Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse 2024: Eclipses. Comets. Avatars. Israel. USA’s Historical Solar Eclipse and Chiron Return. Baltimore.

The Bennu is an ancient Egyptian deity linked to the Sun, creation, and rebirth. Hence the Bennu as a symbol of the Sun is a perfect symbol for Aries – where the sun is exalted. Aries is a sign of death, rebirth and the regeneration – amplified by the season of spring in the northern hemisphere.
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule”.
“I have already indicated to you the form that the religion [universal spirituality] of the new age will take. It will be built around the periods of the Full Moon, wherein certain great Approaches will be made to the world of reality, also around two periods of massed Approaches to be made at the time of the major eclipse of the moon and of the sun during the year.” ((The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.55.))
Solar Eclipses, Superstition and Propaganda
___Israel and Netanyahu
___Solar Eclipse Effects upon Animals
___Significant Eclipse Dates in History
Cosmic Comet Visitor
___The Doctrine of Avatars
___Comets in History
USA’s Historical Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024
___USA’s Chiron Return
___New Moon NYC and Foreign Affairs
___1860 & 2024: Solar Storms and Neptune
___Another “Carrington Event” in 2024?
___Solar Storms, Electricity and Uranus
Baltimore Bridge “Black Swan Event”
Solar Eclipses, Superstition and Propaganda
Astrologers today are forced to steer a fine line between stating known historical facts about eclipses and compounding ancient superstitions which live in the psyche of humanity. In modern times, these old thought-forms can also be revived to create fear-based propaganda in the minds of the uninformed.
Historically, solar (or lunar) eclipses have caused fear, marked the fall of kings, coincided with earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or severe weather events. Eclipses have been associated with myths and legends in history. Even today, eclipses are still considered a bad omen in some cultures.
Of course, what might be considered “bad” for some, may be “good” for many -depending upon the event precipitated at or after an eclipse. For instance, a prevailing tyrannical ruler being deposed from power, would be a good thing for the oppressed masses.
Similarly, seismic activity shakes up nations where cultures have become crystallised and change is forced upon them by the “gods”. These events can be amplified by sunspot activity and severe electrical storms that can create havoc in the power grid. On average, there are two lunar eclipses and between two and five solar eclipses each year. Eclipses do have profound effects, perhaps more subjectively and unnoticed.
An eclipse amplifies the quality of the zodiac sign in which it occurs, setting an imprint within the etheric body of the planet, or perhaps even the Earth’s astral body – “astra” meaning “starry substance”. Perhaps this is more appropriate for the majority of humanity that is “astrally polarised”.
The imprint for an eclipse carries with it the position of all the planets at that time, and while it might not have a noticeable effect – an horoscope “snapshot” has been created in the ethers, that has the potential for activation by planetary transits – weeks, months or even years later. Consideration of opposite signs is very important for balancing polarities – the six pairs of signs that are the 12-sign zodiac. Often, a major trigger is the six-month period of eclipses in the opposite sign to previous eclipses..
Israel and Netanyahu
For example, the annular solar eclipse for Oct.14, 2023 at 21° Libra 07′, close to the beginning of the Oct.7 Israel-Palestine conflict – is opposed by the April 8 solar eclipse at 19 Aries 24′. On April 7, 2024, an estimated 100,000 Israeli’s in Tel Aviv demonstrated against the government – and in many other towns.
But sadly, the protest was mainly about the government’s failure to release Israeli hostages, not the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians! As a brief aside, Netanyahu has his moon close to this axis at 18 Libra 33′ and may well be one of the “kings that will fall” at this eclipse.
His Libra moon squares Jupiter in Capricorn (the law), representing his fanaticism and over-the-top, excessive response to Hamas. A Libra moon in its Aries polarity – but also drawing upon a Libran sense of “justice” and a Jehovah-like, cruel application of the “law”. It appears Netanyahu has not yet received the memo about Jupiter in this sign:
“Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfillment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears. It is to the “fall” of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs.”1
Solar Eclipse Effects upon Animals
The solar eclipse is probably the one most fraught with superstition and not without good reason, given real historical events that have passed at those times. Yet, there is also the simple fact that, depending on what part of the world, a solar eclipse day can be plunged into complete darkness. There is the ancient primordial fear that strikes terror or confusion in the animal kingdom, stirring foreboding in the human kingdom.
