles – more often than not, through economic necessity.
Hence, as the next two years unfold, there may need to be a deeper more serious review of what is going on – whether draconian or dehumanising restrictions are really warranted. These doubts are being increasingly voiced by intelligent minds in mainstream media now. (See the various timeline scenarios in this article.)
Neptune in Pisces: Is a Mass Deception Underway?
Whilst currently conforming to the will of the status quo and obeying lockdown, many questions have arisen that are causing deep concern:
“How much of life do we want to sacrifice at the altar of security? If it keeps us safer, do we want to live in a world where human beings never congregate? Do we want to wear masks in public all the time? Do we want to be medically examined every time we travel, if that will save some number of lives a year?
Are we willing to accept the medicalization of life in general, handing over final sovereignty over our bodies to medical authorities (as selected by political ones)? Do we want every event to be a virtual event? How much are we willing to live in fear?
… To reduce the risk of another pandemic, shall we choose to live in a society without hugs, handshakes, and high-fives, forever more? Shall we choose to live in a society where we no longer gather en masse? Shall the concert, the sports competition, and the festival be a thing of the past?
Shall children no longer play with other children? Shall all human contact be mediated by computers and masks? No more dance classes, no more karate classes, no more conferences, no more churches? Is death reduction to be the standard by which to measure progress? Does human advancement mean separation? Is this the future?”6
This perspective addresses point#1 above. It also hints at the heresy of separation or separativeness, bought about by “social distancing” and the fragmentation of communities. Neptune rules viruses and mass consciousness – as well as mass deception. The Pisces full moon of 2020 saw an exact conjunction of Neptune to the Sun, indicating two or both possibilities, depending upon the response apparatus of each individual, to Neptune’s highly refined frequencies:
1. Mass fear, panic, gullibility, easily duped. This is because most of humanity have not reached the evolutionary point of interpreting Neptunian energies fully or accurately. Neptune rules the solar plexus, seat of the emotional body – for the individual and the masses; currently a lot of emotion is being generated.
2. An increased aspiration and idealism – visioning a better world, and as a result, inspiration to change the way things are. Neptune is also associated with the heart , having a particular association with the “higher light” of the solar plexus – where energies are raised up into the heart.
This is akin to Humanity emerging from herd mentality, with millions “reversing the wheel” and taking the first initiation,- from the coronavirus viewpoint, a “coronation”:
“The phenomenon follows the template of initiation: separation from normality, followed by a dilemma, breakdown, or ordeal, followed (if it is to be complete) by reintegration and celebration. Now the question arises: Initiation into what? What is the specific nature and purpose of this initiation?The popular name for the pandemic offers a clue: coronavirus. A corona is a crown. “Novel coronavirus pandemic” means “a new coronation for all.”7 (More on the coronation theme in another section. )
As mentioned earlier, it is possible that the Coronavirus is a man-made virus, deliberately developed and distributed in multiple locations around the world by an unknown party. Whether it had its intended consequences or partially back-fired is unknown.
The following points follow on from the Pisces 2020 newsletter, giving a deeper scrutiny of statistics. Please bear in mind that this is not “conspiracy theory”, these are ideas based upon empirical data, which of course has its flaws, but is what WHO and other bodies are using.
Neither is there any denial that doctors are making critical life-death decisions of who gets a ventilator. The main issue for most nations is the health system being over-whelmed during a short period of time, with not enough staff or resources to cope.
Is Covid-19 not as harmful as media lead us to believe?
1. Statistics do not warrant exaggerated media concern. Currently (April 1, 2020) there are 858,892 reported cases and 42,158 deaths = 4.9% global average mortality rate. There are many unreported cases that could multiply reported cases – let us say conservatively by a factor of 2 = 1,717,784, or 2.45%. This percentage keeps dropping if higher factors of 3 or 4 are used.
Many people who contract Coronavirus, particularly outside of the most vulnerable age group of 60-90 years, barely have any symptoms and are over it within a week; though this does vary of course, depending upon predisposing ailments and strength of immune systems. (The author is aware of all the other age groups that are being increasingly reported, but has no exact statistics on them.)
“A recent paper in the journal Science argues that 86% of infections have been undocumented, which points to a much lower mortality rate than the current case fatality rate would indicate. A research team concluded from the large number of asymptomatic cases that the true fatality rate in China is around 0.5%. That is still five times higher than flu.”8
2. Covid-19 cases are mingled with annual flu cases, e.g. Italy. Within a highly emotive atmosphere and chaotic, crowded, over-burdened conditions such as Italy or Spain, it is quite likely that Covid-19 cases are being confused with annual flu cases, resulting in both being presented as statistics for Covid-19 cases.
March 31, Covid-19 statistics for Italy are 101,739 cases to 11,951 deaths = 11.74% mortality rate. Again, these are reported cases that might be mixed with flu cases, hence a multiply factor of 2 will bring the percentage rate down.
The annual flu season in Europe is from October 15, 2017 to January 31, 2018 (14 weeks). In three winter flu seasons in Italy from 2013/14 to 2016/17, one study showed that an estimated average of 5.29 million cases occurred in Italy, with more than 68,000 deaths attributable to flu epidemics in the study period.
That is around 23,000 influenza deaths annually, a 1.2% mortality rate for a nation that has historically higher influenza mortality compared to other European countries. especially in the elderly.9
There are other factors as well, like the late detection of the virus, it being misidentified, high concentration of migrant workers in northern Italy, the nation’s industrial center, particularly its textile and fashion industries, where people are back and forth from many parts of the world, especially the East.
