3 Responses to Cancer 2018: Depression. Van Gogh. Suicide. Spade & Bourdain. Robin Williams. Summer Solstice. Cancerian Sweden.

  1. Marijo says:

    Thank you, Phillip…
    Especially meaningful and resonating for this Cancer Crab this July period. Thoroughly Enjoyed the information provided, and the Wise insight!
    Much Love

  2. Suzanne Vallez says:

    Thank you very much for your article. My beloved son committed suicide almost four years ago right after Robin Williams hung himself. So did James. He was bi-polar, drank for 35 years but sober for 10 months. He did not know how to handle his feelings only through numbing out on acohol, severe diabetic and very depressed. He attempted suicide 4 times. I tried to save him but could not. I am heartbroken and the more I under his astrological chart, the most I understand that it was not my fault. He was born February 2, 1067. I have moon in Aquarius which made me his perfect mom. Someone said that he picked me for his mom because he knew I could handle his suicidal death. Namaste, Suzanne

  3. Heidi Kunkler says:

    Thank you Phillip for this deep insight in depression. It will help us to understand the behaviour of many so called “crazy men” and to increase our comprehensive understanding. We should really never judge.
    I come back to your comments on DOterra essential oils. After your comment in September last year I was invited to an information evening and this spring I got some samples. I bought a family kit and use them for nearly everything. I understand that the more we become etheric, the more we need the support of essential oils for our health and well-being. First, I, too, had some doubts about their “art of selling”, but the products are so outstanding… and it is not necessary that one becomes a wholesaler or diamond! It is just time for high quality essential oils!

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