In the animal kingdom particularly, biological clocks have their rhythm severely disturbed, generating uncertainty or chaos for the duration of the eclipse: Some statements over the centuries on solar eclipses:
“Some animals seem to think that it is briefly night while others pace anxiously or even gaze up at the sky … All animals and birds were terrified, wild beasts could easily be caught … birds fell down from the sky to the ground in terror of such horrid darkness … dairy cows return to the barn, crickets begin chirping, birds either go to roost or become more active, and whales breach in the seas …
… various species of birds and bats suddenly appear during totality … the flies and mosquitoes come out … excited activity among the birds before and after totality … then during totality – not a sound, deathly quiet … frogs began making sounds and raptors stopped circling … giraffes started running about during the whole totality. When the sun came back, they stopped and began grazing the trees again.”
Jesus Christ Crucifixion One of the most infamous eclipses was alleged to have occurred during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in 33 AD – “darkness from the 6th to the 9th hour” (12 to 3 pm), accompanied by the trembling of the Earth. This is a highly contentious issue over the disputed date for the crucifixion, let alone finding a solar eclipse to match it.
There was a solar eclipse on March 19, 33 AD, but according to NASA, it was not visible from Jerusalem. Nevertheless, it is certainly within the capacity of the Lord of the World (Sanat Kumara) – or even The Manu – working with the Devas, to effect some cloud-shifting, creating a darkened sky, complemented by a few earth tremblings!
A few other historical events from this link:
Oct. 22, 2134 B.C. The Chinese Shu Ching (Book of History) – describes a day on which “the Sun and Moon did not meet harmoniously. The legend tells of two royal astronomers named Hsi and Ho who had shirked their duties and gotten drunk on the job. As a result, they failed to predict the event and were beheaded by the emperor.
May 28, 585 B.C. Herodotus the Greek philosopher said that Thales of Miletus predicted this eclipse, stopping a battle between the Medes and Lydians.
During the Battle of Halys, also known as the Battle of the Eclipse, the sky suddenly turned dark as the sun disappeared behind the moon. Interpreting the phenomenon as a sign that the gods wanted the conflict to end, the soldiers put down their weapons and negotiated a truce.
August 27, 413 B.C. Lunar eclipse plus superstition prove deadly for Athens. Athenian soldiers found themselves locked in a losing battle against the Sicilian city-state of Syracuse (who were allied with Sparta). The Athenian commander, Nicias, ordered a temporary retreat.
Greek philosopher Plutarch wrote that as the troops prepared to sail home, a lunar eclipse took place, prompting the highly superstitious Nicias to postpone the departure. The Syracusians took advantage of the delay to stage another attack, overcoming the Athenians and weakening their stronghold on the Mediterranean. According to many historians, the defeat in Sicily marked the beginning of the end of Athenian dominance.
Nov. 24, 0029 Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus stated that there was, “the greatest eclipse of the sun … it became night in the sixth hour of the day [noon] so that stars even appeared in the heavens. There was a great earthquake in Bithynia, and many things were overturned in Nicaea.”
July 19, 418 During the total phase of this eclipse, Byzantine Church historian Philostorgius drew a sketch that showed a comet — the first one ever discovered during an eclipse.
Nov. 24, 569 This total eclipse, mentioned in the Quran, is the one most scholars believe preceded the birth of the prophet Muhammad. The path of totality was south of Mecca, where he was born.

Hipparchus of Nicaea (190 B.C. — 120 B.C.), Roman Republic Astronomer. Also a geographer, mathematician, founder of trigonometry and discovery of the precession of the equinoxes.
Aug. 2, 1133 Numerous accounts connect this famous eclipse to the death of King Henry I of England. However, Henry didn’t die until December 1135. The eclipse could be related to his moving the royal house to Normandy, France.
May 29, 1919 In 1916, Albert Einstein published his general theory of relativity, which states that space-time is curved by the presence of mass. During this eclipse, two teams of astronomers took pictures of stars near the Sun that proved gravity warps space.
May 29, 1919 In an effort to test Albert Einstein’s then-four-year-old theory of general relativity, English scientists took advantage of a total solar eclipse. During the eclipse, as the moon blocked sunlight, more stars were visible near the sun.
The team’s measurements taken during the eclipse confirmed that starlight bent around the sun. It was an early confirmation of Einstein’s theory that massive objects warp the fabric of space-time and that distortion manifests as gravity.