UN and Italian health authorities have cited a variety of reasons for Italy’s high toll, key among them its large elderly population that is particularly susceptible to developing serious complications from the virus. Italy has the world’s second-oldest population after Japan, and the vast majority of Italy’s dead – 87 percent – are over age 70.
Indeed, one village in southern Italy (Acciaroli), has 300 residents over 100 years old, with about a third of them more than 100 years old, and 20 percent have reached 110 years! Something to do with the Mediterranean diet perhaps, as Greece comes a close second for oldest people in Europe.
Observers have asked the hard questions – how much do these people hold on to their forms through fear and religious superstition, how are they serving their fellow humanity, how much of a burden are they on the health system – that is also oriented toward preserving the form, with various drugs and surgeries, and has little understanding of the true meaning of death? (See later section on death.)
3. Inadequate, inaccurate testing. “In developing economies, accurate testing may be a problem. Test kits are often not available, or not reliable … people who go to the doctor with some flu symptoms are possibly falsely diagnosed as COVID-19 victims, as it serves the publicity hype. Yearly flu statistics are being used to inflate Covid-19 mortality rates. Still high age groups.”10
Even in so-called developed economies like Britain, the following was stated on the day that the British PM was announced as testing positive for Covid-19:
“The UK government says the health system doesn’t currently have the capacity to test everyone who has Covid-19 symptoms. Only patients sick enough to require hospital treatment get tested, according to the government … The danger is relying on the figures and assuming that they give us an accurate count of the total number of people who have been infected,” said Mike Tildesley, an associate professor at Warwick University.
The lack of testing could also make the situation look worse than it is. Based on the number of confirmed cases and reported deaths, the UK appears to have a relatively high Covid-19 mortality rate. But that’s not necessarily the case, because in the UK, only those who are very ill get tested. People with mild symptoms, who are very likely to recover, are being told to stay home without being tested — meaning they’re not being captured by the data.”11
The passage above is from mainstream media CNN, other similar sources state,
“Considering the fact that, at present, billions around the world are being detained in their homes due to what are perhaps greatly exaggerated and hyped fatality numbers, these are not simply questions of academic nature. These mandatory quarantines are having devastating impacts on the socioeconomic, psychological, and physical well-being of already law-abiding and healthy individuals.
There are strongly positive epidemiological associations between unemployment and a wide range of adverse health effects; a 2015 study found that men experience up to an 85% increased risk of all-cause mortality following losing their jobs. Moreover, a 2020 Lancet study on the “Psychobiological effects of quarantine and how to reduce it,” found that “most of the adverse effects come from the imposition of a restriction of liberty.”
The study noted: “Separation from loved ones, the loss of freedom, uncertainty over disease status, and boredom can, on occasion, create dramatic effects. Suicide has been reported, substantial anger generated, and lawsuits brought following the imposition of quarantine in previous outbreaks.”
These effects, as measured by increased morbidity and mortality, are likely to exceed those attributed to the theoretical risks of COVID-19 exposure.”12
4. High flu mortality rate in the USA. “The US CDC estimates that in the 2019/2020 flu season … 38 to 54 million people may catch the common flu, and 23,000 to 59,000 may die from it. The vast majority of these deaths will be elderly people above 70-years of age and many of them with pre-health conditions and /or pre-existing respiratory problems. This is pretty much the same disease and death pattern as with COVID-19.”13
Therefore, the mortality rates for these reported cases of annual flu are 0.06 % to 0.10 %. The current Coronavirus cases for USA (April 1, 2020) have a 2.06% mortality rate, but may well soar in coming weeks. It must be acknowledged the many claims of deaths across all age groups, yet the percentages are tiny compared with the older age groups. This is not about minimalisation of the crisis, these are simply statistics.
“An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter [2019], according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means it was the deadliest season in more than four decades — since 1976, the date of the first published paper reporting total seasonal flu deaths, said CDC.”14
5. The glamour of scientific authority. The vast amount of the global population are beholden to the authority of modern science and Western medicine. As the old song goes, “She blinded me with science” – might be the mantra for some Coronavirus hysteria, considerably amplified by media with a scare-mongering that grimly declares the daily death tolls.
Most reports fail to give a breakdown of statistics which show that it is mainly the 60-90 year age group succumbing to the illness, or those with predisposing medical issues across all age groups. All of the above data leads discriminating, less emotive minds to the question – why such a heavy-handed response?
Better to be safe than sorry, or a more insidious, long term goal of unprecedented state control? A British doctor – Vernon Coleman, a pioneering British doctor with an extraordinarily long record, makes similar observations to these points above – in the following video, not all of which the author concurs but worth watching:
Meditation Medication!
Our planet is suffering severely. At the mental level it is dominated by selfish thought-forms in all areas of human activity, particularly business and politics; emotionally it is governed by fear and grief. At the etheric-physical level it is polluted and severely compromised by the environmental imbalances that humanity has created. Addressing physical remedies to stay healthy is very useful, but perhaps secondary to visualising the vitality of the etheric body of each individual, group, city, nation – the entire planet.
Visualisation invokes the creative imagination in meditation; it can be a primary method of etheric health that considerably amplifies physical remedies. Understanding the etheric body is to comprehend that there is no separation of any life on this planet or within the solar system; it is all fed by solar vitality from the Sun – exalted in the sign of Aries.
“Disease … can be traced to … the planetary etheric body (in particular the etheric body of … [humanity]) … where epidemics are involved … the condition of the etheric body predisposes … to disease or protects it … making man resistant to the impact of deteriorating or epidemic factors, or failing to do so because of inherent etheric weakness.
The etheric body … a modern drift towards emphasis upon vitality, upon the vital qualities in food, and the giving of vitamin products in order to build up a vital response.”15
Coronavirus has brought home to humanity that there is no separation between any of us, that no nation, group or individual, no matter what their social status – is immune – whatever its origins or hidden motives; that we are a global community inter-dependent upon one another.
Yet paradoxically, authorities have imposed a drastic global separation upon everyone, causing much emotional distress and mental anguish. Humans are social creatures and have now been forced into a difficult position that, whilst it has benefits of inner reflection, development of better values and virus safety – has unknown long term consequences that may eventually incite rebellion and civil disobedience.
“The etheric body is the force or vital body and it permeates every part of the dense vehicle. It is the background, the true substance of the physical body. According to the nature of the force animating the etheric body, according to the activity of that force in the etheric body, according to the aliveness or the sluggishness of the most important parts of the etheric body (the centers up the spine), so will be the corresponding activity of the physical body.
Similarly and symbolically, according to the wholeness of the breathing apparatus, and according to the ability of that apparatus to oxygenate and render pure the blood, so will be the health or wholeness of the dense physical body.”16
Energies that make up the universal or individual etheric body derive from the planetary aura or prana as it flows through the spleen and determines the health of the physical body. From the astral world via the astral body. From the universal mind force. From the soul itself.
“The individual etheric body is not an isolated and separated human vehicle but is, in a peculiar sense, an integral part of the etheric body of that entity which we have called the human family; this kingdom in nature, through its etheric body, is an integral part of the planetary etheric body; the planetary etheric body is not separated off from the etheric bodies of other planets but all of them in their totality, along with the etheric body of the sun constitute the etheric body of the solar system.”17
Hence, potential greater health can be generated through the visualisation of vital prana, circulating dynamically through the planetary etheric body, through its myriad networks of energy lines or nadis; this can be done individually or in group meditation by millions around the world.
Currently the planet is experiencing clean air and clear skies in many of its major cities for the first time in decades. This situation must be capitalised upon through group meditations that have the capacity to flush out many planetary toxins.
As above, so below. This big picture meditation will have personal benefits, but individuals may want to focus on their own etheric health as well. Using various colours, depending upon personal preferences – violet, white or golden sun rays.
“The strengthening of the etheric web will be aided by means of the violet light, with its corresponding sound, administered in quiet sanitariums.”18
The color of the four ethers, or the “violet four” of the etheric body are:
4th ether – violet (dark purple).
3rd ether – amethyst (lighter purple or violet).
2nd ether – lilac (light violet).
1st ether – “a glorious translucent lavender”.19
Visualise these colours pouring through the etheric body that envelops the physical, expanding and scintillating your personal energy network. Invoke the energies of your own soul to pour down its vital healing force through all the vehicles of the personality – mental, astral and etheric-physical. There is the prophylactic for the virus and general health.
Then extend your own personal field to your family, local environment, community, city, nation – eventually encompassing the entire planet, linking up with friends and groups everywhere.
Keep visualising and connecting on a daily basis – this will stimulate a global “100th monkey effect” – that will catch on and be adopted intuitively by others; where the pandemic of fear will be replaced by caring strategies for world health – an inner “world health organisation”.
Many groups are already making efforts in these kind of directions. Can we imagine how the collective powerlessness that people are experiencing right now, can flip in a relatively short time – by participating in this daily ritual?
Physical health and immunity will be easily and automatically improved but more importantly, it will have a reflexive effect upon the other planetary mental and astral bodies, infusing them with greater vitality for purification.
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Aries and the Corona-tion-Initiation
“The phenomenon follows the template of initiation: separation from normality, followed by a dilemma, breakdown, or ordeal, followed (if it is to be complete) by reintegration and celebration.
Now the question arises: Initiation into what? What is the specific nature and purpose of this initiation? The popular name for the pandemic offers a clue: coronavirus. A corona is a crown. “Novel coronavirus pandemic” means “a new coronation for all.”20
As stated in recent newsletters, this current planetary crisis is providing an opportunity for large numbers of Humanity to “reverse the wheel” and take the first initiation. Corona comes from the Latin for “crown” – the be-jewelled golden headgear that rulers or monarchs wear.
The kingly crown is a symbol of the awakened crown chakra, a conduit of the spiritual Will that flows through one individual, anchoring it on behalf of the “kingdom”. Hence, the ancient axiom, “the divine right of kings”.
At least that was how it worked in ancient times, but since the more rapid evolution of consciousness in the last few centuries – and corrupt monarchies, millions have emerged from the Cancerian herd mentality and become free thinking, creative Leonine individuals. (Leo the king.)
“The true sovereign serves the people, serves life, and respects the sovereignty of all people. The coronation marks the emergence of the unconscious into consciousness, the crystallization of chaos into order, the transcendence of compulsion into choice. We become the rulers of that which had ruled us.
The New World Order that the conspiracy theorists fear is a shadow of the glorious possibility available to sovereign beings. No longer the vassals of fear, we can bring order to the kingdom and build an intentional society on the love already shining through the cracks of the world of separation.”21
The need for royal kingdoms is only just now fading out, replaced by developing democracies – with a current, unsettling trend governments leaning to the right and totalitarianism. This latter situation is temporary, due to adjustments that are taking place in the last 100 years – with “direct broadcast” emanating from the planetary crown chakra, Shamballa – without the filters of Hierarchy that were in place before. The Shamballa force can have its point of least resistance in undeveloped Humanity through dictators and the use of force.