PHOTO View at EarthSky Community Photos. Petr Horálek in Revuca, Slovakia, captured Comet Pons-Brooks on March 5, 2024. Petr also captured the Andromeda galaxy along with “a distant tree, the fog illuminated by the passing cars.”
Cosmic Comet Visitor
Comets make regular appearances and it has been said that cosmic Avatars “hitch a ride” on these fiery steeds. Perhaps a cosmic avatar is passing by that will amplify the power of the approaching Aries new moon, solar eclipse on April 8. The comet reaches close to its maximum magnitude, just a few days before the much heralded solar eclipse.
Comets are in reality, dynamic living beings carrying cryo-volcanic outbursts that make them glow more brightly. Hence, “light-bringer” would be a more appropriate term than “devil comet” – a phrase that tends to reinforce superstitions about eclipses. Similar to eclipses, comets can give rise to fear and superstition – as the historical record indicates. The “devil comet” or “mother of dragons” (Comet Pons-Brooks), is briefly stopping by this solar system, imparting some electrical sparks to our little planet.
The comet reaches close to its maximum magnitude just a few days before the much-heralded solar eclipse in Aries on April 8. On that day (along with Venus and Jupiter), it may be visible during the day – from anywhere along the total eclipse blackout line that runs through the USA. H.P. Blavatsky tells us:
“The planets were all comets and suns in their origin – the sons of light clothed themselves in the fabric of darkness. They all have a common origin. Centres of Forces at first, the invisible sparks of primordial atoms differentiate into molecules and become Suns—passing gradually into objectivity—gaseous, radiant, cosmic, the one “Whirlwind” (or motion) finally giving the impulse to the form, and the initial motion, regulated and sustained by the never-resting Breaths—the Dhyan Chohans.
The assertion that all the worlds (Stars, planets, etc.) … become first comets, and then Suns to cool down to inhabitable worlds, is a teaching as old as the Rishis …It is only after losing its velocity, and hence its fiery tail, that the “Fiery Dragon” settles down into quiet and steady life as a regular respectable citizen of the sidereal family.[!] Many perish, devoured by their stronger companions. Those that escape become worlds.”2
The Doctrine of Avatars
Who knows if the “devil comet” is the transporter of an Avatar – that is briefly stopping by this solar system, giving our little planet some electrical impulses. It is said that the Doctrine of Avatars gives the most satisfying answers to a Humanity that is constantly questioning its own existence:
“… the persistent belief—ineradicable and unalterable—that (at major moments of world need) God reveals Himself through Appearances, through a Coming One. This doctrine is found in all the basic world religions, in every time and age; it appears in the doctrine of the Avatars of the Hindu faith, in the teaching of the return of Maitreya Buddha or the Kalki Avatar, in the belief in the Western world in the return of Christ and His Advent or second Coming, and in the prophesied issuing forth of the divine Adventurer of the Moslem world.
All this is tied up with the undying belief of mankind in the loving Heart of God, Who ever meets man’s need. The witness of history is that always the appearance of man’s necessity has been met with a divine Revelation.”3
The invoking of a cosmic avatar is one of the options for divine intervention, should the following methods not be possible:
“1. Divine embodiments. 2. Natural cataclysms. 3. Evocation of slumbering Entities. 4. Emergence of inspired leadership.”4
Hence, we might add a 5th option: Humanity’s mass invocation of a divine avatar from beyond our planet.
Comets in History
Like eclipses and other astronomical phenomena, the prescence of comets can be ascribed to almost any human activity on Earth. Yet, quite often those activities could just as easily be attributed to the position of certain planets in the sky – conjunctions, squares, eclipses etc. Anything that is visual such as comet or eclipse, can be easily equated by the uninformed and ignorant with public events – some of which may hold deep meaning, others mere fancy.
“According to astrology, comets are messengers and powerful harbingers of change. Historically, comets have been seen in a negative light, as evil portents of war, the death of kings (leaders), epidemics, difficult weather patterns, seismic events, disasters, public unrest (like riots), and various other human miseries.”5
Seismic events are also associated with sunspot activity, which has been powerful in recent months. The New York City area had a relatively rare earth tremor of 4.8 magnitude, when Devil Comet was close to its maximum magnitude on April 5. Could this be an harbinger for further activity on or after the new moon solar eclipse? Time will tell. This tremor occurred in the middle of the UN Security Council’s deliberation on Israel. Perhaps the Manu was saying, “Come on, sort yourselves out, I am not pleased with these delays!”