“Totalitarianism – the perfection of control – is the inevitable end product of the mythology of the separate self.”22
Aries rules the head, indeed is “head-strong” as a fire sign, symbol of manas or mind. Aries rules the brain (hardware) wherein much thought activity takes place, fed by ideas that emanate from the mental body (software). Hence, the crown chakra has a direct relation with brain activity and intuitive impressions – conveyed by Aries esoteric ruler Mercury.
The sun is exalted in Aries – its solar corona is an aura of electrical plasma. The name coronavirus refers to the appearance reminiscent of a crown or a solar corona around the virus particles.
A coronation is the placement of a crown upon a monarch’s head. Coronation ceremonies include the anointing of the king/queen with the chrism or holy oil, quite often myrrh – applied as a cross to the forehead, heart and hands. This part of the ritual is highly esoteric – regarded as connecting the Will of god with the “chosen representative” on Earth. (This poignantly expressed in Queen Elizabeth’s coronation, as told in the brilliant Netflix series, The Crown.)
The coronation ceremony is therefore a kind of initiation, for the individual sovereign who will rule, but also the greater group within any nation or kingdom. To ready herself for the future role as Queen as a young girl, Elizabeth II had to study much about the English Constitution and law, to act as a liaison between “God’s will” and the parliament of the people.
Her role was and still is, one of an executive or CEO, with great challenges to not interfere in the democratic process – yet give and take wise counsel to/from political leaders.
Hence, Humanity is currently experiencing a coronation-initiation that requires some (forced) preparation and reflection, in terms of learning and aligning with spiritual laws – and their approximations upon Earth. Saturn is the law maker and has sent everyone inside! Aries is a sign of initiation and the first ray of will or power passes through it, a ray ruled by Pluto-Vulcan – whose planets also rule over the first initiation:
“At the first initiation, the disciple has to contend with the crystallising and destroying forces of Vulcan and Pluto. The influence of Vulcan reaches to the very depths of his nature, whilst Pluto drags to the surface and destroys all that hinders in these lower regions.”23
Plutonic coronavirus destruction/purification is taking place globally as Pluto transits through Capricorn – aided and abetted by Saturn and Jupiter. Aries rulers Mars and Mercury are also invoked:
“Through the fiery processes of war and strife, brought to the individual through the influence of the planetary ruler, Mars, the God of War, a needed purification takes place. The same purification, but this time through vision, comes to the developed man through the activity of the subjective ruler of the planet, Mercury, who is the illuminating principle which releases the mind, directs the way of man through life and enables him to become aware of the divine Plan which underlies all his fiery experience.”24
Pluto and Saturn were recently conjunct in Capricorn for the first time in 500 years and are planets related to death. Aries is one of the four signs of death where,
“… death by fire or burning in Aries releases man into another centre to which we give the name Shamballa.”25
This latter passage actually refers to a higher initiation, the exalted third degree that a very small proportion of Humanity are currently undergoing, of which the first initiation is a dim reflection:
“The secret of Aries is the secret of beginnings, of cycles and of emerging opportunity. At the third initiation, the initiate begins to understand the life of the spirit or the highest aspect; until that time, he has expressed first the life of the form and then the life of the soul within that form. This experience is of so high a nature that only those who have passed through it could in any way comprehend anything I might say.”26
Candidates for any initiation have to “walk a burning ground”. Pluto rules over the “lesser burning ground”, potently present in the lives of millions today. Uranus rules the “greater burning ground” and is the hierarchical ruler of Aries:
“Aries, which at different points along the Path of Life forces the soul on to the burning ground and subjects it to a purifying process during incarnation. Through the lesser fire of mind, “the jungles of experience are set on fire and dissolve in flames and then the Path stands clear and unobstructed vision is achieved.””27
Given the first ray and the theme of death in Aries, this type of individual might say without apparent compassion, “If you need a ventilator machine to live, are you really worth saving?” The same kind of person would also favour killing an pet that is diseased or injured, rather than trying to save it. Currently there are doctors in ICU units all over the world who are being forced to make decisions of who gets a ventilator and who does not:
“Covid-19 has elevated death to prominence in the consciousness of a society that denies it. On the other side of the fear, we can see the love that death liberates. Let it pour forth. Let it saturate the soil of our culture and fill its aquifers so that it seeps up through the cracks of our crusted institutions, our systems, and our habits.”28
Aries is a sign of new life and a sign of death and purging via the first ray of will-power. Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are the other signs connected to death – Aries continues the death process of previous sign Pisces, where esoteric first ray ruler Pluto destroys hindrances that the past year has accumulated. The first ray destroyer continues under Aries, but is joined by co-ruler Vulcan who is able to forge a new path, through what has been destroyed.
USA, Aries New Moon and the Asteroid Hygiea
Most appropriately on Morya Remembrance Day (March 24, 2020.), it was the Aries new moon: Sun, moon and Chiron “the wounded healer”, all in Aries – square to USA’s Jupiter in Cancer. (1776 horoscope)
Jupiter is ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, this nation’s soul ray, the new moon giving an unique stimulus to evoke the USA’s higher self. Jupiter is also the esoteric ruler of USA’s Aquarian soul.
Aries is the conveyer of spiritual will, hence this dynamic square to Jupiter will have a profound effect and reap a greater harvest at the Aries full moon April 8, 2020. The shadow side of this square can create impulsiveness or wild speculation and exaggeration of the current situation; the Cancer crab retreating into its shell, or seeking to selfishly appropriate for itself. Those behaviours were observed in several nations at the beginning of the virus expansion.
Recently, transiting Hygiea in Gemini was conjunct USA’s progressed midheaven (dharma, “career” etc.) – on the equinox, March 20, 2020. Hygiea was also prominent in the new year horoscope for Jan.1, in Taurus, opposite Mars in Scorpio. Therefore, whilst transiting through USA’s sixth house of health and healing, Hygiea is bringing USA to a crossroads and crisis.
Placed in Gemini (the personality sign of USA), typically Hygiea will offer plenty of opportunity to gather knowledge on health – physical, emotional and mental. Health is currently the major consideration of the entire planet, protecting health, reviewing health issues etc. – as a general pause, whilst “God weeds his garden and trims the hedges”.
As Gemini is a sign of dissemination, Covid-19 will proliferate more broadly between now and mid-June, creating an even greater national crisis. This is the time period when most nations are expected to peak in mortality rates.
Now Hygiea is moving toward a conjunction with USA’s Uranus in Gemini by April 4, also the day of the potent Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. Uranus is the ruler of USA’s Aquarian soul, and represents radical change, reform and organisation.
Hence, there are many opportunities for this crisis to effect at least a breakthrough of successful change, evoking the true spirit of the USA. Aquarius is about group unity and global community – which is somewhat contrary to its current stance, yet this could flip in a heartbeat. (See later section on USA and Russia.)
Coronavirus knows no boundaries, politics, social norms or cultures. Regardless of how it began or any other nefarious influences, it has brought the planet together in one shared crisis, stimulating deep soul-searching and a major reorientation.
Saturn in Capricorn-Aquarius 2020
Saturn is currently dipping his toes into Aquarius, moving back and forth berween Capricorn during 2020, before finally being ushered by Jupiter fully into Aquarius on December 20, 2020.
This relatively rare conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius has been described in recent missives. Saturn has an affinity with both Capricorn which it rules exoterically and esoterically, as well as Aquarius where it rules the first decanate.
Saturn’s transit signals a transition period not only between one sign and another, but also between the past Piscean era and the approaching Aquarian cycle. The unprecedented lockdown of practically the whole planet – is Saturn the judge and jailer sending Humanity to prison for crimes against itself and Mother Earth – a sentence designed to force reflection and reorientation:
“Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future. Such is the intention and purpose of karmic opportunity. From certain angles, Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, for humanity as a whole has to face that Dweller as well as the Angel of the Presence, and in so doing discover that both the Dweller and the Angel are that complex duality which is the human family.”29
Yes, there are three other (unknown) planets that determine karma! Humanity is right in a reckoning period with its shadow, struggling between the Dweller and the Angel. The way of triumph lays in strengthening the sword-hand of the Angel – adopting Aquarian attitudes of freedom, altruism, sharing, caring community, radical change and even revolution. Humanity is “reversing the wheel” of evolution, and the groan and grind of rusty cogs grates throughout the ages:
“But at this time, we are at a point of crisis and the problem takes wider implications, for the reason that, for the first time in its history, humanity is beginning to mount the Fixed Cross of the disciple, thus reversing its progress upon the circle of the Zodiac. Humanity—as a whole and owing to the large proportion of aspirants and thinking idealists—is entering Aquarius, via the open door of Saturn.”30
Saturn is exceedingly potent in its own sign of Capricorn, into which it will enter from July to December 2020, for just under six months – never to be seen there for another thirty years!
But in the meantime, Saturn will hold Humanity to a karmic reckoning – to develop some visual acuity and achieve 2020 vision. Saturn prepares its entrance back into Aquarius in December – in the general background of the greater cycle of the zodiac precessing into Aquarius for the next 2,160 years.
“Saturn is the planet of discipleship and of opportunity; it is exceedingly active today, presenting to the world disciple those difficult situations and crises which will involve free choice, discriminative pioneering, wise response and correct decision, thus bringing about the destruction of that which hinders – without the relinquishing of any true values of which humanity may be aware.
The individual disciple has always been faced with these conditioning and releasing circumstances, and today humanity itself is in the same position. We stand at the gateway of the new world, of the new age and its new civilizations, ideals and culture.”31
Saturn the planet of discipleship – as in the discipline of the lower self, via the mind/throat centre that Saturn rules. With Pluto also lurking in Capricorn, Saturn works in amplified Pluto-destroyer mode, “bringing about destruction of that which hinders … [offering] “opportunity and … a choice to bring about the needed changes … to destroy that which holds back the free expression of the soul.”32
This “new world” is the Age of Aquarius – a sign of the fixed cross that a large proportion of Humanity is “mounting” en masse, after treading the way of the mutable cross for countless aeons. Saturn will condition the first 720 years of this first decanate of Aquarius from 2,117 onward (till 2,837).
Aquarius: Corporations and Technology
Both Capricorn and Aquarius are signs of big business and corporations, that are experiencing layoffs of staff, possible bankruptcy and a deep re-examinatinon of how they operate: For profit or the nurturement of the whole? Modern corporations are the embryo of Aquarian group work and co-operation, but express selfishly in the lower Piscean mode, at this stage of our evolutionary unfoldment.