“In 340-341 BC and 60 AD, there coincided hurricanes with comets being sighted. In 373-372 BC there were earthquakes and tsunamis while comets were observed. Comets became a symbol in the superstitious public mind of disasters, riots, wars and slaughter, the death of a king or noble.
When Julius Caesar was assassinated in Rome in 44 BC, his successor, Augustus, announced that Caesar’s soul had already ridden the comet heavenward.”6
Other dates in history: 684 AD Halley’s Comet – a three-month rainstorm and an outbreak of the Black Death. 1066 AD Halley’s Comet – Harold II, King of England, died at the Battle of Hastings. Given that comets are “cryo-volcanic” – composed of a lot of ice, it has been observed that:
“Comets are frozen issues that ignite and grab attention, releasing from the abyss of our consciousness such suppressed emotions as fear and horror. In other words, comets are symbolic of an astral purification energy that is needed in order to release something dark and unhealthy in the collective consciousness, in order to help pave the way for a new path ahead.”7
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USA’s Historical Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024
(The following commentary is a re-edited version of USA’s Amazing Total Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024 – from the Aries 2024 full moon newsletter. Plus added material on USA’s Chiron return in Aries.)
The April 8, Aries new moon solar eclipse has a stellium in Aries. Uranus and Jupiter will be closely conjunct – more exactly on April 21. Jupiter will supercharge the effect of Uranus and the effects of both planets will be very strong from April 8 to May 8. Given that Taurus is closely connected to money and Uranus to the financial system, there could be a major money crisis during this period, triggered by a solar storm or other earthly forces.
The total solar eclipse line passes close to New York, Washington, Chicago and Kansas City, four of the nation’s main centres – respectively throat, head, solar plexus – and speculatively, the ajna. (See author’s essay: Five Centres USA: NYC, LA, Chicago, Washington, Kansas City.)
Los Angeles is USA’s heart centre and is well within orb-of-influence to the main eclipse line in the map below – in the zone of partial eclipse lines. Hence, all five of USA’s centres will be activated on this solar eclipse – which might also be supercharged by extra solar flare-sunspot activity – even a possible “Carrington Event”.
Many other cities fall directly on the main eclipse line: Burlington, Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Little Rock, Dallas to name a few! Most of the nation is in orb of influence from the eclipse.
In USA’s contentious election year, the nation’s host of national and international problems – this solar eclipse is bound to be transformative – but mostly likely chaotic for the nation.
Many divisive issues will come to a head, especially with the Aries stellium squaring USA’s Cancer Sun that is natally square to Saturn in Libra -the lord of Karma in the scales of justice. Hence, the new moon stimulation of this Saturn square Sun aspect, may bring some kind of karmic reckoning for the nation.
In a 2010 missive, the author commented on the hard nature of Sun square Saturn in USA’s horoscope – relentless and unforgiving with an added, “corruption and manipulation of the Law that has had the effect of severely undermining the democratic system”.
USA’s Chiron Return
The new moon eclipse is conjunct Chiron the wounded healer in Aries. Some astrologers use a wider orb, hence USA’s Chiron return has really been in effect from around May 2022 through to March 2026 – but the first exact “hit” is less than two weeks after this Aries new moon. It will be USA’s fifth Chiron return since its inception in 1776. (Looking at other Chiron returns in history would be a useful exercise!)
Hence, the solar eclipse will amplify the meaning of this Chiron position. As the Chiron in Aries return takes place in the fourth house of the home and the USA is a Cancer sun, the wound involves the homeland and the people combined with Aries themes of leadership, independence and aggression.
Self-assurance and its polar opposite, self-doubt – seem to be a prominent theme currently, as the USA feels its grip on global power slipping away to other nations or national blocs.
Chiron in Aries in the 4th house: The focus on funding foreign wars (Aries) conflicting with crumbling domestic infrastructure (4th house). Chiron in Aries in the 4th house reflects the paradox of using offence (Aries) as defence (4th house/Cancer) – “the best defense is a good offense.” If ever there is a good example of “passive-aggressive” – here it is!
Primarily however, the wound here is leadership – of itself, in binding together the homeland – the people, and from that place becoming a natural leader of nations. Yet, the homeland is sorely neglected whilst USA’s Cancerian insecurity projects aggression upon nations that it thinks it must control. It is now reaching a point of alarming proportions, endangering the entire planet.
As an Aquarian soul, USA’s dharma is to be a leader into the Aquarian Age – but it will never be able to step back into that noble role until it has bound together its very fragmented and divided homeland. There is its maturation process, as this young nation grows into adulthood.

Lightning strikes the Statue of Liberty just 3 days before NYC’s tremor at mag. 4.8. (Photo: Dan Martland on April 3rd, 2024 @DanTVusa)
New Moon NYC and Foreign Affairs
In the new moon eclipse horoscope above – set for NYC, most of this Aries stellium falls in the 9th house of foreign affairs, hence a crisis may be reached regarding Aries-like aggression toward other nations like Russia and China.
Various observers are currently saying that USA is set upon on a suicide course – through its continual provocation of those nations – particularly Russia, where one “red-line” after another has been crossed by fanatical generals at the Pentagon and NATO, compounded by loose-talk, nuclear sabre-rattling and US military on the ground in Ukraine.
It appears that various other agencies such as the CIA are executing their plans with impunity – among recent revelations that they have been building bases in Ukraine along the Russian border for the past ten years!
What also feeds into USA’s Saturn-karma scenario, is its unconditional support, arms and financial supply to Israel. In six months, this “rogue state” has cruelly slaughtered over 30,000 Palestinians and destroyed Gaza – hence USA bears some major responsibility for what has occurred.
Its ironic that US politicians are impotently squeaking to Israel that it is crossing one red line after another – regarding Israel’s further bombardment of Palestinians, whilst approving yet billions more in arms funding. (Biden Admin Quietly Approves 100+ Arms Sales to Israel While Claiming Concern for Civilians in Gaza) Let us pray that the Libra peacemaker polarity of gung-ho Aries will prevail – over war-mongers who play like children with nuclear dice, perpetuating a continuous cycle of fear and trepidation for the rest of the planet.
As touched upon earlier with the Chiron return, USA’s other main issue is national – the homeland. As a result of political investment and regime changes in so many other nations – the US debt is now around 34 trillion. Hence, infrastructure and education in all states has been grossly neglected, combined with a host of other social problems.

USA’s five energy centres. (See author’s essay: Five Centres USA: NYC, LA, Chicago, Washington, Kansas City.)
USA is a Gemini personality – the zodiac sign known as the “warring brothers” – the soul and personality in conflict: The personality that often goes upon its willful way, oblivious to the voice of the soul. Can it be said that the USA is totally aligned with its Aquarian soul purpose or completely driven by an errant personality?
The nation is deeply divided on a multitude of issues and the warring Gemini brothers can be seen as Biden and Trump – with Trump 1.6% ahead – as of March 13. This divisiveness was on display at the recent Oscars presentations – where Trump supporters were lampooned to an approving audience.
As other commentators have observed, elitist Hollywood was on show to a nation, missing the irony that half the nation will vote for Trump – deepening the divide. With USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces, the theme of forgiveness of one brother to another must be invoked if the nation is to survive and thrive.
But it may take an catastrophic event to stop the nation in its tracks – forcing reconciliation, thereby invoking USA’s Aquarian soul theme – brotherhood and community.
1860 & 2024: Solar Storms and Neptune
Another factor that has the potential to amplify the solar eclipse of April 8 is a repeat of severe electrical storms in the 19th century. In 1859 there was a massive solar storm, a “monster sunspot that birthed the Carrington Event” – thought to be the largest solar storm in recorded history to hit Earth. As the storm coincided with the American Civil War, The Tibetan commented upon USA’s global position at that time:
“This isolationist spirit was one of the dangers to which the neutral powers were at one time prone, particularly the United States, and the physical warning as to this danger was given to them in the magnetic storms which severed contact between them and Europe and dislocated their relationship between states within America itself.”20
That electro-magnetic storm no doubt magnified the 2nd ray Love-wisdom that, “moved outward in force soon after 1860” – the soul ray of the USA. The Sun is the co-ruler of the 2nd ray and esoterically “veils” the energy of Neptune that was transiting through its own sign of Pisces at the time. (Neptune in Pisces also had a strong influence on the development of the spiritualist/psychic movement of those times.)
Another “Carrington Event” in 2024?