Aquarius is also about technology, science and computing – that many of those corporations manufacture or cannot function without. Most of them are relentlessly pushing 5G technology when it has not been tested properly, although several nations and cities are resisting the pressure. (5G is not the cause of coronavirus but is said to amplify its effects.)
During the Aquarian age, many wonderous and undreamt technologies will emerge to assist human evolution. The challenge will be how Humanity appropriates those technologies – selfishly or altruistically. How many more sophisticated weapons will be developed, or are already developed in the realm of sound for instance; how many more harmful EMF emissions will have to be offset? The domain of healing sound, light and colour will be one of the most exciting and promising areas and already, there are many developments in this area.
Aquarius is the Soul of USA and Russia
As Saturn transits through Aquarius for the next two years, it will stimulate the soul of USA. And also the souls of Russia and The Netherlands, the only other two nations to have Aquarius at the soul level of influence.
Obviously USA and Russia’s relationship must improve and it has an unique opportunity to do so whilst Saturn transits Aquarius, accompanied by Jupiter after December 2020 – right up until the end of 2021. Currently the cold war between these two nations is the highest it has ever been, with threats and counter threats, building more sophisticated weapons and so forth.
Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, the true Water-Bearer of this sign, conferring Love-Wisdom, peace and détente. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom, the soul ray of USA and Britain; both nations are part of an esoteric triangle with Russia – a troika that is supposed to usher in the Aquarian Age:
“Great fusing, racial experiments are going on in all these lands [written 1940’s[; the rule of the people is being developed in all of them, though it is as yet in an embryonic stage. In Russia it is being retarded by a dictatorship which will shortly end; in the States by corrupt politics, and in Great Britain by ancient imperialistic tendencies.
But democratic principles are being developed, if not controlling; religious unity is being established though it is not yet functioning, and all three countries are learning very rapidly, though the United States at present is learning the most slowly.”33
Despite the optimism of The Master then, the change has been slow in the past 80 years! Nevertheless, the period of Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius offers a great opportunity to create a seismic shift for these nations and hence the world.
Coronavirus: Pluto-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn (January 12, 2020)
Now that Coronavirus has enveloped the planet, we can see the awesome power of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction that occurred on Jan.12, 2020 – for the first time in 500 years, in the sign of Capricorn.
No one knew exactly how that awesome power was going to manifest, even as Coronavirus had been announced just before this date; perhaps everyone thought that it would remain in China, out of sight, out of mind. Some excerpts from the author’s following article about Saturn-Pluto below:
“… a massive reformation that will take place in the ensuing years … Life is becoming tougher, and yet the tension must be held during future periods of pain that inevitably accompany great changes … 2020 may be a year of greater pain and transformation for Humanity. Yet, following the shattering of these old forms, radical changes are on the horizon … this conjunction represents the seed of change that must occur, signalling the breakdown of that system”. (See full article here, or read through the next several paragraphs.)
This Saturn-Pluto conjunction has not occurred in this sign for 500 years, since the religious Reformation in Europe, 1517. It is also the first conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn that has occurred since Pluto was “discovered” in 1930. Hence this conjunction indicates a massive reformation that will take place in the ensuing years; it is the pivotal point of this Pisces-Aquarius cusp and represents the power structure of the status quo that have reached their ultimate point of crystallisation – and hence an inevitable shattering:
“In this sense, Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality … When crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called “hardness,” it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the “blows of fate” which are the enactments of the law of karma. Again and again, a certain measure of concreteness is achieved, only again to undergo destruction, prior to the release of the life and the rebuilding of the form.”34
If crystallisation is reflected upon, it means that the shadow must be faced – to destroy the crystallisation is to release the shadow locked up within. Hence, this must occur individually and collectively – and has been occurring for much of 2019 as Saturn and Pluto have moved closer to one another. Both planets represent an expression of the destroying force of ray 1 – will or power – that is used to shatter old forms.
The January full moon eclipse of 2020 represents the culmination point of this 500 year cycle. Saturn ruling the mind, is responsible for the creation of thought-forms that eventually become crystallised. The thought-form-creating capacity is karma-engendering – and Saturn is the Lord of Karma:
“From certain angles, Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, for humanity as a whole has to face that Dweller as well as the Angel of the Presence, and in so doing discover that both the Dweller and the Angel are that complex duality which is the human family.”35
The exact Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurred close to the Capricorn full moon solar festival – along with the Sun and Mercury upon their annual circuit, considerably amplifying the power of the conjunction. (Including Jupiter, there were five placements in Capricorn at the full moon.)
No one knows what is going to unfold in the next several years, it is all determined by human free will. Life is becoming tougher, and yet the tension must be held during future periods of pain that inevitably accompany great changes:
“Capricorn is ever the sign of conclusion, and of this the mountain top is frequently the symbol, for it marks the point beyond which further ascent in any particular life cycle is not possible. Capricorn is, therefore, the sign of what has been called esoterically “periodic arresting.” Progress becomes impossible under the existing forms, and there has to be the descent into the valley of pain, despair and death before a fresh attempt to scale the heights takes place.”36
Therefore, 2020 may be a year of greater pain and transformation for Humanity. Yet, following the shattering of these old forms, radical changes are on the horizon, symbolised by Saturn and Jupiter entering Aquarius together in Christmas 2020. Aquarius, the sign of reform and revolution and the greater cycle toward which the world is heading.