Throughout 2023-24, Neptune has been hovering around the same degree as Neptune in 1859 – 164 years ago. From mid-April 2023 to mid-Feb 2024 it was the “Neptune return” of the Carrington Event horoscope. Recent solar flares that interrupted internet services in Feb-March 2024 – scientists say, point to a similar Carrington Event in early April, just a few days before the Aries new moon total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. And the maximum magnitude of “Devil Comet”.
“Sunspot AR3590, which recently spit out three X-class solar flares in under 24 hours, has grown even larger and is now pointed almost directly at Earth, putting us in the crosshairs of more potential eruptions … All three flares caused temporary radio blackouts on Earth, but none of them launched coronal mass ejections (CME’s) — clouds of magnetized plasma that can slam into our planet’s magnetic shield as they fly through space.
… disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field that can allow solar radiation to impact ground-based infrastructure, trigger stunning auroral displays and cause satellites to tumble back to Earth … clear signs that the sun is fast approaching the explosive peak in its roughly 11-year cycle, known as solar maximum. Scientists now think that solar maximum could arrive within the first half of this year … It will also likely be much more powerful than scientists initially expected.”21
The Neptune Effect
Similar to the 1859-1860 event, the forces of Sun and Neptune may reunite an intense stimulation upon Humanity, especially for 2nd ray soul nations like the USA and Britain. Although ruler of the 6th ray of Idealism (USA’s personality ray), Neptune is regarded as a “2nd aspect” planet.
Currently, these nations are prominent on the world stage, and according to some observers – have “lost their moral compass”; a disconnect within the crystallised personality, preventing soul force from flowing through. A powerful magnetic solar storm might be – as Donovan once sung, “the intergalactic laxative” for a nation’s cosmic constipation!
Solar Storms, Electricity and Uranus
Similarly, Uranus – which rules electrical activity and chaotic disruptions, and which is esoterically “veiled” by the Sun – was very prominent in the 1859 event, as detailed in an earlier newsletter:
“On Sept. 2, 1859, an incredible storm of charged particles sent by the sun slammed into Earth’s atmosphere, overpowered it, and caused havoc on the ground. Telegraph wires … suddenly shorted out in the United States and Europe, igniting widespread fires. Colorful aurora, normally visible only in polar regions, were seen as far south as Cuba and Hawaii.
Earth’s magnetic field normally protects the surface of the planet from some storms. In 1859, the planet’s defenses were totally overwhelmed … If a storm that severe occurred today, it could cause up to $2 trillion in initial damages by crippling communications on Earth and fuelling chaos among residents and even governments in a scenario that would require 4 to 10 years for recovery …”.22
1860 was the USA’s first “Uranus return” – on its 84-year cycle, close to its natal position around 8° Gemini 00”. On Sept.2, 1859, transiting Sun in Virgo was squaring USA’s Uranus – also ruler of that nation’s Aquarian soul. It was a marvellous point of tension from which to launch the 7th ray sub-cycle of 1860. Also noteworthy, is that USA is about to undergo its third Uranus return 2027-8.
With the imminent externalisation of the Hierarchy, it might be tempting to say that it may be preceded by a major solar storm event – even if the actual Externalisation is some years away. Can we imagine the chaos that would ensue if the global internet or electricity grid crashed for days, weeks or even months? It has been suggested that certain material forces might attempt this – but a naturally occurring storm would throw everyone completely off balance. This is the nature of unpredictable Uranus.
Baltimore Bridge “Black Swan Event”
Many people have discussed this incident – described as a “strategic attack on critical infrastructure”, “we are in an undeclared war” – and that “multiple intel sources claim the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse was no accident”. Of the many analyses, here are just two short videos – Lara Logan and Redacted.
The disaster was called a “Black Swan Event”, something that was predicted by various pundits such as Senator Ron Paul over the previous week. Some say it was the result of a cyberattack – as in the movie, “Leave the World Behind”, a piece of “predictive programming” – regarding the sequential rapid breakdown of phones, television, and other regularly used technology, leading to a potential cataclysm. (Movie description here.)
In the Redacted video above, the ship started strangely turning toward the strategic pylon – whose collision downed half the bridge – just before it lost all of its power twice for 2 minutes – all lights going off, on and off again.
The container ship is named “Dali” – after the surrealist artist Salvador Dali, who painted “The Broken Bridge and the Dream”- depicting himself asleep under an arch of a ruined bridge, dreaming that the bridge transforms into a stairway upon which allegorical figures drift upward towards heaven.