Pluto with his three-headed dog Cerebus. Note the trident, an emblem of Siva, a first ray deity. Pluto is the co-ruler of the first ray.
In the interim however, Humanity must come to terms with the oligarchies, declarations of war, financial institutions and corporations that dominate many Western political systems and billions of lives.
These problems are at the heart of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, hence this conjunction represents the seed of change that must occur, signalling the breakdown of that system. If this does not happen, the conjunction represents a further consolidation of selfish power and a lack of compassion by those who hold power.
One possible ramification of this conjunction is a worldwide financial crash/crisis that will signal the breakdown of capitalism and the eventual, fairer redistribution of resources; it has been forecast for years, is well overdue and predicted to occur in 2020 by many analysts, experts, financial institutions and astrologers. Capricorn is one of the major signs related to money and its production, hence its intensely material attributes in its lower expression.”
Death: Part of the Great Illusion
The two planets of death, Pluto the destroyer and Saturn the reaper, are passing through Capricorn, a sign that marks the point of concretion and crystallisation, resulting eventually in the death of the form – evoking humanity’s ancient and ignorant fear of death.
Many cultures today cling to the form, through ignorance of the evolution of consciousness, the fact of reincarnation or religious superstition. Some excerpts on death follow here as a timely reminder during this period of Aries, a sign of death and resurrection:
“The fear of death is based upon:
a. A terror of the final rending processes in the act of death itself.
b. Horror of the unknown and the indefinable.
c. Doubt as to final immortality.
d. Unhappiness at leaving loved ones behind or of being left behind.
e. Ancient reactions to past violent deaths, lying deep in the consciousness.
f. Clinging to form life, because primarily identified with it in consciousness.
… The instinct of self-preservation has its roots in an innate fear of death; through the presence of this fear, the race has fought its way to its ***present point of longevity and endurance*** …
… As time progresses and before the close of the next century [21st], death will be finally seen to be nonexistent in the sense in which it is now understood. Continuity of consciousness will be so widely developed, and so many of the highest types of [wo]men will function simultaneously in the two worlds, that the old fear will go …
… The reign of the fear of death is well-nigh ended and we shall soon enter upon a period of knowledge and of certainty which will cut the ground from under all our fears. In dealing with the fear of death, there is little to be done except to raise the whole subject onto a more scientific level, and—in this scientific sense—teach people to die.
There is a technique of dying just as there is of living, but this technique has been lost—very largely in the West, and is almost lost, except in a few centres of Knowers in the East.
Fear of death and depression constitute for man the Dweller on the Threshold in this age and cycle. Both of them indicate sentient reaction to psychological factors and cannot be dealt with by the use of another factor such as courage. They must be met by the omniscience of the soul, working through the mind—not by its omnipotence.37
Will Coronavirus Halt Climate Change?
Since the majority of the world’s population has been driven indoors and off the streets, Mother Nature has had a chance to catch her breath. Skies around the great cities on this planet are the clearest they have been in decades. Birds and animals are celebrating, returning to villages and cities in greater numbers.
With less traffic on the ground and in the air, shutting down of industry etc. – pollution levels have dramatically dropped, air quality has made a huge improvement.
The din of noise pollution has practically evaporated, as an eerie silence descends upon the world – a silence that carries peace and tranquillity in its wings; despite the existential fears that are gnawing away at everyone – catching the virus, losing loved ones, loss of job and income, home, security and the prospect of a dystopian future.
Death is always associated with loss – “I am sorry for your loss” is the sympathetic platitude. During this Plutonic purge, much may be lost – money, houses, health, friends etc. But as the old saying goes, “nature abhors a vacuum”, which can only be filled by the gain of a new set of values, a decision to live differently, to embrace a new quality of life – to develop better communities, altruism replacing selfishness.
While people are experiencing a sense of alienation or isolation – being forced indoors with many social restrictions – they may ponder upon their already alientated lives through self-absorption and slavery to various technologies. Yet paradoxically they are being used more than ever for virtual communications and doing business.
Let us hope that humanity notices these very apparent changes in the quality of environment – and does all it can to maintain and consolidate upon these already, considerable short term gains. Humanity has the capacity to halt “climate change”; beginning its inner climate change will eventually transform the outer world.
Aries: Sowing a Garden of New Ideas
Bearing in mind the earlier analogy, “God trimming the hedges and pulling weeds” – Aries has always been regarded as the seed sower; who casts his seed(s) within the freshly turned furrow, soon to germinate.
Here is also an sexual allegory regarding the beginning of creation, with the fecundity of the Sun exalted in Aries, plus the drive of Aries ruler Mars, whose glyph is the upright phallus.
It is no accident that a newly sprouted seed resembles the Aries symbol – horns of a Ram. It is also amazing how much power a new seed exerts in pushing through the soil to the surface. Here again is the solar vitality of the Aries exalted Sun – that attracts the blind seed’s pushing toward the light through the lunar textured earth. All life, biological and spiritual, is drawn to the outer or inner Sun.
In northern hemisphere symbolism, that which has been planted in Aries, grows and matures through the intervening signs – until the harvest in Virgo.
Following Virgo is Libra, the polar opposite of Aries, representing the harvest completed and weighed in Libra’s scales – then bartered, transacted or traded.
Saturn is exalted in Libra and his scythe helped bring in the harvest, via the middle Saturn-ruled decanate of Virgo. The seed of Aries has completed its journey, the ground is rendered fallow during death sign Scorpio and fall, Capricorn winter, only to start the cycle all over again in Aries. Saturn-Libra are also connected to doing business, via the third ray of active-intelligence that pours through that sign.