The bridge was named after Francis Scott Key – an American lawyer and amateur poet, best known as the author of the “The Star-Spangled Banner“, containing that well-known line, “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”.
The bridge design shape is a classic symbol of Libra the Balance – and Peacemaker. In the bridge collapse event chart, the moon was in Libra, the most elevated body in the horoscope – opposite a stellium of planets in Aries. This is called a “bucket” formation and the Moon is the “handle” of the bucket. The Sabian Symbol for this 17th degree of the moon is, “A retired sea captain”. The ship’s captain is not retired but happens to be Ukrainian, according to the Redacted video above.
This may be simply “coincidence” and there may be no insidious connection at all, yet some speculate that this was an attack by Ukraine on USA for not delivering recently demanded aid packages. Others say that it was Russian retaliation for the recent Moscow terrorist attack at he Crocus City Hall on March 22 – killing around 140 people. Others are convinced that it was a Chinese cyber attack.
Russia has been blaming Ukraine for the Crocus City Hall event, yet it has been common knowledge for some time that ISIS was created by the CIA – doing their latest dirty work from behind the border in Ukraine. One fact is certain, there has been severe infrastructure damage that may take five years to fix. There will be major disruption to transport and shipping because Baltimore is right in the middle of the i95 interstate that stretches the whole eastern seaboard from Miami in the south to New York in the north.
The image of the ship crashing into the bridge reflects the Aries-Libra axis. The ship was a slow leviathan-like “guided missile” (ruled by Mars) – directed right at the most strategic pylon of the Libra bridge – creating maximum damage. So what is the symbolism here? Part of the story appears to be that USA’s aggression (Aries-Mars) around the world is sabotaging peace (Libra) – whether in Russia, China or the Middle East.
Uncannily, in the event horoscope – the position of Mars in Pisces is in the same degree as Mars at the bridge’s opening event in 1977 – 47 years and three days since. That 1977 event chart also has a stellium of planets in Aries, like the bridge collapse chart of 2024. The fishes of Pisces swim in the waters and ruler Neptune is currently in its own sign – at the same degree as Francis Scott Key’s poetic moon in Pisces, which opposes his Neptune in Virgo! Something fishy going on here?
The Star Spangled Banner was written by Key near this location during the 1812 Battle of Baltimore. Pundits in the US are saying that the symbolism of the bridge collapse is multifold – part of which is “god’s warning” that the American Dream has lost contact with its roots, its soul purpose – pointing it down a road of continued destruction.
Furthermore, Key’s Virgo-Pisces axis straddles Dali’s south/north nodes, creating a grand cross to his uber-radical Uranus – in the last degree of visionary Sagittarius – the rising sign of USA’s 1776 chart. (Dali’s Uranus is also opposite imaginative Neptune in Cancer, which is in turn squared by Cancer ruler moon in Aries on his midheaven – the of his surreal imagination.)
When expressing in its lower octave, Neptune rules deception or subterfuge. The aspect grid for the bridge collapse horoscope shows Neptune unaspected to any planet (except a wide conjunction to the Sun) – magnifying the themes of indefinable disturbances or coverups.
Dismiss it outright as “conspiracy theory” or not, the various analyses by observers do (excuse the pun) hold some water – about this bridge that spanned the Patapsco River. One give-away by the government, security agencies and media right after the incident, was a denial of cyber-terrorism, before any credible time had elapsed to fully investigate.
Since then, the mainstream media has been piling on relentlessly to maintain the narrative – but their fearful shouting is being matched by thousands of independent media who are doing real investigative journalism, asking the hard questions.
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.203. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.286. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.261. [↩]
- The Astrology of the Devil Comet, Juliana Swanson. [↩]
- Comets in Astrology, Rod Chang. [↩]
- The Astrology of the Devil Comet, Juliana Swanson. [↩]
Beautifully balanced, clear information delivered in your inimitable humourous style Phillip! Thank you so much; where would we be without your wisdom?
The New York City area had a relatively rare earth tremor of 4.8 magnitude, when Devil Comet was close to its maximum magnitude on April 5. Could this be an harbinger for further activity on or after the new moon solar eclipse? Time will tell. This tremor occurred in the middle of the UN Security Council’s deliberation on Israel. Perhaps the Manu was saying, “Come on, sort yourselves out, I am not pleased with these delays!”
The president of “Save the Children” was speaking when the tremor hit.
Interesting & timely overview – thanks!