Aries rules the head and brain and as a mental sign, sows seed ideas that will come to fruition in Libra. Hence the karma of thought, the consequences of thought and the quality of speech that brings thoughts into manifestation. Here we recall Mercury’s esoteric rulership of Aries, the god of speech, messenger of the “gods”, carrying a message from the higher self – or the Mind of the Divine.
Hence, Ideas > Thoughtforms > Speech > “The word made flesh”. Libra is regarded esoterically as a practical, manifesting sign due to Saturn’s influence – as well as its esoteric ruler Uranus, ruler of the seventh ray of Organisation.
Aries ruler Mercury is also the ruler of the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict, the ray of Humanity as a whole – the artist, musician, poet and writer – the storyteller. Story-telling or parables convey the message to many differing levels of consciousness. One well known parable from the Christian Bible is on the symbolism of the seed and its correct “farming” or “gardening”:

Casting Seeds (Van Gogh) Note the prominent Sun and the fact that this artist had sun and Mercury in Aries! (30 Mar. 1853.)
“Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow. And it happened, as he sowed, that some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds of the air came and devoured it. Some fell on stony ground, where it did not have much earth; and immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of earth. But when the sun was up it was scorched, and because it had no root it withered away.
And some seed fell among thorns; and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no crop. But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.” (Mark 4.)
“And He [Jesus] said to them, “The sower sows the word. And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When they hear, Satan [lower mind] comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts. These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness; and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time.
Afterward, when tribulation or persecution arises for the word’s sake, immediately they stumble. Now these are the ones sown among thorns; they are the ones who hear the word, and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.” (Mark 4.)
This parable is most instructive about how the various stages of the manifestation process require a disciplined, focussed mind to bring it into manifestation – and receive a bountiful harvest!
Also the sensitive intuition (Mercury), to contact a high idea in the first place. If the mind lacks cohesion or is out of focus, it will be easy for the original idea to become distorted, dissipated and destroyed. – to fall on stony ground.
Therefore, at the beginning of every year in Aries, individual and group minds must be very attentive to the greater idea, that emanates from the mind of the divine, from Shamballa, via Hierarchy to the New Group of World Servers – who can act upon it and transmit it to Humanity.
Each individual and group, strives to be free of any residual confusion and chaos – that might linger from the previous cycle in Pisces; to have a well formulated thought-form that will contribute to the new cycle. That thoughtform is the essentialised seed referred to earlier.
And when the harvest is ripened in Virgo, the clusters of many seeds are reproduced, to perpetuate the next cycle and the one after that – ad infinitum. Note that Virgo is also a sign of the mind like Aries, in this case, the discerning, discriminating mind – also ruled by Mercury in another of his guises.
Aries and Virgo are both signs related to birth. Aries is inception or conception, Virgo is gestation and eventually the Virgin mother who births the Christ child or soul.
Hence, the old adage, “You reap what you sow”. The quality of how “well crafted” the original seed idea, how carefully it is sown (according to lunar/solar/planetary cycles), how well it is tended, watered and weeded; how resistant it will be to any droughts of thought or emotional storms – all determine the final crop. A poor, mediocre or rich harvest. All seed thoughts have their consequences or karma.
Garden: Unfication of Mind and Heart
A garden can be a planned space for the display, cultivation and enjoyment of plants and flowers. Or it can be a practical plot, growing vegetables for food. Or both. Western gardens are almost always trees, flowers and plants – with the addition of birds and some animals. Some eastern gardens are “cultivated” with raked stones and almost no plants – such as the Zen garden. Both types of gardens are conducive to peace, strength, beauty, reflection and meditation.
Therefore, the inner garden is about creating an integration and wholeness of many elements and ideas complementary to one another. Taking the evolution of ideas, blending and synthesising them with many other varieties.
A beautiful mind, a place of inner retreat and meditation that constantly enriches itself – and whose aroma permeates and radiates to the surroundings of family, friends, community and culture.
Gardens can be created by a community or team of gardeners to tend the planting and maintenance of say, a botanical garden in a major city. Likewise, in the Aquarian group cycle approaching, the group garden created by the New Group of World Servers will be one of stunning beauty and magnificence.
It is already being planned, built and added to for the inspiration of Humanity, but there is still much work to be completed in the ensuing centuries. Hence, the Divine Gardeners continue their work steadily. The following song is from a period in 1970 when a true vision of the Aquarian Age was being glimpsed – let us hold these ideals in our hearts – “We’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.”
“If the foot of the trees were not tied to earth, they would be pursuing me.
For I have blossomed so much, I am the envy of the gardens.” –Rumi.
Phillip Lindsay © 2020.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.106. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.94. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.30. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.70-1. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.271. [↩]
- Charles Eisenstein [↩]
- Charles Eisenstein [↩]
- Charles Eisenstein [↩]
- [↩]
- globalresearch [↩]
- CNN [↩]
- Vernon Howard. The Lancet. [↩]
- globalresearch [↩]
- CNN [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.274. [↩]
- Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. pp.218-9. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.10. [↩]
- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.127. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.912. [↩]
- Charles Eisenstein [↩]
- Charles Eisenstein [↩]
- Charles Eisenstein [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.95. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.98. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.387. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.95. [↩]
- Charles Eisenstein [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.164. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.283. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.148. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.148. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.101. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.164. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]